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Achiever Test Series_Unit Test-3

13th NEET - Phase 1

Date: 19-Dec-2021 Duration: 3 Hours Max Marks: 720

Biology - Section A

1. Answer: C 2. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:

NCERT XIth Page No. 18 PPLO are the smallest free living prokaryotic
organisms or the cells, its size ranges from 0.1mm
to0.3mm. These organisms have the ability to live
without the presence of oxygen also.

3. Answer: B 4. Answer: C
Multicellular fungi, filamentous algae
and protonema of mosses all show
multiplication by fragmentation.
Fragmentation is a form of asexual
reproduction where a fragment of the
parent breaks off and develops into an
entirely new but genetically identical
Thus right answer is C.
5. Answer: A 6. Answer: C
R.H. Whittaker gave the five kingdom
system of Classification. It is based on
complexity of cell that means cell is
prokaryote or eukaryote. The five
kingdoms are monera, protista, fungi,
plantae and animalia. On the basis of
prokaryotes, monera is placed under it
and other kingdom is placed in
Hence, the correct answer is four
7. Answer: B 8. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
A taxon is a unit of taxonomy group. It Binomial nomenclature is the biological
is usually known by a particular name system of naming the organisms in
and given a particular ranking. It is any which the name is composed of two
classificatory group, and there is a terms, where, the first term indicates
hierarchy of them: species, genus, the genus and the second term indicates
family, order, class, phylum, and the species of the organism.
Hence, the correct answer is Genus and
Genus comprises a group of related species.
species which has more characters in
common in comparison to species of
other genera.
Order being a higher category is the
assemblage of families which exhibit a
few similar characters.
The various grouping levels or ranks in
classification are known as  taxonomic
Hence, the correct answer is
taxonomic group below the rank of
9. Answer: D 10. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
The essential features of an organism Psychiatry is the branch of medicine
that is the basis of modern taxonomic focused on the diagnosis, treatment and
studies are the structure of the cell, prevention of mental, emotional and
internal and external structure of the behavioral disorders.
organisms and ecological information
and developmental processes of the Psychology is the scientific study of the
organisms. So, the correct option is D mind and behaviour. Neurology is the
branch of medicine concerned with the
study and treatment of disorders of the
nervous system. Neuropsychiatry or
Organic Psychiatry is a branch of
medicine that deals with mental
disorders attributable to diseases of the
nervous system.
So Branch of science connected with
diagnosis, prevention and cure of
mental disorders is Psychiatry.
11. Answer: B 12. Answer: D
Largest Botanical garden is in Kew
(England), Indian Botanical Garden is in
Howrah and National Botanical Research
Institute is in Lucknow. So, the correct
option is B.
13. Answer: B 14. Answer: D
Taxonomical aids are means that help in
identification, naming and classification
of organisms. Example: zoological park,
herbarium and museum. Soil is not a
taxonomical aid because in soil the
outgrowth of organisms are shown. It
cannot preserve any specimen. So, the
correct option is B.
15. Answer: C 16. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Key is taxonomical aid used for Key is another taxonomical aid used for
identification of plants and animals identification of plants and animals
based on the similarities and based on the similarities and
dissimilarities. It is used in the dissimilarities. The keys are based on
preparation of flora, monographs etc. the contrasting characters generally in a
Flora contains the actual account of pair called couplet. Each statement in
habitat and distribution of plants of a the key is called a lead.
given area. Monographs contain
information on any one taxon. Hence, the correct answer is lead.

Hence, the correct answer is

monographs and flora.
17. Answer: D 18. Answer: C
19. Answer: C 20. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:

Protista, myiota, plantae, Animalia Prokaryotic DNA is double-stranded and circular in

structure. It is seen in a less organized structure
present at the center of the bacterial cell called

21. Answer: B 22. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:
Chrysophytes include diatoms and desmids. Bacteria are considered to be prokaryotes, which
They belong to the division means they do not have a nucleus and other
Chrysophyta/Bacillariophyta. membrane-bound organelles.

23. Answer: D 24. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

NCERT XIth Page No. 19 These are unicellular eukrayotes.

25. Answer: D 26. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:
Commonly known forms of Phycomycetes are a type of fungi which
basidiomycetes are mushrooms, bracket can undergo sexual as well as asexual
fungi or puffballs as they have club- modes of reproduction. The mycelium of
shaped reproductive organ called the this fungus is coenocytic and aseptate.
basidium . Coenocytic means the hyphae contains
many cells in the cytoplasm. The cell
wall formation does not occur after
karyokinesis which results in coenocytic
and aseptate mycelium. Example:
Albugo, Mucor and Rhizopus. But
Neurospora belongs to ascomycetes. So,
the correct option is D.
27. Answer: A 28. Answer: A
In Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes,
plasmogamy (fusion of the cellular
contents of two hyphae but not of the
two haploid nuclei) results in dikaryotic
hyphae in which each cell contains two
haploid nuclei, one from each parent.
Eventually, the nuclear pair fuses to
form the diploid nucleus and thus the
zygote. So, the correct option is A.
In the algal fungi (Phycomycetes) the
mycelium in the vegetative phase
usually lacks internal partitions of any
kind. The hyphae are thus multinucleate
and aseptate. The mycelium is a
continuous mass. It grows terminally by
the apical elongation of the hyphae
accompanied by increase in the number
of nuclei by nuclear divisions. The
aseptate, multinucleate mycelium is
called coenocytic. The septa in the
aseptate, coenocytic mycelium,
however, are formed only to cut off
reproductive structures, or to seal off a
damaged portion. So, the correct option
is A.
29. Answer: D 30. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that ASCOMYCETES: These have ascospores
include microorganisms such as yeasts, for sexual reproduction and
moulds and mushrooms. These conidiophore for asexual reproduction.
organisms are classified under kingdom Ex: Claviceps, Morels etc.
fungi.The organisms found in Kingdom BASIDIOMYCETES: These have
fungi contain a cell wall and are basidiospores for sexual reproduction
omnipresent. They are classified as and asexual reproduction is absent. Ex:
heterotrophs among the living Agaricus, Ustilago etc. So, the correct
organisms. option is D.
An autotroph is an organism that can
produce its own food using light, water,
carbon dioxide, or other chemicals.
The holotrophic nutrition is that nutrition
in which an organism takes the complex
food materials into its body by the
process of ingestion, the ingested food
is digested and then absorbed into the
body cells of the organisms.
Chemotrophs  are organisms that obtain
energy by the oxidation of electron
donors in their environments. Hence,
fungi are heterotrophic.
31. Answer: C 32. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
  Alexander Flemming discovered the
antibiotic substance penicillin from
Penicillium notatum. It is responsible for
cell wall synthesis in replicating
microorganisms and by activating other
enzymes to break down the protective
wall of the microorganism.
Hence, the correct answer is P.
33. Answer: A 34. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Glycogen being a polymer have glucose All viruses are obligate parasites; that
molecules linked to others by glycosidic is, they lack metabolic machinery of
bonds forming chains. The fungi also their own to generate energy or to
store food material in glycogen. Similar synthesize proteins, so they depend on
to eukaryotic organisms, they host cells to carry out these vital
accumulate lipids as a carbon reserve functions. The algal component of
and we also have another carbon lichens is known as phycobiont. The
reserve called the polysaccharide fungal component is known as
glycogen. mycobiont. So, the correct option is D.
Hence, the correct answer is glycogen.
35. Answer: A
Hence, the correct answer is absence
of protein coat in viroid but present
in virus.
Biology - Section B

36. Answer: C
Alga is a term that describes a large and
incredibly diverse group of eukaryotic,
photosynthetic lifeforms. These
organisms do not share a common
ancestor and hence, are not related to
each other (polyphyletic). Algae do have
a cell wall which consists of cellulose,
Galatians and mannans. Hence, algal
cell wall is composed of cellulose.
37. Answer: B 38. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Xerophytes are the plants that live in Chlorella is known as space alga. It is
dry habitats. They are adapted to used for the consumption of carbon
survive in an extremely limited water dioxide provided by the astronauts and
supply. Xerophytes can be seen in the production of oxygen in the
deserts. Pteridium is a xerophytes plant. spacecraft. The features which make the
The  plant  body of  Pteridium  is Chlorella, the space alga is given below:
sporophytic and it is differentiated in Chlorella can be grown very easily.
root, stem and leaves. Root and stem It is a very good source of food which is
are underground and leaves are aerial. rich in protein, nutrient.
Chlorella comprises a high amount of
Plants growing in aquatic environments iron and vitamins.
are known as hydrophytes. Hydrophytic
plants can be seen in freshwater bodies Ulva lactuca, also known by the
as well as in marine environments. common name sea lettuce, this is a
Hydrophytes show different adaptations small genus of marine and brackish
to survive in water. Mesophytes are water green algae. It is edible and is
plants that grow in typically average often called 'Sea Lettuce'. Species with
conditions. Mesophytes are the hollow, one-layered thalli were formerly
terrestrial plants that we encounter on a included in Enteromorpha, but it is
daily basis. They are adapted to an widely accepted now that such species
adequate or average supply of water. should be included in Ulva.
And also they are able to live in average
temperature conditions. A halophyte is a Chlamydomonas is  a genus of green
salt-tolerant plant that grows in soil or algae consisting of about 150 species all
waters of high salinity, coming into unicellular flagellates, found in stagnant
contact with saline water through its water and on damp soil, in freshwater,
roots.  seawater, and even in snow as "snow
Hence, the correct answer is Xerophyte
plant. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria
that can be consumed by humans and
animals. The three species are
Arthrospira platensis, A. fusiformis, and
A. maxima. Cultivated worldwide,
Arthrospira is used as a dietary
supplement or whole food.
39. Answer: A 40. Answer: A
Rhodophyta (red algae) reproduces
asexually by either fragmentation or by
forming non-motile spores. Sexual
reproduction is oogamous. In oogamy,
female gamete is large and male
gamete is small and both are non-
motile. So, the correct option is A.
The main plant body of the bryophyte is
haploid. It produces gametes, hence is
called a gametophyte. The sporophyte is
not free-living but attached to the
photosynthetic gametophyte and derives
nourishment from it. Some cells of the
sporophyte undergo reduction division
(meiosis) to produce haploid spores. So,
the correct option is A.
41. Answer: A 42. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Animals do not  possess any sort of  cell Viroids are infectious agents that consist
wall  since  animals  always move, they only of naked RNA without any
are  not  static in one particular place, protective layer such as a protein
therefore they  need  to be flexible. coat.  Viroids  infect plants (but no other
Therefore, additional layer i.e.  cell forms of life) and are replicated at the
wall  is  not  required. The cell wall is a expense of the host cell. Viroid genomes
structural layer around types of the cell are small single-stranded circles of RNA
outside the cell membrane which that are only 250–400 bases long.
provides the cell with structural support Hence, viroids have single stranded RNA
and protection found in algae, fungi, not enclosed in protein coat.
plants, bacteria and archaea.
Ribosomes are minute particles with
associated proteins and RNA to
synthesise proteins and it can be found
floating in the cytoplasm or attached to
the endoplasmic reticulum.
Plasma membrane surrounds the cell
wall, which is composed of a
phospholipid bilayer arranged back to
back and covered in cholesterol and
protein molecule.
Mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles,
considered the power generators of the
cell which converts nutrients and oxygen
into ATP. They are not present in
bacteria. Hence, the correct answer is
cell wall.
43. Answer: A 44. Answer: C
Chlorophyll is located within the
thylakoids membrane of the
chloroplast.  It is found in all
photosynthetic organisms, including
green plants, cyanobacteria, and algae.
There are four types of chlorophyll i.e.
chlorophyll a, b, c, and d. Chlorophyll a
is found in all higher plants, algae and
cyanobacteria; chlorophyll  b, found in
higher plants and
green  algae;  chlorophyll  c, found in
diatoms, dinoflagellates and
brown  algae; and  chlorophyll  d, found
only in red algae.
Hence, the correct answer is
Yellow-green algae  or
the  Xanthophyceae  (Xanthophytes) are
an important group of heterokont algae.
Most live in fresh water, but some are
found in marine and soil habitats. They
vary from single-celled flagellates to
simple colonial and filamentous forms.
The members of chlorophyceae are
commonly called green algae. They are
usually grass green due to the
dominance of pigments chlorophyll a
and b.
The members of phaeophyceae or
brown algae possess chlorophyll a, c,
carotenoids and xanthophylls.
Rhodophyta are commonly called red
algae because of the predominance of
the red pigment, r-phycoerythrin in their
body. Hence, the correct pair is
Xanthophyta →Yellow - Green algae.

45. Answer: C 46. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:
Blue-green algae  are  found  in marine Plant pathology  is the science that
waters, as well as freshwater; it can studies the causes of plant diseases, the
grow rapidly resulting in an algal bloom. mechanisms by which diseases develop
The coralloid roots contain in individual plants and
symbiotic  cyanobacteria  (blue-green in  plant  populations, and the ways and
algae), which fix nitrogen and, in means by which  plant  diseases can be
association with root tissues, produce managed or controlled. They are
such beneficial amino acids as responsible for studying plant diseases,
asparagines and citrulline. and their studies include various aspects
of plant diseases, such as the organisms
Riccia  is a genus of  liverworts and environmental conditions that cause
(bryophyta).  These plants are small disease in plants, the mechanisms by
and  thalloid, that is not differentiated which these factors cause disease, the
into root, stem and leaf. In Marchantia interactions between these causal
the scales are arranged in 2 or 3 rows agents and the plant, and methods for
on either side of midrib. The scales help managing or controlling plant diseases.
them to retain moisture below the
thallus. Hence, the correct answer is Plant
Pinus  shows a typical tap  root  system
belongs to gymnosperm. The  body  is
divided into stem,  roots  and needle-
like leaves.
Hence, the correct answer is Cycas
47. Answer: A 48. Answer: A
Algae and fungi differ in their mode of
nutrition. Algae are autotrophic. They
have chlorophyll and perform
photosynthesis. Fungi are heterotrophic,
so all fungi Lacking chlorophyll, they are
dependent on others for their nutrient’s
requirement. They feed on dead and
decaying organic matter.
Spirogyra is free-floating green algae
present in freshwater habitats such as
ponds, lakes, etc. Spirogyra is
commonly known as water silk or pond
silk. They have a filamentous and
unbranched vegetative structure. There
are around 400 species of Spirogyra
found. Cells are joined end-to-end in an
unbranched, largely unspecialized, stiff
filament and are cylindrical with one or
two spiral-wound chloroplasts, many of
which are pyrenoids are borne. The cell
wall consists of two layers, the cellulose
outer and the pectin inner. Filaments
can be in the length of several
centimetres. It has a very silky feel and
a bright green colour.
Hence, the correct answer is Spirogyra.
49. Answer: B 50. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Cyanobacteria are also referred as blue- In angiosperms the pollen grain is the
green algae. They are members of male gametophyte. It consists of 2
monera. They are  called  blue-green generative nuclei/cell and 1 vegetative
algae because they are aquatic and nucleus/cell.
photosynthetic. Each microspore divides mitotically to
form two cells: a large Vegetative cell
Slime mold or slime mould is an and a small Generative cell. The
informal name given to several kinds of generative cell resides within the
unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. Later,
live freely as single cells. the generative cell divides to form two
Protists are a diverse collection of sperm cells (i.e. male gametes or the
organisms. While exceptions exist, they male nuclei).
are primarily microscopic and unicellular,
or made up of a single cell.
Desmids are also known as golden algae
or golden-brown algae because of their
distinctive golden colour, which is
caused by the pigment fucoxanthin and
the use of oil droplets as food reserves
Biology - Section C

51. Answer: C 52. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
Gemmules are internal buds found in The pinacoderm is the outermost layer
sponges and are involved in asexual of body cells (pinacocytes) of organisms
reproduction. It is an asexually of the phylum Porifera (sponges),
reproduced mass of cells, that is capable equivalent to the epidermis in other
of developing into a new organism i.e., animals.
an adult sponge.
The young part of a plant that's almost
ready to flower or unfurl new leaves
is called the bud. 
Parenchymula is the larval stage found
in phylum Porifera. Hence, internal
budding in sponges are called
53. Answer: A 54. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
The  blood pigment  present The thoracic appendages of cockroach
in  earthworms  is haemoglobin. They are made of 5 segments.
produce  blood  cells and haemoglobin
which is dissolved in blood plasma. There are 3 pair of appendages that are
present in cockroach and each leg of
Hemocyanin  is  pigments  that are cockraoch is divided into 5 parts namely
found only in phylum Mollusca and coxa, trochanter (acts like a knee),
Arthropoda. femur, tibia and tarsus.
Haematin is a dark bluish or Hence, the thoracic appendages of
brownish pigment containing  iron in the cockroach are made up by 5 segments.
ferric state, which is obtained by
oxidation of haem.
Melanin is the pigment that produces
the wide variation seen in skin and hair
color in humans.
55. Answer: B 56. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Cydippidea larva a free-swimming, In the male Ascaris, the tail is curved
larval stage of a ctenophorid and the anus is replaced by cloaca.
(Ctenophora) which resembles adults of From the cloaca, two equal chitinous
the order Cydippidea. spicules rise or penial setae projects
out. These are helpful in the process of
The development in Porifera is indirect copulation.
and includes a free swimming larva, the
amphiblastula (in Sycon) or
Parenchymula (in Leucosolenia and
other Porifers) for dispersal of the
Coelenterate larva called Planula.
57. Answer: D 58. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Body wall of Coelenterates consists of Tape worm have dorso-ventrally
only two cells layers, the ectoderm, flattened body, hence are called
separated by a jelly-like mesoglea. flatworms. These are mostly
These animals are therefore diploblastic, endoparasites found in animals including
that is, arising from two embryonic cell human beings. Flatworms are bilaterally
layers. Body wall in coelenterates are symmetrical, triploblastic and
derived from two layers-ectoderm and acoelomate animals with organ level of
endoderm. These germ layers from the organisation. Hooks and suckers are
epidermis and gastro-dermis. present in the parasitic forms. Some of
them absorb nutrients from the host
directly through their body surface.
Hence they don’t have Digestive
59. Answer: B 60. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
In cell aggregate body plan, the body The Portuguese man-of-war is a
consists of a cluster of cells which are siphonophore, an animal made up of a
not organized into tissues or organs. It colony of organisms working together.
is found in sponges. In blind sac plan, The Portuguese man of war differs from
the body has a single cavity which single organisms like jellyfish as they
functions as digestive tract and coelom. are siphonophores, a colonial organism
The alimentary canal has a single made up of many specialized, though
opening. Sponges have cellular levels of genetically distinct, parts called zooids.
body organization.
61. Answer: D 62. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
A cnidocyte (also known as a cnidoblast Ctenophores are known for their beauty
or nematocyte) is an explosive cell and delicate nature. In sunlight, their
containing one giant secretory organelle comb-plate (a specific feature of phylum
called a cnidocyst  that can deliver a Ctenophora) which are locomotor
sting to other organisms. The presence organs consisting of a row of strong
of this cell defines the phylum Cnidaria cilia, give the effect of a rainbow. They
(corals, sea anemones, hydrae, jellyfish, are commonly known as "Sea-
etc.). Cnidae are used to capture prey gooseberries" or "Comb-jellies" or "Sea-
and as a defense against predators. A walnuts".
cnidocyte fires a structure that contains
a toxin within the cnidocyst; this is Colloblasts or lasso cells are a cell type
responsible for the stings delivered by a found in ctenophores. They are
cnidarian. widespread in the tentacles of these
animals and are used to capture prey.
A cnidocyte (also known as a cnidoblast
or nematocyte) is an explosive cell
containing one giant secretory organelle
called a cnidocyst.
Hence, the correct answer is comb
63. Answer: D 64. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Sponges are similar to other animals in Taenia saginata can be distinguished
that they are multicellular, from its sister species. Taenia solium, by
heterotrophic, lack cell walls and the absence of these rostellar hooks on
produce sperm cells. Unlike other the scolex. The absence of hooks on the
animals, they lack true tissues and rostellum has earned another name for
organs. John Ellis, an English naturalist, the species, the “unarmed tapeworm.
was the first to recognize the animal Taenia saginata, known as the beef
nature of sponges. tapeworm, is transmitted to humans in
the form of infectious larval cysts found
Robert E. Grant was the one who coined in the meat of cattle, which serve as the
the term 'Porifera' in 1836. parasite's usual intermediate host. The
Van Leeuwenhoek is best known for his T. saginata tapeworm is common in
pioneering work in microscopy and for cattle-breeding areas of the world. The
his contributions toward the color of the body is white to cream. The
establishment of microbiology as a length of this animal varied between 2-4
scientific discipline. meters. The body of the tapeworm is
divided into three regions namely
Aristotle gave the theory of spontaneous scolex, neck and strobila. A pear-
generation which states that living shaped, pinhead-sized body called as
organisms originate from non-living the scolex is present at the anterior end
matter. of the body.
65. Answer: C 66. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Myocytes are modified contractile Coelom  - Presence or absence of a
amoebocytes arranged around osculum. cavity between the body wall and the
They guard and regulate the osculum, gut wall is very important in
i.e., they work as a sphincter. They are classification. The body cavity, which is
long and fusiform cells which are found lined by mesoderm is called coelom.
in the osculum. These cells are also Animals possessing coelom are called
found in many another contractile areas coelomates, e.g., Annelids, Molluscs,
of sponges. Arthropods, Echinoderms, and
Hemichordates & Chordates.
Between the pinacocytes, there are the In some animals, the body cavity is not
porocytes that allow water into the lined by mesoderm; instead, the
sponge. Myocytes are small muscular mesoderm is present as scattered
cells that open and close the porocytes. pouches in between the ectoderm and
They also form a circular ring around endoderm. Such a body cavity is called
the osculum and help in closing and pseudocoelom and the animals
opening of it. Once through the pores, possessing them are called
water travels down canals. pseudocoelomates, e.g., Aschelminthes.
Sponge's body is hollow and is held in The animals in which the body cavity is
shape by the mesohyl, a jelly-like absent are called acoelomates, e.g.,
substance made mainly of collagen Platyhelminthes.
(produced by Collencytes - collagen-
producing cell) and reinforced by a
dense network of fibers.
Sponges are of varying shapes, sizes
and colours (for which special cells of
their body i.e. Chromocytes which
contain pigments are responsible)
Trophocytes are responsible for
digestion of food that had entered the
67. Answer: D 68. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Characteristics of insects are as follows- In closed circulatory systems, the heart
Segmented body- head, thorax and pumps blood through vessels that are
abdomen Chitinous exoskeleton  Thorax separate from the interstitial fluid of the
– 3 pair of legs and one or two pairs of body. Most vertebrates and some
wings. Respiration- tracheal system invertebrates, such as this annelid
earthworm, have a closed circulatory
  In open circulatory systems, a fluid
called hemolymph is pumped through a
blood vessel that empties into the body
cavity. Hemolymph returns to the blood
vessel through openings called ostia.
Arthropods, such as this bee and most
mollusks, have open circulatory
systems. Unlike most other mollusks,
cephalopods like cuttlefish have a closed
circulatory system.
69. Answer: A 70. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Body Cavity or Coelom: - Presence or Crayfish, also called crawfish or
absence of a cavity between the body crawdad, any of numerous
wall and gut wall is very important in crustaceans(order Decapoda, phylum
classification. Arthropoda) constituting  the families
Astacidae (Northern Hemisphere),
On the basis of embryonic development, Parastacidae, and Austroastracidae
the coelom is of two types (Southern Hemisphere). They are
(i) Schizocoel - Coelom formed by closely related to the lobster.
splitting of a mesodermal mass e.g. Echinodermata  are exclusively marine
Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca. organisms. Sea stars  sea cucumbers,
(ii) Enterocoel - Coelom formed by sea urchins, sand dollars,
fusion of gut pouches during embryonic and brittle stars are all examples of
stage e.g. Echinodermata, echinoderms. 
Hemichordata and Chordata.
Mollusca is the second-largest phylum of
Or we say Annelids that develop through invertebrate animals after the
schizocoely are known as Arthropoda. Clams, oysters, snails, and
schizocoelomates animals. A  process by octopuses are all mollusks.
which some animal embryos develop is
termed as Schizocoely. Schizocoely The Superclass  Pisces  (L. Piscis = fish)
occurs when a coelom (body cavity) is are the truly jawed vertebrates. They
formed by splitting the mesodermal have organs of respiration and
embryonic tissue (Schizocoel). locomotion related to a permanently
Schizocoel is divided by transverse aquatic life. The respiratory organs are
septa into the compartment. It is filled the gills and the organs of
with coelomic fluid that contains cells. locomotion are paired and impaired fins.
As such there is no skeleton fluid filled
coelom serves as a hydrostatic skeleton.
Nearly all annelids possess fluid filled
cavities. The coelom is referred to as
the space between the outer body wall
and the gut. The coelom is usually used
as a storage of gametes and acts as a
hydrostatic skeleton for locomotion. The
coelom (formed via schizocoely)  is
usually  organized as a series of
compartments by intersegment septa. 
71. Answer: D 72. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Vertebrates are further differentiated In chordates, a single, hollow, tubular
from chordates by their vertebral nerve cord is present beneath the body
column, which forms when their wall and just above the notochord. It is
notochord develops into the column of formed from a part of the ectoderm that
bony vertebrae separated by discs. rolls, forming the hollow tube. This is
Vertebrates are the only chordates that important, as it distinguishes chordates
have a brain as part of their central from other animal phyla, such as
nervous system. Annelids and Arthropods, which have
solid, ventral tubes.
                       Dorsal nerve cord in
Chorda dorsalis is another name of
notochord. It is a solid rod like structure
present just below the nerve cord and
above the alimentary canal.
73. Answer: D 74. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Autotomy, also called Self-amputation, Internal fertilization is the union of an
the ability of certain animals to release egg cell with a sperm during sexual
part of the body that has been grasped reproduction inside the female body.
by an external agent. A notable example Internal fertilization, unlike its
is found among lizards that break off the counterpart, external fertilization, brings
tail when it is seized by a predator. The more control to the female with
phenomenon is found also among reproduction. Internal fertilization has
certain worms, salamanders, and the advantage of protecting the
spiders. fertilized egg from dehydration on land.
The embryo is isolated within the
female, which limits predation on the
young. Internal fertilization enhances
the fertilization of eggs by a specific
male. Thus, it ensures fertilization.
75. Answer: C 76. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Mammary glands (Modified sweat Characteristics  of  Vertebrates - The
glands) are common in females which main  distinguishing
take care for baby feeding, which gives feature  of  vertebrates  is their vertebral
the class mammalian its name.  column, or backbone. The backbone
Terrestrial animals like birds and runs from the head to the tail along the
mammals show internal fertilization. In dorsal (top) side of the body. The
these animals, the male gamete is vertebral column is the core of the
directly deposited in the genital tract of endoskeleton.
the female animal. The female gamete
is retained in the body of female animal
and the fertilization is internal.
77. Answer: C 78. Answer: B
Pythons and boa constrictors have tiny
hind leg bones buried in muscles toward
their tail ends. Such features, either
useless or poorly suited to performing
specific tasks, are described as vestigial.
They are also intriguing evidence of the
evolutionary histories of species.
Crocodilians are more closely related to
birds and dinosaurs than to most
animals classified as reptiles, the three
families being included in the group
Archosauria ('ruling reptiles'). Despite
their prehistoric look, crocodiles are
among the more biologically complex
reptiles. Unlike other reptiles, a
crocodile has a cerebral cortex and a
four-chambered heart. Crocodilians also
have the functional equivalent of a
diaphragm by incorporating muscles
used for aquatic locomotion into
79. Answer: A 80. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Structure of cockroach that may be Each leg is formed by five segments,
analogous to chlorogogen cells of viz, coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and
earthworm and liver of vertebrate is Fat tarsus (tarsus is made by five
body.Trophocytes, mycetocytes, tarsomeres). Attached to the last
oenocytes, and urate cell are fat bodies tarsomere called pretarsus and it bears,
of cockroach, where trophocytes contain a soft lobe called arolium or pulvilus and
reserve food which help them during a pair of claws is present. They are
starvation, mycetocytes contain helpful in moving on smooth surfaces.
symbiotic bacteria such as Buchnera
species, oenocytes responsible for lipid Plantulae are present on tarsus and act
processing and detoxification and urate as thermoreceptors.
cells contain uric acid The most swollen segment in the leg of
cockroach is coxa. The longest segment
in the leg of cockroach is tibia.
Hence, the correct answer is Coxa and
trochanters and between femurs
and tibia.
81. Answer: A 82. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Insects are compartively more active Phallic gland is a part of male
because 02 is directly to the tissue. reproductive gland. The structure of the
phallic gland is large club shaped gland
The insects are more active because the which is located below ejaculatory duct.
oxygen which is circulating in their body The major function of this gland is to
is not carried out by blood, rather it is secretes the outer layer of
directly taken to the tissues with help of spermatophore.
the tissue fluid with the help of
respiratory system. As the insects are Growth is not the function of the phallic
having tracheal tubes in them which are gland it is due to the presence of
responsible for providing oxygen due to hormones that the growth in cockroach
diverse and large spread of these takes place.
tracheal tubes in them the oxygen is
directly sent to the tissue without the Excretion in cockroaches are done with
help of the blood and due to this only the help of malpigian tubules and
the insects are comparatively more therefore it is not the function of the
active than other animals. phallic gland.

The size doesn't matter the thing which Moulting is the process by which the
is important to consider is that how the cockroach grows into the adult by series
oxygen is reaching the tissue for of the repeated shedding of the outer
providing them energy. Therefore, size skin. Therefore, it has nothing to do
is not playing part in the activity of with the phallic gland.
insects. Hence, Phallic gland is mainly associated
They are having open type of circulatory with the male reproductive system and
system. The circulatory system is not helps in formation of the
entrusted with the duty to deliver the spermatophores.
oxygen to the body. Therefore, open
type of circulatory system is not playing
part in the activity of insects.
They are having chitinous exoskeleton.
The exoskeleton is there to protect the
soft organ of the insect not for supplying
oxygen to the body tissue. Therefore,
chitinous exoskeleton is also not playing
part in the activity of insects.
Hence, Insects are comparatively more
active because 02 is directly to the
tissue with the help of the respiratory
83. Answer: A 84. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Conglobate gland is found in a male Juvenile hormone is produced in
cockroach. the  corpora allata  of insects. The
main  role  of Juvenile hormone in
Phallic or conglobate gland is a white & immature insects is to inhibit the genes
bag-like gland which is situated ventral that promote development of adult
to the ejaculatory duct from 6th to 9th characteristics, causing the insect to
abdominal segments. Its anterior end is remain as nymph or larva. During the
broad & the posterior end is narrow last larval or nymphal instar, the corpora
tube-like. It opens outside by a long allatum becomes atrophied and stops
duct “Phallic aperture. Chitinous producing juvenile hormone.
structures associated with phallic
aperture and male genital pore called Prothoracic glands produce and release
“Phellomeres” or Gonapophysis.” Phallic ecdysteroids only after they have been
aperture presents on left phellomere. stimulated by another chemical
Male genital pore situated on Ventral messenger, prothoracicotropic hormone
phellomers. (PTTH). This compound is a peptide
hormone secreted by the corpora
The colleterial glands of insects are cardiaca, a pair of neurohemal organs
organs associated with the  female located on the walls of the aorta just
genital apparatus. behind the brain.
Prostate glands and accessory glands Hence, the correct answer is corpora
are found in earthworm. The prostate allata.
glands secrete a fluid the prostatic fluid
and the secretion of accessory glands
probably help in uniting the two worms
during copulation.
The  bulbourethral glands  (also known
as  Cowper's glands) are  a pair of pea
shaped exocrine  glands
located  posterolateral to the
membranous urethra.
Hence, the correct answer is
conglobate gland.
85. Answer: C
The central nervous system of
cockroach consists of the supra-
oesophageal ganglion or brain or
cerebral ganglion, sub- oesophageal
ganglion and the nerve cord.
In cockroach, usually compound eyes
are found. The compound eyes of
cockroach are a pair of large, sessile,
black, kidney-shaped structures situated
at the dorsolateral sides of the head
capsule. Each eye consists of about
2000 hexagonal ommatidia. With the
help of several ommatidia, a cockroach
can receive several images of an object,
and these several images are combine
by cerebral ganglion. This kind of vision
is known as mosaic vision with more
sensitivity but less resolution.
Biology - Section D

86. Answer: D
The spontaneous interaction of the
molecules present in the early earth's
atmosphere formed more complex
organic molecules, such as amino acids,
sugars, fatty acids, and nitrogen bases -
the building blocks of life as we know it
As these organic compounds
accumulated they formed an "organic
soup" in which additional reactions could
take place.
The energy needed to drive the
formation  of these organic molecules
was derived from the sun's radiation,
electrical discharges in the form of
lightening, and heat from the cooling
87. Answer: D 88. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Protobionts are prebiotic chemical The primitive atmosphere of earth was
aggregates having one or more reducing atmosphere with little or no
properties of living systems. Process of oxygen but was rich in water vapour,
aggregation of organic molecules is carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
called coacervation. It produced three nitrogen, and hydrogen. The UV and
types of protobionts - coacervates, gamma radiations from Sun were the
microspheres and vesicles. Coacervates major sources of energy for chemo
are reversible emulsoid aggregates genesis as these radiations have energy
consisting of protein and polysaccharide quanta that can release electrons from
with some water. Coacervates, atoms resulting in formation of highly
Coacervation  is a chemical method for reactive free radicals which in turn
producing polymer droplets combined to form early organic
in  suspension  based on the separation compounds. The  ozone layer of present
of two liquid phases into one day atmosphere absorbs these UV and
concentrated  colloidal  phase. And gamma rays. Owing to immense long
without lipid membrane. A photocell is a lasting rainstorms, tremendous amount
resistor that changes resistance of lightening was generated. Lightening
depending on the amount of light provided energy for chemical reactions
incident on it. A  photocell  operates on between hydrogen and free oxygen,
semiconductor photoconductivity: the nitrogen and carbon to form water
energy of photons hitting the (present in form of superheated steam
semiconductor frees electrons to flow, due to high earth temperature),
decreasing the resistance. ammonia, methane and cyanides.
89. Answer: A 90. Answer: A
In the present earth-life comes from
pre-existing life but in primitive earth
theory of abiogenesis says that life
originated from non-living entities.
synthesis or production of life from
something non-living.
A.I.Oparin and JBS Haldane got the idea
from the new biochemistry that was
founded by F.G. Hopkins.
This theory was supported by Miller and
Urey in 1953.

After continuous heating , cooling

,circulation and electrical discharge in an
air tight apparatus Miller obtained an
acid turbid red liquid which was rich in
simple organic compounds such as urea
, hydrogen cyanide, organic acids ,
sugars , purines, pyrimidines and amino
The ratio of methane, ammonia and
hydrogen in the large flask was 2:1:2.
91. Answer: A 92. Answer: B
The formation of complex organic
molecules from simpler inorganic
molecules through chemical reactions in
the oceans during the early history of
the Earth; the first step in the
development of life on this planet. The
period of chemical evolution lasted less
than a billion years.This concept was
first proposed in 1936 in a book
entitled, "The Origin of Life on Earth,"
written by the Russian scientist,
Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin.
Modern theory of origin of life was
hypothesized by AI Oparin and
supported by JBS Haldane.This theory is
also known as modern theory or
abiogenic origin or naturalistic theory or
physiochemical evolution.
According to this theory ,life originated
on the earth after a long period of
abiogenic molecular evolution.Origin of
life on the earth took place as a result of
physicochemical changes that brought
about a gradual evolution of inorganic
and organic compounds called chemical
evolution and thereafter biological
This theory was supported
experimentally by Miller and Urey and
Sydney W Fox.
Cosmic evolution  is the study of
change--the vast number of
developmental and generative changes
that have accumulated during all time
and across all space, from big bang to
Biological evolution is the process of
inheritance of genetic changes over
general generations.
Process of Organic evolution produces
genetic modifications in a species or
inside a cluster of species with
time. Examples  of this phenomena are
Evidence of missing links in
Archaeopteryx, wings of birds and
insects – analogous organs.
93. Answer: D 94. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
The rising level of atmospheric oxygen Phylogeny is the study of evolutionary
due to oxygen revolution led to the relationships among biological entities.
appearance of first one-celled eukaryotic
organisms. The term phylogeny was given by
Haeckel in 1866.
The eukaryotic cells have evolved from
the prokaryotic and archaebacterial like Ontogeny is the study of all the
protocells. developmental events that occur during
the existence of a living organism.
Free living eukaryote was originated in
ancient ocean about 1500 million years Hierarchy is the process of arranging
ago. various organisms into successive levels
of the biological classification either in a
The oldest known eukaryotic fossil is decreasing or an increasing order.
about 1.5 billion years old.
Genetics is the branch of biology that
There are following 2 views regarding deals with the heredity and variation of
the mode of origin of eukaryotes; organism.
Symbiotic origin
Origin by invagination
95. Answer: C 96. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Perhaps the first living organisms were A.I.Oparin and JBS Haldane got the idea
chemoheterotrophs ,which obtained from the new biochemistry that was
energy by the fermentation of complex founded by F.G. Hopkins.
organic substances present in sea broth.
This theory was supported by Miller and
As these organisms multiply rapidly and Urey in 1953.
increase in number ,the nutrients from
sea water began to disappear.This led to After continuous heating , cooling
the evolution of ; ,circulation and electrical discharge in an
air tight apparatus Miller obtained an
Parasitism-organisms obtain energy by acid turbid red liquid which was rich in
consuming living beings. simple organic compounds such as urea
, hydrogen cyanide, organic acids ,
Saprophytism-organisms depend on sugars , purines, pyrimidines and amino
dead bodies and decaying cells for acids.
Chemoautotrophs-use complex nutrients
and synthesized more complex
Early earth was having no
atmosphere.The earth’s surface was in
molten state which after cooling
resulted in huge emission of carbon
dioxide , water vapours, methane and
ammonia from the belching volcanoes.
The exact composition of the early
atmosphere is carbon dioxide gas,
nitrogen gas, water vapour, hydrogen
gas and compounds in which hydrogen
atoms were bounded to the other light
elements producing hydrogen sulphide,
ammonia and methane.
In such a reducing atmosphere a lesser
amount of energy is required to form
carbon rich molecules and therefore life
evolved as a result of reducing
atmosphere of earth.
97. Answer: D 98. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
A.I.Oparin and JBS Haldane got the idea According to the theory of biogenesis
from the new biochemistry that was life originates from pre existing
founded by F.G. Hopkins. life(Omnis vivum ex ovo or vivo).
This theory was supported by Miller and It was supported by some scientist like
Urey in 1953. Francisco reddi, Lazzaro, Louis Pasteur
,Harvey and Huxley.
After continuous heating , cooling
,circulation and electrical discharge in an Some experiments based on theory of
air tight apparatus Miller obtained an biogenesis done by different scientist
acid turbid red liquid which was rich in are;
simple organic compounds such as urea
, hydrogen cyanide, organic acids ,
sugars , purines, pyrimidines and amino
99. Answer: D 100. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Lazzaro Spallanzani constructed his own Abiogenesis theory of origin states that
experiment by placing broth in each of life originated from non-living things in
two separate bottles, boiling the broth in a spontaneous manner. In ancient
both bottles, then sealing one bottle and Egypt, it was believed that the mud of
leaving the other open. Days later, the the Nile river could give rise to frogs,
unsealed bottle was teeming with small snakes, mice and even crocodiles when
living things that he could observe more warmed by the sun. Van Helmont
clearly with the newly invented believed that human sweat and wheat
microscope. The sealed bottle showed grains could give rise to organisms.
no signs of life. This certainly excluded
spontaneous generation as a viable
theory. Except, it was noted by
scientists of the day that Spallanzani
had deprived the closed bottle of air and
it was thought that air was necessary
for spontaneous generation. 
Physics - Section A

101. Answer: C 102. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:
As we know that the stress is given by Using  Y =


 Stress= Force   mg
∵ =
  area   area
Cross-section area of the wire
  density  x  volume  
= g( ) A = πR

Stress= g × density × length   Where R is the radius of the wire

F L πR Y
6 3 ∴ Y = × ⇒ F = ΔL
6×10 = 10 × 8 × 10 × l πR

or l = 75 m Thus the slope of load vs elongation

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
πR Y
S =

⇒    S ∝ R

Now from the graph shown,  OA has the

least slope and least radius. So  OA
represents the thinnest wire.
103. Answer: B 104. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Energy stored per unit volume, Let v1 and v2 be the velocity of efflux
from square and circular hole
E = × stress × strain

respectively. S1 and S2 be cross-section
We know that areas of circular holes and square.

E= × stress × = .
1 stress 1

2 Y 2 Y

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

v1 = √2 gy  and v2 = √8 gy

The volume of water coming out of

square and circular hole per second is
Q1 = v1S1 = √2 gyπ R2

Q2 = v2S2 = √8 gy L2        

Q1 = Q2

∴  R = √


105. Answer: C 106. Answer: A

The change in internal energy does not
depend upon path followed by the
process. It only depends on initial and
final states. Hence, ΔU1 = ΔU2
Let temperature at the interface is T

For part AB:-

Q1 k1 A(T1 −T)
t l1

For part BC:-

Q2 k2 A(T−T2 )
t l2

At equilibrium,
Q1 Q2
t t

(T1 −T)k1 (T−T2 )k2

l1 l2

T1 k1 l2 +T2 k2 l1
T =
k1 l2 +k2 l1

107. Answer: B 108. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

= αΔt = − α20 T=        
∴ [T] =

I [I]

At 0°C, the tape will contract. [MLT


Hence reading will be more than

actual = = [ML0 T–2] = [MT–2]

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
Therefore, the correct answer is (B).
109. Answer: D 110. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Change in internal Energy As the liquid drop is falling through the
viscous fluid net force
Fnet   =   weight   −   Buoyancy   −  Fviscous
Therefore, the correct answer is (D)
According to stokes low the
instantaneous viscous force on the drop.
Fviscous   =  6πnrv

Initially the velocity of drop is small and

the net force is increasing hence the
drop accelerated with increase of
velocity. this increases and lead to a
condition where the net force is zero.
Now acceleration is zero & the velocity
of drop becomes terminal velocity. Thus
the gain of terminal velocity is
independent of 'h'
Therefore, the correct answer is (A)
111. Answer: D 112. Answer: B
in cyclic process ΔU = 0

because internal Energy depend on final

and initial state
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
h = T cos (θ + α/2)


h =  2s

cos (θ + α/2)

Therefore, the correct answer is (D)

113. Answer: B 114. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Weight of the cube + weight of mass The upthrust on the Body due to liquid
placed above (200 g)  is zero.
= weight of the water displaced
ℓ =  side of cube
d = density of cube
3 3
ℓ dg + 200g = ℓ × 1 × g

ℓ dg = ℓ g − 200
g ...(1)

When the mass is removed

3 2
ℓ dg = 1 × ℓ (ℓ  − 2) × g

3 3 2
ℓ − 200 = ℓ − 2ℓ

ℓ = 100

ℓ= 10 cm
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
115. Answer: A 116. Answer: D
According to equation of continuity
A1V1 = A2V2
A  is the area of cross section and v

 is corresponding velocity.
and Area ∝ (radius)

in this case we have to multiply RHS by

100 because there are multiple outlets at

that end.
So, π(R 1)
V1 = 100π(R2 ) V2

2 −2
9×10 0.05×10
( ) × 3 = 100( ) × V2
2 2

⇒ v2 = = 48 m/s.

therefore, correct option is (D).

Given:diameter of pipe P   d = 2 × 10 p

⇒radius of pipe P   r = 10  m 


diameter of pipe Q    d = 4 × 10

 m  q

radius of pipe Q    r = 2 × 10  m 


using equation of continuity 

Ap vp = Aq vq

vp aq
vq ap

Where, v , v are velocities of water

p q

through both pipes and a , a are the p q

cross-sectional area of tubes.

Also, ap = π(rp )
and aq = π(rq)

vp π(rq )
= 2
π(rp )

vp (2×10 )
= 2
vq −2
(10 )

= 4

Hence, vp = 4 × vq

117. Answer: A 118. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:
The velocity of water at point

 V =
2r g
(d − p)

V = √2gh 2
v1 r1 r
= ( ) = ( )
The taken to reach at point in
v2 r2 2r

2 2(H−h) V2 = 4V
So H − t = 12 gt t = √ g

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

Now horizontal range
R = vt

= √2gh× √ g

= 2√(H − h) h

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

119. Answer: A 120. Answer: B
Outside temperature = −13 ∘
C = 260K

Temperature difference for same heat

transfer  = 10 − (−10)

∴= 20 C (  or  20K)

Let mass of hot water = m kg
mass of cold water = (20 – m) kg
Heat taken by cold water 
= (20 − m)   ×  1  ×   (35 − 10)

Heat given by hot water 

= m  ×  1  ×   (00 − 35)

Law of mixture gives

Heat given by hot water = Heat taken
by cold water
⇒ m  ×  1  ×  (100 − 35)    

= (20 − m)   ×   (35 − 10)

⇒ 65m = (20 − m) × 25

⇒ 65m = 500 − 25m

⇒ 90m = 500

⇒ m = = 5 .56 kg

Therefore correct option is (A).

121. Answer: C 122. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
As = k Δ T per Newton's law of
− dT

∵  w = JQ

cooling, and w = mv

 and Q = mL + ms   (θ − θ2 )


− 25α   Rate of cooling R1 mv

∴    = [mL + ms (θ1 − θ2 )]

− 25α  Rate of cooling R2 ∴   

= mL + ms (475 − 25)

R1 α50; R2 α30

R1 5
R2 3

But time of cooling is proportional to  1

5 5
t2 = t1 = × 6
3 3

  i. e.   = 10
R1 t2 5
∴ = = min
R2 t1 3

123. Answer: C 124. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
Efficiency of carnot engine is (
) ∝ T

η = 1 −

where T2 is the temperature of the sink

and T1 is the temperature of source.
recall theory of heat engine.
when sink temperature is 0. then
efficiency is 100%.
Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
125. Answer: C 126. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Heat flows from water at 0°C to dT


− T )

atmosphere, in radial direction. Let us σ4πr

4 4
= (T − T )
say at any instant t, x thickness of ice is ms 0

formed and dx is going to form. Now, solve using data given in the

The layer of water just in contact with

ice is at 0°C, then heat flows from water
to atmosphere, crossing ice in radial
direction as shown in figure. Rate of
heat flow from water to atmosphere is,
dQ 4πKRθ(R−x)
dt x

The above expression can be found by

using integration technique or by 1st
finding thermal resistance)
Rate at which water is converted to ice
dm dx
= 4π(R − x) ρ ×
dt dt

now the rate of heat transfer in phase

change will be, 
4πKRθ(R−x) dx
⇒ = 4π(R − x) ρ × × Lt
x dt

t Lp ρ R ρLR
⇒ ∫ dt = ∫ x(R − x)dx =
0 KRθ 0 6Kθ

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

127. Answer: B 128. Answer: B
θ1 –θ2 θ1 +θ2
= K( – T0 )
t 2


 = k (56 − T0)

 = k (46 − T0)
3 56–T0
2 46–T0

T0 = 26
Initial temperature (Ti)= 100ºC
Final temperature (Tb)= 90ºC
Temperature of surrounding
t = 20 min
According to newton's law of cooling

Rate of cooling ( dT (Ti +Tb )

) = K[ − To ]
dt 2

(Tb −Ti ) (100+90)

= K[ − To ]
t 2

= K [95 − To ]

K =
2(95−To )

In second condition:
Initial temperature (Ti)= 110ºC
Final temperature (Tb)= 100ºC
Time taken for cooling is t Acc to
newton's law of cooling

= [ − To ]
2(95−To ) 2

10 1
= (105 − To )
t 2(95−To )

20(95−To )
t =
(105−To )

From above equation we can conclude

that time is less 20 min.
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
129. Answer: A 130. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
From wein's law From wein's law
1 1
λm ∝ λ ∝

So, So, if λ has becomes half, then T' = 2T.



So, now from stefan's law
Tmoon E ∝ T ⇒ E' = 16E
⇒ –6
100×10 6000

⇒ Tmoon = 30K

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

131. Answer: C 132. Answer: C

For triatomic
γ = 1. 33 =

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

For an isobaric process Q=nCpΔT &

Now  C for isobaric

P =

∴ γ = heat capacity index

ΔW R γ–1
= =

For monotonic gas γ =



= 0.4 = 
ΔW γ–1 3 2
= = 5
ΔQ γ 5

Q= 5W

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

133. Answer: C 134. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:

∵ Vrms = √
3 RT Pressure does not have any effect on
the kinetic energy of the molecule. Gas

pressure is due to the molecules

&  Vavg = √
8 RT

colliding to the walls of the container.

= √

The kinetic energy of the molecule is
directly proportional to the temperature.
Vavg 8

135. Answer: C
Critical temperature of gas is given by
TC =  8a

27 Rb

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

Physics - Section B

136. Answer: A


We know that-
Pv = nRT =

RT  At Constant Volume.
m ∝

Hence, m 1 > m2

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

137. Answer: A 138. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
Considering vertical equilibrium of
cylinder Weight of cylinder = Upthrust
due to upper liquid
 + upthrust due to lower liquid
∴ (A/5)(L)Dg = (A/5) (3L/4) (d)g +( A/5) (L /4)  ( 2d) (g)

3 1 Applying Bernoulli's theorem at sections

∴   D = ( )d + ( ) (2d)
4 4 1 & 2

5 h 1 2
D = d P0 + ρg = P0 + ρV
4 2 2 1

⇒ V1 = √hg ...(1)

Applying Bernoulli's theorem at sections

3 & 4

h 1 2
P0 + ρgh + (2ρ)g = P0 + (2ρ)V
2 2 2

⇒ V2 = √2 hg

Hence, from eq.(1) & (2)

V1 1
V2 √2

139. Answer: D 140. Answer: A

Freezing a substanc will cause its
particles to closely arrange, hence its
volume reduces, while melting, its
volume increases, because liquids take
up more space than solids. So, more
evergy is needed, thus tempreture, to
The melting point of wax is increased
with presseure.
Therefore, the correct answer is (A)
As vessel is closed so volume remain
P ∝ T

Pf Tf
Pi Ti

Let us assume that initial temperature

be ToC and initial pressure be P.
P+( )P
100 [T+1]

1.004 = T+1

1.004T = T + 1
0.004 T = 1
T =

T = 250oC
141. Answer: D 142. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
We know that Isometric Process is a constant volume
1 gm
No. of moles =
4 gm / mole

dQ = dU + dW
= mole

dW = 0
ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

dQ = dU
CV = − ∫

f 3 1
Q = nRΔT = × KB  NaΔT
2 2 4

=   NaKB  (T2 − T1 ) + 0

=   NaKB  (T2 − T1 )

143. Answer: C 144. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:
 By energy conservation For adiabatic process PV  = Constant γ

T= T =
n1 T1 +n2 T2

n1 +n2
V =



2 m γ
T1 + T2 P( ) = constant
1 2 r
1 1 2 2
2 P

γ = constant      ..........(I)
T1 T2 (P1 V1 +P2 V2 )

P1 V1 T2 +P2 V2 T1
Initial state : presure & density (P, r)
Finals tate :
1 1 3
(P , r ) & γ =

From equation
= γ
(r) (r )

1 1 γ
r p
⇒ = ( )
r p

γ 3 15
1 1 1
P r P
⇒ = ( ) = (32) 2 ⇒ = (2) 2

P r P

Therefore, correct option is (D).

145. Answer: C 146. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Efficiency of engine 1 For an adiabatic process.
= constant
T2 γ γ
η1 = 1 − P1 V = P2  V
T1 1 2

Efficiency of engine 2 Since density

η2 = 1 −
T '2
d = m/v
T '1

v ∝ 1/d
γ γ
1 1
T2 T'2
p1 [ ] = p2 [ ]
=  d1  d2
T1 T'1

−γ −γ
100 T
= p1  d1 = p2  d2
500 900

T = × 900

  = 180 K
Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
147. Answer: A 148. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Given : Mass of ice = 100 gm (at 0ºC) Ivory ball will rise to a greater height
after striking the floor. This is because
Temperature of bucket = 50ºC ivory ball is more elastic than the wet
We know that S =
mL clay ball. Therefore ivory ball will regain
its original shape immediately after the
Let initial entropy be S1 and final collision only if it has more energy after
entropy be S2 collision.

S1 = 80 × 100
             {L = Latent Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

Heat = 80 cal/gm}
∴   S1 = cal /K

S2 = 80 × 100


S2 = 8000


∴ S2 = 8000


Change in entropy Δ S = S2 – S1
                               Δ S= (




                               Δ S = –4.5 cal/K

Therefore, the correct option is (A)
149. Answer: B 150. Answer: B
Momentum per second carried by liquid
per second is ρav2
Net force due to reflected liquid =
1 2
2 ×  [ ρav ]

net force due to stopped liquid =  1


Total force =  3


net pressure = 3


Therefore, the correct answer is (B)


As we know pressure =


⇒ Force =  Pressure × Area

Now Area =  height x width = hσ

Pressure = ρg× height

Height should he taken from cantre of

Pressure = ρg

So, Force =
ρgh fσgh
× hσ =
2 2

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

Chemistry - Section A

151. Answer: B 152. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
Order of Reactivity =  = ×
−5 −1 3
κ×1000 4.95×10 S cm 1000 cm
m M 0.001028 mol L

D2 > A2 > B2 > C2 = 48.15 S cm2 mol-1

Order of SRP c

= = = 0.1233
2 −1
Λm 48.15 S cm mol
0 −1
Λm 390.5 S cm mol

D2/D– < A2|A– < B2|B– < C2|C– −1 2

Ka = =
2 0.001028 mol L ×(0.1233)

order of SOP (1−α)


= 1.78 × 10-5 mol L–1

o o o
EC– /C < E –
< E –
A /A2
< E –
D /D2
2 B /B2

153. Answer: A 154. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:
= + λ = 457.6 S cm2
∘ ∘ ∘ E = SRP(C) – SRP(A)
Λ λ 2+ Θ
m [Ba (OH) ] Ba

mol-1 = 0.34 – (–2.37)


m (BaCl2 )
 = λ

+ 2λ ∘
= 240.6 S cm2 = 2.71 V
Ba Cl


m (NH4 Cl)
= λ ∘

⊕ + λ

= 129.8 S cm2


m (NH4 OH)
 = Λ ∘

m (NH4 Cl)
+ 1


m [Ba (OH) ]
–  1


m [BaCl2 )

= 129.8 +  1

(457.6) –  1


= 238.3 S cm2 mol-1

155. Answer: D 156. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:

 = λ ∘


 + λ ∘

E = SRP(C) – SRP(A)
= 62 + 78 = 140.0 S cm2 mol-1 cell

E = y– x
  Λ ∘
m (AgBr)
  = Λ m (AgBr)
 = κ×1000


140.0 S cm2 mol–1 = 
−7 3
8.5×10 ×10

 S = 
–7 3
8.5 ×10 ×10


= 0.06 × 10-4 mol L–1
= 0.06 × 10-4 × Mw(AgBr)
= 0.06 × 10-4 × 188 g L–1
= 1.128 × 10–3 g L–1
 Ksp of AgBr = S2M2 = (0.06×10–4)2
= 3.6 × 10–11 mol2 L–2
157. Answer: A 158. Answer: C
Reducing power ∝

Reducing power  B>C>A

Fe + Sn+2 Fe+2 + Sn
E = SRP(C) – SRP(A)

E =– 0 .14 +0 .44

E = +0 .30 V

159. Answer: C 160. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:
Fact Strong Reducing Agent Zn
Reducing Agent ∝


161. Answer: A 162. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:
Reactivity ∝

Unit of K ohm–1 cm–1

ZnSO4 is safely stored in Cu vessel

163. Answer: D 164. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Order of reducing power I– ions will be able to reduce Br2
          Mg > Zn > Fe
165. Answer: C 166. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Reactivity of X (A) II, IV
is more than Y or Z
E = SRP(C) – SRP(A)

E = 1 .25– 0 .68

= 0.67 V
E = 1 .25– (−1 .25)

E = 2.50 V

E = 0.68 + 1.25

= 1.93 V
(D) I, II
E = 1.25– (0.74)

= 1.49 V
167. Answer: A 168. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
Cr+3 + 3e– Cr       (1) Potential is a relative terms i.e. it is
always measured with respect to a
Cr+3 + e– Cr+2       (2) reference. In electrochemistry,
Target Equation Hdyrogen is taken to be the reference to
measure the potential and hence to
Cr+2 + 2e– Cr form a basis for comparision with all
other electrode reactions, hydrogen's
ΔG º = ΔGº – ΔGº 1 2 standard electrode potential is declared
– 2 × FEº = +3 × Fx 0.74 – 1 × Fx 0.40 to be zero volts at all temperatyures.
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
– 2Eº = 2.22 – 0.40
Eº = – 0.91 V
169. Answer: A 170. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
SRP Δ H= Δ U + PΔV             [PV = nRΔT]
Z>Y>X Δ H = nCvΔT + nRΔT     ΔU = nCvΔT
⇒  Z will oxidize both Δ H = nΔT(Cv + R)

⇒ Y will oxidize X but not Z ∵ Cp – Cv = R

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)      Cp = R + Cv

∴ ΔH = nCp ΔT

n = 1 (given)
Δ H = CpΔT     ...(1)
Δ H= 5


171. Answer: C 172. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:
Standard enthalpy of vaporisation H2O(ℓ,1bar, 373K) →  H2O(g, 1bar, 373
Δ Hº = 40.66 kJ/mol
liquid gas → energy is absorbed
T = 100°C or 373 K
∴ ΔH = ⊕ ve
H2 O(l) → H2 O(g)    Δn = 1

& entropy of gas is more than liquid

∴   ΔH° = ΔU° + ΔnRT
∴ ΔS > 0
40.66 = ΔU°+1×8.314×10 × 373
ΔS > 0 ;ΔH > 0 ;ΔG = 0
40 .66= ΔU° + 3 .101

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

ΔU° = 40. 66 − 3 .101

ΔU° = 37 .559≈ 37 .56 kJ / mol

173. Answer: C 174. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

X2 +

Y2 → XY3 ΔH = −30 kJ ΔH = 4 Kcal/mol

ΔS = SXY3 −

SX2 −

SY2 ΔS = 10 cal mol–1 K–1

= 50 −
× 60 −
× 40
at. equilibrium. ΔG < 0
2 2

T >   ΔH
>  4000
> 400 K
= 50 - 30 - 60 ΔS 10

= - 40
For equilibrium, ΔG = 0


= 750 K
175. Answer: B 176. Answer: D
Sol: Sol:
At equilibrium  At constant temperature and pressure
ΔH = ΔU + ΔnRT
ΔG = 0 ⇒ Δn = nP–nR ⇒ 2 – 4 = – 2

∴ΔH < ΔU
If Δ Gsystem > 0, the process is non
spontaneous Therefore, the correct answer is (D)
If Δ Gsystem < 0, the process is
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
177. Answer: D 178. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
we know, ΔG = ΔH − TΔS Δ S Vap. = 186.5

⇒ 0.5KJ/mole/K.
Therefore, the correct answer is (A)
ΔS =

179. Answer: B 180. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
ΔU = ΔH − ΔnRT Wirre,exp = 2 .303 nRT log


Δn = 2 − 3 = − 1 = 2.303 × 1 × 8.314 × 10
× 298 log


ΔU = −1366.5 + 1×8.31×300

= 298 × 10 × 8.314 × 2.303 log 2.

ΔU = − 1364
181. Answer: A 182. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:

H2O2(l) ➝ H2O(l) + 1/2 O2(g) ...(1) 3C2H2(g) ➝ C6H6(l)

ΔH = –23.5 kCal ΔHº = ΔH

C6H6 – 3ΔH C2H2 ∘

H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) ➝ H2O(l) ...(2) = 85 – 3 × 230

ΔH = –68.3 kCal /mole 85 – 690 = – 605 kj/mole
Eq. (2)-(1) Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
H2 + O2(g) ➝ H2O2(l)
ΔHº =  –68.3+23.5
       = – 44.8 kCal /mole
Therefore, the correct answer is (A)
183. Answer: B 184. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
T = 27oC = 300 K Fe2O3(S) + 3H2 → 2Fe(S) + 3H2O(l)
ΔH – ΔU = ΔngRT
o o o
ΔSreaction = ∑ ΔS − ∑ ΔS
(products) (reactants)

C6H6 (l) + 15/2 O2(g) ➝ 6CO2(g) + o o

= 2Sm (Fe, S) + 3Sm (H2 O, l) − [Sm (Fe2 O3 , S) + 3Sm
o o

3H2O(g) = (2 × 27 .3) + (3 × 69 .9) − 87 .4 − (3 × 130 .7)

Δng = (6 + 3) – (0 + 7.5)
o −1 −1
ΔSreaction = −215 .2 JK Mol

Δng = 1.5
ΔH - ΔE =1.5 × 3.3 × 300 = 3.74 kJ
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
185. Answer: D
 If Δng = 0 ⇒ ΔH = ΔE

Case–I = ∆ng = 2 – 1 –1 = 0
Case–II = ∆ng = 0 – 0 = 0
Case–III = ∆ng = 1 – 1 = 0 
Case–IV = ∆ng = 2 – 3 – 1 = –2 ≠ 0
Therefore, option D is correct.
Chemistry - Section B

186. Answer: D
Moving top to bottom in a group size
increases in groups, Cs has maximum
In group 17 F being on the top in group
have smallest size
Hence CsF have lowest anion to cation
size ratio
187. Answer: C 188. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
As we know, electron affinity decrease ΔH = −(– 46 × 2) = 92 .0 kJ   mol

down the group due to an increase in

size but F has a lesser value of electron
affinity than Cl. It is due to the smaller
atomic size of F. So, upcoming e– in
fluorine filled more repulsion than Cl.
So, the order of electron affinity –
Cl > F > Br > I
Therefore, option (C) is correct
189. Answer: A 190. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
All groups is elements have electron S
, Cl

isoelectronic species
, Ca

configuration nS2 nP3 in their outer -

(18e ) with stable noble gas
shell, where n is principal quantum configuration, therefore first ionisation
number of period is 3rd then electronic energy increase from left to right.
configuration will be.
Therefore the correct answer is (C).
1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P3 which is
Therefore the correct answer is (a)
191. Answer: B 192. Answer: B
Sol: Sol:
5, 6, d 153 is atomic no. of the element whose
IUPAC Symbol is Upt.
Therefore the correct answer is (B)
193. Answer: C 194. Answer: A
Sol: Sol:
Ionic size ∝

(1)          Zeff ∝

Atomic size

for same element order of size is

More the Zeff smaller is the size.
Anion > Neutral atom > cation

195. Answer: C 196. Answer: B

Due to Zeff & shielding effect nearly
same so, atomic size is same.
From Top to bottom in a group atomic
size increase i.e., Sc < Y < La
Ionization energy ∝

Atomic  size

So, on increasing atomic size ionisation

energy decrease.
Therefore, the correct answer is (B).
197. Answer: B 198. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Electron affinity: The amount of energy Configuration of the element after
released when an electron is added to removal of one electron:–
the outermost shell of one mole of an
isolated gaseous atom in its lower IE1                                                IE2
energy state. (A) 1s2 2s2 2p6      (A) 1s2  2s2  2p5
Ionisation energy: Minimum energy (B) 1s2 2s2 2p4      (B) 1s2 2s2 2p3
required to remove most loosly held
outer most shell e – in ground state (C) 1s2                   (C) 1s1
from an isolated gaseous atom is known
(D) 1s2 2s2 2p3      (D) 1s2 2s2 2p6
as ionisation potential.
From the option (C) greatest energy
EN = IP  +  EA

involve to removal of 2nd electron due
IP = 2X−Y to  it has attain noble gas configuration.
Therefore lots of energy require for 2nd
Therefore the correct answer is (B) ionization  energy
Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
199. Answer: B 200. Answer: C
Sol: Sol:
Electron affinity: Energy released by  The electron affinity of an atom or
addition of an electron  to an isolated molecule is defined as the amount of
gaseous element. energy released when an electron is
added to an atom to form a negative
7N ; 1S2 2S2 2P3 Half filled configuration ion.
2 2 4 So, Electron affinity for both O2– and S2–
8O : 1S 2S 2P are less than zero.
6C : 1S1 2S2 2P2 Therefore, the correct answer is (C)
1 2 1
5B : 1S 2S 2P
Therefore N- has least electron affinity.
Therefore the correct answer is (B)

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