BSDS 206 Assignment 1 March 2022

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PROGRAMME Bachelor Of Science Honours In Development Studies (BSCHDS) INTAK E: 20



CONTACT TELEPHONE/CELL: 0773433148 ID. NO.: 23-068706 E 23




ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Examine the claim that concept development communication has to be
understood from the interplay that exists between the development initiatives and centrality of
communication in facilitating such development ventures.


Marks will be awarded for good presentation and thoroughness in your approach.
NO marks will be awarded for the entire assignment if any part of it is found to be copied directly from printed materials or
from another student.
Complete this cover and attach it to your assignment. Insert your scanned signature.

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 I understand what is meant by plagiarism
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 This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works of
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SIGNATURE: DATE: _______________________________________
Issue Date: 3 October 2013 Revision 0
Examine is to weigh the different between two sides to give the advantages and disadvantages of
a given question.

Development communication is the combination of communication and development process. It

is how communication enables development process or initiatives.

According to Quebral in Nair (1993) defines development communication as the art and science
of human communication applied to the speedy transformation communication of the country
from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater economic and
social equality to the large fulfilment of the human potential.

Development initiatives /ventures, this are refers to plans, projects or policies which is used
when used to drive them to development communication like when communication is driving to
business it is called a communication business

According to Sen (1992) and Mbeki (1996 UNDP, 2001) define development as the process of
achieving sustainable economic growth leading to a state of economic development
characterized by improvement in the living standards of a country’s citizens and enjoyment of
fundamental freedoms that include freedom from poverty or lack freedom of choice and freedom
from the dictates of others and the state.

Development communication is therefore oriented and design to facilitate the development

process, empower communities to actively participate in development ventures. For instance,
skills and disposing development, build consensus among different interests and stakeholders to
ensure social justice by mainstreaming the marginalized groups, build a commune vision and
strategy for development and resolve conflict.

Aneto, Onabajo and Osiyesi (2012) posits that, communication an exchange of meaning each
participant comes into the communication situation with his or her own experience that he or she
hopes to exchange with other participants. This approach o conceptualizations of communication
is collaborated by Pro, Umar Pate and DR, Sharafa Dauda (2015) when they expressed said, it is
asocial process that facilitates exchange of ideas and feelings among and between individuals in
societies, they added that, communication takes place at multiple levels and in different form but
all with the goal of transferring meaning from a source to intended receiver with a hope of

Development communication is a catalyst for social change and development. The question
needs the writer to explore the link between development and communication, alternatively the
role that communication plays to the success of development initiatives such as plans, policies,
information, equity, projects and other development. These are all critical in development
initiatives, which is also critical in developing further communication capacity leading to
mutually reinforcing cycle between them.

Information empowers both men and women to think critically to make informed choices to
control their lives and to find lasting solution to obstacles that stand in the way of their desire for
improvement in material conditions. According to Libertarian and Libertarian perspective since
the purpose of development is assumed to be social and economic. The development
communication process must support these goals. Therefore development communication is not
mere massage rather emancipatory communication that will free people to determine their own
futures by including everyone to actively participating in the process, and social equality is
attained for the benefit of all who live in society.

Development perspective that views development communication as a consensus building

process designed to overcome resistance to development innervation. Consensus building also
known as collaborative problem solving or collaboration is a conflict resolution process used
mainly to settle complex, multiparty disputes. The process allows various stakeholders to work
together to develop a mutually acceptable solution based on the principles of participation and
ownership of discussions.

Development communication therefore focuses on bringing everyone on board the development

process in order n order to promote a common vision or strategy and national integration for the
common good. It emphasizes community orientation contextual interactions self-management
and self-reliance the people’s right to participate in planning, implementation and decision
making also indigenous knowledge. Development communication therefore is the center pivot
for success of development initiatives/ventures, development plans, projects and development
However there is a link between communication and development that will also link to
development initiatives/ ventures. Communications are society and civilization, nervous system
is to man. Communication is an input in development of communication system and
infrastructure is a product of the level of economic development. Therefore, communication is
both an instrument and a product of development and technological advancement.
Communication is a resources for empowerment of the individuals and communities an essential
element in modernization societies, a critical tool for democratizing societies.

It is an essential bridge for the transfer of technology in all ways must therefore be regarded as a
vital input in development. Communication contributes to development in various ways that
include, community social and political mobilization like economic empowerment
communication strategies, Ghana government PR program, Rwanda government PR program,
Ministry of Publicity, Information and Broadcasting in both developed and developing countries

Coordination and integration of the activities and efforts of all stakeholders, multi-agency
network, and multi stakeholder approach are an imperative in success of development
interventions its success rests on the effective communication between and among the different
players for example, disaster management, environmental management community health
initiatives and others.

Democratic governance informed citizens better able to demand transparency and accountability
from elected and appointed public officials. Information is also the basis for the effective
participation of citizens in the political governance and public affairs of society. ICTs and social
media have proved pivotal in this regard. ICT helps in development of communication, many
people around globally it is a better way of communication from one person to another.

Information is also a critical means of development communication of rendering accountable

their elected representatives and others in authority over them, an informed public can only be
built on an unrestricted and credible flow of information that makes available constructing views
and does not stifle dissent.

Fostering and deepening innovation in society promotes adoption of new ways of thinking, new
innovations and technologies and new idea of doing things like projects of the youth, civic
education that may end promote the development initiative or ventures as interplay in education
and success of the economy in the country to sustain a better development.

Moreover media is the best development communication that helps the literacy people around.
Through radios or television many people who are literacy may able to learn and communicate
through pictures and voices. This may be helps them to be aware and able to participating in
development initiatives. Some of different policies are important to participate and making plans
for the future. It is imperative for people to supporting each other, work together to achieve the

Conflict prevention, management and resolution communication and informative sharing are
important vehicles for resolving misunderstanding that result in conflict and in finding lasting
solutions to existing conflicts. Conflicts in society if not well managed, may have detriment
effects on social economic and political progress in society.

The success of development intervention plans, policies and programmes which development
practitioners have responsibility and accountability for depends on effective communication and
the communication competency and versatility of the development practitioners designing,
implementing, monitoring and evaluating them. Development communication is the lifeblood of
the process. Hence development students and practitioners of development should be
intercultural communication and barriers thereof, basically means communication across
different cultural boundaries.

This means that, when two or more people with different cultural backgrounds interact or
communicate with each other or one another intercultural said to have taken place. For instance,
communication between Shona and Ndebele cultural group is intercultural communication
because it occurs across cultural boundaries. Allwood (1985) defined intercultural
communication as the sharing of information of different levels of awareness and control
between people with different cultural backgrounds.

There are barriers to intercultural communication, language barriers, which are effected by
verbal forms of communication. For instance, there’s opportunity for miscommunication
between two or more parties due to different languages spoken. Other barriers that contribute to
miscommunication would be the type of word chosen in conservation. Due to different cultures
there are different meaning in vocabulary chosen this allows for a massage between the sender
and receiver to be misconstrued.

However, the concept of development communication support, since communication are prime
resource for development and national integration. Development support communication is a
multi-sectorial process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions in
pursuit of development and national ensures that the donor community is kept
constantly aware of the achievement and constraints of development efforts in the field.

The development communication support facilitates planning and designing of development

intervention all plans, projects and policies. It facilitates the smooth implementation, monitoring
and evaluation of development innervations. Everything should be work on stages so that
become with good results. Fist the plan always should be consider to avoid other expenses
which affect the process, it needs monitoring again such that everything will move in the same
truck. Evaluation is needed to be done in every project to make sure that everything is on truck.

The concept of development support communication has gained currency in recent years; it links
planers beneficiaries and implementers action including the donor community. These groups
where there to support people in their projects through finance and other issues that needed to be
solved promptly. It also ensures that the donor community is kept constantly aware of
achievement and constraint of development efforts in the field. All these development
communication support may promote development initiatives to people and sustain a better
country by playing such roles.

Moreover, mass media is also an interplay that exists between the development initiatives and
centrality of communication in facilitating such development ventures. Mass communication can
be defined as a massage communicated through a mass medium to a large number of people. It
includes such entitles as newspapers radio and televisions. Mass communication is argued to be
one of the three basic types of human communication, the other two being interpersonal and
interpersonal communication discussed earlier on as Bittner (1986) has further argued mass
communication involved from the fundamental process of communication like exchanging
messages through verbal and written symbols. Technology increased the efficiency of mass
communication so that today the process can send messages around the world and into space.
Mass mobilization to participate in development initiatives, mainstreaming marginalized into
development and governance process. It is also a strong instrument for advocacy through
campaigning in different workshops and education centres whereby people were being educated
to gain some knowledge and improving their living standard of people. Civic education and
empowerment of communities is also a benefit to the youth and other groups for promoting and
protection of human rights.

In addition, the mass media also plays a role in provides platform for engagement such as the
public and policymakers between and among the state, private sector and civil society through
unity of purpose, common vision and integrated approach and strategy for development. It is
interplay for information and dissemination, knowledge is power an informed citizenry is able to
hold public officials accountable and demand of transparency by making informed choices that
have a direct impact on their families. Highlighting to public officials politicians and policy
makers development issues and corners of communities this improve service delivery and
responsiveness of development innervations

Therefore, there are some limitations of mass communication that hinder the development of
communication. For instance, lack of journalist ethics (quality and depth of stories fake news,
half-truths. This may become a big challenge to people things like fake news will end up destroy
the behaviour of a person and also their carrier will be affected. For example musician people
were after them trying to ruin their carrier misleading them through social media and

Another challenge is the coverage and reach of channels used; some areas which are having low
network also affect because the transmission will fail to reach their places. It might a big
challenge to them because they may not able to interact with anything from radios phones and
television. This may reduce their capacity level of education to children also.

In conclusion, communication development should be understood from the interplay that exists
between development initiatives and centrality of communication in facilitating such
development. Firstly communication involves information, transfer dissemination, mass
communication and others. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages that promote
development initiatives. To a large extent the development communication promote development

Aneto, Onabjo and Osiyesi(2012) posits that communication on exchange of meaning each
participant comes into communication situation with his own experience.

Allwood (1985) defined intercultural communication as the sharing of information at different


Bitner (1986) has further argued mass communication involved from fundamental process of

Maholtra.R. C (1980) an alternative strategy for self-sustaining development with focus on

participation by the poor at the local level.

Pro Umar Pate and DR Sharafa Duda (2015) added that communication takes place at multiple
levels and in different form but all with the goal of transferring.

Quebrail in Nair (1993) defines development as the art and science.

Rogers (1976) in his climate of modernization.

Schrum (1946) concerned with Learna and argue that modernization of industrial and agriculture
sector in development.

Sen (1992) and Mbeki (1996 UNDP, 2001) defines development as the process of achieving

Sigh. R (1993) communication and technology for rural development in new Dehili. R.
publishing (mass media).

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