Next Word - Game Level 8 Game Rules Preparing To Play

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Level 8

Game rules

Preparing to play

In order to play this game, there must be two teams. They must choose a name for their

Rosco English Version

Word by word

Each team is going to take its turn. They are given 90 seconds to mention all the words
containing two letters. The number of final score equals the number of correct words.

Words containing A and O

1. R A D I O

You turn this on to listen to the temperature early in the morning.

2. A L O H A

People in Hawaii say this word to say hello.

3. A L C O H O L

If the following day you fell hangover is because the previous night you drank lots of …

4. B O A T

When everybody is in the same situation, you say ‘we are all in the same …’

5. G O A L

You can score it in football or you can set this to achieve something.

6. A L O N E

You’ve never dated anyone, so that’s why you think you will be forever…

7. C A R O L

It is a Christmas song or the name of a woman.

8. W O M A N

Lenny Kravitz asks this American … to stay away from him.

9. T O A S T
In Spanish we would literally say ‘we’re in the oven’ when we mean we are in trouble but in
English we would say we’re …

10. W A L D O

The guy in a stripped white and red t-shirt who is really difficult to spot in books.

11. R A Z O R

This is used by men to shave their beards and by women to shave their legs.

12. T A N G O

The famous saying goes ‘It takes two to this’ or it’s also a popular dance in Argentina.

13. P O T A T O

There are lots of people who are coach … or you can also have it in a salad with eggs.

14. S L O G A N S

‘Just Do it’ and ‘Have a break, have a Kit Kat’ are examples of …..

15. O A S I S

You can find this in deserts and it’s also the name of the band that signs Wonderwall.

Words containing E and A

1. A R T I S T S

What do Beyonce and Bruno Mars have in common? They are music …

2. A I R

On Valentines’ Day, we can feel this is in the air and you also need it to breath.

3. N A I L S

You usually bite them because as a bad habit and others when they nervously await

4. B A S I S

If you do something every day, it means you do it on a daily….

5. S P A N I S H

It’s the world’s second most-spoken language after Chinese Mandarin and the origin of paella.

6. F R I D A Y
The Cure says that on this day of the week, he’s in love

7. F A S T I N G

It’s pretty sure if you’re asked to do 8 hours of this, then you will want to eat everything up

8. A F F A I R

When two famous people say we’re only friends, it’s for sure they’re lying about it.

9. O L I V I A

It’s the name of a famous Hollywood actress surnamed Wilde and also the name of Popeye’s

10. A L I B A B A

It’s a Chinese e-commerce company and it’s also with the 40 thieves.

11. L I B R A

Kim Kardashian, Will Smith and Michael Douglas share this astrological sign.

12. V A R N I S H

We put a layer of this see-through substance on the wood to make it shine and protect it from
the sun.

13. C H A I N S

It’s a group of links intertwined and it’s also a company with branches.

14. L I A N A

It’s Tarzan’s means of transport.

15. NA I L

Pablito nailed a what?

The hint

Students are given several hints about a movie, a character, or anything like that and they
must guess it. It isn’t timed.

Gist: You know him.

He was a priest.

He was jailed and executed because he went against the orders of Emperor Claudius II.

He is represented in pictures with birds and roses.

We commemorate his death on the 14th of February.

He is the Patron Saint of Love.

Gist: You know this place.

All its beaches are man-made.

It could have been home to the Eiffel Tower.

It is among the world’s most bike-friendly cities.

It has the largest football stadium in Europe.

There is an iconic but still unfinished cathedral which has been under construction since 1882.

Crosswords: one point each one

Who said this?

“I only know that I know nothing” – Socrates

“I think, therefore I am” – Descartes

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” – Ghandi

“If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney

"Make love not war" – John Lennon

“Every day we know more and understand less” – Einstein

“To err is human, but to persevere in error is only the act of a fool." – Cicero

“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.” – Neruda

“Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan” – Kennedy

Complete the idioms in English

A bird in hand is worth two in the … - BUSH

Actions speak louder than… WORDS

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single… STEP

All that glitters is not… GOLD

An apple a day keeps the doctor… AWAY

Barking dogs seldom… BITE

Beauty is in the eye of the… BEHOLDER

Beggars can’t be… CHOOSERS.

Better late than… NEVER

Stop: 75 seconds

We’re going to start with the first member in team; if he makes a mistake or says the correct
answer, the next turn is the next member’s. The categories that cannot be fulfilled are going to
be left for the end of the game when you’ve completed the other categories.

Female name Movie Color Meals or food


Male name Music band City Bathroom



A: arrive

To reach your destination, to finally happen

B: bottle

Popular kissing game requires player to spin this

C: contest

Competition between two or more people for a prize

D: dynasty

Line of rulers from the same family

E: emergency
Something urgent, rapid, state of…

F: fabric

Material used to make clothing

G: grammar

The system and structure of a language, usually consisting of syntax and morphology and
sometimes phonology and semantics

H: healthy

Being in good physical and mental condition

I: inflation

Increase in prices; reduction in purchasing power

J: justice

A fair behavior or treatment

K: kimono

A long robe with wide sleeves traditionally worn by the Japanese

L: lazy

Unwilling to work or use energy

M: Milkyway

Galaxy that contains our system

N: Nicotine

Chemical in tobacco, incredibly addictive

O: ophthalmologist

physician specializing in the eye

P: powerful

Antonym of weak and helpless

Q: quarter

One fourth of a year; three months

R: reduce

To bring down to a smaller size, number, etc.

S: solarium

A glass-enclosed room to allow in sunlighy

T: telescope

Optical object used to view items in space

U: update

A new version, new information, latest items

V: verdict

The decision made by the jury at a trial

W: waterproof

Impervious to or unaffected by water.

X: x-ray

A photon of electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength, and very high energy.

Y: youth

The time of life between childhood and maturity

Z: zombie

A person held to resemble the so-called walking dead

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