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Nome: MA CARLIN N- fABAIOG Cove: MAEM Dale ef txominetion® July 4, 2600 Mathods of Research T. Identify the felleving Elements of A Thesis 1! Ggniticonce of the Lhiely 2 Acknow edgement + Table of Contents + Hypothesis $. Theoretical background &. Mcthedolegy F References $ a bb Review of related brerature Statement of the Pablem - Scope and limitations W. Bessy 4. Discuss brietly the receatch chages thet could be found in a Whesig that ig based on tmpitical cata A research that is based cn empirical data is a kind of research thal colects data Using wiclnce that ig collected through obseryation or experience or by using calibrated ScenFific Instruments. This Kind of research has q sptematic pecess, that Slay with olsteyation where the empirical data aro grthured Fooagh quantitaHve or qpalitotiye methods, then, based on observation , the fesearcher use induchys feasoning tb pasibly arriye toa conchtsion by Giving general asewimp hen. Then Fesearcher Senetatts hypothesis by appling logic and ie | Ferbinw chen of Test Hl. ESAT See Then testing comes after, UOert the researcher uses Systematic ‘mis: 9 " iy ta, IMesti gehen Then evaluation 6 dhe final shagy where the CeStarches OvHines the data and the research findings mE Explain the common errves in cata gathering: Coma data uven caters orrund fhe matheds used * There ches be 4 corehl selection of method that fits b fhe rucarch alesign: When DANA fh Acta Is arather t Hack ond acunracy 11 Measurement cmbabontes o let i ANeiding data errors 4 G+ Give Some actyantages ond disadvantages Hf Survey method Suryey methods has a number } advantages To mtnken, IS €asy tr adminisher and Can be Acselped in les tine, cosh - ond con be administwed remoldy. H has the capabilay of col data fom alorge number Of respondents and it hag brad & of doiq alcekm methods. Above al H con be fre fam Se types of ers While fen of THe disadvantages includes , accurac, of respmses «The ancwer ephins toy {tad te deta ond respondents have 4 fessbilly of being wnreapen 4, Differentiate 4he prabitty Sanpiag Probability stompling We a technique sea bs wheres he chovces a corlaingacomple fx Use a method based Je dere for 0 part ample snyployed EA Do the Haree strabegies “by the feachers effeadye? B Dee He me Heinen Hoe: Meee feasting Sealegics ntleycA by fie feahas The free Srategics employed by the feacken are mat effeciy c 1 Tat ld be hia Het yc > pac ga hen, om edween cliabctes NV x Sucen Aabeter % Hap 1. Contra, of Test J, ve # . - al chan bei Non prbabitnyy sampling witqual cheacasol ena included Ig He dangle Cotnncen) “Tt refuse the amping Preuss in which fhe samples oft SAketeA bea Apeotie Porfete wk a pee ddtamined basic of Sesion The pare’ 1s pet apmpertion of the population and thers 1S Wo System jn) selecting the Cample- The secon depends upon fie Shtation No assneana is given that each Tem has a chana of being included os a Sample There Le BA agsumphion thet Here if ay olen aLichibnkm of chavadthiches witin HH poprlabin , bebiving fick ary Sanple url be repre ental

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