S1, 1. The Old Pillars of New Retailing

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f ^^ % i^ f Leonard L. Berry

Lookingfor the silver bullet that
will solve your retailing woes?
It doesn't exist The best retailers
lay a foundation for success by
creating customer value in a
handful of fundamental ways.


newspaper knows that the retail-
ing world is brutally competitive. The
demise of Montgomery Ward in the
realm of bricks and mortar as well as
the struggles of eToys on-line - to choose
only two recent examples - make it clear
that no retailer can aiford to be com-
placent because of previous successes or
rosy predictions about the future of
E>espite the harsh realities of retailing,
the illusion persists that magical tools,
like Harry Potter's wand, can help com-
panies overcome the problems of fickle
consumers, price-slashing competitors,

APRIL 2001 131

BEST P R A C T I C E - The Old Pillars of New R e t a i l i n g

Today's shoppers want the total customer experience: superior But the truth of the interviews with senior and middle man-
solutions to their needs, respect, an emotional connection, matter is, there are no agers and frontline employees, observa-
fair prices, and convenience. Offering four out of the five pillars quick fixes. Yes, tech- tions of store operations, and extensive
isn't enough; a retailer must offer all of them. nology can help any reviews of published and internal com-
business operate more pany materials. I've found that the best
and mood swings in the economy. The effectively, but many new advances are retailers create value for their customers
wishful thinking holds that retailers will still poorly understood-and in any case, in five interlocking ways. Doing a good
thrive if only they communicate better retailing can't be reduced to tools and job in just three or four of the ways
with customers through e-mail, employ techniques. Over the past eight years, won't cut it; competitors will rush to ex-
hidden cameras to learn how customers I've analyzed dozens of retail compa- ploit weakness in any of the five areas.
make purchase decisions, and analyze nies to understand the underlying dif- If one of the pillars of a successful re-
scanner data to tailor special offers and ferences between outstanding and me- tailing operation is missing, the whole
manage inventory. diocre performers. My research includes edifice is weakened.


The Old Piiiars of New Retaiiing • BEST P R A C T I C E

The key is focusing on the total cus- needs: storage and organization prod- the fuzziest concept of selling solutions.
tomer experience. Whether you're run- ucts. From boxes and trunks to hangers, Department store chains, for example,
ning physical stores, a catalog business, trays, and shelving systems, each store have stumbled in recent years. They lost
an e-commerce site, or a combination of carries up to 12,000 different products. their one-stop shopping advantage by
the three, you have to offer customers The Container Store's core strategy is eliminating many merchandise cate-
superior solutions to their needs, treat the same today as it was in 1978, when gories outside of apparel and house-
them with real respect, and connect the company was founded: to improve wares. And even as they focused on ap-
with them on an emotional level. You customers' lives by giving them more parel, they lost ground both to specialty
also have to set prices fairly and make it time and space. The company accom- retailers that have larger category se-
easy for people to find what they need, plishes this mission well. It starts with lections and to discounters that have
pay for it, and move on. These pillars the selection of merchandise, which lower prices. Finally, they lost their cus-
sound simple on paper, but they are dif- must meet criteria for visibility, accessi- tomer service advantage by employing
ficult to implement in the real world. bility, and versatility. The company's phi- salespeople who often are little more
Taking each one in turn, we'll see how losophy is that its products should allow than poorly trained order takers. As a re-
some retailers have built successful op- people to see what they've stored and sult, these stores do a relatively poor job
erations by attending to these com- get at it easily. The merchandise must of solving customers' problems. That's
monsense ways of dealing with cus- also be versatile enough to accommt>- probably why only 72% of consumers
tomers, and how others have failed to date customers'particular requirements. shopped in department stores in 2000
pay them the attention they require. compared with 85% in 1996.
Store organization is another key in-
gredient of superior solutions at the Clearly, the lesson here is that you
P/7/ar 7; Solve Your Container Store. The merchandise is or- must understand what people need and
Customers' Problems ganized in sections such as kitchen, how you're going tofillthat need better
It has become commonplace for compa- closet, laundry, office, and so on. Many than your competitors. The Container
nies to talk about selling solutions rather products are displayed in several sec- Store has figured this out; many de-
than products or services. But what does tions because they can soUe a variety of partment stores and other struggling re-
this really mean for retailers? Put simply, problems. A sweater box, for example, tailers must go back to the beginning
it means that customers usually shop for can also store office supplies. Plastic and answer these basic questions.
a reason: they have a problem - a need - trash cans can also be used for dog food
and the retailer hopes to provide the so- and recyclables. Individual products are Pillar 2: Treat Customers
lution. It's not enough, tor example, just often combined and sold as a system- with R-e-s-p-e-c-t
to sell high-quality apparel-many re- thus, parents in the store who want to The best retailers show their customers
tailers do that. Focusing on solutions equip their children for summer camp what Aretha Franklin sang about: re-
means employing salespeople who may find a trunk filled with a laundry spect Again, this is absolutely basic, and
know how to help customers find cloth- bag, a toothbrush case, afirst-aidpouch, most retail executives would say that of
ing that fits and flatters, having tailors leakproof bottles, a "critter catcher," and course they treat customers with re-
on staff and at the ready, offering home other items. spect. But it just isn't so.
delivery, and happily placing special or- Great service is another component Everyone has stories to tell about dis-
ders. Every retailer hopes to meet its cus- of the Container Store's ability to solve respectful retailing. You're in an elec-
tomers'pressing needs; some do it much its customers' storage problems. The tronics store, looking for assistance to
better than others. company is very careful about hiring; buy a DVD player or a laptop computer.
The Container Store provides its cus- it patiently waits until it finds just the You spot a couple of employees by their
tomers with superior solutions. The 22- right person for a position. Container uniforms and badges, but they're deep
store chain, based in Dallas, averages Store employees are well trained to in conversation. They glance in your
double-digit annual sales growth by sell- demonstrate how products work and direction but continue to ignore you.
Ing something that absolutely everyone to propose solutions to complex home After awhile, you walk out, never to
organizational problems. They are also return.
Leonard L Berry is Distinguished Pro- treated very well, both in terms of pay Or you're in a discount store, looking
fessor of Marketing and holds the M.B. and in less tangible ways. In fact, the for planters that have been advertised at
Zaie Chair in Retaiiing and Marketing Container Store was ranked the best a low price. You go to the store's garden
Leadership at Texas A&M University in place to work in the country in 1999 and center but cannot find the planters. This
College Station, Texas. He founded Texas 2000 by Fortune magazine. time, you succeed in fiagging down an
A&M's Center for Retailing Studies and A relentless focus on solutions may employee. You ask about the planters,
directed it from 19S2 to 2000. He is the sound simple, but it's not.The Container but she just mumbles "I dunno" and
author of Discovering the Soul of Ser- Store has many imitators, but none have walks away. Frustrated, you go to the
vice (Free Press, 1999). matched it. Many businesses have only customer service desk and ask the clerk

APRIL 2001 133

BEST PRACTICE • The Old Pillars of New Retailing

where you might find the advertised Disrespectful retailing isn't just about bored, on-line and have them shipped either to
planters. He suggests that you try the rude, and unmotivated service workers. that store or to any other address. If a re-
garden center. Once again, you head for Cluttered, poorly organized stores, lack of tum is necessary, customers can bring
the exit signage, and confusing prices all show lack their on-line purchase back to the store.
It's easy to go on. Stories about of respectfor customers. The value of respect often gets little
women trying to buy cars, as everyone more than lip service from retailers.
knows, are enough to make your hair Some companies wait until it's too late
curl. The fact is, disrespectful retailing to put words into action.
is pervasive. In the 2000 Yankelovich
Monitor study of 2,500 consumers, 68% Pillar 3: Connect with Your
of those surveyed agreed with the state- Customers' Emotions
ment that "Most of the time, the service Most retailers understand in principle
people that I deal with for the products that they need to connect emotionally
and services that I buy don't care much with consumers; a good many don't
about me or my needs." know how to (or don't try to) put the
Disrespectful retailing isn't just about principle into practice. Instead, they
bored, rude, and unmotivated service neglect the opportunity to make emo-
workers. Cluttered, poorly organized tional connections and put too much
stores, lack of signage, and confusing emphasis on prices. The promise of low
prices all show lack of respect for cus- prices may appeal to customers'sense of
tomers. reason, but it does not speak to their
The best retailers translate the basic cities like Midland, Texas, and Reno, passions.
concept of respect into a set of practices Nevada. His respect for the customer Many U.S. furniture retailers are
built around people, policies, and place: led him to create stores with spacious guilty of ignoring consumers' emotions.
• They select, prepare, and manage their and comfortable interiors, easy chairs Although the average size of new homes
people to exhibit competence, cour- for relaxing with a book, and Starbucks in the country has grown by 25% since
tesy, and energy when dealing with coffee bars. To this day, he considers his 1980, fumiture accounts for a lower per-
customers. best decision the installation of easy- centage of total U.S. consumer spend-
• They institute policies that emphasize to-find public restrooms in the stores. ing today (1%) than it did in 1980 (1.2%).
fair treatment of customers - regard- As he said in a recent speech, "You work Making consumers wait up to two
less of their age, gender, race, appear- so hard and invest so much to get peo- months to receive their fumiture con-
ance, or size of purchase or account. ple to visit your store, why would you tributes to these poor results. How can
Likewise, their prices, returns policy, want them to have to leave?" consumers get emotionally involved in
and advertising are transparent. Besides the large selection of books, products they know they won't see for
• They create a physical space, both in- the stores also have an active calendar weeks?
side and outside the store, that is care- of author signings, poetry readings, chil- Poor marketing also hurts the indus-
fully designed to value customers' time. dren's events, and book discussion try. Most fumiture stores focus strictly
In 1971, a 30-year-oId entrepreneur groups. Many Bames & Noble super- on price appeals, emphasizing cost sav-
named Len Riggio bought a floundering stores have become a social arena in ings rather than the emotional lift that
Manhattan bookshop called Barnes & which busy consumers-who normally can come from a new look in the home.
Noble. Today, Bames & Noble is the na- rush in and out of other stores-linger. "We don't talk about how easy it can be
tion's largest bookseller, with Hscal 1999 Riggio sees the Internet as much to make your home more attractive,"
sales of $3.3 billion. Respect for the cus- more than a way to deliver books to cus- says Jerry Epperson, an investment
tomer has been at the heart of the com- tomers; it's another opportunity to lis- banker who specializes in the fumiture
pany's rise. ten to them and thus show respect for industry. "All we talk about is 'sale, sale,
Riggio's biggest idea was that books them. He views the store network and sale' and credit terms."
appeal to most everyone, not just to Bamesandnoble.com as portals to each Great retailers reach beyond the
intellectuals, writers, and students In other. Customers can ask salespeople model of the rational consumer and
cosmopolitan cities. Riggio listened to at Internet service counters to search strive to establish feelings of closeness,
prospective customers who wanted big- Barnesandnoble.com for out-of-stock affection, and trust. The opportunity to
ger selections of books, more conve- books, for customer reviews of titles establish such feelings is open to any re-
nient locations, and less intimidating en- that interest them, and for informa- tailer, regardless of the type of business
vironments. He put superstores in all tion about authors, such as other books or the merchandise being sold. Every-
types of communities, from big cities they've published. Customers in a su- one is emotionally connected to some
like Atlanta and Chicago, to smaller perstore can order the books they want retailers-from local businesses such as


T h e O l d P i l l a r s of N e w R e t a i l i n g • B E S T PRACTICE

the wine merchant who always remem- ber of site visits explodes whenever the claimer in its ads that reads: "Prices in
bers what you like; to national compa- company's commercials appear on MTV. this ad may be different froivi the actual
nies like Harley-Davidson, which con- Joumeys works in large part because price at time of purchase. We adjust our
nects people through its Hariey Owners it has created an atmosphere that con- prices daily to the luinbci commodity
Group; to catalog retailer Coldwater nects emotionally with the young peo- market." The discianiier paves the way
Creek, which ships a substitute item to ple it serves. Other retailers should bear for the retailei to raise its prices regard-
customers who need to make retums in mind that it takes more than a room less of the advertised price.
before the original item is sent back. full of products with price tags on them Excellent retailers setk Ui iTiiniiuize
One retailer that has connected espe- to draw people in. or eliminate the payt-hulu^iLdl ct»sb as-
cialiy well with its target market in sociated with manipulative pricing. Most
recent years is Journeys, a Nashville, Pillar 4: Set the Fairest of these retailers fulltiw the principles of
Tennessee-based chain of shoe stores (Not the Lowest) Prices "everyday fair pricing" iiiatcad ot "every-
located primarily in shopping malls. The Prices are about more than the actual day low pricing." A fact ut retail life is
chain focuses on selling footwear to dollars involved. If customers suspect that no retailer, not eveii wal Mai I, can
young men and women between the that the retailer isn't playing fair, prices truthfuliyproiiiiscLustuinci-.thaiil Will
ages of 15 and 25. Started in 1987, Jour- can also carry a psychological cost. Po- always have the lowest prices. An un-
neys didn't take off until i995 when new tential buyers will not feel comfortable comfortable truth fur many retailers is
management took over. The chain has making purchases ifthey fear that prices that their'iuwest price anywhere" posi-
achieved double-digit comparable-store might be 30% lower next week, or if cer- tioning is a crutch for the lack of value-
sales increases in five of the six years tain charges have only been estimated, adding innovation. Price is the only rea-
since then and is now expanding by as or ifthey are unsure whether an adver- son they give customers to care.
many as 100 new stores per year. tised sale price represents a genuine Retailers can implement a fair-pric-
Journeys has penetrated the skepti- markdown. ing strategy by dealing two hurdles.
cism and fickleness that are characteris- Consider some of the pricing tactics First, they must make the cultuial and
tic of many teens. By keeping afingeron commonly used by certain home im- strategic traiisition from thinkiiig value
the pulse of its target market, the com- provement retailers. One well-known equals price to realizing that vaiue is
pany consistently has the right brands company advertises products as"special the total customer experience Second,
available for this especially brand-con- buys" even though it has not lowered they must understand the principles of
scious group of consumers. Equally im- the regular prices. Another purposely fair pricing and muster the courage
portant, it creates the right store atmo- misrepresents a competitor's prices on needed to put them into practice. Re-
sphere-the stores pulsate with music, price-comparison signs within its stores. tailers who price fairly sell iiiost goods at
video, color, and brand merchandising. Still another company promotes lower- regular but competitive prices and hold
A Journeys store is both welcoming grade merchandise implying that it is legitimate sales promotions. 1 hey make
and authentic to young people; it is top quality. One retailer puts a dis- it easy to compare their prices with
simultaneously energetic and laid-back. those of competitors, and they avoid
Journeys' employees are typically hidden charges. They don't raise prices
young-the average age ofa store man- to take advantage of temporary blips in
ager is about 25-and they dress as they demand, and they stand behind the
please. Customers frequently visit a products they sell.
store in groups just to hang out; sales- Zane's Cycles in Bianford, Connecti-
people exert no pressure to buy. And cut, is one of the most successful inde-
everyone, whether they've made a pur- pendent bicycle retailers in the United
chase or not, usually leaves with a give- States. Zane's has giuwn its oiie-store
away-for instance, a key chain, a com- business at least 20% every year since it
pact-disc case, a promotional T-shirt, or was founded in 1981, selling 4,250 bicy-
one of the 10 million or so stickers the cles in 2tx>o along with a tull aria> ot ac-
stores give out over the course of a year. cessories. The company's success illus-
The stickers, which usually feature one trates the appeal of fair pricing.
of the brands Journeys sells, often end Zane's sells better bike biands with
up on backpacks, skateboards, school prices starting at $250. It stands behind
lockers, or bathr(K)m mirrors. Joumeys Constiint saics, iiiiukdowns on overinflated what it sells with a 30-day test-drive offer
also publishes a bimonthly magazine. prices, and other forms of pressure pricing (customers can return a bike withiii 30
Dig, that is available in the stores, and it may boost sales in the short term. But win- days and exchange it for another) and
runs a Web site that seeks to replicate a 90-day price protection gUdidntee {if a
ning customers' trust through fair pricing
the atmosphere of its stores. The num- buyer finds the same bike in U'
will pay off in the long term.

APRIL 2001 135

BEST PRACTICE • T h e O l d P i l l a r s o f New R e t a i l i n g

at a lower price within 90 days, Zane's

will refund the difference plus io%).
Zane's also offers free lifetime service
Are Your Retailing Pillars Solid-
on all new bicycles it sells; it was likely
the first bicycle retailer in the United
or Crumbling?
States to take this step. The promise of
lifetime service includes annual tune- Inferior Retailers... Superior Retailers...
ups, brake and gear adjustments, wheel gatber products, stack tbem consider what people really
straightening, and more. .0 on shelves, put price tags need and bow tbey can meet
Zane's holds only one promotional on tbem, and wonder where tbat particular need better
sale a year, a three-day spring weekend C^
tbeir customers are. than competitors can.
event featuring discounts on all prod-
ucts. Vendors and former employees are staffed by people wbo actually train and manage
come to work at the huge event-some don't know what customers the salespeople they hire
even fly in to participate. Customers want and aren't about to so tbat tbey are courteous.
who purchase a bicycle at Zane's within interrupt their conversations energetic, and belpful to
90 days before the sale are encouraged to find out. customers.
to retum during the event for a refund
based on the discounted price of their act as iftheir customers are recognize that everytbing
bike. The company refunded about c: Spock-like Vulcans who make about a retail experience
$3,000 during the 2000 sale, but most of purchases solely according sends a message to cus-
that money remained in the store be- to cold logic. tomers that goes to the
cause customers bought more gear. heart, not just the brain.
Zane's sold 560 bicycles during the 2000
sale-that's more than the typical one- focus exclusively on their focus on having fair prices
store U.S. bicycle retailer sells in an en- supposed low prices, often instead of playing mind
tire year. And yet the limited duration of because they bave notbing games with "special offers,"
the sale means that Zane's sells about else ofvalue to offer fine print, and bogus sales.
85% of its bicycles at the regular price. customers.
When Connecticut passed a bike-hel-
met law in 1992, Zane's sold helmets to are open for business when understand that people's
kids at cost rather than take advantage it's convenient for tbem. most precious commodily
of legislated demand. Owner Chris Zane close checkout lanes wben in the modern world is
convinced area school administrators to <u it's convenient for them, de- time and do everything they
distribute flyers to students under 12 an- liver products wben it's con- can to save as much of it as
nouncing that policy. "We sold a ton of venient for tbem, and so on. possible for their customers.
helmets and made a lot of new friends i
for the store," Zane says. "Our customers
trust us. They come in and say, 'I am
here to get a bike. What do 1 need?'They myriad ways, from confusing store lay- this time but find another store next
have confidence in our ability to find outs to inefficient checkout operations time. Studies by America's Research
them just the right bike at a fair price to inconvenient hours of business. Group, a consumer research company
and to stand behind what we seil." When shopping is inconvenient, the based in Charleston, South Carolina,
Constant sales, markdowns on over- value ofa retailer's offerings plummets. indicate that 83% of women and 91% of
inflated prices, and other forms of pres- Slow checkout is particularly annoy- men bave ceased shopping at a particu-
sure pricing may boost sales in the short ing to busy people. Managers usually lar store because of long checkout lines.
term. Winning customers' trust through know how much money they are saving To compete most effectively, retailers
fair pricing will pay off in the long term. by closing a checkout lane; but they may must offer convenience in four ways.
not realize how many customers they've They must offer convenient retail loca-
Pillar 5: Save Your lost in the process. For a food shopper tions and operating hours and be easily
Customers'Time waiting behind six other customers in available by telephone and the Internet
Many consumers are poor in at least the "10 Items or Fewer" lane to buy a car- (access convenience). They must make it
one respect: they lack time. Retailers ton of milk, the time invested in the pur- easy for consumers to identify and select
often contribute to the problem by chase may outweigh the value of the desired products (search convenience).
wasting consumers' time and energy in milk. The shopper may follow through They need to make it possible for people


to get the products they want by main- on the total shopping experience rather
taining a high rate of in-stock items and than on having the lowest prices. Shop-
by delivering store, Internet, or catalog ping speed and ease combined with
orders swiftly (possession convenience). a pleasant store atmosphere, a well-
And they need to let consumers com- trained staff, and a carefully selected
plete or amend transactions quickly and range of merchandise creates a strong
easily (transaction convenience). mix of customer value.
ShopKo, a discount chain based in While ShopKo creates real conve-
Green Bay, Wisconsin, illustrates how nience for its customers, the term is
shopping speed and ease can create often used carelessly in retailing. Con-
value. ShopKo's more than i6o large dis- sider that Internet shopping is com-
count stores operate in 19 midwestern, monly referred to as convenient. The
mountain, and northwestern states; 80% Internet does indeed offer superior con-
of the customer base is working women. venience for some stages of the shop-
With fiscal 1999 sales of $3.9 billion (in- ping experience; it is inferior for other
cluding its small-market subsidiary, stages. On-line shoppers who save a trip
Pamida), ShopKo is much smaller than to a physical store must wait for deliv-
Wal-Mart, Kmart, or Target, yet it com- ery. Christmas shoppers who receive
petes successfully against all three. Since gifts ordered on-line after the holiday
i995,following the arrival of new man- learn a lesson about possession incon-
agement a year earlier, ShopKo has venience. This is one reason that the
more than doubled sales and achieved most promising path for most retailers
record earnings growth. is a strategy that combines physical and
ShopKo takes possession convenience virtual stores. Increasingly, the best-
seriously and is in-stock 98% of the time managed retailers will enable customers
on advertised and basic merchandise. to take advantage of the most effective
Search convenience is another strength. features of physical and virtual shop-
ShopKo stores are remarkably clean and ping, even for the same transaction.
neat Major traffic aisles are free of pas-
sage-blocking displays. Customers near Retail competition has never been more
the front of the store have clear sight intense or more diverse than it is today.
lines to the back. Navigational signs Yet the companies featured in this arti-
hanging from the ceiling and on the cle, and hundreds of other excellent re-
ends of the aisles help point shoppers in tailers, are thriving. They understand
the right direction. Clothing on a banger that neither technology nor promises of
has a size tag on the hanger neck; folded "the lowest prices anywhere" can sub-
apparel has an adhesive strip indicating stitute for a passionate focus on the total
the size on the front of the garment. customer experience. These retailers
Children's garments have "simple siz- enable customers to solve important
ing"-extra small, small, medium, and problems, capitalize on the power of re-
large - with posted signs educating shop- spectfulness, connect with customers'
pers on how to select the proper size. emotions, emphasize fair pricing, and
ShopKo has a "one-plus-one" check- save customers time and energy. In
out policy of opening another checkout an age that demands instant solutions,
lane whenever two customers are wait- it's not possible to combine those in-
ing in any lane. Ready-to-assemble fur- gredients with Redi-Mix, crank out a
niture is sold on a pull-tag system. The concrete-block building, and hope the
customer presents a coded tag at check- structure will stand. But retailers who
out and within three minutes the boxed thoughtfully and painstakingly erect
merchandise is ready to be delivered to these pillars will have a solid operation
I the customer's car. These ways of oper- that is capable of earning customers'
£ ating give ShopKo an edge in transac- business, trust, and loyalty. ^
^ tion convenience.
Reprint R0104J
I ShopKo is succeeding in the fiercely Toorderrcprints, see the last page
c competitive discount sector by focusing of Executive Summaries.

APRIL 2001 137

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