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CSCR Whitepaper

CSCR Whitepaper


Image courtesy of Global Supplies & Logistics (GSL)

MRO Evolution: Part 1

Overview of Management Practices
and the Role of Outsourcing
April 19, 2016


Steve Tracey
Kusumal Ruamsook

Copyright © 2016 Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR)

Smeal College of Business  The Pennsylvania State University
Phone: +1 814.865.0585  Fax: +1 814.865.5538
CSCR White Paper 2016

CSCR Whitepaper 2014

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Inherent Complexities of MRO Management ..................................................................................... 4
The Quandary of Traditional MRO Management Practices ............................................................. 7
Towards Integrated MRO Management .............................................................................................10
The Changing Landscape of Third-Party MRO Service Providers................................................. 15
Closing Remarks ..................................................................................................................................... 17
References ............................................................................................................................................... 19

List of Figure and Table

Figure 1MRO Value Chain ...................................................................................................................6

Table 1 Key Characteristics of Traditional and Integrated MRO Management Approaches
.................................................................................................................................................................... 12

About Our Research

MRO that has long been viewed as low-

impact, low-dollar expenditures is
increasingly recognized as an opportunity
for the indirect value chain to lower costs
and enable operational performance.
Leading companies are now shifting away
from the back-office management
mentality to integrated MRO management
that facilitates operational excellence, while
optimizing total cost of ownerships. This
research aims to shed lights on the current
state of this MRO management evolution,
and management approaches implemented
across various activities in the MRO value

In the part I of the MRO evolution

whitepaper series, insights drawn from
literature and interviews with MRO and
indirect spend subject matter experts are
presented in terms of how MRO
management practices are evolving, and
the changing landscape of third-party
service providers amid this development.

Image courtesy of Oceaneering

M ROs are at the heart of the

indirect supply chain and play
an important role in enabling
business professionals to impact enterprise
as a percentage of total indirect spend at 3–
12 percent, depending on the industry.

MRO process-related costs are

disproportionally high in relation to
goals such as reliable manufacturing
processes (e.g. low plant downtime and high piece prices.
operation productivity), better Looking beyond piece prices into total cost
management of their asset base, risk of ownerships, about 25–40 percent of the
mitigation, cost reduction, and value total cost for most MRO items and services
creation [1]. A number of trends contribute pertains to the acquisition costs, while the
to the importance of effective MRO other 60–75 percent comprises operating,
management. training, maintenance, warehousing,
environmental, quality, transportation
MRO spend as a percentage of overall costs, and the cost to salvage the products
material spend is growing. (if any) [3]. The high acquisition costs are,
The MRO category has steadily grown to to the large extent, a result of MRO’s highly
account for a larger percentage of total transactional procurement processes.
procurement expenditure as we observe Indeed, for MRO spend that typically
continued increases in automation and represents about 15–20 percent of a
complexity of capital equipment that company’s purchasing activity by value, it
necessitate a higher degree of repairs and could make up 70–90 percent of purchase
maintenance. For a standard organization, order volume [4].
MRO spend is estimated to represent nearly
10 percent of total procurement spend. The MRO management has significant
manufacturing, consumer packaged goods impacts on operational performance.
(CPG), and retail industries that tend to MRO supply chain performance and the
have a higher degree of MRO spend reliability of associated assets is critical
compared to other industries could hold element of operational excellence for asset-
around 15–20 percent of an organization’s intensive companies [5]. Companies with
expenditure [2]. These figures have as poorly managed MROs suffer a host of other
much as doubled compared to those 20
years ago when we saw average MRO costs

1 SDI 2015a; Sutherland and Snowdon 2015b 4 MarginPoint 2014; RS 2014

2 Gupta and Menon 2012; Sen 2014 5 Ferguson 2014
3 Venkatraman 2014

extra costs and inefficiencies beyond its
own spends and acquisition costs.
Significant costs occur due to unnecessary
inventory of unwanted spares, and part
duplication and obsolescence. Meanwhile,
inadequate stock of required spares and
consumables could create supply
disruption, resulting in various indirect
losses, such as additional labor cost due to
unplanned shutdown and/or overtime, and
scraps and defected products. Poorly Inherent Complexities of
managed MROs also create indirect costs
associated with unsuitable use of highly MRO Management
paid maintenance technicians’ time and
Incomplete data, expansive supplier base,
skills in searching parts catalogs, getting
lack of demand visibility, frequent
quotes from suppliers, and tracking
unanticipated purchases, and significant
deliveries rather than in repairs and
excess, obsolete, and dormant inventory—
planned maintenance activities. All of
these are some of common ailments
these costs and inefficiencies drive up
plaguing companies when it comes to MRO.
capital and operating costs [6].
To a certain extent, these challenges are
results of complexities inherent in MRO and
Essentially, the opportunity to
the value chain, notably the wide variety of
realize significant cost savings and
MRO items, sporadic demand, and cross-
operational performance enhancement
boundary spanning processes.
presented by MRO management is
increasingly recognized. Leading
A broad array of SKUs falls under the
companies are shifting away from the back-
MRO category.
office MRO management mentality and
evolving into integrated MRO management Copious number of items fall under MRO
that facilitates operational excellence, category, often including items that are of
while optimizing total cost of ownerships. lower volume and broader variety
compared to the raw materials,
subassemblies and parts that directly go
into a product [7]. MRO items can range
from tooling and spares, MRO material,
safety equipment, facilities management
supplies and office supplies, to name a few
[8]. It is reported that a Fortune 100

6 Donnelly 2013; Sen 2014; Ward 2014 8 Brammer 2010; GEP 2011; MarginPoint 2014; SDI
7 MH&L and Penton n.d. 2015b

manufacturing operation may require MRO management spans across
25,000 to 50,000 unique MRO SKUs that multiple stakeholder groups.
vary greatly in volume and value, many of
which are used only on certain equipment MRO management spans across the ambit
[9]. of MRO value chain as conceptualized in
Figure 1.
MRO demand is sporadic in nature. Key processes of MRO management
consists of identifying, sourcing, procuring,
The MRO demand is sporadic in nature, storing, record keeping, and issuing the
involving low-value, but high-volume items items to support operations activities. MRO
intermingling with high-value, but low- management also pertains coordination of
volume specialized items. Such demand such MRO services as outsourced procure-
characteristics are in contrast to the to-pay (P2P) processes, storeroom
dependent demand for direct materials, operations, inventory management, and
which is finite and well defined through the reliability. The companies’ maintenance
combination of the company’s production strategies, demand planning and
schedule and its bills of material (BOM) [10]. forecasting, IT infrastructure and
The erratic demand patterns of MROs applications, and data governance are part
lead to excess inventory hold to avoid of the strategic MRO processes and support
potential shortages, and purchasing process infrastructure.
that is complex, very time consuming, and Thus, a typical landscape of MRO
highly transactional [11]. To put in stakeholders encompasses sourcing and
perspective, each $1.0 million in MRO spend procurement, engineering, materials
could create approximately 3,500 purchase management, IT, operations, storeroom and
order cycles (issues, receipts, POs, invoices) warehousing, and maintenance and repair
relating to MRO [12]. Consequently, (M&R) [14]. Each of these stakeholder
processing a purchase order, receiving the groups manages MRO according to its own
goods, and paying the invoice to hundreds set of processes, approvals, budgets, and
of suppliers often cost more than the price priorities that often lack harmony as a
of MRO items [13]. whole value chain. For instance, MRO
sourcing and procurement often
emphasizes reducing spend and transaction
costs, compliance, and supplier
performance, rather than on inventory
balances, and asset and operational

9 GEP 2011 12 Krauter 2014

10 MarginPoint 2014 13 Gettinger 2013; MarginPoint 2014
The Manufacturer 2011; RS 2014; SDI 2015b; Ferguson 2014; GEP 2011; Lewis 2015; SDI n.d.;
Sutherland and Snowdon 2015a Vashistha and Srivastava 2011

performance [15]. On the other hand, MRO inventory investment while ensuring that
users like plant engineers and maintenance the correct parts are in inventory and in
staff are typically responsible for workforce service-ready condition [16].
productivity and the execution of an asset
performance management, thus they focus The MRO inherent complexities
on part availability, rather than on notwithstanding, too often, existing MRO
requisition processes and transaction costs. management practices aggravate, rather
Meanwhile, storeroom and warehousing than alleviate, the situation.
managers focus on optimizing MRO

MRO Value Chain

Figure 1

Source: Center for Supply Chain Research

15 Ferguson 2014; Sutherland and Snowdon 2015b 16 Ferguson 2014; Ladner 2014; Venkatraman 2014

The Quandary of
Traditional MRO
Management Practices
Thus far, typical MRO management practices
are characterized by fragmented decisions
made by multiple decision makers who forecasting, and demand management, to
manage MRO independently with little name a few [17].
communication among them. They also rely
on data essential to forecasting and Impacts of decentralized sourcing and
planning that are collected and stored in MRO as non-core category mindset
siloed systems without a unified data
MRO sourcing activities encompass spend
maintenance and governance strategy in
data management to identify and classify
place. Because of this functional silo, none
the MRO spend, strategic sourcing of high
of the involved parties has a full view of
value MRO items, total spend management,
MRO value chain, resulting in management
spot buying, category management, market
practices that is well-intended, but
intelligence, spend and source compliance,
contracting, and vendor management [18].
Moreover, MRO has been viewed and
Traditional management approach of
managed as a non-core category. There are
MRO sourcing tends to be highly decentralized,
limited standardized processes in place to
resulting in situations where sourcing
manage MRO (e.g. how they are purchased,
practices for the same type of supplies often
stocked, consumed, analyzed), limited focus
differ between departments and facilities.
on performance measurement, and limited
MRO is also viewed as a tactical, non-core
investment in both talent and information
category that is managed with limited or no
controlled list of approved vendors. Rather
Repercussions of these traditional
the wide array of MRO items is sourced from
MRO management practices manifest
several different suppliers, often including
themselves in many areas of MRO value
local vendors at each site, and managed at a
chain—substantial MRO procurement
local or site level rather than corporate
process cost (e.g. spot buy, expensive
procurement. Such a fragmented supplier
expedite shipment), duplication of
base of varying pricing practices, delivery
stockholding with working capital being
methods, and customer services makes it
unnecessarily tied up in inventory, and poor
difficult for companies to achieve leveraged
data resulting in ineffective planning and

17 Brammer 2010; GEP 2011; RS 2014; SDI 2015b; 18 Accenture 2013; Gupta and Menon 2012; Wolseley
Terfehr 2009 Industrial Group 2015

pricing, timely delivery, and customer contract, low spend visibility, high degree of
service quality [19]. unaccounted or maverick spend, and a
Moreover, given the non-core disproportionate amount of time and
category mindset, MRO spend analysis and acquisition costs spent for MRO items that
supplier performance evaluation is rarely are of relatively small value. In fact,
performed. The spend analysis typically acquisition cost can account for as much as
involves extracting invoice data from the 25–40 percent of the total cost for most
organizations accounts payable system(s) to items and services [22].
identify MRO suppliers and segment them
by site and category, along with information Impacts of poor master data
gained from supplier performance management and underinvestment in
evaluation (e.g. service and product quality, information systems and technology.
lead-time reliability). Not undertaking these Under the traditional MRO management
examinations, companies with traditional approach, master data management is
MRO operations tend to lack insights into meager because IT resource necessary to
MRO categories that could offer total cost of create a unified data repository is typically
ownership (TCO) savings opportunities, such underutilized or scarcely exists. Instead,
as through supply base rationalization, part critical asset data are collected and stored in
standardization, and shortlisting of siloed systems (like spreadsheets and
approved and controlled suppliers [20]. isolated databases), with no linkages to other
related enterprise business software
Impacts of non-standardized Procure- systems, such as Enterprise Asset
to-pay (P2P) processes, and limited Management (EAM) systems, Enterprise
compliance and spend tracking.
Resource Management (ERP), and
Procure-to-pay (P2P) processes for MRO Computerized Maintenance Management
spend include approvals and requisition Systems (CMMS) [23].
management, compliance management, PO Furthermore, there is poorly defined, or
processing, day-to-day purchasing, catalog no standard classification taxonomy, no common
management, and trouble shooting and format for part numbering, and no data governance
expediting of orders [21]. practices for the creation, use, access, and
Traditional P2P processes for MRO
maintenance of data across the
are, in many cases, characterized by non- organization. In these instances, companies
standardized processes across units, limited struggle with problems of massive
compliance and spend tracking. As a result,
traditional MRO companies have been
enduring low percentage spend under

19 22
Brammer 2010; GEP 2011; Gupta and Menon 2012; Gettinger 2013; Gupta and Menon 2012; Krauter
MarginPoint 2014; SDI 2015b 2014; RS 2014; Venkatraman 2014
20 GEP 2011; Sen 2014 23 Ferguson 2014
21 Gupta and Menon 2012

duplication of records, misclassification, for cost savings, e.g. through the removal of
inconsistency, and inaccuracy [24]. duplicate items, and reduction of excess,
Without unified data repository, slow-moving, obsolete inventory [28].
standardized MRO catalog, and established Moreover, different systems tend to
data governance to create standardized, be used at different plants with no way to
complete, and accurate data, companies are share common information such as types of
unable to accurately read MRO consumption spare parts used and availability at
patterns from an enterprise level, perform individual plants [29]. Nor is there data
KPI analysis and reporting, create accurate governance in place. Thus, most users either
demand forecast and meaningful schedules do not enter the data or enter using basic
for MRO spend, and avoid or reduce free form text on work orders, leaving
unnecessary emergency order and inventory companies without the ability to track
[25]. specific part origin, failures, usage, etc. for
strategic work order planning [30].
Impacts of fusty inventory management Adding further to the conundrum,
practices, inadequate inventory processes for inventory control (e.g. cycle
analysis, and inattention to control counting) and tracking (e.g. when they are
received, stored, and decremented as they
Inventory management and storeroom are used) are not established in storeroom
operations are among key MRO inventory operations. MRO inventory is also very
activities—the former involves inventory rarely measured in terms of inventory on-
analysis and planning, while the latter hand, turns, obsolescence, or usage [31].
entails receiving and handling process The archaic inventory management
definition, inventory guidelines, and practices, inadequate inventory analysis,
warehouse operations [26]. and inattention to control procedures have
Traditional MRO companies tend to long resulted in the lack of MRO inventory
employ fusty inventory management visibility that make it difficult to perform KPI
practices—such as adding all of the analysis, and determine when MRO
manufacturers recommended spare parts materials need to be replenished [32].
list to inventory, and buying in bulk for price As a result, a host of negative
discounts—with limited analysis of MRO symptoms ensue, such as inability to locate
inventory characteristics and requirements parts despite their availability; over
to understand usage patterns, reorder point, consumption as workers consume material
and lead times, etc. [27] Consequently, with little accountability; the practices of
companies missed out on the opportunity

24 Agrawal 2012; Brammer 2010; IHS 2013; Paquin 28 GEP 2015; Ingalls 2015
2014 Ferguson 2014
25 30
Gupta and Menon 2012; IHS 2013; Lewis 2015; Paquin IHS 2013
2014; Smith 2015; Zynapse 2011 31 Donnelly 2013
26 Accenture 2013; Gupta and Menon 2012 32 IHS 2013; MarginPoint 2014
27 GEP 2015; SDI 2015b

“hidden” or “private” inventories; spot buys with the new opportunity to effectuate the
or unplanned purchases for items not set up improvements in the MRO frontiers.
in inventory; lack of plant-to-plant
inventory transfer capability; and both
excess inventory and obsolescence growth
To put the foregoing chaos in
perspective, analysts estimate that 40–60
percent of all MRO inventory in a
manufacturing company is usually excess,
obsolete, or infrequently used critical spare
parts [34]. Equally, another industry
experts’ estimate suggests that MRO
inventories are growing at 9 percent per
year, despite the fact that 55 percent of MRO Towards Integrated MRO
inventories have not moved in the past three Management
years, and 30 percent of MRO inventories
that are currently in stock will never be used Leading companies are shifting to
[35]. integrated MRO management approaches
that see and manage MRO as a value chain.
In summary, companies do not bode well, Emphases are placed on process standardization,
both in terms of costs and operational end-to-end alignment, reliability performance,
impacts, from abiding by the traditional performance evaluation, and data-driven and
MRO management approaches. However, in
intelligent-based decisions and planning.
recent years, faced with rising pressure to
Table 1 highlights characteristics of
cut costs and do more with their existing
management approaches implemented in
resources, increasing number of companies
the seven elements of the MRO value chain
are beginning to view MRO in a new light.
that reflect the key distinctions between
They recognize that, if done right, they can
traditional and integrated management
turn MRO from a headache into an
approaches. Strategic features of note are
operational excellence enabler that
the followings:
contributes to overall revenue and
 Decisions based on return on
profitability. The evolution of more
sophisticated MRO tools and technologies investment (ROI) and total cost of
(e.g. integrated software, analytics, and KPI ownerships (TCO) that consider the
dashboards) further provides companies entire process of procuring and

33 Brammer 2010; Donnelly 2013; Ferguson 2014; GEP 34 GEP 2015

2015; HIS 2013; MarginPoint 2014; Sen 2014 35 IHS 2013

consuming the product or service, rather and category expertise as well as
than just purchase prices [36]. information technology investment to
 Investment in IT infrastructure and enable standardization of processes, data
software solutions that streamlines and/or and intelligence management, and
automates processes, and enables part performance assessment for continuous
rationalization (part data management,
part classification, technical data
enrichment, technical reference guide
creation); parts identification (MRO
catalogue); central data warehouse; decision
supports and business intelligence (advanced
analytics, stock prediction techniques,
inventory segmentation); inventory transfer
capability; and performance measurements
(supplier scorecard, KPI dashboard and
Those possessing the resources and
reporting)—all in a standardized and
management know-how have developed
centralized fashion [37].
MRO management into in-house competitive
 Unified governance policies that
advantages; while others with humbler
provide control over processes and
resources and skill sets have found
methods used in executing MRO activities
outsourcing to a third-party service provider
(procurement, inventory control and to be an attractive solution. In the latter
transfer/allocation, and storeroom cases, the extent of outsourcing varies, with
operations) and in gathering and using data some characterized as piece-meal
(classification taxonomy, part approaches involving sourcing through
numbering format) [38]. aggregators, Vendor-Managed Inventory
 Reliability performance orientation (VMI), and Procure-to-Pay (P2P) outsourcing;
that accentuates proactive maintenance, while others can be described as end-to-end
in-depth analysis of asset reliability, and comprehensive outsourcing that spans
collaboration between maintenance crew across the MRO value chain [40].
and storeroom/warehouse team [39]. In the next section, we highlight the
changing landscape of MRO service
In their endeavors to achieve providers as driven by the role of
integrated MRO management, companies outsourcing in the transition to integrated
require the right talent with MRO process MRO management approach.

36 Varghese 2013; Venkatraman 2014 38 GEP 2015; Supply & Demand Chain Executive 2014
Accenture 2013; Ferguson 2014; GEP 2015; Ismail 39
GEP 2015; Venkatraman 2014; Ward 2014
and Paquin 2013; Paquin 2014; Sikich 2013; 40 Gupta and Menon 2012
Sutherland and Snowdon 2015b; Wolseley Industrial
Group 2015

 Key Characteristics of Traditional and Integrated MRO Management Approaches
Table 1

MRO Value Chain

Traditional Approach Integrated Approach
Management  MRO as non-core category  MRO as enablers of operational performance and
mentality and scope  Business unit/site-specific processes cost efficiency
 End-to-end value chain/enterprise-wide

Requirement  Planning based on limited analysis of inventory  Data-driven, predictive planning based on
planning and characteristics and requirements detailed analysis of inventory characteristics and
 Inventory planning with limited alignment with requirements (e.g. equipment Bill of Material
forecasting maintenance and operation objectives (EBOM), Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) data,
 Heavy reliance on OEM manufacturers for parts the equipment maintenance plan data)
availability  Inventory planning aligned with maintenance
and operation objectives

Sourcing  Price-focused sourcing approaches  Strategic sourcing approach, focusing on total

 Fragmented supplier base of varying pricing cost of ownership
practices, delivery methods, and customer  Optimal supply base with limited and controlled
service list of approved vendors
 Limited or incomprehensive spend analysis and  Strategies devised based on comprehensive spend
supplier performance scorecard analysis, supply segmentation, and supplier
 Limited focus on measuring and monitoring performance scorecard
compliance in the existing MRO processes (e.g.  Large percentage of the MRO spend monitored for
pricing, rogue spend) compliance

Procure-to-pay (P2P)  No standardized processes across individual  Standardized processes across individual
business units and sites business units and sites
 Limited use or standalone use of e-business  Use of e-business tools that are integrated with
tools systems used by storeroom operations, M&R
 Limited order tracking capability, with high operations, and MRO vendors/service providers.
degree of maverick spending  Order tracking capability, with mismatch
resolution and cash reconciliation procedures

MRO Value Chain
Traditional Approach Integrated Approach
Inventory planning  Limited use of inventory segmentation analysis  Inventory deployment and replenishment
(e.g. by consumption rate, ABC, and criticality) strategies devised for different MRO based on
and strategies in devising strategies inventory characteristics and segmentation
 Limited focus on inventory performance analysis
tracking  Use scorecard of performance metrics (e.g. stock-
 Limited plant-to-plant/facility-to-facility out frequency, fulfillment rate, and percent of
inventory transfer capability inactive inventory)
 Balanced focuses on optimizing inventory held at
site, and on standardization of key products and
technologies throughout the plant.
 Plant-to-plant/facility-to-facility inventory
transfer capability

Storeroom  Limited data control on receipt, issue, stock and  Standardized policies and procedures used to
shelf life document material requisitioning, replenishment
 No standard work process; supplies issued in an processes, and inventory ownership
ad-hoc fashion, with little to no accountability,  Standardized work process from item receipt at
tracking of material consumption, and cycle the receiving dock to item issuance to end users
counting  Materials routinely profiled to ensure alignment
 Reactive replenishment strategies, with min- with consumption of key components, and
max approach most commonly used actively checked (cycle counted) to identify
 Limited technology investment discrepancies in inventory levels and correct
 Limited collaboration with M&R operations inventory quantities before items being
 Investment in technology to support storeroom
operations, inventory control, warranty tracking,
and replenishment, while enabling accurate
performance tracking and reporting
 Close collaboration with M&R operations, with
common uses of pre-prepared work order kitting.

MRO Value Chain
Traditional Approach Integrated Approach
Maintenance and  Reactive maintenance methods, typically not  Predictive/Proactive/Reliability centered
based on detailed analysis of failure data or lead maintenance (RCM) based on detailed analysis of
repair (M&R) time consideration both historical information (e.g. prior failures,
operations  Limited collaboration with storeroom usage, wear) and real-time asset condition
operations readings (e.g. vibration analysis, corona
 Close collaboration with storeroom operations

IT infrastructure  Limited investment in MRO data management  Investment in best-in-class MDM system to create
(MDM) technology a single, accurate, and authoritative source of
and software
 Siloed MRO data system with limited information.
solutions integration with existing legacy systems  Investment in IT resources that seamlessly
(ERP/EAM/CMMS), applications, and across establish linkage between the unified master data
individual business units and sites and legacy systems, applications, and across
 Limited use of business intelligence tools individual business units and sites
 Investment in business intelligence tools to
supplement MDM system with analytics, and KPI
tracking and reporting capabilities.

Data management  Decentralized master data management, with  Integrated master data management with
incomprehensive and/or non-unified comprehensive, unified governance model
and governance governance model  Asset data collected and stored in a centralized
 Asset data collected and stored in fragmented data warehouse established as the engine
systems (e.g. spreadsheets and isolated accessible to all business units and sites for data
databases) analysis, performance tracking, and decision
 MRO master catalogs created in siloed systems supports
and without standard taxonomy for item  MRO master catalogs and centralized MRO catalog
description and classification system developed for enterprise-wide use,
leveraging industry-standard taxonomies, tools,
and knowledge bases

players. In fact, large distributors now make
The Changing Landscape as much as $2 billion annually through their
e-procurement platforms [42].
of Third-Party MRO For MRO buyers, distributor
Service Providers integrators allow them to issue a single
purchase order (PO) for many types of
A notable trend amid the evolution towards products, and receive a single invoice from
integrated MRO management is the varieties the integrator for all the services and
of players that emerge under the “MRO products provided. MRO spend, thus, can be
integrator” umbrella of third-party MRO aggregated through a single source, while
(3PMRO) service providers. They can be reducing the complexity of MRO
primarily classified into four categories, procurement and accounting activities [43].
including: (1) distributor integrators, (2)
third-party procurement integrators, (3) Third-Party Procurement Integrators
facility operations and maintenance (O&M)
integrators, and (4) integrated MRO service Third-party procurement integrators act as
providers. We provide brief discussion of aggregated buying agencies on behalf of
these MRO integrators as the followings. their customer, without making or taking
title to MRO items procured. In other words,
Distributor Integrators they represent an outsourced purchasing
function for the industrial end-user,
MRO distributors are evolving as integrators performing the entire process of purchasing
that not only supply their products, but also MRO on the client’s behalf—from ordering
serve as the purchasing agent for other product, managing inventories, and paying
products on behalf of the industrial end for goods. Companies using third-party
user, as well as provide value-added services. procurement integrators expect to see value
[41]. in areas such as: (1) integrated sourcing of
Over the last four years, large multiple product types, (2) reduce overheads
distributors who provide multiple brands in the form of labor, time and related
and categories of MRO items have been procurement expenses, (3) aggregated
increasingly focusing on enabling their buying requirements to achieve lower per-
customers to purchase goods through their piece price in the market, and (4) equivalent
online e-procurement platforms, thus, enabling bulk quantity discounts for smaller order
MRO buyers to consolidate their current sizes [44].
suppliers. Full-line industrial distribution is E-procurement is a key tools used by
becoming the norm among large-scale integrators in this category. They differ

41 Exel 2009; MacInnes and Pearce 2003; 43 Exel 2009; MacInnes and Pearce 2003
Sudalaikannan 2014; Tompkins International 2013 Gupta and Menon 2012; Kant 2012; MacInnes and
42 Tompkins International 2013; Varghese 2015 Pearce 2003; Payne 2011

from traditional B2B MRO marketplace are better spend visibility and faster
players in that their service offerings span payment processes enhancing supplier
beyond basic services (e.g. search a catalog, relationships. Further inventory
find, and buy an MRO product), to include management advantages can also be gained
more advanced and integrated services (e.g. when MRO buyers link inventory levels and
strategic sourcing, contract management, usage to the ordering system of the suppliers
auction and reverse auction services, e- [48].
collaboration, invoice management, supplier
integration, and product visibility) [45]. Facility Operations and Maintenance
Some examples classified by service (O&M) Integrator
orientations are the followings [46]. Facility operations and maintenance (O&M)
 Procurement process automation (e- integrators are service providers that serve
procurement)., asset owners by performing both,, maintenance and stock management., Typically operating under service level,, agreements, O&M integrators are tasked with improving asset availability and
 Inventory management., reliability. Their client base has traditionally been manufacturers or operators of complex
 Volume purchasing. & machines (e.g. commercial airlines or mining equipment) due to millions of dollars
spent each year on spare parts and the
A notable trend in the e-procurement criticality of their uptime. More recently,
space are the move from on-premise solutions to however, distributors are joining their client
base as they are investing heavily in
a cloud-based delivery model where software and
automation and competing on customer
associated data are centrally hosted on the
service (e.g. next-day and same-day
cloud. This new model increases software
delivery)—the high-performance
flexibility without additional investment in
environment where any downtime can be
infrastructure [47].
costly [49].
The use of e-procurement tools
O&M integrators have a distinct
enables MRO buyers to automate the
advantage over most other MRO integrators
complete P2P process, reduce the
in that they address both the demand and
transaction processing costs as well as the
supply characteristics of the asset lifecycle.
need to process multiple PO’s, while
On the demand side, over the past five years,
achieving real-time pricing intelligence. The
improved diagnostic tools have enabled the
other major advantages of automating PO’s

45 47 Varghese 2015
Carmel 2000; MacInnes and Pearce 2003; The
Manufacturer 2011; Varghese 2015 Gupta and Menon 2012; Mascarenhas 2015
46 Carmel 2000 49 Lewis 2015

proliferation of preventive and predictive and better spend visibility), to engineering
maintenance services [50]. On the supply design support, among others [52].
side, VMI approach, including industrial Integrated MRO service providers are
vending, that has become more accurate, evolving to become As-a-Service MRO
automated, and remotely managed to share providers as they continue to drive
in-stock levels, forecasts, and point-of- advancements in technology from on-premise
sale/use data is increasingly deployed [51]. systems to platform as a service (PaaS) and
software as a service solutions (SaaS). This
Integrated MRO Service Providers new commercial model is powered by new
technologies and capabilities, notably better
Unlike the other service providers discussed
analytics and risk management that help the
above that address specific elements within
service providers add value [53].
MRO value chain, integrated MRO service
Concurrently, successful service providers
providers act as third parties who take the
focus on developing a strong supplier base,
needs of the entire organization into account
and close relationships with broad number
and provides an end-to-end solutions of manufacturers from whom they can
pertaining to MRO value chain. Some of leverage the technical expertise when
well-known companies in this category are needed [54].
Strategic Distribution, Inc. (SDI), Storeroom
Solutions, and Wolseley Industrial Group.
Depending on the scope of the
outsourcing agreement, the integrated MRO Closing Remarks
service providers can provide the full range
of MRO management services—from It is widely recognized that companies that
planning and forecasting, sourcing of the have made the shift to an integrated MRO
material, day-to-day transaction processing, approach have been able to capture
logistics services, invoice processing and significant value improvements. For these
payment of suppliers, storeroom solutions, companies, the move permits the capture of
inventory management (VMI, vending economies of scale in procurement, allows
machines), round-the-clock technical spare parts inventory levels and locations to
support, data management, category and be optimized, enables supply chain
product management portfolio, reporting, synchronization to ensure parts are
technology solutions (e.g. for improved available in the right place at the right time,
order and inventory accuracy and tracking, and enables improved visibility into spend,
inventory, and asset performance that

50 53 Pak 2015; SDI 2015b; Snowdon 2015; Sutherland and

MacInnes and Pearce 2003; Witter 2015
Croasdale 2014; Gupta and Menon 2012; Terry 2015 Snowdon 2015a, 2015b
52 Exel 2009; GEP 2011; Haubensak et al. 2011; Lewis 54 Haubensak et al. 2010

2015; Singh 2014; Sudalaikannan 2014; Varghese

2014; Yoo 2012

provides the basis for ongoing continuous management approaches employed, the
improvement of equipment reliability and Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR) at
maintenance performance. Better operation the Smeal College of Business at The
and maintenance capabilities are also Pennsylvania State University, in
achieved as a result of reduction in machine collaboration with the Supply Chain Management
failures and breakdowns, extension of Review (SCMR), conducted an online survey
equipment life, increased equipment during January 29–February 12, 2016.
reliability and increased plant productivity Findings from this survey study will be
[55]. presented in the part II of this MRO
Nonetheless, further understanding evolution whitepaper series.
is required as to how companies embrace in-
house and outsourcing models in their
integration endeavors, or lack thereof. To
gauge the state of MRO evolution and

55 Sikich 2013; Ward 2014

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