Poster Konako TA212201019

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Design Architecture

Anggota : Sarah Alyaa Tsaabitah, Ian Azarya Aryanto, Tobi Fragma,
Pembimbing : Muhammad Ogin Hasanuddin, S.T., M.T

Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae are effective agricultural waste treatment agents, converting waste into
proteinfilled biomass. In the process, there is an important role of environmental conditions to optimize the
metabolism of larvae. However, the standard of optimal environmental conditions is still under research.
Unfortunately, the majority of BSF farms still rely on human labor and simple technology to collect data and
monitor environmental conditions. This results in the monitoring process not being carried out properly and
quickly. Therefore, this paper aims to utilize Internet of Things (IoT) concept to design and develop an automatic
BSF Larvae monitoring system that is connected wirelessly with a monitoring platform that can be accessed
remotely. The system will consist of data acquisition subsystem, actuator subsystem, communication
subsystem, data subsystem, and user interface subsystem. The proposed system will utilize MQTT protocol for
its communication, and Laravel framework for the development of APIs and user interface. Through this system,
users are able to monitor the environmental condition through an online dashboard, and control the actuators
remotely using the same dashboard. The acquisition subsystem shows an accuracy of measurement greater
than 85% and transmission delay of maximum 3 minutes 0.8125 seconds.

Design Specification
Temperature 0 – 45°C Duration of sending Maximum 10
data from end node to seconds
measurement range
database Data Acquisition Reads environmental condition data using a sensor, which is connected
to the MCU (microcontroller unit) to convert the sensor reading value and
sends the data to the communication subsystem
Relative humidity 30 – 70% RH Physical dimensions of 18 x 29 x 20 cm
measurement range the maximum system Controls environmental conditions by activating and deactivating
case actuators used to change certain value of the environmental conditions

Relative substrate humidity 40 – 80% RH Automatic and digital Can send and
Communication Connects the subsystems that are in captivity, namely the actuator
store data for at
measurement range data storage subsystem and data acquisition subsystem, with the subsystem in the
least 30 minutes cloud, namely the data subsystem and user interface

pH measurement range of pH 2-10 Temperature rise range Can increase

Stores and processes all data on the system. The subsystem will receive
substrate by actuator temperature up to Data input data from the communication subsystem originating from the data
acquisition subsystem as well as from the data subsystem based on user
in max 2 minutes
input which is later needed for other subsystems

Measurement accuracy by Minimum 85% of Range of increase in air Can increase the
real condition humidity of the Means of interaction between the user and the system. Through the User
sensor humidity by actuator User Interface Interface, the user can input data and can obtain the system output
semi-indoor room
by up to 20% needed by the user to determine the operation of the system

Implementation Result & Analysis

Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Range
Data acquisition subsystem will collect data on environmental conditions in the form of From the test results of the calibrated soil moisture sensor, it
soil temperature, humidity, soil pH, and soil moisture every 2 minutes through sensors. was found that the results of the soil moisture sensor meet the
This part is carried out using a programmed system tocollect data from each sensor basic specifications required by the system.
simultaneously and immediately prepare the data in a format that is ready to be sent to
the database every 2 minutes. But for DS18b20 and DHT22,it was found that the results of the sensor readings do not meet the basic
specifications required by the system. However, based on BMKG data, the lowest temperature ever recorded in
Actuator Bandung was 9.8°C, that is in 1991, and the lowest air humidity ever experienced by Bandung was at 44-48%, that
In the manual mode, the actuator will receive an on/off activation command from is in 2019. Therefore, based on the consideration of the weather conditions of the captive area located in Lembang,
the activation toggle button on the dashboard interface. In addition, the user can Bandung, as well as the minimum and maximum conditions required for live BSF larvae, this range can already meet
also manually activate the actuator with the onsite button available on the the main requirements of the system.
subsystem casing.
Data Acquisition Sensor's Accuracy
In the semi-automatic mode, the actuator will receive an ON/OFF activation
command based on the optimal conditions that have been previously determined Accuracy can be determined based on the reference of measuring
by the user on the dashboard. If the reading condition of the data acquisition is instruments available in the market using the following equation.
outside the optimal range specified by the user, the actuator will automatically
receive a command to turn on. Meanwhile, when the condition is in the optimal
range, the actuator will automatically receive a shutdown command.
From the results of testing the sensors used, it is found that the results of the sensor readings used in this case have
readings that are quite balanced with standard tools. From each condition measurement, it was found that the
In addition, users can also press the ON/OFF button manually and onsite on the system to stop or start the average relative comparison of the values measured by the sensor when compared with those measured on the
performance of data acquisition in the BSF enclosure. This can be used for farmers who want to do maintenance on measuring instrument was above the value of 85%, so this indicates that the sensor system used meets the
the cage directly, so it doesn’t interfere with work. specifications for accuracy, which is at least 85% of market standard gauge.

Communication The cloud server that will be used to build the system is an AWS EC2 instance with Real-time and Historical Data Monitoring
Ubuntu 20.04 operating system (OS). In port settings, specifically for MQTT Broker, port From the table, we can see that the average latency of the data
1883 will be used with a route address of which means this port can be accessed transmission is 0.8125s. This delay is received through the data
by anyone connected to the Public IP Address of the instance used. The MQTT broker processing which includes parsing and flagging that is done before
used is Mosquitto, a popular lightweight open source broker written in C, that will be built the data is stored in the database.
in the Amazon Web Service Elastic Computing 2 (AWS EC2) virtual instance. The
installation will be done through shell access using ssh. After the installation is done,
username and password need to be generated and saved in the password file inside the The flagging process requires query to the database to achieve the latest optimal environmental condition inputted
mosquito configuration. By adding this, only clients assigned with the registered by user. But, because the process is not complex, the delay observed is not significant. The dashboard will
username and password are eligible to acces the MQTT Broker. automatically refresh itself every 1 minute to update the data that are available. Thus, the maximum data delay that
is shown to the user would be 0.8125 s + 1 minute + 2 minute = 3 minute 0.8125 s. This delay is less than 10
minutes, which is the threshold data delay for it to be called real-time, based on our system specification.
As for the historical data, user will be able to choose the intended data type
Data listener - For the data to be saved to the database, Data processor - This block consists of several APIs that
and time range to be observed from the historical data widget titled “Kondisi
there will be another client that will subscribe to the will be used to process data based on the request of
Lingkungan”. When “run” button is clicked, then the query will start and then
topic where the data acquisition subsystem is publishing. other subsystem and/or user. The API is made with
the data will be visualized in the form of line graph. Below is the result of the
This client is written in PHP and will run in the Laravel written in PHP language. As a note, for API that
visualized data.
background of the cloud server. An open source library are used for authentication, a Laravel library called
called php-mqtt for PHP is used. Breeze is used and is not written in the list.

User Interface System and Actuator Remote Controlling

The user interface is made using Laravel framework, with additional parts using jQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML5, and
Through the dashboard, user will be able to control the system remotely, by changing the toggle button for each
Tailwind. Users can access realtime data and control activation on the system. However, the admin can perform user
parameter, which can be seen on Figure 13 that is located in widget “Kondisi Sistem”. There are 4 toggles, as per
management and setting optimal environmental conditions for control as well.
now, that user can control, which are the system condition which determines the condition for the entire system,
Dashboard page for user UI Dashboard page for admin UI User access management page UI automatic mode that will control the actuator activation mode, humidity condition, and heater condition. When user
changes the toggle from green to grey, it means that the user will send OFF data, and on the contrary, a change
from grey to green means that the user send ON data. This data will be sent by the data subsystem to MQTT broker
using MQTT protocol, to then be send to the intended device.

A system that is able to monitor the environmental condition of Black Soldier Fly Larvae cultivation area in real time and control the condition of the overall system and the actuators has
been implemented by using MQTT protocol for data transmission between the hardware and the subsystems that are located in the cloud. The data acquisition subsystem is able to send
the data every 2 minutes, with a very good measurement accuracy. The maximum delay for the data to reach the end user that is measured is up to 3 minutes and 0.8125 s, which makes
it suitable to be referred as real-time. The MQTT broker that is built in AWS EC2 has shown to perform well, connecting clients with the same topic. The user interface has been
implemented using Laravel and other tools, which makes it responsive towards device size as well as providing hierarchy of access for security. Through this platform, user can monitor
and control the system remotely.

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