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The two different story is all about a kind of father in their child and different relationship between a
father and a child. The first story entitled A Gentleman’s C is all about a father that trying to graduate at age of
sixty-two. And his child was his professor, the second story entitled Humans of New York is all about a father
being strict to his child. The father and child relationship in the story A Gentleman’s C was not good the child
has a hatred in his father, because of his wrong doings in the past. While the father and child relationship in the
second story was the same at the first story they both have hatred in their father because of the past.

The main theme in the story A Gentleman’s C was the child do some revenge on his father who
we’re his student. He did it by giving him a low C, but he regret it at the last because his father had an heart
attack after of what he did. In the second story Humans of New York the theme is about an anger and hatred
issues towards each other but it’s different from the first story the child in the second story learned to forgive her
father and understand their situation, that her dad is just strict because he wants to protect her and he loves her.
They made a nice bond at the end.

The structure of the stories is nice it gives me a lot of lessons and insights in life. The author’s are
great in making this stories, the language they used was understandable and the plot and main point of the story
was nice. You can already understand the story at the beginning because of the good structure of the story i can
easily understand what it want to deliver, the thoughts, lessons, and ideas. The connection between the characters
and the readers was strong, as I read the story i felt like I’m the character itself.

In the story A Gentleman’s C the father want to graduate even at the old age so it’s understandable
that even if your old you still had a chance to go to school and be educated. There’s nothing wrong about it. In
the story Humans of New York the father was so strict in his child he is an african father it’s normal to be strict
but he didn’t know his limitations, because of that his child have hatred towards him because she can’t enjoy her
life she doesn’t have the freedom she wants.

After reading the two story I realized that we should treasure our father. If we have hated and anything
not good we felt towards our father or someone in our family we should talk things clear out, we should talk to
them about the problem, and learned to forgive. Just like in the second story Humans of New York, she forgave
her father and talk all the problems out that’s why they had a great bond at the end they made up and understand
each other.

But in the story A Gentleman’s C the child didn’t forgive his father he brought all his feelings and
hatred and worst he revenged on his father that causes his death. But at the end he regret what he does, he regret
it because he can’t talk to his father now he realized that what he did was wrong and will never be right. The
story is all about the forgiveness and regrets we should learn how to forgive if we don’t want to regret at the end,
if someone do bad things at you don’t take a revenge. Revenge won’t justify the things they does to you, let
karma made the action. Always remember that “revenge won’t make you succeed. Being successful and better is
the best revenge”.


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