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FA-02 Maintaining Financial Records

Exam Pattern: CBE (Computer Based Exam)

50 Questions (2 Marks Each) 100 Marks Done

MCQ's & Blanks Done
Passing Marks 50% Done
Book > Kaplan Done
Exam Kit > Kaplan Done
Bpp Done

Course Contents:

1= Double Entry, T account & Trial Balance

2= Accounting Equation & Documents
3= Sales Tax
4= Bank Reconciliation 1
5= Control Accounts 1
6= Suspense Account 1 1
7= Introduction to Financial Statements
8= Accounting Concepts 1
9= Inventory 1 1
10= Bad Debts 1 1
11= Accruals & Prepayments 2 2
12= Non Current Assets 2 2
13= Sole Trade Accounts 1 1
14= Extented Trial Balance 1 1
15= Partnership 1 2
16= Provisions 1 1
17= Incomplete Records 1 1

15 13
Sr Category Normal Balance Increase Decrease
1= Mr Qasim started business as sole trad
1= Assets Debit Dr Cr
2= Liabilities Credit Cr Dr Dr Cash
3= Capital Credit Cr Dr Cr Capital
4= Income Credit Cr Dr
5= Expense Debit Dr Cr 2= He Purchased a Building for $8,000.

Dr Building
Cr Cash

3= He Purchased Inventory from Taqi Ltd

Dr Purchase
Cr Payable (Taqi Ltd)

4= He Paid $80,000 to Taqi Ltd through C

Dr Payable (Taqi Ltd)

Cr Bank
arted business as sole trader selling Naswar with Cash of $90,000 5=


d a Building for $8,000. 6=


d Inventory from Taqi Ltd for $100,000 7=


000 to Taqi Ltd through Cheque. 8=


He returned goods of $10,000 to Taqi Ltd.

Dr Payable (Taqi Ltd) $10,000

Cr Purchase Return $10,000

He Sold goods to Mr Hammad for $8,000.

Dr Receivable (Mr Hammad) $8,000

Cr Sales $8,000

Mr Hammad returned inventory of $6,000.

Dr Sale Return $6,000

Cr Receivable (Mr Hammad) $6,000

He received cheque of $2,000 from Mr Hammad

Dr Bank $2,000
Cr Receivable (Mr Hammad) $2,000

He took $400 for personal use

Dr Drawings $400
Cr Cash $400
Question # 292,293,
Books of Prime Entry

1= SDB (Credit Sales)

2= PDB (Credit Purchases)
3= SRDB (Credit Sale Return)
4= PRDB (Credit Pur Return)
5= CB (Cash Received/Paid, Discount Allowed/ Received)
6= Journal (Bad Debts, Non Current Assets, Depreciation, Error etc)

o/p XX Cash Received
Credit Sale XX Sale Return
Refund to Customer XX Discount Allowed
Dishonoured Cheque XX Contra
Bad Debt


Payable Example
Cash Paid XX o/p SBD
Purchase Return XX Credit Purchase $
Discount Received XX Refund from supplier Mr A 2000
Contra XX Dishonoured Cheque Mr B 4000
d Mr C 8000

c/d XX 14000
Receivable (Mr A)
Sale 2000
1= Day Book Error

Correction Will be made in both accounts

2= Posting Error:
Receivable (Mr b)
Correction will be made in List of Balances
Sale 4000
3= Casting / Totalling Error

Correction will be made in control accounts

240) 38002
o/p 38842 750


o/p 37552 750


242) D

243) C

247) 36676
o/p 35776


252) 75355

1606 76961


4688 81649


254) A

255) C

256) D
264) A
o/p 32750 1275
125000 122500
157750 157750

268) C

269) B

272) 78425
128 78553


281) 68665


288) D

289) A

292) A
180 3446


293) D
o/p 50000 750
50000 50000

Control Accounts Memorandum Accounts

Total Accounts Individual Accounts

Part of Double Entry System Not Part of Double Entry System

List of Balances

To Keep the details of transaction with each customer and supplier.

SRDB Cash Receiv Contra Discount Allowed

$ $ $ $ Receivable Ledger Control Account
200 500 50 75 o/p 0 Cash Receiv
400 1000 100 150 Credit Sale 14000 Sale Return
800 2000 200 300 Refund to C 0 Discount Al
Dishonoured 0 Contra
1400 3500 350 525 Bad Debt

Receivable (Mr A) c/d

Cash 500 14000
Sale Ret 200
Contra 50 Receivable List of Balances
Dis All 75 Mr A 1175
c/d 1175 Mr B 2350
2000 Mr C 4700

Receivable (Mr b) Receivable (Mr C) 8225

Cash 1000 Cash 2000
Sale Ret 400 Sale 8000 Sale Ret 800 List of Balances
Contra 100 Contra 200
Dis All 150 Dis All 300 Mr A
c/d 2350 c/d 4700 Mr B
4000 8000 8000 Mr C
edger Control Account


Receivable List of Balances

c/d 8225


List of Balances
1 Bushra Aziz
2 Noor ul Habib
3 Maheen Ishfaq Malik
Sakeena Hussain Chaudh 4 Zakriya Jawad
5 Shahsawar Khan
6 Ehtesham Asghar
7 Hammad Hussain
8 Muhammad Faizan
Ubaid Awan 9 Talha Rafique
10 Zulqarnain
11 Ahmed Zaid
Muhammad Wajdan ul H 12 Muhammad Daniyal Faisal Khan
13 Saad Siraj
14 Mehran Javed
15 Muhammad Nouman Naveed
16 Syed Turab Ali
Dawood Omer 17 Raja Ahsan
Muhammad Ibrahim Taj 18 Riffat Hussain
19 Taha Bin Munawar
20 Talha Khalil
21 Syed Qasim Abbas Kazmi
22 Maaz Zahid
23 Syed Muhammad Taqi Naqvi
24 Urwah Til Wasqa
Question # 239,250,251,253

Double Entry Errors:

Which do not effect Trial Balance

1= Error of Omission:

The Transaction has been completely omitted from the accounting records.

e.g Cash Sale of $100 not recorded.

2= Error of Commission:

The Transaction has been recorded in the wrong account of Similar Nature.

e.g Rent Paid of $2500.

Dr Telephone Bill $2,500

Cr Cash $2,500

3= Error of Principle:

The Transaction has been recorded in the wrong account of Different Nature.

e.g Building Repair of $700 was paid.

Dr Building $700
Cr Cash $700

4= Error of Complete Transposition:

Transaction has been recorded in correct account but with transposed amount.

e.g Cash Sale of $580

Dr Cash $850
Cr Sale $850

5= Error of original Entry:

Transaction has been recorded in correct account but with Wrong amount.

e.g Cash Purchases of $650

Dr Purchase $900
Cr Cash $900

6= Error of Reversal of Entry:

Transaction has been recorded wrong way around

e.g Cash received from Receivable of $300

Dr Receivable $300
Cr Cash $300

7= Compensating Errors:

These are the errors which cancels the each other.

e.g Cash Sale of $63

Dr Cash $63
Cr Sale $60

Cash paid to Supplier of $123

Dr Payable $120
Cr Cash $123

294= D
Cash (87350-17850 69500 o/p 23450

c/d 25600 Credit Purch 71650

95100 95100

278) A
o/p 420 Error 2 800
Sale 80
c/d 300
800 800

277= A
276= C

275= D

271= D

270= C
o/p 900
c/d 1800
1800 1800

267= D

266= D

253= C

251= C
o/p 280

c/d 280
280 280

250= F,T

239= B
Correction of Errors:

Step 1: What was the original Entry ?

Which effect Trial Balance
Dr Receivable $800
1= Partial Omission Cr Sale $800
2= Transposition
3= Partial Reversal Step 2: What have we done ?
4= Error in Opening Balances
5= Error of Extraction Dr Sale $800
Cr Receivable $800

Step 3: Correction
Suspense Account
Dr Receivable $800
Cr Sale $800

Dr Receivable $800
Cr Sale $800

Credit Sale of $9,000 was correctly recorded in sales account and credited to payables as $900

Step 1: What was the original Entry ?

Dr Receivable $9,000
Cr Sale $9,000

Step 2: What have we done ?

Cr Sale $9,000
Cr Payable $900

Step 3: Correction

Dr Receivable $9,000
Dr Payable $900
Cr Suspense $9,900

ayables as $900 Motor Car Repairs of $1,900 were correctly recorded in Cash Account and debited to
Motor Car as $9,100.

Step 1: What was the original Entry ?

Dr Motor Car Repairs $1,900

Cr Cash $1,900

Step 2: What have we done ?

Dr Motor Car $9,100

Cr Cash $1,900

Step 3: Correction

Dr Motor Car Repairs $1,900

Dr Suspense $7,200
Cr Motor Car $9,100
Account and debited to
Question # 248,274,279,284,285,286,287,
Bank Reconciliation

Cash Book Bank Statement

Business Bank

Asset Liability

Receivable Payable

The Correct balance should always be the same

Reasons for Differences:

1= Bank Charges > CB (-)

2= Standing Order > CB (-)
3= Direct Debit > CB (-)
4= Direct Credit > CB (+)
5= Dishonoured Cheque Received > CB (-)
6= Dishonoured Cheque Issued > CB (+)
7= Bank Interest Received > CB (+)
8= Unpresented / Outstanding Cheque > BS (-)
9= > BS (+)
Uncleared/ Uncredited/ Outstanding
Cheque/ Deposit/ Lodgement
Cash Book
o/p XX o/p (Overdrawn) XX

Direct Credit XX Bank Charges XX

Dishonoured Cheque Issued XX Standing Order XX
Bank Interest Received XX Direct Debit XX
Dishonoured Cheque Received XX

c/d (Overdrawn) XX c/d XX

Bank Statement
o/p (Overdrawn) XX o/p XX

Unpresented / Outstanding XX XX
Uncleared/ Uncredited/
Cheque Outstanding Cheque/ Deposit/

c/d XX c/d (Overdrawn) XX

Closing/ Correct/ Final Balance

Prepare the account whose o/p is given.

Opening Balance

Prepare both accounts, adjust all items and close both accounts together.
Question # 279,280,281,283,284,285,288,289,292

237= A

240= 38002
o/p 37552 2= 750
1= 1200
c/d 38002
38752 38752

o/p 38842 2= 750
3= 90
c/d 38002
38842 38842

243= C

244= T,F

246= D

247= 36676
o/p 35776
SDB 900
c/d 36676
36676 36676

248= A

249= B

250= F,T

251= C
1= 4688 o/p 81649
2= 1606
c/d 75355
81649 81649

2= 1606 o/p 76961
c/d 75355
76961 76961

253= C

255= C

257= $700
o/p 38600 UCC 41200
UPC 3300
c/d 700
41900 41900

258= 1&3

260= D

261= CB
Cr RLCA $370
Cr RLCA 450

264= A
o/p 32750 o/p 1275
Sales 125000 Cash 122500
Contra 550
Sale Ret 1300
c/d 32125
157750 157750

268= C

270= C
o/p 900

c/d 1800
1800 1800

272= 78425
Dis Rec 128 o/p 78553
c/d 78425
78553 78553

274= D

276= C

277= A
Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended XYZ
Books of Prime Entry
Ledgers Cost of Sale

Trial Balance Gross Profit

Financial Statements Administration Expenses

Selling & Distribution Expenses
Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended XYZ Bad Debts
Statement of Financial Position as at XYZ Loss on Inventory
Rent & Rates
Wages and Salaries
Discount Allowed
Discount Received
Motor Expenses
Bank Interest

Net Profit
r Loss for the year ended XYZ Statement of Financial Position as at XYZ
$' $ $
XX Assets
(XX) Non Current Assets
Land & Building XX
XX Plant & Machinery XX
Tools & Equiment XX XX
(XX) Current Assets
(XX) Inventory XX
(XX) Receivables XX
(XX) Prepayments XX
(XX) Cash/ Bank XX XX
(XX) Total Assets XX
(XX) W1) Cost of Sale
(XX) $
(XX) opening Inventory XX
Purchases XX
XX Purchase Return (XX)
Carriage Inwards XX
Irrecoverable Tax XX

closing Inventory (XX)

Cost of Sale XX
$ $
Capital XX
Net Profit XX
Drawings (XX) XX

Non Current Liabilities

Bank Loan XX

Current Liabilities
Payables XX
Accruals XX
Bank Overdraft XX

Total Capital and Liabilities XX

Separate Entity Concept:
Thw Owner and the business are two separate legal entities

Duality Concept
Each transaction has dual effect i.e Dr & Cr

Prudence Concept
The Assets/ Income should not be overstated and Expenses/ Liabilities should not be understated.
i.e If an expense is expected it should be recorded immediately but if an income is expected it should not be recorded untill re

Accruals Concept
Incomes and Expenses should be recorded in the period to which they relate regardless of whether cash is exchanged or not.

Matching Concept
Incomes and Expenses should be matched in a an accounting period.

Faithful Representation:
Items should be recorded in the financial statements if they meet the criteria.

The financial statement should include information that is complete for decision making needs of the users.

The information should be included in the financial statements on a timely basis to help user take decision.

The treatment of similar items should be the same over time in order to achieve consistency.

The Financial statement of an entity should be capable of comparision with previous year, competitor and industry.
Comparability is achieved if the financial statements are consistent.

Going Concern
The financial statements are prepared on the basis that the business will continue to operate for a foreseeable future (12 Mon
business is not going concern then the financial statements will be prepared on break-up basis.

Item is material if its omission or misstatement can influence the economic decisions of users.

Item is relevant if it can influence the decisions of users.
The Financial Statement should only include the relevant information to help users take decisions.

Information is reliable if it is neutral and unbiased.
d not be recorded untill received.

cash is exchanged or not.

or and industry.

oreseeable future (12 Months). But if the

Sales Tax
Tax is charged on sales and purchases but the burden of tax is on final consumer.

Sales = Output Tax (Liability) Cr

Purchases = Input Tax (Asset) Dr

Sales Purchases

Dr Cash/ Receivable (Gross) Dr Purchase (Net)

Cr Sale (Net) Dr Input Tax (Tax)
Cr Output Tax (Tax) Cr Cash/ Payable (Gross)

Sale Return Purchase Return

Dr Sale Return (Net) Dr Payable (Gross)

Dr Tax (Tax) Cr Tax (Tax)
Cr Receivable (Gross) Cr Purchase Return (Net)

Gross (Inclusive) 110% 117.50%

Tax 10% 17..5%
Net (Exclusive) 100% (always 100%
Tax is @ 20%
Business Purchased goods for $75,000 (In)
Business Sold Goods for $85,000 (Ex)
At 1-01-2021 tax payable was $5,000 and during the year $3,000 was paid to tax authority

Output Tax Input Tax

85000*20/100 75000*20/120
17000 12500

o/p 5000
Input Tax 12500 Out Tax 17000
Cash 3000

c/d (Payable 6500

22000 22000

Sale Purchase

Dr Cash/ Receivable 102000 Dr Purchase 62500

Cr Sale 85000 Dr Input Tax 12500
Cr Output Tax 17000 Cr Cash/ Payable 75000

At 1-07-2020 the tax payable was $8,300. during the year credit sales
were $95,000 (In) and cash purchases were $70,000 (Ex). Cash of $10,000
was paid to tax authority. Tax is @ 17.5%.
Required: Calculate the tax payable/ recoverable to /from tax authority.

o/p 8300
Cash 10000
Input Tax 12250 Output Tax 14149

c/d (Payable 199

22449 22449

Dr Receivable $95,000
Cr Sale $80,851 At 1-01-2020 the tax payable was $16,250. during the year
were $197,272 (Ex) and cash purchases were $178,089 (In)
Cr Tax $14,149 (95000*17.5/117.5) $3,268 was paid to tax authority. Tax is @ 17.5%.
Required: Calculate the tax payable/ recoverable to /from
Dr Purchase $70,000
Dr Tax $12,250 (70000*17.5/100) Cash 3268
Cr Cash $82,250 Input Tax 26524

c/d (Payable 20981


Dr Receivabl $231,795
able was $16,250. during the year credit sales Cr Sale $197,272
ash purchases were $178,089 (In). Cash of
thority. Tax is @ 17.5%. Cr Tax 34,523 (197272*17.5/100)
ax payable/ recoverable to /from tax authority.

o/p 16250 Dr Purchase $151,565

Dr Tax $26,524 (178089*17.5/117.5)
Output Tax 34523 Cr Cash $178,089

Question # 133,134,135,136,
IAS 2: Inventory

Inventory should be valued at lower off Cost & NRV (Net Relisable Value)

Cost All the cost incurred to bring the inventory to it's present condition & location.
(Purchase Price + Irrecoverable tax + Delivery Charges/ Carriage Inwards etc)

Expected Selling Price XX
Less: Cost to Sell (XX)

Inventory Valuation Methods

1= FIFO (First In First Out)

2= LIFO (Last In First Out) (It is Not Allowed)
3= AVCO (Weighted Average)

Opening Inventory

Dr Cost of Sale (SPL) XX

Cr Inventory (SFP) XX

Closing Inventory

Dr Inventory (SFP) XX
Cr Cost of Sale (SPL) XX

111= B

112= $40,755

Closing Inventory $41,875 ($1,120) $40,755

Cost $1,960 ESP $1,200

Repair ($360)
NRV $840

Loss $1,120

115= C

Date Transaction Units Cost/ Unit Cost

$ $
01/02/2014 o/p 60 22 1320
14/02/2014 Purchase 180 23 4140
240 5460
Sale -90 22.75 -2047.5
150 3412.5

Avg Cost 5460/240 22.75

116= 6825
o/p Inventory (120*22) 2640
Purchases 8280
c/d In -4095

Date Transaction Units Cost/ Unit Cost

$ $
01/04/2015 o/p 120 22 2640
15/04/2015 Purchase 360 23 8280
480 10920
25/04/2015 Sale -300 22.75 -6825
180 4095

Avg 10920/480 22.75

117= $500

Cost $500 ESP $1,200

Repair ($250)
NRV $950


30/06/2016 Pur Sale 07/07/2016

$ $ $ $
X 4250 -5200 38950

SP 6500
Cost -5200
Profit (6500*25/125) 1300
119= A
Henry VII Dissuasion Pilgrim
$ $ $
Cost 2280 4080 1280

ESP 2900 4000 1300

Commission 4% -116 -160 -52
NRV 2784 3840 1248

$2,280 $3,840 $1,248 $7,368

122= B

123= D

124= B

125= $15,800

Cost $15,800 ESP $26,000

Repair ($700)
NRV $25,300

126= $9,400,000
Profit $6.5
o/p $1.3
c/d $1.6
128= B

129= $12.5
ESP $20.0
PC ($2.0)
DC ($3.0)
LF ($2.5)
NRV $12.5

131= $4,700
Basic Super Luxury
$ $ $
Cost 1200 2250 2700

ESP 1800 3000 2250

Selling Cost -200 -1000 -750
NRV 1600 2000 1500

$1,200 $2,000 $1,500 $4,700

133= $21,510

Closing Inventory $22,960 ($1,450) $21,510

Cost $1,950 ESP $900

Repair ($400)
NRV $500

Loss $1,450

134= $22,030

Closing Inventory $22,700 ($670) $22,030

Cost $1,300 ESP $700

Repair ($70)
NRV $630

Loss $670

135= C

Date Tran Units Cost/ Unit Cost

$ $
01/11/2017 o/p 60 22 1320
Purchase 150 20 3000
Purchase 100 25 2500
310 6820
Sale -80 22 -1760
-90 22 -1980
c/d 140 3080

Avg (6820/310) 22

136= 3420
o/p Inventory (50*16.3) 815
Purchases 5265
c/d In -2660
Cost of Sale 3420
Date Transaction Units Cost/ Unit Cost
$ $
01/04/2019 o/p 50 16.3 815
15/04/2015 Purchase 270 19.5 5265
320 6080
25/04/2015 Sale -180 19 -3420
c/d 140 2660

Avg 6080/320 19

Cost of Inventory is $800. Selling price is $600 after repair of $200.

Cost $800 SP 600

Repair -200
NRV 400

Loss $400

Dr Loss (SPL) $400

Cr Inventory (SFP) $400


The closing inventory of a business is valued at $65,000. Included in this are 20 damaged items at a cost of
$10/ item. The damages items are expected to be sold for $9 each after repair which will cost $6 each.

Closing Inve 65,000 -140 64,860 (SFP = CA)

Damaged Items
$ NRV $
Cost (20*10) 200 ESP (20*9) 180
Repair (20*6) -120
NRV 60
Loss (200-60) $140

Dr SPL $140
Cr inventory $140


The closing inventory of a business is valued at $186,000. Included in this are 1,000
damaged items at a cost of $70/ item. The damages items are expected to be sold
for $90 each after repair which will cost $56 each.

Closing Inve 186,000 ($36,000) 150,000 (SFP = CA)

Damaged Items
$ NRV $
Cost (1,000*70) 70000 ESP (1000*90) 90000
Repair (1000*56) -56000
NRV 34000
Loss (70000-34000) $36,000
Dr SPL $36,000
Cr inventory $36,000

The closing inventory of a business is valued at $98,000. Included in this

are 150 damaged items at a cost of $5/ item. The damages items are
expected to be sold for $8 each after repair which will cost $1 each.

Closing Inve 98000

Damaged Items
Cost (150*5) $750 ESP (150*8) 1200
Repair (150*1) -150
NRV 1050
Bad and Doubtful Debts Aged Receivable Analysis

Sales Customer Amount

Cash Sales Credit Sale Mr Taqi 400
Mr Shahsawar 5000
Dr Cash XX Dr Receivable XX Mr Saad 15000
Cr Sale XX Cr Sale XX Ms Sakeena 300

Credit Period Bad / Irrecoverable Debt

Dr Cash XX Dr Bad Debt XX

Cr Receivable XX Cr Receivable XX

Bad Debt Recovered

Dr Cash XX
Cr Bad Debt XX

Receivable Allowance for Receivables

o/p XX Cash Received XX
Sale XX Sale Return XX Bad Debt (Decrease) XX
Discount Allowed XX
Contra XX c/d XX
Bad Debt XX XX

c/d XX Bad Debt

Receivable XX
Allowance (Increase) XX


Example :
Mr Ali has receivables of $68,000 and allowance of $14,000 at 1-01-2020. During the year
2020 Credit sales were $185,000 , Cash of $85,000 was received Discount of $10,000 was
Contra amounted to $5,000. At the Year End it was decided to write off a debt totalling $
irrecoverable and the allowance should be adjusted to 10% of receivables.

Receivable Allowance for Receivables

o/p 68000 Cash Received 85000
Sale 185000 Bad Debt (Decrease) 5700
Discount Allowed 10000
Contra 5000 c/d (83000*10%) 8300
Bad Debt 70000 14000

c/d 83000 Bad Debt

253000 253000
Receivable 70000



Mr Taqi has receivables of $195,000 and allowance of $18,000 at 1-01-2019. During the y
12-2019 Credit sales were $600,000 , Cash of $450,000 was received Discount of $19,000
and Contra amounted to $55,000. At the Year End it was decided to write off a debt total
irrecoverable and the allowance should be adjusted to 5% of receivables.

Receivable Allowance for Receivables

o/p 195000 Cash Received 450000
Sale 600000 Bad Debt (Decrease) 8700
Discount Allowed 19000
Contra 55000 c/d (186000*5%) 9300
Bad Debt 85000 18000

c/d 186000 Bad Debt

795000 795000
Receivable 85000


207) 5350
o/p 5650
BD (Dec) 3550
c/d 2100
5650 5650

Bad Debt
Rec 8900
All (Dec) 3550
Expense for 5350
8900 8900
209) B
o/p 838000 BD 72000

c/d 766000
838000 838000

o/p 48000
BD 12000
c/d 60000
60000 60000

Bad Debt
Rec 72000
All (Inc) 12000
Expense for 84000
84000 84000

214) 800

o/p 87000 BD 1350 (800+550)

c/d 90000
87000 87000

o/p 2500
BD 200
c/d 2300
2500 2500

Bad Debt
Rec 1350 Cash 350
All 200
Expense for 800
1350 1350
Time Allowed Time Elappsed Risk Ranking Confirmation of Bad Debt

30 Days 25 Days 3rd 1= Death of Customer

45 Days 55 Days 2nd 2= Bank Rupcy of Customer
60 Days 90 Days 1st 3= Cessation of Business
10 Days 2 Days 4th 4= Disappear
5= Fraud
Doubtful Debt 6= Imprisonment

Dr Bad Debt XX
Cr Allowance for XX

Net Receivable= Receivable - Allowance

Allowance for Receivables

o/p XX

Bad Debt (Increase) XX


Allowance (Decrease) XX
Expense for year XX (SPL)


1-01-2020. During the year ended 31-12-

d Discount of $10,000 was allowed and
write off a debt totalling $70,000 as

Allowance for Receivables

o/p 14000

Allowance (Decrease) 5700
Expense for year 64300 (SPL)


at 1-01-2019. During the year ended 31-

ceived Discount of $19,000 was allowed
ed to write off a debt totalling $85,000 as

Allowance for Receivables SFP = Net Receivable

o/p 18000 186000-9300


Allowance (Decrease) 8700

Expense for year 76300 (SPL)

Question # 152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,174,176,

IAS 16: Property, Plant & Equipment

PPE are tangible assets held for the production or supply of goods , rendering of services, rental to others or for administrative purposes and are used for
more than one accounting period.

Purchase At Cost (Purchase Price,Delivery Cost, Installation Cost, Legal fee, Irrecoverable taxes & Directly attributable cost)

Dr Non Current Asset (Cost) XX

Cr Cash/ Payable XX

Depreciation: Fall in the value of asset over it's useful life.

Cost XX
Dr Depreciation Acc Dep (XX)
Cr Non Current Assets (Accumulated Depreciation) Net Book Value XX


Straight Line Reducing Balance

Dep will be charged on Cost Dep will be charged on the Net Book Value

Dep will remain constant Dep will keep changing

(Cost- Residual/ Scrap Value)/Useful Life Dep will be calculated as a %age of NBV

Example 1: Fassi Plc purchased an asset on 1-06-2022 for $100,000. It has a useful life of 10 years and residual value of $10,000. The company has a year end of 31st - December.

Calculate the Net Book Value of Asset at 31-12-2022 & 2023. Non Current Asset (Cost) Depreciation 2022
2022 Non Current 5250
$ Cash 100,000 c/d 100000 Expense for 5250
Cost at 1-6-22 100,000 100000 100000 5250 5250
Depreciation -5250 (100000-10000)/10*7/12 2023
NBV at 31-12-22 94,750 o/p 100000 c/d 100000
Depreciation -9000 (100000-10000)/10 100000 100000 Depreciation 2023
NBV at 31-12-23 85,750 2024 Non Current 9000
Depreciation -9000 (100000-10000)/10 o/p 100000 Expense for 9000
NBV at 31-12-24 76,750 9000 9000
Profit on Disposal 3,250
Disposal 80,000
Non Current Asset (Accumulated Depreciation) Depreciation 2024
2022 Depreciation 5250 Non Current 9000
c/d 5250 Expense for 9000
5250 5250 9000 9000
o/p 5250
c/d 14250 Depreciation 9000
14250 14250
o/p 14250
Depreciation 9000

Example 2: Motorway Swat Ltd purchased an asset on 1-01-2009 for $85,000. It has a useful life of 40 years and residual value of $5,000. The company has a year end of 31st - December.

Calculate the Net Book Value of Asset at 31-12-2009 & 2016.

$ Non Current Asset (Cost) Non Current Asset (Acc Dep) Depreciation 2009
Cost at 1-1-09 85,000 2009 2009 Depreciation 2000 Non Current 2000
Depreciation -2000 (85000-5000)/40 Cash 85,000 c/d 85000 c/d 2,000 Expense for 2000
NBV at 31-12-09 83,000 85000 85000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Depreciation -2000 (85000-5000)/40 2010 2010 b/d 2,000
NBV at 31-12-10 81,000 o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 4,000 Depreciation 2000 Depreciation 2010
Depreciation -2000 85000 85000 4,000 4,000 Non Current 2000
NBV at 31-12-11 79,000 2011 2011 b/d 4000 Expense for 2000
Depreciation -2000 o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 6,000 Depreciation 2000 2000 2000
NBV at 31-12-12 77,000 85000 85000 6,000 6,000
Depreciation -2000 2012 2012 b/d 6,000 Depreciation 2011
NBV at 31-12-13 75,000 o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 8,000 Depreciation 2000 Non Current 2000
Depreciation -2000 85000 85000 8,000 8,000 Expense for 2000
NBV at 31-12-14 73,000 2013 2013 b/d 8,000 2000 2000
Depreciation -2000 o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 10,000 Depreciation 2000
NBV at 31-12-15 71,000 85000 85000 10,000 10,000 Depreciation 2012
Depreciation -2000 2014 2014 b/d 10,000 Non Current 2000
NBV at 31-12-16 69,000 o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 12,000 Depreciation 2000 Expense for 2000
85000 85000 12,000 12,000 2000 2000
2015 2015 b/d 12,000
o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 14,000 Depreciation 2000 Depreciation 2013
85000 85000 14,000 14,000 Non Current 2000
2016 2016 b/d 14,000 Expense for 2000
o/p 85000 c/d 85000 c/d 16,000 Depreciation 2000 2000 2000
85000 85000 16,000 16,000
Depreciation 2014
Example 3: Bleegh Plc Purchased an asset on 1-06-22 for $100. Depreciation is to be charged at 20% using the reducing balance method. Non Current 2000
The Company has a year end of 31-October. Expense for 2000
2000 2000
Calculate the Net Book Value at 31-10-2022 & 2023
Depreciation 2015
$ Non Current Asset (Cost) Depreciation 2022 Non Current 2000
Cost at 1-06-22 100 2022 Non Current 8.33 Expense for 2000
Depreciation (8.33) (100*20%*5/12) Cash 100 c/d 100 Expense for 8.33 2000 2000
NBV at 31-10-22 91.67 100 100 8.33 8.33
Depreciation (18.33) (91.67*20%) 2023 Depreciation 2016
NBV at 31-10-23 73.33 o/p 100 c/d 100 Depreciation 2023 Non Current 2000
Depreciation (14.67) (73.33*20%) 100 100 Non Current 18.33 Expense for 2000
NBV at 31-10-24 58.67 Expense for 18.33 2000 2000
18.33 18.33
Non Current Asset (Acc Dep)
Depreciation 2022 Depreciation 8.33
c/d 8.33
Policy 1: Proportionate Basis (Monthly Basis) 8.33333333 8.33333333
2023 Depreciation 18
Policy 2: Full in the year of Purchase and None in the Year of Disposal. c/d 18.33 2000 0
18 18

Disposal of Non Current Assets

Step 1: Transfer the Cost of Asset from Cost Account to Disposal Account. Disposal A/C
Cost XX Acc Dep XX
Dr Disposal A/C XX Cash XX
Cr Cost A/C XX Profit XX Loss XX

Step 2: Transfer the Accumulated Depreciation to Disposal Account. XX XX

Dr Acc Dep XX
Cr Disposal A/C XX

Step 3: Record the Disposal Proceeds (Cash Received)

Dr Cash XX
Cr Disposal A/C XX

Step 4: Calculate the Profit/ Loss on Disposal

Disposal through Part Exchange Agreement

Step 1: Transfer the Cost of Asset from Cost Account to Disposal Account. Disposal A/C
Cost XX Acc Dep XX
Dr Disposal A/C XX PEA XX
Cr Cost A/C XX Profit XX Loss XX

Step 2: Transfer the Accumulated Depreciation to Disposal Account. XX XX

Dr Acc Dep XX
Cr Disposal A/C XX
Step 3: Record the Part Exchange Allowance (PEA)

Dr Cost A/C XX 80,000

Cr Disposal A/C XX

Step 4: Record the Extra Cash Paid

Dr Cost A/C XX 20,000

Cr Cash XX

Step 5: Calculate the Profit/ Loss on Disposal

Example 4:
Asset was purchased on 1-01-2010 for $48,000. Depreciation is to be charged on stright line basis with a full charge in the year of purchase and none in the year of
disposal. The Asset has a useful life of 5 years and nil residual value. The Company has a year end of 31-March. The Asset was exchanged with a new one on 1-06-
2012 which cost $60,000 but only $15,000 was paid in Cash. The New asset has a useful life of 5 years.
Old Asset Non Current Asset (Cost) Depreciation 2010
$ 2010 Non Current 9600
Cost at 1-1-10 48,000 Cash 48,000 c/d 48000 Expense 9600
Depreciation -9600 (48000/5) 48000 48000 9600 9600
NBV at 31-03-10 38,400 2011
Depreciation -9600 (48000/5) o/p 48000 c/d 48000 Depreciation 2011
NBV at 31-03-11 28,800 48000 48000 Non Current 9600
Depreciation -9600 (48000/5) 2012 Expense 9600
NBV at 31-03-12 19,200 o/p 48000 c/d 48000 9600 9600
Profit on Disposal 25,800 48000 48000
Disposal 45000 2013
o/p 48000 Disposal 48000
New Asset Disposal (PEA) 45000 Depreciation 2012
Cost at 1-06-12 60,000 Cash 15000 c/d 60000 Non Current 9600
Depreciation -12000 (60000/5) 108000 108000 Expense 9600
NBV at 31-03-13 48,000 Non Current Asset (Accumulated Depreciation) 9600 9600
2010 Depreciation 201 9600
c/d 9600 Depreciation 2013
9600 9600 Non Current 12000
2011 o/p 9600 Expense 12000
c/d 19200 Depreciation 201 9600 12000 12000
19200 19200
2012 o/p 19200 Disposal
c/d 28800 Depreciation 201 9600 Cost 48000 Acc Dep 28800
28800 28800 Cost 45000
2013 o/p 28800 Profit 25800
Disposal 28800 Depreciation 201 12000 73800 73800
c/d 12000
40800 40800

137= D

138= C

140= 2&3

141= 2&4

142= 87,500
o/p 140,000
Cash 30,000
c/d 170,000
170,000 170,000

Acc Dep
o/p 60,000
Dep 27500 (170000-60000)*25%
c/d 87,500
87,500 87,500

143= D

144= A

145= D
o/p Disposal 12,000
Cash 11,570
Disposal 4,430 c/d 4,000
16,000 16,000

Acc Dep
Disposal 5,856 o/p

c/d -5,856
0 0

Cost 12,000 Acc Dep 5,856
Cost 4,430 (PEA)
Loss 1,714
12,000 12,000

146= 3200 (16000*20%)

147= Asset 1 15% Reducing Balance

Asset 2 15% Straight Line

148= A

149= 1984
Cost at 1-7-14 15,500
Dep -3100
CV at 31-10-14 12,400
Dep -2480
CV at 31-10-15 9,920
Dep -1984
CV at 31-10-16 7,936

150= D

151= D
Cost 80,000
Acc Dep -36000 (80000*15%)*3
CV at July 18 44,000
Loss -5,000
Disposal 39,000

152= 50,600

Cost 48,000
Delivery 400
Installation 2,200

153= B
Yr 1 Cost 2400
Dep -480
CV at Yr 2 1920
Dep -384
Cv at Yr 3 1536
Dep -307.2
CV at Yr 4 1228.8
Loss on Disposal -28.8
Disposal 1200

154= 118,000
Total CV 125,000
Disposal CV -7,000 (9000-2000)
Revised CV 118,000

155= 360
Yr 1 Cost 5,000
Dep -1000
Yr 2 CV 4,000
Dep -800
Yr 3 CV 3,200
Dep -640
Yr 4 CV 2,560
Loss on Disposal -360
Disposal 2,200

156= 2&4

157= 200
Cost at 1-4-11 12,000
Dep -2400
CV at 31-12-11 9,600
Dep -2400
CV at 31-12-12 7,200
Dep -2400
Cv at 31-12-13 4,800
Profit on Disposal 200
Disposal 5,000

158= B

159= C

161= 6,250
Cost at 1-1-12 100,000
Dep -15000 (100000-10000)/6
Cv at 31-12-12 85,000
Dep -15000 (100000-10000)/6
Cv at 31-12-13 70,000
Dep -3750 (100000-10000)/6*3/12
CV at 1-04-14 66,250
Loss on Disposal -6,250
Disposal 60,000

162= 90,800
o/p 180,000 Disposal 20,000

c/d 160,000
180,000 180,000

Acc Dep
Disposal 17200 o/p 92,000
Dep 16000
c/d 90,800
108,000 108,000

Dep Exp
Acc Dep 16000
Expense 16000

16000 16000

Cost 20,000 Acc Dep 17200
Cash 4,800
Profit 2,000
22000 22000

163= 2,000

164= 16000

165= D

166= C

167= 510,000
o/p 860,000 Disposal 80,000
Cash 180,000
c/d 960,000
1,040,000 1,040,000

Acc Dep
Disposal 43,000 o/p 397,000
Dep 96000 (960000*10%)
c/d 450,000
493,000 493,000

Cost 80,000 Acc Dep 43,000 (80-37=43)
Cash 49,000
Profit 12,000
92,000 92,000

Cost 960,000
Acc Dep -450,000
CV at 30-09-13 510,000

168= B
Cost at 1-7-13 126,000
Dep -6300 (126000*15%*4/12)
CV at 31-10-13 119,700
Dep -17955 (119700*15%)
Cv at 31-10-14 101,745
Dep -15261.75 (101745*15%)
Cv at 31-10-15 86,483
Dep -12972.488 (86483*15%)
Cv at 31-10-16 73,511
Dep -10107.73 (73511*15%*11/12)
CV at 30-09-17 63,403
Loss on Disposal -8,603
Disposal Proceeds 54800

169= 1,836
Cost May 2011 10,000
Dep -2500 (10000*0.25)
Cv at 31-12-11 7,500
Dep -1875 (7500*25%)
Cv at 31-12-12 5,625
Dep -1406.25 (5625*25%)
Cv at 31-12-13 4,219
Dep -1054.6875 (4219*25%)
CV at 31-12-14 3,164
Profit on Disposal 1,836
Disposal Proceeds 5,000

170= 150,000
o/p CV 200,000
Disposal (CV) -30,000 (25000+5000)
Dep -20000
c/d CV 150,000

171= A

174= D
Cost 14900
Acc Dep -8940
CV/NBV 5960
Profit 1495
Disposal 7455

176= A
Cost at 1-4-11 18,000
Dep -3600
Cv at 31-12-11 14,400
Dep -3600
Cv at 31-12-12 10,800
Dep -3600
CV at 31-12-13 7,200
Profit on Disposal 800
Disposal 8,000
Cost 85000
Acc Dep -2,000
NBV 83000 (SFP)

Cost 85000
Acc Dep -16,000
NBV 69000
Question # 178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,187,185,186,188,190,191,192,193,194,196,197,198,199,200,202,203,204,205,2
Accruals Concept
Incomes and Expenses should be recorded in the period to which they relate regardless of whether cash is exchanged or not.

Accruals (Payment in Arrears)

Expense Income (Accrued Income)

Benefits Obtained but cash not paid. Benefits Provided but Cash not Received.

Liability is to pay cash. Asset is to Receive Cash.

Prepayment (Payment in Advance)

Expense Income (Prepaid Income)

Cash Paid but benefit not obtained. Cash Received but benefits not provide

Asset is to Receive benefits Liability is to provide benefits



Benefits received but cash not paid.

Liability to Pay Cash

Dr Expense XX o/p XX
Cr Accruals XX Cash Paid XX
Expense for XX
Payment c/d (SFP) XX

Dr Accruals XX XX XX
Cr Cash XX


Ubaid Plc has a flat for which rent is paid quaterly in arrears on 1st Jan, 1st April, 1st
July and 1st Oct each Year. The annual rent is $40,000 which increased to $50,000
from 1st Jan 2022. Calculate the expense for the year ended 31-July-2022.
01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022

o/p (40000*1 3333.3333333333
Cash Paid
01-10-2021 (40 10,000
01-01-2022 (40 10,000
01-04-2022 (50 12,500 Expense for y 45833.333333333 (SPL)
01-07-2022 (50 12,500

c/d (50000*1/12 4166.6666666667

49166.666666667 49166.666666667


Taqi Ltd has a Bike for which rent is paid quaterly in advance on 1st Jan, 1st April, 1st July and
Year. The annual rent is $6,000 which increased to $6,500 from 1st July 2022. Calculate the e
year ended 31-Oct-2022.
### to ###
o/p Rent
(6000*2/12) 1000
Cash Paid 4000
1-01-22 (6000*3 1,500 Expense for y 6166.6666666667 (SPL) 2166.66667
1-04-22 (6000*3 1,500 6166.66667
1-07-22 (6500*3 1625
1-10-22 (6500*3 1625 c/d (6500*2/ 1083.3333333333

7250 7250


Faizan Ltd has a Property for which rent is paid quaterly in Arrears on 1st Mar, 1st June, 1st S
each Year. The annual rent is $42,000 which increased to $50,000 from 1st Mar 2022. Calcula
expense for the year ended 30-April-2022.
01/05/2021 to 30/04/2022

o/p (42000*2 7000
Cash Paid
1-06-21 (42000* 10,500
1-09-21 (42000* 10,500 35000
1-12-21 (42000* 10,500 Expense for y 43333.333333333 (SPL) 8333.33333
1-03-22 (42000* 10,500 43333.3333

c/d (50000*2/12 8333.3333333333

50333.333333333 50333.333333333

Ahmed Plc has a Property for which rent is paid quaterly in Advance on 1st Mar, 1st June, 1st
Dec each Year. The annual rent is $30,000 which increased to $35,000 from 1st Sep 2021. Ca
expense for the year ended 31-Dec-2021.
01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021

o/p (30000*2/12 5000
Cash Paid
1-03-21 (30000* 7,500
1-06-21 (30000* 7,500
1-09-21 (35000* 8,750 Expense for y 31666.666666667 (SPL)
1-12-21 (35000* 8,750

c/d (35000*2 5833.3333333333

37500 37500


Accrued Income

Benefits Provided but cash not received.

Asset is to receive Cash

Accrued Income
Dr Accrued Inc XX o/p XX
Cr Income XX
Income for the yearXX Cash Receiv XX
c/d XX
Dr Cash XX XX XX
Cr Accrued Inc XX
178= 858600
01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016
Rental Income
o/p 42300 o/p 102600

Income for year 858600 Cash 838600

c/d 88700 c/d 48400

989600 989600

01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016

o/p (10800*9/12) 8100

Cash 12,000
c/d (12000*9/12) 9000

ether cash is exchanged or not.

h not Received.

ts not provide


Cash Paid but benefits not received

Asset is to receive benefit

Cash Payment Prepayment

(SPL) Dr Expense XX Dr Prepayment XX

Cr Cash XX Cr Expense XX

When Benefits are Received

Dr Expense XX
Cr Prepayment XX

o/p XX
n, 1st April, 1st Cash Paid XX
ed to $50,000 Expense for year XX (SPL)
2022. c/d (SFP) XX

16666.6667 40000*5/12
29166.6667 50000*7/12

an, 1st April, 1st July and 1st Oct each

uly 2022. Calculate the expense for the


n 1st Mar, 1st June, 1st Sep and 1st Dec

m 1st Mar 2022. Calculate the

on 1st Mar, 1st June, 1st Sep and 1st

0 from 1st Sep 2021. Calculate the

Prepaid Income

Cash Received but benefits not Provided

Liability is to provide benefit

Cash Receive Prepaid Income

Dr Cash XX Dr Income XX
Cr Income XX Cr Prepaid IncomXX

When Benefits are Provided

Dr Prepaid Inco XX
Cr Income XX

Prepaid Income
o/p XX

Income for year XX Cash Received XX

c/d XX
Question # 54,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,77,78,80,8384,85,86,87,88,
Incomplete Records:

Finding the Missing Figures

1= Using T- Accounts

Prepare and Account, List all items and the differential will be the missing figure.
e.g Credit Sales are found by preparing Receivables account
Credit Purchases are found by preparing Payables account

2= Using the Mark-up or Margin

Margin %age of Profit based on Sales (Sales = 100%)

Mark-up %age of Profit based on Cost (Cost = 100%)

Sales XX
Cost of Sale
O/p Inventory XX
Purchases XX
c/d Inventory (XX) (XX)

Gross Profit XX

3= Using the Net Assets Equation

Asset = Capital + Liabilities

Assets - Liabilities = Capital

Net Assets Net Assets

o/p NA + Capital Introduced - Drawings + Profit = c/d NA

Profit = c/d NA - o/p NA - Capital Introduced + Drawings

342= D
01/12/2016 to 30/11/2017

Expense 1848
c/d (462*2/3) 308

1848 1848

343= C
345= B

Rec 137850
c/d All 2757

Current Asset 135093

346= D

347= A

348= 1= CA

349= B

350= C

351= A

352= C


355= C

357= C
o/p 800 Cash 28000

Sales 28500
c/d 1300
29300 29300

358= A
o/p 70
Cash 1800
Purchases 1930
c/d 200
2000 2000

359= B
Furniture Computer Printer
$ $ $
Cost 800 2800 1500
Acc Dep -200 -1225 -656
CV at start 600 1575 844
Dep -200 -393.75 -211 -804.75
CV at End 400 1181.25 633

360= A
Furniture 400
Computer 1181.25
Printer 633
Inventory 900
Receivable 1300
Cash 3900 (700+30000-26800)

Bank Loan -4400 (2400+2000)

Payables -200

Capital at end 3714.25

361= B

o/p CAP + CAP - DRAW + Prof = c/d CAP

Profit= c/d Cap- o/p CAP + Drawings
Profit= 3714-2599+24000
Profit= 25115

362= 5450

Sales 11000 (5000*220/100)

Commission -550
Cost -5000
Profit 5450

363= A

Cash Sales 112900

Credit Sales 412400
Revenue 525300

o/p 29100 Cash 388400 (381600+6800)
Refund 2100 BD 7200
Contra 9400
Credit Sale 412400
c/d 38600

443600 443600
e.g Sales are $75,000, o/p inventory is $48,000 and closing inventory is $30,000. Profit is calculated as 25% mark-up.
Required: Find the value of Purchases.
Sales 75000
Cost of Sale
O/p Inventory 48000
Purchases XX
c/d Inventory -30,000 -60000 (75000-15000)

Gross Profit (75000*25/125) 15000

o/p Inv + Purchase - c/d Inv = COS

Purchases = COS - o/p Inv + C/d Inv
Purchases 60000-48000+30000
Purchases 42000

E.g Sales are $105,000, o/p inventory is $8,000 and Purchases is $95,000. Profit is calculated as 25% Margin. Required
the value of Closing Inventory.
Sales 105000
Cost of Sale
O/p Inventory 8000 8,000
Purchases 95000 95000
c/d Inventory -24,250 -78750 (105000-26250) -24,250
Gross Profit (105000*25/100) 26250

c/d Inv = COS - o/p - Pur

c/d Inv = 78750-8000-95000
c/d Inv = -24250

E.g Sales are $95,000, o/p inventory is $18,000, closing inventory is $48,500 and Purchases is $135,000. Profit is calcu
as 20% Margin. Required: Find the value of Inventory Lost.
Sales 95,000
o/p Inv 18000
Pur 135,000
c/d Inv -48500 -104500

Gross Loss -9,500

Inventory Lost (19000+9500) 28,500
Actual Profit (95000*20/100) 19000

E.g Sales are $22,500, o/p Inv $6,000, Purchases $40,000. Mark-up is 5%. Find c/d Inventory

$ $
Sales 22,500
COS 6000
o/p 6000 40000
Pur 40,000 -24571
c/d -21,429
Profit (22500*5/105) 1071.42857

c/d = COS - o/p -Pur

s calculated as 25% mark-up.

ated as 25% Margin. Required: Find

ses is $135,000. Profit is calculated

Adjusted Trail Balance

Sr Description Dr Cr
$ $
1= Capital 15258
2= Drawings 5970
3= Purchases 73,010
4= Return Inwards 1,076
5= Return Outwards 3,720
6= Discount Received 965
7= Credit Sale 96,520
8= Cash Sale 30,296
9= Custom Duty 11,760
10= Carriage Inwards 2,930
11= Carriage Outwards 1,762
12= Salesman Commission 711
13= Salesman Salary 3,970
14= Office Salaries 9,077
15= Bank Charges 980
16= Loan Interest 450
17= Light and Heat 2,653
18= Sundry Expenses 2,100
19= Rent and Rates 7,315
20= Printing and Postage 2,103
21= Advertising 1,044
22= Bad Debts (1791+101) 1,892 (538-437=101)
23= Allowance for Receivable 538 (437+101)
24= Opening Inventory 7,650
25= Closing Inventory 8,490 8,490
26= Receivables 10,760
27= Payables 7,411
28= Cash at Bank 2,534
29= Cash in Hand 75
30= Motor Expenses 986
Furniture and Equipment
31= Cost 8,000
32= Accumulated Depreciation 3,200 (2400+800)
33= Depreciation Furniture 800 (8000*10%)
New Van
34= Cost 3200
35= Accumulated Depreciation 640 (3200*20%)
36= Depreciation New Van 640
37= Loss on Old Van 100 (2100-1000=1100-1000=100)
38= Loan Account at 9% 5,000

172038 172038
Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31-05-2016 Statement of Financial Position As At 31-05-20

$ $
Credit Sale 96,520 Assets
Cash Sale 30,296 Non Current Assets
Return Inwards -1,076 125,740 Furniture and Equipment
New Van
Cost of Sale
Opening Inventory 7,650 Current Assets
Purchases 73,010 Inventory
Return Outwards -3,720 Receivable (10760-538)
Carriage Inwards 2,930 Cash at Bank
Custom Duty 11,760 Cash in Hand
Closing Inventory -8,490 -83,140
Total Assets
Gross Profit 42,600
Discount Received 965 Capital
Carriage Outwards 1,762 Capital
Salesman Commission 711 Net Profit
Salesman Salary 3,970 Drawings
Office Salaries 9,077
Bank Charges 980 Non Current Liabilities
Loan Interest 450 Loan Account at 9%
Light and Heat 2,653
Sundry Expenses 2,100 Current Liabilities
Rent and Rates 7,315 Payables
Printing and Postage 2,103
Advertising 1,044 Total Capital and Liabilities
Bad Debts (1791+101) 1,892
Motor Expenses 986
Depreciation Furniture 800
Depreciation New Van 640
Loss on Old Van 100 -36,583

Net Profit 6,982

nancial Position As At 31-05-2016

$ $

4800 (8000-3200)
2560 7360 (3200-640)

75 21321


-5970 16270

5,000 5,000

7411 7411

Sr Description Dr Cr Adjustment Accruals Prepaymen
$ $ Dr Cr
$ $ $ $ $ $
1= Capital 108,000
2= Opening Inventory 92,880
3= Drawings 33,720
4= Rent 13,840 200
5= Purchases 484,272
6= Sales 683,920
7= Electricity 2,000
8= Building at Cost 80,940
9= Building Acc Dep 35,982 15,000
10= Bank 2,538
11=, Receivable 45,500 2,000
12= Payables 40,440
13= Insurance 3,072 100
14= Wages and Salaries 109,580
15= Depreciation 15,000
16= Bad Debt 2,000
17= Accrual 200 200
18= Prepayment 100 100
19= Closing Inventory 94,500 94,500
20= Net Profit
868,342 868,342 111,800 111,800 200 100
Statement of Profit or Loss Statement of Financial Position
Dr Cr Dr Cr
$ $ $ $
94,500 94,500
55,676 55,676
778,420 778,420 255,298 255,298
Question # 392,394,395,396,397,398,,400,403,404,405,

Partnership is a business where two or more persons work together with a common view to Profit.

Partnership Act 1980

Partnership Agreement

1= Name of Business
2= Activities
3= Partners
4= Capital to be Introduced
5= Drawings
6= Interest on Capital
7= Interest on Drawings
8= Salaries of Partners
9= Profit sharing Ratio
10= Dispute Resolution
11= Preparation of Financial Statements & Audit
12= Cessation of partnership
13= Death of partner


Example 1:

Ubaid and Taqi started partnership selling medicines on 1-01-22. Both partners agrred to inv
was agreed at 10%, Taqi was entitled to a salary of $5,000, Drawings were $800 and $2,000 r
the year was $100,000.

Appropriation Account
Interest on Capital Net Profit 100,000
U (40000*10%) 4000
T (10000*10%) 1000 c/d 40000
Partner's Salary
T 5000
Residue Profit
U (90000*4/5) 72000
T (90000*1/5) 18000 U
100000 100000 Drawings 800

Capital U T Total
$ $ $ c/d 75200
Capital 40000 10000 50000
Current Account 75200 22000 97200 76000

Total Capital 147200

Example 2:

Faizan, Taha and Shahsawar were in partnership selling Naswar. All partners agreed at Interest on
Drawings were $1,800, 3,300 and $2,500 respectively. Profit sharing was agreed at 6:4:1. Net Profit
account was $20,000 , $30,000 and $5,000 respectively and the balance on Current account was $5

Appropriation Account
IOC Net Profit 950,000 F
F (20000*5%) 1,000 $
T (30000*5%) 1,500 Drawings 1,800
S (5000*5%) 250
S 100
Residue Profit c/d 520,827
F (947150*6/11) 516,627
T (947150*4/11) 344,418 522,627
S (947150*1/11) 86,105

950,000 950,000 F
Residue Profit 947,150

Capital c/d 20,000

F T S Total
$ $ $ $ 20,000
Capital 20,000 30,000 5,000 55,000
Current 520,827 348,618 85,455 954,900
Total Capital 1,009,900

Saad, Moaz and Ahsan were in partnership selling Chairs. All partners agreed at Interest on Capita
was agreed at 3:2:1. Net Profit for the year was $60,000. At 1-01-2022 the balance on capital accou
balance on Current account was $15,000 , $16,000 and $4,500 respectively. At 31-10-2022 Saad ma
Saad, Moaz and Ahsan were in partnership selling Chairs. All partners agreed at Interest on Capita
was agreed at 3:2:1. Net Profit for the year was $60,000. At 1-01-2022 the balance on capital accou
balance on Current account was $15,000 , $16,000 and $4,500 respectively. At 31-10-2022 Saad ma

Appropriation Account
IOC Net Profit 60,000 S
S (30000*15%) 4,500 $
M (15000*15%) 2,250 IOD Drawings 5,800
A (5000*15%) 750 S (5800*7% 68 IOD 68
A 9,000
Residue Profit c/d 35,416
S (43568*3/6) 21,784
M (43568*2/6) 14,523 41,284
A (43568*1/6) 7,261

60,068 60,068 S
Residue Profit 43568 (60000+68-4500-2250-750-9000)

Capital c/d 30,000

F T S Total
$ $ $ $ 30,000
Capital 30,000 15,000 5,000 50,000
Current 35,416 32,773 21,511 89,700
Total Capital 139,700

Addmission of New Partner

$ $ $ $ $ $
o/p XX XX
Goodwill (New Ratio XX XX XX Goodwill XX XX
(Old Ratio)
c/d XX XX XX New Capital XX


420= C

$ $ $ $ $ $
o/p 60000 60000
Goodwill (New Ratio 20000 20000 20000 Goodwill 30000 30000
(Old Ratio)
c/d XX XX 10000 New Capital 30000


421= B
Capital 60,000
Current 15,000
Goodwill 20,000 (60000/3)

422) C
$ $ $ $ $ $
o/p 50000 50000
Goodwill (New Ratio 25000 25000 25000 Goodwill 50000 25000
(Old Ratio)
c/d XX XX 5000 New Capital 30000


417) D

Appropriation Account
IOC Net Profit 180,000 X
X (32000*4%) 1,280 $
Y (28000*4%) 1,120 Drawings 27,000
Z (20000*4%) 800
Y 7,500
Residue Profit c/d 93,000
X (169300*4/10) 67,720
Y (169300*4/10) 67,720 120,000
Z (169300*2/10) 33,860

180,000 180,000 X
Residue Profit 169300 (180000-1280-1120-800-7500)

Capital c/d 32,000

F T S Total
$ $ $ $ 32,000
Capital 32,000 28,000 20,000 80,000
Current 93,000 89,340 47,660 230,000
Total Capital 310,000

418) B

419) C

Salary 7500
IOC 1,120
Profit 67,720

414) Employee Business Expense

Partner Profit appropriation

410) D

Appropriation Account
IOC Net Profit 150,000 Alan
AL (32000*4%) 1,000 $
AN (28000*4%) 1,000 Drawings 13,750
R (20000*4%) 500
Andy 12,500
Residue Profit c/d 39,250
AL (135000*1/3) 45,000
AN (135000*1/3) 45,000 53,000
Ro (135000*1/3) 45,000

150,000 150,000 Alan

Residue Profit 135000 (150000-1000-1000-500-12500)

Capital c/d 20,000

F T S Total
$ $ $ $ 20,000
Capital 20,000 20,000 10,000 50,000
Current 39,250 52,500 44,375 136,125
Total Capital 186,125

409) C

Salary 12500
IOC 1000
Profit 45000
407) A

390) C
Appropriation Account
Interest on Capital Net Profit XX
B XX Interest on Drawings c/d XX
Partner's Salary A XX
Residue Profit
XX XX Drawings XX

c/d XX


oth partners agrred to invest $40,000 and $10,000 respectively, Interest on Capital
gs were $800 and $2,000 respectively. Profit sharing was agreed at 4:1. Net Profit for

Capital Account
T U T Profit share of Taqi
$ $ $ $
IOC 1000
New capital 40,000 10,000 Salary 5000
Residue 18000
Total Share 24000
10000 40000 10000
Profit share of Ubaid
Current Account IOC 4000
T U T Salary 0
$ $ $ Residue 72000
IOC 4000 1000 Total Share 76000
Salary 5000
22000 Residue Prof 72000 18000

24000 76000 24000

tners agreed at Interest on Capital 5%, Shahsawar was entitled to a salary of $100,
s agreed at 6:4:1. Net Profit for the year was $950,000. At 1-01-2022 the balance on capital
e on Current account was $5,000 , $6,000 and $1,500 respectively.

$ $ $ $ $
3,300 2,500 o/p 5,000 6,000 1,500
IOC 1,000 1,500 250
Salary 100
Residue Profit 516,627 344,418 86,105
348,618 85,455

351,918 87,955 522,627 351,918 87,955

$ $ $ $ $
o/p 20,000 30,000 5,000

30,000 5,000

30,000 5,000 20,000 30,000 5,000

greed at Interest on Capital at 15%, Ahsan was entitled to a salary of $9000. Profit sharing
he balance on capital account was $30,000 , $15,000 and $5,000 respectively and the
vely. At 31-10-2022 Saad made drawings of $5,800 and interest on drawings was agreed at
greed at Interest on Capital at 15%, Ahsan was entitled to a salary of $9000. Profit sharing
he balance on capital account was $30,000 , $15,000 and $5,000 respectively and the
vely. At 31-10-2022 Saad made drawings of $5,800 and interest on drawings was agreed at

$ $ $ $ $
o/p 15,000 16,000 4,500
IOC 4,500 2,250 750
Salary 9,000
Residue Profit 21,784 14,523 7,261
32,773 21,511

32,773 21,511 41,284 32,773 21,511

$ $ $ $ $
o/p 30,000 15,000 5,000

15,000 5,000

15,000 5,000 30,000 15,000 5,000

$ $ $ $ $
32,000 12,000 o/p 51,000 45,000 25,000
IOC 1,280 1,120 800
Salary 7,500
Residue Profit 67,720 67,720 33,860
89,340 47,660

121,340 59,660 120,000 121,340 59,660

$ $ $ $ $
o/p 32,000 28,000 20,000

28,000 20,000

28,000 20,000 32,000 28,000 20,000

Andy Roger Alan Andy Roger
$ $ $ $ $
11,250 9,500 o/p 7,000 5,250 8,375
IOC 1,000 1,000 500
Salary 12,500
Residue Profit 45,000 45,000 45,000
52,500 44,375

63,750 53,875 53,000 63,750 53,875

Andy Roger Alan Andy Roger
$ $ $ $ $
o/p 20,000 20,000 10,000

20,000 10,000

20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 10,000

Capital Account
$ $ $
o/p XX XX Capital
New capital XX XX A B
$ $
XX Capital XX XX
Current XX XX
Total Capital

Current Account
$ $ $
XX o/p XX XX
Salary XX XX
XX Residue Profit XX XX

Total Share Saad Moaz Ahsan
$ $ $
IOC 4,500 2,250 750
Salary 9,000
Profit 21,784 14,523 7,261
IOD (68)

26,216 16,773 17,011


21/06/2022 Tuesday Inventory & Bad Debts
22/06/2022 Wed Accruals & Non Current Assets
23/06/2022 Thu Control, Suspense & Bank Recon
24/06/2022 Fri Incomplete Records & partnership

27/06/2022 Mon Mock 1

28/06/2022 Tue Discussion
29/06/2022 Wed Mock 2
30/06/2022 Thu Discussion
30/06/2022 Thu Mock 3
01/07/2022 Fri Discussion
Question # 177,179,182,184,197,203,205,208,220,212,222,225 Bpp

337= D

336= D
o/p 1000
Error 2000
c/d 3000
3000 3000

334= A

Profit Capital
$ $
24952 75841
-250 -250
24702 75591

333= C

332= 900
o/p 450
1= 450
c/d 900
900 900

330= C

327= D

321= A
1= (1475+1745) 3220 2= 790
3= 380
c/d 2050
3220 3220

Dr Rec 5390
Cr Sales 4600
Cr Suspense 790

318= D
317= A
1= 180 3= 70
2= 100
c/d 210
280 280

314= B

313= D

311= A

305= B

301= A
o/p All 3000.075 100% (4000*100/133.33)

c/d All 4000 133.33%

218= 2000
BD 5000
Dec in All -3000

213= 340750
o/p 37500 Contra 1750
Credit Sale 357500 BD 3500
Cash Receiv 340750
c/d 49000

395000 395000

212= C

211= 20200
o/p 10000 Cash 89000 (90000-1000)
Credit Sale 100000 BD 800

c/d 20200
110000 110000


BD 3200
Inc In All 2333
BD Recovered -450

209= B

133= 21510

Clo Inv 22960 -1450 21510

Cost 1950 SP 900

Repack -400

Loss (1950-500) 1450

131= 4700
$ $ $
Cost 1200 2250 2700

ESP 1800 3000 2250

SE -200 -1000 -750
NRV 1600 2000 1500

1200 2000 1500 4700

129= 12.5 (20-2-3-2.5)

136= 9.4
Profit 6.5
Op 1.3
Cl 1.6

118= C

30/06/2016 Pur (Sale) 07/07/2016

$ $ $ $
X 4250 -5200 38950 6500*100/125
X= 38950+5200-4250
X= 39900

119= A
$ $ $
Cost 2280 4080 1280

SP 2900 4000 1300

Commission -116 -160 -52
NRV 2784 3840 1248

2280 3840 1248 7368

130) 87700

o/p 12500 o/p 1700

Cash 85400 Expense 87700

c/d 1300 c/d 9800

99200 99200

9.11) A

9.5) B

9.4) D

Sales 150000
o/p 12500
Pur 126500
c/d -120000

GP (150000*20/ 30000

COS = o/p + pur - c/d

c/d = COS - o/p -pur
c/d= 120000-12500-126500
8.10) D
o/p 400
c/d (12000*3%) 360

BD 275
Dec In All -40

Expense 235

8.8) B

8.7) C

8.5) A
o/p 18765
c/d 19283

56800*1% 568
37700*20% 7540
14900*75% 11175

7.1) B

Expense 1800
Prepayment 600

7.9) B

Loss 1486
Accrual 1625
Prepayment -834
Net Loss 2277

7.13) A

4728-353 4375

10.5) A

10.8) D
10.10) C

10.13) D

10.19) C

137) D

141) Installation Cost

Delivery Cost

142) 87,500
o/p 140,000
New Asset 30,000
c/d 170,000 Cost 170,000
170,000 170,000 Acc Deo -60,000
NBV at St 110,000
Dep 25% -27500

Acc Dep
o/p 60,000
Dep 27500
c/d 87,500

87,500 87,500

143) D

144) A

145) D


Cost 12000
Acc Dep 5856
NBV 6144
Loss -1714
Part Exchange 4430

146) 3200

Cheque 11570
Part exchange 4,430
Cost of New Asse 16000
Dep -3200

148) A

158) B

160) 6,000
Cost at 1-1-12 100,000
Dep -20000
CV at 31-12-12 80,000
Dep -16000
Cv at 31-12-13 64,000
Profit 6,000
Disposa; 70,000

161) 6,250
Cost at 1-1-12 100,000
Dep -15000
CV at 31-12-12 85,000
Dep -15000
Cv at 31-12-13 70,000
Dep (15000*3/12 -3750
CV at 1-04-14 66,250
Loss -6,250
Disposal 60,000

162) 90800
o/p 180,000 Disposal 20,000 Dep

c/d 160,000 Acc Dep 16000

180,000 180,000

Acc Dep
Disposal 17200 o/p 92,000
Dep 16000
c/d 90,800

108,000 108,000

Cost 20,000 Acc Dep 17200
Proceeds 4800
Profit 2,000
22,000 22,000

163= 2,000

164= 16000

165= D

166= C

167= 510,000
o/p 860,000 Disposal 80,000
New Asset 180,000
c/d 960,000
1,040,000 1,040,000
Cost 960,000
Acc Dep -450,000
Acc Dep
Disposal 43000 o/p 397,000
Dep 96000
c/d 450,000

493,000 493,000

Cost 80,000 Acc Dep 43,000
Proceeds 49000
Profit 12,000
92,000 92,000

168) B
Cost at 1-7-13 126,000
Dep -6300
CV at 31-10-13 119,700
Dep -17955
CV at 31-10-14 101,745
Dep -15261.75
CV at 31-10-15 86,483
Dep -12972.488
CV at 31-10-16 73,511
Dep -10107.73
CV at 30-09-17 63,403
Loss -8,603
Disposal 54800

170) 150,000
Cv at 1-8-12 200,000
Disposal -30000 (25000+5000)
Dep -20000
CV at 31-7-13 150,000

174) D
Cost 14900
Acc Dep -8940
NBV 5960
Profit 1495
Disposa' 7455


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