Essential Oils

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5 Fascinating Benefits Of Essential Oil To Your Skin

We are going to discuss what essential oils are and their benefits to your skin.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant's scent and flavor, or
“essence. In this article, the term "aromatherapy" will be used frequently. What does it mean?
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and
well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy


5 Benefits of Essential Oil with examples each

1. Speed up healing and recovery: Essential oils can be used to treat wounds. They are used to increase
blood flow and oxygen to injuries (both are needed to fasten the healing process). Examples of essential
oil that can be used to heal are lavender oil, rosehip oil, etc

2. Pain relief: Whether you have pain in your foot or pain in your head, aromatherapy provides comfort
for many ailments. Pain relief is one of the most common benefits of essential oil treatments. With the
help of lavender, clary sage, rosemary, juniper, or peppermint, you can alleviate many aches and pains.

3. Anti-aging: Essential oils are beneficial when it comes to anti-aging. They minimize wrinkles and boost
collagen. Some essential oils have both antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. They help to increase
circulation and reducing overall inflammation. Examples are rosemary, lemon, clary sage

4. Acne removal: ylang ylang essential oil is suitable for all skin types and treating acne-prone skin while
stimulating cell growth to fight the effects of aging. It majorly helps in the regeneration of skin cells,
smoothening of fine lines, and improving skin elasticity. It works well in rejuvenating dry scalp,
controlling hair fall, strengthening hair roots, balancing sebum secretion, and boosting hair growth for a
healthier scalp and hair.

5. Toning of the skin: Lemongrass essential oil works great for toning the skin and in removing body odor
by fighting the odor-creating bacteria. It is rich in antioxidant properties and helps clear all toxins from
the body. It provides deep hydration with greasiness, helps with acne inflammation and other skin
irritations while relaxing the mind and body.

With that, we have come to the end of another article; what aspect do you like the most?

Source: Google

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