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In order to register you must visit the main site page on

and choose the «I'm learning» or the «I'm teaching» variant.

You will be registered as a student upon choosing the «I'm learning» variant,and as a coach upon choosing the «I'm
teaching» variant. Note: if you don't have a coach, but want to train by yourself, select the option - «I'm teaching».
Accept all and follow the given links.
Then enter your e-mail, name and city. You may leave the «About me in brief» field empty.
Next, upload a file for your avatar and press the «Proceed» button. That's all.
The registration of coaches goes the same way.
When you log in as a coach, you will see both the student cabinet and the coach cabinet:

In the case of a student login only the student cabinet will be visible.
The small difference consists of this.
The registration is very simple, it takes 1-2 minutes.


You should go into your Coach's Office in order to invite a student:

Then you should open the «Students» tab:

and press the «Invite a Student» button:

You need to know the student's e-mail to invite them.

It's better to send one invitation per e-mail.
You can enter any address you know, and send an e-mail for your student.
The student will receive the invitation, follow this link and register as a student. That's all!

They will be added to your students automatically.

The second case is when your student has already been registered, they will be added to your students upon you
sending the invitation by the same way.

How many students can a coach have? Any number.

How many coaches can a student have? Any number.
How many accounts can a person have? As many as they need.


In order to create a category you should visit your Coach's Office:

open Problems:
and then – Category List:

You can add a category:

You can compare the categories with tree branches and leaves that grow on the branches.
You can compare the categories with a building's basement and its carcass, and positions with the rooms inside the
All positions that you will create next can be linked to one or another category.
The categories are like a book's table of contents.

Let's create a category «Tactics» for example:

We created it.
It can occur that we have two categories with the same name.
We can correct the name for one or delete it:

Let's delete it.

Then let's create a subcategory named «Distractions»:

We are creating a subtype, subcategory, and another subcategory named «Attractions»:

We have created it.

You can use the “Drud and drop” option if needed.
If the order is unsatisfying, we can change it as it suits us.

We must not forget to save the created order:


A new position can be created from the Coach's Office via three different methods.

Method 1: Through a creation of a problem.

We enter «Problems» and add a problem. The problem is added:
Method 2: via an upload of already created problems:

Method 3: via an import of some categories already created by a coach:

Let's look upon each of the position creation methods or functions.

So, the first function is «Add a problem»:
If we press on «Add a problem» in the Coach's Office, after we navigated to «Problems», we will see the «Problems
Addition» page:

Step 1: Starting position for Problems.

You can leave the board as it is initially (Starting position) or set the position manually from the Empty board by using
the Drag and Drop option. Do it as you want, however is faster for you:
We set the order of turns: Black or White goes first. It is required to set the turn order.
It is also possible to do or not do a castling:
It is a must to press «Apply and continue» to move to step 2 which is called: 2. Solution (Keeping correct moves):

At the 2nd step - a solution for the position that you have created will be set.
In other words, you must create the solution. Perform the moves that make up the correct solution Problems:
You create it by making necessary moves, then you press «Copy», then – «Apply and Continue»:

The number of moves is specified automatically:

You set the difficulty level, from 1 to 10:

and choose one or more categories with the mouse:

You can select several categories by pressing and holding the Ctrl key. In this case your position will be added to
several categories.

Then you can enter a name for the problem, but this is not required.
You should not mix this field with the field of category assignment.
The following «Description» field is visible only to you.
Then you save the position:

That's all!

The position is created after you have saved it. It is located in the corresponding «My Problems» section:

Sometimes the problem has 2 or more different solutions. In this case on step two you need to add as many solutions
as needed by pressing the button called “add one more”:
After that press this and move forward as described below

Thus you can add as much variation to the position as you need. Note: the variation should be added for the side
which is doing the move first. In other words - if in the problem the first move is White - you should make the
variations for White. As you can’t do it for Black, if they don’t move first.

This is the first method of problem creation.

The second method of problem creation is to use the «Problem Import» function.
So, you have PGN-files (in Chessbase, in ChessAssistant or elsewhere) that you can upload into your Coach's

You select «Loading Problems», then go to the «Upload» page.

We will now learn how everything works. This is how it is done.

How to upload problems from the ChessBase?

1. Open your base of problems in the ChessBase application, for example ChessReader 2017:
2. Select File - New - Textfile:

3. Then PGN - OK and save to your hard drive the PGN file:
(In other words - Go to the upper menu and choose File->New->Selection to Text File, then choose PGN format and
press OK)
4. Open our platform - Problems - Loading problems and Select
necessary problems in the list which you had saved from the Chessbase.
Attach the resulting files with the problems to the above mentioned form and press Download:

The problems will be uploaded into your Coach's Office. And what’s very important - only you and only the students to
whom you send this position can see or view them. Nobody else. Even the admin for the website can’t see them.
Note: don’t upload to the website more than 20 positions at one time. If you have more, split them into parts where in
each part there are 20 positions.
Recommendation. If you have problems with different categories, it's better to upload them into a special category
folder named «Upload», and only then distribute them into other categories. This way you will not mistake the new
problems with the problems that you have uploaded earlier and will see the number of the problems to be distributed.

Let's enter ChessBase and investigate several different bases.

We will immediately notice that all bases appear and are made very differently.
For example in some bases, as we immediately see, no solutions are given.
They must be entered. In other words, a position is set, but no solution exists.
We have to give that solution by ourselves.

We can, of course, upload the problem into our Coach's Office without the solution and then do it on the platform, but
then we at the second step must enter the solution manually, after we have found it in the original book to avoid

There are plenty of situations regarding bases and all of them are different, therefore we recommend thoroughly
checking files after the import, to import only several positions first, check them and correct after if you need them, or
remove some of them in case of errors.

We have created a VIP-base and VIP-group for the comfort of coaches.

A number of professionals and coaches are gathered there, where they exchange positions and bases between
If you are interested in this topic, connect with the site's administrator.
Also you have a minimum of 2 ways to use this VIP-base, which was created by about 20 Top world coaches within 3
years. There are a total 38 000 positions divided into 10 levels and with more than 250 categories.

The first way to gain access to the VIP-Base and open it: Via Self preparation.
Go to it through the Students Cabinet:

Then in the Study room press “Start self training”:

Once you open it, you will see this:

Check the boxes everywhere: as it’s better to shuffle the problems.

Once you start to do it, you can see the categories.
Firstly you will see the categories which you used before. After that you will see the VIP-database. After that scroll
down and you will see the VIP database at the bottom. Select it and the categories you need:

and scroll down to the start training button and press it:

Second option: If you are a trainer you can create a training for yourself or for your students. Once you start to do it,
you can see the categories. Go to the Coach’s office first and click on “Open” Training.

Create training:
You will see the add training page:

In the Categories field - firstly there are the categories which you used before:
After that you will see the VIP-database. Select it and the categories you need and scroll dowm to the start training
button and press it:

If you have uploaded one problem two times via this method, you have created position duplicates.
You will have to remove one copy, if you do not need the duplicate:
The positions will always have a unique ID after the base import, so they will not repeat already existing positions of
another person:

Important note! After the position (problem) is created or imported you can check it by opening it and pressing “Run
position” button:
The 3rd method of position creation uses the «Import Category» function.

If you have entered the VIP-group with help from the administrator, you can exchange whole categories with positions
in it with the VIP-group's participants.
Let's imagine that you have entered this group and want to make an exchange. How does it work?
You can export any of your categories with positions in it.
In other words, you can send your file to export for the common VIP-base of file exchange:

You can import necessary positions and categories from that base via «Import Category»:

That's all about this option.


You need to enter the Coach's Office in order to create a lesson.

Then you need to go to «Trainings»:

If you have created trainings already, you will see the list of them in the center of the page:

You can edit any training or view statistics on every training:

Separate statistics for every student are very important for a coach.
It allows the coach to understand how the student performs, their errors, flaws, things that need attention and so on.

Nearly 100,000 constantly updating chess problems –

VIP-database 38,000 positions from professionals to professionals.
You can create any number of lessons for your students –

Adding a training

The training will be shown in your list and in the Student's Cabinet under the name given by you:
Enter our own name.

Problem blocks for the training

Enter themes and categories of the problems that will form the training:

By “Adding another block” button you can add as many categories to one training as needed. However, we do not
recommend adding too much. Maybe a maximum of 5 categories in one training.
Also the trainer can add the ready made categories with chess positions in them from the VIP database. We
described above in this instruction how to do that and will not stop on this question again now.

The category
So, you select one or more categories for Trainings and add them one by one.
It is implied that the coach has already invited their students and has created categories.

You can also specify the number of problems to be solved and choose to shuffle or not to shuffle them.
We recommend shuffling the problems all the time. As they should not be linked with each other like in books.
You can specify a level of difficulty for the problems:
Limitation of the trainings

In case you need it, you can set a time limit on one problem, a time limit on a search of a solution, an error number
limit on one problem, a limit on the whole training, a time limit for one problem or a max error number for one training:

You can also permit or forbid usage of hints after errors for you students.
We recommend to use a hint after 1 error:

Then you choose students from a drop-down list.

Choosing students

You choose the students that will have access to this training.
To select multiple values hold Ctrl key and select necessary rows:

Video with theory

If you have uploaded to Youtube, Vimeo, or VK a video about the training, you can add the link, and your
student will be able to view it in their Cabinet after they open the training:

You can set up a position with an assigned initial position so that your student will be able to play from this position
with Stockfish after the training.

You can add FEN of the initial position to the training and set a difficulty level of the computer:
You can easily get FEN codes from the board editor, by creating any position you need. You can get FEN of the
position inside the board editor:

Then the student will be able to play these parties in their training. They can find this game to play with the computer
here under the training when they open it:
That's all, then you should save the training:

After that you can test the training if you add yourself once you create the training or, in other words, you can view
how your student or students will see it:
If you add your login (You profile) while creating the training, you will be able to check it all without creating a new
This is how your freshly created training looks:

You can start solving it and will find many useful functions:
«Pass», if the position is too difficult.
«Repeat», if the student deliberately makes an error and wants to solve the position again. We do not decrease their
rating in this case.
The student can also use «Prompt» to get the hint and so on:

After solving a lesson the student sees an increase in their rating and receives specific awards for their successes.
Develop your analytical skills and intuition on

This is how the Creation of lessons works.


Deletion of problem

Let's overview problem or problem deletion possibilities

In order to delete problems you need to go into your Coach's Office and then to «Problems»:

The first method of problem deletion – group deletion.

Set flags and mark the problems that you want to delete:
Proceed and press «Delete».

The second variant for which you can go into any problem. There is a «Delete» button at the bottom of the page:

You can edit any problem upon entering any position you need.

The most frequent need is to change a color (or the Side which needs to move):
After you set a desired color, press «Apply» and then «Save», then you have corrected the problem:

Deletion of a category

You can also delete a category.

In order to do so you go to a problem and then go into «Categories»:

Here they are: Categories.

If you need something deleted, you can do that or you can correct any category:
Deletion of a student

You can also delete a student, or, more correctly, unlink them.
Again you enter your Coach's Office, then you go to «Students»:

Then Click on the name of the student and then press «Unlink student from my Coach's Office»:
That’s it.


You will find three main blocks in the Students Cabinet (Study Room):
The first block named "Self Preparation" is meant for self-study of students.
Who have decided to independently repeat the positions given to them by their coach at any previous time.
Thanks to this block the student can solve and repeat any task or typical coach positions by specific topic without the
clock and without pressure.
You can select the VIP database here too and use it to learn chess.
We have created a VIP-base and VIP-group for the comfort of coaches.
A number of professionals and coaches are gathered there, where they exchange positions and bases between
If you are interested in this topic, connect with the site's administrator.
Let’s learn how to open and use this VIP-base, which was created by about 20 Top world coaches within 3 years.
There are a total 38 000 positions divided into 10 levels and with more than 250 categories.

The first way to gain access to the VIP-Base and open it: Via Self preparation.
Go to it through the Students Cabinet:
Then in the Study room press “Start self training”:

Once you open it, you will see this:

Check the boxes everywhere: as it’s better to shuffle the problems.
Once you start to do it, you can see the categories.
Firstly you will see the categories which you used before. After that you will see the VIP-database. After that scroll
down and you will see the VIP database at the bottom. Select it and the categories you need:

and scroll down to the start training button and press it:
Chess Collider

The second block is named Chess Collider because it allows users to activate all previously obtained pieces of
knowledge and to speed up the study:

The problems are given randomly. The common problems of the database are given by default.
In case the category list is empty the student must complete at least one training from their coach
or solve problems from the common ChessMasterPro database.
Chess Collider has three levels: Simple, Medium and Hard level.
Chess Collider also has three time options: 3-minute game, 5-minute game and No timer game.

The third block named ChessMasterPro ProblemBase is the full catalog of the general chess problems.
There are about 100,000 problems in this general ProblemBase. You can enter it by clicking on this block and also
from the left menu:

Coaches Chat

You can use this Coaches Chat to communicate between the users as well as asking frequent questions to Support.
Some important questions and links can be dropped to this chat from the Support.


The system has it’s own Videoconfirence which can be used like Zoom or Skype to show the screen, video, to chat
and to hold your chess lessons with as many students as you need. To open it - Go to your account and in the open
window select the “Video Conference” option:
Once you are in the Video meeting - Click on “Create a meeting” and go ahead:

Copy the video meeting link and use only this link to invite your students to your video conference:
By clicking on this button you can make the video or your sound better:
All functions on Videomeeting are in English.


How to make money with an affiliate program?

You get 30% of payments for a recommendation.
Just copy your affiliate link (above) and send it to your friends or colleagues, if one of them follows it, registers and
pays for the service, you will receive an Affiliate reward of 30% of the amount of each payment!:

You can enter your profile from any page:

You can find many interesting options in you profile, including awards, statistics etc:

By using the Setting, you can change the color of the board:
Also it’s useful to add some additional information about yourself here, so the Support team can see and know what
level of chess you are playing and what recommendations to give you.


The project has many other interesting options. Also you can suggest anything you need and our Support team will
try to embed your idea into the project. You are welcome at any time!
Here are some interesting options which are embedded in the system.

Play chess with the computer

Leaderboard by rating

Professional Coaches and Chess Schools

If you are a Professional Coach or have a Chess School, you are welcome to be introduced on this page together
with the Top Coaches and Schools:

Video Chess Courses.

If you have any Video Chess Courses you are welcome to have them introduced to this page:
Students and Coaches can learn chess from the World’s best grandmasters. This project is developed together with
World Chess. You are welcome to join it at any time:

Now you know everything, please let us know what’s the best way for you to communicate with our Support team?:
- By email
- By Skype
- By What’s App
We ask this so that we can send you the samples of the training and the instructions for them, as you may have
different groups of students and may need some help to get started.

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