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VIKING SUN SEX 01/11/2019 08h:00mim

VOLENDAM SEX 29/11/2019 12h:00min
INSIGNIA SEG 02/12/2019 08h:00min
VOLENDAM QUA 04/12/2019 08h:00min
MARINER DOM 29/12/2019 07h:00min
VIKING SEA DOM 29/12/2019 07h:00min
MAGELLAN QUI 23/01/2020 09h:00min
MARINA DOM 31/01/2020 12h:00min
QUEEN VICTORIA DOM 02/02/2020 09h:00min
VIKING SEA SEX 28/02/2020 08h:00min
VOLENDAM QUA 01/03/2020 08h:00min
VOLENDAM SEX 06/03/2020 08h:00min
AMERA SEG 16/03/2020 08h:00min
AMERA TER 17/03/2020 07h:00min
AMERA SEG 23/03/2020 07h:00min
AMERA SEG 23/03/2020 14h:00min
SEABOURN QUEST QUI 04/04/2020 05h:00min
SEABOURN QUEST QUA 10/04/2020 05h:00min

SANTARÉM - The Pearl of Tapajós -


Is said to have this name because of the Jesuits missionaries who came from Portugal. Used to honor the saint of the day, so
when they reached the Tapajos tribe on 24th of October in 1660 was the day of Santa Irene. The Portuguese closed accent
contributed so much for this miss-pronunciation. Indigenous people started saying “Santarem” instead of “Santa Irene”.
Santarem is the second biggest city in the state of Pará. 262. 000 inhabitants, and its municipality area comprehends an amount
24.000ac the third city in north of Brazil in importance and development after Manaus, Amazonas and, Belém, our capital, in
Pará. It’s also a half way between these cities. The city itself is located on the right of the Tapajós riverbank where this, meets
the Amazon river for to be pushed by for more than 10 kilometers before mixing. Our nearest Northern neighbor is Alenquer at
65 km from us. In south, our nearest neighbor is Belterra, 54 km. The city provides airport, port, excellent hotel services and,
banks. It also has excellent tips for visitors to go such as the Cathedral of Conception Madonna, which is the oldest building in
town. The Museum of Sacra Arts, the Fisherman’s Square, where was celebrated the first mass. The museum of João Fona,
where one can see the Tapajoara ceramic and its history and visit the gallery of all city’s majors. The museum of Dica Frazão,
where one certainly will see the most beautiful handcrafts and clothes made of natural fibers; but the most spectacle in here is
the meeting of the rivers – Amazon’s muddy water and, Tapajós’ blue water right in front of the city. One who decides to come
to Santarém may do it by Airbus (one hour flight from Manaus or Belém) or on board of regional boats (60 hours from Manaus
or Belém). By car may take from 5 to 35 days. It’s long time depending on the season.


In addition to operate overnight the port of Santarém can export an amount of 650,000m3 lumber per day, It’s also capable to
serve regional boats to feed cities all along Tapajós and Amazon rivers. In capacity of operating it’s minor to the ones in Manaus
(Amazonas State) and, Belém (Pará State). Almost no roads to link amazon vast plains due to the conditions of low and high
season, ferry boats make the connection between the cities in the Amazon region which has many rivers. These trips take from
one to 5 days in commonly. Most people travel on the deck of the boat and sleep in hammocks with minimum comfort. Food is
included in the price which, today is R$ 130, 00 to Manaus and R$ 160, 00 to Belém. Some of these regional boats also have
cabins with beds which, provides some comfort, for R$ 400, 00 to R$ 600, 00, depending on the boat and the season of trips, it
may cost more or less than this. There are speed boats that make those trips in shorter time which is much more expensive.

CARGIL - Soy Bean Company -

The Cargil Company established their plan in Santarém in 1998 to export soy beans and many other grains through Amazon.
Today all the soy shipped here come from Mato Grosso state (our nearest southern neighbor) according to the law, it’s
prohibited to export soy bean planted in Amazon soil, because in the last decade the Amazon region had become the last
frontier for agriculture, many farmers were coming from south to plant soy in the Amaon. This contributed so much to land
agression, soy consume over 100% of the nutrients from the soil which would make farmers to buy more and more land to be
chopped down and to be used every seven to ten years. (To extra-fertilize the soil is very expensive because most the products
are imported).

THE BR 163 ROAD - Santarém-Cuiabá -

The BR 163 road is almost 1,800km long. It’s the only road that makes the connection between this central parts of the Amazon
region to southern of Brazil. It’s a semi-paved road which means that only 200km (from Santarém) of its 1.800km is paved; the
rest of it is dust in the Amazon summer (July to December) and muddy in the winter (January to June) which, easily make cars
to get stuck on the clay. Although the road is semi-paved (bad conditions) it’s in charge to export all products throughout the
port of Santarém. Along the Santarém Cuiabá road nowadays there is a center for soy beans production what takes large camps
to be chopped down for these plantations purposes. Although the amazon region to be the last agriculture frontier, it’s
necessary to say that Brazil’s law protects the region in terms of non soy beans produced in amazon soil can be exported.
Besides soy Santarém region also produce rice, beans, black eyed peas, black beans, black pepper and tropical fruits such as
bananas and vegetables, cashews, pineapples, mango, and watermelons.
The Mercadão 2000 market was built in 1985 so the small producers to sell their products either fish, fruits, vegetables or
handcrafts. Over 20 species of fish is commercialized in the market. Noblest pirarucú, the biggest fish of scales in the world,
Tambaquí, the second biggest one which is in the same family of piranha, and the tucunaré one of the most delicious ones due
to the few bones in their meat. The variety of fish sold here depends on the season. During the months of November to April,
we have the “Defeso” period when IBAMA (a government organism) prohibits fishing, so the fishes can reproduce themselves.
During this period fishmen may sell their stored or frozen production of fish. One can also find fresh fish from fish farms. Today
the market also has a natural phermacy that compose a very traditional scenary to tropical medicine where is sold a sort of
plants, seeds, oils and the non-less famous Brazil nuts and the seeds of urucum to prevent cancer and heart problems.
It started to be built in 1761; just a hundred years after the Jesuits implanted their mission on the tribe of Tupã-yú. It only got
finished 1786. In the beginning it was just a straw hut in the place where today is mercado modelo market but as there was a

small creek there these Jesuits decided to build 500mt east on where it was an old indian cemetery to protect the indian bodies
from pirates that used to robe them because of the gold powder they used to put on their skin before burrials.
It is the oldest and the most visited building in town, but the most impressing things about this church are its walls, made of
stones of 1, 50mt (4,8ft) thick to resist the flood of the Tapajós river as there weren’t sidewalks to contain the water in the high
season those days. After few reforms the cathedral got its towers and the walls were sharpened to get more space inside and
The festivity
The festival is celebrated in December 8th and this year 850, 000 people participated on the pilgrim and the party. The party
itself starts on November 28th when catholic people go praying on through the streets in route of 5 km long. On the last day of
this party all the people celebrate in a camp mass in front of the cathedral and then, followed of a big firework show seen
everywhere in the city.
The crucifix
Is a donation from the botanicist robber Baron Von Marthius. It’s the only representation of Jesus on cross that shows Him still
alive. It’s because Von Marthius had a shipwreck in the Amazon River, when his boat sank, he promised God he would give a
present that could express that his son was not dead. After being lost for five days, He found Santarém, so he kept his promise.
“The cross that shows Jesus still alive”
The lady
The statue of our Lasy of Conception seen here isn’t the original one. It’s a copy from the original because there had been many
with the old idle and so because the original suffered several attacks; the last one was in 1988 when somebody put fire at the
door of the cathedral. So now they only show it during the festivities and the doors were changed for these made of steel. Is
totally made of marble from Itally brought to Brazil From Portugal. Everything that follows the holly place is made of gold
otherwise, some pieces were robbed. Though, the cup and the candle holder remain.


This square is a symbol of the approaching between the Jesuit missionaries and the local tupayú natives. Although the first
mass was not celebrated in this place, the natives used to observe the jesuits to baptise the natives in the waters of Tapajós
River from the hill behind it. The ones that did not accept jesuits religion were forced to slavery or were killed by the other
natives. The local natives used to worship Tupã (sun) from where derives the names of the river and the tribe. (Tupã-yú =
worshippers of sun, or children of sun).
In the center of the square there’s a monolith that represents the suppression of Tupã-yú’s traditions which shows Saint Peter
to represent the church from Rome who is the patron of fisherman, represented by the oar in the left hand, and also represents
the entrance to heaven, holding a key on the right hand. Under his feet we can see the Tupã-yú’s tradition: The muyraquitãs
(anthropomorphic figures made of clay). To represent Tupã, being praised. (follow the anti-hour sense), The power represented
by the masculine muyraquitã wearing a “cocar” (native crown) and, the fertility represented by the feminine pregnant
muyraquitã with a big vagina to higher the importance of women in the Indian culture on conceiving, feeding and, turning
children into warriors and good housekeepers.


This museum is somewhat a-kind-of place to be visited, due to its classic architecture; the palace keeps an ancient city hall,
small chamber, a court house, city jail, and museum. The ex-mayors’ gallery, is also a room to be visited. Not only because of
the mayors but, the only woman that has been the mayor of Santarém, or any other city in Brazil in the 20 th century, even
though, women were prohibited to vote. A visit to the arquelogy room, which shows Tupayú pottery to be dated over 6 to 11
thousand years. Curiosities.

Is a riverside resort at 34km from downtown of Sntarém. It’s a 260 years old village and has a population of about 8.000
inhabitants which, most of them, is descendant of the Borari indians who are also descendants of the Tupã-yú and Munduru-kú,
the first dwellers of the Tapajós basin. The village keeps many enchants. The Island of Love – A white sandy inlet on which you
can enjoy the always shiny sun to sit, walk, relax and get tanned, swimming in the Blue water of the Tapajós stream or in the
calm Green Lake that baths the left side of the island.
It’s also an opportunity to see the freshwater dolphins (botos) that always come to play and cheer us up.
Visiting the Serra Piroca hill (150mt) you can take the most beautiful panoramic view of the village, the lakes, the islands and,
the Tapajós River mutually. On the beach there are huts where regional foods and cocktails and, softdrinks are served.
The best place for watching the sunset is Ponta do Cururú. From Santarém one can come by road (bus or private car) or by
regional boat.
Although the Village’s bithdate is on March 5 th, its biggest festival is in the second week of September. The Sairé festval is a
mixing of profane and religious celebration in the whole Amazon. Today it’s increased with the competition of two dolphins’

teams: The Boto Tucuxí and Boto Cor-de-Rosa, which compete to show the best performance of the dolphin’s legend. During
this festival there are pilgrims and messes everyday at the same time the of the competitions and theatrical performances

Is a river that arises from two other rivers: Juruema (Teles Pires) and, São Miguel in the border of Pará, Amazonas and, Mato
Grosso states. Along of Tapajós stream which is about 1.200km, the river presents 1,043km of beautiful white sandy beaches,
many settlements, villages and cities.
The Tapajós is a sandy bottom middle age river (150.000 years old) which means that it’s geologically made, in other words, all
cycles of formation are concluded and that’s what makes its transparent calm some waters. Abundant Tapajós has more than
500 species of fish. It is 800km navigable in full and its widest part is in front of Aramanaí beach where the variant of flood can
make it 19km wide. Its biggest pit (26mt depth) is in front of Vila Franca village where it is the biggest turn of the river as well.
The Tapajós basin pursues 40% of mineral reserve of Brasil (gold, silver, bauxite and, diamond) that means 6, 52% of world’s

The Amazon river’s main spring in Peru where its name is Napo = great speaker. Along its way (6.745 km) it has more than 15
different names, tributary rivers and creeks that make the river to be called Ocean river. But the most important names are
given in Brasil. Solimões, in the border of Peru and Brazil and after reaching the state of Pará, its name turns into Amazonas.
In spite of being the biggest river in the world, the Amazon is geologically new river. That’s the reason why its rough aspect
comparing to the Tapajós. Because of being a new river its stronger stream, stronger than any other river in the world, takes
everything on the way because it’s still building its coast. Also the Amazon river has the biggest amount of species of fish in this
basin (1, 700 species).
The Amazon river doesn’t have beaches because its coast is formed of clay and mud. Its widest part is in front of the city of
Prainha (43km) wide and, Its biggest pit is in front of the city of Óbidos (288mt) depth. The Amazon river drops 175 million of
cubic meters of water per second in the ocean. It’s more than any other river in the world. It’s so true that this quantity could
feed New York for a week with only an hour of its flood.

THE RIVERS’S MEETING (Amazonas e Tapajós)

The meeting of the rivers is a singular spectacle that only occurs in Manaus between the Amazon and Negro rivers, in Santarém
between the Amazon and the Tapajós River and near Belém between the Amazon River and the Atlantic Ocean. Santarém has
the privilege of being bathened by theses two rivers, the Tapajós which runs from south to north and the Amazon which runs
from west to east. Due to the proximity of the equator the magnetic pole affects the streams of Tapajós river forcing the
Amazon river dense amount of water to push back the Tapajós for over than ten kilometers in front of the city. It lasts till two in
the afternoon. This makes all the blue Tapajós to become yellow.

When of the discovering the vulcanization by Charles Goodyear 1837/39, scientists found out 17 different types of trees that
can produce latex in the Amaon region, but the only one kept liquid is the herbia brasiliensis. In a simple way, by adding
ammonia to it, is possible to stock liquid rubber for more than six months. Besides coffee, Brazil’s economy was totally based
on collecting, factoring and exporting latex since early 19 th century. The price of coffee decreased in the way that our economy
came to be based on production of rubber. In the beginning of 20 th century Brazil produced about 95% of all rubber in the
Henry Vickman an Englishman who lived in Santarém and Manaus from 1876 to 1887 took 70,000 rubber trees seeds to England
but Europe’s climate wasn’t good for tropical plants. He took more than a half of the seeds to Asia (Malaysia) where they stated
on the plantations. England started to monopolize rubber so prices got higher, this made Henry Ford to buy 600,000ac (1903) in
the Amazon (nearby Santarém) and to found the cities of “Fordlandia” (1928) and later Belterra (1929) to produce home rubber
by lower price. Ford company wasn’t successful because they ignored simple problems such as, Amazon land isn’t good for
plantations; trees in the Amazon region grow freely, not all together. Amazonian soil doesn’t accept mono-culture, the
company used American engineers and personel, who were not acostumed to the climete and the tropical deceases as malaria
and yellow fever, so that deceases appeared frequently, also the river level doesn’t facilitate navigation in the low season.
Ford’s Company changed “Fordlandia” for the region where today is Belterra than, in 1934 Ford company sold back Belterra to
Brazil’s government before leaving the region definitively .
Decadence reasons
_Brazil charged higher taxes for producing and exporting rubber.
_Synthetic rubber appeared.
_Transportation difficulties in Amazon seasonality (high and low seasons).
_Biopiratary and tropical deceases

_Decreasing prices in international rubber market (less than U$1, 00 Dollar per kg).
_England monopolized the robber prices internationally because of Malaysia Plantations.

Manioc is a type of Cassava relative to common potatoes found in Europe. Although it isn’t natural from Brazil (it’s from Africa)
it adapted to our soil and was absorbed by our native culture. Nowadays Manioc flour goes along with everything edible either
vegetable or animal. Manioc takes about eight months at a plantation field before maturing to be collected, peeled, washed,
grained, squeezed, and baked; then being eaten, by not only Amazonian families but for, the whole country.
The process takes the whole family at work. Normally women collect as much manioc roots as they need for all families in the
village. They bring the roots to the manioc flour house, peel out all of them. After peeling comes the process of washing the
roots inside of a big container full of water. This process takes from 2 to 5 days depending on the way people want the farinha
to be. “wet or dry”. The next process is the “Cervar” (graining) for this, people use a handy grater in far places where there is no
power service. Then they squeeze to collect the tucupí, which is a poisonous liquid since the beginning because of the high
concentration of hydrocianidric acid that in contact with the acids in the system may cause death. But they don’t expend this
liquid. They boil it and vapor its acid up to prepare another sauce enjoyed in here, Tucupí sauce along with hot pepper.
In the bottom of the pan it accumulates a fine white powder which is called tapioca, with this mass you can make delicious
pancakes to be eaten as morning bread.
The men’s part in the process is now beginning; to bake the gains till it get gold color. It’ll take 4 to 6 hours depending on the
quantity and quality desired in the flour.

THE CARIMBÓ – Sex and lovely dance -

Is the most beautiful typical folk dance in Amazon region. Its very atypical swing shows all the sensuality and loveliness of the
Amazonian woman and, at the same time is, a symbol of the Amazonian way of life. The movement that men produce with
their arms during the dance represents the nets used to catch fish in the rivers. The movement produced by the long skirts used
by the women in this dance represents the waves in the river and their waist movements represent the balance of the canoe in
the water.

BOTO - Pink dolphin’s performance -

When the white men first appeared to the natives in Amazon these natives soon created a legend to explain the difference
between them. The boto is a sex dance that involves a theatrical performance as well. During a full moon evening a pink
dolphins (boto) turns into a very handsome man, dressing white clothes, wearing white hat to hide the snorkel it has on the top
of its forehead, Then, it goes to the parties on small villages, the ones that the villages do to celebrate the harvest, it seduces
the most beautiful girl in the village. After 9 months this beautiful girl gives birth to a dolphin-boy: The boto’s son. Once in a
while he, the dolphin, appears to make the girl sadder because she’s missing her dolphin partner.
That explains how the white men appeared on earth, in Brazil and to the indigenous tribes in Amazon.

THE CAIPIRINHA - The welcome drink -

So the legend goes: a long time ago there was a very beautiful big party in heaven and the Gods invited the entire human race
to celebrate together. As the party had already begun and all the angels were celebrating, a black man came out to Gods
seeming to be very hurt and mourning inside. Besides the Gods asked him why only he came into view to them, they also asked
him where were the rest of human race..? So the black man answered to the Gods that the white men had spread the shame of
slavery on earth and that he was a king in his land and his people were all caught to save him. So the Gods asked the black men
what he wanted…And the black men said that he wanted something to show to the men on earth that they could work
together for a better world and to produce happiness to all our children. The Gods got so compassionated, so they gave him the
three elements to compose the friendship drink.
_Lemon to represent the bad or sad moments that friends always pass through.
_Sugar to represent the sweetness of reliable friendship.
_Cachaça to represent the strength for greeting friendship.

FEIJOADA - The main course in Brazil -

A long time ago when the slavery was big in Brazil, the big farmers who were producing coffee and cattle meat needed slaves’
hands to help to collect these grains and take care of the cattle in the fodder in the southern states of Minas Gerais and São
Paulo. So, as industrial hands didn’t even exist they took these Bantos slaves from Africa up to do the hard job in their farms.
As Negroes were so strong, they could work hard all day long under the sun and still celebrate in the evening, the farmers saw
that they would cause them problems on revolutions, so the farmers decided not to give them “good food”. They were allowed
eat the waste of vegetables and not the meat itself but
ears, hoofs and guts of the oxen.

When they saw that Negroes were still getting strong, they decided to find out what made them in so good shape. They come
to see that feijoada has all starch, fat and, nutrients that one needs to have power for hard work. Also the flavor and smell of
feijoada enchants everyone who delights on it.
Then the farmers started to contract slaves to cook feijoada for their children and that’s why this course made Brazil popular
everywhere else.
The feijoada (black beans course) was created in Brazil to celebrate the union between the peoples, black and white. (That was
always the Negroes’ dream at the captivity)
The black beans represent the black people.
The rice represents the white people.
The meat represents the richness (for white people) and abundance of the food (for Negroes)
The vegetables represent the hope of freedom.

The name Vitória Régia was given by the British John Lindley in 1837, in honor of the queen Victoria of England. The Vitória
Régia is the biggest and the most splendid aquatic plant of the Amazon region. English studies claim that it can stand the weight
of medium size man, which is about 75 kg. The botanic Dorbigny claims that its root provides starch for food which is already
known and has been used by natives a long time. After collecting these roots natives clean and peel them up, then wrap them
with leaves of banana tree, burry them in the ground and, after a couple of days it’s ready to be eaten as a delicious bread
called as pão-de-índio.
The water lily’s legend
So the legend goes: in an Indian Tupã-yú tribe there was a very beautiful Indian girl who dreamed of being a star. Every night
she looked at the sky admiring the stars. She believed that if she touched a star she would become one of them. She climbed up
on all of the tall trees around but she didn’t manage to touch a star. She tried several times more by climbing up the mountains
around the tribe but she wasn’t successful to make up her dream of being a star come true.
One night she went up the highest mount nearby to try to reach up one. Next to the mount there was a lake. As she didn’t
manage to have her dream fulfilled, she threw herself into the lake and died. At the place she disappeared, a very beautiful
water lily sprouted this beautifulness just last for one night.

Is one of the best sites for wildlife observation what prove that the nearest Santarem’s area is still preserved, iguanas, sloths,
herons, hawks, monkeys and vultures are easily observed in this place. Visiting Maicá Lake is also to give you a chance to see
how the traditional populations of Amazon basin make a living, as they build their huts on stilt and put cattle on platforms and
feed them during the raining season.

There are 4 types of buffaloes in the Amazon region; murha, Brahma, Jirolanda and, jabarabade, originally from India. Buffaloes
live in average 15 to 20 years, and the female’s pregnancy lasts 9 months. The buffalo’s babies are born weighing approximately
50 kg. when adults, they reach on average 700 kg, but some of them come to weigh up to 1 ton. Buffaloes are docile animals.
It’s common to see herons and other smaller birds landing on their backs to eat ticks and worms that parasite on their skin. The
buffalo meat has lower fat rate than the cattle meat. From the milk farmers produce cheese and butter. Buffaloes need to be in
water most of the time due to the hot they feel because of their black color and their very thick skin. They feed on the natural
grazing. One somewhat unusual thing about buffaloes is that the female gives birth, breast-feeds and eat in the water just like
the peixe-boi (manatees/sea-cows).

On a farm, in addition to the proprietor, there’s a manager, cowboys and hired hands. The average amount of cattle on a farm
in the low Amazon region is 200 animals. The largest farms have an average of 2,000 to 5,000 animals. The main feature of
these farms is the seasonality, that is, the cattle stays in the meadow for 6 months (July to December). When waters begin to
get high, farmers put the cattle on marombas, which are platforms built with boards where the cattle stays for other 6 moths
(January to June) when waters lower. Farmers who own non-flooded lands take the cattle to those lands. They transport these
animals in big cargo raft boats. Animals stay there until waters lower in their flooded lands.

The walls and roofs of typical houses in the Amazon region is made of palms of the Curuá palm tree. It’s easily found in the
region and lasts 4 years, on average. Of course when the dwellers return, every 6 months, they have to repair a little bit here or

PÁSSAROS – Birds -
Here is a list of some birds seen in the surroundings.

CIGANA – Hoatzin - (Opisthocomus hoatzin)

Is a type of bird easily found in flooded areas. From Opisthocomidae family, these birds are know because of their beauty, they
seem to be queens because of the crown of feathers they have their head, and also because of their singular noise, similar to
turkeys or ducks.
These birds pursue talons on upper of their wings what is very uncommon on most of birds. This is a natural defense against
predators in their territory.

GARÇA BRANCA – Egret - (Casmerodius Albus Egreta)

Herons are birds, from the Ardeidae family, which live in groups or alone. Their whitish plumage stands out the ever green
Amazon. When herons bring fish to their babies in the nest these babies fight to death for a piece if food when it isn’t too much
for all of them. Generally bigger herons kill the little one to grant more food for it.

GAVIÃO CARRAPATEIRO – Yellow-headed caracará - (Milvago chimachima)

From Acciptridae family the fish catcher is the bigger representative of this hawk species in the river and lakes coasts, bush and
the flooded areas. They make their nest on the top of the trees close to the rivers or lakes just like the garças (Ardeideos).

MAUARÍ (Ardea Cocoi)

Is a bird from Ardeidae family much like a heron but bigger. It has black plumage and whitish neck and beak. Its longsome beak
30cm (1 ft) makes easier fish to be collected deep in the river, where it spends most of the time.

MARRECA CABOCLA (Dendrocigna brasiliensis)

Is a bird from Anatidae which live in groups in lakes and creeks. Its meat and eggs are very enjoyable in the Amazon cookery.

MIUÁ (Phalacrocorax brasiliensis)

From Phalacrocoracidae family, these birds have a great capacity to dip without getting their feathers wet up to eat small fish
in the bottom of the rivers and lakes. These birds are also called Deep Divers because of their incredible capacity to dive more
than 10 mt. (30 ft).

PATO-DO-MATO - Wild duck - (Cairana moschata)

From Anatidae family these birds look like domestic ducks bat they have the capacity to fly long distances away. They are very
difficult to be observed because they travel in groups of 20 to 50 individuals to south Amazon to lay eggs.

ARARAJUBA - Maine Macaw - (Guaruba guarouba)

Is a small green and yellow bird under extinction menace nowadays because its in habitat is only Brazilian Amazon. Macaws
feed themselves of about fifty types of seeds and fruits, some of these seeds contain strychnine- A mortal poison, but macaws
got the hang of eating just the pulp of these fruits where poison doesn’t exist.

MARACANÃ (Aratinga aura)

These Psittacoses can be observed in pairs, in families and in groups of 10 to 30 individuals. They feed themselves of dry or wet
seeds of palm trees, and in addition to the vegetable diet they also eat small insects and so their maggots.
They make their nests on the top of these palm trees where they lay 3 to 4 white eggs.

GAVIÃO REAL - King sparrow hawk - (Harpija harpija)

Is the biggest predator of the Amazon. The king sparrow hawk only lays, on average, 2 eggs once every 2 years and it takes 50
to 60 days for babies do. After babies born it eats the eggs that didn’t do yet. This baby only leaves the nest after one year of
age. The female king sparrow hawk is bigger than males. When adult, they reach 2mt wingspan, they can easily carry the weight
of a 5-year old child. The speed of flight on hunt is 100km/h. It has a so-nice vision that it can perfectly see a rabbit at 3km far.

TUCANO – Toucan – (Ramphastus vitelinus)

These birds are found since deep forest East Mountains to Plato’s forests and they can be easily recognized by their long-thick
beak and because of their strong colorful plumage. They both support each other on bringing food to the babies in the nest.
They are monogamy birds since they lose a partner normally the one left die. Although their beaks seem strong they are light
and weak for cutting hard seeds or digging wood. They feed on small vertebrates and fruits. It is common that they loot other
birds’ nests.

BEIJA-FLOR – Humming bird – (Trochilidae)

Humming birds are the smallest birds in the forest. They are distributed in several species in Amazon itself and worldwide.
It is normal for humming birds to feed 50 to 60 times in the same flowers and consume half of their weigh of nectar every day.
They are the only birds to pursue librates flights which permit them hover or to even fly back.
They’re capable to flap their wings more than a million times with non-stops. In average 80 flaps per second.
Their heart beat 1000 times per minutes and inhales 250 times per minutes. If humans consumed the same quantity of energy,
our bodies would heat to 400ºC so we were on fire.
Energized by the sugar on nectar of flowers they can fly on the speed of 75km/h. Comparable to their shape uses more gas than
jet planes.

The Amazon Tropical Forest is the richest environment in flora per Sm2. 150 species per kilometer. Many of these species are
used in pharmacopeias as medical resource.

AÇAÍ – Acaí – (Euterpe oleracea)

Is a thin trunk palm tree as well as flexible are its palms. It’s easily found in well wet sites as the coasts of lakes and creeks. It
need much water to survive.
The wine of açaí
This food, containing vitamins “A” and “B” and high concentration of iron, phosphorus and anti-oxidants is also superior to the
cattle milk in calories 240cal per 100 grams).
Other uses for açaí
The “palmito”, the heart of the palm tree, used on local and international cookery, on salads to provide flavor. It contains
starch, vitamins and, nutrients.
Cellulose for paper making
Excellent tasty oil used on cookery and for light.
Rotten pits are excellent fertilizers for plants.
Standard tests at Ufpa-University of state of Pará, claims that from the 13% starch extracted from these pits is possible to
produce basic alcohol content.
_Old saying: “Whosoever came to Pará stopped; took açaí, stayed”

BACABA / ABACABA - (Oenocarpus distichus)

Is a very common palm tree in wet and flooded sites. With trunk of about 10 to 12 meters tall.
Its fruit is very similar to Açaí and one can make wine just like açaí wine.

MURUCÍ/MURICY -Polly Berry - (Anacardium Ocidentale Florus)

Is a small yellowish berry common to arid soil blown by the wind. It’s short some specie from the same family of cashew. Its
trunk is generally short. Its fruit are produced in small bunch of no more than 20 fruits. When they sprout they are greenish and
as fruits mature they become yellow and fall. People appreciate the juice and ice-cream of muruci in Amazon region and it’s
becoming popular worldwide. The process of making muruci juice is very simple: Collect the fruits, as many as you want, then
wash all of them. Smash all of them in a pan to separate the coating from pits. Sieve the juice to have just the pulp. Add some
more water and, if want, little sugar.

ACEROLA - Wild berry - (Anacardium Ocidentale Bulbis)

It’s a non-scientific classified plant like a small bush which produces a small reddish berry. This berry is one hundred times
worth than an orange in vitamin C and critics. It’s also used as a medical plant for relief of flu and viruses. Juice and Ice-cream is
very appreciable in Amazon region. The making of the juice is quite simple. Collect the fruits wash them, then smash them in a
pan, then add more water and sugar (if want).

CAJÚ – Cashew - (Anacardium Ocidentale)

Is endemic to arid lands glown by the wind. It’s a short some specie from anacardiaceous family. Its trunk is generally short as
from its branches runs a thick some sap. Its fruit has its personal character.
Is not the pendiculum which fulfils of pulp but, it’s the nut who is in the tip of this pendiculum. So cashew is a singular fruit that
keeps de seed (pit) outside.
The nut
Baked it into coal, one can break the bark and consume the delicious nut inside. According to researches these nuts also help to
maintain youth.
The pendiculum

The cashew juice isn’t made of the nuts but from the penduculum that’s much like a pear (which supports the fruit that’s the
nut). The penduculum is also used to make apricot and excellent tasty liquors.

GUARANÁ (Paulina cupana)

From sapindaceae family has been cultivated for centuries in Amazonia, and is still an important crop. Humboldt and Bomplant
first collected it in 1800 from the upper Rio Negro, where the indigenous groups used it as stimulant and as a medical plant.
When planted in shade it takes the form of a liana, and in the open it is shrub. Guaraná bears fruit tree years after planting, but
the yield increases greatly after five years. The fruit is usually ground into a powder by natives to make a drink although there
are other uses as well.
In folk medicine the drink is an important stimulant, comparable to the African cola bean. It is cited as being good for the heart,
liver and kidneys, and as an aphrodisiac and analgesic. Today, it is used as flavoring in soft drink in “Guaraná”, a popular
carbonated soft drink in the region. The preparation of today’s commercial drink is basically the same age-old method, though
there is reliance on machinery rather than hands to do the job. The original brew of the indigenous peoples is much stronger
and stored in gourds, whereas in the factories, sugar is added and the liquid is kept in sterile bottles. The indigenous people in
Amazonia first remove the red outer pericarp of the fruit and the white aril, leaving the black seed.
They dry these seeds rapidly without fermentation on a large straw platter and toast them in a primitive sort of oven. They then
pound them vigorously to separate the seeds from the seed coasts. The separate seeds are transferred to a wooden pestle and
ground to fine powder. This is left out for one night to be moistened by the dew, and the following day water and cassava flour
are added to form a paste. Some indigenous groups have traditionally made models out of Guaraná paste, which are then
baked and hardened. In modern times, this has been updated by local artisans, who use the paste to make models of animals,
which they sell as souvenirs.

CASTANHA DO PARÁ - Brazil nut - (Bertholletia excelsa)

One of the noblest wonders from lecythidacease family; although Brazil nuts are popular the world over, few people are aware
that they grow like the segments of an orange, arranged 12 to 24 within a large wood cup (pyxidium). This cup is the fruit of
Brazil nut tree, which grows to 30 meters (100ft) tall and begins bearing fruit when it is 10 to 15 years old. One adult tree may
produce 500kg (1,100 lb) of nuts each harvest. The fruit of Brazil nut tree matures in January; about four months after the large
attractive yellow flowers appear.
Harvesting Brazil nuts is a hazardous job. It takes place at the height of the rainy season, so workers have to walk and camp in
heavy rain. In addition, the fruits are heavy, trees are tall, and harvesting is done on the ground after the fruits have fallen; It’s
not unusual to meet a worker who has been injured by fallen fruit. Workers gather the fruits, chop off the top third with
machetes and shake out the nuts. These are then washed in nearby stream, dried, and shipped. The annual commercial yield of
Brazil nuts is about 50,000 tons, a large percentage of which comes from the area around the Purus River. Most of the nuts
come from wild trees in the forest, but there are also a few experimental plantations that contribute
to the annual crop. Although the vast majority of crop is exported, the natives also use the nuts both for food and oil. The nuts
are very rich in oil (60 – 70 percent), similar to olive oil, and can be burnt for cooking or to generate light. The cups, too, are
useful. One tribe (The Borarí) even used them as containers for arrow poison.

CIPÓ D’ÁGUA - Water Vine – Liana Water - (Doliocarpus rolandri)

This is a valuable plant in expeditions in the remote forest areas, since it yields drinking water. The water vine is a large liana
common on high, non-flooded ground away from rivers. When a piece of stem, a few feet long, is cut and held up, a good
quantity of fresh water runs out freely. The liquid also contains some minerals. The natives contend that the bulk has medical
value. The cipó-d’água plants belong to the family dilleniaceae, and can be of several species, so too, D.Coriaceus.
Water can also be drunk from plants of some other families, such as from the surface roots of species of Cecropia (Embaúba), a
common tree in Amazônia, but be sure to make a positive identification first. Some poisonous vines yield small quantity water
CIPÓ-CRAVO – Cinnamon Vine - (Doliocarpus rolandri citrus)
Is a vine that was largely used on exportation in the beginning of 18 th century and the whole 19 th century because England
couldn’t import tea from India. This Amazonian vine substituted powder tea in England during the war in India.In Amazonian
culture people do believe this vine has medical use to calm down headaches and fever. It also takes the place of coffee at

PIQUIÁ / PEQUÍ (Cariocar villosum)

Is one of those big species of trees that we have here in the Amazon from the cariocaraceae family. Its wood is brown and well
compacted, the fibers are intertwined. Its fruit are the size of an orange.
The tree itself
Reaches huge sizes and stands out in the jungle.
The fruit

When cut into four pieces it looks like a kidney. To be eatable it must be boiled. It has a pulp that engages the pit and after
boiled it turns into oil quite similar to butter then it receives the name of manteiga de piquiá (piquiá butter).
The wood
Is excellent for navy shipbuilding and civil building.

ANDIROBA (Carapa guianensis)

Is a Medium size tree of mileaceas family. Its wood is light brown and is never attacked by the insect like termites, in e.g.
Its fruit are in almond’s shape deposited inside of a prickly case. This fruit consists of 60% of a bitter oil.
The oil
Effective against coughs and swellings;
Natural insect repellent;
Soap making and perfume making;
Natural gas (high flammable point).
The bark
Contains 5% of tannin used in sun tan oil industries;
The tea is effective against stomach ulcer and skin infections in general.

SACÁCA/SACÁCARA (Cróton Cajuçara)

Medium size tree of Euforbiaceae family. It also has a delicious smelly sap from which is possible to make perfumes.
The bark
It’s medical fit for treatment of diabetes, liver and obesity deceases.

SUCUÚBA/SUCUBA (Plumeria sucuuba)

Medium size tree with similar latex of the Apocinaceae family. It has hard, thick firewood resistant bark.
The bark
Is fitted as teas for healing gastrointestinal deceases; asthmas; fevers and amenorrhea.
The latex
Is used for curing stomach’s ulcers.

CARAPANAUBA - Paddle Wood - (Aspidosperma nilidum)

Big size tree of Apocinaceas family, its light brown-yellow hard wood is resistant to termites attack.
The wood
It is a lightsome excellent wood for cabinetmaking, paddles and furniture.
Its tea may be used as diuretics and anti-fever.

ENVIRA BRANCA (Xilopia grandeflora)

It’s a very common variety anonaceae in Amazon. Its stem pursues cellulose and small reddish fruit.
The bark
It may be extracted 40% of cellulose, raw material for paper making.
Excellent for rope making.
The fruit
It has a spicy taste what may easily substitute the black pepper as seasoning.

INAJÁ (Maximiliana regia)

It’s a palm tree that is 5 to 7 m tall. Its stem is thick in the bottom and on the top but narrow in the middle of it.
It has edible and kind some almonds.
The seeds
Are used to smoke robber before selling in the market.

The leaves
Are used to weave handcraft hats and baskets up to stock manioc flour.

JARÁ (Leopoldina pulchra)

Is a palm tree that is 5 to 6m tall. It’s found in wet and flooded sites some with orchid on its stem. Its fruit are in the shape of
The trunk
Has an excellent fiber for baskets making.

The leaves
Excellent for ropes making.
The fruit
Extracts “tapioca” similar to maniocs.

SAMAÚMA (Ceiba pentandra)

Giant century trees of bombaceae family. It has giant air roots (sapopemas), which reaches 10m tall. Its seeds are engaged in
very fine transparent cotton. All compounds of Samauma are useful.
The wood
Appropriate for raft building and floaters as well as plywoods.
The cotton
Has good hydrofugus quality used for making lifebelts, mattress pillows etc.
The oil
Is excellent to use on cooking.
Is used general soap making.
Is used as lubricant in engines and machinery.

APUÍ (Clusia Insignis)

Epifit plant of moraceae family, parasite tree, the apuí vine develops on the top of the trees from the excrements of birds; sucks
the tree’s sap, expanding its roots and branches on the tree then when it reaches the ground it starts strangling the tree to

There are the same varieties of mammals in Amazon as in Pantanal, but most of animals in Amazon are accustomed to night
wildlife than during the days.

MORCEGO – Bat - (Quiróptera)

Bats are the only flying mammals and they are divided in many species worldwide. Some are carnivorous and other
herbivorous. As bats don’t have good sight they develop eco-localization, from the echo of their scream they build a picture of
the surroundings. Some species of bats have a so-perfect hearing that they can get the sound of insects taking wings.

BOTOS - Fresh Water Dolphins - (cetacea)

There are two types of dolphins in the Amazon, Boto Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatis) and, Boto Rosa (Ignia geofrensis) both, with
peculiar character. Pink dolphins, in Amazon region, have long backside and head. Their bodies have red color, that’s why, in
some places, it’s called red boto. they just received this name, pink dolphin, from the French Jacques Cousteau who researched
about the Amazon fauna in the ‘80’s.
The boto Tucuxi (Grey Dolphin) are smaller than the pink dolphins and, their bodies are similar to the dolphins in the sea, that’s
why they also are called freshwater dolphins. Furthermore, there is a dark grey variant in some parts of the Amazon where it is
called Boto Preto (black dolphin). Dolphins have sophisticated communication system. The eco-localization system is quite
similar to the ones used in submarines, what makes them easy visibility and communication underneath water. Dolphins can
swim at the speed of 60km/h what makes it easy when they are hunting for fish.

PEIXE-BOI - Manatee - (Trichechus inuguis)

This exclusive dark grey mammal from Amazon basin has a body that reminds a seal. Instead of hoofs or claws like most of
mammals the manatee has fins like fish but only on the front side of its body because it doesn’t have rear members. Its tail is
also wide and flat fish’s tails.The manatee of fresh water that lives in Amazon rivers eat small aquatic plants and grass, when
adult it can reach 3,5 meters and weigh 350kg (as heavy as a car).
Quite similar to dolphins and other aquatic mammals its lung breathing applies to come to breathe on the surface.
When fancied it can stay up to 20 minutes without breathing.
In the beginning of last century Amazon region exported 5 tons of manatee meat per year what almost caused its extinction.

PREGUIÇA – Sloth - (Brathypus didáctylus)

This mammal of Bradypodidae family is easily found in the Amazon region. It has light brownish-hairy body what is enough to
fool predators when it’s among branches.Although the sloth to be a slow animal when it’s in the water it is an excellent
swimmer what easies its run from predators. Slothes have very good manners; they never shit on the tree, so every time they
need to go to the toilet they climb down the tree to do it on the ground, then climb back up the tree. They never admit help if
one try to cross them a road, they return to the same place to make their way by themselves.

There are two types of sloth in the Amazon region:

The two toed sloth which is the most common one. The three toed royal which has a crown-like up on the head and big fangs,
this one can attack humans if forced to.

MACACO DA MÃO DOURADA - Red Squirrel Monkey - (Saimiri sciureus)

Golden Hand Monkeys or Yellow Hand Monkeys (Titis) are small yellow-grayish monkeys which are peculiar, because of their
yellow hands and well defined fingers. They have no fur at all, and that’s the reason why they’ve got these names. They are also
called macaco-de-cheiro (Smelly Monkeys) because of the strong smell they leave behind to assure they’ve passed by there.
They live everywhere, primary or secondary forest, flooded or non flooded areas etc. It’s very common to see these monkeys
living near to other groups of monkeys or even birds playing among them, that’s because they need protection.

SOIN / SHUIM – Capuchin Monkey – (Callitrix argentata)

Are black-and-white monkeys who live in groups, their vocalization are so high-pitched that can barely be heard by humans.
Life in group
Although they are from different species the shuin and the golden hands monkeys are almost always seen together, as they
have the same feeding habit.
When the forest doesn’t offer them fruits to eat the groups find one specific tree called “Tatapiririca ” (Tapirira guianensis), dig
small holes on its trunk of it, and extract a kind of gum which works as food until the next fruit season.
The smell
When they are eating gum, they mark their own spot by rubbing their genitals on the bark of the tree, so no other animal will
use that spot.

GUARIBA – Howler Mokey (Alouatta belzebul)

These monkeys have several adaptations that make than different from other monkeys as their massive body (1,30mt / 4,5ft)
and long fur (7cm / 2, 5 ic) that bulks on their cheeks forming a beard.
The beard
This beard covers the well-developed bone beneath its chin which makes its bigger mouth to turn into an acoustic box that
makes its vocalization so high that one can hear it for more than 5km away.

ZOGUE-ZOGUE – Wide Eyed Mokey (Callicebus molloch)

These monkeys live in family groups, and generally, is only one who mate but all members of the group help to carry the babies.
They feed on leaves and fruits what make them to look for food all day long.
The female does not breed the babies, but the male, as in little time they get heavy to be carried through the trees their mother
must be free for searching they own food and save energy for producing breast-milk.They are only back to the mother when
they need to be fed. These babies only get to walk by themselves after two months of age.

ANTA – Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

Is the only representative of Tapiridae family in Brazil, and also the biggest terrestrial mammal in Amazonian fauna. Its
members are short, it has four fingers on the front paws and three in the rear ones, also its muzzle ends into a trunk.
A tapir baby is born with some stripes on its body which work as natural camouflage so it can easily hide from predators among
the branches and leaves. After eight months these strips disappear and then the new fur looks like its mother’s.
When adult they weigh about 250kg and 2, 00mt long.
Although it doesn’t have good sight, it has a well-developed sense of smell which allows it’s moving through the forest without

QUATÍ – Coatis - (Nasua nasua)

These mammals when adult reach 1,25mt long, and their tails, 55cm long. Generally they are yellow-grayish, red on the belly
and the muzzles are white.
The tail
These animals’ tails are quite peculiar because of the 7 to 9 of taking-turns clear circles on them what make them look like
These animals live in groups of 10 to 15 individuals, often seen on trees searching for bird’s eggs, fruits and insects.
When on the ground, they dig huge holes to search for herbs and worms.

CUTIA – Agouti - (Dasyprocta leporine)


These rodent mammals are more-like rabbit, 60cm long and pursue no tails. Their rear paws are higher and longer than the
front ones which have 5 fingers even though the last one is quite short.
Their difference from rabbits and hares is that they can’t sit on the back paws for long time and they move all the time
unsettled. Its reddish color also helps on camouflage as it spends most of the time into holes in the ground and in trunks of
trees or hunting for crabs on flooded areas.

CATITÚ – Slender Opossum (Tayassu tajacu)

This mammal from pigs’ family when adult is 90cm long; its fur is dark-brown, hard and long. It also has a large white stripe
coming from the belly that looks like a colar.
The meat
Its meat is tasty and its hunt isn’t dangerous other than, these histories that hunters tell about them.
When they are in big groups they attack the hunter.

CAPIVARA – Capibara – (Hidrochoerus hidrocuere)

Capibara is related to pigs; their brown-reddish fur is thin and they live in big groups on the river edges. This animal has front
paws with four fingers and the rear ones with membrane which make it to adapt on swimming very well.
Is one of the most representative species from Amazon forest also being the biggest of all rodents. When adult they reach
1,00mt (3,5ft) long, 60cm (2ft) tall and weigh 50kg.

ONÇA – Jaguar - (Pantera onca)

The Biggest feline in the category in all Amazon forest with 1,60mt (4,8ft) long. 85cm (2,9ft) tall, and more 65cm (2 ft) of tail.
Their fur is yellow on the back side with black spots and the belly is white with irregular black marks.
They have great power, ability of climbing trees and swimming, besides excellent hearing system.
Once they’re hurt, they turn into very aggressive animal, they can attack even men, jumping from a higher branch using their
front paws to pull out the man’s hair from nape to the forehead blinding their opponent.

VEADO – Deer - (Mozama mozama)

These mammals are ruminant, they have no superior incisive teeth, and generally they’re also very shy.
There are several different species of deer in Amazon region as the white deer, camp deer, caatingueiro deer, red deer and bush
Is a very fast runner and it is always alert to any noise in the bush; some of them live totally isolated in the jungle in groups of 6
to 10 animals.
In Brazil the deer is a symbol of gays. That’s because this animal just mate once every two years then, when living in groups, is
common to observe bucks deer mating.
There’s an illegal game in Brazil called “jogo-do-bicho” (Animal game) in which the deer’s number is 24, so if you say 24 for a
man is very offensive. When a man is 24 he will never say he is 24, he will say he’s 23 plus 12 months, 23 and a half or, 25 minus
12 months.

JACARÉ-TINGA - Yellow Crop Caiman - (Caiman crocodilus)

Is the most common caiman in the Amazon region. It is also known as the yellow belly crock; Its back is grayish with black
stripes all over the tail. When adult they reach 2,50mt (6,8ft) long and 32cm (1ft) tall. It is found in every river in the Amazon.
It’s also believed by indigenous people in Amazon that one can count the age of a caiman just by observing the stripes and that
after a year a black mark will appear between them and so on. In some tribes it is considered a God because if it lives in a river
no one can fish as it doesn’t permit to.

JACARÉ-AÇÚ - Giant Caiman (Melonosusus niger)

Also known as the crocodile of the Amazon, the jacaré-Açú is the biggest caiman of the region, when adult they reach 6mt (18ft)
long and 80cm (2,9ft) but the biggest one found was 9mt (27ft). It is found in isolated flooded areas. Its color is dark gray with
black stripes all over its tail.
The caiman’s sex is determined by the heat that eggs receive during the incubation period; if develop in good heat conditions
for incubation the eggs do female but if it oscillates, do female. Provided with both sex (masculine and feminine) since born; if
left alone for log time caiman can self-reproduce. As all reptiles have cold blood, the female isn’t well equipped for incubate the
eggs, so it has to build a waste-of-vegetation nest and as much as the vegetation gets rotten the temperature gets up to 37 C,
better for incubation.

CAMALEÃO – Iguana - (Iguana iguana)


They’re easily reptile found in groups of 2 to 5 animals, living on trees near rivers and creeks. Iguanas can live either in the
water or land, though their horrible aspect, iguanas eat insects when young, when adult, they become herbivorous. Iguanas are
exothermic (cold blood animals) they depend on temperature to adapt their body to the climate. As much hot, the more they
move. When it’s cold they keep still.

TRACAJÁ - Water Turtle - (Podocnemis unifilis)

Vertebrate reptiles, of Quelonae family, they move on four paws and have lung breathing, taking breath directly from air, they
have a plate-bone shell protection on their back.
Their eggs also depend on the weather to influence on the sex of babies.
If eggs are incubated during hot weather, most of them will be females, if in cold weather most will be males.

CASCAVEL - Pit Python - (Crotalus ssp)

Is a very poisonous reptile (snake) that has a rattle in the end of its body to warn an intruder that this is its territory.
The vision
Although the “cascavéis” don’t have good vision, they can attack a prey at 1,50mt (5ft) away from them, that’s because they
can detect the heat on their muzzle’s sensitive cells that can detect infrared light. These cells also can distinguish either animal
or environments even if this difference is less than 1 0C.

JIBÓIA – Boa - (Boa constrictor)

Although they’re very big, 4mt (12ft) long, these boas aren’t poisonous; they are constrictors. They strangle their preys to death
and then swallow it entirely.
They don’t have good vision as well but they use sensitive cells on their tongs to feel the surroundings.
It’s common to people to breed these boas on the lining of houses where they feed on rats, spiders and other insects.

JARARACA – Pit Viper (Brothops atrox)

Although they’re small snakes 80cm (2, 5ft) long, these reptiles are very poisonous and capable to kill in 20 to 30 minutes. Their
bite make the blood not to clot and after few minutes one starts bleeding through the pores, ears, nose, eyes, urethra, anus,
etc. Over 60% of accidents with snake bites in Brazil are avowed to Jararacas.

SURUCUCU PICO DE JACA / CONGÓIA – Congo Viper - (Lachesis muta)

Are considered the second most dangerous snakes in Brazil because they generally, attack at night and its brown fur works like
a camouflage. The poison of these snakes paralyzes the central-nervous system, if not treated in 3 to 4 hours the person begins
to hard breathing, intense cough, and thickens the saliva and die.

SUCURÍ-JÚ / SUCURÍ - Anaconda - (Eunecties murinus)

They’re the biggest snakes of the world. It was found one of 14mt (42, 5ft) which was swallowing an ox.
The hug
They’re not considered dangerous snakes, but they’re much known because of their mortal hug. They tighten the pray until all
the bones of it are broken than, it starts swallowing slowly. After eating, its digestion can take weeks.

INSETOS – Insects -

TACHÍ / TAPIBAS – Black ants - (Asteca sp)

Are small blackish ants which make their nest of clay on the west bottom side of the branches of medium size trees.
When something big approaches their nest they jump to defend it.The workers of Tapiba ants have a natural honey-like wax
and smell which is used as a natural insect repellent, in case, just smash some of these ants on the hands (workers don’t bite)
and spread on the whole body; They also produce a special white wax in their nest that taste like honey and can be edible, just
beware of the soldiers ones.

FORMIGAS CORTADEIRAS / CARIEIRO - Leaf Cutter Ants - (Asteca negar)

These are reddish ants which live in very high-organized society. They are called cutting ants because they take small pieces of
leaves to their nest which will become fungi that is food for ants.
Generally, the gate is guarded by soldier ants which keep flies and parasites, that comes with the leaves, away; these ants are
only smaller comparing to the queen.
A cutting-ants nest is 6,00mt deep (18ft) and more than 100mt (320ft) long in a labyrinth with more than 2,000 caves

CUPIM – Termites - (menrópteros)

Are small insects that feed on wood and fungi. There are more than 45 different species of termite in Brazil.

The termite nest

They’re made of small balls of clay and dead wood waste found around. Structurally, these nests are very complex; some reach
1,00mt (3ft) high and 2,00mt (6ft) of circumference with many inner section galleries. In the termite nest sections, the superior
floor is used for storing food, under it, is the royal chamber and the maternity ward.
Down there is the basement which is constantly wet because of million termites breathing that condenses and keeps the
weather fresh and runs the air inside of the nest.
Because of its diet (wood and fungi) termite are the world’s biggest methane producers.
When observed at night termites nest seems shining lights, that’s because the great amount of phosphorus in termites body
that make them shine in the dark.

CARANGUEIJEIRA – Tarantulla - (Theraphosa blonde)

Also known as Tarantullas, these disgusting insects have red or black hair on their bodies. They move slowly when they’ not
The hair
When pressed, they release this hair and at first contact with our skin it starts a terrible itching.
The size
These species reach sizes bigger than 20cm (7inches) of circumference.
They build their nest on the ground and line with their web. They are solitaires; if they get near babies spiders they may attack
and eat them. Occasionally they change their skin like snakes.

ESCORPIÃO - Scorpion - (Tityus serrulatus)

They size can vary from species, the bigger ones are 7cm (2inches) long and their food habits can’t be observed by humans.
Their tails have double size of their body and they have a sting on the end of it move them so fast for both sides
PEIXES – Fishes -

PIRARUCÚ (Arapaima gigas)

The name pirarucú derives from an indigenous name that means fish with red skin. They’re giant tasty fish of Amazon, 3mt
(10ft) long. Just one pirarucú can feed a family for a month.
The tongue of these fish is used for grating nuts and roots still their scales are used for polishing nails.
The “pirarucú” are the biggest fresh water’s fish of scales of the world. They have the biggest scale of the world 15cm (1/2ft).
The pirarucús have lung breathing, so they have to come to the surface to get air which makes easy for fishermen to capture
them. The pirarucú meat is very edible in Amazon cookery and very good commerce value.

TAMBAQUI (Colossoma macropomum)

This excellent tasteful fish is the third in size 1,00mt (3,2ft),( Pirarucú is 3,00m and Piraíba is 2, 50m) also, it has incredible teeth
capable to break the hardest seeds or fruits with a single bite. There are several breeding farms of tambaquís in Amazon; there
is one at Vila Coroca, near Alter do Chão.

TUCUNARÉ (Cichla ocellaris)

It’s very easy to find these scales fish in the lakes, creeks and rivers of Amazon region; tasteful and profitable commercially.
There is tucunaré’s sport fishing in Santarém that is known worldwide.

PIRANHA (Sarrasalmus spp)

There are more than twenty different types of piranhas in the Amazon region. The most common ones are: Cajú, amarelinha
and, preta.

CAJÚ – Cashew - (Serrasalmus robustus)

Are the most dangerous ones because they are smaller faster and they attack in schools of up 2,000 animals. They attack if
either humans or animals are bleeding in the water. It takes 30 seconds to make you in the bones.

AMARELINHA CHUPITA - Yellow - (Serrasalmus cf serrulatus) it’s common to see their bite when we’re washing in the Amazon
water because they normally live among other fish, these types also can eat fruit and grass.

PRETA - Black - (Serrasalmus rhombeus) Also dangerous but differently of cajú ones, pretas only attacks in the flooded areas to
protect their babies from predators. They reach 50 cm long and weigh 5kg; they have very big sharp teeth.
Piranhas give a very delicious course in the Amazon which called ‘caldeirada’ (piranha soup). You can also fry them in the way
that you can eat the bones altogether.

CANDIRÚ (Sarrasalmus ikxis)

These fishes are in the shape of cigarettes and use to feed on living animals and blood. They normally go through the urethra,
ears, nose or anus. Once they enter the body they wider they dodging fangs from their body to suck the prey’s blood.

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