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I.- Put the verb into the correct form(present perfect simple).

1. I    (read) your book several times.

2. She   (wear) that skirt many times.
3. My family   (visit) Brazil a few times.
4. I   (eat) already.
5. Marta   (finish) her homework.
6. You   (break) the glass again.
7. They   (pay) for everything.
8. It   (never snow) like that.
9. I   (meet) Anna once.
10. We   (see) him before.

II.- Complete the Reading (present perfect)

Well, I________ (be) here in Seattle for exactly three months. It’s hard to
believe because so much has happened. I was pretty nervous before we left
the U.K. but it___________ (be) fine since my first day. I think I’m lucky –
I made friends with a girl at school named Polly. We take a lot of the same
classes and we__________ (got) along really well since we met. It feels as
if I___________ (know) her for years! She’s introduced me to other
people, too, and that makes a big difference. Last week four of us decided
to go to the Pike Place Market – there are lots of cool shops and stands
there. Then we took a tour on a Duck – it’s a bus and a boat! It’s great here,
but there’s one thing I really miss. I_________ (not/hear) any football news
for a long time. Can you do me a favor and tell me the standings? OK, I
have to stop and do my science homework. My books__________ (be) in
my bag since Friday and I’ve done nothing for my test tomorrow.
III.- Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect continuous).

He (work)   in this company since 1985.

I (wait)   for you since two o'clock.
Mary (live)   in Germany since 1992.
Why is he so tired? He (play)   tennis for five hours.
How long (learn / you)   English?
We (look for)   the motorway for more than an hour.
I (live)   without electricity for two weeks.
The film (run / not)   for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial
break already.
How long (work / she)   in the garden?
She (not / be)   in the garden for more than an hour.

Expositora: PTPC

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