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e) “It is some comfort that around the world

TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: biodiversity and climate change have become big
Leia o texto. political issues”.


Leia o texto para responder à(s) questão(ões) a seguir.

Question: Is there anything I can do to train my

body to need less sleep?
Karen Weintraub
June 17, 2016

Many people think they can teach themselves

to need less sleep, but they’re wrong, said Dr. Sigrid
A UN assessment published this week on the Veasey, a professor at the Center for Sleep and
progress made in stemming the global loss of species Circadian Neurobiology at the University of
made depressing reading. Not one of the 20 targets Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. We might
adopted by 196 countries in a convention on feel that we’re getting by fine on less sleep, but we’re
biodiversity in 2010 has been met. And the latest deluding ourselves, Dr. Veasey said, largely because
biennial Living Planet Report from the WWF, an lack of sleep skews our self-awareness. “The more you
environmental group, found that animal populations deprive yourself of sleep over long periods of time, the
worldwide shrank by an average of two-thirds between less accurate you are of judging your own sleep
1970 and 2016. The falls were greatest in the tropics. perception,” she said.
In Latin America and the Caribbean animal populations Multiple studies have shown that people don’t
fell by 94%, on average, during the period. It is some functionally adapt to less sleep than their bodies need.
comfort that around the world biodiversity and climate There is a range of normal sleep times, with most
change have become big political issues. In Australia healthy adults naturally needing seven to nine hours of
koala bears have almost brought down a state sleep per night, according to the National Sleep
government. Foundation. Those over 65 need about seven to eight
hours, on average, while teenagers need eight to 10
(, 18.09.2020.) hours, and school-age children nine to 11 hours.
People’s performance continues to be poor while they
are sleep deprived, Dr. Veasey said.
1. The chart shows details about the following Health issues like pain, sleep apnea or
excerpt from the text: autoimmune disease can increase people’s need for
a) “In Latin America and the Caribbean animal sleep, said Andrea Meredith, a neuroscientist at the
populations fell by 94%, on average, during the University of Maryland School of Medicine. A
period”. misalignment of the clock that governs our sleep-wake
b) “In Australia koala bears have almost brought down cycle can also drive up the need for sleep, Dr. Meredith
a state government”. said. The brain’s clock can get misaligned by being
c) “Not one of the 20 targets adopted by 196 countries stimulated at the wrong time of day, she said, such as
in a convention on biodiversity in 2010 has been from caffeine in the afternoon or evening, digital
met”. screen use too close to bedtime, or even exercise at a
d) “A UN assessment published this week on the time of day when the body wants to be winding down.
progress made in stemming the global loss of
species”. ( Adaptado.)

both locally and globally. Teaching and learning is

2. No primeiro parágrafo, a resposta da Dra. Sigrid going to be social. Schools of the future could have a
Veasey à questão “Is there anything I can do to train traditional cohort of students, as well as online only
my body to need less sleep?” indica que students who live across the country or even the
a) é incorreto pensar que seja possível aprender a world. Things are already starting to move this way
dormir menos que o necessário. with the emergence of massive open online courses
b) leva um longo tempo para o corpo se acostumar (MOOCs). For me the future of technology in education
com menos horas de sono. is the cloud. Technology can often be a barrier to
c) a maioria das pessoas não percebe a sua real teaching and learning. I think the cloud will go a long
necessidade de descanso. way to removing this barrier. Why? By removing the
d) é ilusório pensar que dormir em demasia melhora o number of things that can go wrong. Schools will only
rendimento quando se está acordado. need one major thing to be prepared for the future.
e) algumas pessoas conseguem dormir cada vez They will not need software installed, servers or local
menos sem prejuízo à saúde. file storage. Schools will need a fast robust internet
connection. Infrastructure is paramount to the future
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: of technology in education. We don't know what the
Read the text below to answer the question(s). new ‘in’ device will be in the future. What we do know
is that it will need the cloud. Schools and other
My name is Patrick. I __________ on vacation educational institutions will need to futureproof their
to Brazil last Summer, and I __________ in a five-star infrastructure the best they can.
hotel front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro.
I went to Rio by plane and I __________ a (Source: The Guardian, Author: Matt Britland, 2013)
month there. I __________ a lot of people and we
__________ a great time! I want to go back to Brazil
as soon as possible. 4. Select the alternative which contains correct
references for the words underlined in the text.

3. According to the text, it’s correct to say that the 1. one – education
statements are true, EXCEPT: 2. its – technology
a) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazil again. 3. them – ipad
b) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation 4. they – schools
c) Patrick had a great time with many people. The correct sequence from the top to the bottom is:
d) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer. a) 4 - 2 - 1
e) He spent thirty days in a hotel near the city of Rio b) 2 - 3 - 4
de Janeiro. c) 2 - 1 - 3
d) 1 - 3 - 4
A couple of weeks ago I was asked what I thought the TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
future of technology in education was. It is a really Five years ago, the book world was seized by
interesting question and one that I am required to collective panic over the uncertain future of print.
think about all the time. By its very nature, technology As readers migrated to new digital devices, e-
changes at a fast pace and making it accessible to book sales soared, up 1,260 percent between 2008
pupils, teachers and other stakeholders is an ongoing and 2010, alarming booksellers that watched
challenge. So what is the future? Is it the iPad? No, I consumers use their stores to find titles they would
don't think it is. For me, the future is not about one later buy online. Print sales dwindled, bookstores
specific device. Don't get me wrong, I love the iPad. In struggled to stay open, and publishers and authors
fact, I have just finished a trial to see if using them feared that cheaper e-books would cannibalize their
really does support teaching and learning – and they business.
have proved effective. I've written about the trial in Then in 2011, the industry’s fears were
more detail on my blog. iPads and other mobile realized when Borders declared bankruptcy.
technology are the ‘now’. Although, they will play a “E-books were this rocket ship going straight
part in the future, four years ago the iPad didn't even up,” said Len Vlahos, a former executive director of the
exist. We don't know what will be the current Book Industry Study Group, a nonprofit research group
technology in another four. Perhaps it will be wearable that tracks the publishing industry. “Just about
devices such as Google Glass, although I suspect that everybody you talked to thought we were going the
tablets will still be used in education. The future is way of digital music.”
about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, But the digital apocalypse never arrived, or at

least not on schedule. While analysts once number of people are reading e-books on their
predicted that e-books would overtake print by 2015, cellphones. Amazon recently unveiled a new tablet for
digital sales have instead slowed sharply. $50, which could draw a new wave of customers to e-
Now, there are signs that some e-book books (the first-generation Kindle cost $400)
adopters are returning to print, or becoming hybrid At Amazon, digital book sales have maintained
readers, who juggle devices and paper. E-book sales their upward trajectory, according to Russell
fell by 10 percent in the first five months of this year, Grandinetti, senior vice president of Kindle. Last year,
according to the Association of American Publishers, Amazon, which controls some 65 percent of the e-book
which collects data from nearly 1,200 publishers. market, introduced an e-book subscription service that
Digital books accounted last year for around 20 allows readers to pay a flat monthly fee of $10 for
percent of the market, roughly the same as they did a unlimited digital reading. It offers more than a million
few years ago. titles, many of them from self-published authors.
E-books’ declining popularity may signal that Some publishing executives say the world is
publishing, while not immune to technological changing too quickly to declare that the digital tide is
upheaval, will weather the tidal wave of digital waning.
technology better than other forms of media, like “Maybe it’s just a pause here,” said Carolyn
music and television. Reidy, the president and chief executive of Simon &
E-book subscription services, modeled on Schuster. “Will the next generation want to read books
companies like Netflix and Pandora, have struggled to on their smartphones, and will we see another burst
convert book lovers into digital binge readers, and come?”
some have shut down. Sales of dedicated e-reading
devices have plunged as consumers migrated to
tablets and smartphones. And according to some
surveys, young readers who are digital natives still
prefer reading on paper. 5. As to the waning of the digital tide, Carolyn Reidy,
The surprising resilience of print has provided from Simon & Schuster, thinks that
a lift to many booksellers. Independent bookstores, a) it has come to stay for many more years.
which were battered by the recession and competition b) people will stick to printed books from now on.
from Amazon, are showing strong signs of resurgence. c) appealing new devices will come along to increase
The American Booksellers Association counted 1,712 e-book sales.
member stores in 2,227 locations in 2015, up from d) it might be only an interruption.
1,410 in 1,660 locations five years ago.
Publishers, seeking to capitalize on the shift, TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES:
are pouring money into their print infrastructures and Advice for new students from those who know
distribution. Penguin Random House has invested (old students)
nearly $100 million in expanding and updating its The first day of college I was a ball of nerves. I
warehouses and speeding up distribution of its books. remember walking into my first class and running to
It added 365,000 square feet last year to its the first seat I found, thinking everyone would be
warehouse in Crawfordsville, Ind., more than doubling staring at me. But nobody seemed to notice and then
the size of the warehouse. it hit me: The fact that nobody knew me meant
“People talked about the demise of physical nobody would judge, which, upon reflection, was what
books as if it was only a matter of time, but even 50 to I was scared of the most. I told myself to let go. All
100 years from now, print will be a big chunk of our along the year, I forced myself into situations that
business,” said Markus Dohle, the chief executive of were uncomfortable for me – for example, auditioning
Penguin Random House, which has nearly 250 imprints for a dance piece. Believe it or not, that performance
globally. Print books account for more than 70 percent was a highlight of my freshman year. My advice:
of the company’s sales in the United States. challenge yourself to try something new, something
Some 12 million e-readers were sold last year, you couldn’t have done in high school. – Ria Jagasia,
a steep drop from the nearly 20 million sold in 2011, Vanderbilt University, ’18.
according to Forrester Research. The portion of people
who read books primarily on e-readers fell to 32 (Adaptado de
percent in the first quarter of 2015, from 50 percent in
2012, a Nielsen survey showed. advice-for-new-students-from-those-who-know-old-
The tug of war between pixels and print students.html?ref=edlife.)
almost certainly isn’t over. Industry analysts and
publishing executives say it is too soon to declare the
death of the digital publishing revolution. An appealing
new device might come along. Already, a growing

ficam em contato com o chão; calculam melhor a

6. No primeiro dia de faculdade, Ria ficou muito altura dos obstáculos no percurso.
nervosa b) Elas aumentam a extensão dos passos e diminuem
a) por não conhecer ninguém. sua frequência, para que os dois pés fiquem mais
b) por achar que seria julgada pelos colegas. tempo em contato com o chão.
c) porque ninguém olhou para ela. c) Antes de iniciar a caminhada, elas registram, no
d) porque não sabia dançar. celular, a extensão do trajeto, a frequência dos
passos e o tempo em que os dois pés ficam em
7. Para lidar com a situação, a estratégia adotada foi contato com o chão.
deixar de se preocupar e d) Antes de iniciar a caminhada, elas registram, no
a) fazer coisas que nunca fez antes. celular, a extensão e a altura dos obstáculos do
b) fazer novos amigos. percurso, a frequência dos passos e o tempo em
c) fazer um curso de dança como ouvinte. que os dois pés ficam em contato com o chão.
d) abandonar o curso.
TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES: Leia o texto para responder à(s) questão(ões).
We’ve modified our behavior so we can text and
Texting – or checking social media or
reading/responding to mail or reading the news or
checking the weather or watching a video – while
walking is a pretty common phenomenon. It’s so
common that most people who own a mobile device
have become texting walkers.
Research suggests that these texters adopt protective
measures to minimize the risk of accidents when
walking. They’re less likely to trip because they shorten
their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the
time during which both feet are in contact with the
ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken “They don’t see us as a powerful economic force,
together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, which is an incredible ignorance.” – Salma Hayek,
but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he actor, denouncing sexism in Hollywood at the Cannes
registers some of what is happening around him and Film Festival; until recently, she added, studio heads
can compensate for it. believed women were interested only in seeing
romantic comedies.
(Adaptado de (Time, 01.06.2015.)
text-and-walk/.) 10. Based on the information the text presents, one
can say that
a) both Hollywood and Cannes are important economic
8. Segundo o texto, “Texting walkers” são pessoas forces that promote romantic comedies.
que b) Salma Hayek believes Cannes Film Festival
a) caminham longas distâncias e usam o celular para organizers are ignorant because they have a biased
registrar essas distâncias. image of women.
b) escrevem ou leem mensagens, ou veem vídeos no c) failing to recognize women as an economic force is
celular enquanto caminham. a sexist behaviour.
c) testam o celular como dispositivo para caminhadas d) Cannes Film Festival used to portray women in
longas. romantic comedies.
d) tropeçam e caem quando usam o celular enquanto e) most women in the United States would disagree
caminham. with Salma Hayek.

9. Que mudanças no comportamento dessas pessoas TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 3 QUESTÕES:

são decorrentes da adaptação à tecnologia Leia o texto e responda à(s) pergunta(s) de acordo
apresentada no texto? com as informações nele contidas.
a) Elas diminuem a extensão e a frequência dos
passos, aumentando o tempo em que os dois pés Researchers have used a £ 1,250 system to
create a range of organic compounds and inorganic

clusters – some of which are used to 11. Choose the only correct alternative. What’s the
create cancer treatments. main idea of the text?
Longer term, the scientists say the process a) Pesquisadores utilizam impressoras 3D para criar
could be used to make customised medicines. drogas e outros compostos químicos.
They predict the technique will be used by b) A tecnologia de impressão 3D reduz riscos de
pharmaceutical firms within five years, and by the contaminação na fabricação de medicamentos.
public within 20. c) Impressoras 3D a serviço dos engenheiros químicos.
“We are showing that you can take chemical d) A tecnologia de impressão 3D a favor dos
constituents, pass them through a printer and create farmacêuticos.
what is effectively a chemical synthesiser in which the
reaction occurs allowing you to get out something 12. Choose the only correct alternative. Which of the
different at the end,” researcher Mark Symes told the titles below best sums up the main idea of the text?
BBC. a) 3D Printer turns your ideas into real objects.
“We're extrapolating from that to say that in b) 3D printing has finally become accessible to
the future you could buy common chemicals, slot them pharmaceutical firms.
into something that 3D prints, just press a button to c) 3D printers could create customised drugs on
mix the ingredients and filter them through the demand.
architecture and at the bottom you would get out your d) 3D printing, an additive technology to pharmacists.
prescription drug."
‘Revolutionising healthcare’ 13. According to the scientists, the next step in order
The 3D printing process involves the use of a to continue developing 3D printing technology would
robotically controlled syringe which builds an object be…
out of a gel-based “ink”, into which chemicals and a) desenvolver técnicas para o uso de impressoras jato
catalysts are mixed. de tinta.
“Chemists normally put chemicals in glassware b) mudar os ingredientes e replicar drogas já
to create a reaction,” said Prof Lee Cronin, who came disponíveis nas farmácias.
up with the idea. c) aumentar a velocidade e resolução das impressoras
“What we are doing is mixing the concept of jato de tinta.
the glassware and the chemicals together in the 3D d) utilizar outros elementos químicos para desenvolver
printer to create what we call ‘reactionware’”. tratamentos contra o câncer.
“It's almost like a cake – you print the last
reactionary agent first and then build other chemical 14. Tattoo Regret? A Topical Removal Cream
layers above, finally adding a liquid at the top. The May Help
liquid goes to layer one making a new molecule which By Paula Mejia
goes to the next layer creating another and so on until
at the bottom you get your prescription drug out.” Tats all, folks: A Ph.D. student has developed a cream
Until now the researchers have used bathroom that targets cells, not pigments, to get rid of unwanted
sealant to create their reactor, and the substances ink. Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters
created have not been suitable for human Today, before getting inked, one must have a serious
consumption. think so as to avoid tattoo remorse. In the future,
But the scientists say their next step is to though, you may not have to worry about laser
switch ingredients and replicate drugs already available removal, or surgery, or a touch-up tattoo for those
in pharmacies. They also hope to work with engineers inky regrets anymore, though. Alec Falkenham, a Ph.D.
to increase the printer's speed and resolution. candidate at Halifax, Nova Scotia‘s Dalhousie
If successful, they say doctors and individuals University, has developed a painless tattoo removal
could ultimately download pre-set recipes and even cream that causes tats to gradually fade away.
tailor medicines to their individual needs. The application of the cream, which he hopes will
“This would not only place traditionally eventually become commercially available, involves
expensive chemical engineering technology within none of the inflammation, redness, blistering or
reach of typical laboratories and small commercial scarring side effects that traditional tattoo removal
enterprises, but also could revolutionise access to procedures can have, either. He believes the
healthcare and the chemical sciences in general in the procedure might even be anti-inflammatory. All you
developing world,” they wrote in a paper published in have to do is apply the topical cream to your skin.
the Nature Chemistry journal. Unlike lasers, which target the pigments in tattoos, the
Bisphosphonate Liposomal Tattoo Removal (BLTR)
Fonte: BBC News, 18/04/2012. cream targets macrophages, immune system cells that
work to rid foreign agents from your body. When you
tattoo your body, you are injecting ink deep into the

dermis — and the macrophages recognize Read the text and answer the question(s).
tattoo ink as “foreign” invaders. Some of these
macrophages absorb the ink and then carry it to lymph Argentina defaults – Eighth time unlucky
nodes, where both cells and ink are destroyed.
Cristina Fernández argues that her country’s
Em relação ao processo descrito no texto, para a latest default is different. She is missing the
remoção de tatuagens, é correto afirmar que ele point.
a) é ainda um processo doloroso e caro. Aug 2nd 2014
b) requer a aplicação de um creme especial.
c) pode causar inflamação e outros efeitos colaterais. ARGENTINA’S first bond, issued in 1824, was
d) deve ser evitado por pessoas com problemas supposed to have had a lifespan of 46 years. Less than
imunológicos. four years later, the government defaulted. Resolving
the ensuing stand-off with creditors took 29 years.
15. Considere as formas linguísticas 1, 2 e 3. Since then seven more defaults have followed, the
most recent this week, when Argentina failed to make
1. Once upon a time, a princess... a payment on bonds issued as partial compensation to
2. Hello! Hang on, please! victims of the previous default, in 2001.
3. Today‘s theme will be The French Revolution Most investors think they can see a pattern in
all this, but Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández
Essas formas linguísticas são utilizadas, de Kirchner, insists the latest default is not like the
respectivamente, nos seguintes gêneros textuais: others. Her government, she points out, had
a) Telephone conversation – letter – fairy tale. transferred the full $539m it owed to the banks that
b) Letter – telephone conversation – conference. administer the bonds. It is America’s courts (the bonds
c) Conference – telephone conference – fairy tale. were issued under American law) that blocked the
d) Telephone conversation – fairy tale – conference. payment, at the behest of the tiny minority of owners
e) Fairy tale – telephone conversation – conference. of bonds from 2001 who did not accept the
restructuring Argentina offered them in 2005 and
16. 36 hours in Buenos Aires again in 2010. These “hold-outs”, balking at the 65%
haircut the restructuring entailed, not only persuaded a
Contemporary Argentine history is a roller coaster of judge that they should be paid in full but also got him
financial booms and cracks, set to gripping political to 1freeze payments on the restructured bonds until
soap operas. But through all the highs and lows, one Argentina coughs up.
thing has remained constant: Buenos Aires’s graceful Argentina claims that paying the hold-outs was
elegance and cosmopolitan cool. This attractive city impossible. It is not just that they are “vultures” as
continues to draw food lovers, design buffs and party Argentine officials often put it, who bought the bonds
people with its riotous night life, fashion-forward for cents on the dollar after the previous default and
styling and a favorable exchange rate. Even with the are now holding those who accepted the restructuring
uncertain economy, the creative energy and (accounting for 93% of the debt) to ransom. The main
enterprising spirit of Porteños, as residents are called, problem is that a clause in the restructured bonds
prevail – just look to the growing ranks of art spaces, prohibits Argentina from offering the hold-outs better
boutiques, restaurants and hotels. terms without paying everyone else the same. Since it
cannot afford to do that, it says it had no choice but to
SINGER, P. Disponível em: Acesso default.
em: 30 jul. 2012. Yet it is not certain that the clause requiring
equal treatment of all bondholders would have applied,
given that Argentina would not have been paying the
Nesse artigo de jornal, Buenos Aires é apresentada hold-outs voluntarily, but on the courts’ orders.
como a capital argentina, que Moreover, some owners of the restructured bonds had
a) foi objeto de novelas televisivas baseadas em sua agreed to waive their rights; 2had Argentina made a
vida noturna e artística. concerted effort to persuade the remainder to do the
b) manteve sua elegância e espírito cosmopolita, same, it might have succeeded. Lawyers and bankers
apesar das crises econômicas. have suggested various ways around the clause in
c) teve sua energia e aspecto empreendedor question, which expires at the end of the year. But
ofuscados pela incerteza da economia. Argentina’s government was slow to consider these
d) foi marcada historicamente por uma vida financeira options or negotiate with the hold-outs, hiding instead
estável, com repercussão na arte. behind indignant nationalism.
e) parou de atrair apreciadores da gastronomia, devido Ms Fernández is right that the consequences
ao alto valor de sua moeda. of America’s court rulings have been perverse,

unleashing a big financial dispute in an IT’S A LOVE THING – There’s no doubt about
attempt to solve a relatively small one. But 3hers is not it, text messages are for personal communication. Only
the first government to be hit with an awkward verdict. 10% of messages are work related, and the peak
Instead of railing against it, she should have tried to hours for texting are between 10 : 30 and 11 : 00 at
minimize the harm it did. Defaulting has helped no night!
one: none of the bondholders will now be paid, Most users (64%) say texting is a good way to
Argentina looks like a pariah again, and its economy send romantic messages – it’s easier to say “I love
will remain starved of loans and investment. you” in a text message than in a phone call. Maybe
Happily, much of the damage can still be that explains why more people now use texting to
undone. It is not too late to strike a deal with the hold- send Valentine’s Day messages.
outs or back an ostensibly private effort to buy out UPSIDES AND DOWNSIDES – Generally,
their claims. A quick fix would make it easier for texting is cheaper than making phone calls. It’s also
Argentina to borrow again internationally. That, in more direct, since you can send or get information
turn, would speed development of big oil and gas without having to ask and answer polite “How are
deposits, the income from which could help ease its you?” questions. And it’s more discreet, too. No one
money troubles. can hear your “conversations,” and you can receive
More important, it would help to change text messages almost anywhere – at work, in
perceptions of Argentina as a financial rogue state. meetings, or in class. You can also use texting in noisy
Over the past year or so Ms Fernández seems to have places like nightclubs, where using a cell phone is
been trying to rehabilitate Argentina’s image and difficult.
resuscitate its faltering economy. She settled financial A NEW LANGUAGE? – Because it’s quicker to
disputes with government creditors and with Repsol, a “write” without apostrophes and vowels, texting has its
Spanish oil firm whose Argentine assets she had own language. And it’s fun to use the symbols. There’s
expropriated in 2012. This week’s events have a best-selling dictionary (or “dxnre”) for texting called
overshadowed all that. For its own sake, and everyone Wan2tlk?
else’s, 5Argentina should hold its nose and do a deal Some people say that a texting encourages
with the hold-outs. bad punctuation and spelling. On the other hand, more
teens are writing than ever before. Now, that has to be
( a good thing.
10263. Adapted)
Touchstone. Cambridge University Press. USA, 2005.
17. The word hers, as used in the reference 3, allude Adaptado)
to the Argentine
a) dispute.
b) verdict. 18. Why do some people think text messaging is
c) consequence. bad? Because
d) court ruling. a) using texting is really very boring.
e) government. b) it is very difficult to get used to it.
c) it encourages bad punctuation and spelling.
TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 3 QUESTÕES: d) it is faster than regular writing.
CUL8R e) texting is funny but not useful.

19. What does “texting” mean, finally?

a) It’s a way of speaking teenagers use just not be
understood by their parents.
b) It’s a book or other piece of writing, especially one
connected with science or learning.
c) It’s a specific way of writing used by people who like
to navigate the Internet.
d) It’s a special way of communicating by writing
normally using the cell phone without the need of
If you’re one of the 70% of cell-phone users e) It’s a special way of communicating which is a little
who use text messaging, you know that CUL8R means more expensive than the usual one.
“See you later.”
“Texting” is now the new way to talk (or “tlk”),
especially for young people. But why is that?

20. What do people use texting for?

a) Unfortunately, people use it just to have fun with
b) They use texting to send messages to their bosses.
c) People text to solve problems at work regularly.
d) Most people use texting to cheat during a test at
e) Most people use it for personal communication. A
few people use it for work.

Resposta da questão 6:
Gabarito Comentado: [B]

Resposta da questão 1: A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o texto coloca: "The
[A] fact that nobody knew me meant nobody would judge,
which, upon reflection, was what I was scared of the
A alternativa [A] está correta, pois “nas na América most" (o fato de ninguém me conhecer significava que
Latina e no Caribe, as populações animais caíram ninguém me julgaria, o que, pensando bem, era o que
94%, em média, durante o período”. O texto coloca: eu mais temia).
“In Latin America and the Caribbean animal
populations fell by 94%, on average, during the Resposta da questão 7:
period” (na América Latina e no Caribe, as populações [A]
animais caíram 94%, em média, durante o período).
A alternativa [A] está correta, pois o texto coloca: "My
Resposta da questão 2: advice: challenge yourself to try something new,
[A] something you couldn’t have done in high school"
(meu conselho: desafie-se a tentar algo novo, algo que
A alternativa [A] está correta, pois a resposta da Dra. você não poderia ter feito no ensino médio).
Sigrid Veasey é: “Many people think they can teach
themselves to need less sleep, but they’re wrong, said Resposta da questão 8:
Dr. Sigrid Veasey” (Muitas pessoas acham que elas [B]
podem ensinar a si mesmas a precisar de menor
quantidade de sono, mas elas estão erradas, disse a A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o texto coloca:
Dr. Sigrid Veasey). "Texting – or checking social media or
reading/responding to mail or reading the news or
Resposta da questão 3: checking the weather or watching a video – while
[E] walking is a pretty common phenomenon" (mandar
mensagens de texto - checar mídias sociais,
A alternativa [E] está correta, pois não se pode ler/responder correspondências, ler as notícias,
afirmar que "ele passou trinta dias em um hotel verificar o tempo ou assistir a um vídeo – enquanto
próximo da cidade do Rio de Janeiro". O texto coloca: caminha é um fenômeno muito comum).
"I went on vacation to Brazil last Summer, and I
stayed in a five-star hotel front of the beach in Rio de Resposta da questão 9:
Janeiro." (Eu fui de férias para o Brasil no verão [A]
passado, e eu fiquei em um hotel cinco estrelas de
frente para a praia no Rio de Janeiro). A alternativa [A] está correta, pois o texto coloca:
"They’re less likely to trip because they shorten their
Resposta da questão 4: step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time
[B] during which both feet are in contact with the ground,
and increase obstacle clearance height" (elas [as
A alternativa [A] está correta, pois a palavra one não pessoas] são menos propensas a tropeçarem porque
se refere à educação, mas sim a question (questão). O elas encurtam o passo, reduzem sua frequência,
texto coloca: “It is a really interesting question and aumentam o tempo de contato dos pés com o solo e
one that I am required to think about all the time” (É aumentam o apuramento da altura de obstáculos).
uma questão realmente interessante e uma que me
força pensar a todo o momento). Resposta da questão 10:
Resposta da questão 5:
[D] A alternativa [C] está correta, pois afirma que "falhar
em reconhecer as mulheres como uma força
A alternativa [D] está correta, pois com relação ao econômica é um comportamento sexista". O texto
alerta sobre a onda digital, Carolyn Reidy, da empresa coloca: "They don’t see us as a powerful economic
Simon & Schuster, acha que “ela pode ter sofrido force, which is an incredible ignorance" (Eles [os
apenas uma interrupção”. O texto coloca: “’Maybe it’s chefes de estúdios de Hollywood] não nos veem como
just a pause here,’ said Carolyn Reidy…” (“talvez seja uma força econômica poderosa, o que é uma incrível
apenas uma pausa,” disse Carolyn Reidy). ignorância) e "Salma Hayek, actor, denouncing sexism

in Hollywood at the Cannes Film Festival" pouco, por favor" é usada em conversas telefônicas
(Salma Hayek, atriz, denunciando o sexismo em (telephone conversation). A forma 3 "O tema de hoje
Hollywood no festival de filmes de Cannes). será a Revolução Francesa" é usada em conferências
Resposta da questão 11:
[A] Resposta da questão 16:
A alternativa [A] é a correta, pois o texto coloca:
Longer term, the scientists say the process could be A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o texto coloca:
used to make customised medicines (a longo prazo, os “Even with the uncertain economy, the creative energy
cientistas dizem que o processo poderia ser usado para and enterprising spirit of Porteños, as residents are
fazer remédios customizados). Além disso, tem-se: called, prevail – just look to the growing ranks of art
Researchers have used a £ 1,250 system to create a spaces, boutiques, restaurants and hotels” (Mesmo
range of organic compounds and inorganic clusters – com a economia incerta, a energia criativa e o espírito
some of which are used to create cancer treatments empreendedor dos Porteños, nome com o qual os
(os pesquisadores usaram um sistema de 1.250 libras moradores são chamados, prevalecem – apenas preste
para criar uma variedade de compostos orgânicos e atenção às séries de galerias de artes, boutiques,
aglomerados inorgânicos – alguns dos quais são restaurantes e hotéis).
usados para criar tratamentos contra o câncer).
Resposta da questão 17:
Resposta da questão 12: [E]
O possessive pronoun refere-se ao governo da
A alternativa [C] está correta, pois é a que melhor presidente da Argentina. O texto coloca: "But hers is
sintetiza a ideia principal do texto: “as impressoras 3D not the first government to be hit with an awkward
poderiam criar medicamentos customizados sob verdict" (mas o dela não é o primeiro governo a ser
demanda”. O texto coloca: Longer term, the scientists atingido por um veredicto estranho...).
say the process could be used to make customised
medicines (a longo prazo, os cientistas dizem que o Resposta da questão 18:
processo poderia ser usado para fazer remédios [C]
A alternativa [C] está correta, pois diz que algumas
Resposta da questão 13: pessoas acham o texting ruim pelo fato de "ele
[B] encorajar pontuação e ortografia erradas". O texto
coloca: "Some people say that a texting encourages
A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o texto coloca que bad punctuation and spelling" (algumas pessoas dizem
o próximo passo a fim de continuar a desenvolver a que o texting encoraja pontuação e ortografia
tecnologia 3D seria: to switch ingredients and replicate erradas).
drugs already available in pharmacies (substituir
ingredientes e replicar drogas já disponíveis em Resposta da questão 19:
farmácias). [D]

Resposta da questão 14: A alternativa [D] está correta, pois afirma que o
[B] texting é "uma maneira especial de se comunicar
escrevendo-se normalmente com o celular sem a
A alternativa [B] está correta, pois o texto coloca: "A necessidade de usar a fala". O texto coloca: "No one
Ph.D. student has developed a cream that targets can hear your 'conversations', and you can receive text
cells, not pigments, to get rid of unwanted ink (um messages almost anywhere – at work, in meetings, or
estudante de doutorado desenvolveu um creme que se in class" ([por meio do texting], ninguém consegue
foca em células, e não em pigmentos, para eliminar ouvir suas 'conversas' em nenhum lugar - no trabalho,
tinta indesejada). em reuniões ou em aula).

Resposta da questão 15: Resposta da questão 20:

[E] [E]

A forma 1 "Era uma vez uma princesa..." é usada em A alternativa [E] está correta, pois afirma que a "a
contos de fada (fairy tales). A forma 2 "Alô! Espere um maioria das pessoas uso o texting para comunicação

pessoal. Poucas pessoas usam-no para o

trabalho" O texto coloca: "There’s no doubt about it,
text messages are for personal communication. Only
10% of messages are work related..." (não há dúvida
sobre isso, as mensagens de texto são para
comunicação pessoal. Apenas 10% das mensagens são
relacionadas a trabalho).

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