Module 4 - Harmonious Work Environment

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Contributing to a Harmonious

and Efficient Work Environment

• Explain the importance of not allowing conflict to
affect the work of the organization
• Discuss the diversity in teams and explain how
culture and religious beliefs affect teamwork and
• Adherence to policies, procedures and industry
• Cooperativeness, consistency and timeliness
• Discuss the negative effects of undermining the
work of the team and the positive effects of
praise and feedback
Communication at the Workplace
• Working closely with others requires
communicating e.g. doctors, dietician etc.

• Critical ideas often need to be expressed

precisely and comprehensively, both in writing
and verbally.
Communication at the Workplace

• The better an employee’s communication

abilities, the more valuable he/she will be to
the institution.
Ability to Work Harmoniously
• Employees should work together closely day
after day in order to achieve an efficient and
productive organization.

• In some institution, it’s rare for an individual

to work alone, therefore its important that
works cooperate with each other for the
benefit of the clients.
Quality Workplace
• What does it take to get your employees
excited about their jobs?

• Money is a common benefit of working, but

money isn't everything.
Quality Workplace Contd.

• Most people are happy to receive what they

consider fair compensation for their job, but
they also want other things:
Quality Workplace Contd.
• Cooperation
• Recognition for a job well done
• Opportunities to learn and grow
• A positive work environment & a supportive
Quality Workplace Contd.
• Research shows that, for healthcare and
financial managers, a key leadership challenge
is to motivate and inspire employees.

• Keeping them energized about their job can

improve morale, productivity, and teamwork
while reducing turnover/client death.
Quality Workplace Contd.
• Everybody needs the right environment in
which to succeed, and executives need to
know what environment they can create.

• You need to pick the right people who can

succeed in that environment, because people
will either thrive in it or really hate it."
Quality Workplace Contd.
• Motivating and inspiring employees involves
providing information about job expectations
and feedback.

• "You should give and get more positive

feedback as soon as you can after the event
Principles at the Workplace
• Discuss Code of ethics relates to:
- dress
- Attitude/behaviour
- speech
- deportment
- Punctuality
Types of Work
• Discuss Types of work that Nurses may be
involve with for the benefit of the clients such
1. individual work
2. shared work
3. cooperative work
Team Members
• Health care team includes:
- physician
- registered nurse
- enrolled assistant nurse
- health care assistant
- ward assistant
- therapists
- social worker
- chaplain
- Others – let students list other team menbers
Team Members Contd.
• When working in teams and Contributing to
Harmonious work environment your support
for colleagues should includes:
- making comments or giving criticisms
- offering encouragement or showing support
- sharing information
- being respectful of differences but conflict can
What is a Conflict?
• Conflict is the expression of opposing

• A conflict exists when two people wish to

carry out acts which are mutually inconsistent.
Conflict Contd.
• Conflict is inevitable
• It happens
• It’s painful
• You have it
• I have it
The question is how can we resolve it?
Conflict Contd.
Usually a conflict is between two or more persons:
- clients/patients
- two or more colleagues
• Individuals
• Families
• Among groups
• Communities
• Countries/Nations
Cause of Conflict
• Different values
• Defending Turf
• Poor Communication
• Personality Clashes
• Hurt feelings
• Different interest
• Scarce resources
How is Conflict Resolve?
• A conflict is resolved when some mutually
compatible set of actions is worked out.
- accept differences
- recognize mutual interests
- improve persuasion skills
- improve listening skills
How is Conflict Resolve Contd.
• break the re-active cycle or routine
• learn to disagree without animosity
• build confidence in recognizing win-win
• recognize/admit to/process anger and other
• solve problems!
Process of Resolving Conflict
This process should be under the guidance of a
trained facilitator
• Gather information: identify key issues
without making accusations
• Focus on what the issues are, not who did
• Avoid accusations, finding fault, calling names
Process of Resolving Conflict Contd.
• states their position and how it has affected
others listen attentively and respectfully
without interruption
• in turn repeat or describe as best as they can
the others’ position to the listener's
Process of Resolving Conflict Contd.
• tries to view the issue from other points of
view beside the two conflicting ones
• brain storms to find the middle ground, a
point of balance, creative solutions, etc.
• volunteers what he or she can do to resolve
the conflict or solve the problem
Process of Resolving Conflict Contd.
• A formal agreement is drawn with agreed-
upon actions for both parties;
• A procedure is identified should disagreement
• Progress is monitored
• Progress rewarded or celebrated.
Workplace Communication
• Discuss with students the different types of
meetings at the workplace such as:
- staff meetings
- special meetings e.g. board or emergency
- meetings of part of the team
- Disciplinary meeting
Exercise #1
1. Students will act out a conflict situation.
2. Then another group will demonstrate the
correct way to resolve the conflict.
Exercise # 2
1. Demonstration of conducting a structured
meeting using an agenda.
2. Then students in groups of 2’s will conduct a
meeting with a written agenda; this should be
kept as part of their portfolio.
The End

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