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1. What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this document
during the 19th century Philippines. How relevant Kartilya’s teaching in today’s generation?

The Kartilya’s socio-political context was on how the people should have rules to obey for them to
maintain the peace and harmony among themselves. The Kartilya generally was about on how to be a
good citizen and on how to keep the peace among the other citizens. This document was crucial because
it serves as their guidebook of their organization for what they aim for and that is to render service with
love, kindness and peace. The teaching of the Kartilya in today’s generation is relevant in a way that it
will keep on reminding us on how a person’s good conduct could be the source of the tranquility of an
organization, community and even a country.

Aquino Speech

1What are the points in her address that you agree and disagree with?

The speech of the former president Corazon Aquino was principally about the dictatorship and the
assassination of her husband, Ninoy Aquino. I agree with her points addressed but what I agreed with
the most was when she said “With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as
God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds.” It clearly
states that all she wants for our country was to recover what has been lost and to save what was left for
the Filipinos during that time. And so far, there was not a statement that she said which I had to

2. What was in her speech that convinced the House of Representative of USA to grant 200-million
grant emergency aid to the Philippines?

Her speech was like a sign and a promise to the Filipino people and the government of America that
they will soon rise with the help of America. It was also an indication of an alliance of the two countries
most especially when she said “I am sure it will lead to positive results in all areas of common concern”
which served as an assurance to America that she will not be like the past president turned dictator.

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