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The methodology of elastic - viscous - plastic disperses materials

(DM) deformation processes constitutive equation creation is worked out. The
two levels of DM structural analyses are used microanalysis (separated micro-
fragment (particle) of a disperse system consideration) and macro-analysis (the
parameters averaging the representative element macro volume). The parameter
of the local (at micro level) energy deformation speed of the solid phase with its
subsequent over the representative element volume averaging is considered.
The constitutive equation general structure is formulated by the components of
stress and deformation rates tensors due to the chosen material model. The pe -
culiarity of this model is that the equilibrium flow concept elastic-viscous-plas-
tic material is an alternative to its elastic-plastic deformation The proposed
equations are suitable for their effective practical using for digital models cre -
ation that based on existent software for the of equilibrium processes of com-
pact materials deformation finite-element analysis. They can be used for calcu-
lating of technological processes and designing equipment of food and other

Keywords: the mathematical simulation, non-equilibrium deformation, me-

chanical behavior, dispersible materials.

1 Introduction

The research problem determination is connected with the dispersed materials (DM)
non-equilibrium deformation processes which are needed to study. The mathematical
simulation using as an instrumental core in modern technologies of DM processes and
equipment design is impossible without taking into account the structural and me-
chanical characteristics of these materials and, first of all, the solid phase rheological
properties of, such as, elasticity, plasticity, viscosity, etc. [1,2]. A significant problem
to adequate results obtaining of non-equilibrium deformation processes numerical
simulation in the technologies of DM mechanical processing is the elastic – viscous –
plastic porous material constitutive relations [3,4]. In order to ensure the constitutive
equation effective practical using, it is expedient to obtain them in the corresponding
equation form compact material elastic-plastic rheological model [5].
For the instrumental (numerical) system creating for DM non-equilibrium defor-
mation processes numerical analysis, it is necessary to develop the mathematical
boundary value problem of dispersed media mechanics with in the solid phase elastic
– viscous –plastic deformation process regime [6,7]. Therefore, the present paper
main task is the constitutive equation methods creation which can be describe the pro-
cesses of DM elastic – viscous–plastic deformation process and can be used for com -
putational experiments parallel with the equilibrium (elastic-plastic) rheological
model constitutive equation within the framework of the common software.

2 Literature Review

The decision of a problem intensification and optimization of the technologies of the

DM manufactures is impossible without establishment of the main appropriateness of
the mass-exchange processes proceeding [8-10]. The mathematical imitation model-
ing of these processes can serve as the basis of the information practice of design
(IPD) of the technological equipment [11]. One of the most effective IPD variants has
the type: “mathematical model - intellectual expert system - design automation sys-
tem” and considers the technological processes as multicomponential system of inter-
connected subjects of inquiry (SI): DM, technological equipment elements, thermo-
mechanical loading means etc. [11-13]. IPD is based on carrying out of the computing
experiments which realize the analytical, algorithm and digital models [11,14].
The analytical model construction of the mechanical behavior of the disperse
medium is suitable by using the principle of its conditional division on three groups: 1
- solid particles; 2 - water in various kinds and conditions; 3 - gaseous inclusions
[2,5]. Considering a specific processing technology we adopt the presentation of DM
concept as two-phase mixtures of the porous or granular solid deformed structure with
a liquid or gas [5,11]. To describe such materials mechanical behavior it is necessary
to use the stress, deformation, density terms and these parameters changing rate
[4,15]. These tensor and scalar characteristics are local and may be determined by op-
erations of the boundary transition, when the space elements (volumes and surfaces)
are leveled to material points [5]. In traditional continuum models the points are iden-
tified with the particles of the medium (the infinitesimal material continuum volume)
[6,7,12]. Such particles are elementary carriers of the material properties [2,4].

3 Research Methodology

Dynamic aspects of DM mechanical behavior are regulated by the balance equa-

tions in the form of the motion amount and mass safety laws within the DM represen -
tative element (RE). At the same time for DM each phase’s relative motion equation
is presented in the form [5]:

α 1 ρ1
du dv
dt dt ) R
-ρ 2 −∇ σ f − -α 1 ( ρ1 -ρ2 ) G=0
α2 (1)
dv R
ρ2 =−∇  P− + ρ2 G=0
dt α2 (1)

where according to the particular DM phase’s interpenetration mechanism (filtration,

diffusion, etc.) the force R is taken into account, which is proportional to the relative
average velocity of the gas-jet phase flux (analogous to the viscous resistance

R= α 1 α 2 ( v-u )
a2 (1)

where  – the dynamic viscosity coefficient (kg·s/m) for the non-compressible liquid;
a – a generalized coefficient that takes into account the pore configuration of the dis-
persion medium.
For the constitutive equation formulation (between deformations and stresses)
within the limits of the DM (RE), a methodology has been developed that consists of
the following steps:
1. The two levels of DM structural analyses are used – microanalysis (separated mi-
cro-fragment – particle of a disperse system consideration) and macro-analysis (the
parameters averaging the RE macro volume). An idealized DM micro-fragment is
considered – elementary volume in the form of an empty cylinder (Fig. 1). The mate-
rial of this cylinder (DM solid phase on a micro level) is considered non-compress -
ible, and its axis coincides with one of the main direction of strain rate tensor compo -

Fig. 1. The disperse material macro-fragment (a) and idealized micro-fragment (b).

In the area occupied by the cylinder R1  r  R2 ; 0  z  h only two components of

the material moving points velocity vr and vz are considered:

∂ v r v r ∂ v z
+ + =0
∂ r r ∂  z (1)

2. The parameter of the local (at micro level) energy deformation speed of the solid
phase with its subsequent over the entire cylinder volume averaging is considered:

(√ ) √
1 ψе 2 ϕΓ 2 1 ψе 2 ϕГ 2
D=σ 0 γ 0⋅ + +σ T γ 0  2 + 2
α 1 γ 20 γ 20 α1 γ0 γ0

In equation (5) the material dispersion parameters are taken into account:

R1 γ n R
' 4
σ =σ 0 ( ) +σ т γ= 1 42 e 2 +Г 2 
α 2=1−α 1= α1
2 ψ=
R2 ; 2α2 ; γ0 ; 2r   1;
as well as a generalized rheological model of material solid phase, where σт – the
yield point, γ – parameter of deformation velocities intensity, σ0, γ0, n – constants of
the experimental data approximation; е, Г – first and second stress tensor invariants.
3. The constitutive equation general structure is formulated by the components of
stress σij and deformation rates eij tensors [11,15].

( )[
( γ ) +σ

σ ij=
w ( )
 ϕ e ij+ ψ- ϕ e δ ij
3 (1)

√ ψ e 2+ϕ Γ 2

4. The relation (6) concretization due to the chosen material model. According to
the dissipative determinism principle for the elastic - viscous - plastic material model
it is enough to set the parameters: free Helmholtz energy Δ, which determines the re-
verse component of mechanical deformation power:

∂Δ e
W 0= e
∂e (8)

with the velocities tensor of reverse (elastic) deformation e e; generalized dissipative

potential Dм with a scalar function λ(Ф), which determines the mechanical energy dis-
sipation (in the Clausius-Dugem's inequality):

Dм= (Ф)Ф = σij·eн ji (9)

From equation (7) we can the following constitutive equation for the PE elastic de-
formation regime:
σ̇ ij = Dijkl eekl (10)
where ijkl the solid phase elastic properties tensor.
For the general form constitutive equation (6) construction is the functional Ф,
which defines the boundary of the reversible and irreversible states in the stress space
of the macro DM volume should be represented as [11]:

2 2
τ р
+ -κ (t )=0
Ф( р, , 1, ,t)= ϕ ψ (11)

where Р – hydrostatic pressure level in the dispersive medium, 2 – the effective

stresses second deviant invariant; к(t) –the loading surface size characteristic of the
deformation process . Taking into account (8, 9) we obtain the constitutive equation
for the PE DM irreversible deformation regime:

σ ik =
λ( Ф ) [ ( ) ] 1
ϕe нik + ψ- ϕ eн δ ik
3 (12)

Complete effective stresses  of the non-equilibrium irreversible deformation

process considering as a sum of equilibrium p and non-equilibrium components v:

 =  p+  v (13)

The peculiarity of this model is that the equilibrium flow concept elastic-viscous-
plastic material is an alternative to its elastic-plastic deformation.
The equilibrium components of the stress tensor (13) are determined by the (12):

σ ik =
√ ρ к (t )
√ ϕϕ γ +ψ e
[ ( ) ]
1 н
ϕ eik + ψ- ϕ e δ ik
2 3 (14)

where  – is the velocity second deviator invariant. In turn, for the nonequilibrium
component of the stress tensor on the basis of (11) we have:

[ ( ) ] 1
σ ikv =2 η φe нik + ψ- ϕ e н δik
3 (15)

where η is the coefficient of viscosity of the material solid phase.

Equation (13) with (14) and (15) determine the irreversible component of the DM
deformation rate:

e нik=
√ ϕϕγ 2+ ψe 2
ϕϕψ ( √ ρ κ+ 2η k √ ϕγ 2 +ψe 2 ) [ ( ) ]
ϕσ ik +
ϕ -ψ pδ ik

or in matrix form

eн = [Zн]  (17)

where [Zн] a matrix whose components determine the parameters of the viscoelastic
DM model.
5. The constitutive equation formulation for the elastic-viscous-plastic deformation
regime material solid phase. To do this, we use the Taylor series decomposition for

vector eн (16) in the time argument tn < t < tn + Δtn in the neighborhood of the mo-
ment tn in the assumption of smallness for Δtn:
m m
d m-1 н ( Δt n )
{e н }n+1= ∑ {e } |t n +0 ( Δ t n ) ≈ {e }n + ( [ Ż ] n {σ }n + [ Z ] n { σ̇ }n )Δ t n
m+1 н н н

n=0 dt m-1 m! (18)

Taking into account the additive decomposition of the rate of deformation е = ее+ен
and linear interpolation (18) in time layers tn and tn+1 {eн}=(1-ω){eн}n+ω{eн}n+1 from
(10) follow the relation in the matrix form:

{ σ̇ }=[ Devp ] n {e }− {VP }n (19)

where [Devp]n – the constitutive matrix of elastic-viscous-plasticity, {VP} n is the vec-

tor of stresses "rheological" correction.

4 Results

The constitutive equations (19) for the accepted solid phase deformation models defi-
nite form are obtained:
1) elastic-plastic (equilibrium) in a cylindrical coordinate system:

[ ][ ]
1-ν ν ν 0 S2r Sr S z Sr S α S r τ rz
ν 1-ν ν 0 SS Sz
S z Sα S z τ rz
[ Dep ]= E ν ν 1-ν 0 -K f z r −−
( 1+ν ) ( 1−2ν ) Sα Sr Sα S z S2α S α τ rz
0 0 0
2 τ rz Sr τ rz S z τ rz S α τ 2rz

[ ][ ]
2S r Sr +S z Sr +Sα τ rz 1 1 1 0
S +S 2S z S z +S α τ rz 1 1 1 0
−-K s z r - Kp
S α +Sr Sα +S z 2S α τ rz 1 1 1 0
τ zr τ zr τ zr 0 0 0 0 0
27G2 ψ 2
Kf =
9 ( ξ +3G ) ψ 2 τ 2 + 2 ξ+
1-2 ν )
ϕ2 Р2
9GРE ψϕϕ
K s=

[ (
( 1−2 ν ) 9 ( ξ +3G ) ψ 2 τ 2 + 2 ξ+
1−2 ν )
ϕϕ 2 Р 2
] (22)

2 2 2
3Р E ϕ
K р=
( 1-2 ν )2 9 ( ξ +3G ) ψ 2 τ 2 + 2ξ+ ( 3E
1-2 ν )
ϕ2 Р 2
] (23)

where Kf – the plastic forming coefficient of the given DM volume; KS – plastic shear
deformation coefficient; Kp – the DM plastic volume change coefficient; Si – compo-
nents of the stress tensor deviator; ξ – coefficient of plastic rigidity of the material
solid phase. As can be seen from (19) in the case Кf=Ks=Kp=0 we have elastic proper-
ties [De] DM solid phase matrix.
2) elastic-viscous-plastic (non-equilibrium) in a cylindrical coordinate system:
[ D evp ]n =[ [ D e ]−1+ [ V ]n ] (24)


[( ) ][
21 11 11
n n 2 2 3ϕ 3 ψ 3ϕ 9 ψ 3ϕ 9 ψ 3
21 11
ϕ 3 ψ 3 ϕ 9 ψ ][ 3
ϕ 3 ψ ]
√[V]=ω̄Δt ϕγ+ψe  ¿ +   − +    − +      0 ¿             +   − +      0 ¿                    +    0 ¿ ¿

¿ (25)

The equations system (1)-(25) must be supplemented by the initial and boundary
conditions formulation that reflected the specifics DM technological processing.

5 Conclusions

The presented system of equations forms the basis of the boundary value problem of
the DM mechanics. By these equations using it is possible to create the deformation
processes mathematical model, which allows the structural-mechanical and rheologi-
cal parameters of the material solid phase accounting. The form of the obtained con-
stitutive equation allows them to be effectively used for DM mechanical behavior fi-
nite-element analysis as the physical basis for existing well-tested digital models of
equilibrium (elastic-plastic) processes of compact materials deformation [5].

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