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Ế – ĐỀ Ố

solidify miraculous intimacy appropriate

survival successful forgiveness prominent

- Sauron: “Would you like to eat out now?”

- Melkor: “_____________.”
I don’t like, because I’m not free Oh I’d better, however I’m in a hurry.
Well, I’d love to, but I’m busy I’d prefer, although I can’t go
“I won’t go camping next year.”-“__________”
I won’t, too. I won’t either. I won’t neither. So I won’t.

That seems a very way of recording the information – do you really need
all of those details?
complicated lengthy delicate straightforward
By kids the right to watch television, parents are at the risk of creating
tension within the family.
prevent not depriving concurring provoking

'Greasy spoons' very rarely appear in guidebooks, but they are an essential part of life in the
UK, especially for people living in the bigger cities. These small restaurants are so common that
they often go unnoticed, but if they were removed, the country would . In
London, the capital city of the greasy spoon, there are hundreds of them, the population
with bacon, egg and sausage. Greasy spoon cafes are so called because any cutlery that comes
into contact with the food they offer is immediately coated with a sticky, greasy layer of lard.

Học Tiếng Anh cùng anh Chí Châu 50

More calories can be found in a cup of tea in a good greasy spoon than in a whole meal at a
normal restaurant.
Greasy spoons are generally found slightly away from the main streets of most towns, they
usually have large glass windows, a plastic sign with the name of the cafe - usually containing
the name of the owner, e.g. Mario's, Bob's Place, Rita's Cafe - and a huge menu offering a wide
variety of delights. Inside they are generally clean and functional. You'll see old wooden seats,
tables covered with cracked linoleum and plain walls. Each table has on it a bottle of brown
sauce, tomato ketchup and vinegar, and pots of salt and pepper.
In a typical greasy spoon, you will find people from all walks of life. Poets, builders,
hurrying businessmen, students lazing around with huge mugs of tea. Some read novels, some
stare into space, and others catch up on the day's news. At weekends there will always be large
groups of friends, recovering from a night on the town. The meals here are dangerously
unhealthy, and absolutely delicious. All kinds of fried food can be bought for incredibly low
prices. The centrepiece is usually the traditional English breakfast. Although it's called a
breakfast, you have to be really brave to eat it first thing in the morning, because it is huge. At
least two pieces of bacon, two sizzling sausages, two fried eggs, fried mushrooms, baked beans
and bread soaked in hot oil and fried. The English breakfast is full of meat and fat. If you want
something less filling, there's still a lot to choose from; particular specialities are bacon or fried
egg sandwiches (or, of course, bacon and egg sandwiches). There is also often a range of
vegetarian sausages and burgers.
Greasy spoons have some devoted followers. Typing 'greasy spoon' into an internet search
engine will bring up hundreds of entries. With pictures, reviews, menus and stories, it's the next
best thing to going to a greasy spoon café yourself. But of course, nothing can beat going to the
real thing - especially on an empty stomach.
These small restaurants are so common that they often go unnoticed, but if they
were removed, the country would be on its knees.
To be on one’s knees means _________.
to be very happy to be very difficult to noticed
to be nearly destroyed to be completely rehabilitated
According to the article, greasy spoons are __________.
only found in big cities going to be removed from city centres
advertised as a tourist attraction important to many British people
The word ‘ ’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
feeding driving poisoning petroling

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 51

The characteristic feature of greasy spoons is that they __________.
use special type of cutlery. offer a lot of dishes to choose from.
are furnished in a sophisticated way. are not very clean.
According to the passage, people who come to greasy spoons __________.
are often in a hurry. come from various backgrounds.
usually meet friends here. sometimes spend the night here.
The traditional English breakfast is __________.
A. not very cheap. not very tasty.
served in huge portions. recommended for vegetarians.
The author of the article __________
is a great fan of greasy spoons.
believes greasy spoons represent British tastes in food.
learned about greasy spoons on the Internet.
thinks they should be moved away from the main streets.

John made all attempts to carry out the project. Finally, he completed it with
satisfactory result.
A. If it not had been for his attempts, the project could not have been completed with
satisfactory result.
B. If he had not attempted to carry out the project, it wouldn’t have been completed.
C. His attempts made the project barely complete.
D. But for his attempts, the project could not have been completed with satisfactory result.
The scientist is presenting his new invention. It is said to be a new breakthrough in
the field of aviation.
The scientist is presenting his new invention, whose is said to be a new breakthrough in
the field of aviation.
The scientist is presenting his new invention, that is said to be a new breakthrough in the
field of aviation.
The scientist, whose new invention is being presented, is said to be a new breakthrough in
the field of aviation.
The scientist is presenting his new invention, which is said to be a new breakthrough in
the field of aviation.

Học Tiếng Anh cùng anh Chí Châu 52

Far from encouraging mass deceit, the web promotes honesty because we fear getting
caught, writes Clive Thompson.
Everyone now and then, but Cornell University professor, Jeffrey
Hancock, recently claimed to have established the truth of a curious proposition: we fib less
frequently when we’re online than when talking in person. He asked thirty undergraduates to
record all their communications, and all their lies for a week. When he tallied the results, he found
the students had mishandled the truth in about one-quarter of all face-to-face conversations, and
in a whopping 37 percent of phone calls. But when they went into cyberspace, only 1 in 5 instant-
messaging chats contained a lie, and barely 14 per cent of email messages were dishonest.
Obviously you can’t make generalizations about society solely on the basis of college students’
behaviour, and there’s also something odd about asking people to be honest about how often
they lie. But still, Professor Hancock’s results were intriguing, not least because they upend some
of our primary expectations about life on the net.
Wasn’t cyberspace supposed to be the scary zone where you couldn’t trust anyone? Back
when the Internet first went mainstream, those pundits in the government, media and academia
worried that the digital age would open the floodgates of deception. Since anyone could hide
behind an anonymous hot mail address or chat-room nickname, net users, we were warned,
would be free to lie with impunity. Parents panicked and frantically supervised their children’s
use of cyberspace, under the assumption that anyone lurking out there in the unknown was a
threat until proved otherwise. And to a certain extent, you can see their reasoning: if we go along
with the basic introduction to any psychology course, we’re more likely to lie to people when
there’s distance between us. Eventually, though, many suspicions turned out to be unfounded.
What is it, then, about online life that makes us more truthful? It’s simple: we’re worried
about being exposed. In ‘real’ life, after all, it’s pretty easy to get away with deception. If you lie
to someone at a party, you can always claim you said no such thing. On the Internet, your words
often come back to haunt you. The digital age is tough on liars, as an endless parade of executives
are finding out. This isn’t a problem for only corporate barons. We read the headlines; we know
in cyberspace our words never die, because machines don’t forget. ‘It’s a cut-and-paste culture’,
as Professor Hancock put it, though he said that on the phone, so who knows if he really meant
it? And consider that many email programmes automatically ‘quote’ your words when someone
replies to your message. Every time I finish an email message, I pause for a few seconds to reread
it just to ensure I haven’t said something I’ll later regret.
Maybe this helps explain why television programmes like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
have become so popular. They’re all about revealing the sneaking things people do. We watch
with fascination and unease as scientists inspect the tiniest of clues – a stray hair on a car seat, a

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 53

latent fingerprint on a CD-ROM. After you’ve seen high-tech cops rake over evidence from a
crime scene with ultra-violet light and luminal and genetic sequencers enough times, you get the
message: watch out – we’ve got files on you. Forensic science has become the central drama of
pop culture, and our fascination with it may well add to our anxieties about technology. So no
wonder we’re so careful to restrict our lying to low technology environments. We have begun to
be keenly suspicious of places that might be bugged, conducting all of our subterfuge in loud
restaurants and lonely parks.
Still, it’s not only the fear of electronic exposure that drives us to tell the truth. There’s
something about the Internet that encourages us to ‘tell all’, often in rather outrageous ways.
Psychologists have noticed for years that going online seems to have a catalytic effect on people’s
personalities. The most quiet and reserved people may become deranged loudmouths when they
sit behind the keyboard. Others stay up until dawn and conduct angry debates on discussion
boards with total strangers. You can usually spot the newcomers in any discussion group because
they’re the ones WRITING IN CAPITALS – they’re overwhelmed by the Internet’s heavy
combination of geographic distance and pseudo-invisibility.
Our impulse to confess via cyberspace inverts much of what we think about honesty. It
used to be if you wanted to really trust someone, you arranged a face-to-face meeting. Our culture
still obsesses over physical contact, the shaking of hands, that lubricating chitchat. Executives and
politicians spend hours flying across the country merely for a five-minute meeting, on the
assumption that even a few seconds of face time can cut through the prevarications of letters and
legal contracts. But perhaps the growing tendency towards online communication is gratifying
news. We could find ourselves living in an increasingly honest world. It will at least, inevitably,
be one in which there are increasingly severe penalties for deception. With its unforgiving
machine memory, the Internet might turn out to be the unlikely conscience of the world.
What does the writer suggest about Professor Hancock’s findings?
A. they prove a higher than average level of dishonesty among students.
B. they are unreliable as students are not likely to have kept accurate records.
C. they only demonstrate what was already common knowledge to most people.
D. students are less likely to lie while chatting online than on the telephone.
According to the information given in paragraph 3, what does the writer state
about the early days of Internet use?
A. There was no discernible change in the general level of honest behaviour.
B. The Internet provided people with new ways to commit crime.
C. Children were frequently not permitted any kind of access to the Internet.
D. There was some over-reaction to the perceived dangers of the Internet.

Học Tiếng Anh cùng anh Chí Châu 54

What point is illustrated by the references to email record?
A. The corporate world has been forced to reassess its systems of communication.
B. People have developed a less trusting attitude towards others they deal with.
C. People are becoming more cautious with regard to the content of email.
D. Email and similar documentation has sometimes been used to manipulate the truth.
According to the writer, television programmes on forensic science have
led to people becoming more frightened of being exposed.
encouraged people to adopt more sophisticated methods of deception.
overtaken other types of television drama in terms of popularity.
given people a false impression on what science can currently achieve.
In the fifth paragraph, what are we told about the effect of Internet chat rooms on
they have had a beneficial influence on some naturally shy people.
they have allowed certain people to express themselves more concisely.
they have led to a transformation in some people’s usual behaviour.
they have improved relations between people from different cultures.
What does the writer state about the future impact of online communication?
people will ensure that emails are strictly accurate and honest.
instances of dishonesty will have more serious consequences.
people will feel the need for legal advice when preparing certain documents.
it will remove the need for face-to-face contact.
The phrase “ ” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
tell a trivial lie tell a blatant lie.
tell a lie without remorse. lie like a tropper.

trial tribunal criticize depict

Islamic isle aisle island

Often very annoying weeds, ________ and act as hosts to many insect pests.
that crowd out less hardy plants than goldenrods
crowding out less hardy plants by goldenrods
the goldenrod’s crowding out of less hardy plants

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 55

goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants
The man was _______ on ten counts of animal cruelty.
accused prohibited indicted contraindicated
The month is not a suitable unit of measure for determining the seasons ________
the seasons are a solar, not a lunar phenomenon.
in order that while since in view of
Instructors from the same ecological and vocational background as illiterates are
more successful in ________ literacy classes than school teachers.
carrying out pulling out acting out calling out
Declared an endangered species in United Sates, __________.
the ginseng root has been gathered almost to the point of extinction
gathering the ginseng root almost to the point of extinction
people have gathered the ginseng root almost to the point of extinction
the near extinction of the ginseng root to excessive gathering
Round and round _______.
the wheels of the engine went did the wheels of the engine go
went the wheels of the engine going the wheels of the engine
Before the invention of the Internet, people couldn’t ________ of such universal
access to information.
conceive contemplate reminisce envisage
I would rather ________ my holiday in Egypt than in Turkey. I really couldn’t stand
the food.
take had taken to have taken have taken
Everything looks very positive for the company, ________ the current investors do
not default on their agreements.
assuming that whether whereas as if
_________, he remained optimistic.
Badly wounded as he was Though badly wounded he was
As he was badly wounded As badly wounded he was
________ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
That we refer to What we refer to To which we refer What do we refer to
I admired her for being confident _______ her age.
in on at of
The lecturer’s monotone voice is really ___________.

Học Tiếng Anh cùng anh Chí Châu 56

soporific weary bored garrulous

Ursula’s judgment was so that she was able to assess the teacher’s personality
after only a couple of minutes of conversation.
ingenious tantamount overwhelming irretrievable
Ginger extract has curative properties that can giddiness or motion
churn out seek retrieve alleviate

In a hot, sunny climate, man acclimatizes by eating less, drinking more liquids,
wearing lighter clothing and experiences a darkening of the skin.
In by eating more liquids experiences
Unlike competitive running, race walkers must always keep some portion of the
feet in contact with the ground.
A. Unlike running race in
The first recorded use of natural gas lighting street lamps was in the town of
Frederick New York, in 1825.
A. recorded lighting was the

A small side door led into the whitewashed corridor from which the three bedrooms opened.
We (43) __________ at once to the one in which Miss Stoner was now sleeping, and in which her
sister (44)____________ with her fate. It was a cosy little room, with a low ceiling and a gaping
fireplace, the style of old country houses. A brown chest of drawers stood in one corner, a narrow
bed in (45)___________, and a dressing table on the left-hand side of the window. These articles,
with two small wickerwork chairs, (46)__________ all the furniture in the room, save for a square
of Wilton carpet in the centre. Holmes drew one of the chairs into a corner and sat in (47)
_________, while his eyes travelled round and round and up and down, taking in every detail of
the apartment.
proposed entered reached passed
was met had met was meeting will meet
others the second second another

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 57

made up lined up put up took up
silent silence silently quiet

It is impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.

People usually find it difficult to cross the road in heavy traffic.
People cannot by any means cross the road because of the traffic.
People cannot allowed to cross the road because of the traffic.
The traffic makes it possible for people to cross the road.
She always makes heavy weather of the report she is writing.
A. Not difficult as the report that she is writing, she always makes it look so complicated.
B. She spends a lot of time on writing a report that is incomprehensible and difficult.
C. Because the report she is writing is complicated, she spends a lot of time on it.
D. Due to simple report, she doesn’t need to spend time on it.
I regret that I gave him the money.
A. I wish I didn’t give him the money.
B. Only if I hadn’t given him the money.
C. I would rather give him the money.
D. If only I hadn’t given him the money.

(Thí sinh không được phép sử dụng tài liệu. Giám thị coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)

Học Tiếng Anh cùng anh Chí Châu 58

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