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Many people with visual impairments can travel independently, using a wide range of tools and techniques. Blind people are faced with many problems such as independent and graceful travel. A long cane is used to extend the user's range of touch sensation. It is usually swung in a low sweeping motion, across the intended path of travel, to detect obstacles. However, techniques for cane travel can vary depending on the user and/It is well known that visually impaired people use their hearing sense to compensate for their reduced eyesight. For instance, they can recognize sound sources.

Laser Cane: Sonic Mobility Device. Handheld Mobility Device: GPS Devices for the Blind

Once the cane detects the obstacle or drop off using the laser beams, it will produce a specific audio signal. The cane has three distinct audio signals; each one indicates a specific distance. The audio signal informs the user of the distance of the obstacle or the height of the drop off. This device can detect objects and hazards up to a distance of 12 feet. Electronic blind mobility aid is composed of a pair of transducers one transmitter that transmits echo locating signal and a receiver mounted on the walking stick.



The laser is powered by two AA batteries, which are easy to replace and typically last at least six months.

This ultrasonic device detects obstacles from 1.5 to 26 feet away to augment information from other mobility aids, such as a cane or dog guide. This hand-held electronic travel device uses ultrasound to detect objects, and gives tactual or auditory feedback by vibrating or chirping more rapidly as the user approaches an object. The device can help a blind person avoid obstacles and overhangs, locate landmarks or items such as mailboxes or trash cans, and find open paths through crowds.

The Brain Port device takes information gathered from a small digital camera in a pair of glasses and sends it to a lollipop electrode array that sits on the users tongue. The camera then transmits the light information to a small base unit about the size of a cell phone. The base unit then converts the light information into electrical impulses. WHAT IS LOAVI? It is a optical sensor. Laser Orientation Aid for Visually Impaired, LOAVI is a device for mounting on the white cane. which works like an optical radar in the meaning that it emits light and detects reflections from the environment in an integrated receiver. LOAVI is able to detect and identify a special kind of signs at distances up to about 10 meters or even more in special cases.

When the laser light hits a sign during the normal movements of the cane the user will hear a beep telling the user in which direction the sign is located. The signs can also be identified as one out of 16 different types. That is made possible by designing the signs as a kind of bar codes made of broad or narrow strips of retro reflecting material. the microprocessor identifies the signal as reflections from this kind of bar code another kind of beep is heard

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Students learning to use the LASERCANE-2000 from Nurion Inventor, trainer and owner of the company, Ali Nazi help students learn to use the LASERCANE-2000 in the photos below. Learning to interpret auditory and vibratory feedback from an electronic device is a challenge for some.

Inaudible ultrasound echoes captured at the receivers are converted into audible sound induced by the user during his movement from a static object in a range of 1.5 feet.


This is a device that is generally mounted on the users head. It uses ultrasonic technology to detect obstacles and other objects that are located in front of the users path. The sonic mobility device uses the musical scales 8 tones to indicate the distance of the object. Each tone signifies a particular distance from the obstruction. The user hears the tones through the devices earpiece. The sonic mobility device is suitable for outdoor use.


This is a small device which the user points around the surroundings. Once the handheld device detects a particular object, the device will vibrate. The vibration enables the user to identify that there is an object nearby. A fainter vibration for a relatively far object and a stronger vibration to a near one. These devices should be used with a cane.


KNFB READER SOFTWARE IN N82:stand by Kurzweil National Federation of the Blind Reader (KNFB Reader). This is a software for reading text and convert to speech. IT ALSO CONTAINS multifunction cell phone that allow the user to read mail, receipts, handouts and many other documents wherever the user happens to be . The kReader Mobile is designed for people who have difficulty reading due to learning or language problems.

Kurzweil-NFB Reader (PDA, Digital Camera) Carry Case Power Charger 1 GB Secure Digital (SD) Storage Card Kurzweil-NFB Reader Software Installation Secure Digital (SD) Storage Card An audio tutorial CD.


Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. Although mainly used in identifying ones location, GPS (Global Positioning System) devices also help blind persons in traveling independently. Blind persons can use portable GPS systems to determine and verify the correct travel route. They can use these devices whether they are walking or riding a vehicle. GPS devices for the blind include screen readers so the user can hear the information. Other GPS devices are connected to a Braille display so the user can read the information displayed in Braille. Blind persons should use a particular mobility device in addition to the GPS system.

Scheduled to be operational in spring 2004, the system will offer enough detail for a blind person to give directions to a taxi driver, however some of the system's shortcomings suggest that it's still not the time to give up on canes and guide dog companions.


Hands-Free GPS Device for the Blind Could Make You a Superhero Andi Wang The Navigation aid for the Blind headset is a GPS device, which not only works through speech recognition, but also uses obstacle detection technology that alerts the blind of any sleeping bums or other obstructions he could trip over as he is being guided to his destination. In 2003, we reported on a GPS navigation device that led the visually impaired to their impending doom due to an "inaccuracy" of the system.

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