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€ON-160 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI Examination in REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) Paper - II BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (Including Psychology, Sociology) Tuesday 3rd June 2008) (Time : 9.00 a.m to 12.00 noon Total Marks : 75 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. __ Q.1. (A) Select most appropriate answer from the following. (05) 1) Blaming others for the fault within self means using a) Projection b) Rationalization ©) Symbolism A) Regression 2) is very essential for the development of a skill. a) Needs b) Emotion ©) Practice d) Attitude 3) Causes of drug addiction are a) Thrill & Pleasure b) Peer group influence ~ ©) Broken home & family 4) All above disorganization 4) is determined by birth. a) Caste b) Class ©) Group d) None above 5) The important Characteristics of human being is their capacity to a) Grow b) Fight ©) Migrate d) Leam & Understand (B) Mateh the following (05) ert «pr 1) Motive a) 1Q 2) Mental age b) Inner force 3) D ©) Novelty . 4) Heterogeneity d) Child ego = 5) Attention e) Urban community (©) State TRUE or FALSE. (05) 1) False perception in presence of stimuli is called as delusion. 2) Unconsciously forgetting unpleasant experiences is called as regression. 3) Dying patient shows reactions in the five stages like Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance. 4) Red cross society is non political international humanitarian organization devoted to the services of humanity. 5) Modification or variation in any aspect of social process is called as dissociative process. Peveidetee ay lof I+ 1+ tonr4 - ¢ Cox 240 MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF NURSING AND PARAMEDICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (PAPER-II) BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (Including Psychology and Sociology) WEDNESDAY, 10rH JULY 2019, [Time : 9-00 a.m. To 12-00 xoox} (Tora. Marks— 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement. a. is the primary group . (a) College {b) Society te) Village (d) Family. (i) The normal intelligence quotient is ... ia) 70 to 90 (b) 90 to 110 {e) 110 to 120 (d)_ above 120. (iii) According to maslow . is the final need la) Self Actualization (b) food (c) Love and affection (d) Socialization. liv) Bleming others from one’s own failure is called as (a) Rationalization () Projection (ce) Repression (di Regress w .. is regarded as father of Sociology. (a) August compte (6) Max Weber (c)_ Moris Ginseberg td) A.W. Small. (6) Match the following —— (0B) “A? Group “B’ Group (i) Dowry system \a) Problem identification Wii) Counselling (b) Perception iii) Giving meaning (c) Mental ability to sensation (d) Social problem tiv) Unmet needs te) Frustration (wv) Memory (f) Problem solving. {Turn over mses) a Marks fe) State true or false -— 105 i) Habits can never be changed. li) False perception in the absence of external stimulus is called illusion. a physiology drive. (iv) Patriarchy is more common in Indian Society lil) Sleep (v) Learning is not a ongoing process. 2. Write short notes on (any three) :— 5) (a) Functions of family. (b) Body-Mind Relationship ‘c) Rights and responsibility of individual td) Conflict (e\ Conditioned response theory. 3. Give scientific reasons :— 115) \a) The patient is depressed at the time of admission. (b) Emotions are important in human life, \c) Emotional control is necessary for nurses. \d) Man is social animal. \c) Positive thinking is important for patients. 4. Answer the following questions (a) Define mental mechanisms 102) \b) Write characteristics of mentally healthy person. (05) tc) List various mental mechanism (03) (d) Explain any two mental mechanisms with suitable examples. (05) OR Answer the following questions :— (a) Define the group. (02) (b) Write types of groups. (03) \c) Write characteristics of small group. (05) {d) Explain the role of family in personality development. (05) 5. Answer the following :— (a) Define psychology. (02) (b) List various branches of psychology. (03) (c) Explain the importance of psychology for nurses. (05) (d) Explain the ways of conflict resolution, (05) OR Answer the following questions :— (a) Define Sociology 02) (b) List various methods of studying Sociology (03) (c) Explain the social problems in India. (05) (d) Write causes of population explosion and solution for it. (05) CON+160, Q2 Os gt Write short notes on (ANY THREE). (sy 1) Scientific Method of Problem solving 2) Child Marriage 3) Globalization and Nursing Profession 4) International Women's day 5) Scope of Psychology Give reasons on the following (ANY FIVE) (as) a) It is necessary to study psychology by student nurse. b) Man can not exist in isolation permanently. ©) Culture plays an important role in civilization. 4) Defence mechanisms are essential for coping €) A Nurse must be a well adjusted person. During your school visit teacher has reported that 12 years old sujata is not behaving properly. She has become rebielius, gives back answers, her marks in unit test are less, keeps her engaged in reading some story book. 1) Define learning. (02) 2) Explain modes of learning 3) Write various factors that influence learning. yy 4) What advice will you give to Miss Sujata and her family members regarding importance of learning? ol R Answer the following questions. 1) What is attitude? (04) 2) Write the process of development of attitude. (04) 3) Write the process of change of attitude. (05) 4) Write the importance of attitude in nursing. (02) Answer the following questions. > 1) What is social groups? (05) 2) Write the social process. (05) 3) Explain the various problems of rural community in India. (05) oR Answer the following questions. 1) Write in brief about social problems of women and children. (05) 2) Differentiate between government organization and private (03) organization 3) Write the various needs of every individual (04) 4) What is sound pollution? What are the effects of sound pollution on (03) Health? How will you control it? 20f4 24 (a) Define Personality (b) List the types of personality. (c) What are factors influencing personality ? (d) Write the methods of assessment of personality. 5. Answer the following Questions (a) Define Family. (b) Write Functions of Family (c) What are disadvantages of Nuclear Family ? oR (a) Write the Social Problems of India. (b) Write the most commonly drugs uses for addiction in India “© List the causes of drug addiction. (d) Write the preventive measures of drugs addiction. Marks (05) (ao) (20) (02) (05) (03) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) (02) (05) (08) (05) (02) (03) (05) Cox 210 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER-II BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (including Psychology, Sociology) TUESDAY, 4H JUNE 2013 (Tit, : 9-00 ast. to 12-00 xoox) (ToraL Marks : 75) 1. Answer to each SECTION must be written in a SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK. 2. The Candidate must write his / her Seat Number in ENGLISH. 3. Write each question on New Page. Marks 1. (@) Select the most appropriate answer from the following : (05) (@ Psycho-analytic theory is developed by ..... (a) Dr. Bhatia (®) Dr. Kumaria (©) Sigmand Freud (d) Dr. James. w. ... is important means of social control (a) Religion (©) Reservation (©) Violence @ U Alii) Imitation and sympathy i8 a -.onnne (a) Physical (b) Social _ (©) Psychological (d) Spiritual ) . is a Mental Mechanism that causes forgetting of “ampleasant and painful events. (a) Identification (6) Repression (©) Compensation (d) Day dreaming. ©) snnessnesnes 8 VeFY essential for the development of a skill f (a) Needs (®) Emotion (©) Practice (d) Attitude. (b) Match the following :— (05) Group ‘A’ Group ‘B (i) Family (c) Grampanchayat (ii) Sarpanch (b) Agency for socialization (iii) Hierarchy of needs (©) Free thinking (iv) Day Dreaming (d) Abraham Maslow (v) Father of Psychology (e) William Width. (©) State True or False — (05) (®) Modification or variation in any aspect of social process is called as dissociative process. (ii) Red cross society is non political international humanitarian organization devoted to the services of humanity. (iii) Dying patient shows reactions in the five stages like Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. (iv) Unconsciously forgetting unpleasant experiences is called as “Regression ” (0) False perception in presence of stimuli is called as delusion. furn over Cox 210 2 Marks 2. Write short notes on (any three) -— 16 (@) Unemployment in India. (b) Characteristics of mentally healthy person (©) Juvenile Delinquency (d) Nurse-Patient relationship (©) ‘Maslow's Heirarchy of needs. 3. Give reasons on the following (any five) —~ 6 (a) A Nurse must be a well adjusted person. (b) Culture plays an important Role in civilization, (c) Man cannot exist in isolation permanently. (d) Good pleasant emotions contribute to good health. (e) Accurate observation is very important for Nurses. (P Body and Mind are two sides of a coin. 4, During your school visit teacher has reported that 12 years old Mahima is not behaving properly, she has become rebellious, gives back answers, her marks in unit test are less, keeps herself engaged in reading some Story Book (Answer the following) — (a) Define learning. en (6) Explain modes of learning. 08) (©) Write various factors that influence learning, (05) (d) What advice will you give to Miss Mahima and her family (03) members regarding importance of learning ? OR Answer the following questions :— (a) Write in brief about social problems of women and children. a (b) Differentiate between Government Organization and Private (09) (c) Write the various needs of every individual. on {4) What is sound pollution ? What are the effect of sound pollution on (03) health ? How will you control it ? 5. Answer the following questions :— (a) What is attitude ? om (b) Write the process of development of attitude. on) (©) Write the process of change of attitude. on (d) Write the importance of attitude im Nursing. (05) oR . Answer the following questions :— (a) What is frustration ? bed (b) List the sources of frustration. (05) (c) What is mental conflict ? (03) (d) List the types of conflict. (05) Cox 48 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY * FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE), PAPER - IT BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (Including Psychology and Sociology) WEDNESDAY, 41 JUNE 2014 [Tite : 9-00 at. 70 12-00 Noox | (Tora. Marks - 75) Answer to each SECTION must be written in a SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK. 2. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 8. Write each question on New Page. ws Marks & 1, (A) Select the correct answer from the following — (03) (1) Attention and Perception are components Of «umn (a) Emotion. (6) Observation, (c) Habit formation (@) Attitude. (2) Blaming others for the fault within self-meanings using .. P (0) Projection (b) Rationalization (©) Symbolism (d) Regression. (3) ‘The Important Characteristics of Human being is their capacity foxes. (a) Grow () Fight ; (c) Migrate (d) Learn and Understands (4) Indian Major Occupation is (a) Poultry (®) Fishery (¢) Agriculture (d) Handcraft. (5) For better future and Improved family life . is necessary. (a) Family budget () Authority (c) Simplicity (d) Freedom to Members. (B) Match the following pairs -— (05) «A? Group * B? Group () Thinking Ja) Indian Society (2) Culture Ab) Mental age (3) Child Marriage Restraint Act (ce) William James (4) 19 Kd) Cognative process (5) Law of Habit formation He) 1978. (C) State whether true or false -— (05) (1) According to Maslow self-actualization is primary motive. (2) Juvenile delinquency is not a social problem... (3) Religion is the formal way of social control (4) False verceptior in presence of stimuli is called Hallucination, ire (5) Attention is a one type of Learning Process. i (Turn over Cox 48 2 2. Write short notes on (any three) — (a) Importance of Psychology in Nursing. (b) Women's empowerment (c) Motivation, (d) Body-mind relationship. (e) Joint Family, 3. Give reasons on the following (any five) — _4a) Emotion play important Role in Human Life. (b) Sociology is Science, 4c) Slum is said to be Cancer of City. (d) Frustration should not be allowed to continue unresolved for a long time. _-le) Marriage gives social protection for Women and Children. -(P) Arnurse must be well adjusted person. 4, Answers the following questions :— a) Define personality. (b) Write the different factors are important in Development of Personality. _{c) List the different types of Personality. (d) Write the method of assessment of Personality. oR (a) What is mental conflict ? 4b) List the types of conflict. (c) What is unconcious conflict ? (d) How will you solve the conflicts in the ward ? 5. Answers the following questions — (a) Define intelligency. (b) Write the level of LQ. (ec Define the thinking and Nature of thinking. “¢d) Write types and sub-types of thinking. _, (e) Write the importance of thinking by Nurse, oR (a) What is Social Group? (b) Write the various problems of Rural Community in India. (c) Differentiate between the Government organisation and Private organisation, Marks a5) (5) 5) (02) (04) (04) (05) (02) (05) (03) (05) (02) (03) (03) (04) (03) (05) (05) (05) Wor Cox 47 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERADINURSINGAND MIDWIFERY FIRSTSYEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER-II BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE (including Psychology, Sociology) é WEDNESDAY, Sep JUNE 2015 [Tine : 10-00 a.m. to 1-00 pat) (Torat. Marks ~ 75) 1, The Candidate must write his/her Seat Number in ENGLISH, 2. Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. 3. Write each question on NEW Page. Marks we, 1. (A) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the (05) statement — (2) Indian Major Occupation i8 wun: + (a) Poultry (b) Fishery (c) Handicraft Ady Agriculture. (2) sneune i$ Important means of Social Control Sa) Religion () Unity (e) Violence (d) Reservation. (3) All are Biological drives except (a) Hunger (b) Respiration . (c) Thurst (d) Self-actualization. Ne (4) Laws of learning are given by (a) Binet (b) Thorndike (c) Sigmon fraud (d) Simon. (5) The most Important characteristic of human being is their capacity to . @) Learn and understand (b) grow (©) Fight (d) Migrate. ‘ t (B) Match the following pairs :— (05) i «A? Group «BY Group (1) Father of Sociology. (a) Remand Home (2) Family» (6) Cognitive Process (3) Juvenile Delinquency (©) Indian Society (4) Thinking (d) Agust Comte (5) Culture (e) Agency for Socialization Cox 47 2 Marks (C) State whether true or false -— (05) : (2) Nurses should not understand the drives and motives of her patient. *. (2) Dowry is not a Social problem. » (3) Emotion is strong motiv (4) Maslow’s Need theory say's that Self-esteem is basie drive (5) Family budgeting is done on the basis of Eagle's Law, 2, Write short notes (any three) — 5) (a) Habit | (b) Family Budget | (©) Porsonality (d) Defense Mechanism. 8. Give scientific reasons :-— (a5) | (a) Man cannot live in isolation permanantly. | (b) A Nurse must be weladjusted person, (c) Body and mind are to sides of coin. (d) Internal conflict is difficult to resolve. | (e) Frustration affect on productivity of person. 4. Answers the following questions :— (a) Define Memory (03) . (b) Write the types of memory (05) (c) Write short term memory (03) | (d) Write the Methods to improve memory. (04) OR (a) Define mental Health cosa (b) Write the characteristics of mentally healthy person (05) & (©) Define Learning (05) (d) Write the factors Influencing on Learning (05) 5. Answers the following questions :-— (a) Define Family (02) (b) Write the characteristics of fami (03) (©) Write the funetions of family (05) (d) Write the dis-advantages of Neuclear family, (05) OR (a) What is a child labour? (02) (b) Write the problem of child labour. (03) (c) Write the existing laws to prevent child labour. (05) (d) How will you Rehabilitate the child labour? (05) Cox 51 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR—PAPER-II BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES TUESDAY, 14m JUNE 2016 (Tine : 9-00 a.m. To 12-00 Nox] (Tora, Marxs—75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. 3. Write each question on NEW Page. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete (05) the statement :— (i) Seeing objects in three dimension is called (a) Perceptual constancy (0) Perception of Motion (©) Depth perception (d) Form perception. (ii) The following statement describes habits .... (a) It is learned or acquired through repitition (b) It is requires effort (©) It is based on maturation (a) It is Seen in human beings only. (iii) All are biological drives Except women « (a) Hunger drive (®) Thurst drive (c) Socialization drive (d) Respiratory drive. (iv) The Community development programme was launched on (a) October 2, 1952 (b) October 2, 1955 (c) October 2, 1958 (d) October 2, 1960. (v) Per capita income is .. (a) Total income produced Wy comtey (b) Average income per person in a year (©) Total income of State (d) None of above. (6) Match the following — (05) “A? Section * B? Section (i) Psychosexual development (a) Unconscious forgetting (ii) Repression (b) Problem solving (iii) Counselling (©) Sigmund Freud (iv) Law (d) Social problem (v) Drug addiction (e) Social control. {Turn over Con 51 2 as 5. Marks (c) State true or false — (05) (Customs are written codes of behaviour. (éi) ‘Interview’ is common method of judging personality. (iéi) The theory of cultural lag was propounded by William Ogburn, (iv) Nurse should not understand the drives and motives of patient. (v) Learning is a process of modification of behaviour. Write short notes (any three) a5) (a) Personality (6) Women’s Empowerment (c) Mental Retardation (d) Development of accurate observation (@) Child Abuse. . Give scientific reasons — (15) (a) Family is a basic unit of the society. (0) Why do we forgot in day to day life? (©) Culture plays an important role in civilization. (d) Conflict within a person is more dangerous than conflict between two persons, (@) Defense mechanisms are safety values in human life. Answer the following questions : (a) Define thinking. (02) (b) Write the levels of thinking. (03) (©) Write the types of thinking. (05) (d) Write importance of thinking skill for nurses. (05) OR (a) What is amnesia? (02) (b) Write the methods of memorization. (05) (©) What are the causes of forgetting ? (05) (d) Write the theories of memory. (03) Answer the following question (a) List the demerits of dowry. (03) (b) What suggestions you will give to eradicate dowry ? (05) (©) List the causes of beggary. (02) (d) Write the suggestions for the eradication of beggary. (05) OR (a) Define family. (02) (b) Write the typical characteristics of Indian family. (04) (c) Write difference between nuclear family and joint family. (05) (d) Write the significance of family in family health and family budget. (04) Cow 126 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES—-PAPER-IL (Including Psychology and Sociology) WEDNESDAY, 2xv AUGUST 2017 (Tite ; 9-00 at. 10 12-00 noon] (Tora, Manxs — 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement :— (@ Giving meaning to sensation is called as (@) Attention (&) Perception (©) Concentration (d)_ Emotion (ii) Psycho-analytie theory is developed by (a) Sigmand Freud (6) Dr. Bhatiya (©) Dr. Kumariya (d) Dr. James (iii) Two or more persons indirect or direct contact is known bei Sac (a) Society () Marriage () Social group (@) Association (iv) Unacceptable desire or acti socially desirable channel by ies are redirected into (@) Identification (6) Repression (c) Sublimation (d) Substitution (v) Marriage within the group is (a) Exagamy () Monogamy (c) Polygamy (d) Endogamy (6) Match the following :— (05) +A? Section “B? Section (@® Social problem (@) Man-power (ii) Creative thinking (b) Dowary (iii) Musion (c) Playing an instrument (iv) Father of Sociology (d)_ Perception error (v) Natural resources (e) August comte Cox 126 2 2. 4. (©) State true or false i— (According to Maslow self actualization is primary (ii) Crowd is primary group (iii) Juvenile deliquency is not a social probl (iv) Habit can never be changed. (v) Social control is necessary for social order. Write short notes (any three) :— (a) Importance of Psychology in nursing. (b) Importance of Sociology in nursing. () Body-mind-Relationship. (d) Characteristic of mentally healthy person. (e) Joint family. Give Scientifie Reasons :— (a) Accurate observation is important for nurses. (®) Frustration is necessary for growing up (c) Conflict within person is dangerous. (d) Family is a basic unit of society. (e) Learning means trial and error. Answer the following questions :-— (a) What are the habit ? (b) Write the basis of habit formation. (c) What are the types of habit ? (d) Write the steps of the breaking of bad habit. oR (a) Define personality. (b) List the types of personality. (c) What are factors influencing personality ? (@) Write the method of assessment of personality. Answer the following questions :— (a) Define family. (b) Write functions of family. (©) Write characteristic of family. (d) Write the disadvantages of nuclear family. OR (a) List the causes of drug addiction, (b) Write the most commonly drugs uses for addiction in India, (c) Write the preventive measure of drug addiction. (d) Write the social problem of India. Marks (05) (a5) (02) (05) (03) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) (02) (05) (04) (04) (02) (03) (05) (05) ‘i TEFL IE IE IIE IE FEF FF EFF EEF FEF FFE (00 LA GNM - 02 EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (Paper - Il) (Including Psychology and Scciology) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75 Instructions ; 1) The candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2) Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks: 4. (A) Select most appropriate answer from the following and complete the statement : (8) (i) Classical conditioning is invented by (a) James Maxims (by Paviov (c) Cruze (d) Averill « (ii) Psycho-analytic theory is developed by (a) Dr. Bhatiya (b} Sigmund Freud (c) Dr. Kumariya (d) Dr. James (iii) Intelligence quotient of genius individual is (a) 91-110 (b) 121-140 (c) 111-120 (dy. 141 and above (iv) Imitation and sympathy is a motive. (a) Physical (b¥ Psychological’ (c) Social (d) Spiritual (v) _____isamental mechanism that causes forgetting of unpleasant and painful events. (a) Identification + (b) Compensation ( Repression (d) Day dreaming (B) Match the following : (5) Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ (i) Hierarchy of needs (a) Grampanchayat (ii) Dowry (b) William Width (ili) Female foeticide (c) Abraham Maslow (iv) Father of Psychology (d) Social problem (v) Sarpanch (e) Imbalance in male female sex ratio (C) State true or false : (8) (i) Attention and perception are two independent psychological process, yet closes in relation while function. (ii) Customs and traditions are devices of social control. (ili) Juvenile deliquency is not a social problem. « (iv) Interview is common method of judging personality. (v) Secondary groups are small in size. P.T.0. GNM - 02 2 (ME Marks 2. Write short notes (any three) : (15) (a) Joint Family. (b) Planned Parenthood. (c) Personality. (d) Development of accurate observation skill. (e) Women's empowerment. . - (15) 3. Give Scientific Reasons (any five) : (a) Conflict within a person is more dangerous than conflict between two persons. (b) Why do we forgot in day to day life ? . (c) Study of psychology is very useful in nursing. (d) Defence mechanisms are safety values of human life. (e) Emotions play an important role in human life. (f) Sociology is science. 4. Answer the following questions : (@} List the causes of drug addiction. (3) (b) What are the social problems of India ? (5) (c) Write the most commonly used drugs for addiction in India. (2) (d) Write the preventive measures of drugs addiction. (5) OR (a) Define stress. (2) (b) List the physical and physiological effects of stress. (4) (c) What are the constructive effects of stress ? (4) (d) Write the factors involved in coping with the stress. (5) 5. Answer the following questions : (a) Define family. (1) (b) Write the characteristics of nuclear family. (3) (c) Write the disadvantages of joint family. (3) (d) What are the basic needs of the family ? (3) (e) Write the functions of family as social institution. (5) OR (a) What is Habit ? (2) (b) Write the basis of habit formation. (4) (c) What are the types of habits ? (4) (d) Explain the breaking of bad habits. (5) 4 4 a a a a a A a a 4 a 4 a a 4 a 4 a 4 4 a a i 4 i 4 - a 4 4 a

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