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Sur cou-159 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI Examination in REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) Paper - I BIO-SCIENCES (including Anatomy, Physiology & Microbiology) Monday, 2nd June 2008 ) (Time : 9.00 am to 12,00 noon ‘Total Marks : 75 1. The candidate mast write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Q.1. (A) Select most appropriate words from the following & Complete the (05) Statement. 1) artery supplies oxy; penated b blood to the heart. a) Carotid 2b) Coronary c) Coeliac d) Common Iliac 2) Hip joint is a type of movable joint. a) Pivot b) Hinge ©) Saddle ay Ball & Socket 3) The bile and pancreatic juice enters the duodenum through a) Cardiac Sphincter b) Pyloric Sphincter 9 Sphincter of Oddi d) Anal Sphincter. 4) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (T.S.H.) is secreted from gland. a) Thyroid b) Parathyroid V2) Pituit d) Adrenal 5) The dressings removed ftom a patient's wound are discarded in bag as per Bio-medical waste disposal guideline. a) Green \ by Yellow ©) Blue 4) White (B) Match the following. (05) MA? ps 1) Hemoglobin ~ a b) @d b) d) is the functional unit of chromosome. Neucleotide Peptide 715 7.35 Pentagon Circular Thymus ‘Trachea Mixed « Sensory* 3 Vocal cords Passive immunity Chewing Papillae Spinal cord (05) (05) Lactic acid accumulation in muscles causes vasoconstriction Light rays pass through sclera. Joints between cranial bones are immovable. Hip Joint is movable joint Ovum is produced by testes. lof4 as con 56 af Q.2. Write Short Notes on (ANY THREE). (5) © 4) Scapula - 2) Pituitary gland 3) Trachea 4) Functions of vertebral column, 5) Bones of skull Q3 Answer the following questions. -A) Draw a neat diagram of interior of heart and label the parts. (05) 2) Explain the circle of willis. (03) 3) Write in detail the blood group system. (03) 4) Explain the mechanism of coagulation. (04) Q4. Answer the following questions. Draw a diagram of longitudinal section of tooth, label the parts. (05) 2) Explain the act of swallowing. 3) ‘8)-Functions of the skin, 03-— 4) Explain the functions of the liver. (04) OR 1) Describe the structure of inner ear along with the physiology of (05) hearing. 2) Draw a diagram of female reproductive system and label its (05) parts, 3) Functions of kidney. (05) Qs. Mr. Raju 32 years old married, admitted in medical ward. he is diagnosed as AIDS. Answer the following. 1) Define AIDS, (02) 2) Write the mode of transmission of disease. (03) 3) Write the common investigations to detect ' AIDS '. (05) 4) Write universal precaution. (05) OR ~ 1) What is infection? (02) 2) What are the sources of infection? (03) 3) Describe methods of transmission of infection. (04) 4) How will you prevent cross infection in the ward ? (05) i 20f4 20\6 cox 77 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAL EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER - I BIO-SCIENCES (including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) Tuesday, Ist June 2010 (Time : 9-00 a.m. to 12-00 noon) (Total Marks : 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1,(A) Select most appropriate words from the following and complete the (05) statement -— (1) Insulin is secreted by gland. |< (a) Adrenal (b) Thyroid (©) Pancreas. e A) casa ... the largest organ in the body. . (a) Liver (8) Stomach (©) Skin. (3), Deficiency of growth Hormone in children produces ..... (a) Cretinism (8) Toxic goitre’ (ec) Dwarfism. (4) Platelets are destroyed in nnn @) Liver (6) Spleen (c) Kidney. (5) Total number of bones in the body ae «nnn (a) 206 (®) 207 () 212, (B) Match the following — (05) “A” Group “BY” Group s (2) Migochondria (@) Semicireular canals (2) Balancing of body (6) Voice box Y (3) Larynx (©) Power house (4) Vitamin “C* (d) Passive immunity (5) Breast milk (e) Scurvy. (C) State True or False — (05) (2) Fertilisation of ovum normally takes place in the uterus. (2) Pleura is the covering of brain. (3) Cardiac muscles are voluntary muscles. (4) Opacity of lense of the eye is ealled catract. (5) There are 30 pairs of spinal nerves. {Turn over ON 77 2 Marks 2, Write short notes (any three) — a5) (a) Synovial Joint (b) Punctions of the Liver (c) Pituitary gland (d) Scapula (©) The stomach. 3. Answer the following questions in brief : (@) Draw a neat diagram of lumbar vertehra and label the parts. (05) (b) Give four important functions of blood. (04) (©) Write the name of coverings of brain. (02) (d) Name two visual defects. (02) (e) Name the plasma proteins. (02) 4, (a) Draw a neat diagram of the female reproductive system label parts. (05) (2) Write the functions of cerebrospinal Nuid. (4) (c) List the organs of the digestive system. (03) (d) Write the composition of urine. (03) . OR (a) Define joint. Explain the functions of Joint. (05) (b) List the organs of urinary system and draw a neat diagram of (05) Nephron, (©) List down the organs of Respiratory system. Explain in detail about (05) the process of respiration. 5. (a) Define immunity and write the types of immunity (05) (b) Define the micro organism and classify them. (03) (c) Define sterilization. Write in detail about the autoclave method of (05) sterilization. (d) Write down the factors necessary for growth of micro organisms, (02) cox 101 : MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER - I BIO-SCIENCES '‘« (Including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) ky Wednesday, 1st June 2011 ( (Time : 9-00 a.m. to 12-00 noon) (Total Marks : 75) ‘The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. _ Marks ~ 1. (A) Select the most appropriate words from the following :-— (05) (1) ‘Total numbers of facial bones AFe seen @s () 14 () 16 (@) 18. (2) Covering of bone is called (@) Pleura (b) Pericardium (c) Peritoneum (d) Periosteum. (3) Anterior fontanelle normally closes at the age of ... (a) Soon after birth (b) 1 V2 months (©) 6 months (d) 18 months. (4) The number of red cells percubie milimeter of blood is approximately enc (a) 8,000 (6) 3,50,000 (@) 5,00,000 (d) 50,00,000. (5) Pancreatic juice contains «nn. digestive enzyme. (a) Ptyalin (®) Renin (©) Trypsin (d) Erepsin. (B) Match the following :-— (05) “A? Group « B’ Group (1) Seaphoid (@) Stratum corneum (2) Cerebral hemispheres (6) Lymph tissue (3) Epedermis (©) Corpuseallosum (4) Tonsils (d) Circumvallate papillae (5) Tongue (e) Carpus. Cox 101 2 5. (C) Write True or False :— (1) Mandible is movable. (2) Elbow joint is a type of hinge joint. (8) Digestion of protien starts from mouth. (4) Patella doesn't take part in knee joint. (5) Preshyopia is corrected by providing convexlenses. Write short notes on any three :— (a) Structure of cell. (b) Functions of skin. (ce) Functions of tongue. (d) Thyroid gland. () Cardiac eyele. Answer the following questions :— (a) Draw a diagram of interior of heart and lable the parts. () Draw a diagram of reflex arch and lable the parts (c) Draw adingram of grosss structure of the kidney and write its structure. (d) Write the composition of blood. Answer the following questions :-— (a) Draw a neat diagram of large intestine and lable the parts, (b) Write the functions of liver. (c) Write the planes and region of abdomen. (d) List the cranial nerves. oR (a) Describe the act of swallowing. (b) Write the Menstrual cycle. (©) Draw a neat diagram of tracheo-bronchial tree and lable the parts. (d) Write the Metabolism of protien, Answer the following questions :— “Which are the portals of entry of micro-organisms ? (b) How will you prevent eross infection in the ward ? (c) Define Bio-medical waste and write its classification. (d) Write the difference between active and passive immunity. Marks (05) (18) (04) (05) (02) (04) (04) (03) (04) (03) (oA) (4) (04) (03) (04) (04) (04) Cox 58 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENE] NURSING ANI FIRST_YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER - I BIO-SCIENCE (Including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) ‘TUESDAY, 19TH JUNE 2012 (TIME : 9.00 ax. TO 12-00 xoox) (Torat, Manxs : 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. 1.(A) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the statement — (2) Taste buds for sweet fast are situated at . of the tongue. Aa) Back ‘OrTip (©) Both side (d) None of these. (2) Total numbers of cranium bone are . (a) 8 14 © 16 (a) 18. (8) The lef tung has enue lobes, (@) One & Two (©) Three (d) Four. (A) The opacity of lens of the eye is called : a) Catract (6) Glucoma ©) Conjunctivitis (d) Blephavitis, (5) BCG. Vaccine give protection against zs (@) Diptheria () Pneumonia ~e) Tuberculosis (a) als. (B) Mateh the following -— “A” Group “B™ Group (Q) Myometrium (a) Strajum corneum (2) Epidermis () Gas Gangrene (3) Hearing and balance (e) Uterus (A) Spore forming bacteria (d) Voice box (3) Larynx (e) 8th cranial nerve. Marks (05) (05) (Turn over Dox 58 2 Marks (C) State True or False — (05) (1) Site for Lumbar puncture is between L3 and LA, (2) The power house of cell is Nucleus. (3) Trapezius muscle cover the shoulder and back of the neck, (4) Total numbers of bones in the body are 212, (5) Deficiency of growth harmone in children produces Dwarfism. 2. Write short notes (any three) -— 8) (a) Characteristics of long bone. (b) Constituents of Blood and Functions of Blood. (©) Structure and Functions of spleen. (d) HLLV, Infection (e) Functions of Vertebral Column, 8. Answer the following questions (a) Write the structure and Function of Panereas. (05) (b) Write the structure and Function of Tongue (05) (©) Write about ‘Menopause’ in detail (05) 4. Answer the following questions (a) List the Organs of male reproductive system. (03) (b) Draw a neat diagram of cross section of eye. (05) (c) What is Tissue? What are the types of Tissue ? (03) (d) Describe Epithelial Tissue. (04) oR (a) List the Organs of Urinary System. (03) (®) Draw a neat diagram of ‘Nephron’ and label. (05) (©) Write the composition of Urine. (02) (05) 5. Answer the following questions :— (@) What is infection ? (02) (6) What are the sources of infection ? (03) (©) Write the methods of transmission of infection. (05) (d) How will you prevent cross infection in the Ward ? (05) Con 209 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER-I* 7 BIO SCIENCE g (neluding Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology). & : bf A MONDAY, 3x0 JUNE 2013 (Tate : 9-00 10 12-00 Noox) < (Torat, Manxs - 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1. (A) Select the most appropriate words from her the following and complete (05) the statement :-— (1) The alfactory nerve give sense of. - (a) Taste (b) Smell (©) Sound (d) Touch. (2) Covering of Bone is called as . (@) Pleura (b) Peritonium (c) Periosteum (d) Pericardium. (3) The largest gland in the body is (a) Spleen (b) Liver (©) Pancreas (d) Suprarenal gland. (4) Appendix is situated in the region of abdomen. (@) Umbelical region _(b) Left iliac fossa (©) Right iliac fossa (d) Epigastric region. (8) Insulin is secreted by -ncnnesnne gland. (@) Adrenal (b) Thyroid (©) Pancreas (d) Pitutary. (B) Match the following — (05) “A? Section “BP Section (1) Mitochondria (a) Gastric gland (2) Intrinsic factor (b) Iodine deficiency (8) Cerebrospinal uid (C.S.F.) _(¢) Ultraviolet sunrays (4) Goitre (d) Power House of cell (6) Vitamin D (©) Choroid plexues. (C) State True or False — (05) (1) O-ve blood Group is Universal donor. (2) There are only Two valves present in the heart. (3) Hypermetropia means short sightness. (4) Chick embryo used for growth of viruses in laboratary. (5) Liver has only one lobe. (Turn over Cox 209 2 2. Write short notes (any three) :— fo) Femur (b) Heart, (c) Sterilization (d) Menstrual eycle (e) Gall bladder. 3. Answer the following questions :— ~ (a) Draw a neat diagram of LS. of eye lable it. (®) Write the functions of Brain, (c) Write emposition and functions of blood. 4. Answer the following questions :— (a) “List the cranial nerves. > (&) Write ventricles and CSF circulation (©) Draw and explain lobes of cerebrum. OR (a) Draw a neat diagram of skin and lable the parts. ‘e{bY List the organ of male reproductive system. LAS) Write the functions of tongue. 5. Answer the following questions : (a) Write primary immunization schedule. (b) Write _fe}. Write Role of Nurse in prevention of cross infection, Sa Write briefly active and passive immunity. lifference between sterilization and disinfection. Marks: «s) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) C( Hadhans aNM Phy ose ty Mf Cox 47 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER - I BIO-SCIENCES (including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) TUESDAY, 3xp JUNE 2014 [Tine : 9-00 aM. to 12-00 Noos] (Total. Marks —75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. es Marks 1, (A) “Select the correct answer from the following : (05) (Lr Adrenal gland is situated above ..csemnne « (a) Liver (8) Spleen (e) Kidney (d) Urinary bladder. (2) Microscope was discovered by .... . (@ Alexander Fleming (6) Louis Pasteur (©) Leeuween Hock (d) Gallilio, (3) Heart has ... Compartments. (@) 3 ey 4 © 5 (d) 6. "= GY Hip joint is a . type of movable joint. @ (a) Pivot (®) Hinge (©) Saddle (d) Ball and Socket. (5) The dressings removed from a Patient's wound are discarded in : bag as per Bio-medical waste disposable guideline. (a) Groen 4b) Yellow (©) Blue (d) Black, (B) Match the following Pairs :— (05) “AY Group “ B? Group (2) S.A. Node (a) Digestion of Fat (2) Insulin (b) Pace-maker 1 (3) Yeast (©) -Gasgangrene » 4) Bile (d) Pancreatic Islets (5) ‘Spore forming bacteria (e) Fermentation. Cox 47 2 (C) State whether true or false (2) Genes are present in the cytoplasm of the cell. (J2) Androgen is Male Sex Hormone.7— “(a)” Large Intestine takes part in digestion of Food. (4) Normal tidal volume during each cycle of breathing i (5)-‘The colour of vitreous body (Humour) is yellow. 2. Write short notes on (any three) :— _(o)Punetions of Blood () The Stomach (c) Pasteurization \ Sa) Thyroid gland 0) Trachea, 3. Answers the following questions : raw a neat diagram of Female Reproductive System and label its parts, (6) Explain the structure of function of the skin. ~” (@Define Joint. Explain the functions of Joint. 4, Answer the following questions -— (a) Write the metabolism of protein. \_b)“Explain the mechanism of co-agulation. _{c) Write the General circulation of the Heart. OR (a) Write the functions of Liver. (b) Describe the Portal Circulation. (©) Explain the structure of tooth, 5. Answers the following quest (a) What is Infection ? (b) What are the sources of Infection ? (e) Describe the mode of transmission of Infection. Ad” How will you prevent cross-infection in the Ward ? (5) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) Cox 947 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR, PAPER-1 BIO-SCIENCE (Including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) MONDAY, 51m DECEMBER 2016 (Toe : 9-00 at. Tr 12-00 Nox} (Tora. Marks — 75) 1, The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2, Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1. (A) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the (05) statement :— (1) PH of the blood is in the range of ‘ (@) 7.0 t0 7.1 (b) 7.25 to 7.35 (©) 7.35 to 7.45 (d) 7.5 to 76. (2) Vitamin B-12 is mostly absorbed in ..0ornnm (c) Duodenum (d) Coton. (3) Umbilical cord has . . (a) 2arteries and 1 vein (6) 1 artery and 2 veins (c) 2 arteries and 2 veins (d) Only an artery. (4) Heart rate is maximum in ..... ei (a) Fetus (6) New Born (c) Adult (d) Old Age. (5) The glomerular filteration rate in ml/min. is (a) 120 () 180 (c) 240 (d) 400. (B) Match the following — (05) “A? Group “ B? Group (1) HIV (a) Liver (2) Bile (6) Amino Acids (3) Syphilis (c) Physiological unit of kidney (4) End products of protein (d) V.D.R.L. *S digestion. (e) Elisa Test. (5) Nephron Cox 947 2 Marks (C) State whether true or false :— (05) (1) Pulmonary artery carries oxygenated blood. (2) Elbow joint is a type of hinge joint. (3) Site for lumbar puncture is between L-3 and L-4. (4) Cardiac muscle is a voluntary muscle. (5) Androgen is male sex hormone. 2. Write short notes (any three) :— (5) (a) Menstrual Cyele () Pituitary Gland (©) Stomach (d) Cerebrospinal Fluid. 3. Answer the following questions :— (a) Define joints—Explain the types of joints with examples. (05) (6) Write the function of liver. (05) (©) Explain the structure and function of the skin. (05) 4. Answer the following questions — (a) List the organs of respiratory system, Explain in detail physiology of (05) respiration. (6) Write the systemic circulation of Heart. (05) (c) Explain the structure of tooth. (05) OR (a) Write the organs of urinary system. (03) (6) Write menopause in detail. (05) (©) Write the metabolism of protein. (02) (d) Draw a neat labelled diagram of eross section of Eye. (05) 5. Answer the following questions (a) Define sterilization and disinfection. (02) (6) Write difference between medical and surgical asepsis. (03) () List various methods of autoclaving in detail. (d) Explain in detail ‘ Bio-medical waste management’ in hospital. (05) sinfection and sterilization and write (05) Cox 50 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR—PAPER-I BIO-SCIENCE MONDAY, 137m JUNE 2016 [Tine : 9-00 10 12-00 Noow.] (Tora Marxs — 75) Instructions. 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the (05) statement -— (D Covering of bone is called as .. 6 (a) Pleura () Pericardium (©) Peritoneum (d) Periosteum. Gi) The following is a facial bone ... (a) Femur (®) Ethmoid bone (c) Stapes (a) Sternum. (éii) The opacity of lense of the eye is called .. (a) Cataract (b) Glycoma (c) Conjunctivitis (d) Blephavitis. (iv) Capacity of urinary bladder is ... (a) 50 mi (®) 150 ml (©) 200 ml (d) 500 mi. (v) B.C.G. vaccine give protection against (a) Diptheria (b) Pneumonia (c) Tuberculosis (d) AIDS. (6) Match the following -— (05) “A? Group “B? Group (@ Cerebrospinal uid (a) Anaemia (ii) Kutffer cells, « (®) Passive immunity (iii) Haemoglobin oc) Liver (iv) Tetanus .(d) Choroid Plexus (v) Breast Milk (e) Clostridium tetani (©) State whether true or false : (05) (i) Fertilization of ovum normally takes place in the uterus. (ii) The liver has total four lobes. iii) There are 30 pairs of spinal nerves. (iv) Mandible is movable. (v) Cardiac muscles are voluntary muscles, (Turn over 2. 3. 5. Cox 50 2 Write short notes (any three) — (a) Scapula (b) Structure of eye (c) Physiology of Hearing (d) Menstrual cycle (e) Synovial joint, Answer the following questions -— (a) Write the functions of brain (b) Write process of blood coagulation. (©) Write functions of kidney. Answer the following questions :— (q) Write the difference between male and female pelvis. i Write circulation of blood. (@) Write structure of teeth. OR (a) Draw a diagram of stomach, label the parts and describe the structure. () Write the various funetions of liver. (©) Draw a neat diagram of gross structure of the kidney and write its functions. Answer the following questions :— (a) What is infection ? (6) What are the sources of infection ? (©) Write the methods of transmission of infection. (d) How will you prevent cross infection in the ward ? Marks (15) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) Cox 125 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR BIO SCIENCE—PAPER-I (Including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) TUESDAY, Isr AUGUST 2017 {Time : 9-00 a.s. To 12-00 Noon ] (Tora Marks — 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement :— (i) Insulin is secreted by gland. (a) Adrenal () Thyroid (©) Pancreas (d) Liver. (ii) Heart has. . compartments. @ 3 ) 4 © 5 @ 6 (iii) The power house of cell is (a) Golgi Complex (6) Mitochondria (©) Microtubule (d) Nucleus. (iv) Platelets are destroyed in .... (a) Liver () Spleen (©) Kidney (@) Pancreas, (v) Taste buds for sweet taste are situated at .. wo of the tongue (a) Back ) Tip (©) Middle (d) None of these. () Mateh the following :— (05) “A? Section “B? Section () Epidermis (a) Passive Immunity (ii) Larynx (®) Stratum Corneum (iii) Breast Milk (©) Space Maker \ (iv) Sinuatrial Node (d) Uterus (v) Myometrium (e) Voice Box. vr oie Cox 125 2 Marks (c) State true or false — (05) (@ _Ploura is the covering of brain. (ii) There ave 30 pairs of spinal nerves. (iii) Pulmonary artery carries oxygenated blood. (iv) Site for lumbar puncture is between L 3 and L 4. (v) Diagestion of protein starts from mouth. 2. Write short notes (any three) :— (15) (a) The Stomach (b) Functions of liver (©) Femur (d) Blood Coagulation (e) Functions of Kidney. 3. Answer the following questions :— (a) Write composition of blood in detail. (05) (6) Write about ‘ menopause’ in detail. (05) (c) Write the functions of liver. (05) 4, Answer the following questions :— (a) Classify the joints and write in detail about synovial joints. (05) (6) Draw a neat diagram of interior of heart and label the parts. (05) (c) Write the structure and funetion of tongue. (05) OR (a) Draw the diagram of eye and label it. (05) (®) Write about the cardiac cycle. (05) (©) Write the funetions of skin. (05) 5. Answer the following questions :-— (a) What is infection ? (02) (6) Write the factors necessary for growth of micro-organisms. (03) (c) Classify physical methods of sterilization. (05) (d) Define Immunity and Differentiate between Active and (05) Passive Immunity. NOTE GNM - 01 EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR BIO-SCIENCES (Paper - |) (Including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) | L_ hk = 23 Hours Total Marks : 75 | > Tnstructions ; 1) The candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. [- 2) Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is = final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. - . Marks: i. 1. (A) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the L- sentence : LL 0) is the largest organ in the body. Pg (a) Liver (b) Skin (c) Stomach (d) Intestine TR (ji) Normal diastolic blood pressure is mm of Hg. iN (a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 140 (d) 120 i (ii) The dressing removed from patient's wound are discarded in 7 > bag as per Biomedical waste disposal guideline. L- (a) Green (b) Yellow (c) Blue (d) Black Pg (iv) The olfactory nerve give sense of L (a) Taste (b) Smell (c) Sound () Touch L, (v) Hip joint is a__ type of movable joint. Le, (a) Pivot (b) Hinge (c) Saddle (d) Ball and Socket Le (B) Match the following : (5) i, A B ™ (i) lodine (a) Liver . (ii) Kuffer cell (b) Pace-maker A (iil) Myometrium (c) Simple Goitre . (iv) S.A. Node (d) Uterus ™ (v) Larynx (e) Voice box . P..0. = GNM -01 2 (C) State true or false : (i) Enlarged prostate gland can obstruct the flow of urine. (ii) Spinal cord is a part of peripheral nervous system. (iii) Normal tidal volume during each cycle of breathing in 500 ml. (iv) Patella does not take part in knee joint. " (v) Large Intestine takes part in digestion of food. 2. Write short notes on (any three) : (15) (a) Functions of skin. . (b) Scapula. (c) Functions of stomach. (d) Composition and functions of blood. (e) Structure of thyroid gland. 3. Answer the following questions : . (a) Draw a diagram of cross section of the kidney and write its structure. (5) (b) List the organs of male reproductive system. Write the physiology of respiration. 3g wer the following questions : Draw a neat diagram of Interior of heart and label the parts. (5) Dd ed de eg ry gy yy yy yyy yy ss cs nit “Write the difference between male and female pelvis. (5) 3) Write the metabolism of protein. (5) OR ° \ (a) List the cranial nerves. (5) (b) Write functions of liver. (5) (c) Draw the neat diagram of internal ear and label its parts. (5) 5. Answer the following questions : (a) Define micro-organisms. What are the factors essential for growth of micro-organisms ? (5) (b) Define Immunity. (2) . (c) Write the portal of entry of micro-organisms. (3) (d) How the knowledge of microbiology is useful in daily work of anurse? (5) Cox 2 MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF NURSING AND PARAMEDICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY FIRST YEAR (PAPER-1) BIO-SCIENCES (including Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) 9 TUESDAY, 911 JULY 2019 ‘ {Tine + 9-00 3.0. 10 12-00 Noon] . (Tora, Marks — 75» 1. The Number in ENGLISH. candidate must write her/his Seat 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the sentence (i) CSF is principally secreted by... 2 a) Arachnoid Granulations (b) Choroid Plexus (c) Fourth Ventricle (d) Gray matter. i) The heart is supplied with arterial blood by the arteries, (a) Pulmonary (b) Coronary (c) Carotid (d) Inter costal. (iii) Pancreatic juice contains ... digestive enzyme. (a) Ptyalin (6) Renin (ce) Trypsin (d) Erepsin. (iv) Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) are produced in (a) Bone marrow (b) Spleen fe) Liver (d) Heart. (v) The optic nerve gives the sense of ia) Smell (b) Taste fe) Sight (d) Touch. (b) Match the following — (05) *A’ Group *B’ Group (i) Growth Harmone (a) Digestion of fat (ii) Skeleton (b) Clotting of blood (iii) Fibrinogen (c) Bony frame work liv) Appendix (d) Pituitary gland tv) Bile fe) Right iliac fussa. (Turn over Cox 239 5, ra) State true or false (i) Myometrium is the middle thickest. smooth muscle layer of uterus. (ii) The power house of cell is nucleus. (iv) Normal Tidal volume during each cycle is breathing is 100 ml. (v) Shine Bone is also known as the knee cap, Write short notes on (any three! — a) 1b) to (d) a) Structure and functions of cell Menstrual cycle Portal circulation Functions of vertebral column Structure and functions of Pancreas, Answer the following questions :— (a) ) a) Draw a diagram of Pelvie Bone and label its parts. Draw a diagram of Respiratory System and label its parts. Draw and explain lobes of cerebrum. Answer the following questions :— a) (b) te) (a) (b) e) Classify the different types of joints and give one example of each. Draw a neat diagram of* functions of * Nephron * jephron ‘ and label its parts and write Draw a neat diagram of cross section of eye ball and label it. OR Draw a diagram of Femur Bone and label all the parts. Describe the mechanism of Respiration. Write the metabolism of Carbohydrate. Answer the following questions :— (a) () fe) (d) Define sterilization and write in short one method of sterilization. What is infection? Write the methods of transmission of infection. Explain universal precautions. 05 (5) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (02) (03) (05)

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