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Why UK?

Well, there’s no doubt on the fact that Universities in the UK have the best academic standards in
the world. In fact, four of the top 10 universities in the world are from the United Kingdom as
per QS Global World Rankings 2021, including the likes of Oxford and Cambridge and the
tradition of which is carried by all the other universities in the UK. Similarly, the practical and
utility-based knowledge preferred over test-book learning available at UK Universities lured me
to pursue my higher education in the UK which will enable me to acquire critical thinking and
analytical skills along with creative ability in my chosen discipline. Likewise, the education
standards of all UK Universities are regularly assessed by an independent body called the
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) which not only assess the education standards but also checks
the performances of all UK Universities through audits and subject review which would
definitely help me to get access to the best quality of learning, research and teaching irrespective
of the course we tend to pursue. Not only that, the shorter and more intensive education system
would enable me to graduate sooner without compromising on quality which is barely accessible
in any other parts of the world. In addition to it, possessing high quality education, multicultural
society with a rich diversity of cultures, language and faiths, widely varied cuisine, strong
transport links, famous music festivals, international sporting championships, affordable tuition
and living expenses, length of the studies and internationally recognized degrees are few other
reasons that made me inclined towards studying in the UK.
[Note: For this question, you also need to focus on your subject area to explain why you chose
UK to study the specific course. For example, if you’re eyeing to pursue MBA, it requires you
to refer to the benefits of studying business in UK which consists of highly developed social
market and market-oriented economy, fifth largest national economy in the world, ninth
largest by purchasing power parity (PPP) and twenty first largest Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) per capita, constituting 3.3% of world GDP. Such statistical comparisons would make
your answers look authentic.]

Did you consider other countries?

Yes, I did consider other countries such as the USA and Canada from North American Regions,
Germany from Central Europe, India our neighboring nation and even my home country Nepal.
Honestly, there are several reasons for not opting Nepal for further studies. Studying (these
many) years in Nepal, I realized the multidimensional problems plaguing its educational system
like population explosion in institutions, scarcity of qualified manpower, inconsistency in the
policies of various regimes, lack of interconnecting practical learning environments, lack of
international validity for Nepalese degrees, inefficient educational management system and
moreover, lack of quality education which is how my attentiveness towards Nepalese education
system went down and I started my research for abroad studies. Not only that, I found out similar
drawbacks in Indian education system as well which consists of lower attention towards practical
knowledge. Just mugging up the formulas and theories without actually understanding them
would not build my future career. Similarly, my reasons for not choosing North American
nations such as the USA and Canada is mainly because of different sets of curriculums and
teaching practices followed by these nations. For example: Even each of the provincial states of
the US and Canada follows different curriculum for the similar courses that creates a varying
standards of education. Not only that, going through pre-requisites admission tests like G.R.E.,
G.M.A.T., S.A.T., etc. are more rigorous and not even related to our further studies. Likewise,
reasons for not opting European nation such as Germany is moreover due to the language barrier
it has created to international students. Learning German language for 1 to 2 years before
pursuing the actual course would waste much of my time and energy. This is how I happily
narrowed my choice of further education hub to the United Kingdom.

Did you consider any other universities? If yes, why did you choose this university?

[This question merely requires you to focus on the course content/modules, rankings and make a
detailed comparison on modules forwarded by each shortlisted university. For example: if
you’re pursuing Business with Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc at Northumbria
University, you can answer this question in the following manner:

Honestly, after deciding to pursue Hospitality and Tourism Management in the United Kingdom,
I went through the website of series of universities and went on to shortlist three universities of
my choice; London South Bank University, University of West London and Northumbria
University. Diving deep into the course content provided by each university, I came to a
realization that, University of West London emphasizes more on global business and over focus
on business aspect leaves the hospitality and tourism subject areas behind. Similarly, with
London South Bank University, I came to realize that though the university is ranked 1st for
Event Management course, it did not fall under my choice of study which is why I happily
narrowed my choice of study to Northumbria University London. Incorporation of all the
availability important course modules such as Leadership and Management Development,
Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourists and Tourism and many other subject areas
under one degree was a luring feature of Northumbria University. Among all the listed modules,
I was specifically interested in the Contemporary Hospitality Management module which is
going to teach me to critically analyze how operations management affects the performance of a
hospitality and tourism operations and propose strategic solutions for operational problems
which is going to greatly benefit me in developing analytical skills of examining the
effectiveness of existing or potential tourism and hospitality operating management. Not only
this, another salient module which will greatly benefit me in the long run is Leadership and
Management Development for Tourism and Hospitality which, I believe, will make me
competent enough by developing sound and critical understanding of marketing and sales
theories to create, maintain and enhance proactive and responsive programs of activity for target
markets. Likewise, the ranking of the university within top 30 as per The Guardian University
Guide 2021 and the course being covered by the prestigious AACSB accreditation and
announced it as the Business School of the Year at the Times Higher Education Awards 2015
also attracted my attention towards the course forwarded by the Northumbria University.

Along with this, you can add the more features of the universities of your choice]

Why this course? Or Future career plans?

[This question expects students to be more specific on the company that they are going to work
on. For example: if you’re applying for MSc Public Health for University of East London, you
have to answer the question in the following manner:

Likewise, after completing MSc Public Health from University of East London, I aim to return to
my homeland and work as a Senior Public Health Administrator at Biratnagar Aspatal Pvt. Ltd, a
landmark in the evolution in the health care sector established 20 years ago which indeed has
been a practical place and platform for the public health students to learn and conduct medical
care and also the research projects. Through this, I aim to form a network with all the hospitals
and small health posts in every Rural Municipalities in all 77 districts of Nepal. I worked in the
same hospital from May 2019 to October 2020 as a staff nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and
was always eager to work in the community as a Senior Public Health Administrator. The out of
pocket health system of our nation demands a lot of Public Health Administrators and through
this post I aim to regularly monitor, analyze and report on the status of community health within
the country and provide direction to the planning, program design and operation of the public
health agency. While working at Biratnagar Aspatal Pvt. Ltd, I inevitably desired to be a Senior
Public Health Administrator but the lack of master's degree did not allow me to get promoted
which is how I realized the importance of further education in my career and is longing to pursue
it at the University of East London. As a Senior Public Health Administrator, I would easily
make approximately £20,000 per year.

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