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1. Cristovel : Excuse me. Are you waiting for the bus?

Vivi : No, I‟m waiting for my brother.
He always picks me up after school.
Cristovel : I see. Anyway, you‟re a new student here, right?
Vivi : Yeah, my name‟s Vivi Juliet. You can call me Vivi.
Cristovel : Nice name. I‟m Cristovel. By the way, here‟s my bus. Glad to see you, Vivi.
Vivi : Glad to see you too, Cristovel

Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the dialog?

A. The speakers are schoolmates.
B. The girl is waiting for her brother.
C. The girl is a new student.
D. Both of them are going to go by bus.
E. The boy is waiting for the bus.

2. Rina : Hi, Eka. Long time no see.

Eka : Oh hi, Rina. What are doing here?
Rina : I am going to watch a movie.
Eka : Cool. I‟m just hanging out here with my friend. Oh, …
Rina : Hi, Rasti. I‟m Rina.
Rasti : Hello, Rina. Nice to meet you!
Rina : Nice to meet you, too.
The best expression to complete the dialog is …
A. Please, meet Rasti!
B. Please, meet Rina!
C. Who are with you?
D. How are you doing?
E. Let‟s hang out together.

3. Inggit : Who designed this house?

Michela : I did.
Inggit : Wow, you are so talented! You have designed a very cozy house.
Michela : Thanks. I like designing.
Inggit : I see. Well then, may I see the other designs?
Michela : Sure, here they are.
Inggit : Wow, beautiful! I believe you will be a famous designer. Always develop your talents.
Michela : Sure, thanks.

What is the conversation about?

A. Thanking.
B. Criticizing.
C. Congratulating.
D. Complimenting.
E. Showing intentions.
4. Mr. Carter : Well, Larry. You‟ve won the International Game for Education Competition. …
Larry : How kind of you to say so, Sir.
Mr. Carter : And now, on behalf of the Microsoft Corporation, I‟d like to present you with a check of
Larry : Thank you very much, Sir.
Mr. Carter : How does it feel to you?
Larry : It feels great. Thank you.

The best expression to complete the dialog is …

A. Please accept my heartiest congratulations!
B. You should‟ve have done a great job!
C. Thank you for the support!
D. I‟ve done my best for the achievement!
E. All the crew must get the credit.

5. Which picture would be the most suitable one for the text below?
Located in the South Lampung district of Lampung province on the great island of Sumatra,
Pahawang Island is divided into two areas, Pahawang Besar (Big Pahawang) and Pahawang Kecil (Small
Pahawang). This island is often said to be a paradise for snorkelers because of the beauty of its
underwater biota. One of the most popular activities to do on this island is snorkeling. All snorkelers
would be fascinated by the colorful corals and sea life beneath the crystal clear waters of the island.
There is also one snorkeling spot that is also the breeding site for clownfish, popularized by the cartoon
Finding Nemo. There is also a spot where you can find corals that were transplanted by the locals.





6. There are several tourist destinations in Bangka Belitung. One of my favorites is located in Toboali.
The name of this tourist destination is taken from the unique big granite stones there. The stones look
like star fruits. The edges of several big stones look like the outside of the fruit. Usually, big granite
stones are on shores, but this one is on the land. Visitors usually take photos in front or near this
The picture that suits the text is ….




7. Read the text carefully.

The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the most stunning university
buildings in the world. It‟s designed by Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev. It truly is an impressive structure,
and the university campus it resides covers an area of around 1.6 km2.
The skyscraper has 36 levels in its central part and is 239 metres (784 ft) tall. Its roof (182 metres
(597 ft)) is topped by a 58-metre spire which ends with a 12-ton five-pointed star. Lateral towers are
lower than the central one; two 18 and 9 storey dormitory wings define, with the central corpus of the
complex, a cour d'honneur courtyard. It is not open to the general public. Visitors from outside the
university must be pre-approved by their university host and must submit their domestic passport
(Russian) or international passport in order to gain entry.

The picture that suits the text is ….





The following text is for question 8 to 11

Ora Beach is a hidden paradise located in North of Seram Island. A secluded beach with only private
eco-resort and surrounded by giant limestone hills, is truly an excellent place to find serenity. Moreover, the
house reef in front of the resort is still maintained very well. Healthy bunch of corals, even when the tide is
low, the corals are visible.
There are many activities to do in Ora Beach. Visitors can enjoy snorkeling around limestone hills to
Tujuh Island; boat to go there about Rp 1,000,000 for a day trip. It can fit to 10 people. Then, they can take
pleasure in bird-watching and trekking in the conservation area. Watching bats flying out during the sunset
time will offer complete the excitement.
Instead of its exotic landscape, the difficulty in reaching Ora Beach is no public transportation with exact
schedule. After long way from the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, visitors have to take flight to Ambon as
the starting city to Ora Beach. From Ambon City they may rent a car or take taxi to Tulehu Port (Rp
150,000). If they are in Ambon City, take angkot to Waii or Tulehu (Rp 10,000). From the port, there‟s an
express boat (Rp 110,000) connecting Ambon and Seram, twice a day.

8. The second paragraph is discussing about ….

A. the facilities prepared in Ora Beach
B. the general description of a beach
C. the description of a certain place
D. the attractions in Ora Beach
E. the difficulty found in Ora Beach

9. “A secluded beach with only private eco-resort …” paragraph 1.

The word „secluded‟ can be best replaced by ….
A. awesome
B. isolated
C. public
D. common place
E. out of date

10. Why is it difficult to reach the Ora Beach? Because …

A. the cost is very expensive.
B. it takes a very long way.
C. there is an express boat.
D. the facilities are not managed well.
E. the public transportation is not always available.

11. “…, twice a day” (the last paragraph).

The word twice a day refers to….
A. the connection between Ambon and Seram
B. the activity of the express boat
C. the rent car to Ora Beach
D. the taxi to Tuleho port
E. the visitors

The following text is for questions 12 to 15

General Offensive of 1 March 1949

The Dutch launched a military offensive on 19 December 1948 which is termed Operation Crow.
By the following day it had conquered the city of Yogyakarta, the location of the temporary Republican
capital. By the end of December, all major Republican held cities in Java and Sumatra were in Dutch hands.
The Republican President, Vice-President, and all but six Republic of Indonesia ministers were
captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka Island off the east coast of Sumatra.
In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Republican forces refused to surrender and continued to
wage a guerrilla war under the leadership of Republican military chief of staff General Sudirman who had
escaped the Dutch offensives. An emergency Republican government was established in West Sumatra.
On March 1, 1949 at 6 am, Republican forces launched March 1 General Offensive. The Offensive
caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part, Hamengkubuwono IX allowed his palace to be used as a hide out
for the troops. For 6 hours, the Indonesian troops had control of Yogyakarta before finally retreating.
The Offensive was a moral and diplomatic success, inspiring demoralized troops all around Indonesia,
as well as proving to the United Nations that the Indonesian army still existed and were capable of fighting.
On the other hand, the offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces, because they never thought that
Indonesian forces could assault and control the city, even for a few hours.

12. What is Operation Crow?

A. A military offensive by the Dutch.
B. An operation to attack the Dutch.
C. The republican forces.
D. The United Nation Troops.
E. The six arrests from Republic of Indonesia.

13. According to the text, what was the role of Hamengkubuwono IX?
A. Hide out the Dutch from the troops.
B. Protect Yogyakarta.
C. Shelter the troops.
D. The ally of the Dutch.
E. The president of Yogyakarta.

14. Which paragraph shows the reason of launching the March 1 General Offensive?
A. Paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2.
C. Paragraph 3.
D. Paragraph 1 and 2.
E. Paragraph 2 and 3.
15. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. Operation Crow happened due to the General Offensive.
B. Indonesian troops assaulted the city before the Operation Crow.
C. General Offensive of March 1 occurred after the Dutch Operation Crow.
D. An emergency Republic established after the troops control Yogyakarta.
E. Indonesia surrendered and stopped wage of guerilla war.

The following text is for questions 16 to 18

Li Wenliang was a Chinese ophthalmologist who warned his colleagues about early COVID-
19 infections in Wuhan.
He was born on 12 October 1986 in a Manchu family in Beizhen, Jinzhou, Liaoning. His parents were
former state enterprise workers and both lost their jobs in the 'wave of laid-offs' in the 1990s. He attended
Beizhen High School and graduated in 2004 with an excellent academic record. He attended Wuhan
University School of Medicine as a clinical medicine student in a seven-year combined bachelor's and
master's degree program. He joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in his second year. His mentor
praised him as a diligent and honest student.
After graduation in 2011, Li worked at the Xiamen Eye Center of Xiamen University for three years. In
2014, Li became an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital in Wuhan.
Li Wenliang was dubbed a whistleblower about deadly SARS. Wuhan police summoned and
admonished him on 3 January for "making false comments on the Internet about unconfirmed SARS
outbreak. The outbreak was later confirmed not to be SARS, but rather a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Li
returned to work and later contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, from a patient who was not
known to be infected. When Li began showing symptoms of COVID-19, he booked a hotel room to avoid
the possibility of infecting his family, before being hospitalized on 12 January.
He died from the disease on 7 February 2020, at age 33. A subsequent Chinese official inquiry
exonerated him, and Wuhan police formally apologized to his family and revoked his admonishment on 19
March. In April 2020, Li was posthumously awarded the May Fourth Medal by the government.

16. What was Dr. Li Wenliang mostly known for?

A. Dying due to his suffering from Covid-19.
B. Warning People about Covid-19 infections.
C. His accomplishment as an ophthalmologist.
D. His rich and extravagant family lifestyle.
E. The suspect of the virus of Covid-19 spreading.

17. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The illness and death caused by Covid-19.
B. The main causes of death in Wuhan.
C. The doctor career.
D. Dr Wenliang‟s early life.
E. The condition of Dr. Wenliang before death.

18. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. Dr. Wenliang parents were farmers.
B. Dr. Wenliang was more well-known after his death.
C. Dr. Wenliang joined CCP in his seven year of degree program.
D. The government suspected Dr. Wenliang for spreading fallacy.
E. After graduation, Dr. Wenlanf worked at Xiamen Center for four years.
The following text is for questions 19 to 22

Once upon a time in Padang Bolak, North Sumatra lived a man named Sampuraga. He lived with his
mother in a hut. Sampuraga worked in his neighbor‟s rice field. Sampuraga worked in the morning and went
home in the afternoon.
One day while he was working, his neighbor told him about a place named Mandailing. It was a great
place. The land was fertile. There were many rich people there. Sampuraga listened to his neighbor carefully.
He really wanted to go to Mandailing and became a rich man. He told his mother about his plan. His mother
was sad; but, Sampuraga promised that he would go home and brought her a lot of money.
Finally Sampuraga went to Mandailing. There, he worked for a very rich merchant. The merchant liked
Sampuraga because he was diligent and honest. Soon, the merchant gave Sampuraga a lot of money. He
wanted Sampuraga to have his own business.
Sampuraga was successful with his new business. He was very rich. The merchant knew that Sampuraga
could be a great merchant like him. The merchant wanted to retire and gave his business to Sampuraga. He
had a plan. He wanted Sampuraga to marry his daughter. Sampuraga agreed. After all, he fell in love with
her. The merchant‟s daughter was very beautiful.
Then the merchant set a great wedding party. He invited many people. He wanted to hold the best
wedding party for his daughter. People started to talk about the party. They were talking about the great party
and the merchant‟s daughter. They said Sampuraga was very lucky. He was going to marry the most
beautiful girl in Mandailing.
The news about Sampuraga‟s wedding party finally arrived in his hometown, Padang Bolak. With great
happiness, his mother went to Mandailing. She wanted to attend his son‟s wedding party. When she arrived
at the party, Sampuraga‟s mother immediately called his name. Unfortunately, he denied that she was his
mother. He said that his mother had passed away. His mother was very sad. She knew Sampuraga had
already forgotten her. She prayed to God to punish him.
Suddenly, rain fell down heavily. Thunder attacked the place. Soon, the party changed into a big pond.
The water was hot. Around the pond there was a big stone. It looked like a cow. There were also other ruins.
People said that the stone and the ruins were from Sampuraga‟s party.

19. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To convey a moral lesson through a biography.
B. To reveal the downside of being wealthy.
C. To teach the young not to marry the rich.
D. To entertain the readers through a story.
E. To present a point of view of a story.

20. “He said that his mother had passed away.”

The direct speech of the sentence is …
A. He said, “My mother passed away”.
B. He said, “His mother had passed away”.
C. He said, “His mother passes away”.
D. He said, “My mother has passed away”.
E. He said, “That my mother had passed away”.

21. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. Mother sank into the big pond.
B. Sampuraga was once in poverty.
C. Sampuraga was diligent yet dishonest.
D. Sampuraga was a villager of Mandailing.
E. The wedding party was held in Padang Bolak.

22. It can be learned from the text that ….

A. never forget our precious person due to wealth greed
B. want to get rich faster, we had to be a business man
C. denying is better instead of having poor family
D. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
E. be a fly on the wall

23. The correct arrangement to make a good narrative text is …

1) A So the sea went along, with the fish and all members of his family.
2) A long time ago, the Sun and the Moon were married couple who lived on the Earth.
3) Then, they climbed up into the sky, where they have remained ever since.
4) They were great friends of the Sea.
5) The Sun and the Moon have to climb up to roof because they do not want to be drowned.
6) After that, the water began to rise.
7) One day, they invited the Sea to visit them

A. 2-4-7-1-6-5-3
B. 7-4-1-3-2-6-5
C. 2-4-6-7-5-1-3
D. 7-4-6-1-2-5-3
E. 7-4-1-3-2-6-5

The following text is for questions 24 & 25

There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of himself. One sunny
morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly
down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull‟s head. The bull was not bothered. He went on
chewing grass.
The fly then buzzed right inside the bull‟s ear. The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought,
“What a stupid animal!”
Now the fly decided to land on the bull‟s face to attract the bull‟s notice. He waited for the bull to say
something, but the bull kept quiet.
The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh, Bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I‟ll fly
The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don‟t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your weight
does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone”

24. The fly did many ways to annoy the bull; …, the bull remained silent.
A. unless
B. though
C. consequently
D. however
E. if only
25. What is the moral value of the story?
A. Don‟t be greedy.
B. Don‟t ignore the poor people.
C. Boasting will lead one to greediness.
D. One bird on hand is better than those in the bush.
E. One should place courtesy over self-importance.

The following text is for questions 26 to 29

The effects of climate change need to be considered along with other evolving factors that affect
agricultural production, such as changes in farming practices.
For any particular crop, the effect of increased temperature will depend on the crop's optimal temperature
for growth and reproduction. In some areas, warming may benefit the types of crops that are typically
planted there, or allow farmers to shift to crops that are currently grown in warmer areas. Conversely, if the
higher temperature exceeds a crop's optimum temperature, yields will decline. Higher CO2 levels can affect
crop yields. Some laboratory experiments suggest that elevated CO2 levels can increase plant growth.
However, other factors, such as changing temperatures, ozone, and water and nutrient constraints, may
counteract these potential increases in yield. For example, if temperature exceeds a crop's optimal level, if
sufficient water and nutrients are not available, yield increases may be reduced or reversed. Elevated CO2 has
been associated with reduced protein and nitrogen content in alfalfa and soybean plants, resulting in a loss of
quality. Reduced grain and forage quality can reduce the ability of pasture and rangeland to support grazing
More extreme temperature and precipitation can prevent crops from growing. Extreme events, especially
floods and droughts, can harm crops and reduce yields. For example, in 2010 and 2012, high nighttime
temperatures affected corn yields across the U.S. Corn Belt, and premature budding due to a warm winter
caused $220 million in losses of Michigan cherries in 2012.
Dealing with drought could become a challenge in areas where rising summer temperatures cause soils
to become drier. Although increased irrigation might be possible in some places, in other places water
supplies may also be reduced, leaving less water available for irrigation when more is needed.
Though rising CO2 can stimulate plant growth, it also reduces the nutritional value of most food crops.
Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce the concentrations of protein and essential minerals in
most plant species, including wheat, soybeans, and rice. This direct effect of rising CO 2 on the nutritional
value of crops represents a potential threat to human health. Human health is also threatened by increased
pesticide use due to increased pest pressures and reductions in the efficacy of pesticides.
It is very obvious that climate change is a crucial issue. All the government in the world must concern to
sit together overcoming the problem due to this case.

26. What is the text about?

A. How to deal with drought.
B. The disadvantages of Higher CO2 level on Earth.
C. The advantages of discussing climate change issue.
D. The information about extreme temperature.
E. The impacts of climate change on crops.

27. The following may counteract the potential increase in yield, except ….
A. Drought and flood.
B. Higher CO2 level.
C. Changing temperature.
D. Ozone.
E. Water and nutrient constraints.

28. “Conversely, if the higher…” (paragraph 2)

The underlined word can be best replaced with ….
A. Then
B. Furthermore
C. In conclusion
D. On the other hand
E. As a result

29. The impact on the crops that threaten human is stated in ….

A. Paragraph 4
B. Paragraph 3
C. Paragraph 2
D. Paragraph 1
E. Paragraph 5

30. The correct order to form a logical sequence of text is ….

1) In addition, they would remain on streets and continue to beg if people keep giving them money. It
will encourage them to stay trapped in “begging”. It may also encourage other people to beg.
2) Is it a good idea to give beggars money? It is better not to give beggars money for many reasons.
3) First, giving beggars money promotes idleness. It makes them lazier, with no solution for them to
make an effort to find better living.
4) People should not give beggars money for it may promote idleness, keep the beggars begging and
misuse the money they‟ve received.
5) Finally, people can‟t be sure what the beggars will use the money for. Maybe, they will spend the
money on something they shouldn‟t. They may buy drugs and alcohol instead of food and drink.
A. 4-3-1-5-2
B. 4-3-2-1-5
C. 2-3-1-5-4
D. 2-3-4-1-5
E. 2-3-1-4-5

The following text is for questions 31 to 33

Nobody likes paying taxes; even, those who know that taxation is necessary and reluctant to pay taxes. It
is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from your income tax. Ignorant people think
this is injustice and make grievance of it.
Every country has a government. The primary duties of a government are to protect the life and property
of the citizens, to maintain law and order, and settle dispute between citizens in a just and orderly way
through the law-courts, to defend the country from foreign foes and to maintain and direct education, provide
hospitals for the sick and attend to sanitation. All these are great to be kept up and have to be paid.
Furthermore, schools and teachers have to be provided and supported, health experts and sanitary
engineers have to be employed. Now where is all from? Tax is needed for the benefits of the public. It is the
people as a whole rich and poor that benefit by security of the life and property, by the sound roads, by
public hospital, public school and good sanitation.
Therefore, it is necessary for people to pay taxes. The money will be back to them in the form of public
service and facility.
31. The topic of the text is about ….
A. the description of taxes
B. the necessity of paying taxes
C. the way people pay taxes
D. the objection of paying taxes
E. the facilities to pay taxes

32. Based on the text we know that ….

A. some people think paying taxes is injustice
B. ignorant people think it is necessary to pay taxes
C. government has a simple duty to handle its people
D. it is pleasant to give your money income to pay taxes
E. defending country from foes is not the job of the government

33. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. Government should provide good school and sanitary facilities.
B. Both rich and poor people have to pay taxes.
C. Government should maintain good roads.
D. Good sanitation is necessary for the public.
E. Tax is needed for the public‟s benefit.

The following text is for questions 34 to 36

Dear Vanessa,
How are you? I‟m going well here. Last week I went to Lombok for business. I‟m so sorry I could not
come to your place in Surabaya because it was only a short visit. I only stayed for two nights. My
colleague picked me up from the airport. Then, we continued our journey to the hotel. It was a very hot
day. I remembered that I drank three glasses of iced tea in one hour. I also visited Labuan Bajo and
Komodo Island. I did not forget to go shopping there.
Okay, Vaness. That‟s enough for now. Do not forget to write me soon. Write something for mom too.

34. Who is Vanessa?

A. Bintang‟s employee.
B. Bintang‟s business partner.
C. Bintang‟s schoolmate.
D. Bintang‟s friend.
E. Bintang‟s sister.

35. Why did Bintang not visit Vanessa in Surabaya?

A. His friends picked him up from the airport.
B. He had a lot of business to do in Lombok.
C. He had never been to Surabaya before.
D. He was there only for a brief period.
E. It was a very hot day.

36. From the text we know that ….

A. Bintang had a vacation in Lombok
B. Vanessa went to Surabaya for vacation
C. Bintang had some work to do in Lombok
D. Bintang stayed long in Lombok
E. Vanessa fetched Bintang from the airport
The following text is for questions 37 to 40

Dear Denny,
How are you? I hope you are not disappointed with me for replying so late. I‟ve been coped with school
works lately. I also have to manage my club.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I‟m the president of wall magazine club now. My club mates and I are
currently working on the school‟s magazine project. We are going to make a magazine as a tribute to the
school‟s 30th anniversary. I‟m busy with all the cover designs I have to draw. I am very excited.
Anyway, what about you? Are you still working on those robots? I saw your competition in the internet
last month. Well done though you only placed the second. Your robot was so splendid.
Let me now if you will have another competition. I‟d like to see it. Hopefully, you win the next

Your best friends,


37. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To inform about the school‟s magazine project.
B. To ask about a robot competition in the internet.
C. To tell about a robotics competition.
D. To ask Denny to reply Steve‟s letter.
E. To reply Denny‟s previous letter.

38. From the letter we know that ….

A. Denny is the president of the school‟s wall magazine club
B. Steve watched the last robotics competition
C. Steve knows how to design a magazine cover
D. Denny must win the next robotics competition
E. Steve designs Denny‟s robot amazingly

39. „‟We are going to make a magazine as a tribute to the school‟s 30th anniversary.”
The word “tribute” is similar in meaning to ….
A. sacrifice
B. homage
C. give up
D. duty
E. faith

40. Who is the addressee of the letter?

A. Denny.
B. Steven.
C. Class mate.
D. Club mate.
E. Robots
The following text is for questions 41 to 43

There are several ways you can maintain your body immune system naturally to support your body's
innate ability to protect against illness; as well as minimize the severity of symptoms should you fall ill.
First, manage your stress to mitigate immune suppression.
Next, get enough sleep to support immunity.
In addition, move your body to boost immunity.
Further, eat nutrient-dense foods.
Finally, supplement with vitamins, minerals, and immune boosting botanicals.

41. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform how to make something.
B. To tell steps of how to boost your health.
C. To persuade the readers to follow the writer‟s opinion.
D. To retell sequence of events about maintaining health.
E. To tell how to strengthen immunity against disease naturally.

42. What can be sum up from the text?

A. Temporal conjunction isn‟t needed to procedural text.
B. The text is mostly using passive sentences.
C. There are six steps to do in strengthening our immune.
D. The steps are all written in imperative sentences.
E. Doing all the steps guarantee the health.

43. “…move your body to boost immunity.”

The synonym of the word “boost” is ….
A. make better
B. decline
C. push
D. enrich
E. weaken

44. Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph!

How to Start a Scrapbook

1. Decide on a theme for your photo album. It can be specific or general.
2. Organize the photos and mementos.
3. Group similar items onto pages. Sort and group pictures into cohesive units.
4. Choose an album. In addition to the patterns and designs, think about the size.
5. Decorate each page, Stickers, ribbons, chipboards, pieces, and stamps are useful for accenting

A. 4-2-5-3-1
B. 4-1-3-2-5
C. 4-3-1-5-2
D. 1-4-5-2-3
E. 5-4-1-2-3
The following text is for questions 45 to 47

The microwave oven brings the latest cooking technology into the kitchen. The microwave oven uses state of
the art magnetic technology to heat food electronically. It is safe, clean, and most of all, very efficient. Just
follow the steps below:
Plug in the microwave. No need to press an ON button, the microwave is always ready to use! It is in a
standby mode to save power.
Put your food in the bowl made from durable non-stick plastic.
Put the bowl into the microwave, close the oven door.
Press the Auto Cook Button. Choose from the options: Meat, Vegetable, Rice, Cake and Microwave Meal.
Press the START button. The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes. It will stop
automatically when the food is done.
When the microwave stops, press the open button and take the bowl out of the oven. Your meal is ready to

45. What is the function of the standby mode in the microwave oven?
A. To ease operating the microwave oven.
B. To heat food electronically.
C. To save the power.
D. To cook the food in the bowl.
E. To stop the microwave automatically.

46. What should we do before pressing the start button?

A. Plug the microwave.
B. Put the bowl into microwave.
C. Select the choice of food cooked.
D. Choose the options Microwave Meal.
E. Take the bowl out of the oven.

47. To operate the microwave oven, we must do … steps.

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
E. 10

The following text is for questions 48 to 50


I just can't sleep tonight

Knowing that things ain't right
Its in the papers, its on the TV,
Its everywhere that I go
Children are crying
Soldiers are dying
Some people don't have a home
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain
Can you tell me how I can make a change

I close my eyes and I can see a better day

I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

I lose my appetite,
Knowing kids starve tonight
Am I a sinner,
'Cause half my dinner is still there on my plate
Ooh I got a vision, to make a difference
And its starting today

'Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain

I know there's good times behind that pain
Heaven tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and
Pray for the broken-hearted
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the lungs not breathing
I pray for all the souls in need
I pray

Can you give 'em one today

I just can't sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray

48. What can be inferred from the song?

A. Soldiers‟re all dead in the war.
B. Pain is caused by the sinners.
C. Children are homeless.
D. People are suffering from war.
E. The singer is starving.

49. ”... there‟s sunshine behind that rain”. From the expression, it can be assumed that ....
A. It will be sunny day soon.
B. It‟s impossible to rain all day long.
C. Keep fighting because war will be over one day.
D. There‟s always sadness because of war.
E. There will be better condition after a bad one.

50. What message does the singer want to send to the listener?
A. to create the houses for the homeless
B. to build new world to the children
C. to help those struggling and in need.
D. to be careless for the victims.
E. to change the world soon

The following text is for questions 51 to 54

Anwar Salim
Jl. Bumi Halim, No. 12, Jakarta

5 November 2022

Novita Sari
Human Resource Manager,
Jl. Sapta Raya, No. 150, Jakarta

Dear Novita Sari,

I am excited to be applying for the Junior Journalist at your company. After reviewing your job description, I
believe that I am the perfect candidate for the position. I have been writing news articles since I was in high
school and I was also the leader of my school's journalistic organization. In addition, I have been interested
in TSEC since it won the Most Creative Publication Award last year. I am certain that I can collaborate with
your editorial team and further develop Indonesian creative media.

I am a high school graduate and currently, I am in my last semester of college in Media and Communication
major at Brahmana University. I graduated from high school with a high distinction due to my high exam
scores and my extracurricular achievements.

I gained my journalistic experiences in my school's student newspaper. I started as a field reporter, in which I
learned valuable skills, such as developing detailed articles and maintaining a resourceful knowledge in news
topics. Later, I was promoted to the editor role, where I managed my team in producing creative content.
Under my leadership, our newspaper won the award for the Best Student Newspaper in the state for two
years in a row. I am confident that my proven skills will help me to contribute to TSEC's success.

I look forward to having a discussion about the job in an interview. I hope that my skills and experiences will
bring value to TSEC in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Anwar Salim

51. What kind of letter is the letter above? It is a/an … letter.

A. Informal
B. Complaint
C. Application
D. Appreciation
E. Congratulating
52. Where does the writer get the skills needed for the job?
A. School.
B. Campus.
C. University.
D. Previous Job.
E. School Organization.

53. What is paragraph two about?

A. The job position applied.
B. The skills that the writer has.
C. The writer‟s educational background.
D. The writer‟s expectation to be interviewed.
E. The writer‟s achievement in an organization.

54. What is TSEC?

A. A magazine.
B. A newspaper.
C. A student organization.
D. A news media company.
E. A news and media campus.

The following text is for questions 55 to 57

Lee Jimenez
483 Apple Street
New York, NY 10001
(212) 555-8965

September 15, 2019

Sarah Jenkins
Rogers Consulting
901 Main Street
New York, NY 10001

Dear Ms. Jenkins,

I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the human resources consultant position I found on I have a great interest in this position and would appreciate your consideration as a candidate for
the role.
In my previous experience, I worked in human resources departments to provide support across several
different industries. I have worked in my current role as a human resources generalist for the past four years.
Prior to this job, I worked as a human resources assistant for two years, which shows my ability to advance
in my career.
I have a strong passion for helping others, which is why I have found such fulfillment in human resources,
providing support to my fellow employees and assisting them in ways that benefit them both personally and
professionally. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common HR problems, which I feel would be a great
asset in the position with your company. Since this consultant position works directly with multiple clients,
assisting them in their human resources needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will help
me succeed.
I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the HR field. I also have a bachelor‟s
degree in human resources from Arizona State University. Throughout my education, I worked with skilled
human resources professionals who have shared their insights and experience with me. Some of my strongest
skills include my ability to increase employee retention through the improvement of company culture and to
develop training and education programs to ensure all employees have access to the information they need to
succeed and comply with legal requirements.
I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the next steps in the
hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please don‟t hesitate to contact

Lee Jimenez

55. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To explain the job that Lee wants.
B. To apply for a position in a company.
C. To describe a job that is being advertised.
D. To persuade readers so that Lee can get the job.
E. To tell about Lee Jimenez educational background.

56. What is paragraph 2 about?

A. Where the information about the job vacancy is from.
B. The soft skills that the writer got from the previous job.
C. The writer‟s educational and organization background.
D. The writer‟s experience from the previous job.
E. The writer‟s expectation to be interviewed.

57. What does the word „comply‟ in paragraph 4 closest in meaning to?
A. conform to
B. ignore
C. command
D. give up
E. submission

The following text is for questions 58 and 59

Interviewer : Good morning, Mr. Anwar. Welcome to TSEC. How are you?
Applicant : I'm great. Thanks.
Interviewer : Okay, let‟s start by telling me a little about yourself.
Applicant : (58) …
Interviewer : So, why do you want this job?
Applicant : Well, I've researched the job, and found that my skills and interests really fit the role. I
think I'd be great match for your company.
Interviewer : (59) … ?
Applicant : I hope that the job would help me grow and develop my skills. I will be happy to learn and
contribute passionately for the company.

A. I‟m in my last semester of college majoring Media and Communication. I have been writing news
articles since I was in high school and I was also the leader of my school's journalistic organization.
B. I look forward to having a discussion about the job in an interview. I hope that my skills and
experiences will bring value to the company in the future.
C. This job position is the best position in the company, that many of fresh graduates would be very
happy to have it as a challenge for their career.
D. Regarding with the posting for the marketing manager in your company, the applicants should have
at least two years of experience in the same position.
E. Since this position works mainly with customers, the company needs an individual that is mobile,
energetic and would like to meet many people as part of the job description.

A. What are your strengths?
B. Very well. Now, do you mind working overtime?
C. What are you looking for in this job?
D. What experience do you have related with the position?
E. Where are you graduated from?

The following text is for questions 60 to 62

Alice Monroe

Professional Summary
Detail-oriented staff accountant with 5 years of experience, skilled in financial statements and account
reconciliation. Seeking position at ARF&H Healthcare. At Point Life Health, identified ways to lower
variable costs by 17% and saved $1.1M annually. Spotted and fixed a recurring accounting error that saved
another $600,000.

Work Experience
Staff Accountant
Point Life Health
May 2014–March 2019
Provided accounting and financial analysis during the preparation of financial statements. Performed work
100% error-free thanks to rigorous self-checking. Completed month-end close duties and reconciled balance
sheet accounts. Found and fixed a recurring mistake, saving $1.1M per year. Worked with cross-functional
teams to synchronize month-end record-keeping. Used automation to cut 3 hours a week of meeting time for
10 employees. Tasked with conducting deep account analysis. Found ways to cut variable costs 17%.Trained
2 new staff accountants in company best practices.

2008–2012 North Carolina State University
Associate‟s Degree in Business Accounting
3.7 GPA
Worked on a project to automate accounting process for a local florist shop. Cut time needed for
bookkeeping by 45%.

Soft skills: Collaboration, communication. Critical thinking, detail-oriented
Hard skills: financial statements, IT, asset management, account analysis

Volunteer 4x per month to transport homeless animals to rescue.
Lead weekly cycling group. Increased attendance 200%.

60. Where did Alice Monroe work for until 2019?

A. Staff Accountant.
B. Point Life Health.
C. Accounting and Financial.
D. ARF&H Healthcare.
E. Accounting Manager.
61. What does the word recurring in the text have closest in meaning to?
A. Resume
B. Participation
C. Unsolved problem
D. Willingly overwork
E. Occurring repeatedly

62. How long does Alice take to be able to graduate from the University?
A. 3 years.
B. 4 years.
C. 5 years.
D. 6 years.
E. 7 years.

The following text is for question 63

President Joko Widodo observes a mass vaccination in

Jakarta, June 14 2021. (Photo: Presidential Secretariat
Press Bureau/Laily RE)
63. Where did the photo come from?
A. Jakarta.
B. President‟s Press
C. President‟s secretary.
D. President Joko Widodo.
E. Presidential Press Bureau.
The following text is for questions 64 and 65

64. Based on the caption, what should people do to solve major problems in the world?
A. To synchronize the way people think and how the nature works.
B. To let the nature think and let the people work.
C. To plant as many as trees to help the nature.
D. To wait for the result of how the nature work.
E. To let the nature work and don‟t think.

65. What would happen if people start to think in the way of how the nature works?
A. A lot of trees will grow.
B. The world will be greener.
C. The world‟s big problems will be solved.
D. The world will start to develop in a modern way
E. There will be no more corruption in the world.

The following text is for questions 66 and 67

66. What can we infer from the picture?
A. The number of people infected is getting lower as the new variant appears.
B. People can easily get infected by Omicron but unlikely would die from it.
C. More people is hospitalized in South Africa because of Omicron
D. Delta variant is breaking new record in January 2022.
E. Omicron is as dangerous as the Delta variant.

67. What is the best to complete the caption?

A. more
B. still
C. really
D. less
E. maybe

The following text is for questions 68 to 70

Why Summer Daylight is Longer than Winter Daylight

In the summer, the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter. This is not because as much
people think we are closer to the sun but because of the tilt of the earth.
The earth is actually closer to the sun in winter than it is in summer but you would be forgiven for thinking
that this cannot be true after looking out of your window on a cold and frosty morning.
It seems strange that as the earth get closer to the sun during its orbit then the amount of daylight that we get
decrease. But that is the case. It is the tilt of the earth that determine the amount of daylight that we get and
so the length of time that for us the sun is above the horizon.
Taken from:

68. What is the text about?

A. The amount of sun lights in the summer.
B. The cause of why daytime in the summer is longer.
C. The distance between the sun and the earth in summer.
D. The effects of summer daylight is longer that the winter daylight.
E. The winter daylight that is shorter is because of the sun – earth distance.

69. What is the cause of different amount of daylight in different season?

A. The tilt of the earth.
B. The cold and frosty morning.
C. The distance between earth and the sun.
D. When the earth is getting closer to the sun.
E. When the length of time the sun is closer to us.

70. What is the synonym of the word decrease in the text?

A. Decline
B. Drop out
C. Disclosure
D. Depressed
E. Determinant

The following text is for questions 71 to 74

Smoking is known to be damaging to one‟s health and can cause various cancers in the body. Smoking at
any age has negative effects, including for teenagers and young adults.
Teens are often exposed to images of celebrities smoking, which can make it seem cool, even though there
are many serious downsides to smoking. In some instances, the media tries to make smoking look
acceptable, which helps tobacco companies make sales.
Teens may be faced with parents or siblings who smoke in their home. If teens live with smokers, they are
likely exposed to second-hand smoke and all the health repercussions that come with it. These teens are also
more likely to have access to packs of cigarettes that older siblings, parents or other family members have in
the household.

71. What is the text about?

A. Why smoking is dangerous.
B. When teens start to learn to smoke.
C. How teens become addicted to smoke.
D. What are the effects of smoking for teens.
E. When family members smoke in front of teenagers.

72. Based on the text, what makes it easier for teenagers to have access to cigarette?
A. The celebrities they see on TV.
B. The cigarette advertisement on mass media.
C. The bully they meet at school.
D. The cigarette sold at shops and stores.
E. The family members who smoke in the household.

73. “…even though there are many serious downsides to smoking.” What does the word downside
A. Lower side.
B. Worse condition.
C. The ground side.
D. Negative aspects.
E. Under the influence.

74. What can we learn from the text?

A. Tobacco companies are trying to make smoking looks illegal.
B. Teens start being addicted to cigarette by seeing celebrities or people around them.
C. Media has a role in showing the downsides of cigarette to help tobacco companies.
D. It is impossible that teenagers become passive smokers if they live with smokers.
E. Teenagers can be exposed to the bad effects of smoking at school.

The following text is for questions 75 to 77

How Corruption Occurs

Corruption usually occurs because some individuals are willing to use illicit means to maximize personal or
corporate profit. How does corruption happen? Does corruption happen slowly, or all at once?
When we hear the word corruption, we immediately think about political issues. But have you ever thought
that actually people have often practiced culture of corruption from (75) ……… age. For example, we know
the term “rubber clock” which is always not on time to make an appointment. This is an example of small
corruption that we are not aware of. So don‟t be (76) ……….. if there will be a lot of corruptors – who are
very troubling.
(77)…………., exam cheating is also a form of corruption. Cheating is a common thing done by students.
Indeed cheating can give us a high value, but it will reduce us ourselves, by cheating we certainly cannot get
that knowledge purely. If this is often done, the cheating action is carried out when an adult student. As an
adult, he has a position in the government, in politics, and in a BUMN (state-owned enterprise). Finally, the
person concerned likes to hang out, cheat or outsmart the budget to look for additional income.

A. an adult
B. a later
C. an early
D. school
E. old

A. surprise
B. surprised
C. surprising
D. surprises
E. surprisingly

A. However
B. Furthermore
C. Even though
D. Consequently
E. Therefore

The following text is for questions 78 to 80

Fight Song
By Rachel Platten

Like a small boat

On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
A lot of fight left in me
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Know I've still got a lot of fight left in me

78. What is the song about?

A. A romantic love between two close friends.
B. A strong will to be a stronger and better individual.
C. A powerful song about motivation for cancer patients.
D. A bad relationship with family members that later give problems to the writer.
E. A song to fight racism and gangsters that happen in the writer‟s neighborhood.

79. What is the message of the song?

A. To not give up and keep on doing our best.
B. To love unconditionally to people around us
C. To fight racisms in any form in our neighborhood.
D. To leave toxic relationship and dare to get out of comfort zone.
E. To seek for the best health care and pray to God for the best help.

80. What is the mood of the song?

A. Mellow and Romantic.
B. Good-tempered.
C. Strong and powerful.
D. Peaceful and calm.
E. Rude and rough.

The following text is for questions 1 and 2

Salwa : Hi, Irfan. What are you doing here?

Irfan : Hi, Wa. Well, I am going to buy flowers for my mother’s birthday gift.

Salwa : What a good son! Anyway, is that your friend? (pointing to a boy behind Irfan)

Irfan : No, he is my brother, Farhan. I’ll introduce you to him. Farhan, this is Salwa, my

schoolmate. Salwa, this is Farhan.

Farhan : Pleased to meet you, Salwa.

Salwa : Pleased to meet you too, Farhan. Um… irfan, how come I’ve never seen him whenever I

come to your house.

Irfan : Well, Farhan studies in another town. He stays in a boarding house.

Salwa : Oh, I see.

1. Where does the dialog most probably take place?

A. In a park
B. At a florist
C. At Salwa’s house
D. In a flower garden
E. At Irfan’s house

2. What can we conclude from the dialog?

A. Irfan cares for his mother.
B. Farhan has already known Salwa.
C. Salwa has never been to Irfan’s house.
D. Salwa knows Irfan’s family very well.
E. Salwa’s mother is going to celebrate her birthday.

The following text is for questions 3 and 4

Dhona : Your performance in the opening ceremony of the national jamboree was amazing. I
really like it.

Mayang : Well thanks.

Dhona : You have a wonderful voice. Almost all of the audience gave you a standing ovation.

Mayang : Is that true? I’m happy if they like my performance.

Dhona : Where do you learn such a singing technique?

Mayang : My parents have taught me some techniques in singing. My father is a musician, and
my mother is a professional singer.

Dhona : Wow! Your family is so amazing. I believe if you join a singing competition, you will
win. You really have a good talent.

Mayang : Really? Thank you.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Dhona’s parents
B. A singing competition
C. The national jamboree
D. Some singing techniques
E. Mayang’s amazing performance

4. Dhona says, “Almost the whole audience gave you a standing ovation.” What is the synonym of the
underlined phrase?
A. Yell
B. Call
C. Applause
D. Gratitude
E. Compliment

The following text is for questions 5 to 8

Campuhan Hill of Ubud offers a beautiful view of the valley which provides a jogging track. In this
area, there is a temple called Gunung Lebah Temple.

The location is right behind a hotel, so there is no sign indicating the existence of this tourist resort.
It makes this place less known, although its beauty can be compared to other Bali attractions.

Along the trekking lane on Campuhan Hill, you will be amazed by the view of a meadow that meets
the surface of the hill. There are a lot of tropical trees in the distance that can be seen as a collection of
beautiful palm trees.

The place is calm and comfortable, free of air pollution, natural, and refreshing. Campuhan Hill is
located in the same area of Gunung Lebah Temple. Therefore, when you visit this place, you have to
behave yourself because it is a sacred area. You also have to preserve this place.

5. What is the main attraction of Campuhan Hill?

A. Beautiful guesthouses and villas
B. Its natural atmosphere
C. The bee conservation
D. The adventure trip
E. Its sacred area

6. Why is this hill less popular among travellers? It’s because...

A. it belongs to a sacred place.
B. there is no sign indicating its existence.
C. nobody wants to visit this place.
D. not everyone can enter this place.
E. only joggers may enter this place.

7. How is the situation at Campuhan Hill?

A. Smelly and messy
B. Crowded and dirty
C. Safe and popular
D. Sacred and mystical
E. Calm and fresh

8. What is the second paragraph about?

A. The location of Campuhan Hill
B. The best time to visit this place
C. The atmosphere of Campuhan Hill
D. The entrance fee for entering the hill
E. The prohibitions when visiting this place

The following text is for questions 9 to 11

The Kasepuhan Keraton (Palace) is located in the sub-district of Lemahwungkuk in the City of
Cirebon, built by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II in 1529. This is, therefore, the oldest palace in Java
with the longest history. All royal families of Cirebon still live on until today, but all are now, of
course, subjects of the Republic of Indonesia.

Standing on a total area of 10 hectares, the Kasepuhan Keraton is the largest, most impressive,
and best kept among the Cirebon palaces, where every niche carries its own historic significance. The
inner buildings are all painted white where the throne room, living rooms of the royal household,
and reception areas to meet guests are found. The palace stands on the south side facing the large
green square where stands the Sang Cipta Rasa Grand Mosque on the western side.

Another interesting feature of the palace is the Lawang Sanga Building located on its south side,
directly on the banks of Krayan River. This is the tax and customs office during the reign of the
Cirebon Kingdom. All goods from overseas entering the kingdom must pass Krayan River where the
King’s officials will levy the necessary customs duty. This building is most significant for the wealth
and welfare of the kingdom.

9. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe a palace
B. To introduce royal families
C. To relate the Cirebon Kingdom
D. To describe the condition of a palace
E. To inform tourist attractions in Cirebon

10. What is the most attractive thing of the place? Its...

A. events.
B. building process.
C. beautiful scenery.
D. architectural buildings.
E. atmosphere.

11. Which place is used to meet guests?

A. The throne room
B. The living room
C. The reception area
D. The Lawang Sanga
E. The large green square

The following text is for questions 12 to 15

With the recent railway developments in Indonesia, the history of trains in Java during the Dutch
East Indies period is interesting to consider from the horse-drawn passenger trains to the cow-drawn
freight trains.
As reported by Kompas Daily on August 29, 1969 covered the origins of the trains in Indonesia,
including the 10 railway operators at that time.

In early 1900s, trains were drawn by cows and horses. Freight trains were pulled by cows to
transport sugarcane. Meanwhile, passenger trains, which consisted of only one or two cars, were
drawn by four horses along the Purwosari – Banyudono – Boyolali route in Central Java. This method
continued until 1912, when horses were replaced by locomotives. However, these locomotives
needed to be operated by a designated train driver because of the complex system.

To connect Magelang and Ambarawa in Central Java, a hilly area, railway operators used the
only locomotive model available in Java. A locomotive was placed on the front and back of the train.
On uphill tracks, an extra locomotive would be placed at the back to provide more power. For
downhill tracks, the locomotive would be moved to the front.

12. How were the earliest freight trains operated?

A. Pulled by cows.
B. Pulled by horses.
C. Drawn by cows and horses.
D. Drawn by locomotives.
E. Pulled by electric machine.

13. Why did the colonials build railway?

A. To transport war supplies
B. To deliver sugar and spices
C. To transport people and goods
D. To ship cars to other towns easily
E. To help people sell their livestock

14. From the text, we can conclude that there were once _____ near railway station.
A. rice fields
B. corn fields
C. tea plantation
D. tobacco plantation
E. sugarcane plantation

15. When did train start to be operated by a driver?

A. 1879
B. 1900
C. 1912
D. 1969
E. 1979
The following text is for questions 16 to 18.

Michael Faraday was a British chemist and physician who contributed significantly to the study
of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

Michael Faraday was born in South London on September 22, 1791. When he was 14, he was
apprenticed to a local bookbinder and during the next seven years, educated himself by reading
books on a wide range of scientific subjects. In 1812, Faraday attended four lectures given by chemist
Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution. Faraday subsequently wrote to Davy asking for a job as his
assistant. Davy turned him down but in 1813 appointed him to the job of chemical assistant at the
Royal Institution.

In 1821, he published his work on electromagnetic rotation, the principle behind the electric motor.
Then, in 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, the principle behind the electric
transformer and generator. This discovery was crucial in allowing electricity to be transformed from a
curiosity into a powerful new technology.

16. Who was Michael Faraday?

A. An artist
B. A scientist
C. A politician
D. A journalist
E. A businessman

17. What did Faraday do when he was 14?

A. He discovered the concept of the electric motor.
B. He worked as an assistant in a bookstore.
C. He was a student at the Royal Institution.
D. He was an apprentice at a bookbinder.
E. He became an assistant of a chemist.

18. When did Faraday share his findings on electromagnetic rotation?

A. In 1812
B. In 1813
C. In 1821
D. In 1831
E. In 1871

The following text is for questions 19 to 21.

A long time ago, a village in Halmahera was lack of clear water because the area was composed
by rocks. The people should walk far away to find clear water. People lived in poverty because they
could not cultivate the land.

There were a young man and a young woman who fell in love. However, the young man wanted
to get a better life before marriage. Then, he left the village to find a job in the city. He asked the
woman to wait for him. Time passed. There was no news about the man. One day, a ship docked and
the woman looked for his beloved. However, she got the news that the man had passed away.

The woman left the dock and sat on the stone under the banyan tree. She cried for three days
which made her tears flood the area around her. She then disappeared in the pond. Later, the pond
with clear and bluish water was formed. People called it Telaga Biru.

19. What encouraged the young man to leave his village?

A. He wanted to find a prestigious job in the city.
B. His village suffered from a long drought.
C. He could not find a good job in his village.
D. He didn’t have a cultivated land.
E. His parents lived in poverty.

20. What was the young man like?

A. Smart
B. Generous
C. Responsible
D. Disciplined
E. Skillful

21. How did the young woman figure out news about her lover?
A. She received a letter about it.
B. His colleague informed her about it.
C. She went to the city and looked for him.
D. She asked people from a docking ship.
E. She sailed to the city by the docking ship.

The following text is for questions 22 to 25.

Once, there lived a mother deer with her fawns: Tara, Tito, and Tania. Those three decided to be
independent and sought their fortune. They told their mother about their desire and the mother let
them go.

Tara, the oldest, found a nice place on a slope of a hill to build his home he built his out of twigs
and sticks he found lying on the ground.

Tito was the second. He tried to build a house not far from his elder brother’s, near a water
spring. It had to be stronger than his elder brother’s. He gathered branches, then tied them all
together with ropes.

Tania, the youngest, was very wise and careful. She collected strong pieces of wood, cut, and
nailed them together perfectly. She claimed no beast could break them through. She also built a
deep wide ditch around her house with a small bridge to cross it. The small bridge could be pulled up
if it was not used so that no animal could cross the ditch.

One night, Momo, the beast, was roaming and noticed a new house on the slope of the hill. He
smelled a fresh meat, so he easily sneaked into the twig house. Fortunately, Tara knew his arrival and
run out through the back door to Tito’s house. It was a little tougher to knock over, but Momo
succeeded to break into the house. Tara and Tito jumped over the big windows and run to Tania’s.
They cried aloud that woke Tania.

Tania prepared the bridge for her siblings to cross. Tara crossed the bridge after his little
brother. When he was in the middle of the bridge, Momo was getting closer. In a hurry, Tania and
Tito pulled up the bridge forcefully. Tara fell in front of the house, but Momo, who was about to
pounce on him, fell into a deep ditch. He sank.

22. Which words best describe Tara?

A. Patient and caring.
B. Careless but caring.
C. Quick but sloppy.
D. Careful and strong.
E. Smart but hasty.

23. What would happened if Tania was late to pull up the bridge?
A. The kids would have been fallen into the ditch.
B. Tara wouldn’t have been captured by Momo.
C. Momo would have destroyed the bridge.
D. Momo would have grabbed the bridge.
E. Momo would have caught the kids.

24. From the text we can learn that …

A. we should never underestimate others.
B. good people will get what they want.
C. working together is the best policy.
D. our hard efforts will be paid off.
E. we should be independent

25. She also built a deep wide ditch around her house with a small bridge to cross it (Paragraph 4).
The word ‘it’ refers to ….
A. ditch
B. bridge
C. house
D. wood
E. branch

The following text is for questions 26 to 29.

Entrepreneurship is a key to the national development and solution of many

problems. The process of entrepreneurship is li ke planting a new tree. A tree provides
filtered air for humans, fruit for kids, grass for animals, home for birds and wood for
farmer. The following are several reasons why entrepreneurship is important to the
modern world.

Entrepreneurs start a new business. When new entrepreneurs come they bring
new ideas to the market. They create new solutions to old problems. They create
perfect competition in the market. Due to perfect competition in the market,
customers get high-quality products and services at low er prices.

In society, when entrepreneurs become successful, they inspire social

development. They spend part of their income in the development of education of
poor children. They invest in growing natural resources. They inspire young people to
become responsible for their duty towards the nation. They participate in government
initiatives in educational and national development directly or indirectly.

In economic development, entrepreneurship is a source of income for the

government. If there is no tax and then there is no government. Moreover,
entrepreneurship increases the demand for goods and services. When they start their
business, they need infrastructure to run a business. In return, government and other
entrepreneurs get profits.

Entrepreneurship is important for an ind ividual to become rich in life.

Entrepreneurship is important for financial freedom and wealth. Today, you can see
people working for companies and doing their jobs. That’ s great, but I don’t think they
have the freedom to choose their working and family hours. They have fix routine. They
have fix income, and most part of their income is invested on liabilities. Such individuals
are very talented but they are working hard for banks to pay instalment or interest,
room owners to pay rent, governments to pay tax. They are spending and using their
skills for others and working for money. If they start their own business, then they can
achieve more in less time, even if they do or run part -time online business, they can
increase their income.

Entrepreneurship education is really important for graduates and senior secondary

school students. If they learn about marketing, they can market their skills and
knowledge and will get good jobs. If they learn about finance and money in college
then they can spend wisely and save more. If they learn entrepreneurship they will
learn how to take responsibility, why to take responsibility for their own success and
happiness in life. And they also learn how to help others with their talent, skills, and

Above all, it is proved that entrepreneurship brings positive atmosphere. Be good

students who have dreams and hopes, and are re ady to make innovations for the

26. Why is entrepreneurship like planting a tree?

A. It is a solution to an economic problem.
B. It will be beneficial for every aspect of life.
C. It can increase people‟s wealth step by step.
D. It can raise positive personality and attitudes.
E. It grows very well through education and habits.

27. What is the important aspect in entrepreneurship education?

A. Success
B. Curiosity
C. Self-control
D. Achievement
E. Responsibility

28. Why do entrepreneurs have more freedom?

A. They have many choices in their marriage live.
B. They are free to choose their work and time.
C. They have no relationships with other people.
D. They have more chances to do their hobbies.
E. They are free to maintain their relationship with others.
29. Why does the writer hope by writing the text?
A. People create perfect competitions.
B. People find solutions to many problems.
C. People will be responsible for their duties.
D. People start their own business at school age.
E. People are interested to become entrepreneurs.

The following text is for questions 30 to 33.

Many teenagers after graduating from high school want to study abroad. Studying abroad may be
one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the
opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here are some
reasons to study abroad.
First, teenagers have an opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a
brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying
abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your
host nation.
Second, another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to
experience different styles of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you‟ll have the
chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.
Third, many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home for the first time. When
they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the distinct cultural perspectives. When
you study abroad you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.
Fourth, you have an opportunity to study a foreign language. This chance can really hone your
language skills. Studying abroad grants you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in a new
language, and there is no better way to learn than to dive right in.
Fifth, when you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new
perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say,
all of these are very attractive to future employers.
The last, that there is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country. You might find
that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students who study abroad become
explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbour.
Based on the benefits to studying abroad above, you have to try hard to be able to do it.

30. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To discuss different point of view on studying at abroad universities.
B. To give information about the advantages of studying abroad.
C. To relate an experience about studying abroad.
D. To describe steps on how to be able to study abroad.
E. To explain the process on how people can study abroad.

31.What is the main idea of the seventh paragraph?

A. Job opportunities are widely opened.
B. There are chances to develop language skills.
C. It is time to learn new cultures and customs.
D. You are free to determine how to study abroad.
E. Studying abroad teaches you to be independent.

32.What does the writer sugest?

A. Teenagers can achieve a better future.
B. Teenagers should not limit their efforts.
C. Teenagers should learn to be independent.
D. Teenagers should find a way to study abroad.
E. Teenagers can broaden their knowledge and skills.

33.Fourth, this chance can really hone your language skills. (Paragraph 5)
The underlined word has the same meaning with ____

A. sharpen
B. worsen
C. achieve
D. master
E. learn

The following text is for questions 34 to 36.

Hello Rizka,

Thanks for the e-mail you sent four days ago. Sorry for the late response. It is because I have a lot of
assignments to do. I have four to finish this week and I have only submitted two so far. I reply to your
e-mail as I have a short time while having lunch.

Rizka, I am happy that you finally improve your cinematography skill. I understand that you need that
skill to do your job. I would be glad if I can help you make documentary videos or short videos in the
near future. Of course, I am below you, but I can learn.
To speed up your skill, I suggest you read online cinematography magazines and books from the
internet. You can also follow famous cinematographers’ social media. Your English is excellent, so
you do not need to worry when speaking with people around the world. I’m sure you’ll have lots of
connections so that they may give you chances to join them one day. Good luck then.

I think it’s enough for now and keep in touch.



34. What postponed Sari from writing her reply?

A. She had a lunch first.
B. She had many assignments.
C. She learned cinematography.
D. She made documentary videos.
E. She read magazines and internet articles.

35. Sari is _____ when knowing Rizka learns about cinematography

A. certain
B. blessed
C. amused
D. delighted
E. optimistic

36. From the e-mail we can infer that ____

A. Sari and Rizka have similar interests.
B. Rizka knows several cinematographers.
C. Rizka is very good at speaking English.
D. Sari is as good as Rizka in cinematography.
E. Rizka and Sari will learn about photo shooting.

The following text is for questions 37 to 40.

Dear Mr. Noval,

On the behalf of Hasbi family, I would like to express my endless gratitude for your kindness. I
hope you remember us. We were the family who received your hospitality last month. Our car broke
down during our journey home to Bandung on a rainy night. You welcomed us to stay in your house
until the following day. Not only that, you also helped us to look for mechanics.

The experience is something that we will always remember. Our neighbors also come to admire
you after I have told them my story about you. As someone who lives in a big city, such a level of
hospitality has become rare to encounter. My family and I will surely take an example from that.

Along with this letter, there is also a present to express our gratitude. I hope you also wouldn’t
mind if one day we come to visit you, should we have the opportunity.

Best regards,


37. How does the letter describe Mr. Noval?

A. Truthful
B. Generous
C. Courageous
D. Resourceful
E. Undependable

38. Hasbi family will reflect on their experience by being more _____
A. Hardworking
B. Diligent
C. Careful
D. Honest
E. Kind

39. What does Mr. Hasbi say about living in the city?
A. Everything is easy.
B. Family is important.
C. Good friends are few.
D. Honesty is expensive.
E. Kindness is uncommon.

40. What can we conclude from the letter?

A. Mr. Noval is a car mechanic.
B. Mr. Noval lives in a big city.
C. Mr. Hasbi was alone during his travel.
D. Mr. Hasbi receives a gift from Mr. Noval.
E. Mr. Hasbi’s neighbors know Mr. Noval’s character.

The following text is for questions 41 to 44.

Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. This step-by-step guide on
how to save money can help you develop a simple and realistic plan to save for goals, big or small.

1. Record your expenses

This first step is to figure out how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses.

2. Make a budget
Once you have an idea of what you spend in a month, you can begin to organize your recorded
expenses into a workable budget.

3. Plan on saving money

Now that you have made a budget, create a saving category within it. Try to save ten to fifteen
percent of your income.

4. Choose something to save for

One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking of what you might want to save
for-perhaps you are planning a vacation. Then, figure out you will need.

5. Decide your priorities

After your expenses and income, your goals are likely to have the biggest impact on how you allocate
your savings.

6. Pick the right tools

You don’t have to pick just one account. Look carefully at all of your options and consider things like
balance minimums, fees, and interest rates.

41. The text is beneficial to make people be ....

A. stingy
B. thrifty
C. careful
D. diligent
E. futuristic

42. Why should we figure out how much we spend?

A. To make a bank account
B. To record our expenses
C. To prioritize our saving goals
D. To make a plan of saving money
E. To pick many accounts for saving
43. How much money should we save?
A. 5 percent of our income
B. 10 percent of our expenses
C. 10 to 15 percent of our income
D. The rest of our expenses in a month
E. More than 25 percent of our income

44. Why should we prioritize our saving goals?

A. To keep as much as money we have
B. To make our expenses and income balance
C. To have a clear idea of where to start saving
D. To know how much money we spend each month
E. To decide what we will choose for saving our money

The following text is for questions 45 to 47.

Hand Sanitizer

What you need:

 ¾ cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99%)

 ¼ cup of aloe vera gel (to help keep your hands
smooth and to counteract the harshness of
 10 drops of essential oil, such as lavender oil, baby
oil, or lemon juice

 Pour all material into a bowl, ideally one with a

pouring spout like a glass measuring container
 Mix with a spoon and then beat with a whisk to
turn the sanitizer into a gel
 Pour the gel into an empty bottle for easy use,
and label it ‘hand sanitizer’

45. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To suggest people live healthily.
B. To tell the process how to make something.
C. To promote a certain product to other people.
D. To relate one’s experience when making something.
E. To encourage people to be creative and innovative.

46. Why should we use essential oil?

A. To make the product fragrant.
B. To produce a premium product.
C. To keep our hands moisturized.
D. To make the product safe for everyone.
E. To increase the effectiveness of the product.

47. What can you conclude from the text?

A. We should use new equipment or tools.
B. We should blend the materials on by one.
C. We must mix the materials using our hands.
D. We should make the product in a bright room.
E. We should put the product in an easy to use container.

The following text is for questions 48 to 50.

By Lorde

I've never seen a diamond in the flesh

I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
And I'm not proud of my address
In a torn up town, no postcode envy

*) But every song's like

Gold teeth, Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room
We don't care
We're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like
Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
We don't care
We aren't caught up in your love affair

**) And we'll never be royals (royals)

It don't run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me queen bee
And baby, I'll rule (I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule)
Let me live that fantasy

My friends and I, we've cracked the code

We count our dollars on the train to the party
And everyone who knows us knows
That we're fine with this, we didn't come from

Back to *)

Back to **)
Oh (oh, oh)
We're bigger than we ever dreamed
And I'm in love with being queen
Oh (oh, oh)
Life is great without a care
We aren't caught up in your love affair

48. What is the song about?

A. Expressing the singer’s desire.
B. Inviting to respect another person.
C. Encouraging the readers to make dreams come true.
D. Criticizing other people’s luxurious life.
E. Relating the singer’s life story.

49. Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash (stanza 2).

According to the song, what does the above line symbolize?

A. Luxury
B. Poverty
C. Popularity
D. Immortality
E. Persistence

50. What can we learn from the song?

A. Love yourself before you try to love others.
B. Not everyone wanted rich and famous lifestyle.
C. Create solidarity in your society.
D. Always be a wise person.
E. Make big efforts to reach your dreams.

The following text is for questions 51 to 53.

Wanda Samnovi

Jln. Cempaka No. 51

Kalianda, South Lampung


February 13, 2022

Mr. Revan Julio

Personnel Manager


Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 67

South Jakarta

Dear Mr. Revan,

I am writing this letter to apply for a position as a branch manager that is advertised during a
job fair in Lampung Convention Center on February 11, 2022.

I am graduated from a reputable state university in Jakarta as a bachelor of economics. I am

experienced in the matter as I have worked as sales representative during my time in Jakarta
at BioTech for the past three years. My job involved handling the customers in front line as
well as building connection with suppliers to maximize sales profit. I am well knowledgeable
on the matter and during my time in BioTech, my performance has improved the sales up to

I am hardworking, analytical level headed, and able to work under pressure and in a team. I
am also fluent in both spoken and written English.

I have enclosed my CV, recommendations, and other information for your consideration. I am
available for an interview at any time and can be reached by phone or e-mail, as mentioned
above. I look forward to the opportunity of an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Wanda Samnovi

51. Why does Wanda write the letter?

A. She intends to work at MeganTech Co.
B. She wants to discuss a sales agreement.
C. She needs to share information about BioTech.
D. She responds to the advertisement during a fair.
E. She wants to impress the manager with her experience.

52. What does Wanda expect from MeganTech Co.?

A. A recommendation letter
B. A chance for an interview
C. Job fair information
D. Sales information
E. A consideration

53. What can be inferred from the letter?

A. BioTech is opening a job vacancy.
B. Wanda is an experienced manager.
C. Wanda is still working for BioTech.
D. Wanda visited a job fair in Lampung.
E. MeganTech Co. will employ Wanda as a branch manager.

The following text is for questions 54 to 57.


Ranggie Rayhan – Electrical Engineer

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to apply for the position of Electrical Engineer as advertised on your website. As
requested, I enclose my resume and other documents.

I graduated from Airlangga University in 2020. I have experience in handling projects with
tight schedule, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in computer and have
excellent English, both written and spoken. I would be able to impart my skills and gain
additional knowledge for professional growth with your company.

I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview. I can be reached by phone or e-mail


Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Ranggie Rayhan

Jl. Mayor Salim Batu Bara No. 115


Resume.pdf (584K)

Certificate.jpg (898K)

Identity Card. Jpg (774K)

Reference.jpg (257K)

54. What is the e-mail about?

A. Offering a job.
B. Applying for a job.
C. Explaining one‟s ability.
D. Stating one‟s career objective
E. Information about one‟s education.

55. What is paragraph three about?

A. The applicant‟s skills
B. The offered job vacancy
C. The enclosed documents
D. The applicant‟s educational background
E. The applicant‟s hope to have an interview

56. From the text we can conclude that ...

A. the applicant is a fresh graduate.
B. the applicant is good at computer.
C. the applicant can work well individually.
D. the job vacancy is advertised on a newspaper.
E. the invitation for an interview can only be sent via e-mail.

57. I would be able to impart my skills (paragraph 2).

The underlined word has the similar meaning with ...

A. invoke
B. acquire
C. reach
D. present
E. embrace

The following dialog is for question 58.

Interviewer: According to your resume, you have ever worked for a company before.

Elva : ______

58. What is the best expression to fill in the blank?

A. That‟s impossible.
B. No, I cook for my family.
C. You can see it in my resume.
D. Yes, I ever worked for a furniture company.
E. Yes, I helped my mother make and sell some cakes.

The following dialog is for question 59.

Interviewer : Can you tell me about your previous company?

Sinar : Well, it is a family company and focused on distributing raw materials for paper
production. I worked there as an administrator who handled all the documents,
invoices, bills, and many other administration stuffs.

Interviewer : _____

Sinar : Actually, it is going to bankrupt due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Interviewer : Oh, I see. It will be the hard time for the company.

59. What is the best expression to fill in the blank?

A. Do you still work there?
B. Why did you leave it?
C. Do you want to work here?
D. Why don‟t you work here?
E. Why do you want to work here?

The following text is for questions 60 to 62.

Anugerah Ramadhan
Jalan Elang 89
Tangerang Selatan 19837

January, 30th 2022

PO BOX 1393
JKB 11013

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown
in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated
from Universitas Indonesia on 2007.

My experience as Project Management staff in various multinational company has given

me first-hand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful
Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills
both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project
Manager, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting
the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and independent
individual who is capable to work under pressure.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more
detail and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Anugerah Ramadhan

60. What are the skills that applicant tell on the application letter?
A. Managerial and communication skills.
B. Accounting and managerial skills.
C. Public speaking and communication skills.
D. Bahasa Indonesia and English.
E. Computer and communication skills.

61. How long did the applicant work as Project Manager?

A. 2 years
B. 5 years
C. 8 years
D. 10 years
E. 12 years

61. “I am and independent individual who is capable to work under pressure.”

The word “capable” has the same meaning to….

A. irresponsible
B. awkward
C. competent
D. professional
E. expert

The following caption is for questions 63 and 64.

Life is full of choices. Decision is totally yours. You are free to determine which way you will
step on. Choose the right one and go forward.

63. What does the sentence “Decision is totally yours” mean?

A. People determine their own ways of life.

B. People must ask others to choose their own way.
C. People cannot make a decision by themselves.
D. Others can influence what people should do.
E. People can follow others to decide the way.

64. What is the suggestion given by this caption?

A. We cannot force other to join us.

B. We should make a good choice.
C. Think twice before doing anything.
D. Don’t be hesitate to make a decision.
E. We are responsible for our own choices.

The following caption is for questions 65 to 67.

65. What is the topic of the caption?

A. Honesty
B. Education
C. Solicitude
D. Heavy traffic
E. The beauty of nature

66. How does the policeman help the old woman?

A. He walks behind the old woman.

B. He holds the old woman’s hand.
C. He oversees the old woman from roadside.
D. He stops motor vehicles crossing on the road.
E. He takes the old woman across the overpass.

67. The followings are the messages of the caption, except …

A. We should care for others.

B. We should cross the road on the crossings.
C. People should protect each other.
D. Old people are more powerful than young ones.
E. Helping other people do not need money.

The following text is for questions 68 to 70.

Plastic waste is fast becoming a widely recognized problem. While it is an important

material for our economy, providing multiple benefits to modern-day living, plastic can take
thousands of years to biodegrade. It takes up valuable space in landfill sites and is polluting
the natural environment, having a significant impact on our oceans.

Plastic is everywhere. It is strong, light, cheap, and very versatile. The majority of plastic
waste does not get reused or recycled and experts believe that 50% of plastic is single-use,
meaning it is used once before being discarded.

While getting rid of plastic waste is the primary environmental problem, the production
process is a leading cause of carbon emissions contributing to global warming. It takes a lot
of energy and resources to make plastic.

Creating ‘a circular economy’ is based on the notion of maintaining the value of

products, materials, and resources within the economy for as long as possible, consequently
minimizing the generation of waste that is produced. This concept helps to shape an
essential part of the EU’s plans to develop a sustainable and more resource-efficient
economy, with plastic forming one of the top five priority areas to be addressed.

68. Why do we need to reduce the use of plastic?

A. It uses less amount of energy when producing plastic.

B. It will offer a lot of economic benefits when we recycle plastic.
C. It can decrease the number of carbon emissions in the atmosphere.
D. It can pollute the environment since it needs a thousand years to biodegrade.
E. It will support health industries by utilizing recycled plastic for plastic surgery.

69. What do you think of ‘a circular economy’?

A. It is not efficient because it takes huge amount of energy, higher than producing it.
B. It is efficient but there is no technology available to recycle plastic waste.
C. It is not efficient since the government prohibits recycling plastic waste.
D. It depends on the method that we use to recycle.
E. It is efficient and good for our environment.
70. Creating ‘a circular economy’ is based on the notion of maintaining the value of products,
materials, and resources … (Paragraph 4)

The word ‘notion’ can be best replaced with ....

A. idea
B. style
C. regulation
D. constitution
E. point of view

The following text is for questions 71 to 74.

Biodiesel is a clean burning substitute for petroleum-based diesel fuel. Biodiesel is made
of vegetable oil.

To make or manufacture Biodiesel, you must first start with raw materials. The raw
materials needed in the production of Biodiesel are a small amount of methanol and a ready
supply of vegetable product. One of the most common vegetables used in the production of
Biodiesel is corn, although depending on the geographic location of the manufacturing facility
many other plants are used as well (rapeseed, soybeans, flaxseed, etc.). The first step is to
use the raw vegetable product to make vegetable oil. Vegetable oil by itself will not be what
you need to power a car, from here it has to be processed into Biodiesel.

The process for converting vegetable oil into Biodiesel is sometimes called ester
interchange. To complete this process the vegetable oil has to be combined with a smaller
amount of methanol and then put in the presence of a small quantity of an alkaline catalyst
(for example, 5% to 1% sodium hydroxide). Vegetable oil is made up of so-called triglycerides,
which is a compound of the trivalent alcohol glycerin with three fatty acids. The goal of ester
interchange is to separate the glycerin molecule from the three fatty acids and replace it with
three methanol molecules. This process then yields roughly 90% Biodiesel and 10% of a
glycerin byproduct. The glycerin byproduct can be used in a number of other chemical
processes for different industries

71. What is the text about?

A. The use of the Biodiesel.

B. The process of making Biodiesel.
C. The advantage of using the Biodiesel.
D. The benefit of producing the Biodiesel.
E. The development of the Biodiesel product.

72. What are interchanged in the process of ester interchange?

A. The glycerin molecule with three methanol molecules

B. The three fatty acids with the glycerin molecules.
C. Methanol with the three fatty acids
D. Methanol and alkaline catalyst
E. Vegetable oil with methanol

73. According to the text, one of the advantages in using biodiesel is…

A. it is cheap.
B. it only uses vegetable oil.
C. it uses unreplaceable materials.
D. it can be done in small industry.
E. it gives less pollution than petroleum
74. “The process for converting vegetable oil…” (Paragraph 3). The word “converting” is closest in
meaning to…

A. producing
B. separating
C. changing
D. attaching
E. processing

The following text is for questions 75 to 77.

Walnuts are harvested during the fall, usually between mid-September and early
November. The harvest begins when the nuts have matured and a high percentage of nuts on
the tree have split hulls, usually a small number of nuts have already started to fall to the
ground naturally. This last phase of maturation and hull split can (75) ______ by applying an
ethylene-producing compound, such as ethephon.

The nuts are removed from the tree using a mechanical shaker, a machine that grasps the
trunk and shakes the whole tree. The nuts drop to the ground, then are swept into windrows
and picked up with harvest machinery. This operation is completed quickly to (76) _____ the
time nuts remain on the ground.

Harvested nuts are taken to a huller that removes hulls from the shell with wet scrubbers
and dried in gas dryers for 24 hours or less (until the nuts reach 8% moisture content). When
dry, the nuts are ready for (77) _____. It takes sometime before they are ready for the next
process. Processors typically buy walnuts in-shell and then crack, grade, and package them for

75. …

A. Be pulled
B. Be picked
C. Be hastened
D. Be watered
E. Be harvested

76. …

A. reduce
B. improve
C. develop
D. lengthen
E. use

77. …

A. drying
B. holding
C. cooking
D. storage
E. eating

The song below is for questions 78 – 80.

By Westlife

Hard to find a way to get through

It‟s a tragedy
Pulling at me like the stars do
You‟re like gravity
Even if the wind blows

*) How ya gonna love

How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live life like the dream
have is real

And if you lost your way

I will keep you safe
We‟ll open up all the world inside
I see it come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

Doesn‟t even matter to you

To see what I can see
I‟m crawling on the floor to reach you
I‟m a wreck you see
When you‟re far from home now
Makes it hard to believe

So how ya gonna love

How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like
The dream you have is real

78. What is the message of the song?

A. It is hard to help others.
B. It is important to know others.
C. It is hard to find a way.
D. It is important to be the help for others.
E. It is important to save some money.

79. …. I‟m crawling on the floor….

The underlined word is closest meaning to….
A. run fast
B. walk slowly
C. approach slowly
D. rolling on the ground
E. move slowly along the ground

80. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Be a generous friend.
B. Always try to help.
C. Keep someone secret.
D. Be a good person.
E. Make any choice.

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