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WHH Ch.16 War and Revolution

1. The emergence of nation-states in the last half of the 19th century led to A. B. C. D. Greater cooperation between the various nations Lesser competition between the various nations Greater competition between the various nations Civil war and revolution in stable nations

2. What event occurred on June 28, 1914? A. B. C. D. Independence of Serbia Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Collapse of Austria-Hungary Start of World War I

3. The assassination of the archduke was viewed by Austria-Hungary as A. B. C. D. An opportunity to make an example of Serbia through force An opportunity to apply liberal principles An opportunity to declare war on Russia An opportunity to declare war on Germany

4. All of the following countries were part of the Triple Alliance except A. B. C. D. Germany Russia Austria-Hungary Italy

5. All of the following were part of the Triple Entente except A. B. C. D. Belgium France Great Britain Russia

6. Propaganda is A. B. C. D. Information given to aide and assist the army Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause Ideas spread to cause revolution and dissent Information withheld by the government to keep people loyal

7. The Allies tried to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war at the battle of A. B. C. D. Verdun The Somme Jutland Gallipoli

8. The complete mobilization of countries for the purpose of fighting made World War I a A. B. C. D. World War Imperial War Total War Industrial War

9. The men and women who remain to till the soil and man the factories are no less a part of the army than the men beneath the battle flags The above quote is attributed to A. B. C. D. Winston Churchill Woodrow Wilson Kaiser Wilhelm Franklin D. Roosevelt

10. The Russian army was decisively defeated on the Eastern Front at the battles of Masurian Lakes and A. B. C. D. Tannenberg Verdun Riga The Somme

11. What were the soviets? A. B. C. D. Councils composed of elite nobles Councils composed of representatives from the workers and soldiers Committees from the Duma Councils of representatives from the army

12. When and why was Rasputin assassinated? A. B. C. D. 1916, to save the monarchy 1915, to save the people 1914, to save the queen 1916, to save the middle class

13. Who led the provisional government that replaced Czar Nicholas II? A. B. C. D. V.I. Lenin Joseph Stalin Alexander Kerensky Tolstoy

14. The March Revolution started in the city of A. B. C. D. Moscow Stalingrad Warsaw Petrograd

15. The Bolsheviks promised all of the following except A. B. C. D. An end to the war Concentration of land to the middle class Transfer of industry to committees of workers Transfer of governmental power to the soviets

16. Which nation entered World War I in the year 1917? A. B. C. D. Japan Serbia United States Canada

17. President Woodrow Wilson considered World War I a A. B. C. D. Peoples war against absolutism and militarism Military war against communism and socialism Democratic war supporting liberalism and nationalism Imperial war against imperialism and Social Darwinism

18. The final German offensive was launched in A. Eastern Europe B. March 1918 C. September 1918 D. March 1917 19. The War Guilt Cause was article number A. B. C. D. 228 229 230 231

20. World War I officially ended on A. B. C. D. November 11, 1918 November 1, 1918 November 10, 1918 November 11, 1917

21. Historians refer to the Balkans region before World War I as the A. Powder Keg of Europe B. Domino Effect C. Eastern Question D. The Black Hand 22. The German offensive to defeat the French in 1914 was stopped at the battle of the A. B. C. D. Somme Verdun Tannenberg Marne

23. Great Britain entered World War I when A. Germany declared war B. Germany violated Belgium neutrality C. Belgium appealed for help D. Russia mobilized

24. World War I ended in the year A. B. C. D. 1916 1917 1918 1919

25. All of the following were causes of World War I except A. B. C. D. Nationalism Militarism The Assassination Imperialism

26. What action did Austria-Hungary take in 1909 that angered Serbia and Russia? A. B. C. D. Annexed Bulgaria Annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina Annexed Romania Annexed Serbia

27. Who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand?

A. Giuseppe Garibaldi
B. Leon Trotsky C. V.I. Lenin D. Gavrilo Princip 28. Who was the Kaiser of the German Empire? A. B. C. D. Kaiser Wilhelm I Kaiser Wilhelm II Kaiser Wilhelm III Kaiser Wilhelm IV

29. What was the Schlieffen Plan? A. B. C. D. Frances plan to defeat the German Empire Russias plan to defeat Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungarys plan to defeat Serbia Germanys plan to defeat France

30. What did Otto von Bismarck and the German generals want to avoid at all costs? A. B. C. D. A war against Great Britain A war against Serbia and Russia A war against France and Russia A war against Italy and France

31. Who succeeded Lenin as the leader of the communist party in Russia? A. Trotsky B. Kerensky C. Stalin D. Lenin

32. The Russian Revolution of 1917 is divided into the February Revolution and the A. September Massacres B. July Revolution C. Communist Revolution D. October Revolution 33. The German practice of unrestricted submarine warfare helped to encourage the involvement of which country in World War I? A. Great Britain B. United States C. France D. Italy 34. Which nation declared peace and left the war in the year 1917? A. Russia B. United States C. France D. Serbia 35. Which battle symbolized the horrors of World War I to the people of Great Britain? A. The Somme B. Jutland C. Verdun D. Tannenberg 36. All of the following governments collapsed during or after World War I except A. B. C. D. Austria-Hungary France Germany Russia

37. The final offensive of 1918 lead by Great Britain and the United States was called the A. B. C. D. Spring Offensive Hundred Days Offensive Battle of 1918 Battle of the Somme

38. Where was poison gas first used? A. B. C. D. Ypres Somme Verdun Jutland

39. In the context of 20th century politics, mobilization was viewed as a(n) A. B. C. D. Desperate measure Gesture of goodwill Act of war Intent to establish peaceful relations

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