Handout Ennglish Subject-1

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Good Morning, Nurse

Learning Objectives
Students are able to:

1. communicate with patients and other by intoducing himsel/herself.

2. know the vocabulary dealing with making the bed.

Every nurse needs a communication skill. When you communicate to

a patient, doctor, or medical staff, you need some clues and expressions to
start your conversation. In this chapter you will be introduced to several
common phrases starting with a conversation and useful expressions.

Useful Expressions

For Nurse :

- Hello, Good (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) Mr./Mrs./Miss.....

- I am nurse........(mention name)
- How are you today Mr./Mrs./Miss.......
- What is your complaint?
- What’s wrong/the matter/troubling you?
- Have you taken the medicine?
- Sleep well, Mr./Mrs./Miss.......?
- Can I ask you something?
- Does it hurt here?
- Let me examine you, Mr./Mrs./Miss......
- Good bye/see you....

For Patient :

- Hello, Good (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) nurse........

- I am fine, and you?
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Nurse and her patient in the room

Nurse : Hello, Good morning Mr. Harry. How are you?

Patient : I’m fine, thanks

Nurse : So how do you feel Mr. Harry?

Patient : I think there is something wrong with my stomach.

Everytime i eat i feel like vomitting. I really feel

Nurse : How long have you felt like this?

Patient : For about two days

Nurse : Have you taken any medicine?

Patient : No, I haven’t, nurse!

Nurse : Ok! Let me examine you, Mr. Rahmat. Please, lie

down, here

These are words related with ‘making the beds’ in hospital :

Bed cover : penutup tempat tidur

Back rest : penopang punggung

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Bed : Kasur

Disposable mat (blue mat) : alas sekali pakai

Mattress : matras

Protective sheet for mattress : kain pelindung kasur

Pillow : bantal

Pillow case : sarung bantal

Rubber mat : karpet karet

Wheel lock device : alat pengunci roda

Grammar Focus
To show that things already done or not yet happen, especially in
question or statement, can be express with the pattern of Present
Perfect Tense

S + Have/Has + Past Participle (V3) + O

Example :

(+) I have taken some medicine

(˗) I haven’t taken any medicine
(?) Have you taken any medicine?

Build a dialogue with your partner based on the situation given !

1. Nurse enters the patient’s room for asking his/her recent condition.
2. A nurse wants to make the bed.
3. Doctor called you to obtain some information about patient.

Task 1 : Translate into good English
1. Sudahkah anda makan siang?
2. Maaf, saya belum bertemu Dokter Hilda.
3. Saya pikir saya harus pergi sekarang, sampai bertemu lagi Nona Linda.
4. Apakah anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?
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5. Saya memiliki penyakit hipertensi.

Task 2 : Look over the following questions and statements about

health, then give appropriate responses to each question.

1. You look so pale. What’s the matter?

2. Lewis doesn’t look well. Is he sick?
3. What’s wrong with you?
4. Nelly has lost her weight. Is she ill?
5. You look great know, not like yesterday?

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