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The Revenue Line

Understanding the big picture of how your business provides value

to clients

Table of Contents

1. What is the Revenue Line

a. The Revenue Line Visualized
b. Leads, Conversion, Retention
2. How to use the Revenue Line
3. How does someone position themselves on the Revenue Line?
4. Services NOT on the Revenue Line

Who is this for? [Lesson 1, 00:12:38]

It’s for people who are…

1. New to freelancing and want to build the right foundation
2. Experienced but have no idea how much value they give
3. Already closing deals but have a hard time charging premium fees

What is The Revenue Line

The Revenue Line is an imaginary line that illustrates how or where services can be plugged
into a client’s business model where it could make the most impact. This can be done
through lessening their expenses, increasing their revenue, or both – allowing freelancers to
charge more. [Lesson 1 - 00:11:14], [Lesson 2 - 00:00:08], [Lesson 2 - 00:00:38], [Lesson 2 -

The key is knowing how to provide value to clients, which leads to freelancers charging more
without working a lot. A person gives value, they get value. [Lesson 1 - 00:11:50] [Lesson 2 -
00:02:28], [Lesson 2 - 00:03:10]

The Revenue Line is used to increase the value of services. [Lesson 1 - 00:12:00]
If the service does not fit into a prospect’s business model, then they will probably skip over
the offer. More often than not, freelancers sell services to clients who don’t need what
freelancers have to offer. [Lesson 2 - 00:15:24]


Let’s say Jack is a jewelry store owner. If someone makes an offer to Jake to write a
book about him for $5,000, then he probably won’t take that offer. Because he
doesn’t need it for his business. A book about him will not fit his business model. It
won’t increase his sales, and he surely won’t spend money on something that’s not
guaranteed to increase his revenue. [Lesson 2 - 00:04:07]

But what if the same offer was made to someone in a different market?

Let’s say the same offer was made to Jane, a High Ticket Business
Coach/Consultant who gets $10,000 per customer or client. The $5,000 book was
offered to Jane and she accepted. Because having a book written about her would
surely impact her business through her getting recognition or authority. A single sale
from the people having read the book would get her back the money she spent to
pay for that book to be written. This shows an easy return on the money that she
spent. [Lesson 2 - 00:06:18]

The offer/service shouldn’t be just an option that’s good to have. The offer should be a
must-have for the client. [Lesson 2 - 00:18:34]

The Revenue Line Visualized [Lesson 3 - 00:00:25]

This is what a thriving business looks like. [Lesson 3 - 00:05:01]

Leads, Conversion, and Retention
These are potential clients or consumers who show interest in a product
or service. [Lesson 3 - 00:05:51]


McDonald’s runs advertisements. They run ads and give out coupons so
they can make sure that they are on top of people’s minds whenever
Leads people get hungry. Every person who sees their ads becomes a lead.
[Lesson 3 - 00:02:07]

Other businesses, like Mommy Makeover, acquire leads or generate

leads through sign-up options that they feature on their websites. When
people sign-up and give their email and contact information, they become
leads. [Lesson 3 - 00:06:08]

It’s the conversion of those who were only interested into actual clients,
customers, patients, or consumers. These are leads who decided to
opt-in or get a product or service [Lesson 3 - 00:11:00]


People go into McDonald’s to buy burgers and fries. The people who
Conversion became leads before have converted and became clients when they
bought their Big Macs and French Fries. [Lesson 3 - 00:02:41]

For others, after they’ve put in their name and contact information, the
business will try to set up a consultation meeting between the
lead/prospect and one of their agents whose primary focus is to get the
client to convert or become a customer. [Lesson 3 - 00:08:00]

This is about making the clients or customers keep coming back for
more. It also includes increasing the transaction size or value. [Lesson 3 -
00:03:19], [Lesson 3 - 00:11:37]


What do they do next? Upsell. They’re going to offer drinks to go with the
burger and fries. They’re going to ask if the customer wants to go
Retention medium or large with their fries and drinks. [Lesson 3 - 00:03:01]

When someone buys a Happy Meal from McDonald’s, McDonald’s

includes a collectible series of toys/figures, so you don’t just buy one
single toy. They make people want to complete an entire set. [Lesson 3 -

Starbucks does the same thing: they get people coming back to buy more
drinks so the customers can complete a set number of stickers to get
Starbucks journals/planners. They also ask people to buy Starbucks
cards and to register online. After people register online, they can email
people about their promos, etc [Lesson 3 - 00:04:11]

How to use the Revenue Line

Freelancers have to figure out exactly where on the Revenue will they be able to plug in their
service or services to create the most impact. This can be done by [Lesson 4 - 00:07:00]

getting them higher by getting them better

increasing their Leads,
Conversion, Retention

Or decrease their Expenses

Less time spent
Increasing efficiency

Improving or adding any of these pieces to a business is already enough to increase their
revenue. Doing this will enable freelancers to charge them premium rates.
[Lesson 3 - 00:05:20], [Lesson 4 - 00:00:17]

Website Development to
increase Leads, or

So whether a freelancer Copywriting to increase it doesn’t really matter.

uses Conversion, or [Lesson 4 - 00:05:30]

Social Media Marketing to

increase Retention

How does someone position themselves on the Revenue Line?

When making an offer, the offer has to be specific. The offer becomes more enticing if there
are quantifiable and specific results promised. If a freelancer is able to position him or herself
on the Revenue Line, it doesn’t matter if they’re an expert or not because they’re going to
appear valuable to their client.
[Lesson 5 - 00:00:00], [Lesson 5 - 00:05:20]
As an example, the scenario portrayed below is that of 2 social media marketers with 2
different offers. There are differences between their offers and how they position themselves
on the Revenue Line.

“Let me get you leads so you can get

400-500 people each week into your
“Let me get you awareness”
Facebook group through Social Media
Marketing” [Lesson 5 - 00:04:12]

✘ Specific ✓ Specific

✘ Quantifiable ✓ Quantifiable

✘ How? ✓ How? Social Media Marketing

✘ Where? ✓ Where? Facebook

✘ Timeframe? ✓ Timeframe? Weekly

✘ Where on the Revenue Line? ✓ Where on the Revenue Line? Leads

Services NOT on the Revenue Line [Lesson 7 - 00:05:37]

“My services aren’t even on the Revenue Line.”

This thought might have crossed people’s minds, and it might have made them doubt their
abilities to put their services on the Revenue Line. Listed below are a couple of examples
that show how ANY service can fit on the Revenue Line.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. Website Developer/Maker
3. Facebook Ads
4. Content Writing
5. Accounting and Bookkeeping
6. Data Analyst
7. Chat Bots
8. Graphic Design
9. Video Editing

Search Engine SEO is used to generate or get more traffic. If the client’s
Optimization (SEO) business gets to rank on the first page, more people will click, the
business will get more leads and sales.
[Lesson 7 - 00:06:09]
SEO is ON the Revenue Line.

Website People or businesses who already have websites know the

Developer/Maker importance of having a website.

[Lesson 7 - 00:06:52] Business owners simply cannot buy a website without the
website developer telling them how the website will impact their

Instead of selling them a website, the website developer/maker

can sell them more leads and more sales. If the website can
increase their leads, or increase their sales, they will hire the

Website Developer/Maker is ON the revenue Line.

Facebook Ads This is directly correlated to revenue. It is ON the Revenue Line.

[Lesson 7 - 00:08:57]

Content Writing Some things to know:

1. What kind of content has to be written?
[Lesson 7 - 00:09:08] 2. What’s the goal of the content?

At the end of each written content of The Freelance Movement

Blog section, some links lead people to sign up for the free
workshop by entering their names and email addresses. This
helps in tracking how many people have read the content, and
how many people opted in because of the content (thereby
becoming Leads).

If a client is told “Let me write content for you”, they probably

won’t pay premium rates for the service.

But if they are told “Let me write lead-generating content for you”,
they’ll pay premium rates.

Content Writing is ON the Revenue Line.

Accounting and If the client’s taxes can be lessened by $10,000 at the end of the
Bookkeeping year, then the client can be charged $1,000 for that service.

[Lesson 8 - 00:00:00] Business owners need data to plan financially. They need to
know how much to spend on marketing, on hiring, or on personal

Tracking the cash flow, profit, expenses is just the first half of the
job. The second half involves advising the business owner what
they should spend their money on, as well as when to or not to
spend money.

Also, businesses can only scale with the help of accounting and
bookkeeping data.

Accounting and Bookkeeping are ON the Revenue Line.

Data Analyst The reason why Data Analysts aren’t paid premium rates is that
most of them don’t tell their clients how the data can help their
[Lesson 8 - 00:03:32] business.

The data have to be translated into meaningful, actionable steps.

If a Data Analyst says “I help SaaS companies increase retention

by 85-90% each year” or “based on the data I see, I can increase
membership retention by upwards of 80% each year”, he or she’ll
probably be hired on a premium because a lot of SaaS
businesses have trouble with Retention.

Data Analysis is ON the Revenue Line.

Chat Bots This is ON the Revenue Line. This is directly related to increasing
[Lesson 8 - 00:06:30] both Conversion and Retention.

Graphic Design Which assets of their businesses could be designed that would
increase their revenue and their leads/conversions/retention?
[Lesson 8 - 00:06:37] Landing Pages? Sales Pages? Product Pages?

Graphic Design is ON the Revenue Line.

Video Editing On clickbank[dot]com, most of the products on the site are sold
through videos. If the videos to be edited can directly increase
[Lesson 8 - 00:13:00] their business’ sales (even by 2%), then they should be able to
pay you a commensurate fee.

Video Editing is ON the Revenue Line.

Final thoughts: You can ALWAYS position your service on the Revenue Line.

Remember: It is YOUR job to educate the client how much they stand to gain by acquiring
your service. [Lesson 9 - 00:06:41]

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