The Truth About Rejections

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The truth about rejections | Julian Canita

One of the subtle but powerful learnings i got from John from his shares before was that he would seek to
fail or make a mistake at least once a week.
I don't even remember when this was or what the context was pero this was years ago, but it stuck.
I didn't get the logic of that at first.
"Why would i seek to fail? and it's so easy to do. babuyin ko lang yung isang trabaho or task ko, quota na
THose were my initial thoughts.
After a long while, na-gets ko na din.
It's not that he was seeking to fail per se but more of trying something new that maybe I did not know the
outcome to.
Many times kasi, I was super calculated.
dapat lahat ng gagawin ko successful.
Dapat lahat ng kakausapin ko sa DC macclose ko or at least kaya kong tulungan.
Dapat itong rereplyan ko, magiging client ko.
ANd this lack of openness on my end really kept me playing small.
Kasi takot ako magkamali, so dapat calculated.
I was afraid of the big N-O.
But i later on realized that the more I resisted it, the heavier it got everytime i would fail and get rejected.
It was only when i started to SEEK rejection by being open and trying things that were not calculated was
when I started to grow.
I realized that when you SEEK rejection and failiure, it loses its power over me.
I continue to fail. and recently, I've been failing miserably.
But it's ok.
Because it's in the No's that I can get to my Yeses.
And at the end of the day, if I get 100% No's, ano ngayon? haha

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