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Intermediate Calculus

Multiple Integration

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Iterated Integrals

Given that f x ( x, y) 2 xy , evaluate f ( x, y) f x ( x, y) dx
Integrate w.r.t one variable while you are considering the
second one as a constant.
Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Iterated Integrals

Integrate w.r.t one variable while you

are considering the second one as a
h2 ( y )
h2 ( y )
f x ( x, y ) dx f ( x, y ) h1 ( y )
f (h2 ( y ), y ) f ( h1 ( y ), y )
h1 ( y )

g2 ( x)
g2 ( x)
f y ( x, y ) dy f ( x, y ) g1 ( x )
f ( x, g 2 ( x)) f ( x, g1 ( x))
g1 ( x )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Evaluate the following integrals:

1) 2x2 y 2
2 y dy
2 x
2) 2x2 y 2
2 y dy dx
1 1

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Evaluate the iterated integrals:

1 x
1) 1 x 2 dy dx
0 0
2 2y
2) 10 2 x 2 2 y 2 dx dy
0 y
1/ x
3) y dy dx
1 0
4) 2
dy dx
0 0
1 y
Dr. Sahar Hussein
Intermediate Calculus

Area of a Region in the Plane:

If R is defined by a x b and g1(x) y g2(x) are

continuous on [a,b], then the area of R is given
b g2 ( x)

A dy dx
a g1 ( x )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

If R is defined by c y d and h1(y) x h2(y) are

continuous on [c,d], then the area of R is given
d h2 ( y )
A dx dy
c h1 ( y )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Use an iterated integral to find to find the area of the

region bounded by the graphs of f(x) = sin x and
g(x) = cos x between x= /4 and x = 5 /4.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the area of the region R that lies below the

parabola y 4 x x 2 above the x-axis, and above the
line y= -3x +6.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Use an iterated integral to find to find the area of the

region bounded by the graphs of the following
equations. x y 2, x 0, y 0

Evaluate the following integrals

1 1 y2

1) dx dy
0 1 y2
2 2
2) x 1 y3 dy dx
0 x
1 1
3) sin x 2 dx dy
0 y

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Double Integrals and Volume:

If f is defined on a closed, bounded region R in the
xy-plane, the the double integral of f over R is given
f ( x, y ) dA Lim f ( xi , y j ) A
R i 1

provided the limit exists. If the limit exists, then f is

integrable over R.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Volume of a Solid Region:

If f is integrable over a plane region R and
f(x,y) 0 for all (x,y) in R, then the volume of
the solid region that lies above R and below the
graph f is defined as

V f ( x, y) dA

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Properties of double Integrals

Let f and g be continuous over a closed, bounded plane region R,
and let c be a constant.
1. c f ( x, y ) dA c f ( x, y ) dA

2. [ f ( x, y ) g ( x, y )] dA f ( x, y ) dA g ( x, y ) dA

3. f ( x, y ) dA 0, if f ( x, y ) 0

4. f ( x, y ) dA g ( x, y ) dA , if f ( x, y ) g ( x, y ).

5. f ( x, y ) dA f ( x, y ) dA f ( x, y ) dA
R R1 R2
where R is the union of two nonoverlapping subregions R1 and R2

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Find the volume of the solid region bounded by the

plane z=2-x-2y and the three coordinates planes

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the volume of the solid region R bounded by the

surface f ( x, y) e x and the planes y=0, y=x, and


Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Fubini’s Theorem
Let f be continuous on a plane region R.
If R is defined by a x b and g1(x) y g2(x) are continuous
on [a,b], then

b g2 ( x)

f ( x, y ) d A f ( x, y ) dy dx
R a g1 ( x )

If R is defined by c y d and h1(y) x h2(y) are continuous

on [c,d], then

d h2 ( y )

f ( x, y ) d A dx dy
R c h1 ( y )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Change of Variables to Polar Form

Let R be a plane region consisting of all points
(x,y) = (r cos , r sin ) satisfying the conditions
0 g1( ) r g2( ),
, where 0 ( - ) 2
If g1 and g2 are continuous on [ , ] and f is
continuous on R, then

g2 ( )

f ( x, y ) d A f ( r cos , r sin ) r dr d
R g1 ( )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Let R be an annular region lying between two circles

x 2 y 2 1 and x 2 y 2 5 . Evaluate the integral x 2 y dA

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Use polar coordinates to find the volume of the solid

region bounded above by the hemisphere z 16 x 2 y 2
2 2
and below by the circular region R given by x y 4

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the volume of the solid that lies under the

paraboloid 𝑧 = 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 above the xy-plane, and
inside the cylinder 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 2𝑥.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Definition of Mass of a Planar Lamina of Variable Density

If is a continuous density function on the lamina

corresponding to a plane region R, then the mass of the lamina
is given by

m ( x, y) d A

For a planar lamina, the density is mass per unit area

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the mass of the triangular lamina with vertices
(0,0), (0,3), and (2,3), given that the density at (x,y)
is (x,y)=2x + y.

Find the mass of the lamina corresponding to the

first- quadrant portion of the circle x 2 y 2 4
where the density at the point (x,y) is proportional to
the distance between the point and the origin.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Surface Area
If f and its first partial derivatives are continuous on
the closed region R in the xy-plane, then the area of
the surface S given by z = f(x,y) over R is given by
Surface area ds
1 f x ( x, y ) [ f y ( x, y )]2 dA

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Find the surface area of the part of the plane

3x + 2y +z=6 that lies in the first octant.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Find the surface area of the paraboloid z 1 x 2 y 2

that lies above the unit circle.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the surface area S of the portion of a

hemisphere z 25 x 2 y 2 that lies above the
portion R bounded by the circle x 2 y 2 9

QUIZ#3 Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Triple Integrals

If f is continuous over a bounded solid region Q,

then the triple integral of f over Q is defined as

f ( x, y, z ) dV Lim f ( xi , yi , zi ) Vi
Q i 1

Provided the limit exists. The volume of the solid

region Q is given by

Volume of Q dV

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Properties of Triple Integrals

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Evaluation by iterated integrals

Let f be continuous on a solid region Q defined
by a x b, h1(x) y h2(x) and g1(x,y) z g2(x,y)
Where h1 , h2 , g1 and g2 are continuous functions. Then,

b h2 ( x ) g 2 ( x , y )
f ( x, y, z ) dV f ( x, y, z ) dz dy dx
Q a h1 ( x ) g1 ( x , y )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


2 x dV
Evaluate Q
where Q is the region under the
plane 3x + 2y +z=6 that lies in the first octant.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

2 x x y

Evaluate the triple iterated integral e x ( y 2 z ) dz dy dx

0 0 0

Find the volume of the solid Q under the plane z=x+y

and above the region bounded by the lines y= 2x, x=0,
and y=2 in xy-plane.

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Mass of a Solid Region

Consider a solid region Q whose density at )(x,y,z) is
given by the density function
Mass of the solid = m
= ( x, y, z ) dV


Find the mass of the unit cube coincide with the

coordinate planes in the first octant, given that the
density at the point (x,y,z) is proportional to the
square of its distance from origin.
Dr. Sahar Hussein
Intermediate Calculus

Triple Integrals In Cylindrical Coordinates

x = r cos
y = r sin
dV= r dz dr d

2 g 2 ( ) h1 ( r cos , r sin )

f ( x, y, z ) dV f (r cos , r sin , z ) r dz dr d
Q 1 g1 ( ) h1 ( r cos , r sin )

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the volume inside both the sphere x y2 z2 2
2 2
and the cylinder x y 1

Find the volume of the solid region Q cut from the

sphere x2 y 2 z 2 4 by
the cylinder r=2 sin

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Triple Integrals In Spherical Coordinates

dV =

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Find the volume of the solid region Q bounded below
by the upper portion of the cone z x y and
2 2 2

above by the sphere x 2 y 2 z 2 9

y2 z 2 )3 / 2
Evaluate Q
e( x dV

where Q is the unit ball:

Q x, y, z : x 2 y2 z2 1

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Change of variables: Jacobians

Definition of Jacobian
If x= g(u,v) and y = h(u,v), then the Jacobian of x and y
with respect to u and v, denoted by (x,y)/ (u,v), is

x x
( x, y ) u v x y y x
(u, v) y y u v u v
u v

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

Change of Variables for Double Integrals

Let R and S be regions in the xy-plane and uv-plane

that are related by the equations x=g(u,v) and
y=h(u,v) such that each point in R is the image of a
unique point in S. If f is continuous on R, g and h
have continuous partial derivatives on S, and
(x,y)/ (u,v) is nonzero on S, then

( x, y)
f ( x, y ) dx dy f ( g (u, v, h(u, v)) du dv
(u, v)

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus


Let R be the region bounded by the lines

x-2y=0, x-2y=-4, x+y=4,and x+y=1
Evaluate the double integral R 3x y dA

Dr. Sahar Hussein

Intermediate Calculus

e( x
dA y ) /( x y )
Evaluate the integral R , where R is the
trapezoidal region with vertices (1,0), (2,0), (0,-2),
and (0,-1).

Dr. Sahar Hussein

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