ASHP Guidelines: Minimum Standard For Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice


ASHP guidelines: Minimum standard

for ambulatory care pharmacy practice
Jennifer Askew Buxton, RoseMarie Babbitt, Cyndy A. Clegg, Sandra F. Durley,
Kelly T. Epplen, Laurel M. Marsden, Bridgette A. Thomas, and Nathan S. Thompson
Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2015; 72:1221-36

n recent years, there has been an events (ADEs) and the inappropriate design and management of complex
increasing emphasis in health sys- use of medications in this setting can medication regimens and care deliv-
tems on the provision of ambula- be catastrophic.1 Ambulatory care ery systems. Current evidence dem-
tory care services. Payers have created pharmacy services are therefore an onstrates that the inclusion of phar-
incentives to decrease hospitalization essential component of any compre- macists practicing in ambulatory
rates and length of stay, making hensive healthcare delivery system. care settings on the healthcare team
way for a new shift toward pay- Pharmacists have become integral improves quality of care, enhances
for-performance, outcomes-based members of healthcare teams in a patient outcomes, and contributes to
reimbursement, and accountable variety of settings, such as patient- cost avoidance.4 Most states now al-
care. There is also an increasing focus centered medical homes, community low pharmacists to provide direct pa-
in medicine on preventive health, health centers, long-term care facili- tient care services under a physician–
patient education, and care transi- ties, hospital outpatient departments, pharmacist collaborative agreement,
tions. Yet, the number of patients and freestanding pharmacies, among further supporting the expansion of
with multiple chronic medical con- others; the care they provide has ambulatory care pharmacy services.
ditions that require longitudinal and enabled patients, other providers, The primary purpose of these
integrated care management across a and payers to achieve their clinical, guidelines is to outline the minimum
continuum of care settings is grow- humanistic, and economic goals.2,3 requirements for the operation and
ing. Appropriate medication therapy There is growing recognition and management of services for patients
in the ambulatory care setting is understanding that ambulatory care in this rapidly evolving ambulatory
often the most common and most pharmacy services extend far beyond care setting. The elements of service
cost-effective form of treatment, yet the dispensing of medications and that are critical to optimal, safe, and
the consequences of adverse drug include direct patient care and the effective medication use in the am-

Jennifer Askew Buxton, Pharm.D., CPP, is Deputy Director, Phar- College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; at the
macy Services, Cape Fear Clinic, Wilmington, NC; at the time of writ- time of writing she was Clinical Coordinator, Ambulatory Pharmacy
ing she was Manager of Outpatient/Employee Pharmacy Services, Services, Health Alliance, Greater Cincinnati, Florence, KY. Laurel
New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington. RoseMarie M. Marsden, B.S.Pharm., is Outpatient Pharmacy Manager, Medical
Babbitt, B.S.Pharm., M.A., is Vice President, Federal Contracts College of Virginia Hospitals, Richmond; at the time of writing she
and Grants, American Pharmacists Association, Washington, DC; at was Assistant Director of Pharmacy, Virginia Commonwealth Uni-
the time of writing she was Associate Director, Pharmacy Services, versity Health System, Richmond. Bridgette A. Thomas, Pharm.D.,
Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TX. Cyndy A. Clegg, is Clinical Applications Manager, Johns Hopkins Outpatient Phar-
B.S.Pharm., M.H.A., is Director, Retail and Home Care Pharmacy, macy, Baltimore, MD. Nathan S. Thompson, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A.,
Swedish Medical Center, Edmonds, WA; at the time of writing she is Director, Outpatient Pharmacy, Johns Hopkins Home Care Group,
was Assistant Director, Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Harborview Baltimore.
Medical Center, Seattle, WA, and Clinical Associate Professor, Univer- Address correspondence to Bruce Hawkins (
sity of Washington School of Pharmacy, Seattle. Sandra F. Durley, Developed through the ASHP Section of Ambulatory Care Prac-
Pharm.D., is Associate Director, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Depart- titioners and approved by the ASHP Board of Directors on Sep-
ment, and Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chi- tember 19, 2014. These guidelines supersede the ASHP Guidelines:
cago (UIC), Chicago. Kelly T. Epplen, Pharm.D., BCACP, FASHP, is Minimum Standard for Pharmaceutical Services in Ambulatory Care
Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Practice, James L. Winkle dated April 21, 1999.

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015 1221

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

bulatory setting include (1) leader- fessional judgment in assessing and support this mission. Development
ship and practice management, (2) adapting these guidelines to meet the of such structures will require com-
patient care, (3) drug distribution needs of their own practice settings. munication and collaboration with
and control, and (4) facilities, equip- These guidelines are intended other departments and services
ment, and other resources. Although to be a comprehensive overview of throughout the health system that
the scope of pharmacy services will current minimum requirements for support ambulatory care, which ev-
vary from site to site, depending on the operation and management of ery member of the pharmacy team
the needs of the patients served and services for patients in the ambula- should cultivate at every opportunity.
the resources available, these ele- tory care setting. These guidelines are
ments are directly linked to improved complemented by the ASHP/ASHP A. Pharmacy and Pharmacist
patient, population, and health-system Foundation Ambulatory Conference Services
outcomes. Specific attention to each and Summit consensus recommen- Pharmacy mission, goals, and
element is essential to delivering dations,5 which provide a long‐term scope of services. Ambulatory care
patient care of the highest quality. As vision for aspirational and forward- pharmacy services should have a
providers of care to patients in am- thinking pharmacy practice models written mission statement that, at a
bulatory care settings, pharmacists that will ensure that pharmacists minimum, reflects both pharmacy
should be concerned with and take participate as members of the am- patient care and service respon-
responsibility for the outcomes of bulatory healthcare team who are sibilities. The mission should be
their services in addition to the pro- responsible and accountable for pa- consistent with the mission of the
vision of these services. Care should tient and population outcomes. health system. The development and
also extend into and be coordinated prioritization of goals, objectives,
with care providers in other settings; STANDARD I. PRACTICE and work should be consistent with
therefore, these guidelines should be MANAGEMENT the mission statement. The mis-
used, as applicable, in conjunction Effective leadership and practice sion statement may also incorporate
with minimum standards for other management skills are necessary for consensus-based national goals, such
practice settings. Rather than includ- the delivery of pharmacy services in as those expressed in the recommen-
ing detailed advice in this document, a manner consistent with the health dations from the ASHP Pharmacy
readers should refer to other refer- system’s and the patient’s needs. Such Practice Model Initiative.6
enced documents that address many leadership should foster continuous Ambulatory care pharmacy ser-
of the outlined topics for additional improvement in patient care out- vices should also maintain a written
information and guidance. Aspects comes. The management of ambula- document describing the scope of
of these guidelines may not be appli- tory care pharmacy services should pharmacy services. These services
cable in some settings due to differ- focus on the pharmacist’s value and should be consistent with the health
ences in settings and organizational responsibilities as a patient care system’s scope of services and should
arrangements and complexity. Phar- provider and leader of the pharmacy be applied in all practice sites. The
macists practicing in ambulatory enterprise through the development mission, goals, and scope of services
care settings should use their pro- of organizational structures that should be clearly communicated to

The contributions of the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners Sandra Leal, Pharm.D., FAPhA, CDE; Jeff Little, Pharm.D., M.P.H.,
Executive Committee (Seena L. Haines, Pharm.D., FASHP, FAPhA, BCPS; Jimmy R. Mitchell, M.S., M.P.H.; Bruce A. Nelson, M.S.;
BCACP, BC-ADM, CDE; Gloria P. Sachdev, Pharm.D.; Jennifer Askew Colleen O’Malley, M.S., B.S.Pharm.; James A. Ponto, M.S., BCNP;
Buxton, Pharm.D., CPP; Melanie A. Dodd, Pharm.D., Ph.C., BCPS; Matt Ransom, Pharm.D., BCACP; Steven M. Riddle, Pharm.D.,
Sandra Leal, Pharm.D., FAPhA, CDE; and Steven M. Riddle, Pharm.D., BCPS, FASHP; Christine Ruby, Pharm.D., BCPS; Gloria P. Sachdev,
BCPS, FASHP) to this document are gratefully acknowledged. Pharm.D.; Paul M. Schyve, M.D. (Joint Commission); Pamela
The following organizations and individuals are acknowledged Shellner, B.S.N., M.A., RN (AACN); Melissa Somma-McGivney,
for reviewing draft versions of these Guidelines (review does Pharm.D., CDE; Richard L. Stambaugh, M.S., Pharm.D., BCPS; Marc
not imply endorsement): Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy H. Stranz, Pharm.D.; Megan Wagner, Pharm.D.; C. Edwin Webb,
(AMCP); American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN); Pharm.D., M.P.H. (ACCP); and Jody Jacobson Wedret, B.S.Pharm.,
American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP); American Geriat- FASHP, FCSHP.
ric Society; Joint Commission; Cindi Brennan, Pharm.D., M.H.A.; The bibliographic citation for this document is as follows: Ameri-
Mark N. Brueckl, M.B.A. (AMCP); Anne Burns, Pharm.D.; Frank P. can Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP Guidelines: mini-
Castronovo, Jr., Ph.D.; Sharon Connor, Pharm.D.; Paul F. Davis, mum standard for ambulatory care pharmacy practice. Am J Health-
B.S.Pharm.; Ernest Dole, Pharm.D., FASHP; Melanie A. Dodd, Syst Pharm. 2015; 72:1221-36.
Pharm.D., Ph.C., BCPS; Scott R. Drab, Pharm.D., CDE, BC-ADM;
Sarah K. Ford, Pharm.D., BCPS, CPP; Seena L. Haines, Pharm.D., Copyright © 2015, American Society of Health-System Pharma-
FASHP, FAPhA, BCACP, BC-ADM, CDE; Deanne L. Hall, Pharm.D., cists, Inc. All rights reserved. 1079-2082/15/0702-1221.
CDE; Philip E. Johnson, M.S., FASHP; Tom Kaye, M.B.A., FASHP; DOI 10.2146/sp150005

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

everyone involved in the provision of laws and regulations. Pharmacists provision of pharmacist patient care
pharmacy services. practicing in ambulatory care set- services in emergency situations.
Practice standards and guidelines. tings may enter into prescriptive Factors to consider should include
The standards and regulations of all authority and collaborative practice system failures and breakdowns in
relevant government bodies (e.g., agreements that are state specific in the drug procurement process.
state boards of pharmacy, depart- scope. Finally, pharmacists practicing Medical emergencies. Policies and
ments of health) shall be met. The in ambulatory care settings should be procedures should exist within the
practice standards and guidelines knowledgeable about reimbursement organization for providing appro-
of the American Society of Health- rules and compliance and billing priate levels of patient care during
System Pharmacists, the Joint Com- requirements. emergency situations 24 hours a day,
mission, the National Committee for including access to the pharmacist
Quality Assurance, and other appro- C. Policies and Procedures responsible for patient care, when
priate accrediting bodies should be Policies and procedures manual. appropriate. Pharmacists in the
assessed and adapted, as applicable. A policy and procedures manual gov- ambulatory care setting are an es-
Guidelines set forth by other inde- erning the scope of the ambulatory sential part of both rapid-response
pendent organizations such as the care pharmacy services being provid- teams and resuscitation teams. Ap-
Institute for Safe Medication Prac- ed (e.g., administrative, operational, propriately trained pharmacists
tices (ISMP) should be assessed and and clinical) should be available and should have an authorized role in
adapted as applicable. The health sys- consistent with current department responding to medical emergencies.
tem and the pharmacy should strive processes. The manual should be re- The pharmacy should participate in
to meet these standards, regardless viewed and revised on a regular basis the development of policies and pro-
of the particular financial and orga- to reflect changes in policies and pro- cedures to ensure the availability of,
nizational arrangements by which cedures, the scope of services, orga- access to, and security of emergency
pharmacy services are provided to nizational arrangements, objectives, medications, including antidotes.
the health system and its patients. or practices. All personnel should Preventive and postexposure
Pharmacists practicing in ambula- be familiar with and adhere to the immunization programs. If appro-
tory care settings should play a criti- contents of the manual. Appropriate priate, the pharmacy team should
cal role in ensuring that the health mechanisms should be established to participate in the development of
system adheres to medication-related ensure compliance with all policies policies and procedures concerning
national quality indicators and and procedures. preventive and wellness programs
evidence-based practice guidelines. Personnel safety. Ambulatory and postexposure programs for
care pharmacy personnel should be infectious diseases (e.g., human
B. Laws and Regulations involved in the health system’s plans immunodeficiency virus, tuber-
Compliance with local, state, and for emergency response, infection culosis, hepatitis) for patients and
federal laws and regulations applica- prevention and control, manage- employees. As appropriate, phar-
ble to the ambulatory care pharmacy ment of hazardous substances and macists should promote the use
shall be required. The pharmacy shall waste, and incident reporting. All of immunizations and, when le-
maintain relevant documentation pharmacy staff shall be familiar with gally allowed, participate as active
of compliance with requirements these plans. immunizers.8
concerning procurement, distribu- Emergency preparedness. Poli- Substance abuse programs. If ap-
tion, and disposal of drug products; cies and procedures should exist for propriate, the pharmacy team should
security of patient information; providing pharmacy services during assist in the development of and
and workplace safety from the state facility, local, or areawide disasters participate in the health system’s sub-
board of pharmacy, Food and Drug affecting the organization’s patients. stance abuse education, prevention,
Administration (FDA), Drug En- Appropriately trained pharmacists identification, and organization-
forcement Administration (DEA), and representatives from the phar- sponsored programs for staff and
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid macy team should be members of patients.9
Services (CMS), Occupational Safety emergency preparedness teams and
and Health Administration, and participate in drills. Patients should D. Human Resources
others. Ambulatory care pharmacies be informed about what to do to Position descriptions. Areas of
dispensing medications across state safely continue medication therapy responsibility within the scope of
boundaries shall comply with out-of- in the event of a disaster.7 pharmacy services shall be clearly
state licensure requirements as well The health system’s business defined. The responsibilities and
as other state and federal interstate continuity plan should consider the related competencies of pharmacy

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

personnel shall be clearly defined • Developing, implementing, evaluat- ment should be certified through the
in written position descriptions. ing, and updating plans and activities most appropriate Board of Pharmacy
Pharmacists should be responsible to fulfill the mission, vision, goals, and Specialties certification process.
for the provision of patient care and scope of services, As appropriate, these pharmacists
for the supervision and management • Actively working with health-system should also be privileged and creden-
of support staff. Sufficient support leadership to develop and implement tialed by the health system.
staff (pharmacy technicians, clerical, policies and procedures that provide Technician requirements. The
should be employed to facilitate the safe and effective medication use for all ambulatory care setting shall ad-
provision of care. Technicians should patients served by the organization, here to all state guidelines regarding
be responsible for aspects of drug • Ensuring the development and imple- pharmacy technician registration,
procurement, dialogue with third- mentation of policies and procedures certification, and licensure, as ap-
party payers, support of pharmacists’ that provide safe and effective medi- plicable. All pharmacy technicians
patient care activities, and prepara- cation use for the patients served by should successfully complete a train-
tion of prescription orders for a the organization, ing course approved by the ambula-
pharmacist’s clinical review. • Mobilizing and managing the re- tory care site that includes education
Director of ambulatory care sources, both human and financial, on at least the following topics: the
pharmacy services. These guidelines necessary for the optimal provision of prescription-dispensing process,
use the term director of ambulatory pharmacy services, and patient service skills, patient and
care pharmacy services (or, more sim- • Ensuring that patient care services employee safety, and pharmacy tech-
ply, director) to indicate the person provided by pharmacists and other nician duties and responsibilities as
responsible for managing these pharmacy personnel are delivered in defined by the board of pharmacy
services. Depending on the health compliance with applicable state and for that state. Pharmacy technicians
system’s organizational structure federal laws and regulations as well as should have completed an ASHP-
and other factors, designations such national practice standards. accredited pharmacy technician
as manager or pharmacist-in-charge training program and be certified by
may also be used. Ambulatory care A part-time director shall have the the Pharmacy Technician Certifica-
pharmacy services shall be managed same obligations and responsibilities tion Board (PTCB). The pharmacy
by a professionally competent, legally as a full-time director.10,11 should hire pharmacy technician
qualified pharmacist. The director The ambulatory care pharmacy trainees without those qualifica-
should be knowledgeable about and team should be a cross-functional tions only if those individuals (1) are
have experience in all aspects of group whose skills set includes required to both successfully com-
pharmacy care for ambulatory care operations management, clinical plete an ASHP-accredited pharmacy
patients. Completion of an advanced care, financial management, process technician training program and
management degree (e.g., M.B.A., improvement, and informatics. De- successfully complete PTCB certifi-
M.H.A., M.S., M.P.H.), a residency, pending on the size and scope of the cation within 24 months of employ-
or both is desirable. Completion of setting, these functional responsibili- ment and (2) are limited to positions
an ASHP-accredited postgraduate year ties may be assigned to a single per- with lesser responsibilities until they
1 (PGY1) residency should be consid- son or a team. It is the responsibility successfully complete such train-
ered a minimum competency, while of the director to monitor the status ing and certification. The pharmacy
completion of an ASHP-accredited of the goals set forth in the vision, should require ongoing PTCB certi-
postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) residen- provide feedback to the pharmacy fication as a condition of continued
cy would be optimal. team as necessary, and support the employment.
The director of ambulatory care team’s implementation of the core Education and training. All per-
pharmacy services shall be respon- functions of the pharmacy practice. sonnel should possess the education
sible for Pharmacist licensure and certifi- and training needed to fulfill their job
cation. All pharmacists must possess responsibilities. All personnel should
• Establishing the mission, vision, a current state license to practice participate in relevant continuing-
goals, and scope of services of the pharmacy. Functional responsibili- education programs, staff develop-
ambulatory care pharmacy practice ties may mandate additional degrees ment programs, and other activities
setting on the basis of the needs of (M.S., M.B.A., M.H.A., M.P.H.), cer- as necessary to maintain or enhance
the patients served, the needs of the tificates, or credentials (e.g., Board of their competence. Both the ambu-
health system, and developments and Pharmacy Specialties certification). latory care pharmacy department
trends in healthcare and pharmacy Pharmacists who provide direct pa- and the health system should make
practice, tient care and drug therapy manage- available to personnel, as appropri-

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

ate, training and education on new being oriented, particularly in dis- care, adequate space, equipment, and
processes, procedures, and methods tributive settings. The orientation other resources should be available
of patient care.12 For pharmacists, period of new personnel should be for all professional, administrative,
ASHP-accredited PGY1 residency tailored to both the new employee’s distributive, and direct patient care
should be considered a minimum needs and the functions of the em- functions. Patient care areas, which
competency, while completion of an ployee’s position. Evaluation of the include the pharmacy counter, coun-
ASHP-accredited PGY2 residency effectiveness of orientation programs seling rooms, and clinic offices or
would be optimal. should be done in conjunction with examination rooms where direct pa-
Recruitment, selection, and re- the competency assessment required tient care is provided, should ensure
tention of personnel. Qualities to before a new hire can assume full proper patient confidentiality, pro-
consider in recruitment include responsibility for the new position. mote safe and efficient patient care,
completion of one or two years of Work schedules and assignments. and contain all tools and supplies
postgraduate residency training, Assignments of pharmacists and necessary for the provision of such
board certification, previous partici- pharmacy technicians should be care. Pharmacy services operations
pation in a collaborative practice en- clearly defined to allow the optimal shall be located in areas that facilitate
vironment, and other credentials and use of personnel and resources. Work the provision of services to patients
privileges as appropriate. An ASHP- schedules should take into account and healthcare providers. Distribu-
accredited PGY1 residency should peak demand times for pharmacist- tive areas should be constructed,
be considered a minimum compe- provided patient care. Sufficient arranged, and equipped to promote
tency, while completion of an ASHP- personnel should be available to safe and efficient workflow for staff
accredited PGY2 residency would ensure the safe and timely delivery of and patients and to ensure medica-
be optimal. Personnel should be re- pharmacy services. Hours of opera- tion integrity. All facilities shall be
cruited and selected on the basis of tion should be designed to meet the designed to comply with applicable
requirements in established position needs of the patient population given state and federal guidelines.
descriptions. Criteria used in the the available resources of the health Medication storage and prepara-
selection process should include the system. tion areas. Facilities should exist for
candidate’s performance of similar Performance evaluation and job- the preparation and storage of drug
job-specific duties, education history specific competencies. Scheduled products and medications under
relevant to job-specific duties, and periodic evaluations of performance proper conditions of sanitation, tem-
willingness to contribute to achiev- should occur for all pharmacy per- perature, light, moisture, ventilation,
ing the mission of the department sonnel. Performance should be segregation, and security throughout
and the health system. The director evaluated on the basis of position the pharmacy and other patient care
should assist in identifying the pro- description requirements and ex- areas. Monitored, adequate refrig-
fessional and technical requirements pected competencies, and the evalu- erator and freezer capacity should be
that a candidate must meet to qualify ation format should be consistent available within the secure pharmacy
for the position. Clinical specialist with that used by the health system. area and, as necessary, in nonphar-
positions are a necessary part of any Evaluations should include com- macy areas.
health system in order to advance ments from professional and techni- Compounding and packaging
practice, education, and research ac- cal staff as well as other members areas. There shall be suitable facilities
tivities. An employee retention plan of the healthcare team. Pharmacy to enable the compounding, prepa-
is desirable.13 staff should meet the expectations ration, packaging, and labeling of
Orientation of personnel. Person- defined in their position descriptions sterile and nonsterile drug products,
nel who are new to either a specific for adequate performance of their including hazardous drug products, in
position or the organization should duties. The director should ensure accordance with established quality-
be oriented to their position through that an ongoing competency assess- assurance procedures. The work en-
an established and structured proce- ment program is in place for all staff, vironment should promote orderli-
dure. During the orientation process, and each staff member should have ness and efficiency and minimize the
personnel should be trained in their a continuous professional develop- potential for medication errors and
new job functions by an employee ment plan. contamination of products.14-19
knowledgeable in the work assigned. Patient care and counseling areas.
During the orientation period, the E. Facilities, Equipment, and A designated area should be available
trainer’s normal workload should Other Resources for private patient care and coun-
be reduced in order to provide dedi- Pharmacy. To ensure optimal seling by pharmacists to enhance
cated instruction time to the person performance and quality patient patients’ knowledge and understand-

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

ing of and adherence to prescribed nance, and certification as required in accordance with applicable stan-
medication therapy regimens and by applicable standards, laws, and dards, laws, and regulations. Equip-
monitoring plans, to provide disease regulations should be continual and ment maintenance and certification
state management and patient care documented. All automated systems shall be documented.
services, and to foster continuity of shall include adequate safeguards
care. Space should accommodate to maintain the confidentiality and F. Managing Financial Resources
the pharmacist and patient and, as security of patient records, and there Budget management. The phar-
appropriate, parents, caregivers, or shall be procedures to provide es- macy shall have a budget that is
chaperones. These areas should be sential patient care services in case of consistent with the health system’s
stocked with relevant supplies and equipment failure or downtime. financial management process and
equipment, including computers, Health information technology. supports the scope of and demand
drug references, monitoring equip- A comprehensive pharmacy com- for pharmacy services. Oversight of
ment, and other necessary tools.20 puter system shall be employed and workload and financial performance
Office and meeting areas. Ad- should be integrated to the fullest should be managed in accordance
equate office and meeting areas extent possible with other health- with the health system’s requirements.
should be available for administra- system information systems and Management should provide for the
tive, educational, and training activi- software. Computer resources should determination and analysis of phar-
ties. These areas should be stocked be used to support clerical functions, macy service costs, capital equipment
with relevant supplies and equip- maintain patient medication profile costs, and new project growth.
ment, including computers, drug records, provide clinical decision The ambulatory care pharmacy
references, and other necessary tools. support, perform necessary patient- budget processes should enable the
Automated systems. Automated billing procedures, manage drug analysis of pharmacy services by unit
mechanical systems and software can product inventories, provide drug in- of service and other parameters ap-
promote safe, accurate, and efficient formation, access the patient medical propriate to the organization (e.g.,
medication ordering and prepara- record, manage electronic prescrib- organizationwide costs by medica-
tion, drug distribution, and clinical ing, and interface with other com- tion therapy, clinical service, specific
monitoring. Barcode technology puterized systems to obtain patient- disease management categories, and
that is associated with any of these specific clinical information for patient third-party enrollment). The
systems provides an additional level medication therapy monitoring and director should have an integral part
of safety. The potential for medica- other clinical functions and to facili- in the organization’s financial man-
tion errors with any of these systems tate the continuity and transitions of agement process.
should be thoroughly understood, care to and from other care settings. Health-system integration. Other
evaluated, and eliminated to the Pharmacy-based systems experts functional units within the health
greatest extent possible. Organiza- who act as resources and consultants system should factor the cost of
tions should have policies and pro- in maintaining current systems, pharmacy services being provided
cedures for the evaluation, selec- planning for implementations and by the ambulatory care pharmacy
tion, use, calibration, monitoring, upgrades, and assisting in perfor- into the departmental budget when
and maintenance of all automated mance improvement and evaluation appropriate.
pharmacy systems.21,22 The greatest are critical to the success of informat- Third-party contract review. In
benefits to safety and productivity ics implementation and use. conjunction with the organization’s
are seen with robust functionality, Record and equipment main- legal or contracting department, the
proper system maintenance, and the tenance. Adequate space should pharmacy director’s team should
prevention of workarounds. exist for maintaining and storing review third-party payer contracts
Automated systems and devices records (e.g., prescription records, to ensure that reimbursement is ap-
should interface with pharmacy- equipment maintenance, controlled propriate for services being rendered
based systems and support and substances inventory) to ensure com- (including dispensing, patient care,
augment the medication-use proc- pliance with laws, regulations, ac- and disease state management servic-
ess. The replenishment of dispens- creditation requirements, and sound es) and the terms of the contract are
ing equipment should be overseen management practices. Appropriate in the best interest of the patient and
by pharmacists or by technicians licenses, permits, tax stamps, and the health system. The organization,
who have been certified as part of other documents shall be on dis- pharmacy, or pharmacist should
a technician-checking program, play or on file as required by law or contract with third-party payers that
depending on specific state board regulation. All equipment shall be are relevant to the ambulatory care
requirements. Calibration, mainte- adequately maintained and certified pharmacy’s patient population.

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

Revenue, reimbursement, and optimal patient care. Committees sistance programs, copayment foun-
compensation. The director should within the organization that make dations) should be accessed to help
be knowledgeable about revenues decisions concerning medication use patients with limited income and re-
for pharmacy services, including (e.g., pharmacy and therapeutics, sources to procure their medications.
reimbursement for medication dis- infection control) should include the
pensing, patient care, and disease active and direct involvement of phy- C. Clinical Care Plans and Disease
state and drug therapy management sicians, pharmacists, other appro- State Management
services. Processes should exist for priate healthcare professionals, and Pharmacists in their scope of
the routine verification of payment patients, where appropriate. Pharma- practice should be involved as part
from third-party payers. cists practicing in ambulatory care of an interprofessional team in the
Drug expenditures. Specific poli- settings should actively participate development and implementation of
cies and procedures for managing on committees whose decisions clinical care plans with prescriptive
drug expenditures should address could affect the quality, safety, effec- authority in the healthcare setting
such methods as utilization review tiveness, or cost of pharmacy services (clinical practice guidelines, critical
programs, inventory management, or the medication-use process. Insti- pathways) and disease state manage-
and cost-effective care for patients tutional and health-system pharma- ment programs involving collab-
with limited income and resources. cists and pharmacy technicians shall orative drug therapy management
The pharmacy department should use be members of an interprofessional (CDTM) agreements and treatment
practices such as competitive bidding, team accountable and responsible protocols. In addition, medication
group purchasing, and specialized for medication reconciliation, pa- therapy management (MTM) servic-
pricing (e.g., 340B Drug Pricing Pro- tient counseling, and medication- es should be developed to assist with
gram) when applicable to develop a related outcomes by establishing a collaborative patient care. Emphasis
responsible drug purchasing model. medication-related continuity-of- should be placed on clinical care
care process for all patients. Pharma- plans, primary care, and medication
G. Committee Involvement cists practicing in ambulatory care treatment protocols that cover dos-
A pharmacist representative from settings should be actively involved age calculations and limits and medi-
the ambulatory care pharmacy team in the development, maintenance, cations frequently associated with
shall be a member of and actively and updating of medication-use pol- adverse (potential and actual) events,
participate on committees respon- icies, including tracking and trending including medication errors.23,24 Pri-
sible for establishing and implement- of health-system antibiotic resistance mary care protocols should consider
ing medication-related policies and patterns. whole-patient needs for health pro-
procedures, ambulatory care leader- motion and disease prevention mea-
ship, the provision of patient care, B. Formulary Management and sures as well as appropriate patient
informatics, and performance im- Integration assessments, comprehensive man-
provement, as appropriate. Members Both the patients’ diseases and agement of chronic disease states,
of the pharmacy team should take the medications authorized for use management of medication-related
part in staff recognition, patient ser- by patients’ third-party prescription care problems, and referrals for acute
vice programs, and other programs drug programs should be taken into medical care. The targeting of diseas-
as identified in the ambulatory care account when determining the am- es should consider the prevalence of
pharmacy service. Members of the bulatory care pharmacy’s inventory. the disease in the population served
pharmacy team should participate in The pharmacy should have access by the organization and the potential
the activities of similar committees to specialty medications distributed impact on clinical and economic
of the health system, as applicable. through closed-network systems outcomes.25
when needed to support consistent
STANDARD II. MANAGING THE delivery of patient care and medica- D. Drug Information
MEDICATION-USE PROCESS tion reconciliation. Policies and procedures should be
Health systems should main- in place for reviewing responses to
A. Medication-Use Policy tain a formulary that is efficacious requests for drug information for the
Development and cost-effective. This formulary purpose of performance improve-
Medication-use policy decisions should be developed with feedback ment, safety, and education. Pharma-
should be founded on the evidence- from professional healthcare provid- cists should provide accurate, com-
based clinical, ethical, legal, social, ers (pharmacists, physicians, social prehensive, and patient-specific drug
philosophical, quality-of-life, safety, workers, case managers). When pos- information to patients, caregivers,
and economic factors that result in sible, charity programs (patient as- other pharmacists, physicians, nurs-

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015 1227

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

es, and other healthcare providers as decisions (e.g., clinic rounds) and dures should be developed govern-
appropriate, both proactively and in for continuity between patient en- ing the activities of manufacturers’
response to requests associated with counters for the purpose of assessing representatives or vendors of drug
the delivery of pharmacist-provided therapy success, tolerance, toxicity, products (including related supplies
patient care, educational programs, and adherence. and devices) within the pharmacy,
and publications. Expertise in evalu- ambulatory care setting, and organ-
ating literature on drugs should be STANDARD III. DRUG PRODUCT ization.29 Representatives should not
considered essential to the provision PROCUREMENT AND INVENTORY be permitted access to patient care
of drug therapy management. MANAGEMENT areas and should be provided with
Drug information sources should The pharmacy or contracted written guidance on permissible
include current professional and network pharmacies should be re- activities. All promotional materials
scientific periodicals, Web-based sponsible for the procurement, and activities shall be reviewed and
research tools (e.g., AHFS-DI, distribution, and control of all drug approved by the pharmacy.29-31
MicroMedex, Lexicomp Online), and products used in the treatment of the
the latest editions of reference books organization’s patients. The phar- B. Managing Inventory
in appropriate pharmaceutical and macy is responsible for the develop- Medication storage. Medication
biomedical subject areas that can ment of policies and procedures storage areas must have proper en-
be easily accessed. Available sources governing medication distribution vironmental controls (i.e., proper
should support research on patient and control. Policies and procedures temperature, light, humidity, con-
care issues, facilitate the provision of should be developed in collaboration ditions of sanitation, ventilation,
patient care, and promote safety in the with other appropriate professionals, and segregation), be secure, and be
medication-use process. When possi- departments, and interprofessional constructed so that drugs are acces-
ble, a pharmacist should play a role in committees of the organization.26 sible only to authorized personnel.32
addressing complex drug information Adequate inventory controls must be
questions presented by professional A. Purchasing and Maintaining maintained to allow proper inven-
staff within the health system (e.g., the Availability of Drug tory levels of medications based on
pharmacists, nurses, physicians). Products utilization.
Drug product acquisition and Drug shortages. There should be
E. Development of Patient Care availability. Drug products approved policies and procedures for manag-
Services for routine use should be purchased, ing drug shortages, and pharmacy
Pharmacists who practice in am- stored, and available in sufficient staff should monitor reliable sources
bulatory care settings should be quantities to meet the needs of am- of information regarding drug prod-
involved in the development, imple- bulatory care patients. Drug prod- uct shortages (e.g., drug shortages
mentation, and evaluation of new or ucts not approved for routine use Web resource centers of ASHP33 and
changing patient care services and but necessary to meet the needs of FDA34). The pharmacy should de-
drug therapy management services specific patients or categories of pa- velop strategies for identifying alter-
within the organization, such as the tients should be obtained in response native therapies, working with sup-
development of new clinic or office to orders, according to established pliers, collaborating with physicians
sites, medical homes, or accountable policies and procedures. and other healthcare providers, and
care organizations. In reviewing the Pharmaceutical manufacturers conducting an awareness campaign
potential for new services, both the and suppliers. Criteria for select- in the event of a drug shortage.35
value added to patient care by the ing pharmaceutical manufacturers Samples. The use of drug prod-
new service and the financial and and suppliers shall be established to uct samples should be prohibited
logistical implications of the new ensure that patients receive phar- to the extent possible.32 However, if
service should be considered. These maceuticals and related supplies of samples are permitted under certain
efforts should promote the continu- the highest quality and at the lowest circumstances, policies and proce-
ity of pharmacist-provided patient cost.27 Although these duties may dures for their storage, control, and
care across the continuum of care, be delegated in part to a group pur- distribution should be in place. The
practice settings, and geographi- chasing organization, the pharmacy pharmacy should oversee procure-
cally dispersed facilities, particularly maintains sole responsibility for en- ment, storage, and distribution of
for newly discharged patients. New suring the quality of drug products these products to ensure proper stor-
services should be developed when used in the hospital.27,28 age, record-keeping maintenance,
opportunities arise for earlier in- Pharmaceutical manufacturers’ product integrity, and compliance
volvement in medication therapy representatives. Policies and proce- with all applicable packaging and

1228 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

labeling laws, regulations, standards, that the contents are complete and and equipment encountered by nurs-
and patient education requirements. have not expired. All emergency ing or medical staff. All drug product
Pharmacists should be involved in medications should be available, defects should be reported to FDA’s
the organization’s efforts to secure controlled, and secured in the patient MedWatch program.33
safe and effective low-cost medica- procedure areas.
tions for low-income patients.32,36 Patient’s own medications. Drug STANDARD IV. PATIENT CARE
Patient care area stock. Inventory products and related devices brought Pharmacists play an integral role
of drug products held in nonpharma- into the organization by patients in the provision of pharmaceutical
cy areas (e.g., nursing station, clinic, shall be identified by the pharmacy care, which is defined as the respon-
physicians’ offices) for direct admin- and documented on the patient’s sible provision of drug therapy for
istration to ambulatory care patients medical record if the medications the purpose of achieving definite
should be minimal. To the extent are to be used. These medications outcomes that improve a patient’s
possible, medications administered to shall be administered only pursuant quality of life.37 The concept of phar-
patients in nonpharmacy areas should to a prescriber’s order and according maceutical care has evolved into a
be prepared by the pharmacy. If this is to policies and procedures, which comprehensive, patient-focused
not possible, automated medication should ensure the pharmacist’s model of pharmacist-provided care.
dispensing machines should be used identification and validation of the The principal elements of pharma-
to dispense medications to patients. integrity as well as the secure and ap- ceutical care are that it is medication
The list of medications to be acces- propriate storage and management related, is directly provided to the
sible and the policies and procedures of such medications. patient, and is provided to produce
regarding their use shall be developed definite outcomes; these outcomes
by an interprofessional committee of C. Drug Product Storage Area are intended to improve the pa-
physicians, pharmacists, and nurses.36 Inspections tient’s quality of life, and the pro-
Access to medications should be lim- All stocks of drug products, vider must accept personal respon-
ited to cases in which the committee whether located within or outside the sibility for the outcomes.37 In 2008,
determines that an urgent clinical pharmacy area, should be inspected a joint working group consisting of
need for the medication outweighs routinely and managed by pharmacy members and leadership from the
the potential patient safety risks of and location staff to ensure the ab- American College of Clinical Phar-
making the medication accessible. A sence of outdated, unusable, recalled, macy, the American Pharmacists
separate assessment should occur for or mislabeled products. Storage con- Association, and the American So-
every location where a medication ditions that would foster medication ciety of Health-System Pharmacists
may be stocked. deterioration, storage arrangements created a definition of ambulatory
Controlled substances. Policies that might contribute to medica- care practice as part of a petition to
and procedures should ensure the tion errors, and other safety issues the Board of Pharmacy Specialties
distribution of controlled substances shall be assessed, documented, and requesting recognition of ambula-
and other medications with the corrected.33 tory care pharmacy practice as a
potential for abuse. Policies and specialty. The definition described
procedures should be consistent with D. Drug Recall and New ambulatory care pharmacy practice
applicable laws and regulations and Prescribing Information as a specialty in medication use for
should include methods for prevent- Written procedures should exist preventive and chronic care:
ing and detecting diversion.33 for the timely intervention and dis-
Emergency medications and de- semination of information regard- Ambulatory care pharmacy practice is
vices. The pharmacy should ensure ing drug recalls. Procedures should the provision of integrated, accessible
the availability, access, and security include an established process for healthcare services by pharmacists
of emergency medications, including removing from use any drugs or de- who are accountable for addressing
antidotes. The telephone number of vices subjected to a recall, notifying medication needs, developing sus-
the local poison information center appropriate healthcare professionals, tained partnerships with patients, and
should be posted at or near all tele- identifying any patients who may practicing in the context of family
phones for staff access. Pharmacists have been exposed to the recalled and community. This is accomplished
should have an authorized role in medication, and, if necessary, com- through direct patient care and medi-
responding to medical emergencies. municating available alternative cation management for ambulatory
All emergency medications should therapies to prescribers. The phar- patients, long-term relationships, co-
be stored in sealed containers that macy shall be notified of any defec- ordination of care, patient advocacy,
enable the staff to readily determine tive drug products or related supplies wellness and health promotion, triage

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ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

and referral, and patient education Interprofessional care models are Patient care and disease state
and self-management.38-40 accepted and promoted by the medi- management services. The purpose
cal community. The American Col- of a direct patient care or disease
The mission of the pharmacist is lege of Physicians and the American state management service is to op-
to help people make the best use of Society of Internal Medicine have timize therapeutic outcomes for
medications. At a minimum, phar- stated that “collaborative drug therapy patients. Such services may include
macists are responsible for assessing is one of the best examples of how elements designed to promote en-
the legal and clinical appropriateness pharmacists work with physicians. It hanced patient understanding, in-
of medication orders (or prescrip- is designed to maximize the patient’s crease patient adherence, and detect
tions), educating and counseling health-related quality of life, reduce ADEs. Possible services may include
patients on the use of their medi- the frequency of avoidable drug- performing a comprehensive medi-
cations, monitoring the effects of related problems, and improve the cation review (comprehensive or
medication therapy, and maintaining societal benefits of pharmaceuticals.”41 targeted) to identify, resolve, and
patient profiles and other records. In In addition, governmental agencies prevent medication-related prob-
the ambulatory care setting, these re- support the work of pharmacists in lems (including ADEs); performing
sponsibilities are best accomplished the provision of direct patient care. patient health status assessments;
through the provision of pharmacist- The Medicare Modernization Act of formulating medication treatment
provided patient care, whether in the 200342 mandated that MTM services plans; selecting, initiating, modify-
context of collaborative agreements be offered by prescription drug plans ing, discontinuing, or administer-
with physicians or independent of to Medicare beneficiaries at high risk ing medication therapy; managing
such agreements. Pharmacists are for ADEs.43 While neither the legisla- high-cost and specialty medications;
responsible for establishing relation- tion nor the final CMS regulation administering antibiotic stewardship
ships with patients and providers provided guidance on the design or programs; evaluating and monitor-
who will facilitate the coordination reimbursement structure for MTM ing patient response to drug therapy;
and continuity of care, improve ac- services, CMS stated that these pro- documenting the care delivered for
cess to care, and improve patient grams should be “patient-focused and communicating essential infor-
outcomes. services aimed at improving thera- mation to the patient’s other primary
Providing comprehensive patient peutic outcomes that are developed care providers; providing education
care. The addition of clinical phar- in conjunction with practicing phar- and training designed to enhance
macy services to healthcare teams has macists.”42 The Centers for Disease patient understanding and appropri-
produced significant cost savings to Control and Prevention endorsed ate use of his or her medications;
the healthcare system and improved pharmacists as integral members of providing information, support
patient satisfaction, medication the interprofessional healthcare team services, and resources designed to
safety, and therapy outcomes.4 Clini- and supports the pharmacist’s role in enhance patient adherence with his
cal pharmacy services are designed to providing MTM services to improve or her therapeutic regimens; coordi-
improve patients’ access to care, pro- patient outcomes.44 The strongest nating and integrating MTM services
vide disease management, and focus statement about pharmacist-delivered within the broader healthcare man-
on quality-related outcomes. direct patient care to date was pre- agement services being provided to
Recommendation B9 from the sented in a report to the U.S. Surgeon the patient; and selecting, initiating,
ASHP Pharmacy Practice Model General.4 This report described how modifying, discontinuing, or admin-
Initiative specifically states that “for innovative models of care that in- istering medication therapy under
hospitals and health systems that clude pharmacists as members of the state-approved CDTM agreements.
provide ambulatory care services, healthcare team can help to improve Relationships with patients. Suc-
drug-therapy management should safety, access, quality, and cost while cessful disease state and medication
be available from a pharmacist for improving outcomes. Lastly, as the Pa- management begins with the rela-
each outpatient.” 6 Furthermore, tient Protection and Affordable Care tionship between the patient and the
many of the PPMI recommenda- Act is fully implemented, the involve- pharmacist. Pharmacists practicing
tions support the comprehensive ment of pharmacists practicing in in ambulatory care settings who
care of patients by pharmacists ambulatory care settings will be critical provide direct patient care should
practicing in ambulatory care set- in the establishment of accountable develop and maintain a rapport with
tings through transitions of care; care organizations. These integrated and the trust of the patient and the
quality, safety, and financial out- systems of care will heavily rely on the caregiver. The pharmacist should
comes; and facilitating continuity of expertise of pharmacists to support coordinate all aspects of the indi-
care and medication reconciliation. safe and appropriate medication use. vidual’s pharmacist-provided patient

1230 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

care, serve as a patient advocate, and and evaluating patient response to be documented and made available
encourage patients to take responsi- therapy. The history should include to all providers participating in the
bility for their health. The pharma- pertinent demographic informa- patient’s care.
cist should be flexible and adapt to tion; known health problems and Documentation of care plan and
patient-specific variables such as the diseases; applicable measurements coordination of care. Pharmacists
patient’s perception of how an illness and laboratory values; known drug should maintain a comprehensive
or symptoms affect his or her life and allergies and ADEs; behavioral, life- care plan, preferably as a compo-
the patient’s readiness for change. style, and socioeconomic influences nent of an interprofessional CDTM
Relationships with providers: on healthcare; and a comprehensive agreement. The care plan should be
CDTM agreements. Almost every list of prescription and nonprescrip- documented in the patient’s medi-
state has amended its pharmacy prac- tion medications and related medical cal record and be accessible to other
tice act to allow for the expansion of devices currently being used. The healthcare professionals involved
pharmacists’ scope of practice. Phar- current medication list should be in patient care. The pharmacist is
macists should actively participate in maintained and updated during sub- responsible for communicating the
medication therapy decision-making sequent patient encounters in both plan to the patient and other health-
and management through collabora- the inpatient and ambulatory care care providers. The care plan should
tion with patients, caregivers, physi- settings. Pharmacists should routine- document the patient’s medical
cians, and other healthcare provid- ly contribute to processes that ensure and medication history, medication
ers. By participating in CDTM, the that each patient’s care is maintained, therapy assessment, and medication
pharmacist takes an active role in the regardless of transitions across the therapy regimen, including drug
initiation, management, and moni- continuum of care and practice set- name, strength, and route of admin-
toring of medication therapy based tings (e.g., between inpatient and istration, indication for therapy, goal
on pharmacokinetic parameters, community pharmacies or home of therapy, monitoring parameters,
genetic characteristics of the patient, care services). Moreover, pharmacists and proposed length of therapy.
serum concentrations of medica- are uniquely positioned to aid in es- Pharmacist skills and compe-
tions, laboratory values, and other tablishing a patient medication com- tency. Pharmacists participating in
patient-related health and social plexity index, which includes severity direct patient care activities should
factors in order to take responsibil- of illness, number of medications, demonstrate competency in the areas
ity and have authority for achieving and comorbidities. of care provided. Postdoctoral resi-
desired therapeutic outcomes. PPMI Medication therapy assessment. dency training, board certification,
recommendation B14 states that, Pharmacists practicing in ambula- and continuing-education certifica-
when possible through credentialing tory care settings must ensure safe tion programs should be completed
and privileging processes, pharma- and effective medication therapy. by all pharmacists and documented
cists should include in their scope The assessment should include the in a retrievable format. PPMI rec-
of practice prescribing as part of the appropriateness of the prescribed ommendation B10 states that phar-
collaborative practice team.6 A col- medication for the patient’s diag- macists who provide drug therapy
laborative care agreement between nosis and history, identification of management should be certified
the pharmacist and physician or oth- medication-related problems, and through the most appropriate Board
er healthcare provider must comply interventions for resolution. In addi- of Pharmacy Specialties certification
with applicable laws and regulations tion, the assessment should produce process. 6 Examples of minimum
and the organization’s policies and a plan for monitoring patient adher- requirements include demonstra-
procedures. ence, therapeutic and adverse effects, tion of proficient communication
Patient history and medication and patient outcomes. skills, basic physical assessment,
reconciliation. Upon patient pres- Medication therapy monitoring. laboratory interpretation, and dis-
entation for ambulatory care ser- The pharmacist should monitor pa- ease- and age-specific competencies.
vices, a pharmacist should obtain a tients’ understanding of and adher- Minimum requirements for level of
patient and medication history and ence to the medication therapy plan education, experience, or postgradu-
update and validate the patient’s as well as its effects and outcomes. ate training may be established for
current medication list. Pharmacists During subsequent encounters, specific responsibilities or positions.
should be integral in identifying, pharmacists should obtain appropri- Pharmacists in frontline practice
developing, reviewing, and approv- ate information from patients, assess should not be limited to competency
ing new medications by conducting their progress, and identify and re- in drug distribution and reactive
a patient-specific medication review solve problems. All interventions and order processing, and pharmacists
before first-dose administration assessments of the care plan should engaged specifically in drug therapy

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015 1231

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

management must have an under- not available commercially but are All sterile medications for use in
standing of and responsibility for deemed necessary for patient care the ambulatory care facility or for
the medication-use and delivery should be prepared by appropriately use by patients in the home should be
systems. Individual pharmacists trained personnel in accordance with prepared in a suitable environment
must maintain competence in and applicable standards and regulations by appropriately trained personnel
accept responsibility for both the (e.g., FDA, United States Pharma- and labeled appropriately for the
clinical and distributive activities of copeia [USP], state boards of phar- user. Quality-control and quality-
the pharmacy department. A model macy). Adequate quality-control and assurance procedures for the prepa-
for ongoing evaluation, which may quality-assurance procedures should ration of sterile products should
include peer review, should be de- exist for these operations. Written exist, including annual competency
veloped to ensure that pharmacists master formulas and batch records assessment of the preparer’s aseptic
remain competent. (including product test results, as technique. For additional guidance
Outcomes. Outcome measure- appropriate) shall be maintained, regarding therapy in the patient
ments used to quantify the impact and a lot number or other method to home, refer to ASHP Guidelines on
of the interventions of pharmacists identify each finished product with Home Infusion Pharmacy Services.49
practicing in ambulatory care set- its production and control history Hazardous drug products. All
tings can be divided into three shall be assigned to each batch. Com- hazardous drug products for use in
categories: clinical, economic, and mercially available products should the ambulatory care facility or for
humanistic. Clinical outcomes may be used to the maximum extent use by patients in the home should
include rates of medication adher- possible.14,15,17,18,46-48 be prepared in a suitable environ-
ence, ADEs, and achievement and Compounded sterile prepara- ment by appropriately trained per-
maintenance of evidence-based ther- tions. Sterile compounding is regu- sonnel and labeled appropriately
apeutic goals. Examples of economic lated by various state and federal for the user.16 Special precautions,
outcomes include hospitalization agencies and shall meet all applicable equipment, supplies (spill and eye-
rates, emergency room visits, census laws and regulations. When possible, wash kits), and training for storage,
growth, and revenue generation. manufactured sterile preparations handling, and disposal of hazardous
Humanistic outcomes may include should be preferred to those com- drug products should be in place to
provider satisfaction, patient satis- pounded in the pharmacy. Whenever ensure the safety of personnel, pa-
faction, and measurements of impact compounded sterile preparations are tients, visitors, the community, and
on patient quality of life and personal prepared, properly trained staff shall the environment. Quality-control
productivity. use appropriate techniques to avoid and quality-assurance procedures
Patient confidentiality. Policies contamination and ensure quality; for the preparation of hazardous
and procedures for access to and dis- this includes but is not limited to products should be in place. Insti-
semination of confidential patient the following: (1) using aseptic tech- tutional policy should address the
information must meet all applicable nique, (2) maintaining clean, unclut- risk to personnel handling hazardous
legal and regulatory requirements, tered, and functionally separate areas drug products, including periodic
including those of the Health Insur- for product preparation to minimize monitoring of personnel for adverse
ance Portability and Accountability the possibility of contamination, effects.16
Act,45 and be made readily available. (3) using a laminar-airflow hood or
other International Organization B. Packaging and Labeling
STANDARD V. PREPARING, for Standardization class 5 environ- Medications
PACKAGING, AND LABELING ment while preparing any intrave- Packaging. Medications dispensed
MEDICATIONS nous admixture, any sterile product to ambulatory care patients should
made from nonsterile ingredients, be packaged and labeled in compli-
A. Preparing Medications or any sterile product that will not ance with applicable federal and state
Preparation. The pharmacist be used within 24 hours, and (4) laws and regulations and with USP
should prepare or supervise the visually inspecting the integrity of and other standards. When feasible,
preparation of, in a timely and ac- the medications. USP chapter 79718 dispensing in unopened manufactur-
curate manner, drug formulations, and the ASHP Guidelines on Quality ers’ containers and in tamper-evident
strengths, dosage forms, and pack- Assurance for Pharmacy-Prepared packaging is desirable. Packaging
ages prescribed. Sterile Products14 further define the materials should be selected that
Extemporaneous compounding. compounding of sterile preparations preserve the integrity, cleanliness,
Drug formulations, dosage forms, and should be consulted by those and potency of compounded and
strengths, and packaging that are responsible for this area of practice. commercially available drug prod-

1232 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

ucts. Containers, including unit dose and abbreviations. Pharmacists prac- preferably as part of a comprehensive
packages, for patients’ home use shall ticing in ambulatory care settings pharmaceutical care program that
comply with the Poison Prevention should advocate the development gives patients access to a pharmacist.
Packaging Act.50 and use of electronic prescribing Mailed medications shall conform
Labeling. At a minimum, labels systems (direct order entry by the to all federal and state laws and
for patient home use of medications prescriber). regulations. Outer mailing packages
shall comply with applicable fed- Therapeutic purpose. Before and medication containers should
eral and state laws and regulations. dispensing any medication, the protect the medication from heat,
Generally, labels contain the name, pharmacist should substantiate the humidity, and other environmental
address, and telephone number of indication for which the medication conditions that can affect stability.51
the pharmacy; date of dispensing; was prescribed. Prescribers should A toll-free telephone service that is
serial number of the prescription; be encouraged to routinely commu- answered during normal business
patient’s full name; name, strength, nicate the condition being treated hours should be provided to enable
and dosage form of the medication; or the therapeutic purpose with all communication between a patient
directions to the patient for use of the medication orders. or the patient’s physician and a phar-
medication; name of the prescriber; Medication orders. Medication macist with access to the patient’s
precautionary information; autho- orders (or prescriptions) shall contain records. The pharmacy should have
rized refills; and initials (or name) at a minimum the following infor- procedures for investigating, replac-
of the responsible pharmacist. Other mation: patient name and address; ing, and reporting, as required, medi-
information may be required by indi- medication name, dose, frequency, cations lost during delivery. Special
vidual state laws and regulations. route, and quantity or duration; requirements for mailing controlled
prescriber name, address, and tele- substances vary according to state
STANDARD VI. MEDICATION phone number; and prescriber DEA laws and regulations.
DELIVERY number for controlled substances. All
medication orders shall be reviewed STANDARD VII. EVALUATING
A. Dispensing Medications for legality and clinical appropriate- THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE
Prescribing. Policies and proce- ness by a pharmacist before being MEDICATION-USE SYSTEM
dures should be available to ensure dispensed. Any questions should be
that healthcare providers have appli- resolved with the prescriber, and any A. Assessing Pharmacy Services
cable state and federal licensure and, approved changes to the prescription and Practices
if required, organizational authori- shall be documented in a written no- Documentation and measure-
zation for prescribing medications. tation on the face of the prescription. ment of patient care, interventions,
Medications should be administered Information concerning changes and outcomes. An ongoing process
and dispensed to ambulatory care should be appropriately communi- should be in place for consistent doc-
patients only after receiving the spo- cated to the patient, caregiver, and umentation and measurement (and
ken, written, faxed, or electronic pre- other involved healthcare providers. reporting to medical staff, admin-
scription of an authorized prescriber. Drug delivery systems and ad- istrators, and others) of pharmacist
Spoken orders should be limited to ministration devices. Pharmacists interventions, patient outcomes from
nonroutine and emergency situa- should provide leadership and ad- MTM (including patient satisfaction
tions and should be strongly discour- vice in organizational and clinical with the care provided and quality
aged for drug products and regimens decision-making regarding drug of life), and pharmacists’ contribu-
prone to medication errors and other delivery systems and administration tions to patient care.52 Documenting
ADEs. A pharmacist should, as soon devices and should participate in pharmacy plans and recommenda-
as possible, reduce spoken orders the evaluation, use, and monitor- tions in the patient’s medical record
to writing and verify them using ing of these systems and devices. is important for providing continuity
the Joint Commission read-back The potential for medication errors of care between healthcare provid-
procedure. associated with such systems and ers, communicating care plans, and
Pharmacists practicing in ambu- devices should be thoroughly evalu- underscoring the professional and
latory care settings should advocate ated. Follow-up and education of legal responsibility a pharmacist as-
and foster healthcare provider con- staff should occur after systems er- sumes when making patient-specific
formance with the formulary, clinical rors are discovered to prevent future recommendations and modifications
care plans, disease state management systems errors. in medication regimens. Participat-
programs, and standardized Joint Mail distribution. The pharmacy ing in this program is an essential
Commission–approved terminology may mail medications to patients, part of the role of every pharmacist

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015 1233

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

practicing in ambulatory care set- quality-improvement strategies aid Serious medication errors that result
tings. An electronic medical record in risk mitigation of medication-use in temporary or permanent harm,
should be used for documentation systems. Pharmacists practicing in disability, or death should be re-
and measurement whenever possible, ambulatory care settings should play ported to the appropriate regulatory
and the record should be designed to an integral role in this program. The agency or accrediting body.
align pharmacists’ documentation medication-use policy committee Patient safety. Ambulatory care
outlining care provided as well as a should define specific variables for pharmacy services should be part of
method to trace and ensure the qual- evaluation (disease state, pharma- a health system’s program to encour-
ity of care provided with signed rec- cologic category, high-use/high-cost age patients’ participation in and
ommendations and follow-up notes drug products, high-alert medica- accountability for their care. Patient
in the patient’s medical record. tions, high-risk therapies, problem- education should be sensitive to the
Performance improvement. The prone regimens) as appropriate for individual patient’s health literacy. To
ambulatory care pharmacy service the organization. Through this ongo- maximize the benefits of medication
should have an ongoing, systematic ing evaluation, areas in need of im- therapy and reduce the potential for
program for assessing pharmacist- provement in medication prescribing errors, the program should encour-
provided patient care.53 Performance and management can be identified age patients to ask questions about
improvement activities based on and targeted for intervention. their medications and should em-
assessments should be integrated Medication safety. Ambulatory phasize adherence to their therapy
with the health system’s overall per- care pharmacy services should be plan. Pharmacist–patient dialogue,
formance improvement activities, part of the health system’s program pamphlets, and videos should be
as applicable. The performance im- for preventing medication errors and used to teach patients how to ask
provement team should work with ADEs. The health system’s medica- questions about their medications.
frontline staff to implement systems tion safety team should be a cross- This process is particularly impor-
that include proper checks and bal- functional group of employees (e.g., tant for recently discharged patients.
ances focused on protecting against pharmacists, physicians, nurses) and Antimicrobial stewardship and
human error. Performance improve- patients, when applicable. Pharma- infection prevention and control.
ment initiatives should be focused on cists who practice in ambulatory care There shall be policies and proce-
error reporting trends and high-risk settings are an essential part of this dures to promote the optimal use
functions such as dispensing high- medication safety team. The medica- of antimicrobial agents, reduce the
alert medications. tion safety program should foster a transmission of infections, and edu-
As part of the performance im- just culture for error reporting. The cate health professionals, patients,
provement program, operational medication safety team should and the public about these topics.
and outcomes data should be bench- Pharmacists should participate in
marked with those of other ambula- • Use a systems-based approach to re- antimicrobial stewardship and infec-
tory care pharmacy services of similar view errors, tion prevention and control efforts
size and scope. The results, including • Review near-miss medication errors through clinical endeavors focused
follow-up actions for improvement, (i.e., errors that did not cause patient on proper antimicrobial utilization
should be documented and provided harm but, if repeated, could cause and membership on relevant inter-
to the organization’s managers, the patient harm), professional work groups and com-
frontline staff using the system, and • Analyze the root cause of medication mittees within the health system.
others as appropriate. errors, and Pharmacists should monitor pa-
• Work with frontline staff to imple- tients’ laboratory reports of micro-
B. Improving the Medication-Use ment systems that include proper bial sensitivities or applicable diag-
Process checks and balances focused on nostic markers and advise prescribers
Medication-use evaluation. An protecting against human error and if microbial resistance is suspected,
ongoing program of both prospec- mitigating risk. evaluate trends in microbial pre-
tive and retrospective monitoring scribing relative to changes in micro-
of drug utilization and costs should The occurrence of medication er- bial resistance patterns, and assist in
be in place to ensure that medica- rors should be reported to voluntary developing prescribing patterns to
tions are used appropriately, safely, national reporting systems (e.g., USP help minimize the development of
and effectively and to increase the Medication Errors Reporting Pro- drug resistance.54
probability of desired outcomes gram, ISMP, and FDA MedWatch) Integration of population-based
within defined populations of pa- to help prevent similar errors from and patient-specific activities. A
tients. Proactive and continuous occurring in other practice settings. mechanism should be in place for en-

1234 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 72 Jul 15, 2015

ASHP REPORT  Ambulatory care pharmacy practice

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