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1. Tell me a little about yourself?

Well, I've had an interest in coding since I was a teenager, therefore after graduating
from junior high school I decided to continue my education in the field of software
engineering. During my education I also spent my free time as a web developer

2. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

I don’t know exactly, but I do have a goal for the next few years including leading an
IT team, this a natural fit with my Software Engineering background. Finally, I would
also like to further develop my skill in user experience to aid in creating more user
focused designs all around.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses ?

Firstly, I am very collaborative and have always preferred to work in groups. In the
project teams I have directed, members work with a variety of people and are
motivated by diverse creative tasks. On the other hand, I tend to be a perfectionist
and can linger on the details of a project which can threaten deadlines, but now I
have learned how to find the balance between perfect and very good and being

4. What is your leadership style?

I believe that effective communication is the best approach to effective team
leadership. Previously, I worked as a team leader for a project , but there was a time
when we did not have enough communication to reach our weekly goals. As the
team leader, I took the initiative to gather all my team and open communication
between members. This move enabled my team to be more open with each other
and make them reach their weekly targets.

5. Can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated your strong leadership?
When I was working on one of my projects, we had a few weeks to complete the
project. There were about 4 of us involved in this project. And our tham felt a little
uneasy about the fact that we didn’t have a strong grasp of the project's needs. We
continued forward and, unfortunately, made a few mistakes. Finally, I then decided to
take over the leadership of the project and then reorder the client's wishes and fill in
the gaps in the information needed for this project by communicating between the
client and my team. As a result, the projects we work on can be completed on time
and we are trusted to work on other projects.

6. Tell me about a time you dealt with a challenging situation at work.

There was a time when I was working on a project as a web developer, I accepted
another project that was given by my friend. I was eager to showcase my abilities, so
I accepted more that I could handle. While I tried my best to meet all the deadlines, It
wasn’t possible to finish them all without sacrificing quality. Then I rearranged my
schedule to complete both projects, even though I had to use my off time to work on
them. From this experience, I learned to not take on more than what I can handle.

7. Why do you want this job?

I understand that this company is on the rise. As I have read on your website and in
various press releases, you’re planning to launch several new software products in
the coming months. I want to be a part of this business as it grows, and I know my
experience in Web Development would help your company as you roll out these

8. Why should we hire you?

Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. I'm pretty
confident that I am the best candidate for this job role. It’s not just my background in
the past projects, but also my people skills, which will be applicable in this position.
On the other hand, Being a fast learner, I quickly pick up business knowledge related
to my project.

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