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(carbonate of lithium)

Mol. Wt.: 73.89

Known: Eng: Lithium carbonate; French: Carbonate de lithine; Ger: Lithium-

Description: White, minutely crystalline or amorphous powder, odourless;
taste slightly is found in solution in the mineral springs of Carlsbad
and other places. It has an alkaline taste. Sparingly soluble in water, slightly
soluble in boiling water; insoluble in alcohol; soluble in dilute acids.
Contains not less than 98.5 per cent of Li2CO3 calculated with reference to the
substance dried at 1000

Identification: (i) Dissolve about 0.2 g in 5 ml of hydrochloric acid, boil, add 2

ml of sodium hydroxide solution and 5 ml of sodium phosphate solution and
boil; a white precipitate is produced.
(ii) When introduced into a bunsen flame on a platinum wire previously
moistened with hydrochloric acid, carmine red colour is produced.
(iii) Yields the reactions characteristic of carbonates.
Loss on drying: When dried to constant weight at 100o, loses not more than 1.0
per cent of its weight.

Assay: Dissolve about 1.0 g, accurately weighed in 50 ml of 1 N sulphuric acid

and boil gently to expel carbon dioxide. Cool and then titrate the excess acid
with 1 N sodium hydroxide using methyl-orange solution as indicator.
Each ml of 1 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.03695 g of Li2CO3.

History and authority: Proved and introduced by Hering; Allen: Encyclop.

Mat. Med., Vol. V, 601; Hering: Guiding Symptoms, Vol. VII, 68; Clarke: A
Dictionary of Pract. Mat. Med., Vol. II, 293.

Trituration 1x Drug strength 1/10

Lithium Carbonicum 100 g
Saccharum Lactis 900 g
To make one kilogramme of the Trituration.
(b) Potencies: 2x and higher to be triturated, 6x may be converted to liquid 8x.
Prescribed dose: First to third trituration.


Hering introduced and made the first provings of Lith-c. It affects the entire
organism, but notably head and eyes, urinary organs, heart and joints. In
arthritic complaints accompanied with heart or eye symptoms it is very likely to
be needed.
Recurring attacks of acute inflammation of the small joints. The skin of the
Lith-c. patient is dry and harsh like a nutmeg-grater.
According to Allen, the Lactate of Lithia has been found valuable for sub-acute
rheumatism of the shoulder-joint.

Homeopathic uses

Lith-c. affects notably head, eyes, heart, small joints and urinary organs.
Chronic rheumatism connected with heart lesions and asthenopia. Rheumatism
connected with heart or eye lesions. Rheumatic nodes. Uric acid diathesis. Gout
and tophi. Violent sharp pains, as from red hot needles. Hot water aggravates
the itching. Open air causes post-nasal dripping from nose and constriction of
chest. Inspired air feels cold even into lungs.

Effects of bruises and falls. Bruised spots from falls and blows. Whole body
feels sore and heavy. Pressing from within outward in head, abdominal ring,
perineum, chest. Pain as of a dull point. Paralytic stiffness of the whole body.
Prostration. Acidity. Increase of bulk and weight. Many symptoms of Lith-c.
have concomitants in other parts.

Albuminuria. Aneurysm. Angina pectoris. Barber's itch. Bubo. Dyspepsia. Eye
disorders. Gallstones. Glands, swelling. Gout. Headaches. Heart disorders.
Hemiopia. Hernia. Menstruation, disorders. Nose disorders. Obesity.
Ossification of arteries. Prostatitis. Retina, anemia. Rheumatism. Spleen
disorders. Stomach pain. Syphilis. Urethritis. Urinary disorders.
Gouty constitutions. Uric acid diathesis. Planets: Saturn.
Better from rest. Better from eating, urinating, motion. Better rising and
moving about outside. Worse in morning, right side. Worse at night. Worse
during menses. Worse after menses suppressed. Worse from motion.


Disposed to weep about his lonesome condition. Difficulty in remembering


Tension, as if bound, better sitting and going out. Headache, better eating, but
returns and remains until food is again taken. Headache from sudden
suppression of menses. Head feels too large. Externally sensitive. Trembling
and throbbing. Dizzy states with ringing in ears.

Photophobia. Pain over eyes. Eyes pain after reading. Dry lids.. Vertical
hemiopia, right half of object is invisible, worse during menses. Sunlight blinds
Both cheeks are covered with dry bran-like scales.

Pain in breast glands, which extend into the arms and fingers.
Constriction of chest.
Pain behind ear (left), extending to neck.
Pain in breasts which extends to arms and fingers.
Trembling and fluttering of the heart, extending to back, worse vexation.
Sudden shock in heart. Throbbing, dull stitch in cardiac region. Rheumatic
soreness in cardiac region. Pains in heart before menses and associated with
pains in bladder and before urinating, better after. Pain in heart, extends to head
Cystitis, sub-acute and chronic. Tenesmus. Soreness of bladder, pain in right
kidney and ureter. Pain in bladder extending to spermatic cord after urination.
Pain in region of right kidney. While urinating, pressure in heart. Urine scanty
with much thirst with red brown sediment. Urine less in spite of taking normal
drinks. Urine, free and colorless. Turbid urine with mucus, scanty and dark,
acrid, sandy deposits.
Rheumatic pains throughout shoulder joint, arm and fingers and small joints
generally. Pain in the joints is relieved by very hot water. Nodular swellings in
joints. Paralytic stiffness all over. Itching about joints. Soreness of fingers better
grasping. Ankle joint pains while walking. Pain in hollow of foot, extending to
the knee. Swelling and tenderness of finger and toe joints, better hot water.
Air feels cold on inspiring, even into lungs. Violent cough when lying down.
Erections after copious urination.
Swollen and red especially right side. Coryza, dropping from nose in open air.
Diarrhea, worse from fruits or chocolates.
Temples as if bound. Head too large. Eyes dry. As if veil before eyes.
Lancination as from red-hot needles in bubo. Arm as if paralyzed.
Border of foot and soles as if gouty, itching.
Dry, harsh skin. Eczema. Scabby, tettery eruption on hands, head and cheeks,
preceded by red, raw skin. Barber's itch. Dull stitch, ending in itching. Rough
rash all over body, much loose epithelium tough, dry, itchy skin.
Gnawing in stomach with pain in left temple, better by eating, (Anac.) Acidity.
Cannot endure slightest pressure of clothes from fullness in pit of stomach.
Lumps of mucous drop into throat. Soreness extending to ear.
Vertigo with ringing in the ears. Dizzy states.

"Soreness" is a keynote of Lith-c.: Bruised spots from falls or blows. Bones,
joints, muscles, whole body sore as if beaten. Rheumatic soreness in heart
region. Eyes pain as if sore. "Pressing from within outward" is another common
symptom: in head, abdominal ring, perineum, chest.
There are two grand characteristics about the heart symptoms: worse bending
forward and better after urinating, though worse on rising to urinate. This better
after urinating may be compared with worse on cessation of menses: "Menses
cease suddenly and headache comes on." A pain in heart occurs before and at
time of menses. The heaviness is better while eating and worse after.

A good deal of confusion in the head. The nose is red and inflamed, there is
dropping of solid lumps down the back of the nose. Acidity of the stomach.
Prostration of whole body, especially knee-joints and sacrum. Paralytic stiffness
of whole body.
(1) Lyc., Am-p., Benz-ac., Calc.
(2) Lithium benzoicum, Lithium bromatum, Lithium lacticum, Lithium chlor.

1.BOERICKE WILLIAM M.D., New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory,
B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1920/10, Chunamandi, Paharganj,New Delhi 110055 (INDIA)
2.BOGER C.M.,. A Synoptic key of the Materia medica., B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1920/10,
Chunamandi, Paharganj,New Delhi 110055 (INDIA)
3.BURT. W.H. Physiological Materia Medica , B.Jain publishers 1921,chunamundi
street.10th,paharganj, NewDelhi
4.CLARKE J.H, VOL II, A Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica, B Jain Publishers 1921, Street
No.10, Chunamandi, Paharganj, New Delhi 110055 (INDIA)

5.INDU AND VARMA, Encylopedia of Homoeopathic Pharmcopeia with Fingerprint testing,

standardization methods, clinical uses and prescribed potencies, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1921 Gali
No.10, Chunamandi, Paharganj,New Delhi 110055 (INDIA)

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