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Question 1

Record yourself saying the

statement below

Minimum 6 questions
Task: Speaking.
Time: 20 seconds (Preparation + Recording)
Replaying options: 2 times after the main recording.
Notes to score points:
 Don’t hurry onto the sentences.
 Press the record button as soon as you see the question prompt to save time.
 Don’t try to read it before recording, as it would take some valuable time off
 If you are stuck at a word, don’t try to run over it. Understand the word first,
and then pronounce.
 Practice the sentence below, to see how much you need to speak these
sentences. If you take less than 15 seconds to pronounce these, then you’re
ready to go.

 “Each home usually has at least one of these tanks forming part of its
 “She sells sea-shells in the sea shore.”
 “Apart from the city-dwellers, the sub-dwellers, better known as mole
people, live safer.”
 “As a result, state revenue has increased 14 times since the mid-1990s.”
 “The impact of blogging upon the mainstream media has also been
acknowledged by governments.”
 “He looked at the people who looked at the picture, instead of at the pictures
 “An important example of the latter is spotting the partner during turns,
especially free spins.”
 “So, most systems change passengers less than the full cost of building and
operating the system.”

** Practice pronouncing these sentences one by one.

Question 2

Prepare to speak for at least

30 seconds about the question
below > speak the answer to
the question you hear

Minimum 2 questions
Task: Speaking.
Time: 20 seconds for preparation + 1:30 minutes for Recording.
Replaying options: 2 times after the main recording.
Notes to score points:
 Don’t hesitate to replay it again if you’ve failed to listen to the whole part
 Don’t go to the record right away, take the 20 seconds to prepare what you
would say.
 Try to be brief, you only have to speak for 30 seconds in the recording. No
need to go for something big, and then caught up by the timer in the end.
 Try to prepare a maximum of 4-5 sentences to speak during the recording. It
would be enough to speak for 30 seconds.
 Don’t go for complex sentences. Try to be simple, but creative.

 “Do you think it is okay to be single in life, or do you think it is better to be
with someone?”
 “Describe an enjoyable day of your life.”
 “Some people think money can buy happiness. What is your opinion?”
 “In your opinion, which stage of life do you think is the best to enjoy? The
childhood, the adulthood, or the old age?”
 “What is the food item that you would never ever taste in your life again.
So you see, there would be two types of questions-
1. The Describing one, and
2. The Opinion based one.
Let’s try an example of a describing one.
Question: “Describe an enjoyable day of your life.”
Answer: If I have to describe about an enjoyable day of my life, it would be my
last birthday party. The party took place around 7pm evening that night. Most of
my friends were present in the birthday party. I had so much fun, and it is truly
Remember! For the describing speaking part, you’d have to focus on 4 easy
1. The actual answer of the question (examples: enjoyable day/ favorite role
models/ disliked food item).
2. A light description of the answer (example: What happened on that day/
what does your role model do/ why you don’t like the food).
3. Why is it (example: Enjoyable day/ role model/ dislike as a food)?
4. The conclusion (So that is why…).
Question 3

Speak for at least 30 seconds

about the image below

Minimum 1 question
Task: Speaking.
Time: 1:30 minutes (for preparation + recording).
Notes to score points:
 Don’t rush through it. Take the first 10 seconds to look at the picture
 Prepare your 30 seconds speech for the next 10 seconds, and still you’d have
1:10 minutes to speak for 30 seconds.
 Try to be brief, you only have to speak for 30 seconds in the recording. No
need to go for something big, and then caught up by the timer in the end.
 Try to prepare a maximum of 3-4 sentences to speak during the recording. It
would be enough to speak for 30 seconds.
 Don’t go for complex sentences. Try to be simple, but creative.


Let’s try an example of the first one.

Answer: In this picture I can see a lion. The lion is sleeping very peacefully. The
sleeping lion looks a lot tired. There is a small part of bush visible at the behind of
the lion.
Remember! For the picture describing speaking part, your speaking should focus
on these steps-
1. Find the obvious sentence you see in the picture. (Example In this picture I
can see a lion.)
5. Then, describe that obvious sentence with 1 or 2 more (example: The lion is
sleeping very peacefully. The sleeping lion looks a lot tired.).
6. Finally, look for something else in the background. (Example: There is a
small part of bush visible at the behind of the lion.)
Question 4

Prepare to speak for at least

30 seconds about the question
below (Cue Card Question)

Minimum 1 question
Task: Speaking.
Time: 20 seconds for preparation + 1:30 minutes for Recording.
Notes to score points:
 Take your time to see what exactly is required for you to speak on.
 Don’t go to the record right away, take the 20 seconds to prepare what you
would say.
 Try to be brief, and try to prepare two sentences maximum for each
 Don’t go for complex sentences. Try to be simple, but creative.

Discuss international sports competitions.
 Do you believe they bring people together?
 What are the negative consequences of these competitions?
 How will sports competitions change in the future?

Example answers:
 Do you believe they bring people together?
Yes, I believe the international sports competitions would indeed bring people
together. These competitions are intended to be held for such purposes.
 What are the negative consequences of these competitions?
To discuss the negative aspects of these competitions, I’d say the mixture of vast
culture sometimes isn’t necessary for everyone. For an example, the cricket world
cups have seen a vast numbers if fixing incidents in the past.
 How will sports competitions change in the future?
I’d say the change in the international sports competitions would include a lot of
technological changes in the future. As a matter of fact, there could be robots
participating in these competitions in the future.
Note: If you put all three parts together, then it would take almost one minute to
say. So it is okay to speak only one sentence for each question of the cue card,
but it’s better to be ready to speak two sentences for each questions.
Question 5

Choose one topic to talk about

for 1-3 minutes

Minimum 1 question
Task: Speaking.
Time: 30 seconds for choosing + 3:00 minutes for Recording.
Notes to score points:
 Choose wisely on the first screen about which topic you are more familiar.
 Spend no more than 10 seconds to choose the topic.
 Spend the next 20 seconds to prepare what you are going to say.
 You can still take some time to prepare yourself once the recording has
started. No need to rush onto it. You’d still have 2 extra minutes for your last
 Try to be brief, and try to prepare two sentences maximum for each
 Don’t go for complex sentences. Try to be simple, but creative.

a) What would you change if you were the leader of your country? Why does
this need to change? How would your change help the people who live
b) Do you think that technology makes life easier for people, or just more
complicated? Explain your reasoning.

So you see, there would be two types of opinion based questions.

1. Having multiple questions to help you guide through the 1 minute time limit.
In that case, go for the cue card techniques.
2. Having two sides of the opinion. In this case, go for the descriptive speaking

Practice both of the speaking test by yourself.

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