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1 Day / Date:

2 Class/ Duration/ Subject :

3.Theme / Topic: World of Stories / Watching a Bumble Bee/ Lesson 23

4. Focus Skill: Language Arts 4

5. Content Standard: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts (main)

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital

texts by using appropriate reading strategies. (comp)

6. Learning Standard: 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event,

description or character in a text

3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two

paragraphs or more

7. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

i. Say in simple words and phrases how a text makes them feel

ii. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of

one or two paragraphs

8. Success Criteria : 42/42 pupils can

i. draw a mind map about themselves and bumble bees.

ii. read and understand 3 out of 5 phrases and sentences from

linear texts correctly.

9. Activity : Pre-lesson 1. Teacher provides a letter and pupils have to come up with a

word that starts with that letter related to a topic (animals/insects

e.g. g –giraffe, …, b - bee).

Lesson Delivery 2. Pupils read the poem silently and teacher assists in pupils’

understanding (Q&A).

3. Teacher distributes True or False sentence strips to each pupil.

4. Teacher asks them to stick the statement at the provided True

or False sections in the class using a blue tack.

5. Pupils walk around the class to check each other’ answers and

make corrections the answer if there are mistake.

6. Pupils make a mind-map about themselves and the bumble

bees based on the sentence strip used before and provide simple


7. Upon completion, pupils exchange their mind maps and rate

each other’s works by giving some good remarks.

8. Pupils walk around the class to check each other’ answers and

make corrections the answer if there are mistake.

9.Upon completion, pupils exchange their mind maps and rate

each other’s works by giving some good remarks.

Post Lesson 10. Pupils put their hands up each time they hear something

different from the poem (e.g. out in the sea – hands up as the

statement is different from the poem).

11. Task 1: Spot the differences

10 Cross-Curricular elements: Language / Creativity and Innovation

11 Teaching Materials: Anthology of Poems Page 21

– Poetry Activity 1 Page 73 (Poetry Guidebook)

12 Classroom Assessment: Observation/ 5.2.1/ Anthology of Poem for Year 4,5,6 p21

13 Reflection: / 42 pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

/ 42 pupils need guidance and extra medial activities to

enhance their mastery and understanding.

14 Attendance: / 42 pupils were present.

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