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Process of Recruitment and Selection

The organization aim to attract the best candidates for the job and then to choose the most suitable, If the wrong person is recruited; this can cause problems for the business. Employing a suitable person may give a business a competitive edge over rivals. Recruitments are becoming more and more important in business. The Process of Recruitment Consists of the Following Steps: Identification of vacancy Preparation of job specification and job description Advertising of the vacancy Managing the response Short listing Arranging the interviews of short listed candidates Conducting Interviews

Methods of Recruitment: Internal Recruitment: It is argued that internal recruitment strengthens employees commitment to the company. It is a process of recruiting people internally within the organization. Employees who are eligible can apply internally within the organization and they will be interviewed by the concerned department and if ok they can move to other position which make them more confident and loyalty which indirectly benefits the organization to achieve the goal. Organization can offer the job to an existing employee, as a promotion or transfer Advertise internally id a suitable candidate is likely to be available internally. Advantages of Internally Recruitment Are: It gives employees within the company a chance to develop their career. There may be shorter induction periods ad the employee is likely to be familiar with the company. Employees will know more about internal candidates abilities. This should reduce the risk of employing the wrong person. It is quicker and less expensive than recruiting from outside the company.

External Recruitment: It is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant outside the business, it is costly as well as the company might end up with someone who is less effective than how he appeared on the paper. There are many ways of attracting candidates from outside the company. The choice of method is often

depends on the type of vacancy and the type of employee a business wants. Each method has its own benefits and problems. Advantages of External Recruitment Are Given Below: Outside people bring in new ideas Larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate People have a wider range of experience

(Tutor, Date Accessed 24/12/2009) Recruitment of sales people should be done by providing an analysis of the job to done, in a written form describing characteristics, qualities and attitudes required by the applicant as well as the specification of the job. The main sources of recruitment are as follows: Internal promotion and internal introductions Careers officers University appointment boards Agencies for unemployed Advertising through print as well as visual media Employment exchanges Employee referrals and recommendation

(Recruitment and Selection, Date Accessed 24/12/2009) Selection: Selection is growing important in many organizations. First personnel department need to recruit and then select the right person for the salesperson job. If the candidate is unsuitable the business may be faced with the cost of poor performance by the salesperson. There will be extra costs in selection and training a replacement when that salesperson leaves. The most suitable candidate will only be chosen if selection is based on ability, skills and knowledge. Effective selection should lead to the most suitable candidate being employed, in terms of their skills and motivation, as well as reducing the cost of selection. Personnel department plays an important role in it. They help to prepare job description, job analysis and person specification and decide exactly how to recruit. They also advise eon nature of application forms, how to short list from hem, and how to conduct tests and interviews. Finally, they will influence how the information is evaluated and what decisions should be made about candidates. The following steps are used in selection process: Applications Personnel departments receive information about candidates for a sales person job. It is advertising is when they apply for the job. Some jobs ask for a letter of applications from the applicants in which they explain why they want that job. Personal details Educational qualifications Hobbies and interest Past job experience as a sales person

Testing: There is number of tests that are used in selection. The organization must have qualified sales personnel to carry out the test. Aptitude tests measure how well a sales person can cope when faced with a situation or problems Attainment tests measure a candidate ability using skills they have already acquired Intelligence tests aim to give an indication of overall mental ability. A variety of questions are asked in such tests covering numeracy and literacy skills as well as general knowledge. Personality tests examine the traits or characteristics of sales person.

Interviews: The personnel department is usually involved in interviewing, both in carrying them out and helping managers to adapt good interviewing practice. Selection exercise: As well as interviews and tests, more and more organizations are using a variety of role play exercise, group presentations and help them to analyze the capabilities of candidates. These exercises allow candidates to demonstrate social skills and problems solving skills which they may need to use in the job. For example: a salesperson may show persuasive communication skills in a role play situation. Evaluating selection: How can an organization tell if selection has been effective? It could simply decide that if it has appointed the right sales person for the job. For example: if five people were interviewed for sales person post but only one applicant was suitable it means selection was effective. The personnel department role would be to check all stages of selection to find out where problems had arisen. Once the sales person is selected the follow up procedure takes place, which have the following steps: Negotiation of terms and conditions of the job Formulate a contract or written conditions of the job Plan initial orientation for the new employees Reviewing the un interviewed candidates and putting them on hold for future positions Informing unsuccessful candidates

(Recruitment and Selection, Date Accessed 24/12/2009)

Analyze the Recruitment Process of Mobilink

General Conditions for Recruitment at Mobilink for Salesperson: All recruitment will be done through the Human Resources Department. An

applicants (salesperson) skill shall be judged according to a range of factors including: Education (Academic / Professional) Experience Profile Tests Interviews References Recruitment process at Mobilink goes through at three stages which are given below and I will discuss every stage one by one.

Stage 1: Job analysis: Before a Mobilink recruits new employees, the HR department and sales manager usually carries out some forms of job analysis. It includes investigation of tasks, duties and responsibility of job etc. Mobilink choose applicant for the post of salesperson so Mobilink use job analysis to find out exactly what sales people have to do in the organization and also tell them about the customers types as well as types of products sold, respectively. At this stage, they also specify the results they hope to achieve from recruitment and selection. Job description: Once Mobilink has analyzed what a job entails, then Mobilink draw up a description of the job of salesperson. In this Mobilink tells all the candidates for a salesperson job that what the organization is expecting from them and it also help HR department to decide on the qualities, skills and communication power that successful salesperson must have. Job specification: Mobilink use job specification to look at the capability of the salesperson that whether it is right for the job or not. Stage 2: There are two sources of recruitment which followed by mostly all the organizations and Mobilink also follow the same method. There are many ways through which Mobilink recruits different candidates for different jobs. The choice of method is often depends on the type of vacancy and type of employee a Mobilink wants. Following are the sources of recruitment for job vacancy of salesperson in Mobilink includes: Internal Recruitment: In Mobilink, internal recruitment is done for the sales managers of the higher grade and directors also for employees to know whether they have good sales employees in their organization and if they have they select them from internally by seeing their past experience and work. Mobilink also hire sales employees from other franchises because they mostly hire sales manager from internal source which are posted at high grades while for other employees and sales force often they hire people from external source.

External Recruitment: There are many ways through which Mobilink recruit prospect candidates are usually scanned through external sources such as advertisements, private employment agencies, head hunting and universities etc. Apart from that Mobilink also offers training program for sales person and internships, if the candidates prove to be sales worthy, then he or she is recommended for the selection procedure. Stage 3: Selection and Hiring: All recruitment and selection process is handled by the Human resource department. Applications for jobs are mostly made via internet. Mobilink do not consider those candidates which are under age of eighteen. Selection criteria are totally based on merit. A series of interviews are conducted followed by a panel interview and a group discussion. Only deserving from a lot of applicants is considered. The applications are screened and forwarded HR department for interviews after thorough check about the background as well as the previous work records of the sales person. For lower level sales employees, experience is given more importance over education. Whereas for middle and upper level sales employees such as director of sales department or manager of sales, experience as well as education, once the candidates are selected they are asked to appear in an interview where the sales characteristics as well as the skills are judged and tested by the Sales manager and HR department. Candidates communication skills are also judged during the interview. The successful candidates leave with a job as well as a salary offer. Moreover, they are also informed about what the company expects from them as well as the responsibilities and targets they need to achieve to make their chances of attaining the job more successful.

There are some flaws in its selection and recruitment process which are as follows. Human resource department should not fully authorize to take all the decisions. Though HR department claims to have the overall management of the company but that actually is not the case. There are many HR decisions that are taken by the other department. So, there should be a clear delegation of authority regarding decision making for HR department. Mobilink should increase the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques. Successful recruitment methods include a thorough analysis of the job and interviews as well as psychometric tests to determine the potentialities of salesperson. They should not recruit employees relatives from internal recruitment because it creates conflicts which can affect their business and also there will be clashes between the employees and organization so Mobilink should give also opportunity to its employees to work for organization. Other techniques of selection that have been described include various types of interviews which include aptitude tests, attainment tests and intelligence tests. Although it can refers to their relatives or friends in external recruitment. Mobilink should select right person for sales person job because if they select wrong salesperson it will affect their sales and as competition is very high nowadays in telecom sector so they cannot afford even one non-productive team member. Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the

organization which will be healthy for Mobilink. It should have its core efficient and caring salesperson that should complete job satisfaction and a perfect fit for the jobs they are entrusted with. This is not an easy task to accomplish and full credit will goes to the selection and recruitment processes of Mobilink, if they use such procedure.

Different Organizational Structures

Organizational structure is the internal, formal framework of a business that shows the way in which management is linked together and how authority is transmitted (Stimpson, 2002, p.257) Elements of Organizational Structure: Formalization: The degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized job descriptions organizational rules clearly defined procedures great deal of freedom Centralization or Decentralization: it refers to the extent to which authority is delegated in a business. If there was complete centralization, then subordinates would have no authority at all. Complete decentralization would mean subordinates would have all the authority to take decisions. Departmentalization: it is the basis on which work or individuals are grouped into manageable units. Span of Control: it refers to the numbers of subordinates working under a superior or manager. Chain Of Command: it shows the chain of command within the organization the way authority is organized. It is the unbroken line of responsibility that connects each level of management with the next level. Orders pass down the levels and information passes up. Work Specialization: In specialization various activities are assigned to different people who are specialists in that area. Specialization improves efficiency. Types of Structure: Tall Structure: In a tall structure each manager has a small span of control and there are many ranks.

Flat Structure: In a flat structure, span of control is greater and there are fewer levels of management.

The above mentioned structures can be seen in different other organizational structures. Following organizational structures organize the way an organization operates to achieve strategic:

Geographic Structure Geographic structure groups employees together based upon specific geographic location. This is often used by large companies that operate in many areas throughout the country; they assigned one manager who is responsible for all the activities which is done in that geographical area. By sales point of view every regional area has a sales manager who is assigned a territory for which he has been given sales targets to achieve.

Advantages: Simplicity and concern for customers need Emphasis on overall product and divisional goals rather than focusing on functional departments. Development of general management skills Good communication and coordination among the regional personnel. Disadvantages: Duplication of resources across the region High cost of running separate divisions Less top management control and poor coordination across divisions Functional Structure The functional structure groups employees together based upon the functions of specific jobs within the organization.

Advantages: It is being simple to understand with clear lines of command, specified tasks and responsibilities

Staff can specialize in a particular business area such as production or marketing and follow well-defined career paths. Makes the recruitment, motivation and training easier. Brings in efficiency and effectiveness in work because one department is pooled with experts in a particular field. people are arranged on the basis of their common interests therefore, they can learn a lot from each other Career progress within functional departments Quality and control check made easier for the department manager Disadvantages:

Organizational goals are often sacrificed in favor of departmental goals. Communication and coordination problem between different departments Slow communication and coordination across functions. Individual focus rather than a company focus Product Specialization Structure

Product structure groups employees together based upon specific products produced by the company. To create separate department which are responsible for the sales of a particular product

Advantages: It allows salesperson to develop total expertise for selling the product.

Disadvantages: Higher travelling cost Different sales person might be representing the company differently on the same day to the same customer Customer Based Structure

The people and jobs are grouped that can be responsive to the needs of particular types of customers. It mostly used when there is two or more distinct user group

Advantages: All the activities, skills, and expertise requisites to produce and market particular products are grouped in one place under a single head; a whole job can more easily be coordinated High work performance maintained. At the same time, the burden on central management is eased because divisional managers have greater latitude to act. The performance of divisional management can be measured in terms of the divisions profit or loss. Disadvantages: Administrative expenses increase because each division has its own staff members and specialists, leading to costly duplication of skills. Matrix Organization Structure Matrix structure groups employees by both function and product. Usually those companies adopt this structure which conducts different projects simultaneously.


Source: (Business Organizational Structure, Date Accessed /01/2010) Advantages: The interlinked network of authority and communication leads to flexibility Balance between time, cost and performance The firm is enable to solve the problem through nearest possible authority Sharing of authority and responsibility

Disadvantages: Not suitable for small organizations Different employees get together forming dissimilar groupings complete responsibility of the Manager for success or failure Duplication of work Conflict may arise due to incompatibility of interests

Mobilink and Analyze its Organizational Structure

Major Departments of Mobilink: Finance Department Marketing Department Customer Services Department Commercial Department Technical Department Information Technology Department Human Resources Department Administration Department


Source: Mobilink 2009 (Date Accessed: 2/1/2010)

Chief Executive Officer 12

Regional GM (South) Area Manager Customer Customer service Credit Manageme nt Customer service

Regional GM (Central) Area Manager Customer Customer service

Regional GM (North) Area Manager Customer

Credit Manageme nt

Credit Manageme nt

Director IT /Marketing

Director Operations

Director Finance

Director HR/ Administratio ns

Organization structure: As I have selected Mobilink for this report so the Mobilink is centralized all the decision are made by upper level of management but middle and lower level managers can take part in making important decisions and can contribute their ideas. In some cases employees can make their own decision and take risks. So we can say that Mobilink have some activities which are centralized while others are decentralized but overall decision is approved by high level management. Further more, Mobilink has an over all geographical structure and at regional level it has a functional structure. Span of control and chain of command: The span of control is narrow which allows better communication with its employees. There is high vertical differentiation because of tall hierarchal structure. In Mobilink all staff works in groups and teams. The chain of command is an unbroken line of authority that links all persons in Mobilink and shows who reports to whom. By analyzing the organizational structure of Mobilink it can be found each and every person knows to whom it will report. Close supervision is needed to make sure that quality is maintained. Responsibility and authority:

Employees at Mobilink work together and coordinate their actions to find the best way of performing tasks. Managers and employees are being accountable to justify an action to the top management of Mobilink due to their poor performance. Everyone has its own authority in Mobilink so no one can take it and at high level authority is more as compared to lower level. Responsibility of Sales and Marketing department is to keeps an eye on the market position and informs the IT department to come up with new features of products, which even the competitors are not providing. As competition is very high in telecom sector, so Mobilink has to keep track of its competitors activities. In Mobilink the authority and responsibility for different tasks and duties are different, as well as every one knows the successive levels of management all the way to the top.

Identify the Drawbacks of Mobilink Structure

Starting off with the problems regarding the above structure, firstly the structure is geographical in nature as well as a tall structure with many levels of management. The organizational structure of Mobilink is based on geographical organizational structure where each salesperson is given a territory over which he or she has the responsibility for sales achievement. In this case every regional manager is given the sales target which he or she has to achieve within the given period of time; it is also centralized by which only top management can take decisions. Its main weakness is that the salesperson or sales manager is required to sell the full range of the companys products. Every market is different as compared to other market. It is impossible for the sales person to sell all the products and have all knowledge about the products and services of company. In some cases such sales people are also weak in interpreting the buying behavior patterns and they fail to report such changes to the head office. Another problem is that the chain of command between the CEO and the territory sales manager is very long and therefore, passing of valuable information can suffer as well as miscommunication. Such chain of command can be slow and hinder fast and effective communication between individuals in an organization. This can have a negative affect on the outcome of a situation and all so cause conflict. Moreover the span of control is narrow as well where the general manager is supervision the corporate and the consumer heads. Mobilink should change it from centralized to decentralized structure so it will be favorable for the organization because senior managers have time to concentrate on the most important decisions as the other decisions can be undertaken by other people down the organisation structure. By involving employees in the decision making will motivate them and therefore mean that staff output increases. Salespeople lower down the chain have a greater understanding of the environment they work with customers that they interact with. This knowledge skills and experience may enable them to make more effective decisions than senior sales managers. Such changes will make the sales persons more secure as it will boost up their spirits by working in teams and learning from their superiors. They will feel more motivated if the superiors keep on assisting them with the specialized techniques of learning. Their sales skills will get polished. Moreover, with the help of the HR department, the deserving and experienced sales people will get a chance to be a part of Mobilink. This will improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the company.

Appraisal to Improve the Sales Performance

Appraisal is very important to any organization or person. A de-motivated and unsatisfied person can never show efficiency and quality in work. Appraisal performance serves as a ground for pushing a person towards quality performance. If a person is never appreciated for his/her work, he/she would definitely not show any improvement in his/her performance; in addition, the quality of his/her performance would decrease. Now if we analyze we will see that if an employee is willing to work then he would search for opportunity to perform and when he/she finds a certain opportunity, so the quality of performance will depend upon his/her capacity to perform that certain job. For example; if an employee is motivated, he will be willing to perform and motivation can also be brought to them by giving them opportunity to perform, which can be brought by proper job designs. The capacity of the employee to perform is dependent upon many factors, such as; his/her age, education etc, but this can also be enhanced by providing training, which is again a motivation as well as appraisal tool. Training would make the employee learn standard work and the employee would feel good about it and would be able to perform well. So basically appraisal and motivation is the key to good performance. Following are the different ways to appraise or motivate different sales person: Rewards and Punishments: If the employee has been successful in achieving the goals he gets the reward. Otherwise he has to pay penalty for that. Therefore, bring rewarded for his work is what motivates the salesperson and makes him work more efficiently and effectively. Whereas for poor quality of work, the salesperson can be given training, which as already explained is a form of motivation too. Pay as a Motivator: Pay is also used as a motivating tool. By giving good pay to your employee, one can surely contribute in increasing their job performance because they feel part of something valuable and feel more responsible, which in result makes them work efficiently. Moreover, when they know that their pay is fair in comparison with the pay of both inside and outside the organization employees; so they feel satisfied and this satisfaction work as a motivator. In case of sales person, if they are given proper pay for their job, considering their tasks and post, so it will motivate them to show good performance. Rewards and Incentives: Rewards and incentives are something that tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. It should be noted that rewards and incentives have been used on top of basic pay to induce a sense of competition and performance among employees. If sales person are given proper rewards and incentives for achieving targets so it would motivate them to achieve further targets with a great level of efficiency. Hence, tools like appraisal can be used very easily to enhance the performance of a salesperson. In fact these are the major tools that shape the performance of the salesperson of a company.

Appraisal Technique
An effective appraisal process plays an important role in managing and developing employees. After a period of time working, o organization may appraise the employee. This is an attempt by the organization to find out the qualities, usefulness or worth of its employees. Appraisal can be used by an organization in the following ways: To improve and assess employees performance To provide feedback to the managers To increase motivation among employees To fulfill training needs of the workforce To identify potential for promotion To award increases in salary To set out job objectives To provide valid information for the human resource department To assess the effectiveness of the selection process (Hall, 2000) Appraisal Procedure: These are very different procedures. Appraisal focuses on improving performance through developing an individuals skills, their role and their career. The capability procedures are used in a very small number of cases where performance is unsatisfactory. If the capability procedures are being used this process will continue and you wont have an annual appraisal. An appraisal will take place with each individual employee on an annual basis. Appraisal arrangements for new employees should be managed within the procedures. A meeting is arranged at a mutually convenient time within the employees normal working hours. The discussion should focus on the headings of the self assessment form. On the basis of this discussion the agreed main action points and objectives for the year ahead are subsequently noted on the appraisal form by the manager. The appraisal form should be signed by the manager and the employee as a correct record of the action points, aims and priorities for the next 12 months. The manager and the employee keep a copy. The grievance procedures should be used if a member of staff believes they have received unfair treatment through the operation of this procedure.

(Appraisal Procedure Staff Handbook, Date Accessed 30/12/2009)


There are a number of factors that can influence the success of an appraisal system which are as follows: Purpose of the system: effectiveness will be greater if all involved are clear about what the system is for. Control: it is vital that the system is controlled by senior and line management and isnt something done simply for the personnel department. Openness and participation: the more feedback that appraises are given about their ratings, the more likely they are accept the process. Similarly, the more the employee is allowed to take part in the system, the greater the chance of gaining their commitment. Appraisal criteria: the criteria must be related to the job, be easy to use and appear fair to the worker. Training: it may be needed in how to appraise and how to conduct interviews. Administrative efficiency: appraisal must be carried out so that it causes a few problems as possible for both parties. It also needs to be confidential. Action: appraisal needs be supported by follow up action. As in workers should be checked if given a chance to improve their performance Selection of raters: it should be carefully controlled and ratings should be made anonymously to get honest appraisals.

Appraisal Procedure of Mobilink

Mobilink did appraisal procedure to evaluate salesperson activities by looking at their past performance with their current performance. HR department compares the result of the salesperson efforts against the goals for set that salesperson. If he/ she achieve their target which was given to them then organization gives them rewards. There are many performance appraisal methods. Mobilink uses the computerized performance appraisal method. Performance evaluation of the Mobilink employees is carried out in December. Online 360 degree approach of performance appraisal is adopted at Mobilink for evaluating employee performance. This method gathers ratings from supervisors. It provides feedback to employees that how their performance is viewed by supervisors. Mobilink HR department develop a sheet which is downloaded on the intranet of Mobilink so that the supervisor performs the evaluation of the employees specifically related to the particular job of the employee. So the supervisor writes comments for employees according to his/her performance. After the form filling in process is completed by the supervisors then this form is given to employees. If employees are not satisfied with the comments of supervisors, then the HR department asks the supervisor and the employee about the problem and resolves the problem. HR department evaluates the tasks handed over to individuals and reward them according to the set standards. The individuals whose performance is founded out below the required criteria are served performance review notices twice, despite that if they dont meet the required criteria then they are requested to give resignation.

Mobilink doing performance appraisal to become a successful organization as competition is very high in telecom sector and every organization wants to become successful by making their employees happy because employees are the main assets of any organization and Mobilink is doing the same because their salesperson have the knowledge and ability to develop the business potential in their sales territories. Sales person sells their more and more products and build their share market.

Suggest Ways for the Improvement in Existing Appraisal Set up of the Mobilink
Performance appraisal was an administrative duty preformed by managers and was the responsibility of HR department. If managers done appraisal performance correctly, it will be beneficial for both the employees and the Mobilink, an important part of appraisal procedure is to establish employees goals which should be tied to the Mobilink strategic goals. The appraisal performance process tells top performers that they are valued by the Mobilink. It requires managers to at least annually communicate to employees their performance strength and deficiencies. A good appraisal procedure ensures that all the employees doing similar jobs are evaluated according to same standards. A proper appraisal procedure helps Mobilink to identify the strongest and weakest employees. It can help legally justify by HR decision such as promotion, salary increases, bonuses etc. However, their performance evaluation is only carried after every December which is not sufficient with the growing competition in the market. Because 1 year is a huge duration and Mobilink can face loss in case of unacceptable job performance of the sales force during this long period of time. hence they are suppose to conduct performance evaluation at least after every one month or for six month for making their sales force more attentive regarding their job performance and if their job performance is not up to the mark, so they can fire them before facing any further loss. By giving sales person different incentives it will be beneficial for the organization as they will get motivated and they will work more for the organization and Mobilink will gain more and more profit. They should carry out performance appraisal to always keep the employees aware of the standard they have to maintain for effective and efficient performance. They should carry out performance appraisal to keep their employees motivated and to enhance their morale by explaining to them that their supervisor is happy with the level of efforts they are displaying and the progress and improvement that they have made so far. In addition, they should try to discover the hidden talent of the employee through their appraisal and evaluation, so that they can guide them about how and where these can be practiced. Furthermore, it is not just carried out only for gathering information regarding their employees but for effective decision making regarding the employees salary adjustments, performance reviews and layoffs.


Customer Care
Customer care is a customer service that seeks to acquire new customers, provide superior customer satisfaction, and build customer loyalty. Customer service is an important part of the fulfillment function, ensuring that customers will buy again and continue to be good customers. It involves putting systems in place to maximize customers satisfaction with the business. Customer care is more directly important in some roles than others. For receptionists, sales staff and other employees in customer facing roles, customer care should be a core element of their job description and training, and a core criterion when organization recruiting. The following figure shows customer service dissatisfaction is the most important key factor when a consumer decides to change service providers.

Source: (Online Education Customer Care, Date Accessed 4/01/2010)

Customer care plays a very vital role in the success of any business. It is easier to attract customers and make them buy your products but companies have to retain those customers and for that they need a very skilled customer care service.

Objectives of Customer Care Companies want to create such a culture that is focused on their customers. Companies want to achieve customer satisfaction Companies build a good rapport among their customers as well as creating loyal customers through customer care Use customer compliments, comments and complaints to drive improvements to service Companies equip their staff to provide customers with an excellent standard of service

There are a variety of ways to do customer care and anyone serious about a successful business should consider them important. The following five steps identify the relationship between customers and the success or efficiency of a business through good customer care. Customer satisfaction:

In order to keep your customers happy, organization must provide a level of service that is better than that of their competitors. When organization talks about customer satisfaction, they are actually talking about how organization have to do to gain not only the sale but also the loyalty of the customer, Organization wants to know what their customer wants and are they satisfy by their services. This can be done through surveys or send feedback forms through the businesss website. Once the data is collected, organization can gather different clues regarding their products or services. Product or services defect: Sometimes a customer may notice a defect in the product after the transaction is concluded. In many cases the defect is easy to verify by the buyer and seller by using common sense and rectifying the defect can be agreed upon. Customer care helps organization to indentify what is needed to improve its products and services. It is the customers who pinpoint the defects and buy those products as well. Therefore, the data collected through customer care service can help organizations to define what constitutes a defect. Cycle time: The cycle time is time period during which a product or service is either produced or delivered. Delivering products and services should be on time. Hence, all those processes such as waste and rework due to errors and lax standards should be avoided. Time is an important element for all the organizations, it is something that can either bring a customer to your organization or take away to the competitors. So whatever information the business gets through customer care, they should take action on it within a specific time frame. Productivity: Productivity can be better understood by the comparing the quantity produced with the time it takes to produce it. Once the Productivity is good enough, the customer will receive the goods and services in time and will prefer that organization as compared to others. Hence, this is also an essential part of customer care to make sure that the customer is satisfied with the services of the business Improvement of ideas: Customer care helps the business to improve its organization methods and also improve its products and services according to the customers preferences. Customer care gives various suggestions regarding different products and how they will like to see an advanced version of the same product in the future. Corporate Hospitality: Corporate Hospitality defines as any event for the benefit of an organization entertaining customers or staff at the organizations expense. Hospitality plays a vital role in developing and maintaining customer relationships within organization. As competition is very high among organizations so they are focusing to make customer satisfied. In order to make customers happy and satisfied organization are taking many steps such as organizing an event to

provide their customers a good time. This has opened the way for organizations to follow different attractive events to make their clients happier and satisfied in Corporate Hospitality ICMS and Iqra University etc offers just this type of services for entertaining their customers and staff. They organized many concerts to make their customers happy. They can also provide quotes for any package that customer need depending on organization preferences and budget. All hospitality packages that they sell are carefully chosen to deliver quality, reliability and above all a first class experience for the customers. Such as Mobilink also did corporate hospitality they started a campaign for SWAT people who were suffering from problems when they left their house due to military operations and they did it just to create good image of its organization among people.

Corporate Gifts: A present usually from a supplier to its customer used to maintain good relationship. The effect of corporate gifts on customers cannot be ignored. Business gifts are, in fact, the best way to impress customers. It is a gift which is high quality items that can show the appreciation and concern of an organization towards its customers. Gifts may include pens, clocks, shirts; caps and leather briefcase etc which carry the company logo for brand recognition. Since corporate gifts also do function like promotional items, when they use organizational corporate gifts, customers would think about the organization product or service. This is a sure way to increase organization brand awareness. Many organizations such as Habib Bank, Habib Cooking Oil and Dalda Cooking Oil etc give corporate gifts to the customers to make good relationship with them.

Analysis about the Relationship between Improved Customer Care and Mobilink Sales
Over the past years, Mobilik have two main goals, firstly improving the performance of their customer care workforce plays a critical role in creating more profitable customer relationships. And secondly improving the performance of their people improves the performance of their business. Mobilink is having a very nice position in the market in terms of number of customers. Although it has lost a lot of portion in the market share and also other Telecom companies do not consider it now as their major competitor as they use to consider. Even with that

position of the business, when it comes to customer care no one is better than Mobilink. With limited number of customers as compared to other companies Mobilink has been very successful in satisfying its customers by providing them with best customer care procedures. Mobilink might lose its market share if the customer care is not improved. Recently they were conducted a survey of different mobile connections providers nationwide, Mobilink was ranked highest grades regarding customer care. This shows that Mobilink is truly customer oriented company if they have done their best to provide such a good customer care even at this position of their business in the market. Following are the key areas or steps that Mobilink assures that it never skips which would affect its relation with the customer. Proper Database Structure Separate Force for complaint handling Technicians for technical troubleshooting Proper feedback procedure solving their problems in few hours Feedback

Customer care is all about serving and satisfying people. A customer care officer should: Serve enthusiastically Establish human contacts Reach out to touch the hearts Value everyones time and Enjoy every serve experience. Customer care department is a critical success factor for an organizations survival. It can also be used as a competitive edge over the competitors. It is very important because customers are becoming more demanding, with greater choice and information in the market. Their expectations are higher than ever, as they compare a companys product or service with their competitors. The cost of poor service is one which a company cant ignore. They always need to think about how to exceed expectations and provide a service that delights and inspires their customer. In short, with such fierce competition the success of a company lies in customer satisfaction which can be brought best with the help of customer care department. Therefore, if the customers are satisfied so the sales would eventually increase. Customers have power and choice not only to withdraw their customer ship, but also to influence others to do the same. On average if an individual has a bad customer experience, they go on and tell six other people; which could result in decreasing sales of the company. Therefore, customer satisfaction is the utmost priority of customer care service.

Prepare a Proposal for Customer Care and Quality for the Mobilink

Customer service is an attitude; it is a vision and an ongoing mission. Customer service goes far beyond serving. It is about support, growth, a level of excellence, world class performance and about being an agent of change and innovation. The following five major factors will clarify the power of customer care and would show how it can result in increasing the sales of the Mobilink.If these factors are kept in mind while serving so it can prove to satisfy customers and increase the sales: Know your customers Set up your service standards Identify your moments of truth Make people feel special Manage the beginning and the end

It is important to know your different customers and identify their needs. Now one thing should be kept in mind that there are two types of customers: External Customers: Anyone who pays you for the use of your product/service. Internal Customers: Anyone within your organization who uses your output for the purpose of converting it further into their output is an internal customer. Mobilink can never be successful in satisfying its external customers if the internal customers are not satisfied; because dissatisfaction of job or service can never result in effective performance. So it is important to know and identify the needs of all the customers. Mobilink should give proper training to its customer care department because proper training and efforts can lead to effective customer care service which can result in increase in sales. Mobilink should be to set up measurable service standards. For example: standard response time to emails and phone calls, tidiness, appearance and standards of dress within the organization etc. It is important for the Mobilink to interact nicely with its customers For example: speaking in a customer friendly tone, answering the phone call immediately, responding to the answers quickly and exceeding the expectations of the customers etc and also make your customer feel special and important. To make them feel who is being taken care off. For example: good eye contact, listening to them carefully and with interest, checking if everything is okay etc. Mobilink should provide good customer service while keeping these points in mind, create the experience for their customers and if the provided care is up to the mark so it will leave a good impression and would create a pleasant experience; which would result in customer satisfaction, Therefore, increasing the sales of the Mobilink.

Generally, if we observe almost all the organizations have always kept these standards and points for serving their customers but the key to success lies in the

improved and effective actions. It is not necessary to introduce new ways of customer handling to capture market share. Even if these points and factors are kept in mind and implemented in an effective way so it can prove to be the strength of any organization and can result in capturing your competitors market share. All these steps carried out successfully would eventually satisfy the customer and would result in the increase its sales in future because not only that customer continue using their product and service but would recommend it for use to other people as well which will increase Mobilink sales.

Database Management System

A set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of the database with computer as a platform or of an organization and its end users. It allows organizations to place control of organization wide database development in the hands of database administrators and other specialists. A DBM is a system software package that helps the use of integrated collection of data records and files known as databases. It allows different user application programs to easily access the same database. DBMS may use any of a variety of database models, such as the network model or relational model. Companies use data base to record their sales, employees data regarding their services and salaries as well as their customers data for example in a telecom sector companies record their customers data (name, address etc) to know how much their products have been sold and who are purchasing their products, Another example is, if you go to your doctor for a routinely check up, he will have a record of the last time you visited him. This shows that for each patient he will have the same record and this is what the database management system is supposed to do. Organizations must track information about people including employees, potential and current customers, event attendees, who buy or sell their products and services. Managing this information is crucial. A database allows you to manage and use an incredible variety of information easily. Databases are easy to set up, easy to manipulate and easy to use. In this fast moving world, data is the heart and soul of any enterprise. It has become an essential task for organizations around the world to protect their data. Database Administrator's have a tough job to implement database backup and disaster recovery plans. Backing up your databases can protect an organization against the accidental loss of data, database corruption, hardware operating system crashes or any natural disasters. Unfortunately if you dont have proper database backups then you are left with nothing to fall back on. A database is really an electronic filling system. It allows a great deal of data to be stored. Every business which uses computer will compile and use database. The information is set up so that companies be updated and recalled when needed. In the world of business there is actually a market of information held on database. Companies record their data through tapes and sent it to their headquarters so that if any misfortune occurs with the companies so they have the data to know about their customers and employees. It also provides some useful reference materials for IT professional and business people wishing to learn more about this

important technology and introduces the most widely used DBMS packages. The information should be kept confidential because their have been many chances to leak out your information, that your competitors can hack your computers or your own employees give your information to your competitors which will affect your organization as well as your sales. So before you are updating a new database record, the record must first be read and locked it by password. So no one can easily access that password and those people who work in the company and know about the password should be trustworthy and should enter their names while accessing that password. Employees and volunteers of organizations have to manage existing resources very carefully. There may not be the resources to hire a full time database manager or a short term consultant. Initial data base structure can be very basic, easy to use and to maintain. Databases can be expanded and manipulated as your organization grows and your resources increase. Poorly maintained databases will lead to inaccurate targeting and wasted marketing resources. Good maintained database services will help you get the most out of your customer and prospect databases.

Sources of Database
There are many sources of database which are used by organization but I am discussing just few of them which are important and play a vital role in any organization. Management Information Systems: Computer based or manual system that transforms data into information useful in the support of decision making, MIS systems can be used to transform data into information useful for decision making. Computers can provide financial statements and performance reports to assist in the planning, monitoring and implementation of strategy. Management Information Systems consist of hardware and software that are used to process information automatically. MIS systems are used within organizations to allow many individuals to access and modify information. In many organizations, the management information system mainly operates behind the scene, and the user is rarely involved or even aware of the processes that are handled by the MIS. It can also provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would have on a product. These decision support systems enable more informed decision making within an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems. Management Information Systems typically have their own staff whose function it is to maintain existing systems and implement new technologies within a company. These positions are often highly specialized, allowing a team of people to focus on different areas within the computer system. Marketing Information System: MKIS is a computerized system that is designed to provide an organized flow of information to enable and support the marketing activities of an organization. The MKIS serves collaborative, analytical and operational needs. In the collaborative mode, the MKIS enables managers to share information and work together virtually. In addition, the MKIS can enable marketers to collaborate with customers on product designs and customer

requirements. The Analytical function is addressed by decision support applications that enable marketers to analyze market data on customers, competitors, and technology and general market conditions. Marketing information provides input to marketing decisions including product improvements, price and packaging changes, copywriting, media buying, distribution, and so forth. Accounting systems are a part of marketing information systems providing product sales and profit information. Human Resource Information Systems: it is to develop and lead information system plans that meet Human Resources automation, data, records and online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources and accounting functions within a business. HRIS is a system that lets you keep track of all your employees and information about them. It is usually done in a database or more often in a series of inter related databases. HRIS systems include the employee name, contact information, department, job title, salary, training completed, special qualifications and many more. Types of Database Management: Database management has become important part of every company that has got data to be managed and handled. Server databases and desktop databases are two types of database management systems. The desktop one is concerned with single user applications and is connected with standard personal computers. Whereas the server database is mainly connected with multi user applications and has greater reliability and data consistency, it is costlier than desktop database and operates on high performance servers. Components of DBMS: DBMS Engine the main purpose of it to convert various DBMS into physical equivalent and access the database which is stored in a device. Data Definition Subsystem helps to define the structure of files in database. Data Manipulation Subsystem helps to add, change, and delete information in a database and query it for valuable information. It allows user to specify its logical information requirements. Data Administration Subsystem helps to manage the overall database environment by providing facilities for backup and recovery, security management, query optimization, concurrency control, and change management Source: wiki answer (Date Accessed 8/1/2010) Features of Data Base Management: Accepts data input from operators and stores that data for later retrieval Provides query languages for searching reporting, and other activities that help users correlate and make sense of collected data Provides multiuser access to data, along with security features that prevent some users from viewing or changing certain types of information

Provides data integrity features that prevent more than one user from accessing and changing the same information simultaneously Provides a data dictionary that describes the structure of the database, related files, and record information Source: (wiki answer, Date Accesses, 8/1/2010)

Importance of Maintaining Database and its Impact on Sales of Mobilink

There is a lot of importance of database management in organization as it improves efficiency and removes those errors which can occur in manual method. And it also take less time to search for data and records and there by increase organization profit and while in manual method it takes a lot of time which will affect organization sales. It is also important because due to database management it makes backing up of vital data much easier. It also reduces updating errors and increased consistency and greater data integrity and independence from applications programs. When companies is dealing with a lot of customers it isn't going to be as easy to keep all of this information straight in their head unless they just happen to have picture perfect memory. So the companies just put it in database so they can easily know about their customers. Organization adopts this method to keep their customers, employees and sales information in database record so it will be easily for them when they need it. Mobilink is a Telecom Company has to maintain databases, as it is the base of their company operations. Without a database it is quite impossible for them to work efficiently and effectively. They have different databases for many purposes. In their databases they add, keep and maintain the following basic information about customers and sales of the organization. If a customer is experiencing any service problem and he/she registers a complaint, so through database his/her connection is accessed and monitored to analyze the nature of the problem. Once the problem is analyzed, so they take actions accordingly, to resolve the matter. This helps them provide customer service, support and quality service with efficiency; which in result creates good word of mouth for the company and helps them increase their sales. Sales data help them to successfully implement what the people demand from them e.g., ladies first package introduction is because of that reason they found that youngster want some night packages. In this competitive environment database can help them to answer why their customers are switching to other services and what are they reason that they switch to us. Mobilink has maintained a complaint database in every region, called as Territory Sales Complaint Database. In this database, all the basic information about the customer is present with the time, date, and nature of

complaint. This help them in forming a strategy for reducing the number of complaints gradually because they can study the nature of complaints which are frequently being registered and can work on those areas to improve their service. Therefore efficient and effective strategy for reducing the number of complaints will always add up to the good image and sales of the company. By monitoring different customer usage, complaints and other information with the help of databases, helps the company design new packages in the best possible favor of the consumers and the company. In addition, it helps them in gaining competitive edge over its other competitors. All this in result, increase their sales.

Database management system is the system of computer software that is aimed to provide a managing tool for maintaining the data, through various data models. If you look over the Mobilink, it is impossible for them to maintaining the manual registers for the collection of data. The invention of computer and the software has made it easy to manage the data of all types in the database management system and then having a direct access to data more quickly and easily than the manual system. If there were poorly maintained database it will affect the sales of Mobilink as well as it will damage organization name. Mobilink is telecom industry that provides a variety of on demand services to its customers. Every piece of data that Mobilink uses to provide its customers services is stored in one or more massive databases. Effective database management applications can reduce or eliminate downtime that renders a database unavailable, giving business owners and developers a flexible and powerful tool to protect the performance of their valuable business operations. Mobilink identify an excellent database backup and recovery plan. Organization need to understand what data needs to be backed up, and how often the databases should be backed up. Databases can be expanded and manipulated as your organization grows and your resources increase. An effective database is one of the most important tools of any sales team, Building and maintaining the database with up to date information is an investment that ensures that a company can continue to grow. Businesses gather information every day to gather data about their current as well as potential customers, so that they can make up a customer base/ population of buyers for their products and services. The reason is to measure how people perceive the products of the organization as well as how effectively is the promotional activities being communicated and influencing the prospect buyers.

Different Sales Settings


Wholesalers: A wholesaler, sometimes also called a distributor, is an important stop in the supply chain that gets products from manufacturers to consumers. A wholesaler usually works with the manufacturer to provide quantities of goods to other retail outlets or businesses. Often, they may also be the distributor of the product as well. A wholesaler is usually only interested in volume sales and does not sell single or low-quantity lots of the products. These often act as a links between producers and retailers. Their main task is to buy in bulk from manufactures and to break its down into smaller quantities which can be then handled by retailers. Wholesalers also help retailers. They offer a choice of products from a variety of manufactures and provide a local service, often delivering products. An example might be a kitchenware wholesaler holding a one week sales for members of the public in order to clear out old stocks. Despite the benefits wholesalers offer, they are not without their problems. Some wholesalers may not promote the products as a business might want, which might harm organization efforts. By using a wholesaler the business is passing on the responsibility for marketing possibly a risky venture. The wholesaler is also likely to take some of the profit.

Retailers: One who sells goods or commodities directly to consumers? These items are purchased from the manufacturer or wholesaler and sold to the end user at a marked up price. It sells good in small quantities, prices at the marked Maximum retail price, sells goods at shops. Nowadays a number of manufactures now prefer to deal with retailers directly by setting up their own distribution networks. Many of the larger retail outlets, such as Marks and Spencer deal directly with manufacture. Retailers are an important part of distribution/selling particularly to manufactures selling to consumers markets.


Agents: The usual role of agents is to negotiate sales on behalf of a seller. An agent of ticket agency for example will sell tickets to consumers for arrange, such as concerts and plays. The agent does not usually take ownership of the ticket it offers. Instead it takes commission on those which it dose sell and return the rest. Agents are often used by organizations wishing to break into a foreign market. They are helpful to businesses which are unsure about the trading practices and legal requirements in foreign countries. They help to take risk out of tracking abroad. People and organizations which are involved in the buying and selling of commodities such as sugar, coffee etc in international markets are known as brokers. After being bought these commodities are broken down and sold on to organization for processing or to be used in manufacturing.

Importance of Segmentation: Producer may use this information to identify people with similar needs. Breaking down a market into sub-groups with similar characteristics is known as market segmentation. A business can then target these groups and develop products and services for each of them. Producers can't

sell something that everybody wants, so you have to pick out a certain target market. So producers have to target each group according to their needs and wants. Industrial Selling: The largest sales forces are involved in industrial selling. it is all forms of personal selling to organizational and industrial buyers of products for Resale Use in manufacture Use in the operation of their businesses Selling for Resale: it includes Those selling products or services which customers perceive to be the used one Information search The selling will be successful if the related buyers will have hands on experience. Telephonic selling: this involves ringing people up at their home or workplace and trying to sell a good or services. The advantage is that the seller can deal personally with a customer. However it is felt to be intrusive by many customers. It has often been used as a mean of marketing financial services such as insurance. Winning sales persons use the telephone as a successful tool to achieve their sales goals. Selling on the telephone is a very crucial sales method that no organization or individual can afford to ignore. Thats why we have a sudden increase and expansion of telephone call centers around the world. The advantage of selling over the telephone is that neither the customer nor the buyer has the possibility of getting distracted by discouraging body language. The buyer also cannot judge the sales person by way of his/her personal appearance affecting the decision. Also sales over the telephone save a lot of time and energy by way of decreasing travel time and expenses. Selling Services: Just like tangible products, a service must satisfy needs of buyers. Beneficial for both customer and service provider i.e. generating revenue and giving value to customers, selling a service is different from selling a product. In some ways, the principles are the same. The objective is to get the prospect to agree that the way to solve their problem is to use organization product or service. Customers who buy services typically buy the skills, competence and attention of a particular person. If a person leaves a company and goes to another his or her customers will often follow because their loyalty is to the individual not the company. This happens in hair salons and restaurants all the time. Service businesses are difficult to sell because they are typically owner dependent, with little in the way of capital equipment like manufacturers have. Pioneer Selling: it is all about is under standing how to harness this enthusiasm and focus it in the right way on the right customers so the customers will get he right product which will satisfy their needs.

System Selling: The sales process in many situations is seldom simple and often complex. This is because you may well be selling to a system, not a person, and also selling a system that solves a complex set of problems. A system selling is set of individual elements, many of which can interact with each other and with external elements in complex ways.

Compare role and characteristics of local sales personnel with expatriate sales force
Characteristics of Local Sales Personnel: "For every person who will say yes, there are twenty who will say no. For a positive response, you must find the twenty-first person." Deciding to buy new products is a big decision. Deciding on the right sales person will make that decision an unexpected pleasure. Local salesperson has more knowledge about the organization. To become a successful local sales person, he should have some characteristics which are as following: A local salesperson must takes the time to build rapport with the customers is usually one that will not only follow through with the sale but also provide great service afterwards in case of questions or concerns. Clear communication is essential in meeting the customers needs and expectations. A salesperson will not be interested in selling the most expensive products that have been sitting a long time or meeting a quota. Their focus will be on fact finding through a question and answer flow with their client in order to find the best products for their customer. The goal of every local salesperson is to sell their product in a way that builds a customer base of loyal, repeat customers. There is no better way of accomplishing this goal than with honesty. One of main goals of the local sale person is to build a very good relation with customers. Customer may be introverts or extroverts. But sales person needs to be an extrovert and an outgoing personality to move with the customers and influence them to make the purchasing decisions. He should also have good listening and convincing and communication skills to understand their needs in a best way. The sales person should listen to the customers with lots of empathy. If salesperson can relate with them empathy, you can build trust and influence them with a personal touch. Local salesperson role requires very strong organizational skills. A successful local sales person needs to bounce the balls here and there and do this in a highly organized way. You need to plan for meetings, travels, customer appointments, making power point presentations, and answer the questions by the VP of marketing. You have to stay tuned to many activities at once. The salesperson had to understand the computer concepts like operating system, power point presentations and excel spread sheets. Characteristics of Expatriate Sales Force:


International salesperson must have following characteristics which will help them to sell their products and satisfy its customers. The characteristics of a good international salesperson are honesty, loyalty, listening skills, knowledge, and dependability. These characteristics all factor into the success of a international salesperson. Without these qualities, word of mouth dies down, and your lifeline to the market is choked off. To be a good salesperson, you must make a solid first impression, and be willing to go the extra mile for your clients. One of the traits of successful international salespeople is their ability to process a wide variety of information while operating in an environment of change. They know how to keep both their own sales objectives and their international clients objectives in focus to close the sale. An international sale person must have is to build trust. Losing trust is one of the biggest reasons why you lose international sales. All salespeople know they need to build trust and actively do this. But in an international environment the cultural differences increase the difficulty in nurturing, building and maintaining trust on many different levels. Just as cultural differences create trust breaking situations, they also make it difficult to see when you lose trust. And when you lose an element of trust without realizing it and continue selling, this creates complex situations which are not good for sales. International sales person must have its own personal reactions to different cultural situations. He/ she should know how to deal with our own personal cultural baggage and not let it interfere with international business takes work. And it can also raise difficult questions to answer concerning personal integrity and personal ethics. Learning how to separate reactions to these and how to act appropriately is hard work. People can take away different understandings for a variety of reasons: wrong assumptions, cultural differences in communication, and different levels in language skills. You simply cannot do business when both parties have different understanding of what is said. So sales person must have to keep their ears open continually and summarize understandings at regular intervals. Salesperson need to become skilled at multitask monitoring. There are many different things to monitor in international sales. Trust, mutual understanding, wrong assumptions are just a few related to the communication. Salesperson need to monitor how cultural differences impact certain aspects of the business deal itself. There are also risk elements to monitor. International selling requires excellent multitasking skills just to monitor the different levels of whats going on. International salesperson should be flexible and maintain the business focus at the same time. Different cultures have different styles of doing business. So salespersons need to be flexible and adapt to these differences. When salespersons are not used to certain situations it is easy to lose their business focus. Being both flexible and business focused can be challenging at times. It takes practice and skill to master this.

When youre selling to international clients you have different risk factors to take into consideration. There is always a more elevated risk factor in international business. Successful international salespeople know how to be the lookout post for any relevant risk factors for his/her business. International selling is a more varied occupation. Most salespersons understand the valuable role they play to their companies marketing functions. In an international environment this marketing role is critical. The international salesperson is usually the only person with constant direct insights into his companys market. International salesperson must have a very clear vision of business goals and the framework they work in. Without an accurate and clear vision and understanding of companys goals salesperson will not be able to find the best way to do all of the above. In international sales negotiations this alone is a very powerful tool.

Expatriates Sales Personnel: Expatriates are sales person who are transferred from the home country of the firm. For example a British citizen transferred from London to Singapore for a three year tour fits this category. Under certain conditions such as when products are highly technical or application oriented, firms prefer expatriates. This is because expatriates posses extensive technical experience a broad range of successful applications projects and a seasoned understanding of the company and its policies. Expatriates sales personnel can add status to the global products and the home country salesperson can take advantage of home office contacts. Conversely, expatriates can be difficult to recruit and expensive to maintain in the field. Expenses are increased significantly by costs of living benefits, moving expenses, taxes and maintain goods in storage. Also many expatriates do not speak or understand the local language and culture of their assignment. It may decline global assignment because of family opposition, fear of loss of career momentum and reduced visibility at the home office. Some firms make it known that to advance sales manager and executives must complete a global assignment. Local Sales Personnel: Local personnel from the country of operations are increasing in number because they understand the local marketplace and cultural ambiguities and are familiar with domestic distribution systems and referral systems. Qualified local workers can be found in numerous locales, since a number of European and Asian citizens have earned degrees in the United States and Great Britain and seek positions with global firms in their home country. There are also disadvantages when hiring local sales forces. First, headquarters personnel may ignore their inputs because of less assertive cultural behavior and limited English or other language skills possessed by local;

salespersons/managers. Well qualified local hires may also be difficult to find, for different areas, in China and Japan. At least one study reported that there are ten openings in China for every qualified manager. Finally in hierarchical societies, like Japan and Mexico, salespersons are viewed as at the bottom of the social ladder, which increase the difficulty of hiring the brightest student college for sales positions. Conclusion: Since the earliest days of modern sales activity, sales managers and business owners have sought to identify specific characteristics that predict the successful salesperson. Until now, no one characteristic has been identified that predicts success. What is difficult to know is, if and how specific traits contribute to sales success and, more important for sales selection, how specific attributes possessed by applicants can be identified during the sales selection process.

Reference List, Date Accessed 3/01/2010 (Date unknown), Sales Person Selection,, Date Accessed 5/01/2009
35 Date Accessed 5/01/2010,D ate Accessed 7/01/2010 SBS (date unknown), The Importance of good customer care, re.htm, Date Accessed 8/01/2010 The Business (date unknown), Business Organizational Structure,, Date Accessed 10/01/2010 The 100times (date unknown), Recruitment & Selection,, Date Accessed 10/01/2010 West Burn Publishers (date unknown), Field Selling,, Date accessed 10/1/2010

Assessment Brief
1. Unit and Assessment Details Course Title: Unit Name: HND Business Sales Planning and Operation 36

Unit Number: Assessor: Internal Verifier: Assessment Title: Assessment Method: Assessing in: Number of Words: Outcomes Covered: Issue Date: Due Date: College No.

Core Unit: 20 Ayesha Ali Aamir Saeed Techniques for controlling sales output and International Selling Assignment Individual 2000 words (Max 20 pages) 3(2, 3 and 4) 12/11/2009 13/01/2010 Learner Name Learner Signature

Learners Declaration: I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Date Outcome Covered OUTCOME 2 3 Assess the role of sales manager in enhancing sales performance. Evaluate techniques for controlling sales output.

Explain the implications of operating in different sales environments.

NOTE: Attach this page as first page of your report Purpose and Aim This assignment will provide them with an opportunity to practically learn the policies, system and procedures which are necessary for increasing sales of an organization. It will guide the students how to design the recruitment policy, organizational structure and formulate a proposal for customer care. 37

Another important aim is to develop the common skills that the student will require in his or her practical life. These skills will be observed closely by the respective lecturer. TASKS Select an organization from the given list and perform the different tasks which are mentioned for Pass, Merit and distinction. If any task can not be performed on the selected organization (due to lack of data or procedure), than you can select any other organization in list to complete your assignment. You can select any organization from the following organization/companys list: 1. 2. Banks. NGOs. Telecom sector. Multinational companies (KFC, Pizza Hut, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Nestle, ICI) Explain in detail the process of recruitment and selection. Recruitment process of selected organization from approved list. Make recommendations or devise a completely new recruitment procedure for it. Justify your recommendations. Discuss the different organizational structures with its advantages and disadvantages. Make an analysis of the organizational structure of selected organization. Suggest improvements by identifying the problems in existing organizational structure. Discuss evaluation and appraisal importance. Study the appraisal procedure of the organization. Suggest ways for the improvement in existing appraisal set up of the organization. Justify with valid conclusions. Discuss customer care. Explain corporate hospitality and corporate gifts. Make your analysis about the relationship between improved customer care and organizations sales and importance of customer care. Prepare a proposal for customer care and quality for the chosen organization. Predict its effect on the future sales Discuss the database management and sources of information for database development and management. Discuss the importance of maintaining database and its impact on sales in reference to your selected organization. Explain the different sales settings. Compare role and characteristics of local sales personnel with expatriate sales force. Identify and give three examples of the differences in the nature of sales task and skills in variety of contexts.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Grading Statement
Outcome2: Assess the role of sales manager in enhancing sales performance. 2.2: Devise appropriate P1: Explain the process of recruitment and selection recruitment and selection. procedures. M1: Analyze the recruitment process of selected organization from approved list. D1: Make recommendations or devise a completely new recruitment procedure for it. 38

Justify recommendations.


P2: Discuss the different organizational structures. 2.4: Use given information to recommend appropriate Organization structures and procedures. M2: Select an organization and analyze its organizational structure. D2: Identify the drawbacks of current organizational structure. Suggest an appropriate organizational structure to increase its sales. P3: Describe the importance of appraisal to improve the sales performance. M3: Study the appraisal 3.2: Suggest evaluation procedure of the and appraisal techniques organization. designed to improve sales performance. D2: Suggest ways for the improvement in existing appraisal set up of the organization. Justify with valid conclusions. Outcome 3: Evaluate techniques for controlling sales output 3.3: Prepare proposals for customer care and quality control as a basis for competitive advantage P4: Discuss customer care. Explain corporate hospitality and corporate gifts. M4: Give your analysis about the relationship between improved customer care and organizations sales. D3: Prepare a proposal for customer care and quality for the chosen organization. Predict its effect on the future sales.


3.4: Suggest how database management can improve to business and customer relationships

P5: Discuss the sources of information for database development and management. M5: Discuss the importance of maintaining database and its impact on sales in reference to your selected organization. P6: Explain the different sales settings.

Outcome 4: Explain the implications of operating in different sales environments.

4.1: Identify and give three examples of the differences in the nature of sales task and skills in variety of contexts

M6: Compare role and characteristics of local sales personnel with expatriate sales force. D4: Identify and give three examples of the differences in the nature of sales task and skills in variety of contexts.

Common Skills Covered Common Skills Managing and developing self Criteria Manage own roles and responsibilities Manage own time in achieving objectives Undertake personal and career development Transfer for skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts Evidence Complete the given assignment within the specified deadlines reflects individual capabilities of students. It will be assessed by how students manage themselves within the time constraint.


Managing Tasks and Solving Problems


Applying Technology

Use information sources Deal with a combination of routine and nonroutine tasks Identify and solve routine and non-routine problems Receive and respond to a variety of information Present information in a variety of visual forms Communicate in writing Participate in oral and non-verbal communication Use a range of technological equipment and systems

Capability of students to handle and interpret different kind of information will be assessed. The format of the submitted assignment, quality of expression and use of technical terms, Presentation of the report.

Usage of Microsoft Office in report writing

General Instructions: The copy of this assignment brief should be attached with the assignment as annexure Books and online resources can be used of the college library and Central Computer Lab Proper referencing should be given in the Harvard Style. Visits need to be made to the organizations, meeting the respective manager, the college will provide you with the reference letter for the project and the manager is welcome to contact the administration at the college. The font size should be 12 Times New Roman.


Internal Verifier



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