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Uncover 3 Unit 8 Standard Test

Name Class Date

1. Complete the sentences using the past perfect.
1. We (study) natural disasters in our science class.
2. I (visit) Florida before the hurricane season.
3. Donna (not see) the movie about the earthquake.
4. Terrance and Mia (hear) about the flood on the news.
5. You (not tell) me about the avalanche in the mountains.

2. Match the questions (1–5) with the answers (a–e).

1. Had the accident happened before the storm? a. Yes, he had.
2. Had you ever felt an earthquake before? b. No, it was after the blizzard
3. Had they known about the flood? started.
4. Why hadn’t they informed me about the tornado? c. Because they didn’t want you
to worry.
5. Had Jules called his parents before he arrived?
d. Yes, I had.
e. No, they hadn’t.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. hadn’t / why / told / this before / me / you / ?

2. an eagle / Luke / had / before today / seen / ?

3. you / the discovery / had / what / read / about / ?

4. and Bianca / to Italy / had / been / before / Charlie / ?

5. about / you / before class / the earthquake / heard / had / ?

4. Correct one mistake in each sentence.

1. Sally hadn’t heard about the storm until she watches the news.
2. I have seen lions at a zoo before we went on the safari, but it was         
cool to see them in the wild.
3. Ollie had watched the news before he had gone to bed.
4. We had pack our bags two days before we left for vacation.
5. You had told me about the trip before Julie tells me about it.

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Uncover 3 Unit 8 Standard Test

5. Match the natural disasters (1–5) with the definitions (a–e).
1. landslide a. a strong and dangerous wind that blows in a circle
2. avalanche b. an extremely large wave in the ocean
3. tsunami c. a large amount of snow falling down a mountain
4. tornado d. a sudden movement on Earth’s surface
5. earthquake e. rocks and dirt falling down a mountain

6. Circle the correct words.

1. Several trees burned down during the forest fire / flood.
2. The wind and the water from the hurricane / tornado ruined a lot of houses.
3. Did you see the tsunami / volcanic eruption? Hot lava was sliding down the mountain.
4. Skiers and snowboarders have to watch out for landslides / avalanches.
5. We could ride a boat down our street after the volcanic eruption / flood.

7. Complete the words about survival essentials.

1. You can carry something to drink in this. w b t
2. You can keep this in your pocket to cut things with. p k
3. This shows you what direction you are going. c s
4. These protect your eyes on sunny days. s g
5. You use this to see in the dark. f l g

8. Complete the sentences.

first-aid kit  flashlight  map  sleeping bag  sunscreen

1. I always have a in the car in case I get lost. You can’t always depend on the
one on your phone.
2. I had put on before I swam in the ocean. It’s easy to get a burn when you’re
in the water.
3. I bought a new for our camping trip. My old one wasn’t very warm.
4. You should always have a with you when you hike. It’s useful if you get hurt.
5. Can I use your ? It’s very dark in here.

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Uncover 3 Unit 8 Standard Test

Useful language
9. Complete the conversation Carla and Laura are having while they are hiking. Choose from the
answers (a–e).
Carla: 1 This is terrible! a. I don’t know what
Laura: 2 to do!
Carla: I was trying to open this package of food with my penknife, b. What’s the
and I cut my finger. matter?
Laura: 3
It might not be that bad. Let me look at your finger. c. Don’t panic!
Carla: OK. d. Oh, no!
Laura: Let’s see. It’s only a small cut, but you need a bandage. e. let me think.
Carla: Really? I left my first-aid kit at home. 4
Laura: Hmm . . . 5 I’ll come up with something.
Carla: Hurry! It kind of hurts.
Laura: I know. We can wrap my scarf around it, and we’ll go
back to the car. It’s only about 20 minutes away, and I
have a first-aid kit in the car.
Carla: Thanks, Laura. That’s a good idea.

10. Listen to three people talking about essential items for camping trips. Who talks
about these items? Write K (Kendra), D (David), or M (Melanie).
1. a compass
2. a flashlight
3. a hat
4. a map
5. a sleeping bag

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Uncover 3 Unit 8 Standard Test

11. Read the article.

Nighttime Rainbows
You’ve probably heard of a rainbow, and you may have seen one before. But have you ever heard of a
moonbow? Moonbows, also called lunar rainbows, don’t happen during the day like rainbows. Moonbows
happen at night. They happen when light from the moon hits drops of water in the air.
Moonbows are not very common. Several things need to happen for a moonbow to appear.
1. The moon must be full or almost full.
2. The moon needs to be very bright.
3. The moon has to be very low in the sky.
4. The sky must be very dark. Lights from nearby buildings make the sky too bright.
Moonbows are the same colors as rainbows – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. But when
people see a moonbow, it often looks white, or the stripes look like different shades of gray. However, a
camera can “see” the colors people cannot. People discovered moonbows were as colorful as rainbows only
after photographers had taken photos of moonbows.
The best places to see moonbows are near waterfalls because there is a lot of water in the air above falls.
The Cumberland Falls in Kentucky and the Waimea Falls in Hawaii are two good places to see moonbows in
the United States. They can also be seen in Africa by Victoria Falls, located between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Circle the correct words.

1. Moonbows happen during the day / at night.
2. For a moonbow to appear, the moon has to be low / high in the sky.
3. Moonbows are the same colors as / different colors than rainbows.
4. When people see moonbows, they look colorful / white or gray.
5. The best places to see moonbows are by waterfalls / in Africa.

12. Write a story about an experience you had outdoors, such as an experience on a hike or a camping
trip, or an experience you had during extreme weather. Use the questions to help you.

Write 55–65 words.


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