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1. The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ensures competitive environment in the province with resp
bidding and tendering process of all developmental works. The cost of project directly depends on
therefore, the rates and prices of goods, works and services comprising composite rates set out in estimate o
regulate the preparing cost estimates of a developmental projects and repair / maintenance works, Market R
2. New KP Sales Tax 2% on all item codes in MRS-2021 has been added in light of Finance Departmen
3. In MRS-2021 total number of 3345 out of 4468 items were updated.
4. The reference specification numbers have been provided in the MRS-2021 which link the relevant sp
5. Following features have been added in the updated MRS Software-2021.
a) The editing of MRS will become possible.
b) Maintains history logs for each change to be made.
c) Provision for addition of new material, Items and editing of existing material, Items has been provided.
d) The editing can be done manually in software one by one and also export features have been introduced
6. MRS Cell, Finance Department will easily maintain and operate the market rate system and
on regular basis.
7. The document of MRS has been updated on the basis of market rate of Materials, Labor and Equipm
will be extended through cost factors to all districts and newly merged areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.



N O T I F I C  A 3“  I O  N 
No.bIltS/Flu/4-2/NOTIFIC›tTlON/2021-22a The coiiipctent aiitlitirity is ple‹ised lo :ipprove the 3JijrJpt R;jtr
S)'5tetjj Do ujuent 2021, \vitli e |£•o•t fioljj 27/09f2021. A11 tlle dcp:lrtllleil Is {,cllcrally itntl Nation Bu ildin;;
Dcpartiueiits shall especially follow Iñc Market Rate Syste » Docs r'e t 0 1, f*r preparation ot’ PC-1 and Ce
ntoo of w‘orks in the province by observ ink the following criteria:-
The rates of newly updated MRS-202 I will be applicable on unapproved sc heines only.

II. The PC-Is/cost estimates of all new developmental unapproved schemes shall bc
prepared on N4
RS-202 1.
III. Project already approved by respective toiupctent forum shall be iriairediately ptlt to tender without its


Copy of above is foovarded for information and necessary action to:-

1. All th e Adir inistrative Sectaries to Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhiva.
2. The Secreta ry to Governor, Khyber Paklitunkliiva, Peshawar.
3. The Principal Secretary to C liief Min ister, Khyber Paklitunkhiva, Peshawar.
4. The Accountant General, Khyber PaklitunkJasva, Peshawar.
S. Finance Secretaries to Govt. of Punjab, Sindli, Baloticliistan, fot iriforiiiation.
6. A 11 Commissioners in Kin ber Pakhttinkluva.
7. All Deputy Coi›imiss ioneds in Khyber Pakhttinkli Eva.
8. Managing Director, KPPRA, Peshawar.
9. All 1-leads of Attached Departments in Khyber Pakhtunkli\va.
10. The Reg istrar, Peshawar Higli Court, Peshawar.
1.1 . The Cls ief Engineers, Coinrnun icat ion & Works, 1 rrigation Departments, Public Health & Engineering
DepaHinents, Peshawar.
12. The Cls ref In frastructure, P& D Department, K liybei- Pakhtunkhwa.
13. The Director, PMIU, Finance Depanirent, Peshawar with re9Crest IO tiptoed the same on main pa3e ot’ Finance
Deptt’s u’eb portal.
14. A11 the District/Agency Accotints Officers in KJiyber Pakliiiiiiklsiva.
1.5. PSO to Chief Secretary, Khyber Pakhtiinkli wa, Peshawar.
1.6. PS to AddJ: Ch ief Secretary, P&D Deptt. Khyber Pakhtunkhiva, Peshawar.
1.7. PS to Minister Finance, Finance Department Khyber Pakhtunkli wa.
1.8. PS to Secretary, Finance Department Khyber Pakhtunkliiva.
19. A11 the Budget Officers/Section officers in Finance Department, Peshawar.
20. PA to Add1: Secretaries/Deputy Secretary in Finance Department.


Scanned with CamScanner


nsures competitive environment in the province with respect to efficiency, economy, fairness and transparency in
ntal works. The cost of project directly depends on rates and prices of different items and inputs of contract;
services comprising composite rates set out in estimate of a contract must be realistic, updated and workable. In order
ental projects and repair / maintenance works, Market Rate System (MRS-2021), is in place.
MRS-2021 has been added in light of Finance Department letter No.BO(Res-III)FD/2-2/2019- 20/Vol-IV dated:07-09

468 items were updated.

en provided in the MRS-2021 which link the relevant specifications for each individual item.
pdated MRS Software-2021.

d editing of existing material, Items has been provided.
ne by one and also export features have been introduced to make changes in bulk.
y maintain and operate the market rate system and performs all other functions necessary to regulate this syst

the basis of market rate of Materials, Labor and Equipment collected from Peshawar.The rates
and newly merged areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.



 I C  A 3“  I O  N 
The coiiipctent aiitlitirity is ple‹ised lo :ipprove the 3JijrJpt R;jtr
27/09f2021. A11 tlle dcp:lrtllleil Is {,cllcrally itntl Nation Bu ildin;;
Market Rate Syste » Docs r'e t 0 1, f*r preparation ot’ PC-1 and Ceee
the following criteria:-
applicable on unapproved sc heines only.

all new developmental unapproved schemes shall bc

prepared on N4
ive toiupctent forum shall be iriairediately ptlt to tender without its revision on MRS-202 1.2. The Market Rate System (MRS) will be up


Dated Pcshau'ar, the 28/09/202.1

d necessary action to:-

of Khyber Pakhtunkhiva.
unkliiva, Peshawar.
, Khyber Paklitunkhiva, Peshawar.
kJasva, Peshawar.
dli, Baloticliistan, fot iriforiiiation.
ttinkli Eva.

hyber Pakhtunkli\va.
Works, 1 rrigation Departments, Public Health & Engineering

ent, K liybei- Pakhtunkhwa.

Peshawar with re9Crest IO tiptoed the same on main pa3e ot’ Finance

s in KJiyber Pakliiiiiiklsiva.
li wa, Peshawar.
Khyber Pakhtunkhiva, Peshawar.
ent Khyber Pakhtunkli wa.
ber Pakhtunkliiva.
in Finance Department, Peshawar.
y in Finance Department.


Scanned with CamScanner

, economy, fairness and transparency in
s of different items and inputs of contract;
be realistic, updated and workable. In order to
S-2021), is in place.
Res-III)FD/2-2/2019- 20/Vol-IV dated:07-09-

ach individual item.

in bulk.
her functions necessary to regulate this system

m Peshawar.The rates
Area Factor For Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Districts
Area Factor For Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Districts
MRS Districts
Location Factor
Cost Factors for Sub Zones
S.No Name of Agency A B

1 Bajaur Agency 1.06 1.08

2 Mohmand Agency 1.03 1.05

3 Khyber Agency 1.02 1.05

4 Orakzai Agency 1.05 1.07

5 Kurram Agency 1.05 1.07

6 N.W Agency 1.05 1.07

7 S.W Agency 1.06 1.08

8 FR Kohat 1.01 1.03

9 FR Peshawar 1.00 1.00

10 FR Bannu 1.01 1.03

11 FR Lakki 1.01 1.03

12 FR Tank 1.03 --

13 FR D.I Khan 1.03 1.05



1.10 1.08

1.07 1.05

1.08 1.05
1.12 1.08

1.12 1.08

1.12 1.08

1.10 1.08

1.05 1.03
1.00 1.00

1.05 1.03

1.05 1.03

1.07 1.05

1.08 1.05
Bajaur Agency Tehsil Khar
Mohmand Agency Tehsil Ekkaghund Tehsil Halimzai
Lower Pindyali

Khyber Agency Jamrud:-TakhtaBaig, Jamrud, Sur Kamar,

Rekalai, Ali Masjid, Ghallanai, TaudaCheena,
FaridKhel, Shagai, Kata Khusta, WaloMela,
WarmandoMela, Bakara, Ghundi Area,
Shodanai, Jaba, Qadam, Shah Kass.
LandiKotal:-WaliKhel, NekiKhel, Sultan
Khel, MeriKhel, LandiKotal, Torkham,
Bara:- Bara, Shin Kamar, Iskai, Lawata,
Shahid Ago, Darwazgai, Sangar,
DalwatKandow, ShaheedDaga, ZarandKilli,
SamandGhari, AjabTalo,
MegiDand, Zawa, Manza, Spin Qabar.

Orakzai Agency Lower area of Lower Sub Division

i.eDaranSheikhan, ChapperMishti, Kasha
BegoTangi&Ibrahimo, Tangi Area
uptoShahooKhel, Oblan, Danna
Khula&KhwajaKhizer area upto Khyber
Agency Border, Zera& Adjacent area
uptoOblan&Palosai area uptoMita Khan,
Kurez& adjacent area uptoMarai.

Tehsil Nawagai&UtmanKhel
Tehsil Safi
Prang Ghar, Lower
Upper Pindyali (Dawezai/Tamanzai)

Jamrud:-Mullagori, KamShilman, Masoom Baba,

ShaheedMela, JawaraMela, LoeMela,
SpelanoKandow, PaindiLalma.
LandiKotal:- Bazar Valley, Wallai, SraShega,
ToodKamar, Allacha, KharaiMela, Tappro,
KhalwaiZarifKhel, MangalBagh, Tabai, Kandow.
Bara:-Mastaq, Ghaibi Baba, Lakkari,
LewanaiCheena, TanaoTaqi, SherKhel, ZorKilli.

Lower Sub Division and Ismailzai Tehsil of Upper

Sub Division, Except areas in Zone A&C

Tehsil Salarzai, Mamund, Chamarkand&Barang

Tehsil Baizai Tehsil Ambar
Prang Ghar, Upper

Jamrud:-DwaToi, Surkass, SraWela, Landawar,

WachiWeney, Rajgal Area, Baber Kachkol,
Gharibai, KhairWaliKandow, Mehraban,
LandiKotal:-LoeShilman Area, WulenaoKandow,
ShilmanKhula, KachkaiKandow, Samsai, Shin Pokh,
GharanaiKandow, KrapaKandow, KhanakiKilli,
Shinoli, NaraiDara, OgdaDara, Narai Baba.
Bara:-Bagh Medan Area, Arhanga, Darse, Seri Kandow,
Nakai, Sandana, Joot, Darota, DwaKhola, PagDara,
InzariKandow, Prang Dara, ToorSapar, TarkhoKandow,
JabarMela, KhaiderKandow.

Upper Tehsil of Upper Sub Division of Orakzai Agency

and Hassanzai area of Central Tehsil of Lower Sub
Division Orakzai Agency.
Kurram Agency 1) Lower Kurram
2) Upper Kurram except areas
included under Zone “C”
(Tarimangal&Daradar areas)

North Waziristan 1) Mirali except Khaisor area.

Agency 2) Miranshah.

SWA at Tank Tehsil Wana Sarwakai

FR Kohat (Dara Akhurwal, ZarghunKhel, Sherakai,

Adam Kohiwal.
Khel side)
Jawaki Area Sheen Dhand, Turki Ismail Khel,
AraKhel, Landiwal, Paya, Jammu,
FR Peshawar Janakore area, excluding Musa Dara, Jawaki
excluding Pastawani area, AshoKhel
Area excluding
Pakhi&Faridi area, Hassan Khel area.

Laghundo Tang, Zarif Khan Kot, ShawaDara, Jalamai,
KhawaKilli, Manatu, Gowakai, Zaokai, Bazah,
Nararai, Mandan, Tara, Tora, ChinarMamuzai,
Damaki, Sanaraba, Qurat, Had Mela, Zasa etc.

Khaisor Area only, Spinwam except Hassan

Khel&tittiMadaKhel area, Shewa, Ghulam Khan,
Boya, DattaKhel except
Tehsil Toi- Khullah Tehsil Sararogha

BostiKhel, ZoreAkhur

Pakhi&Faridi Areas

1) Parachamkani (C.K)
2) Masoozai Area (C.K)
3) Ali Sherzai (C.K)
4) Tarimangal (U.K)
5) Daradar area (U.K)
6) Zelmusht area (C.K) excluding the
villages/areas mentioned under Zone-B.
Only Hassan Khel&TittiMadaKhel area, Only
MaddaKhel& Mani RoaghManzerKhel, Shawal.
Razmak. Garium.

Tehsil Birmal Tehsil Shakai Tehsil Makeen Tehsil Ladha

Tehsil Tiarza

ToorChapper, Sunni Khel


Pastawani& Musa Darra Areas.

FR Bannu BannuMiranshah Road (Km 16 to 31)
BakkaKhel, Bannu to Daryoba, Domail to
AzimKilla, LandiJalandar, SpinaTanga,
Saidrawan, BannuMiranshah Road
to Muhammad KhelKurramGhari, Baran
Dam, City Killa, Lower Chashmai,
NarmiKhel, Miryan to JaniKhel, Hindi Khel,
SardiKhel, Wali Noor.
FR Lakki MastiKhel, Adazai Lower,
Saraghundai, Sargara Muhammad Khan,
TajibiKhel, Nar Azad Khel

FR Tank Jandola Section, Ping Section,

FR D.I Khan Darazinda, KohiBahara, KohiPewar
within 5-kms Radius

Ping BizanKhel, SainTanga, Barganato,

KurainGhari Head Works to
KaituDattaKhelupto km 6, Gumbati, Besai, Rocha
ShoiKhel, Ali Khel, JaniKhel, Khar Sind, Koz
Sum, AslamRoshnai, LakkaTiga, BarniKhel,

TajbiKhel, HussainKhel, SirajKhal, Karkarra, Wara

Tara, Rami Khel, TalabKhel, GuliKhel, Azad Khel


Darzinda, KohiBahara, KohiPewar area within

10 Kms Radius

Ping HathiKhel/IsorGhar, KhawajadarKhel, Zarwan Upper,

Upper Daryuba, GangiKhel, ChappariDaragai
to Karak Border, Dabara, ShahidanGholi, Daragai,
KaituDattaKhel Km 6 to onward N.W Border. Khaisure,
MochiKhel Upper Chashmai, Ali KhelNakoori.

Ping Azad Khel, RasoolKhel, PaaKhel, ShadiKhel, Tarkha

Rami Khel, Wargara, Ali Khel, MadiKhel, Gaz Baba,
TattiPalosa, Ghabber Zone A, Ghabber
Zone B, Chiga Lara, QutaKhawa, Chichandi, Adizai Upper,
PirTangi Section, Gabber Section Saragher,
Khaisori Section
Darazinda, KohiBahara, KohiPewar after 10 Kms
To Convert From Into
LENGTH Millimeter Inch Meter
Inch Millimeter Foot Meter Mile Kilometer Foot Kilometer Mile
Canal Mile (5000 ft) Kilometer Kilometer
Mile International Nautical (6076 12 ft) Mile Canal Mile Kilometer
US Nautical (6000 ft) Kilometer

MASS WEIGHT Kilogram Pound Gram

Pound Kilogram Ounce Gram Quintal Grain Ounce Kilogram
Hundred Weight Tonne Milligram Kilogram
Ton Ton Tonne Seer Maund Tola Hundred Weight
Short Ton (2000 lbs) Kilogram
Tonne Ton Kilogram
Kilogram Gram Tonne
AREA Square Meter Hectare
Square Inch Square Millimeter Square Foot Decare
Square Meter Square Yard Square Meter Decare Acre
Acre Square Meter Square
Kilometer Square Mile
Square Mile

Acre Hectare Hectare Hectare Square Mile Square Millimeter Square

Square Kilometer Square Mile Hectare Inch Square Meter Square
Foot Square Meter Square
Yard Square Meter

CAPACITY, VOLUME, MODULUS Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre

OF SECTION Cubic Foot Milliliter
Dry pint Liquid Pint Milliliter Milliliter
Gallon (Imperial) Cubic Foot Cubic Meter Litre Gallon (Imperial) Cubic
Cubic Inch Fluid Ounce Milliliter Cubic Meter
Avoirdupois Ounce Litre Cubic Foot
Cubic Inch Cubic Foot Cubic Meter Acre Feet Hectare Meter
Hectare Meter Acre Foot
VELOCITY, SPEED Meter per Second Meter
Foot per second Foot per minute Foot per per Second Kilometer per
second Kilometer per Hour Mile per Hour Hour Foot per Second
Kilometer per Hour Mile per Hour Foot per Second Mile per
Hour Kilometer per Hour

FORCE Newton Newton

Kilogram Force Kilo Newton Pound Force
Pound Force (Avoirdupois) Ton Force Ton Force
Kilo Newton

Pound Force per ft Newton per Meter

Pound Force per square foot Pound Force per
square inch
Multiply by






Ton Force Per Square Foot Kilo Kilo Pascals
Pascals Pound Force Per Square Foot Mega
Ton Force Per Square lnch Mega Pascals
Pascals Pound Force Per Square lnch
MASS PER UNIT LENGTH Kilogram Per Meter Pound Per Foot
Pound Per Foot Kilogram Per Meter Tonne Per Kilometer
Ton Per Mile Kilogram Per Square Kilometer
MASS PER UNIT AREA Kilogram Per Square Meter Pound Per
Ton Per Square Mile Pound Per Square Foot
Square Foot Kilogram Per Square Kilogram Per Cubic Meter Grams Per
Meter Liter
MASS PER UNIT VOLUME Pound Per Cubic Foot Pound Per Cubic
Pound Per Cubic Foot Pound Per Foot
Cubic Foot Kilogram Peer Cubic Cubic Meter/Second (Cusec) Liter Per
Meter Grams Per Liter Second
VOLUME RATE OF FLOW Liter Per Second Liter Per Hectare
Cubic Foot/Second (Cusec) Cubic Cubic Meter/Square Kilometer
Foot/Second (Cusec) Gallon Per Liter Per Kilometer Kilometer Per Liter
Minute Newton Meter Newton Meter
Cubic Foot/Thousand Acre Cubic Kilo Newton Meter Kilo Newton Meter
Foot/Thousand Acre Millimeter (4 Times) Radian
FUEL CONSUMPTION Kilo Joule Joule Kilowatt
Gallon Per Mile Mile Per Gallon Kilogram Force Meter/Second
Pound Force Foot Pound Force Inch
Ton Force Foot Ton Force Inch
Inch (4 Times) Degree
Kilo Watt Hour Foot Pound Force
Horse Power Horse Power
Ton Force Foot Ton Force Inch
Inch (4 Times) Degree
Kilo Watt Hour Foot Pound Force
Horse Power Horse Power
Chapter No


Chapter Name


LOADING, UNLOADING & STACKING…………………………………………………………

EARTHWORK (EXCAVATION & EMBANKMENT)……………….............................................
DISMANTLING (DEMOLITION)………………………………………….………………………
BRICK MASONARY…………………………………………………….…………………………
STONE MASONARY…………………………………………………………………….…………
SURFACE RENDERING………………………………………………………….…………….……
PAINTING AND VARNISHING………………………………………………..……………………
ELECTRIC INSTALLATION……………………………………….………………………………
Page No

Chapter No


Chapter Name

ROAD & BRIDGES……………………………………………………………..………………...…

LINING OF CANALS…………………………………………………………………..……………
SHEET PILING……………………………………………………….………...………………..…
PROTECTION & DIVERSION WORKS…………………...……………….……………………...
SINKING OF WELLS………………………………...………………………………..……………
SURFACE DRAINAGE…………………………………………………….……………..…………
TUBEWELL AND WATER SUPPLY…………………………………………..…………………..
IRON WORK…………………………………………………………………………………….……
MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ………………………………………………………….....…………
Page No


Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit
01-01-a Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 164 Rft 0.00 91.41 50 Meter
truck or other means : First 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-01-b Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 164 Rft 0.00 17.43 50 Meter
truck or other means : Second 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-01-c Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 164 Rft 0.00 11.28 50 Meter
truck or other means : 3rd 50 Meter to 5th 50
Meter or corresponding distance in feet
01-01-d Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 800 Rft 0.00 50.74 250 meter
truck or other means : 250 -1000 Meter
01-01-e Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 0.6 Mile 0.00 162.48 1 Km
truck or other means : 2nd Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-01-f Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 1 Mile 0.00 107.13 1.61 km
truck or other means : 3rd to 5th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-01-g Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 1 Mile 0.00 89.01 1.61 km
truck or other means : 6th to 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-01-h Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials , by 1 Mile 0.00 54.33 1.61 km
truck or other means : beyond 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-02-a Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 164 Rft 0.00 61.83 50 Meter
truck or other means : First 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-02-b Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 164 Rft 0.00 13.27 50 Meter
truck or other means : Second 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-02-c Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 164 Rft 0.00 8.83 50 Meter
truck or other means : 3rd 50 Meter to 5th 50
Meter or corresponding distance in feet
01-02-d Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 800 Rft 0.00 44.22 250 meter
truck or other means : 250 -1000 Meter
01-02-e Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 0.6 Mile 0.00 132.59 1 km
truck or other means : 2nd Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-02-f Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 1 Mile 0.00 85.31 1.61 km
truck or other means : 3rd to 5th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-02-g Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 1 Mile 0.00 71.13 1.61 km
truck or other means : 6th to 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles

01-02-h Carriage of 1000 bricks or load upto 3 tonne , by 1 Mile 0.00 42.69 1.61 km
truck or other means : beyond 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-03-a Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 164 Rft 0.00 92.26 50 Meter
or other means : First 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-03-b Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 164 Rft 0.00 19.78 50 Meter
or other means : Second 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-03-c Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 164 Rft 0.00 12.86 50 Meter
or other means : 3rd 50 Meter to 5th 50 Meter or
corresponding distance in feet
01-03-d Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 800 Rft 0.00 57.81 250 meter
or other means : 250 -1000 Meter
01-03-e Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bagse , by truck 0.6 Mile 0.00 173.62 1 km
or other means : 2nd Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-03-f Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 1 Mile 0.00 111.81 1.61 km
or other means : 3rd to 5th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-03-g Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 1 Mile 0.00 93.14 1.61 km
or other means : 6th to 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-03-h Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags , by truck 1 Mile 0.00 55.83 1.61 km
or other means : beyond 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-04-a Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 164 Rft 0.00 17.09 50 Meter
drums - one tonne : First 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-04-b Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 164 Rft 0.00 3.70 50 Meter
drums - one tonne : Second 50 Meter or 164 ft
01-04-c Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 164 Rft 0.00 2.46 50 Meter
drums - one tonne : 3rd 50 Meter to 5th 50 Meter
or corresponding distance in feet
01-04-d Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 800 Rft 0.00 12.48 250 meter
drums - one tonne : 250 -1000 Meter
01-04-e Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 0.6 Mile 0.00 36.97 1 km
drums - one tonne : 2nd Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-04-f Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 1 Mile 0.00 23.89 1.61 km
drums - one tonne: 3rd to 5th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles

01-04-g Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 1 Mile 0.00 19.79 1.61 km
drums - one tonne : 6th to 10th Kilometer or
corresponding distance in miles
01-04-h Carriage of bitumen , tar or other lubricansts in 1 Mile 0.00 11.85 1.61 km
drums : beyond 10th Kilometer or corresponding
distance in miles
01-05-a Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 164 Rft 0.00 43.41 50 Meter
by road or boat : 1st 50 meter or 164.042 ft
01-05-b Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 164 Rft 0.00 13.02 50 Meter
by road or boat : 2nd 50 meter or 164.042 ft
01-05-c Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 164 Rft 0.00 7.82 50 Meter
by road or boat : 3rd to 5th 50 meter or 164.042 ft
01-05-d Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 800 Rft 0.00 27.36 250 meter
by road or boat : 250 -1000 Meter
01-05-e Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 0.6 Mile 0.00 87.53 1 km
by road or boat : 2nd Kilometer
01-05-f Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 1 Mile 0.00 56.39 1.61 km
by road or boat : 3rd to 5th Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-05-g Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 1 Mile 0.00 39.43 1.61 km
by road or boat : 6th to 10th Km or corresponding
distance in miles
01-05-h Carriage of 100 cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc. 1 Mile 0.00 33.46 1.61 km
by road or boat : 11th subsequent Km or
corresponding distance in miles
01-06-a Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : First 164 Rft 0.00 5.68 50 Meter
164.042 ft or 50 meter

01-06-b Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 164 Rft 0.00 1.71 50 Meter
Second 164.042 ft or 50 meter
01-06-c Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 3rd 164 Rft 0.00 1.02 50 Meter
to 5th 164.042 ft or 50 meter
01-06-d Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 250 800 Rft 0.00 3.58 250 meter
- 1000 meter
01-06-e Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 2nd 0.6 Mile 0.00 11.46 1 km
01-06-f Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 3rd 1 Mile 0.00 7.38 1.61 km
to 5th Km or corresponding distance in miles
01-06-g Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 6th 1 Mile 0.00 5.17 1.61 km
to 10th Km or corresponding distance in miles

01-06-h Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg : 11th 1 Mile 0.00 4.39 1.61 km
and subsequent Kilometer or beyond 6.2137 miles
01-07-a Carriage of consignments (odd job) : Coolie load 1 Mile 130.23 130.23 1.61 km
01-07-b Carriage of consignments (odd job) : Donky load 1 Mile 0.00 49.86 1.61 km
01-07-c Carriage of consignments (odd job) : Cart load 1 Mile 0.00 44.21 1.61 km
01-07-d Carriage of consignments (odd job) : Camel load 1 Mile 0.00 99.72 1.61 km
01-08-a Hire Charges of Truck Day 0.00 8,262.00 Day

01-08-b Hire charges of Tractor with trolley Day 0.00 7,212.43 Day
01-08-c Hire charges of Tractor without trolley Day 0.00 6,638.76 Day
01-08-d Hire charges of Tractor with trolly for one trip 1 Trip 0.00 3,155.44 1 trip
including loading, unloading and haulage 10-20
01-08-e Hire charges of Tractor with trolly for one trip 1 Trip 0.00 2,253.89 1 trip
including loading, unloading and haulage 5 to 10
01-08-f Hire charges of Tractor with trolly for one trip 1Trip 0.00 1,577.72 1 trip
including loading, unloading and haulage upto 4
01-09-a Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 500 Each 1,213.88 1,213.88 Each
01-09-b Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 1 Each 1,820.81 1,820.81 Each
01-09-c Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 2 Each 2,225.44 2,225.44 Each
01-09-d Hand shunting loaded railway wagons 3rd & Each 1,011.56 1,011.56 Each
subsequent kilometer
01-10-a Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 500 Each 606.94 606.94 Each
01-10-b Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 1 Each 910.41 910.41 Each
01-10-c Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 2 Each 1,112.72 1,112.72 Each
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Labour Composite
0.00 91.41 1 , 1.5

0.00 17.43 1 , 1.5

0.00 11.28 1 , 1.5

0.00 50.74 1 , 1.5

0.00 162.48 1 , 1.5

0.00 107.13 1 , 1.5

0.00 89.01 1 , 1.5

0.00 54.33 1 , 1.5

0.00 61.83 1 , 1.5

0.00 13.27 1 , 1.5

0.00 8.83 1 , 1.5

0.00 44.22 1 , 1.5

0.00 132.59 1 , 1.5

0.00 85.31 1 , 1.5

0.00 71.13 1 , 1.5

0.00 42.69 1 , 1.5

0.00 92.26 1 , 1.5

0.00 19.78 1 , 1.5

0.00 12.86 1 , 1.5

0.00 57.81 1 , 1.5

0.00 173.62 1 , 1.5

0.00 111.81 1 , 1.5

0.00 93.14 1 , 1.5

0.00 55.83 1 , 1.5

0.00 17.09 1 , 1.5

0.00 3.70 1 , 1.5

0.00 2.46 1 , 1.5

0.00 12.48 1 , 1.5

0.00 36.97 1 , 1.5

0.00 23.89 1 , 1.5

0.00 19.79 1 , 1.5

0.00 11.85 1 , 1.5

0.00 43.41 1 , 1.5 100

0.00 13.02 1 , 1.5

0.00 7.82 1 , 1.5

0.00 27.36 1 , 1.5

0.00 87.53 1 , 1.5

0.00 56.39 1 , 1.5

0.00 39.43 1 , 1.5

0.00 33.46 1 , 1.5

0.00 5.68 1 , 1.5 For consignment weighing over

250 kg, the rate shall be increased
on pro-rate basis.
0.00 1.71 1 , 1.5

0.00 1.02 1 , 1.5

0.00 3.58 1 , 1.5

0.00 11.46 1 , 1.5

0.00 7.38 1 , 1.5

0.00 5.17 1 , 1.5

0.00 4.39 1 , 1.5

130.23 130.23 1 , 1.4

0.00 49.86 1 , 1.4
0.00 44.21 1 , 1.4
0.00 99.72 1 , 1.4
0.00 8,262.00 a) This item shall be allowed with
prior concurrence of
Superintending Engineer b) The
rate includes pay of driver and
cleaner only. The cost of repairs
shall be borne by the owner and
the cost of POL, loading/unloading
shall be paid by the borrower .
0.00 7,212.44 1.8
0.00 6,638.76 1.8
0.00 3,155.44

0.00 2,253.89

0.00 1,577.72

1,213.88 1,213.88 1.1

1,820.81 1,820.81 1.1

2,225.44 2,225.44 1.1

1,011.56 1,011.56 1.1

606.94 606.94 1.1

910.41 910.41 1.1

1,112.72 1,112.72 1.1

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
01-10-d Hand shunting empty railway wagons 3rd & subsequent kilometer Each 505.78 505.78 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
02-01 Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m shingle, 100 cft 809.25 809.25 m3 1000 No.
02-02-a sand, ballast, tiles, etc, laid & stacked Load into or unload from 1000 No. 809.25 809.25 1000 No.
02-02-b railway wagons within 1000 No. 647.40 647.40 100 No.
02-03 30m laid & stacked : Bricks 10" size 100 No. 809.25 809.25 1000 No.
02-04 Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m laid & 1000 No. 77.69 77.69 Tonne
02-05 stacked : Bricks 9" or smaller size Load into or unload from Tonne Tonne 121.39 121.39 Tonne Each
02-06 railway wagons, cement Each Each 100 388.44 388.44 Each 100
02-07 in bags and stacking within 30m. No. 48.56 48.56 No.
02-08 Load into or unload from railway wagons, empty cement bags and 100 No. 24.28 24.28 100 No.
02-09-a stacking Tonne 1,618.50 1,618.50 Tonne
02-09-b Load into or unload from railway wagons and stacking white lime Tonne Tonne 809.25 809.25 Tonne
02-10 in bags 100 cft 202.31 202.31 Tonne m3
02-11 Load into or unload from railway wagons structural steel, RS 100 cft 739.98 739.98 m3 1000 Ltr
02-12 joists, rails, rail fastenings etc Load into or unload from 45 gallon 1000 Ltr 323.70 323.70 1000 Ltr
02-13 drums full, 1000 Ltr 239.54 239.54
02-14 into or from railway wagons,lead upto 30m 310.75 310.75
02-15-a Loading or unloading packages of all sorts upto 50 kg. 0.00 45.56
02-15-b Load or unload sleepers other than wooden, incl stacking, lead 178.04 178.04
upto 30m : Broad gauge
Load or unload sleepers other than wooden, including stacking,
lead upto 30m : Metre gauge Load or unload timber logs or
shuttering into or
from railway wagons, including stacking within
Loading or unloading bhoosa in railway wagons lead upto 30m.
Load or unload timber scrap or wooden plugs into or from railway
wagons & stacking within 30m Load or unload pitching
stone/spawl from railway
wagons of any guage including clearing 1.5m
Loading or unloading building stone including clearing away 1.5m
from rails
Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc : Crude Oil (to be pumped from
tank wagon into tank)
Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Crude oil (drained by gravity)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
02-15-c Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Crude oil materials from railway Tonne Tonne 46.13 46.13 Tonne
02-15-d wagons 100 No. 288.09 288.09 Tonne
02-15-e Unloading oil, bitumen or tar etc : Fuel Oil from tank into empty 100 No. 407.86 407.86 100 No.
02-15-f drums including stacking within 30m 100 No. 809.25 809.25 100 No.
02-15-g Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Petrol (2 gallon tin) 100 cft 0.00 180.73 100 No.
02-16-a Unloading oil, bitumen or tar etc Kerosine oil (4 gallon tin) 1000 No. 323.70 323.70 m3 1000 No.
02-16-b Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Tar & Bitumen in drums with 100 No. 863.47 863.47 100 No.
02-16-c carriage upto 1 km 100 No. 517.92 517.92 100 No.
02-16-d Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Stone, spawl, brick bats, Tonne 100 308.32 308.32 Tonne 100
02-16-e shingle, sand, lime etc Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead No. 143.88 143.88 No.
02-16-f Bricks Tonne Tonne 1,726.37 1,726.37 Tonne
02-17 Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Broad gauge wooden 100 No. 323.70 323.70 Tonne 100
02-18 sleepers 100 No. 184.99 184.99 No.
02-19 Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Metre gauge or narrow 100 No. 1,294.80 1,294.80 100 No.
02-20 guage wooden sleepers Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead 100 No. 616.57 616.57 100 No.
02-21 Rails, 100 No. 647.40 647.40 100 No.
02-22 girders, pipes, cement etc. 100 No. 340.78 340.78 100 No.
02-23 Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Bridge and crossing 2,589.60 2,589.60 100 No.
02-24 timbers, etc. 1,294.80 1,294.80
Load into wagons girders, rails, MS bars, pipes etc. including 30m
lead & stacking inside wagons Unload from wagons girders, rails,
MS bars, girder
etc. including 30m lead but excluding stacking
Load into wagons wooden broad guage sleepers including 30m
lead & stacking
Unload wooden broad gauge sleepers from wagons including 30m
lead and stacking
Loading metre gauge or narrow guage wooden sleepers including
30m lead & stack inside wagons Unloading metre gauge or narrow
guage wooden
sleepers including 30m lead but excluding stacking
Loading bridge and crossing timber including 30m lead & stacking
Unloading bridge and crossing timbers including 30m lead but
excluding stacking

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
02-25 Load and unload bitumen, asphalt, tar in drums, into or from Tonne 194.22 194.22 Tonne
railway wagons, lead upto 30m

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-01-a Earth excavation undressed upto single throw of kassi phaorah or 1000 Cft 3,034.69 3,034.69 m3
03-01-b shovel etc : in ashes, sand, soft soil or silt clearance 1000 Cft 3,641.63 3,641.63 m3 m3 m3
03-02-a Earth excavation undressed upto single throw of kassi phaorah or 1000 Cft 4,467.06 4,467.06 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-02-b shove etc : in ordinary soil, Earth excavation in ashes, sand & soft 1000 Cft 0.00 2,448.22 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-03-a soil or silt 1000 Cft 0.00 4,285.67 m3
03-03-b clearance, undressed lead upto 15m. 1000 Cft 0.00 13,063.62 m3
03-03-c Earth excavation in ashes, sand, shingle & soft soil or silt clearance 1000 Cft 0.00 6,965.65 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-03-d by mechanical means undressed lead upto 15m. 1000 Cft 0.00 4,427.79
03-03-e Excavate Unsuitable Common Material Excavate Unsuitable Hard 1000 Cft 0.00 3,897.45
03-03-f Rock Material Excavate Unsuitable Medium Rock Material 1000 Cft 0.00 13,658.97
03-03-g Excavate Unsuitable Soft Material 1000 Cft 0.00 11,918.70
03-03-h Excavate Surplus Common Material Excavate Surplus Hard Rock 1000 Cft 0.00 8,998.95
03-04-a Material Excavate Surplus Medium Rock Material Excavate 1000 Cft 4,531.80 4,531.80
03-04-b Surplus Soft Rock Material 1000 Cft 4,887.87 4,887.87
03-05-a Bed clearance and dressing slopes of drains including removing of 1000 Cft 0.00 6,098.97
03-05-b weeds and roots etc. Excavated material undressed within 15m 1000 Cft 0.00 7,361.62
03-05-c Bed clearance and dressing slopes of drains including removing of 1000 Cft 0.00 10,526.49
03-06-a weeds and roots etc. Excavated material dressed within 15m lead 1000 Cft 1,736.65 11,408.97
Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in Ordinary soil
Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in Hard soil
Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in shingle/gravel
Embankment formation in ordinary soil & compaction by
mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 95% to 100%
max. modified. AASHTO dry density (borrow area).

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-06-b Embankment formation in ordinary soil & compaction by 1000 Cft 1,736.65 10,507.78 m3
03-06-c mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 90% max. 1000 Cft 1,736.65 9,606.59 m3
03-07-a modified AASHTO dry density (borrow area). 1000 Cft 4,046.25 4,046.25 m3
03-07-b Embankment formation in ordinary soil & compaction by 1000 Cft 8,248.13 8,248.13 m3 Each m3
03-08 mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 85% max. Each 1000 216.80 1,003.11 m3
03-09-a modified AASHTO dry density (borrow area). Cft 0.00 6,694.29 m3
03-09-b Earth fill in lawns including dressing & compaction with earth 1000 Cft 0.00 8,231.80 m3
03-09-c available from cutting/excavation 1000 Cft 0.00 9,242.19 m3
03-09-d Earth fill in lawns including dressing & compaction with suitable 1000 Cft 0.00 10,621.39 m3
03-10-a earth borrowed. Furnishing And Planting Of Trees Including 1000 Cft 0.00 6,694.66 m3
03-10-b Maintenance For 2 Years 1000 Cft 0.00 8,231.80 m3
03-10-c Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains, pipes etc 1000 Cft 0.00 9,163.36
03-10-d & disposal : in Ordinary Soil 1000 Cft 0.00 10,094.92
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains, pipes etc
& disposal : in Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains, pipes etc
& disposal : in Very hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains, pipes etc
& disposal : in Gravel & shingle
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
Drains, pipes etc & disposal : in Ordinary Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
Drains, pipes etc & disposal : in Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
Drains, pipes etc & disposal : in Very Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for drains, pipes etc
& disposal : in Gravel & shingle

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-11-a Excavation in shingle or gravel formation & rock not requiring 1000 Cft 0.00 6,399.28 m3 m3 m3
03-11-b blast, undressed, 50m lead : Dry Excavation in shingle or gravel 1000 Cft 0.00 8,531.12 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-11-c formation & rock 1000 Cft 0.00 10,665.22 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-12-a not requiring blast, undressed, 50m lead : Wet 1000 Cft 6,474.00 6,474.00 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-12-b Excavation in shingle or gravel formation & rock not req. blast, 1000 Cft 7,768.80 7,768.80 m3
03-12-c undressed, 50m lead : in Flowing Water 1000 Cft 9,144.53 9,144.53 m3
03-12-d Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 1000 Cft 16,994.25 16,994.25
03-13-a 25m. & dressing : in Ordinary Soil Earth excavation in irrigation 1000 Cft 20,729.25 20,729.25
03-13-b channels/drains & 1000 Cft 24,233.30 25,126.33
03-14-a disposal upto 25m. & dressing : in Hard Soil 1000 Cft 0.00 13,406.58
03-14-b Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 1000 Cft 0.00 15,338.49
03-14-c 25m. & dressing : in Very Hard Soil Earth excavation in irrigation 1000 Cft 0.00 16,698.86
03-14-d channels/drains & 1000 Cft 0.00 17,608.56
03-14-e disposal upto 25m. & dressing : in Shingle/Gravel 1000 Cft 0.00 18,579.57
03-14-f Rock Excavation, dressing & disposal up to 50m Soft Rock, slate, 1000 Cft 0.00 19,617.57
03-15-a shale, schist or lateriate 1000 Cft 17,058.52 17,058.52
03-15-b Rock Excavation, dressing & disposal up to 50m Medium hard 1000 Cft 21,323.15 21,323.15
rock, requiring occasional blasting Excavation in hard rock
requiring blasting and
disposal upto 25m & dressing : Grade I
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m
& dressing : Grade II
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m
& dressing : Grade III Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting
disposal upto 25m & dressing : Grade IV
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m
& dressing : Grade V
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m
& dressing : Grade VI Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting
blasting prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m :
Grade I
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m : Grade II

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-15-c Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting 1000 Cft 26,653.82 26,653.82 m3
03-15-d prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade III 1000 Cft 30,651.78 30,651.78 m3
03-15-e Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting 1000 Cft 33,716.88 33,716.88 m3
03-15-f prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade IV 1000 Cft 37,088.85 37,088.85 m3
03-16-a Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting 1000 Cft 2,023.13 2,023.13 m3
03-16-b prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade V 1000 Cft 2,832.38 2,832.38 m3 m3
03-17 Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting 1000 Cft 8,092.50 8,092.50 m3
03-18-a prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade VI 1000 Cft 2,421.28 2,421.28 m3 m3
03-18-b Rehandling of earthwork Lead upto a single throw of kassi, shovel, 100 Cft 1,416.19 6,816.18 m3 m3
03-18-c phaorah 100 Cft 2,365.50 3,047.11 m3 m3
03-18-d Rehandling of earthwork upto a lead of 25 m. 1000 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75 m3 m3 m3
03-19-a Rehandling of gravel work or excavated rock, lead upto 25m. 1000 Cft 137.57 137.57
03-19-b Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with surplus earth 1000 Cft 160.23 160.23
03-20-a from foundation, etc Selected Fill Material under Footings 1000 Cft 5,745.67 5,745.67
03-20-b Provide and Fill River Bed Filter Material For Widening Portion. 1000 Cft 890.17 890.17
03-20-c Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with earth 1000 Cft 809.25 809.25
03-20-d excavated from outside lead upto 30m Extra for every 15 m extra 1000 Cft 566.47 566.47
lead or part thereof for
earthwork soft, ordinary, hard & very hard
Extra for every 15 m extra lead or part thereof for gravel, shingle
or rock.
Transportation of earth all types beyond 250 m and upto 500 m.
Transportation of earth all types for every 100m extra lead beyond
500m upto 1.5 km.
Transportation of earth all types for every 500m extra lead beyond
1.5 km. upto 8 km.
Transportation of earth all types for every 1 km extra lead or part
thereof beyond 8 km.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-21-a Dressing & levelling earth to designed sections Ashes, sand, silt or 1000 Cft 258.96 258.96 m3
03-21-b soft soil upto cut or fill 6 inches 1000 Cft 501.73 501.73 m3 m3
03-21-c Dressing & levelling earth to designed sections Ordinary or hard 1000 Cft 1,213.88 1,213.88 m m2
03-22 soil upto cut or fill 6 inches Dressing & levelling earth to designed 100 Rft 283.24 283.24 m2
03-23 section 1000 Sft 977.33 977.33 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-24 Gravel work or soft rock not requiring blasting 1000 Sft 1,092.49 1,092.49 m3
03-25-a upto cut or fill 6 inches Dowel dressing 1000 Cft 1,316.65 4,819.49 m3 m3
03-25-b Dressing slopes of banks or ground surface 1000 Cft 1,833.19 7,162.79 m3 m3 m3
03-25-c Dressing of earthwork (done by machinery or otherwise & left 1000 Cft 2,376.77 8,776.05
03-25-d undressed) to designed section 1000 Cft 2,581.51 9,643.70
03-26 Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in 1000 Cft 53,161.50 72,663.34
03-27 sand, ashes or loose soil Excavation in foundation of building, 1000 Cft 1,182.75 1,911.75
03-28-a bridges etc 1000 Cft 757.46 757.46
03-28-b-01 complete : in ordinary soil 1000 Cft 1,276.13 1,276.13
03-28-b-02 Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in 1000 Cft 1,494.00 1,494.00
03-28-b-03 hard soil or soft murum Excavation in foundation of building, 1000 Cft 1,684.98 1,684.98
bridges etc
complete : in shingle/gravel
Cutting hard rock such as granite, ballast, hard lime etc with
chisels/hammers for small foundation Extra for excavaton
requiring shoring
Mixing & moistening of earthwork to OMC in layers for
compaction etc complete
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
Soft or sandy soil
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
Ordinary soil
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
Hard soil

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-28-b-04 Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed : 1000 Cft 1,903.73 1,903.73 m3
03-28-c Admixture of shingle 1000 Cft 1,213.88 1,213.88 m3 m3 m3
03-28-d Ramming earthwork (all types of soil) Ramming earthwork behind 1000 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50 m3 m3
03-29-a retaining wall 1000 Cft 3,971.55 7,772.68 m3 m3 m3 m
03-29-b Compaction of earth with power road roller 95% to 100% max. 1000 Cft 2,978.66 6,159.53 m3 m3
03-29-c mod. AASHTO dry density 1000 Cft 2,546.02 5,100.35 m3 m3
03-30 Compaction of earth with power road roller 90% max. mod. 1000 Cft 2,832.38 2,832.38 km
03-31 AASHTO dry density 1000 Cft 6,482.09 7,225.24 m2 m3 m3 km
03-32 Compaction of earth with power road roller 85% max. mod. 1000 Cft 5,057.81 5,057.81 km
03-33 AASHTO dry density Rft 1000 Cft 68.71 68.71
03-34-a Extra for wet earthwork 1000 Cft 7,283.25 7,283.25
03-34-b Extra for slush or daldal including dewatering Extra for puddling. 100 Cft 0.00 7,156.37
03-35 Earthwork on small rain water drains, along canal banks,roads, 100 Cft 1,618.50 4,519.61
03-36 drains, etc complete 2500 Rft 1,575.37 1,781.86
03-37 Filling and Compacting Soil, Earth and Boulders behind retaining 1000 Sft 1,132.95 1,132.95
03-38 walls (Available material) Filling and Compacting Soil, Earth and 1000 Cft 1,618.50 7,693.50
03-39-a Boulders 1000 Cft 3,641.63 3,641.63
03-39-b behind retaining walls by mechanical means Mile Mile 5,664.75 5,664.75
03-40-a (Available material) 11,329.50 11,329.50
03-40-b Supply and spreading stone aggregate size 3/4" 14,971.13 14,971.13
P/L Stone soling under foundation including consolidation etc.
Dag belling 75 mm deep.
Turfing slopes of banks or lawns with grass sods including
ploughing, laying, setting & watering
Berm cutting : Lead upto single throw of phaorah or shovel,
without dressing
Berm cutting : Upto 25 m lead (including dressing)
Berm trimming both sides of channels Upto 1 m depth
Berm trimming both sides of channels Over 1m to 1.5m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-40-c Berm trimming both sides of channels Over 1.5m to 2.5m depth Mile 23,872.88 23,872.88 km
03-41 Dressing Of Berm Without Extra Material 1000 Cft 25.49 796.41 m3 ha
03-42-a Ploughing and levelling borrow pits Upto 1m depth Acre Acre 100 2,941.31 2,941.31 ha m m m m
03-42-b Ploughing and levelling borrow pits Exceeding 1m depth Rft 3,361.50 3,361.50 m3 m3 m3
03-43-a-01 Making boundary or service roads complete in unploughed land : 100 Rft 1,213.88 1,213.88 m3 m3
03-43-a-02 From 3 m to 6 m wide Making boundary or service roads complete 100 Rft 1,618.50 1,618.50 m3 m3 m3
03-43-b-01 in 100 Rft 1,228.44 1,228.44 m3
03-43-b-02 unploughed land : Over 6 m to 12 m wide 1000 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50 m3
03-44-a Making boundary or service roads complete in ploughed land : 1000 Cft 4,855.50 4,855.50
03-44-b From 3 m to 6m wide 1000 Cft 7,470.00 7,470.00
03-44-c Making boundary or service roads complete in ploughed land : 1000 Cft 440.48 440.48
03-44-d Over 6 m to 12 m wide Earthwork by boats, Digging and loading 1000 Cft 2,262.66 2,262.66
03-45 into 1000 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75
03-46 boats, upto 25m lead 1000 Cft 5,664.75 5,664.75
03-47 Earthwork by boats, including hire of boats Carriage by boats upto 1000 Cft 3,641.63 3,641.63
03-48 250m. 1000 Cft 3,305.15 3,305.15
03-49-a Earthwork by boats, including hiring of boats Extra for every 1000 Cft 229.10 8,228.01
03-49-b additional 50m beyond 250m Earthwork by boats, Unloading earth 292.95 10,650.82
from boats
Unloading earth from BG trucks and clearing 1.5m from rail
Earthwork by tramway, digging and loading in trucks, upto 25m
Unloading earth from BG trucks and spreading upto 5m from rail
Supplying clean and screened river or pit sand within 150m
including removal of loose earth or overburden.
Excavation in open cut for sewers & manhole except shingle,
gravel & rock : Upto 2m
Excavation in open cut for sewers & manholes except shingle,
gravel & rock : 2m to 5m

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-49-c Excavation in open cut for sewers & manholes except shingle, 1000 Cft 303.47 11,602.97 m3 m3
03-50-a gravel & rock : Below 5m depth Trench Excavation in open 1000 Cft 9,337.50 18,328.50 m3
03-50-b cutting below water 1000 Cft 12,076.50 23,983.50 m3
03-50-c level for sewers & manholes : Upto 1.25m depth 1000 Cft 17,056.50 31,150.50 m3
03-51 Trench Excavation in open cutting below water level for sewers & 1000 Cft 5,745.67 5,745.67 Each Each
03-52-a manholes : 1.25m to 2.5m depth Each Each 0.00 556.11 Each Each m2
03-52-b Trench Excavation in open cutting below water level for sewers & Each Each 0.00 835.02 m2
03-52-c manholes : Exceeding 2.5m depth 100 Sft 80.93 1,402.92 m2 m3 ha m2
03-52-d Excavation of trench in all kinds of soils except cutting in rock for 100 Sft 95.49 2,571.96 m2 m3
03-53-a pilelines upto 1.5m depth 1000 Sft 40.46 40.46 m3
03-53-b Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m upto 2 m girth 1000 Cft 80.93 80.93
03-54 Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m above 2 m girth ha 1000 Sft 1,052.02 1,052.02
03-55 Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m upto 2 m girth 1000 Sft 95.49 4,587.32
03-56 including sand filling and trinches Uprooting stump and removing 1000 Cft 7,534.12 7,534.12
03-57 within 50 m above 1000 Cft 3,194.92 3,194.92
03-58 2 m girth including sand filling and trenches 2,725.15 12,445.15
03-59-a Jungle clearance and removing within 50m Light Jungle 15,375.75 15,375.75
03-59-b Jungle clearance and removing within 50m Thick Jungle 0.00 5,649.75
Uprooting sarkanda growth & disposal within 50m Stripping
Ploughing 3 times
Levelling, dressing and making lawns Turfing of lawn with Dacca
Excavation and Clearance of shingle, gravel including sand, soft
soil and silt deposits in channel bed upto 25m
Excavation and Clearance of shingle, gravel including sand, soft
soil and silt deposits by mechanical means in channel bed upto

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-60 Clearance of site by cutting, removing all shrubs, trees, upto 6 1000 Sft 6,263.60 6,263.60 m2
03-61-a inches (152 mm) girth, etc. and taking out their entire roots and 100 Ft 8,092.50 19,756.50 mm
03-61-b filling the hollows with earth complete with dressing, consolidating 100 Ft 12,624.30 30,820.14 m2 No
03-62 and watering the filling including stacking the serviceable 1000 Sft 171.88 1,537.30 No
03-63 materials and disposal of useless material as directed, lead to 10 No 54.22 583.44 No m2 m3 m3
03-64-a chains, cost of earth included. No 108.44 1,166.89 m3 m3 m3
03-64-b Clearance of choked up syphon including dewatering Upto 1.25m No 1000 Sft 325.32 2,844.45 m3 m3
03-65 dia 1000 Cft 623.93 1,929.97 m3
03-66-a Clearance of choked up syphon including dewatering Exceeding 1000 Cft 458.04 10,360.65 m3
03-66-b 1.25m dia 1000 Cft 3,315.50 21,921.07
03-66-c Clearing and Grubbing by mechanical means 1000 Cft 2,506.25 19,392.60
03-66-d Removal of Tree : Girth 150mm - 300mm including removal of 1000 Cft 606.94 8,548.50
03-67-a stump & backfilling with sand 1000 Cft 7,561.63 10,753.13
03-67-a-i 03-67- Removal of Tree : Girth 300mm - 600mm including removal of 1000 Cft 114.59 7,477.33
a-ii stump & backfilling with sand 100 Cft 2,937.89 28,110.92
03-67-b-i Removal of Tree : Girth over 600mm including removal of stump 1000 Cft 1,832.95 5,471.40
03-67-b-ii & backfilling with sand Compaction of Natural Ground 2,291.55 18,117.93
Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Common Material
Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Hard) Material
requiring blasting.
Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Medium)
Material requiring blasting
Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Soft) Material
Structural Excavation in Common Material by mechanical means
Structural Excavation In Common Material
Structural Excavation In Common Material Below Water Level
Structural Excavation In Hard Rock Material by mechanical means
requiring blasting
Structural Excavation In Medium Rock Material

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-67-b-iii 03- Structural Excavation In Soft Rock Material 1000 Cft 1,309.37 11,826.77 m3 m3 m3 m3
67-c Structural backfill using Common Material available at site. 1000 Cft 5,873.54 9,313.37 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-67-d Structural Backfill using Granular Material brought from outside 1000 Cft 2,864.75 31,181.70 m3
03-67-e Structural Backfill using Common Material brought from outside 1000 Cft 2,864.75 22,099.58 m3
03-68-a Granular Backfill Common Backfill 1000 Cft 1,833.19 41,107.09 m3
03-68-b Filter Layer Of Granular Material 1000 Cft 2,036.96 5,783.10 m3 m3 m3 m3
03-69 Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in Common 100 Cft 347.17 4,520.50 m3 m3
03-70-a Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 458.04 11,485.79
03-70-b roller. 1000 Cft 4,124.75 25,934.59
03-70-c Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in Rock 1000 Cft 458.84 17,794.38
03-70-d Material requiring blasting and compaction Modified AASHTO 1000 Cft 809.25 11,837.00
03-70-e 95% of embankment by power roller. 1000 Cft 101.88 7,161.71
03-70-f Formation of Embankment from Borrow Excavation in Common 1000 Cft 611.06 25,697.36
03-70-g Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 606.94 15,219.04
03-70-h roller. 1000 Cft 407.38 15,088.81
03-70-i Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in granular 1000 Cft 203.69 18,527.15
03-70-j Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 101.88 4,107.21
Formation of Embankment from Roadway excavation in common
Formation Of Embankment From Roadway Excavation In Hard
Rock Material Formation Of Embankment From Roadway
Excavation In Medium Rock Material
Formation Of Embankment From Roadway Excavation In Soft
Rock Material
Formation Of Embankment From Borrow Excavation In Common
Formation Of Embankment From Structural Excavation In
Common Material

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-70-k Formation Of Embankment From Structural Excavation In Any 1000 Cft 495.50 10,200.30 m3
03-71-a Type Of Rock Material Hard Rock) 1000 Sft 103.66 4,211.66 m2 m2 m2 m2
03-71-b Subgrade Preparation In Earth Cut ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 1,872.60 8,861.55 m3
03-71-c-i 03-71- Subgrade Preparation in Rock Cut ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 1,247.86 5,079.57 m3
c-ii 03-72-a Subgrade Preparation on Existing Road ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 51.87 2,845.28 m3
03-72-b Subgrade Preparation in Existing Road Without Any Fill ; Mod. 1000 Cft 202.31 1,491.48 m3
03-72-c AASHTO 95% 1000 Cft 202.31 1,588.17 m3
03-72-d Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels 1000 Cft 299.42 1,919.48
03-72-e in DRY soil dressed to designed section, grades profile/with 1000 Cft 299.42 2,162.46
excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2 m) lead and 1000 Cft 404.63 3,762.84
dressed as directed.
Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels
in DRY & WET soil dressed to designed section, grades
profile/with excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2
m) lead and dressed as directed.
Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels
in WET & SLUSH soil dressed to designed section, grades
profile/with excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2
m) lead and dressed as directed.
Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels
in SLUSH soil dressed to designed section, grades profile/with
excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2 m) lead and
dressed as directed.
Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels
in DRY & WET to that of SLUSH (1:2) soil dressed to designed
section, grades profile/with excavated material, disposed off within
50 feet (15.2 m) lead and dressed as directed.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-72-f Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels 1000 Cft 202.31 1,705.17 m3
03-72-g in BORROW AREA soil dressed to designed section, grades 1000 Cft 809.25 3,159.05 m3
03-73 profile/with excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2 100 Cft 0.00 1,085.61 m3
03-74 m) lead and dressed as directed. 100 Cft 0.00 954.64 m3
03-75 Earthwork by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels 100 Cft 809.25 4,450.89 m3
03-76 in UNDER WATER soil dressed to designed section, grades 100 Cft 2,225.44 2,986.32 m3
03-77 profile/with excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2 100 Cft 0.00 662.17 m3
03-78-a m) lead and dressed as directed. 100 Cft 0.00 675.29 m3
Provide, place and compact impervious clay core in dam
embankment of specified grading, permiability i/c leveling
dressing and haulage obtaining 95% modified AASHTO dry
density i/c
1.5 KM lead
Provide , Place & compact shoulder material (sandy / silty gravel)
in Dam Embankment, of specified grading, leveling/ dressing i/c
haulage for obtaining of 95% modified AASHTHO dry density.
Provide , Place & compact Fine Filter in chimney drain vertical /
horizantol on downstream of clay core
Provide , Place & compact Coarse Filter (well graded gravel) in
chimney drain vertical / horizantol on downstream of fine filter i/c
leveling, moistening etc
Excavation for core trench of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
& Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto a minimum depth of
35 ft in common soil including removing of excavated material by
machinery in 1.5 KM radius
Excavation for core trench of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
& Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto a minimum depth of
35 ft in shingle gravel including removing of excavated material
by machinery in 1.5 KM radius

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
03-78-b Excavation for core trench of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake 100 Cft 0.00 1,383.87 m3
03-78-c & Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto design depth in Soft 100 Cft 0.00 2,198.23 m3
03-78-d Rock/Shale requiring 20% blasting i/c removing of material from 100 Cft 0.00 3,357.03 m3
outside of the structure area lead upto 1.5 KM
Excavation for core trench of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
& Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto design depth in
Medium Hard Rock requiring 50% blasting i/c removing of
material from outside of the structure area lead upto 1.5 KM
Excavation for core trench of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
& Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto design depth in Hard
Rock requiring 75% blasting i/c removing of material from outside
of the structure area lead upto 1.5 KM

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
04-01 Dismantling dry stone masonry Dismantling stone masonry in mud 100 Cft 687.86 687.86 m3 m3 m3
04-02 mortar 100 Cft 1,011.56 1,011.56 m3 m3
04-03 Dismantling stone masonry in lime or cement mortar 100 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75 m3 m3
04-04-a Dismantling dry stone or spawl pitching 100 Cft 1,213.88 1,213.88 m3 m3 m3
04-04-b Dismantling stone or spawl pitching (mud grouted) 100 Cft 2,630.87 2,630.87 m3 m3 m3 m3
04-05 Dismantling stone or spawl pitching and apron in silted condition 100 Cft 2,023.13 2,023.13 m3 m3 m3 m3
04-06 Dismantling stone pitching, cement or lime grouted 100 Cft 3,237.00 3,237.00 m3
04-07-a Dismantling stone in Wooden crates Dismantling stone in Wire 100 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50 m3 m3 m3 m3
04-07-b crates 100 Cft 2,023.13 2,023.13
04-08 Dismantling stone ware drain including base concrete 100 Cft 1,680.75 1,680.75
04-09 Dismantling mud/pise walling Dismantling sun dried brick 100 Cft 404.63 404.63
04-10 masonry Dismantling dry brick masonry Dismantling brick work 100 Cft 1,011.56 1,011.56
04-11 in mud mortar 100 Cft 687.86 687.86
04-12 Dismantling brick work in lime or cement mortar Dismantling 100 Cft 1,416.19 1,416.19
04-13 cement block masonry 100 Cft 3,439.31 3,439.31
04-14 Dismantling Dhajji walling Dismantling mud concrete Dismantling 100 Cft 3,034.69 3,034.69
04-15 lime concrete 100 Cft 809.25 809.25
04-16 Dismantling lime or cement concrete, under water Dismantling : 100 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50
04-17 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 100 Cft 2,225.44 2,225.44
04-18 1:3:6 Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 100 Cft 8,497.13 8,497.13
04-19-a 100 Cft 4,450.88 4,450.88
04-19-b 100 Cft 7,283.25 7,283.25
04-19-c 100 Cft 8,901.75 8,901.75
Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
04-19-d Dismantling : Cement Concrete with brick aggregate 100 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75 m3 m2 m3
04-19-e Dismantling : DPC of cement concrete 1.5" thick and clearing the 100 Sft 1,214.68 1,214.68 m3 m3
04-20-a site 100 Cft 14,566.50 14,566.50 m2 m2
04-20-b-i 04-20- Dismantling RCC, separating reinforcement, cleaning & 100 Cft 775.60 5,708.89 m2 m2
b-ii straightening the same Dismantling Of Structures And 100 Cft 1,005.19 5,938.48 m2 m2 m2 m2
04-21 Obstructions 100 Sft 488.79 488.79 m2
04-22-a Demolition of existing damaged Bridge and placing of useful 100 Sft 1,210.64 1,210.64 m2 m2
04-22-b materials 100 Sft 1,014.80 1,014.80 m2 m2
04-23 Dismantling sirki sarkanda or thached roofing supported on battens 100 Sft 606.94 606.94 m2
04-24 or ballies 100 Sft 622.50 622.50
04-25 Dismantling 1st class tile roofing 100 Sft 2,354.67 2,354.67
04-26 Dismantling 2nd class tile roofing 100 Sft 1,618.50 1,618.50
04-27 Dismantling from any height, asbestos sheets & ridge coping 100 Sft 2,023.13 2,023.13
04-28-a Dismantling roof of wooden planks & battens from any height 100 Sft 1,405.11 1,405.11
04-28-b Dismantling wooden ceiling above 20' height in difficult position 100 Sft 906.36 906.36
04-29 including lifting along live wire Dismantling jack arch roofing, 100 Sft 1,509.56 1,509.56
04-30 including removing 100 Sft 1,618.50 1,618.50
04-31 joists 100 Sft 687.86 687.86
04-32 Dismantling RB roof complete with mud and mud plaster 100 Sft 1,011.56 1,011.56
including reinforcement complete Stripping and stacking: Slate or
tiles from the truss
Stripping and stacking: GI sheet roofing
Extra for dismantling CI sheet roof above 20 ft. in dificult position
including lifting along live wire Dismantling slates or tiles
including battens,
purlins and planking
Dismantling brick or flagged flooring without concrete foundation
Dismantling plank or wooden block flooring etc

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
04-33-a Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking 100 Rft 1,011.56 1,011.56 m
04-33-b outside : 6" to 12" diameter 100 Rft 1,405.67 1,405.67 m
04-33-c Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking 100 Rft 1,825.67 1,825.67 mm
04-33-d outside : 13" to 24" diameter 100 Rft 1,603.29 1,603.29 Each Each
04-34-a Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking Each Each 202.31 202.31 m2 100 Kg
04-34-b outside : 25" to 36" diameter Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench 600 Sft 404.63 404.63 m 100 Kg
04-34-c & removing 5 Cwt 3,077.33 3,077.33 100 Kg
04-34-d pipes & stacking outside : Over 36" diameter 50 Rft 3,610.50 3,610.50 Each
04-34-e Dismantling: Woden beams up to 12' in length 5 Cwt 2,303.25 2,303.25 Ea/25mm D
04-35 Dismantling: Wooden beams from 12.1' to 23' length 12 Cwt 3,735.00 3,735.00 Each Each m
04-36 Dismantling: Wooden partiton Jaffry Work etc Dismantling: Each 4,046.25 4,046.25 m2
04-37 Wooden trusses Each/25mm 606.94 606.94 m2 m3 m2
04-38 Dismantling: Wooden palisade fencing Each Each 230 16.18 16.18 m2
04-39-a Dismantling iron work of trusses, sheds, water tanks, etc excluding Rft 10,893.75 10,893.75
04-39-b cutting of rivets 100 Sft 7,314.38 7,314.38
04-40 Dismantling rolled steel beams or iron rails etc. Dismantling iron 100 Sft 1,618.50 1,618.50
04-41 latrine 100 Cft 323.70 323.70
04-42 Dismantling tees, bends or sluice valves upto 12" i/d 100 Sft 606.94 606.94
04-43 Dismantling water column : BG Dismantling water column : MG 100 Sft 1,618.50 1,618.50
04-44 or NG 10,617.36 10,617.36
04-45-a Dismantling all type of wire fencing, including rolling wire into 202.31 202.31
bundles and collecting material
Dismantling wire netting of tennis courts and frame work
Dismantling cloth ceiling and supporting timber
Dismantling and removing road metalling
Dismantling & removing road pavement etc including screening &
stacking of by-products upto 50m.
Scraping : White wash or colour wash

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
04-45-b Scraping : Ordinary distemper, oil bound distemper or paint off 100 Sft 606.94 606.94 m2
04-46 wall 100 Sft 2,303.25 2,303.25 m2 m3 m3
04-47 Dismantling glazed or accoustics tiles etc Scraping boulders. 100 Cft 2,750.64 2,750.64 Point Point m
04-48 Cleaning mortar of old stones to be used in masonry 100 Cft Point 1,416.19 1,416.19 m
04-49 Dismantling light, fan and call bell point including casing, Point Rft Rft 89.64 89.64
04-50 capping/strip open type complete Dismantling plug point & 74.70 74.70
04-51-a making good damaged 17.18 17.18
04-51-b surface (building portion) 27.34 27.34
Dismantle GI/MS conduit/GI flexible/PVC pipes or conduit wiring
of all sizes : On surface Dismantle GI/MS conduit/GI flexible/PVC
or conduit wiring of all sizes : Recessed in wall

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Item Code Description
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
05-01 Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Sand) Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 100 Cft 3,034.69 18,464.64 m3 m3 m3
05-02 3 (one Lime: 3 Sand) 100 Cft 3,034.69 15,614.11 m3 m3 m3
05-03 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Lime: 1-1/2 Surkhi) 100 Cft 3,034.69 15,744.62 m3 m3 m3 m3
05-04 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Surkhi) Lime Surkhi 100 Cft 3,034.69 15,861.25 m3 m3 m3 m3
05-05 Mortar 1 : 3 (one Lime: 3 Surkhi) 100 Cft 3,034.69 12,887.44 m3 m3 m3 m3
05-06 Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1 : 1 (one Lime: 1 Sand And : 1 100 Cft 3,034.69 16,619.03 m3
05-07 Surkhi) 100 Cft 3,034.69 12,547.89 m3 m3
05-08 Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 : 1 (one Lime: 2 Sand And : 1 100 Cft 3,034.69 30,208.84 m3
05-09 Surkhi) 100 Cft 3,034.69 26,386.28
05-10 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 3 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 3,034.69 23,673.95
05-11 And : 3 Sand) 100 Cft 3,034.69 19,660.37
05-12 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 4 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 3,034.69 17,970.36
05-13 And : 4 Sand) 100 Cft 3,034.69 16,492.04
05-14 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 5 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 3,034.69 15,575.84
05-15 And : 5 Sand) 100 Cft 3,034.69 14,614.85
05-16 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 6 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 3,034.69 21,193.15
05-17 And : 6 Sand) 100 Cft 3,034.69 17,983.93
05-18 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 7 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 2,427.75 44,424.01
05-19 And : 7sand) 100 Cft 2,427.75 36,832.15
05-20 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 8 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 2,427.75 31,774.29
05-21 And : 8 Sand) 100 Cft 2,427.75 28,150.96
05-22 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 9 (one Lime: One Cement 100 Cft 2,427.75 25,440.02
And : 9 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 10 (one Lime: One Cement
and : 10 Sand)
Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 6 (one Cement: 2 Lime
And : 6 Sand)
Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 9 (one Cement: 2 Lime
And : 9 Sand)
Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1 (one Cement: One Sand)
Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Cement: 1-1/2 Sand)
Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Cement: 2 Sand)
Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2-1/2 (one Cement: 2-1/2 Sand)
Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 3 (one Cement: 3 Sand)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
05-23 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 4 (one Cement: 4 Sand) Cement Sand 100 Cft 2,427.75 21,642.36 m3 m3 m3 m3
05-24 Mortar 1 : 5 (one Cement: 5 Sand) Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 6 (one 100 Cft 2,427.75 19,109.61 m3 m3 m3
05-25 Cement: 6 Sand) Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 7 (one Cement: 7 Sand) 100 Cft 2,427.75 17,305.59 m3 m3 m3
05-26 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 8 (one Cement: 8 Sand) Clay Mortar. 100 Cft 2,427.75 15,947.61 m3 m3
05-27 Clay Mortar Mixed With Chipped Bhoosa Or Straw. 100 Cft 2,427.75 14,896.16
05-28 Clay Mortar Mixed With Cow-dung 1 : 1 (1 Clay: 1 Cow Dung). 100 Cft 4,248.56 4,309.31
05-29 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 3 (1 White Cement 3 Sand) 100 Cft 4,248.56 5,929.22
05-30 Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing White Cement And 100 Cft 2,225.44 4,026.57
05-31 Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 White Cement Mixed With 100 Cft 2,427.75 46,468.12
05-32 Pigment Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand) 100 Cft 2,427.75 105,460.26
05-33 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 2 (1 White Cement 2 Sand) 100 Cft 2,427.75 61,268.04
05-34 Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing Grey Cement And 100 Cft 2,427.75 105,460.26
Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 Grey Cement Mixed With Pigment
Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-01 Mud concrete in foundation using brick ballast or stone ballast 1.5" 100 Cft 3,633.53 9,033.53 m3 m3 m3
06-02 gauge to 2" guage 100 Cft 2,427.75 7,699.49 m3
06-03-a Dry rammed shingle brick ballast or stone ballast 1.5" to 2" guage 100 Cft 4,824.38 18,626.05 m3
06-03-b Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle 100 Cft 4,824.38 17,801.38 m3
06-03-c well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:3:6) 100 Cft 4,824.38 16,978.69 m3
06-03-d Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle 100 Cft 4,824.38 16,091.13 m3
06-03-e well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:4:8) 100 Cft 4,824.38 15,165.57 m3
06-03-f Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle 100 Cft 4,824.38 14,796.89 m3 m3
06-04-a well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:5:10) 100 Cft 809.25 809.25 m3
06-04-b Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle 100 Cft 1,132.95 1,132.95 m3
06-05-a well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:6:12) 100 Cft 4,397.96 33,930.77
06-05-b Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle 100 Cft 4,397.96 33,729.02
06-05-c well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:6:18) 100 Cft 4,397.96 27,812.79
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle
well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:7:20)
Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or filter beds in PHE
works (in bed)
Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or filter beds in PHE
works (On slope)
Plain Cement Conrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
curing (Ratio 1:1:2)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
curing (Ratio 1:1.5:1.5)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
curing (Ratio 1:1.5:3)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-05-d Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing & 100 Cft 4,397.96 26,363.54 m3
06-05-e curing (Ratio 1:2:3) 100 Cft 4,397.96 24,086.23 m3
06-05-f Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing & 100 Cft 4,397.96 24,316.80 m3
06-05-g curing (Ratio 1:3:3) 100 Cft 4,397.96 21,587.78 m3
06-05-h Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing & 100 Cft 4,397.96 20,471.21 m3
06-05-i curing (Ratio 1:2:4) 100 Cft 4,397.96 18,400.49 m3
06-06 Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting,finishing & 100 Cft 5,462.71 34,042.70 m3 m3
06-07-a-01 curing (Ratio 1:2:6) 100 Cft 8,777.25 38,312.35 m3
06-07-a-02 Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing & 100 Cft 8,777.25 32,194.37 m3 m3 m3
06-07-a-03 curing (Ratio 1:3:6) 100 Cft 8,777.25 28,698.38
06-07-b-01 Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing & 100 Cft 8,777.25 38,312.35
06-07-b-02 curing (Ratio 1:4:8) 100 Cft 8,777.25 32,192.07
Shotcrete (100 mm) thickness, grade B-25 as per specifications
RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
or precast. (1:1:2)
RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
or precast. (1:1.5:3)
RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
or precast. (1:2:4)
RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. wall etc,
not including in 06-06. (1:1:2) RCC in raft foundation slab, base
slab of column
& ret.wall etc, not including in 06-06 (1:1.5:3)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-07-b-03 RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. wall etc, 100 Cft 8,777.25 28,698.38 m3 m3
06-07-c-01 not including in 06-06. (1:2:4) RCC including Precast/Prestressed 100 Cft 8,777.25 38,312.35 m3
06-07-c-02 in slab, beam, 100 Cft 8,777.25 32,194.37 m3
06-07-c-03 column, lintel, girder, etc. (1:1:2) 100 Cft 8,777.25 28,698.38 m3
06-07-d-01 RCC including Precast/Prestressed in slab, beam. column, lintels, 100 Cft 7,905.75 37,440.85 m3
06-07-d-02 girder, etc. (1:1.5:3) 100 Cft 7,905.75 31,322.87
RCC including Precast/Prestressed slab, column, beam, lintel,
girder etc. (1:2:4).
Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, weirs,
barrages, cross drainage works and other hydraulic structures using
crushed stone aggregate(screening & washing) and coarse sand i/c
costof all labour and material and all kinds of form works, moulds,
shuttering lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of steel
reinforcement and labour for bending binding also excludig cost of
additives which have to be paid separately. (1:1:2)
Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, weirs,
barrages, cross drainage works and other hydraulic structures using
crushed stone aggregate(screening & washing) and coarse sand i/c
costof all labour and material and all kinds of form works, moulds,
shuttering lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of steel
reinforcement and labour for bending binding also excludig cost of
additives which have to be paid separately. (1:1.5:3)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-07-d-03 Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, weirs, 100 Cft 7,905.75 27,826.88 m3
06-07-d-04 barrages, cross drainage works and other hydraulic structures using 100 Cft 6,698.31 32,989.32 m3
06-07-d-05 crushed stone aggregate(screening & washing) and coarse sand i/c Each 6,732.87 14,554.45 Each
06-07-e costof all labour and material and all kinds of form works, moulds, 100 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75 m3 Tonne
06-08-a shuttering lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the 100 Kg 1,041.53 18,699.01 Tonne Tonne
06-08-b exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of steel 100 Kg 1,041.53 20,521.51 Tonne
06-08-c reinforcement and labour for bending binding also excludig cost of 100 Kg 1,041.53 20,035.51
06-09 additives which have to be paid separately. (1:2:4) 100 Kg 2,083.27 21,320.25
Reinforced Concrete Slope Protection 20 cm Thick Excluding
Providing manhole size 24" x 18" (inside dimensions) as per
approved design and specifications complete for 4" to 12" dia
pipes upto 4 ft. (1.2 m) depth with 16" dia.Concrete Cover fixed in
4" thick RCC 1:2:4 slab (with 5 lbs per Cu.ft. or 80 kg/Cu.m of
steel), burnt brick masonry walls 9" (225 mm) thick set in 1:3
cement sand mortar, 6" thick 1:3:6 cement concrete in foundation,
4" av. thickness 1:2:4 cement concrete in benching and 1/2"
(13mm) thick cement sand plaster in 1:3 to all inside wall surfaces,
channels and benching including making requisite
number of main and branch channels but excluding the cost of
excavation, back filling and disposal of excavated stuff.
Add extra labour for RCC in 2nd & subsequent storeys
Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Plain
Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Hot
rolled deformed bars Grade 60) Supply & fabricate M.S.
reinforcement for cement
concrete (Hot rolled deformed bars Grade 40)
Supplying & fixing high tensile steel (Grade 250-270)wire in
prestressing cables in precast girders

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-10 Providing and pre-stressing 1/2" (12.5 mm) dia. wire strand Ton 7,670.13 190,501.16 Kg
06-11 including cost of cable, Anchorage cone sets, corrugated steel 100 Cft 6,972.00 26,263.14 m3 m3
06-12 sheath duct, PE grout vents, PE grout tube, PVC wraping tape, 100 Cft 15,157.88 26,547.94 m2 Job
06-13 steel binding wire, cement grout and grout additive including all 100 Sft Job 6,162.75 9,691.07 Job
06-14 arrangements, supply of recorded data in triplicate as per direction Job 8,590.50 38,343.97 m3 m3
06-15 of the Engineer in charge 100 Cft 1,030.24 1,221.40 m3 Each
06-16-a Precast cement concrete solid or face blocks 1:2:4, including cost 100 Cft 3,237.00 3,237.00 m3 m2 m2 m2
06-16-b of templates. 100 Cft Each 809.17 809.17 m2
06-17 Precast cem. concrete hollow blocks 1:2:4, including cost of 100 Cft 809.25 809.25
06-18 templates & constructing wall thereof 100 Sft 575.81 908.18
06-19 Provide & fix ornamental cement jali 1:2:4 2" thick without steel. 100 Sft 11,609.63 11,609.63
06-20-a Providing, Making of arch design minaret in octagonal shape of 100 Sft 747.00 747.00
06-20-b brick masonry, RCC work using and making temporary matrix and 100 Sft 246.51 246.51
06-21-a omamental work complete in all respects 575.81 575.81
06-21-b P/F of cement concrete railing i/e cement concrete Pillars, (Goblet 949.31 949.31
Design) 18" Height PCC/Brick base and top of 12" width and 3/4"
thick plastering finishing complete
Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or reinforced) From 20'
upto 40' height Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or
reinforced) For every extra 10' height and part
Extra labour for work of weirs, rails or bridges, syphons &
concreting in superstructure
RCC spout, 2.5'x6"x5", including fixing in position
Extra labour for skipping concrete in wells Nicking cement
concrete surface.
Nicking lime concrete surface.
Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for
Headworks only) Horizontal floor
Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for
Headworks only) Glacis and crest

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-21-c Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for 100 Sft Rft Rft 287.91 287.91 m2 m m
06-22 Headworks only) inverted filters Providing and fixing 6" wide GI Rft Rft Sft 11.01 92.76 m m m2
06-23 sheet 18 SWG. Rft 8.09 32.27 m
06-24-a stopper to expansion joint. Rft 80.93 120.41 m
06-24-b Fill expansion joints with bitumen, sand & saw dust in Ratio 1:2:2 Sft 56.65 83.31 m2
06-25-a Filling expansion joints with bitumen Sft 15.25 104.55 m2
06-25-b Laying Asphaltic Mixture in Expansion Joints Rft Rft Rft 59.37 387.42 mmm
06-25-c Providing and fixing of 2" thick Extruded Polystyrene at Rft 474.35 960.34 m
06-25-d expansion joints and in roof insulation. 40.46 191.00
06-25-e Providing and fixing 1.5'' x 3/4 '' Expansion Joint with one 170.70 350.40
06-25-f component polyurethane fuel sealant including 40 mm Baker Rod 75.07 121.64
06-25-g and one coat of primer but without Aluminum or steel cover. 123.33 938.02
06-25-h Providing and fixing 2'' x 1 '' Expansion Joint with one component 426.91 5,818.75
06-25-i polyurethane fuel sealant including 50 mm Baker Rod and one 426.91 13,977.10
coat of primer but without Aluminum or steel cover.
Providing and fixing 4.89 kg/sq.m aluminum sheet covering of
approved shape and design to expansion joints of roof slabs with
slotted holes with wooden gutties and screws.
Providing and fixing 4.89 kg/sq.m. aluminum sheet covering of
approved shape and design to expansion joints in walls and
columns including providing clamps and fixing with screws and
rawal plugs or wooden gutties including making slotted holes.
Providing and applying polysulphide sealant of colour in
expansion joint
Provide & Fix Multiflex Expansion Joints Complete in all Respects
Providing and Fixing Expansion Joint with two Extruded
Aluminum Alloy Sections for 50 mm Movement of imported
approved quality
Providing and Fixing Expansion Joint with Cast Aluminum Alloy
Triangular Teeth for 110 mm Movement

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-25-j Providing and fixing ribbed polyvinyle chloride (PVC) water stops Rft 287.91 386.49 m
06-25-k 8" (203 mm) wide in vertical (Walls/Columns) or horizontal kg kg Sft 37.45 57.93 kg kg m2 m2
06-25-l (Floors/Slabs) expansion joints including cutting and jointing etc. 100 Sft 163.41 379.68 m2
06-25-m complete in all floors . 100 Sft 190.72 311.64 m2
06-26-a-01 Providing and Fixing Steel Expansion Joints of approved better 100 Sft 1,856.30 8,072.74 m2
06-26-a-02 quality 100 Sft 1,856.30 8,831.34 m2
06-26-a-03 Providing and laying Steel or Metal Bearing Devices 100 Sft 1,960.88 10,558.49 m2
06-26-b-01 Providing and Fixing Neoprene Rubber Joint Filler 12mm thick 100 Sft 1,856.30 8,862.49 m2 m2 m2 m2
06-26-b-02 with Bitumastic Joint Seal Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 100 Sft 1,856.30 9,621.09 m2
06-26-b-03 including 100 Sft 1,955.94 11,343.31
06-27-a-01 bitumen coat, 1 layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,222.16
06-27-a-02 (1.5" thick) 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,600.25
06-27-a-03 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,332.33
06-27-a-04 layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (2" thick) 1,706.90 6,727.41
06-27-a-05 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1 1,706.90 6,607.01
layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (3" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (1.5" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (2" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (3" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick) Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer
polythene, 1 coat bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick) Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer
polythene, 1 coat bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-27-a-06 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,127.19 m2 m2 m2 m2
06-27-b-01 Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick) Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,011.91 m2 m2 m2 m2
06-27-b-02 polythene, 2 coats bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick) 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,390.00 m2 m2
06-27-b-03 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,122.08 m2 m2 m2 m2
06-27-b-04 bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick) Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,517.16 m2 m2 m2 m2
06-27-b-05 layer 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,396.76 m2 m2
06-27-b-06 polythene, 2 coats bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick) 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,979.85
06-28 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft Sft 25.33 3,283.72
06-29 bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick) Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 100 Sft 38.60 148.13
06-30-a-01 layer 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,222.16
06-30-a-02 polythene, 2 coats bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick) 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,600.25
06-30-a-03 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,332.33
06-30-a-04 bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick) Providing and laying polythene 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,727.41
06-30-a-05 sheet 0.005" thick 100 Sft 1,706.90 6,607.01
06-30-a-06 (0.05mm 500gauge) under cement concete. 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,190.10
06-30-b-01 Type I Water Proofing Treatment behind wall 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,011.91
06-30-b-02 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,390.00
06-30-b-03 1:4 (0.5" thick) 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,122.08
06-30-b-04 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,517.16
06-30-b-05 1:4 (0.75" thick) 1,706.90 7,397.39
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
1:3 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
1:3 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
1:2 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
1:2 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
1:4 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
1:4 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
1:3 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
1:3 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
1:2 (0.5" thick)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-30-b-06 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio 100 Sft 1,706.90 7,979.85 m2 m3 m2
06-31 1:2 (0.75" thick) 100 Cft 10,146.75 10,146.75 m2 No
06-32 Grouting concrete between the grooves of gates including 1000 Sft 3,735.00 3,735.00 No
06-33 shuttering 100 Sft 2,630.06 2,630.06 m3 m3 m3 m3
06-34 Chisel dressing concrete surface on sides of grooves 100 No 12,283.17 12,283.17 m
06-35 Laying and ramming dry ballast or kankar Hoisting & placing in No 237.33 7,269.14 m3
06-36-a position RCC shelves 100 Cft 2,023.13 2,023.13 m3 m3
06-36-b Benches Providing fixing 4 seated white or coloured light shade 100 Cft 2,265.90 2,265.90 m3 m3
06-36-c marble mosaic benches (5-1/2 ft. x 1-1/2 ft. x 1-3/4 ft.) (1676 mm 100 Cft 2,630.06 2,630.06 m3
06-36-d x 533 mm x 457 mm) without back in white cement including 100 Cft 3,034.69 3,034.69
06-37 cartage, loading and unloading etc. complete . 100 Rft 2,365.50 6,311.79
06-38 Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 2" ring 100 Cft 2,023.13 2,023.13
06-39-a Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1.5" ring 100 Cft 2,265.90 2,265.90
06-39-b Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1" ring 100 Cft 2,630.06 2,630.06
06-39-c Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking. Jhama ballast 3/4" 100 Cft 3,034.69 3,034.69
06-39-d ring 100 Cft 4,046.25 4,046.25
06-39-e Supply & fix broken glasses on court yard walls, including 1:3:6 100 Cft 6,878.63 6,878.63
cement concrete coping
Crushing stone ballast by machine
Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 2" ring
Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1.5" ring
Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1" ring
Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 0.5" ring
Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1/8 to 1/4" ring

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-40 Screening and stacking stone ballast, shingle or bajri etc 100 Cft 647.40 647.40 m3
06-41 Washing ballast, bajri or shingle 100 Cft Each 647.40 647.40 m3 Each
06-42 Erecting and carting sun shades of precast RCC (upto 5"x 2.5") Each 408.36 894.36 Each
06-43-a S/F of pre cast slab of size 2'-6'' x 1'-6'' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel Each 28.01 290.45 Each
06-43-b (Main & distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain. Each 35.07 287.79 Each
06-43-c S/F of pre cast slab of size 3' x 1'-6'' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel (Main Each 39.67 452.77 Each
06-43-d & distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain. Each 44.37 355.41 Each
06-43-e S/F of pre cast slab of size 3' x 2' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel (Main & Each 46.72 532.72 Each
06-43-f distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain. Each 49.08 632.28 Each
06-43-g S/F of pre cast slab of size 4' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars 100 Cft 51.32 780.32 m3 m3 m3 m3
06-44-a 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete 100 Cft 4,988.72 13,950.94 m3
06-44-b on drain. 100 Cft 4,980.62 15,359.95
06-44-c S/F of pre cast slab of size 5'-6'' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main 100 Cft 4,980.62 16,794.26
06-45-a bars 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c 100 Cft 4,980.62 12,280.99
06-45-b complete on drain. 4,980.62 13,371.71
S/F of pre cast slab of size 6' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete
on drain.
S/F of pre cast slab of size 7' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete
on drain.
PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% boulders
PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% boulders
PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% boulders
PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% boulders
PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% boulders

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-45-c PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% boulders 100 Cft 4,980.62 14,462.42 m3 m2
06-46-a Erection and removal of Form work with Wood Surface Finshing 100 Sft 3,454.88 5,520.38 m2
06-46-b for RCC or Plain cement Concrete in any shape - Position / 100 Sft 3,454.88 5,763.38 m2
06-47-a Horizontal 100 Sft 3,454.88 7,099.88 m2
06-47-b Erection and removal of Form work with Wood Surface Finshing 100 Sft 3,454.88 7,464.38 m2
06-47-c for RCC or Plain cement Concrete in any shape - Position / 100 Sft 3,299.25 9,374.25 m2
06-47-d Vertical 100 Sft 3,299.25 9,981.75 m2
06-47-e Erection and removal of Form work with Steel Surface Finshing 100 Sft 1,151.63 1,151.63 m3
06-48-a for RCC or Plain Concrete in any shape - Position / Horizontal 100 Cft 7,905.75 29,855.14 m3
06-48-b Erection and removal of Form work with Steel Surface Finshing 100 Cft 7,905.75 32,690.49 m3
06-48-c for RCC or Plain cement Concrete in any shape - Position / 100 Cft 7,905.75 35,344.59
Erection and removal of Form work with Plywood sheet finishing
for RCC or Plain cement Concrete in any shpae - Position /
Erection and removal of Form work with Plywood sheet finishing
for RCC or Plain cement Concrete in any shape - Position /
Add extra to the item codes 06-46 and 06-47-a to d for Erection
and removal of Form work for
ornamental work in RCC or Plain cement concrete. Class A1
concrete in reinforcement/non reinforcement concrete structure
with minimum
cylinder compressive strength 3000 psi on 28 days
other than concrete in water and piles with consistency range in
slump 25-75 mm with water cement ratio 0.58
Class A2 cement concrete for concrete place under water with
minimum cylinder compressive strength 3500 psi on 28 days with
consistency range in slump 100-150 mm with water cement ratio
Class A3 cement concrete for concrete in pile with minimum
cylinder compressive strenght 4000 psi on 28 days other than
concrete in water and piles with consistency range in slump 100-
150 mm with water cement ratio 0.58

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-48-d Class B concrete for concrete in pile specified works only with 100 Cft 7,905.75 23,473.98 m3
06-48-e minimum cylinder compressive strenght 2418 psi on 28 days and 100 Cft 7,905.75 28,546.08 m3
06-48-f consistency range in slump 25-75 mm with water cement ratio 0.65 100 Cft 7,905.75 39,712.56 m3
06-48-g Class C concrete for concrete for cribbing or otherwise specified in 100 Cft 7,905.75 42,016.19 m3
06-48-h special provision with minimum cylinder compressive strength 100 Cft 7,905.75 45,558.40 m3
06-48-i 3000 psi on 28 days and consistency range in slump 25-75 mm 100 Cft 7,905.75 29,575.94 m3
06-48-j with water cement ratio 0.58 100 Cft 7,905.75 22,115.71 m3
06-49-a Class D1 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post tensioned 100 Cft 6,819.49 33,027.35 m3 m3 m3 m3
06-49-b with minimum cylinder compressive strength 4978.12 psi on 28 100 Cft 6,819.49 24,206.14 m3 m3
06-49-c days and consistency range in slump 50-100 mm with water 100 Cft 6,819.49 31,631.80
06-49-d cement ratio 0.40 100 Cft 6,819.49 47,678.81
06-49-e Class D2 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post tensioned 100 Cft 6,819.49 33,048.16
06-49-f with minimum cylinder compressive strength 6045 psi on 28 days 100 Cft 6,819.49 22,849.99
and consistency range in slump 50-100 mm with water cement
ratio 0.40
Class D3 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post tensioned
with minimum cylinder compressive strength 7112 psi on 28 days
and consistency range in slump 50-100 mm with water cement
ratio 0.40
Class Y concrete for concrete use as filler in steel grid, Bridge
floor, in then reinforced section etc with minimum cylinder
compressive strength 2575 psi on 28 days and consistency range in
slump 50-100 mm with water cement ratio 0.58
Lean concrete for use as thin layer under neath footings with
cylinder compressive strength of 1423 psi on 28 days.
Concrete Class A1 Concrete Class B Concrete Class C Concrete
Class D1 Concrete Class Y Lean concrete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
06-50-a Precast Concrete, Class A1 100 Cft Rft 6,819.49 30,546.10 m3 m
06-50-b Providing & Fixing of Precast Precast Boundary Wall Columns (6" 100 Sft 62.23 832.39 m2 m m2 m2
06-51-a x 6" x 10'), Horizontal Precast 100 Rft 1,518.90 7,685.44 m2
06-51-b Planks (2" x 12" x 8'), Horizontal Coloured Strip 100 Sft 2,527.35 3,099.86 m2 m2
06-51-c (2" x 12" x 8') and Concrete Column Cap (9" x 100 Sft 2,804.36 5,476.65
06-51-d 9"), Excavation, P.C.C (1:4:8), P.C.C (1:2:4) with 100 Sft 2,427.75 2,427.75
06-51-e back filling, complete in all respects. 100 Sft 2,031.22 11,523.90
06-51-f Top Surface of Slab Panel having 2.5" thick concrete (1:2:4) 100 Sft 1,979.55 2,164.23
06-51-g Joining of Wall and Slab Panels without mesh per running ft 2,589.60 2,866.62
Plastering (1:3) of 1" thickness on single face of SCIP upto 20'
Dismantling SCIP (Structural Concrete Insulated Panel)
Shotcreting of 1" thickness on single side of SCIP (1:2:1)
Panel Erection Full Length without cutting Panel Erection Full
Length with Cutting

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-01-a 1st class brickwork in mud mortar in buildings in foundation and 100 Cft 4,757.77 21,017.39 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-01-b plinth 100 Cft 6,322.11 22,776.13 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-02-a 1st class brickwork in mud mortar in buildings in ground floor 100 Cft 1,182.75 1,231.35 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-02-b Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in First floor 100 Cft 2,739.00 2,787.60 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-02-c Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Second floor 100 Cft 4,295.25 4,343.85 m3 m3 m3
07-02-d Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Third floor 100 Cft 5,851.50 5,900.10
07-03-a Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Fourth & subsequent 100 Cft 6,629.63 23,083.65
07-03-b floors. 100 Cft 1,182.75 1,231.35
07-04-a-01 1st class brick work in mud mortar other than building Upto 20 ft. 100 Cft 6,289.74 28,955.90
07-04-a-02 height 100 Cft 6,289.74 27,481.77
07-04-a-03 1st class brick work in mud mortar other than building Extra 100 Cft 6,289.74 26,597.29
07-04-a-04 labour for each 5 ft. addl. height or part 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,944.73
07-04-a-05 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,594.88
07-04-a-06 mortar 1:2 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,278.44
07-04-a-07 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,019.82
07-04-b-01 mortar 1:3 100 Cft 6,289.74 26,400.74
07-04-b-02 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand 100 Cft 6,289.74 26,034.65
07-04-b-03 mortar 1:4 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,762.88
07-04-b-04 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,499.17
mortar 1:5
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand
mortar 1:6
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand
mortar 1:7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Cement, sand
mortar 1:8
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement,sand
mortar 1:1:6
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement, sand
mortar 1:1:7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement, sand
mortar 1:1:8
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement, sand
mortar 1:1:9

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-04-b-05 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement, sand 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,315.07 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-04-c mortar 1:1:10 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,901.61 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-04-c-01 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, sand mortar 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,441.38 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-04-c-02 1:2 100 Cft 6,289.74 26,298.78 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-04-c-03 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, sand, surkhi 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,995.65 m3 m3 m3
07-04-c-04 1:1:1 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,412.28
07-04-c-05 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, coarse cinder. 100 Cft 6,289.74 24,678.25
07-05-a-01 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar 100 Cft 8,101.21 30,961.77
07-05-a-02 2:3 100 Cft 8,101.21 29,487.64
07-05-a-03 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar 100 Cft 8,101.21 28,603.17
07-05-a-04 1:2 100 Cft 8,101.21 28,013.52
07-05-a-05 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar 100 Cft 8,101.21 27,600.76
07-05-a-06 1:3 100 Cft 8,101.21 27,284.31
07-05-a-07 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 8,101.21 27,025.69
07-05-b-01 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:3 100 Cft 8,250.62 28,548.25
07-05-b-02 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:4 100 Cft 8,250.62 28,189.92
07-05-b-03 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:5 100 Cft 8,250.62 27,900.33
07-05-b-04 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:6 100 Cft 8,250.62 27,654.45
07-05-b-05 1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:7 100 Cft 8,250.62 27,470.35
1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:8
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-05-c 1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 8,250.62 28,056.88 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-05-c-01 1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, sand, surkhi 100 Cft 6,289.74 25,441.38 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-05-c-02 1:1:1. 100 Cft 8,250.62 28,259.65 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-05-c-03 1st class brick work in Ground floor lime, coarse cinder. 100 Cft 8,250.62 27,956.53 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-05-c-04 1st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi mortar 2:3 100 Cft 8,250.62 27,373.16 m3 m3 m3
07-05-c-05 1st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi mortar 1:2 100 Cft 8,250.62 26,639.13
07-06-a 1st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi mortar 1:3 100 Cft 1,182.75 1,231.35
07-06-b Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in First floor 100 Cft 2,739.00 2,787.60
07-06-c Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in in Second floor 100 Cft 4,295.25 4,343.85
07-06-d Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in Third floor 100 Cft 7,003.13 7,051.73
07-07-a-01 Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in in Fourth & 100 Cft 7,376.63 30,237.18
07-07-a-02 subsequent floors. 100 Cft 7,781.25 29,167.68
07-07-a-03 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,878.58
07-07-a-04 Cement, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,288.93
07-07-a-05 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,876.17
07-07-a-06 Cement, sand mortar 1:3 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,559.72
07-07-a-07 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,301.10
07-07-b-01 Cement, sand mortar 1:4 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,682.03
07-07-b-02 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,317.19
Cement, sand mortar 1:5
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height :
Cement, sand mortar 1:6
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height :
Cement, sand mortar 1:7
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height :
Cement, sand mortar 1:8
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime,
cement, sand mortar 1:1:6
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime,
cement, sand mortar 1:1:7

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-07-b-03 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime, 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,026.34 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-07-b-04 cement, sand mortar 1:1:8 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,780.46 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-07-b-05 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime, 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,596.36 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-07-c cement, sand mortar 1:1:9 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,182.89 m3 m3
07-07-c-01 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime, 100 Cft 7,376.63 26,722.77 m3 m2
07-07-c-02 cement, sand mortar 1:1:10 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,582.97 m3 100 No.
07-07-c-03 1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft. height : Lime, 100 Cft 7,376.63 27,276.94 100 No.
07-07-c-04 sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 6,162.75 25,479.69 m2
07-07-c-05 1st class brick work in other than building upto 10 ft height in 100 Cft 8,250.62 26,833.53
07-08 lime, sand, surkhi 1:1:1 100 Cft 1,182.75 1,221.63
07-09 1st class brick work in other than building upto 10 ft height in 100 Cft 3,112.50 3,209.70
07-10 lime, coarse cinder 1:1 100 Cft 1,867.50 2,675.48
07-11 1st class brick work in other than building upto 10 ft height in 100 Cft 2,303.25 2,303.25
07-12-a lime, surkhi mortar 2:3 100 Cft 1,556.25 1,556.25
07-12-b 1st class brick work in other than building upto 10 ft height in 100 Cft 2,707.88 2,707.88
07-13 lime, surkhi mortar 1:2 100 Sft 1,556.25 1,556.25
07-14 1st class brick work in other than building upto 10 ft height in 100 Cft 20,260.51 41,943.23
07-15-a lime, surkhi mortar 1:3 100 No 4,886.63 4,886.63
07-15-b Add extra on item No. 07-07 for every 10 ft. additional height, or 100 No 3,392.63 3,392.63
07-16-a part thereof 100 Sft 3,162.92 9,469.63
Extra labour for arch work in brick masonry, including labour for
centring and decentring Extra for 1st class brick work in steining
of wells
or any other circular masonry.
Extra labour for profile & flared walls
Extra labour for 1st class brick work in pier/abutment From 10
20 ft. height. Extra labour for 1st class brick work in
pier/abutment Exceeding 20 ft height.
Extra for face work (half brick thick) using special bricks instead
of first class bricks.
Reinforced brick work in lintel of openings, laid in 1:3 cement
mortar complete
Extra for dressing or chamfering bricks for Special architectural
Extra for dressing or chamfering bricks for all other purposes.
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Mud

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-16-b-01 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 12,231.57 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-16-b-02 sand mortar 1:2 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,862.25 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-16-b-03 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,641.92 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-16-b-04 sand mortar 1:3 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,494.51 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-16-b-05 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,390.53 m2 m2 m2
07-16-b-06 sand mortar 1:4 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,312.99
07-16-b-07 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 11,251.51
07-16-c-01 sand mortar 1:5 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,323.01
07-16-c-02 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,244.15
07-16-c-03 sand mortar 1:6 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,165.62
07-16-c-04 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,096.04
07-16-c-05 sand mortar 1:7 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,057.26
07-16-d Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 4,130.16 9,191.91
07-17-a sand mortar 1:8 100 Sft 591.38 630.26
07-17-b Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 1,369.50 1,408.38
07-17-c cement, sand mortar 1:1:6 100 Sft 2,147.63 2,196.23
07-17-d Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 3,501.56 3,569.60
07-18-a cement, sand mortar 1:1:7 100 Sft 4,744.58 13,068.79
07-18-b-01 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 6,094.27 17,621.75
cement, sand mortar 1:1:8
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
cement, sand mortar 1:1:9
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
cement, sand mortar 1:1:10
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
sand mortar 1:2
Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in First floor
Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Second
Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Third floor
Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Fourth &
subsequent floors.
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Mud mortar
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
sand mortar 1:2

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-18-b-02 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,884.69 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-18-b-03 sand mortar 1:3 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,442.45 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-18-b-04 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,147.63 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-18-b-05 sand mortar 1:4 100 Sft 6,094.27 15,939.67 m2 m2 m2 m2
07-18-b-06 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 15,779.25 m3 m3 m2
07-18-b-07 sand mortar 1:5 100 Sft 6,094.27 15,653.87
07-18-c-01 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,344.18
07-18-c-02 sand mortar 1:6 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,157.88
07-18-c-03 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,029.06
07-18-c-04 sand mortar 1:7 100 Sft 6,094.27 15,893.39
07-18-c-05 Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement, 100 Sft 6,094.27 15,804.61
07-18-d sand mortar 1:8 100 Sft 6,094.27 16,026.14
07-19-a Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 890.80 890.80
07-19-b cement, sand mortar 1:1:6 100 Sft 2,739.00 2,739.00
07-19-c Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 4,871.06 4,871.06
07-19-d cement, sand mortar 1:1:7 100 Sft 7,003.13 7,003.13
07-20-a Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Cft 8,123.63 22,030.70
07-20-b cement, sand mortar 1:1:8 100 Cft 1,182.75 1,279.95
07-21-a Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, 100 Sft 2,795.46 11,214.99
cement, sand mortar 1:1:9
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
cement, sand mortar 1:1:10
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, sand
mortar 1:2
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in First
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in
Second floor
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in Third
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brck work in Fourth
& subsequent floors
Fire brick masonry in fire-clay mortar Upto 20 ft. height including
all charges
Fire brick masonry in fire-clay mortar. Extra for every 5 ft.
additional height, or part thereof
1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 4.5" thick wall
with hoop iron bonding 6" apart

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-21-b 1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 4.5" thick wall 100 Sft 2,795.46 11,200.54 m2
07-21-c with hoop iron bonding 12" apart 100 Sft 2,179.19 7,913.06 m2
07-21-d 1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 3" thick 100 Sft 2,222.32 7,941.76 m2
07-22 1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 3" thick wall with 100 Cft 8,995.13 20,598.50 m3
07-23-a hoop iron banding 12" apart 100 Cft 3,112.50 19,314.53 m3 m2 m2 m3
07-23-b Ghilafi work (1.5 brick thick wall) Dry brick pitching 100 Sft 3,342.67 8,355.48 m3 m
07-23-c Brick Paving (Single Course) Brick Paving (Double Course) Sun 100 Sft 6,234.33 14,884.47 mmmmmm
07-24 dried bricks in mud mortar Pise wall (mud walling) 100 Cft 5,275.69 12,185.64 1000 No.
07-25 Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 3" thick drip course cornice 100 Cft 2,739.00 4,349.77 1000 No.
07-26-a Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 4.5" thick drip course cornice 100 Rft 4,233.00 8,837.28 m3 m
07-26-b Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 4.5" thick eave brick with 100 Rft 4,808.81 11,279.85
07-26-c back brick 100 Rft 3,999.56 11,060.52
07-27-a Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices in c/s mortar, plaster or 100 Rft 4,808.81 7,118.99
07-27-b paint (1 brick) 100 Rft 7,112.06 14,197.86
07-27-c Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or 100 Rft 9,480.05 21,847.23
07-27-d paint (2 brick) 100 Rft 11,920.88 29,664.25
07-28 Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or 1000 No. 809.25 809.25
07-29 paint (3 brick) 1000 No. 1,494.00 1,494.00
07-30 Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or 100 Cft 248.44 3,656.51
07-31 paint (4 brick) 100 Rft 12,263.25 13,822.22
Cleaning bricks dismantled from kacha pacca masonry
Scraping bricks dismantled from 1st class masonry
Supplying and filling sand under floor or plugging in wells
Provide & lay 2" thick & 15" projected tile band, laid in 1:2 c/s

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-32-a First class brick tiles clad by laying tiles in stretcher course, in 100 Sft 3,177.86 8,122.61 m2
07-32-b cement sand mortar 1:3 100 Sft 3,177.86 7,887.61 m2 m2
07-33 First class brick tiles clad by laying tiles in stretcher course, in 100 Sft 9,203.79 9,203.79 m Each m3
07-34 cement sand mortar 1:4 Chamfering sides of head regulators and 100 Rft Each 6,879.81 6,879.81 m3 m3 m3 m3
07-35 masonry 100Cft 299.42 299.42 m2
07-36-a walls to increase width 100Cft 8,452.93 35,613.40 m2
07-36-b Extra labour for drains of bath rooms etc Maroo corners 100Cft 8,250.62 33,937.27 m3
07-36-c Masonry with Facing/Special Bricks in cement sand mortar 1:2 100Cft 8,250.62 33,052.48 m3
07-37 upto 10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick) Masonry using Facing/Special 100Cft 100 421.74 434.38 m3
07-38 bricks in cement Sft 14,666.10 43,065.54
07-39-a sand mortar 1:3 upto 10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick) 100 Sft 1,556.25 20,254.35
07-39-b Masonry using Facing/Special bricks in cement sand mortar 1:4 100Cft 1,556.25 18,895.18
07-40-a upto 10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick) Add extra on Item 07-38 for every 100Cft 4,264.13 16,284.39
07-40-b 10 ft additional 100Cft 4,264.13 15,555.19
07-40-c height or part thereof 4,264.13 15,105.08
Masonry with /Special Bricks in 1:3 c/s mortar in circular core
wall of Overhead Reservoir
Providing and Fixing Face Work with Brick Tiles (Gutka) of size
2'' x 2'' x 9'' on interior, exterior wall with cement sand mortar 1:3
including ties and scaffolding complete in all respects.
Providing and Fixing Face Work with Brick Tiles (Gutka) of size
3'' x 3'' x 9'' on interior, exterior wall with cement sand mortar 1:3
including ties and scaffolding complete in all respects.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-40-d Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement 100Cft 4,264.13 14,810.26 m3
07-40-e sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4,264.13 14,628.74 m3
07-40-f with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 4,264.13 14,447.23 m3
07-40-g Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6cement 100Cft 4,264.13 14,315.25 m3
07-41-a sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4,984.36 19,578.18 m3
07-41-b with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 4,984.36 18,693.71 m3
07-41-c Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 18,163.02 m3
07-41-d sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4,984.36 17,809.23 m3
07-41-e with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 4,984.36 17,557.84 m3
07-41-f Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 17,371.71 m3
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured
with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-41-g Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 17,219.58 m3
07-42-a sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 5,754.39 28,923.33 m3
07-42-b with 1.5" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 5,754.39 27,893.02 m3
07-42-c Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement 100Cft 5,754.39 27,272.31 m3
07-42-d sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5,754.39 26,859.55 m3
07-42-e with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 5,754.39 26,572.49 m3
07-42-f Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement 100Cft 5,754.39 26,350.69 m3
07-42-g sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5,754.39 26,167.50 m3
07-43-a with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi. 100Cft 4,264.13 18,848.50 m3
07-43-b Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement 100Cft 4,264.13 18,119.30 m3
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 2100 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 2100 psi.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-43-c Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement 100Cft 4,264.13 17,669.20 m3
07-43-d sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4,264.13 17,374.37 m3
07-43-e with strength of 2100 psi. 100Cft 4,264.13 17,192.86 m3
07-43-f Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement 100Cft 4,264.13 17,011.34 m3
07-43-g sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4,264.13 16,879.36 m3
07-44-a with strength of 2100 psi. 100Cft 4,984.36 20,902.41 m3
07-44-b Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 20,017.94 m3
07-44-c sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4,984.36 19,487.25 m3
07-44-d with strength of 2100 psi. 100Cft 4,984.36 19,133.46 m3
07-44-e Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 18,882.07 m3
sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 2100 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 2100 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1900 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1900 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1900 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1900 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1900 psi.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
07-44-f Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement 100Cft 4,984.36 18,695.94 m3
07-44-g sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4,984.36 18,543.81 m3
07-45-a with strength of 1900 psi. 100Cft 5,754.39 25,972.87 m3
07-45-b Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement 100Cft 5,754.39 24,942.55 m3
07-45-c sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5,754.39 24,321.85 m3
07-45-d with strength of 1900 psi. 100Cft 5,754.39 23,909.09 m3
07-45-e Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement 100Cft 5,754.39 23,622.03 m3
07-45-f sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5,754.39 23,400.22 m3
07-45-g with strength of 1800 psi. 100Cft 5,754.39 23,217.04 m3
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks
with strength of 1800 psi.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
08-01-a Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth Dry masonry. 100 Cft 5,415.75 9,916.11 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-01-b Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in mud mortar 100 Cft 6,769.69 11,926.15 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-01-c-01 Random rubble masonry (Un coursed) in foundn. & plinth in lime, 100 Cft 10,426.88 19,720.00 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-01-c-02 sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 10,426.88 19,410.18 m3
08-01-c-03 Random rubble masonry (Un coursed) in foundn. & plinth in lime, 100 Cft 10,426.88 19,100.35 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-01-d-01 sand mortar, Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1 Random rubble masonry (Un 100 Cft 10,426.88 22,861.95 m3 m3
08-01-d-02 coursed) in foundn. 100 Cft 10,426.88 21,553.85
08-01-d-03 & plinth in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 10,426.88 20,056.64
08-01-d-04 Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand 100 Cft 10,426.88 19,228.34
08-02-a mortar : Ratio 1:3 100 Cft 6,909.75 11,410.11
08-02-b Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand 100 Cft 9,617.63 14,774.08
08-02-c-01 mortar : Ratio 1:4 100 Cft 11,749.69 20,508.24
08-02-c-02 Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand 100 Cft 11,749.69 20,874.12
08-02-c-03 mortar : Ratio 1:6 100 Cft 11,749.69 20,598.89
08-02-d-01 Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand 100 Cft 11,749.69 23,944.64
08-02-d-02 mortar : Ratio 1:8 100 Cft 11,749.69 22,781.89
08-02-d-03 Coursed rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth dry masonry. 100 Cft 11,749.69 21,443.08
08-02-d-04 Coursed rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in mud mortar 100 Cft 11,749.69 20,719.55
08-03-a Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in 100 Cft 6,162.75 10,663.11
lime, sand mortar 1:2 Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed)
foundn. & plinth in lime, sand mortar, Surkhi
Ratio 1:1:1
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed)
foundn. & plinth in cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:3
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:4 Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer
Dressed) in
foundn. & plinth in cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:6
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:8
Random rubble masonry in ground floor Dry masonry.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
08-03-b Random rubble masonry in ground floor in mud mortar 100 Cft 8,123.63 13,170.74 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-03-c-01 Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 11,376.19 20,669.31 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-03-c-02 Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar, 100 Cft 11,376.19 20,359.49 m3 m3
08-03-c-03 Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1 100 Cft 11,376.19 20,049.66 m3 m3
08-03-d-01 Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 11,376.19 23,811.26 m3 m3
08-03-d-02 Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 11,376.19 22,503.16 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-03-d-03 Ratio 1:3 100 Cft 11,376.19 21,005.96 m3 m3
08-03-d-04 Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 11,376.19 20,177.65 m3
08-04-a Ratio 1:4 100 Cft 3,084.80 6,420.22
08-04-b Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 3,754.63 13,842.50
08-04-c Ratio 1:6 100 Cft 3,754.63 10,498.13
08-04-d Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 2,810.59 11,109.85
08-04-e Ratio 1:8 100 Cft 24,651.00 31,461.83
08-04-f Stone Masonry Random Dry 100 Cft 3,799.65 12,353.82
08-05-a Stone Masonry Random With Mortar Class-A 100 Cft 8,061.38 12,561.74
08-05-b Stone Masonry Dressed Uncoursed Dry 100 Cft 12,667.88 17,714.98
08-05-c-01 Stone Masonry Dressed Uncoursed With Mortar 100 Cft 13,274.81 22,030.27
08-05-c-02 Roll Pointing 100 Cft 13,274.81 22,399.25
08-05-c-03 Stone Masonary Dressed Coursed With Mortar 100 Cft 13,274.81 22,122.98
08-05-d-01 Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor Dry masonry. 100 Cft 13,274.81 25,469.77
08-05-d-02 Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in mud mortar 100 Cft 13,274.81 24,307.01
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar,
Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
Ratio 1:3
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
Ratio 1:4

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
08-05-d-03 Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 13,274.81 22,974.40 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-05-d-04 Ratio 1:6 100 Cft 13,274.81 22,275.65 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-06-a-01 Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 36,478.50 45,721.75 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-06-a-02 Ratio 1:8 100 Cft 36,478.50 45,515.20 m3 m3 m3 m3
08-06-a-03 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 36,478.50 47,815.16 m3 m3 m3
08-06-b-01 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar, Surkhi 100 Cft 36,478.50 50,322.89
08-06-b-02 Ratio 1:1:1 100 Cft 36,478.50 49,450.82
08-06-b-03 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 36,478.50 48,462.48
08-07-a-01 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 70,311.38 83,309.97
08-07-a-02 Ratio 1:3 100 Cft 70,311.38 83,206.69
08-07-a-03 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 70,311.38 83,103.41
08-07-b-01 Ratio 1:4 100 Cft 70,311.38 84,357.28
08-07-b-02 Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : 100 Cft 70,311.38 83,921.25
08-07-b-03 Ratio 1:6 100 Cft 70,311.38 83,434.42
08-08-a Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 1,690.09 1,690.09
08-08-b Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar, Surkhi 100 Cft 3,896.85 3,896.85
08-08-c Ratio 1:1:1 100 Cft 6,144.08 6,144.08
08-08-d Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 9,760.80 9,760.80
08-09 Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio 100 Cft 1,556.25 1,556.25
Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in First
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in
Second floor
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Third
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Fourth
& subsequent floors
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for every 5'
additional height, other than building

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
08-10 Extra labour for arch work in stone masonry including centring & 100 Cft 4,606.50 4,606.50 m3
08-11-a decentring etc. 100 Cft 26,892.00 26,892.00 m3 m3 m2
08-11-b Extra labour for coping & caps etc Extra labour for cornice & 100 Cft 26,892.00 26,892.00 m2
08-12-a string course Dressing stones : Hammer dressed 100 Sft 9,493.13 9,493.13 m2
08-12-b Dressing stones : Rough tooled dressed 100 Sft 18,177.00 18,177.00 m2 m2
08-12-c Dressing stones : Chisel dressed Dressing stones : Fine dressed 100 Sft 21,974.25 21,974.25 m3 m3 m3 m2
08-12-d Dhajji walling 5"x5" thick deodar framing with stone laid in 1:6 c/s 100 Sft 47,185.50 47,185.50 m2
08-13 mortar & 1:4 c/s plaster Provide & fix stone blocks from 2 cft. to 6 100 Sft 14,329.95 117,988.06
08-14 cft. 100 Cft 51,978.75 56,352.75
08-15 each, including lift upto 20 ft. 100 Cft 25,460.25 29,834.25
08-16 Providing and fixing stone blocks, under 2 cft. each, including lift 100 Cft 1,929.75 6,850.50
08-17 upto 20 ft. 100 Sft 4,319.32 6,872.34
08-18 Provide & lay stone/boulder dry hand packed as filling behind 100 Sft 7,240.58 15,290.71
retaining walls or in pitching Provide and laying Dry Stone
Pitching complete in
all respect
Provide and laying Grouted Stone Pitching With Bitumen Joints
complete in all respect

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
09-01 First class tile roofing including earth, mud plaster, gobri leeping, 100 Sft 11,320.16 22,248.84 m2
09-02 cement plaster etc complete 100 Sft 8,590.50 18,946.15 m2 m2
09-03 Second class tile roofing consisting of 4" earth and 1" mud plaster 100 sft 3,420.64 9,344.92 m2 m2
09-04 with gobri leeping etc 100 Sft 381.59 1,692.98 m2
09-05-a Provide & laying of Kaprail tile 6"X9" on roof top including cost 100 Sft 1,151.63 5,109.18 m2 m2
09-05-b of weathershield complete: Covering mud roof with coal tar and 100 Sft 1,654.17 2,225.83 m2
09-05-c fine sand 100 Sft 472.48 1,175.96 m2 m2
09-06 Filling spaces in between wooden battens over beams, filled with 100 Sft 3,486.00 12,811.47 m2
09-07-a deodar wood pieces 100 Sft 12,450.00 28,354.41 m2 m2
09-07-b Filling spaces in between RCC battens, filled with PCC block 1:3:6 100 Sft 12,450.00 30,075.33
09-08-a Filling spaces in between spacers filled with bricks 100 Sft 10,115.63 25,735.04
09-08-b Single layer of tiles 12"x6"x2" laid over 4" earth and 1" mud 100 Sft 10,115.63 27,300.81
09-09 plaster on top of RC roof slab 100 Sft 2,988.00 2,988.00
09-10 Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar a) cement concrete 100 Sft 10,333.50 17,003.12
in haunches 1:6:12
Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar b) cement concrete
in haunches 1:3:6
Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar complete. Cement
concrete in haunches 1:6:12
Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 cement mortar, including
complete. Cement concrete in haunches 1:3:6
Extra for vaulted jack arch roofing
Jack arch roofing of shingle & cement concrete 1:3:6, 4.5" at
crown & 1/2" cem. plaster complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
09-11-a Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 3" thick 100 Sft 1,085.64 1,945.99 m2
09-11-b earth filling and 1" mud plaster 100 Sft 1,134.19 2,116.05 m2
09-12 Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 4" thick 100 Sft 227.84 246.28 m2 m2
09-13 earth filling and 1" mud plaster 100 Sft 809.25 3,380.57 m2
09-14-a 1/8" thick gobri leeping on roofs or floors 100 Sft 2,116.50 22,615.98 m2 m2 m
09-14-b 2 coats of bitumen laid hot using 34 lbs. for %sft over roof & 100 Sft 2,116.50 19,941.04 Each Each
09-14-c blinded with sand at 1 cft per % sft Supply & fix corrugated GI 100 Sft Rft 2,116.50 16,931.72 mm
09-15 sheet with GI bolts, Each Each 134.59 169.70 m2 m
09-16 nuts, limpet etc. complete : 20 BWG Rft Rft 501.11 844.35 m Each Each
09-17 Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, limpet etc. 100 Sft Rft 501.11 1,426.93 Each
09-18-a complete : 22 BWG Rft Each Each 110.12 287.49
09-18-b Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, limpet etc. Each 110.12 317.56
09-19 complete : 24 BWG 3,812.81 12,366.21
09-20-a Khassi parnalas in c/s mortar 1:2, 12" outside width finished 78.08 657.07
09-20-b smooth with a floating coat Khuras on roof 2'x2'x6" 78.08 515.07
09-21 Bottom khuras of brick masonry in c/s mortar 1:6,4'x2'x4.5" over 280.13 1,565.93
09-22 3" cem. concrete 1:4:8 180.52 1,148.18
09-23 Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe a) 4" diameter down 361.05 624.58
Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe b) 5" diameter down
Plain galvanized iron sheet flashing, 22 guage
Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding heads &
shoes : 4" dia
Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding heads &
shoes : 3" dia
Heads for cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in place including
cost of clamp holdfast and painting Shoes, bends or offsets for cast
iron ran water
down pipe, including fixing & painting
Plain GI sheet spouts fixed in position, including paint

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
09-24-a Laying 1/2" thick deodar wood ceiling complete, including sawing, 100 Sft 2,303.25 33,030.60 m2 m2 m2 m2
09-24-b planing & fixing 100 Sft 2,303.25 22,095.60 m2 m2 m2 m
09-24-c Laying 1/2" thick biar wood ceiling complete, including sawing, 100 Sft 2,303.25 12,375.60 mmmm
09-25-a planing & fixing 100 Sft 5,602.50 23,627.88 Each Each m
09-25-b Laying 1/2" thick partal wood ceiling complete, including sawing, 100 Sft 5,602.50 21,729.66 m2 m2 m2 m2
09-26 planing & fixing 100 Sft 3,112.50 12,644.42 m
09-27 Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, screws, 100 Sft 535.35 535.35
09-28 clips etc : 22 BWG 100 Rft Rft 3,859.50 8,998.46
09-29-a Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, screws, Rft Rft Rft 134.80 833.33
09-29-b clips etc : 24 BWG Asbestos cement corrugated sheet roofing Each Each 134.80 809.23
09-29-c including overlaps, GI hooks, bolts, nuts etc Rft 134.80 925.00
09-30 Extra labour for erection of GI sheets, flat sheet or asbestos sheet 100 Sft Sft Sft 64.55 232.82
09-31 roofing above 20' height Sft Rft 460.65 460.65
09-32 Fixing asbestos cement sheet ridges and valleys 1/4" thick 2,303.25 3,053.73
09-33 Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 6" lap & 18" 20.23 21.92
09-34 overall of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging Plain GI sheet ridging 5,306.19 30,712.81
09-35-a including fixture complete 38.60 151.09
09-35-b 9" lap & 24" overall, of 24 gauge GI sheet ridging 38.60 150.85
09-35-c Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 12" lap & 30 38.28 152.97
09-36 overall, of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging Plain 22 gauge GI sheet 45.44 422.70
gutter semi circular 8"
Fixing water spouse or parnala.
Making masonry ventilators in c/s mortar 1:4
Making drip course 2"x1/2" under RCC slab edges in outer
opening, in c/s mortar 1:2
Supply and laying of twin GI sheet 20 SWG painted with bitumen
& polythene fim complete
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet
1/2" thick
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet
3/4" thick
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet 1"
Providing and fixing AC rain water down pipe 4" dia, with shoe,
tee, bend & clamp etc

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
09-37-a Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs upto 6" thick Rft 62.27 64.86 m
09-37-b Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs exceeding 6" Rft Each Each 80.84 85.54 m Each Each
09-38-a to 12" thick Each Each Each 357.89 366.42 Each Each
09-38-b Making recess in existing brick masonry a) upto 1.0' height of Each Each Each 176.48 180.25 Each Each
09-39 girder or beam Each Each 784.35 784.35 Each Each
09-40 Making recess in existing brick masonry b) for every 6" additional Each Each Each 66.10 66.10 Each Each
09-41-a height or part thereof Hoisting RS Beams & wooden beams and Each Each Each 59.76 59.76 Each Each
09-41-b placing in position Each 78.43 78.43 Each Each
09-41-c Hoisting and placing in position sahl ballies, over roof 98.04 98.04 Each Each
09-41-d Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens a) From 5' to 6' long 130.23 130.23 Each
09-41-e Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens b) Over 6' to 7' long 156.87 156.87
09-42-a Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens c) Over 7' to 8' long 156.87 156.87
09-42-b Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens d) Over 8' to 9' long 196.09 196.09
09-42-c Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens e) Exceeding 9' 260.45 260.45
09-42-d length 299.67 299.67
09-42-e Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 10' in length 326.31 326.31
09-42-f Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 11' in length 352.96 352.96
09-42-g Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 12' in length 392.17 392.18
09-42-h Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 13' in length 431.39 431.39
Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 14' in length
Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 15' in length
Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 16' in length
Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 17' in length

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
09-42-i Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 18' in length Each Each Each 560.00 560.00 Each Each
09-42-j Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 19' in length Each Each Each 601.65 601.65 Each Each
09-42-k Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 20' in length Each Each Each 652.63 652.63 Each Each
09-43-a Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 10' span Each Each Each 118.28 118.28 Each Each
09-43-b Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 12' span 100 Sft Sft 252.74 252.74 Each Each
09-43-c Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 13' span 304.90 304.90 Each Each m2
09-43-d Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 14' span 391.05 391.05 m2
09-43-e Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 15' span 428.22 428.22
09-43-f Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 16' span 473.10 473.10
09-43-g Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 18' span 591.38 591.38
09-43-h Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 20' span 946.20 946.20
09-44 RCC spout including fixing in position, with top and bottom 612.66 975.20
09-45 khuras 7,495.18 57,956.97
09-46 P/F Burnt Brick Tile Roofing over Tee Iron and Steel Girder, in 66.57 313.01
1:6 c/s mortar (12' max span) Providing and Laying Prestressed
Roof of
Slab/Girder, 2" thick PCC 1:2:4 with chicken
mesh, polythene, mud, tar

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-01 Laying murum flooring complete as per specs 100 Sft 3,579.38 9,558.45 m2 m2
10-02 Earth flooring 6" thick consolidated layer of moistened earth, 100 Sft 1,198.31 2,218.91 m2 m3 m2 m2
10-03-a including ramming 100 Sft 4,726.14 6,098.67 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-03-b Provide, lay, water & ram 4" thick clean coarse sand under floor / 100 Cft 4,062.68 9,697.25 m2 m2
10-04 brick paving, complete Provide, lay, water & ram brick ballast 1.5" 100 Sft 2,505.56 3,994.87 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-05 to 2" 100 Sft 1,624.23 5,888.22 m2 m2 m2
10-06 guage mixed with 25% sand for floor foundations 100 Sft 2,339.92 8,654.21
10-07 Mud floor of 6" thick consolidated layer of moist earth & finished 100 Sft 1,556.25 2,241.93
10-08 off with 1" mud plaster 100 Sft 2,191.20 7,551.29
10-09 Dry brick paving laid flat,sand grouted, including prep. Of bed, by 100 Sft 3,517.13 11,258.01
10-10 1/2" thick mud plaster 100 Sft 2,739.00 6,268.09
10-11 Dry brick on edge paving, sand grouted, including prep. Of bed, by 100 Sft 2,739.00 6,778.39
10-12 1/2" thick mud plaster 100 Sft 100sft 3,112.50 7,858.41
10-13 Grouting 4.5" dry brick work with cement sand mortar 1:5 100sft 100sft 2,536.69 16,752.92
10-14-a Flat brick flooring laid in 1:6 c/s mortar over a bed of 3/4" thick 100sft 100sft 4,126.55 12,086.87
10-14-b cement mortar 1:6 100 Sft 2,974.93 8,720.91
10-14-c Brick on edge flooring, laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4" 4,126.55 10,250.76
10-14-d thick cement mortar 1:6 4,126.55 14,174.39
10-14-e Brick tiles (12"x6"x2") laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4" 4,126.55 12,086.87
thick c/s mortar 1:6
Brick tiles (12"x6"x1.5") laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4"
thick c/s mortar 1:6 complete in all respect
Brick tiles (9"x4.5"x1.5") laid flat in 1:3 c/s mortar over a bed of
3/4" thick cement mortar 1:6
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
c/s mortar 1:2 : 18" x 12" x 1" Cement tiles (8"x8"x3/4") laid flat
in 1:2 c/s
mortar, over 3/4" thick bed of c/s mortar 1:2
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
c/s mortar 1:2 : 12" x 12" x 1" Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s
mortar over
3/4" thick bed of c/s mortar 1:2 : 9" x 9" x 3/4"
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
c/s mortar 1:2 : 6" x 6" x 3/4" Coloured cement tile (8"x8"x3/4") of
dark shade
laid flat in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" mortar bed

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-15-a Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,979.55 5,117.11 m2
10-15-b finishing & dividing in panels : 1" thick 100 Sft 2,424.64 6,379.45 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-15-c Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 2,424.64 6,762.73 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-15-d finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick Provide & lay topping of 100 Sft 2,829.26 7,696.34 m2
10-15-e concrete 1:2:4, including 100 Sft 2,950.65 8,145.02 m2
10-15-f surface finishing & dividing in panels : 1.75" thick 100 Sft 3,314.81 8,922.52 m2 m2
10-15-g Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 3,314.81 9,317.88
10-15-h finishing & dividing in panels : 2" thick Provide & lay topping of 100 Sft 4,436.12 10,939.53
10-16-a concrete 1:2:4, including 100 Sft 3,831.49 7,925.51
10-16-b surface finishing & dividing in panels: 2.25" thick 100 Sft 3,831.49 8,207.22
10-16-c Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 4,575.38 9,392.66
10-17 finishing & dividing in panels: 2.5" thick Provide & lay topping of 100 Sft 1,151.63 2,062.02
10-18 concrete 1:2:4, including 100 Sft 963.01 963.01
surface finishing & dividing in panels: 2.75" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface
finishing & dividing in panels : 3" thick Provide & laying
conglomerate floor (two coat
work) with top layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface
of one part of cement 2 parts of stone chips passing 3/16" sieve
over bottom layer of cement concrete (1:3:6) including surface
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick
Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with top
layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of cement 2 parts of
stone chips passing 3/16" sieve over bottom layer of cement
concrete (1:3:6) including surface finishing & dividing in panels:
1.75" thick
Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with top
layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of cement 2 parts of
stone chips passing 3/16" sieve over bottom layer of cement
concrete (1:3:6) including surface finishing & dividing in panels :
2" thick
Add extra in cement concrete floor topping if finished with
pigment and polishing
Extra labour for each storey above ground for mosaic,
conglomerate, tiles, stone & wood floor

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-19-a Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 2" thick 100 Sft 6,478.54 9,968.98 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-19-b Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 3" thick 100 Sft 6,477.73 10,916.91 m2 m2
10-20-a Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1" thick topping 100 Sft 2,365.50 16,112.01 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-20-b Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1/2" thick topping 100 Sft 2,035.57 8,908.83 m2
10-20-c Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1/4" thick topping 100 Sft 1,421.79 4,863.23 m2 m2
10-21-a 1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and polishing 100 Sft 9,462.00 15,864.44 m2
10-21-b complete : Using grey cement 100 Sft 9,462.00 16,810.93 m2
10-22-a 1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and polishing 100 Sft 9,704.78 16,471.35 m2
10-22-b complete : Using white cement 1.5" thick mosaic flooring, 100 Sft 9,704.78 17,580.65
10-23 including rubbing & 100 Sft 5,132.51 24,354.54
10-24 polishing complete : Using grey cement 100 Sft 4,139.63 18,881.95
10-25 1.5" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing & polishing complete 100 Sft 4,762.13 19,564.25
10-26-a-i : Using white cement Laying floor of mosaic marble chips tiles of 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,913.49
10-26-a-ii approved shade including finishing complete 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,892.89
10-26-a-iii Lay floor of white glazed tile of size 6'' x 6'' x 1/4" in white cement 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,255.02
10-26-a-iv 1:2 over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54
Lay floor of approved coloured glazed tiles 6'' x 6'' x 1/4" laid in
white cement & pigment complete Provide & lay marble fine
dressed stone flooring
on surface in white cement complete: 3/8" thick 12
x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-26-b-i Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,921.75 15,168.64 m2
10-26-b-ii white cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,275.62 m2
10-26-b-iii Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,510.17 m2
10-26-b-iv Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,082.27 m2
10-26-c-i white cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,975.29 m2
10-26-c-ii Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54 m2
10-26-c-iii white cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,785.92 m2
10-26-c-iv Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,921.75 18,995.89 m2
10-26-d-i white cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,975.29 m2
10-26-d-ii Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54 m2
10-26-d-iii white cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,785.92 m2
10-26-d-iv Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 18,995.89 m2
10-26-e Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in 100 Sft 3,517.13 13,804.14 m2 m2
10-26-f white cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble 100 Sft 3,517.13 13,804.14
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in
white cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone 4-5 feet and 12"
wide 1" thick for stairs steps Providing and Laying marble fine
dressed stone
7x1.5 feet and 1" thick for stairs steps.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-26-g Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 2" wide 100 Rft 859.05 17,569.07 m m m m2
10-26-h Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 3" wide 100 Rft 859.05 14,087.80 m2
10-26-i Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 4" wide 100 Rft 859.05 14,087.80 m2
10-27 Cleaning and washing mosaic or marble floor with caustic soda 100 Sft 354.83 1,714.05 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-28 mixture 100 Sft 18,986.25 88,881.13 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-28-a Shisham wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 100 Sft 13,819.50 72,738.31 m2 m2
10-28-b coats of bitumen laid hot complete 100 Sft 13,819.50 78,126.59 m2
10-28-c Shisham wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 100 Sft 13,819.50 70,059.00 m2
10-28-d coats of bitumen laid hot complete 100 Sft 13,819.50 44,242.68
10-29 Teak wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 coats 100 Sft 13,819.50 99,102.36
10-30 of bitumen laid hot complete Biar wood boarding or strip flooring 100 Sft 18,986.25 66,167.92
10-30-a 3/4" thick 100 Sft 13,819.50 56,638.11
10-30-b including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot complete 100 sft 13,819.50 70,063.86
10-30-c Partal wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 coats 100 Sft 13,819.50 51,474.36
10-30-d of bitumen laid hot complete 100 Sft 13,819.50 34,950.36
10-30-e Deodar wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 100 Sft 13,819.50 52,920.21
10-31 coats of bitumen laid hot complete Teak wood boarding or strip 100 Sft 13,819.50 88,392.64
10-32 flooring 1/2" thick 100 Sft 18,986.25 78,759.23
including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot complete
Teak wood boarding or strip flooring 1/2" thick including 2 coats
of bitumen laid hot complete Deodar wood boarding or strip
flooring 1/2" thick
including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot complete
Biar wood boarding or strip flooring 1/2" thick including 2 coats of
bitumen laid hot complete
Partal wood boarding or strip flooring 1/2" thick including 2 coats
of bitumen laid hot complete Sheesham wood boarding or strip
flooring 1/2"
thick including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot
Shisham wood block flooring 1" thick out to required size, fixed
on a layer of bitumen base Teak wood block 1" thick cut to
required size,
fixed on a layer of asphalt bitumen laid on base

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-33-a Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & 100 Sft 5,415.75 51,908.91 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-33-b asphalt : Shisham wood 100 Sft 5,415.75 27,091.84 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-34-a Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & 100 Sft 4,531.18 12,558.50 m2
10-34-b asphalt : Kikar wood 100 Sft 3,379.55 20,997.84 m2 m2
10-35-a Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement mortar 100 Sft 5,215.93 6,279.45 m2
10-35-b 1:2 complete : Cement tiles 100 Sft 5,215.93 6,108.22 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-35-c Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement mortar 100 Sft Sft 560.25 604.62
10-36-a 1:2 complete : Mosaic tiles Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick Sft 236.16 1,025.91
10-36-b complete 100Sft Sft 236.16 1,390.41
10-37 1:2 cement, sand mortar Sft 2,166.30 16,654.42
10-38-a Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete 1:3 cement, sand 100 Sft 39.40 739.29
10-38-b mortar 100 Sft 39.40 443.31
10-39-a Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete Extra if skirting 100 Sft 8,185.88 13,360.07
10-39-b or dado is finished with pigment Providing and fixing of Corian of 100 Rft 8,185.88 13,329.46
10-39-c any size on Tops 7,438.88 12,613.07
10-40 of Approved Design in any colour, shade and 7,438.88 12,721.82
Providing and fixing of Textured Corian of any size on Tops of
Approved Design in any colour, shade and pattern.
Providing and Fixing of Marble Vanity for Wash Hand Basin of
Imported approved quality Providing and Laying 1" Thick Super
Marble Slab Exceeding 12"x12" size Kitchen Top
in White Cement including all labour for Grinding and Polishing.
Providing and Laying 1" Thick Badal Marble Slab Exceeding
12"x12" size Kitchen Top in White Cement including all labour for
Grinding and Polishing.
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
Ceramic Tile - 6"x6" white
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
Coloured Ceramic Tile - 6"x6"
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
Printed Ceramic Tile - 6"x6"
Glazed tile dado 1/4" thick in pigment over 1:2 c/s mortar 3/4"
thick including finishing complete Ceramic Tile - 6"x6" white

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-41-a-01 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey cement : 100 Sft 5,820.38 9,771.49 m2 m2 m2
10-41-a-02 3/8" thick 100 Sft 5,820.38 10,434.52 m2
10-41-b-01 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey cement : 100 Sft 5,820.38 10,352.02 m2
10-41-b-02 1/2" thick 100 Sft 5,820.38 11,440.05 m2 m2
10-42 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white 100 Sft 1,994.49 16,548.81 m2
10-43 cement : 3/8" thick including grinding and polishing 100 Sft 2,109.65 19,137.11 m2
10-44 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white 100 Sft 4,264.13 12,455.66 m2
10-45-a-i cement : 1/2" thick including grinding and polishing 100 Sft 3,921.75 15,168.64 m2
10-45-a-ii Providing and fixing on walls1/4"(6mm approx.) thick of imported 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,275.62 m2
10-45-a-iii first grade ceramic tiles of size 24 in x 24 in white on walls, over 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,510.17 m2
10-45-a-iv 1/2" (13mm) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 setting of tiles in 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,082.27
10-45-b-i slurry of grey cement over mortar base including filling the joint 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,913.49
10-45-b-ii with white cement and washing the tile, curing and cleaning etc. 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,892.89
Providing and Fixing of glazed tiles skirting etc complete imported
approved quality (20"×20") Providing and laying 1/2" thick marble
in dado /
skirting with matching colour mortar in joints set
over 1/2" thick rough cast 1:4 cement sand plaster. Provide & lay
marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white cement
complete: 3/8" thick 12 x
12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-45-b-iii Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 3,921.75 13,255.02 m2
10-45-b-iv cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54 m2
10-45-c-i Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,975.29 m2
10-45-c-ii cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54 m2
10-45-c-iii Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,785.92 m2
10-45-c-iv cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 18,995.89 m2
10-45-d-i Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 3,921.75 17,975.29 m2
10-45-d-ii cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 16,699.54 m2
10-45-d-iii Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 3,921.75 14,785.92 m2
10-45-d-iv cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble 100 Sft 3,921.75 18,995.89 m2
10-46 Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Sft 2,707.88 10,890.36 m2
10-47-a cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble 100 Rft 1,151.63 2,338.42 mmm
10-47-b Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white 100 Rft 1,151.63 2,172.53
10-47-c cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble 100 Rft 1,151.63 2,607.04
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Rubber flooring, consisting of 12"x12"x1/8" rubber tiles laid on
firm foundation
Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors into
panels : 5mm thick
Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors into
panels : 3mm thick
Providing and Fixing marble strip 1.5 inch wide 3/8 inch thick for
dividing the floor into panels

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-47-d Providing and Fixing marble strip 2" wide and 3/8" thick for 100 Rft 1,503.34 3,035.15 m m2 m2
10-48 dividing the floor into panels Providing and Fixing Vinyl Tiles or 100 Sft 2,334.38 9,084.34 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-49-a Vinyl Sheet 100 Sft 2,303.25 11,041.19 m2 m2 m2
10-49-b flooring over firm foundation 100 Sft 760.07 9,215.26 m2
10-49-c Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles 50mm 100 Sft 1,151.63 10,457.31 m m m2 m2
10-49-d thick over bed of 2" thick sand & 4" thick brick ballast/stone 100 Sft 1,151.63 11,429.31 m2 m2 m2
10-49-e ballast complete. 100 Sft 1,381.95 11,902.63
10-50-a Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles 50mm 100 Sft 2,643.14 17,821.04
10-50-b thick over bed of 2" thick sand Providing and Fixing Precast 100 Sft 2,109.65 18,502.55
10-51 Concrete 7000 psi 100 Sft 3,016.64 19,531.04
10-52 TUFF Tiles 60mm thick over bed of 2" thick sand 100 Sft 2,643.14 12,169.04
10-53 Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles 80mm Rft Rft 12.64 242.77
10-54 thick over bed of 2" thick sand Providing and Fixing Precast 100 Sft 12.64 267.07
10-55-a Concrete 7000 psi 100 Sft 2,109.65 31,256.73
10-55-b TUFF Tiles 90mm thick over bed of 2" thick sand 100 Sft 1,994.49 34,968.82
10-55-c Providing and Fixing Ceramic Floor Tiles of approved quality of 100 Sft 2,109.65 31,256.73
10-55-d Size : 12" x 12" Providing and Fixing Ceramic Floor Tiles of 100 Sft 3,016.64 29,612.21
10-55-e approved quality of Size 20" x 20" 3,016.64 29,612.21
Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tiles 12"×24" of Imported
Approved Quality with jointing and finishing
Providing and Fixing of Fancy design bath room tile of size 12'' x
12'' in cement sand mortar 1 : 2 with finishing of joints in white
cement / Readymade filler complete in all respect
Providing and Fixing of Spanish Tiles border 12" long apprti
colour best quality
Providing and Fixing of Glazed tiles Plain/ Printed Border
(Spanish) of Fancy design
Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 20" x 20"
Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 24" x 24"
Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 21" x 21"
Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 8" x 20"
Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 10" x 20"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-55-f Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 10" x 30" 100 Sft 2,943.80 32,090.88 m2 m2 m2 m2
10-55-g Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 24" x 24" of approved 100 Sft 1,994.49 26,038.57 m2 m m2 m
10-55-h quality 100 Sft 2,643.14 18,777.56 m2 m2
10-55-i Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 16" x 16" of approved 100 Sft 2,643.14 16,481.21 m2 m2
10-55-j quality 100 Sft 3,016.64 18,130.46 m2
10-55-k Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 12" x 12" of approved 100 Rft 6,100.50 25,406.08 m3 m3 m3 m3
10-55-l quality 100 Sft 2,941.94 26,986.01 m3 m3 m3 m3
10-55-m Providing and Fixing of Bath Room Tiles 12"x18" of approved 100 Rft 6,100.50 25,406.08 m2
10-55-n quality 100 Sft 1,994.49 28,590.07
10-55-o Providing and Fixing of Bath Room Tiles Border 12" x 3" of 100 Sft 1,994.49 21,573.44
10-55-p approved quality 100 Sft 2,943.80 14,536.57
10-55-q Providing and Fixing of Bathroom tiles 10" x 20" of imported 100 Sft 2,974.93 15,115.33
10-56 approved quality 100 Sft 3,517.13 10,052.61
10-57-a Providing and Fixing of Bathrooms tile Border 12" x 3" of 100 Cft 1,527.37 4,329.65
10-57-b imported approved quality 100 Cft 4,366.05 9,409.41
10-57-c Providing and Fixing of Floor Tiles 24" x 24" of imported 100 Cft 4,262.63 9,067.95
10-57-d approved quality (Mat Flushed) 100 Cft 4,172.97 8,877.34
10-57-e Providing and Fixing of Floor Tiles 24" x 24" of imported 100 Cft 5,402.73 19,340.32
10-57-f approved quality (Polished) 100 Cft 3,588.86 16,160.01
10-57-g Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tile 16"x16" 100 Cft 3,989.62 16,278.17
10-57-h Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tile 8"x12" White 100 Cft 3,989.62 17,307.21
10-58-a Burnt brick (1st class) pavement on edge grouted with sand 100 Sft 2,707.88 16,898.59
including preparation of bed
Dry Rip Rap Class A Rip Rap, Class B Rip Rap, Class C Rip Rap,
Class D
Grouted Rip Rap, Class A Grouted Rip Rap, Class B Grouted Rip
Rap, Class C Grouted Rip Rap, Class D
Porcelain tile floor of size 12'' x 12'' x 1/4'' laid cement 1:2 or 3/4"
thick cement mortar 1:2 of approved quality

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-58-b Porcelain tile floor of size 12''x24''x1/4" laid cement 1:2 over 3/4" 100 Sft 2,643.14 15,618.85 m2
10-58-c thick cement mortar 1:2 of imported approved quality 100 Sft 2,182.49 18,170.67 m2
10-58-d Providing and Fixing of porcelain full body tiles 20" × 20" × 3/8 of 100 Sft 3,390.14 24,035.54 m2
10-59-a approved colour of shade, joint using spacers in white cement with 100 Sft 2,707.88 12,087.19 m2
10-59-b pigment laid on base of CM 1:2 etc complete in all respects 100 Sft 3,112.50 19,315.86 m2
10-59-c Providng and fixing of Porcelain Tiles (24" x 48") on the facade 100 Sft Sft 1,151.63 66,640.13 m2 m2
10-60-a with the help of mechanical clamp Including all fittings as Sft 66.30 780.94 m2
10-60-b required complete in all respects 66.30 955.71
Granite tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick cement
mortar 1:2 (Imported approved quality) 24"x24"
Granite tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick cement
mortar 1:2 (Imported approved quality) 16"x16"
Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles 80mm
thick over bed of 2" thick sand Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm)
thick Granite
Black polished tiles of approved quality of any
size on floor over 3/8" thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including
setting the tiles with portland cement slurry over cement sand
jointing and washing the tiles with cement slurry of matching color
including grinding, rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Black polished
tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8"
thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the tiles with
portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing the
tiles with cement slurry of matching color including grinding,
rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-60-c Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Red Rubi polished Sft 66.30 955.71 m2
10-60-d tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8" Sft 66.30 955.71 m2
10-60-e thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the tiles with Sft 66.30 1,036.09 m2
10-60-f portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing the Sft 66.30 1,131.77 m2
10-60-g tiles with cement slurry of matching color including grinding, Sft 66.30 955.71 m2
rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Red Chilli
polished tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor
over 3/8" thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the
tiles with portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and
washing the tiles with cement slurry of matching color including
grinding, rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Galaxy Black
polished tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor
over 3/8" thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the
tiles with portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and
washing the tiles with cement slurry of matching color including
grinding, rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Baltic Brown
polished tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor
over 3/8" thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the
tiles with portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and
washing the tiles with cement slurry of matching color including
grinding, rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Camel Brown
polished tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor
over 3/8" thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the
tiles with portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and
washing the tiles with cement slurry of matching color including
grinding, rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-60-h Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Raw-Silk polished Sft 66.30 955.71 m2
10-60-i tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8" Sft 66.30 1,355.02 m2
10-61-a thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the tiles with 100 Sft 3,112.50 57,248.89 m2
10-61-b portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing the 100 Sft 3,112.50 22,669.99 m2
10-61-c tiles with cement slurry of matching color including grinding, 100 Sft 7,843.50 19,163.29 m2
10-61-d rubbing, polishing & mortar cost. 100 Sft 7,843.50 21,593.29 m2
10-61-e Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Blue Per polished 100 Sft 4,264.13 12,917.36 m2
10-62 tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8" 100 Sft 6,100.50 10,053.34 m2
10-63 thick base cement sand mortar 1:3 including setting the tiles with 100 Sft 3,112.50 29,951.08 m2
10-64 portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing the 100 Sft 404.63 2,470.13 m2
tiles with cement slurry of matching color including grinding,
rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on
surface in white cement complete using green marble
12"x12"x3/4" thick
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on
surface in white cement complete using Trevera marble
12"x12"x3/4" thick
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on
surface in white cement complete using Botecina marble
12"x12"x3/4" thick
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on
surface in white cement complete using Veroona/Lasbela marble
12"x12"x3/4" thick
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface with
matching colour mortar in joints complete: 3/4" thick including
machine grinding, rubbing, finishing, polishing etc. complete in all
Providing and Fixing of architecture design flooring including 1"
thick flate gravel stone slabs with river fine pebble stones in
cement sand mortar (1:2) complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing of 1/2" thick flat Gravel stone tiles in cement
sand mortar with finishing of joints in cement sand complete
Chemical polishing of marble floor/Dado

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
10-65 Replaced coloured glass panes of sizes upto 4 mm thickness with Sft 45.32 278.36 m2
10-66 iron, nails and putty including removing broken ones if required in Sft 100 Sft 48.56 245.38 m2 m2
10-67 all floors. 2,643.14 15,878.43
Providing and Fixing of glass panes 8mm imported
Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 12" x 12" of approved

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
11-01-a Mud plaster on walls (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height : 100 Sft 699.07 903.70 m2 m2 m2
11-01-b 1/2" thick 100 Sft 962.39 1,374.18 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-02-a Mud plaster on walls (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height : 1" 100 Sft 628.72 833.29 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-02-b thick 100 Sft 1,265.29 1,677.09 m2 m2
11-03-a Mud plaster on floor / roof (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,460.91 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-03-b height : 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,795.13 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-04-a Mud plaster on floor / roof (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,971.93
11-04-b height : 1" thick 100 Sft 2,132.06 3,602.01
11-05 Cement lime plaster 1:7:12 (c/l/s) upto 20' height 1/4" thick 100 Sft 4,973.77 8,177.24
11-06-a Cement lime plaster 1:7:12 (c/l/s) upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 1,908.09 10,394.67
11-06-b Cement Neru plaster 1:2 (c/s) upto 20' height 1/4" thick 100 Sft 1,908.09 10,126.63
11-06-c Cement Neru plaster 1:2 (c/s) upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 1,908.09 9,971.79
11-07-a 2" stucco cement plaster 1:2:4 (c/s/shingle) upto 20' height 100 Sft 2,132.06 3,011.79
11-07-b Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 1/2" thick using cement & 100 Sft 2,132.06 3,247.32
11-07-c zero guage chips : Ratio 1:1 Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 100 Sft 2,707.88 4,413.04
11-08-a 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,771.23
11-08-b using cement & zero guage chips : Ratio 1:1.5 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,962.67
11-08-c Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 1/2" thick using cement & 100 Sft 2,707.88 3,949.83
11-09-a zero guage chips : Ratio 1:2 Cement plaster 1:2, upto 20' height 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,711.61
11-09-b 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,856.28
11-09-c Cement plaster 1:2, upto 20' height 1/2" thick Cement plaster 1:2, 100 Sft 2,707.88 3,820.14
upto 20' height 3/4" thick Cement plaster 1:3 upto 20' height 3/8"
thick Cement plaster 1:3 upto 20' height 1/2" thick Cement plaster
1:3 upto 20' height 3/4" thick Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height
3/8" thick Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 1/2" thick Cement
plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 3/4" thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
11-10-a Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto 100 Sft 2,004.45 3,021.72 m2
11-10-b 20' height : (1:2) 100 Sft 2,004.45 2,788.80 m2 m2
11-10-c Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto 100 Sft 2,004.45 2,733.09 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-11-a 20' height : (1:3) 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,657.27 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-11-b Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,812.63 m2
11-11-c 20' height : (1:4) 100 Sft 2,707.88 3,721.83 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-12-a Cement plaster 1:5, upto 20' height 3/8" thick Cement plaster 1:5, 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,579.63 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-12-b upto 20' height 1/2" thick Cement Plaster 1:5, upto 20' height 3/4" 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,711.70 m2
11-12-c thick Cement plaster 1:6, upto 20' height 3/8" thick Cement plaster 100 Sft 2,707.88 3,558.79
11-13 1:6, upto 20' height 1/2" thick Cement plaster 1:6, upto 20' height 100 Sft 1,403.74 1,722.06
11-14 3/4" thick Applying floating coat of cement 1/32" thick 100 Sft 1,245.00 1,523.83
11-15 Lime pointing flush upto 20' height, including racking joints in 100 Sft 2,505.56 2,784.39
11-16-a lime sand mortar 1:2 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,750.41
11-16-b Lime pointing struck joints on walls, upto 20' height including 100 Sft 2,132.06 2,621.04
11-17 racking joints, in lime sand mortar 1:2 100 Sft 1,556.25 2,174.60
11-18-a Cement pointing flush, upto 20' height Ratio 1:2 Cement pointing 100 Sft 2,505.56 3,123.91
11-18-b flush, upto 20' height Ratio 1:3 Cement pointing 1:2 flush, on floor 100 Sft 2,505.56 2,994.54
11-19-a Cement pointing struck joints, on walls, upto 20' height : Ratio 1:2 100 Sft 2,100.94 2,457.00
11-19-b Cement pointing struck joints, on walls, upto 20' height : Ratio 1:3 100 Sft 2,100.94 2,590.86
11-19-c-01 Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height in lime sand mortar 100 Sft 3,999.56 4,355.63
11-19-c-02 1:2 (lime, sand) 100 Sft 3,999.56 4,488.54
Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height in cement sand
mortar 1:3
Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height On stone work raised
: in lime sand mortar 1:2 Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20'
height On
stone work raised : in c/s mortar 1:3

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
11-20-a Priming coat of chalk under distemper 100 Sft 230.32 268.26 m2 m2
11-20-b Providing and applying wall putty of 2mm thickness over plastered 100 Sft 230.32 608.04 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-21-a-01 surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 100 Sft 575.81 884.78 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-21-a-02 Distempering New surface : One coat Distempering New surface : 100 Sft 856.81 1,230.67 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-21-a-03 Two coats Distempering New surface : Three coats Distempering 100 Sft 575.81 993.39 m2 m2 m2
11-21-b-01 Old surface : One coat Distempering Old surface : Two coats 100 Sft 161.23 364.09 m2 m2
11-21-b-02 Colour washing: New surface : One coat Colour washing: New 100 Sft 230.32 486.11 m2 m2 m2 m2
11-22-a-01 surface : Two coats Colour washing: Old surface : One coat Colour 100 Sft 168.07 251.50 m2
11-22-a-02 washing: Old surface : Two coats White washing: New surface : 100 Sft 401.51 536.90 m2
11-22-b-01 One coat White washing: New surface : Two coats White washing: 100 Sft 135.58 196.19
11-22-b-02 New surface : Three coats White washing: Old surface : One coat 100 Sft 300.67 794.91
11-23-a-01 White washing: Old surface : Two coats Gobri leeping: On walls 100 Sft 135.58 173.73
11-23-a-02 Gobri leeping: Over roofs 100 Sft 300.67 356.41
11-23-a-03 Striking joints of burnt brick in lime or cement mortar 100 Sft 375.93 459.59
11-23-b-01 Extra for lime, mud or cement plaster & pointing from 20' & above 100 Sft 190.49 238.63
11-23-b-02 for each additional 10' height Caulking joints of sleeper wall, with 100 Sft 303.78 337.18
11-24-a sand and 100 Sft 227.84 234.32
11-24-b coaltar 100 Sft 227.84 242.11
11-25 Caulking joints of sleepers, with mud and chopped straw 100 Sft 522.90 522.90
11-26 Extra cost of labour & material for red oxide pigment in cement 100 Sft 381.59 381.59
11-27 pointing to match bricks Provide grooved c/s plaster 1:3 over 100 Sft 964.88 1,847.29
11-28 existing 100 Sft 964.88 1,069.72
11-29 plastered & roughened surface 3/8" thick 100 Sft 168.07 358.34
11-30-a Provide grooved c/s plaster 1:3 over existing plastered & 100 Sft 1,895.51 2,533.35
11-30-b roughened surface 1/2" thick 100 Sft 1,895.51 2,696.79

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
11-30-c Providing ornamental plaster 3/4" thick with (1:3) cement sand 100 Sft 13,772.81 15,865.74 m2
11-30-d mortar on walls, columns chajja and slabs finished smooth 100 Sft 381.59 418.04 m2
11-30-e including all charges for Labour and Material. 100 Sft 12,434.44 16,018.75 m2
11-31 Extra labour for Design plaster including cost of scaffolding up to Rft m3 / coat 16.04 35.93 m m3 / coat
11-32 any height complete in all respects. 100 Sft 17.93 17.93 m2 m2
11-33 Providing ornamental moulding of approved design in column with 100 Sft 5,415.75 16,085.77 m2
11-34 base/top and nosing and shade of lintle or pediments in cement 100 Sft 3,828.38 11,309.43 m2 m2 m2
11-35 mortar(1:3) 1-1/8" thick(1 feet under coat x 1/8" finish layer) 100 Sft 560.25 12,537.72
11-36 including all charges for curing/finishing complete 100 Sft 6,707.44 22,010.38
11-37-a Provide & fix expanded metal edge bead for corners, with nails on 100 Sft 5,353.50 12,837.84
11-37-b both sides of edges 5,353.50 13,749.09
Extra labour for white washing, priming etc. from 20' height &
above for every extra 10' height
Providing and fixing of clad stones over 1/2" c/s mortar 1:1 incl
curing etc.
Supply & apply acrylic wall coating 2mm thick of approved
quality over plastered surface
Providing and laying of Wall Paper (Imported) of approved
quality, shade and color including all other fitting requirements
complete in all respects.
P/F Ceramic Exterior Finish Tiles over 1/2" cement sand mortar
1:1 including curing complete Providing and fixing Chakwal tiles
red colour in
1:3 cement mortar complete.
Providing and fixing Chakwal tiles white colour in 1:3 cement
mortar complete.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-01-a Plain wood work sawn, wrought, planed & fixed in position, Cft 1,023.27 8,060.79 m3
12-01-b including nails & screws : Deodar wood Cft 1,439.16 6,360.15 m3
12-02-a Plain wood work sawn, wrought, planed & fixed in position, Cft Cft Sft Sft 769.29 7,755.54 m3 m3 m2 m2
12-02-b including nails & screws : Shisham wood Sft Sft 1,195.01 6,064.73 m2 m2
12-03-a Plain woodwork for regulation karries or needles etc. complete as Sft 377.61 1,484.40 m2
12-03-b per specs : Deodar wood Sft 375.79 1,402.57 m2
12-03-c Plain woodwork for regulation karries or needles etc. complete as Sft 349.05 1,295.36 m2
12-04-a-01 per specs : Shisham wood Sft Sft Sft 231.45 867.03 m2 m2 m2
12-04-a-02 1st class teak wood wrought joinery in doors & windows, panelled Sft 231.45 888.88 m2
12-04-b-01 or glazed complete : 2" thick 1st class teak wood wrought joinery 229.14 781.12
12-04-b-02 in doors & 229.14 804.82
12-04-c windows, panelled or glazed complete : 1.75" 80.10 365.97
12-04-d thick 129.23 674.27
12-05-a 1st class teak wood wrought joinery in doors & windows, panelled 128.86 816.18
12-05-b or glazed complete : 1.5" thick 1st class teak wood wrought joinery 128.86 767.63
Teak wood
frame 1.75" thick with wire guaze witho
1st class teak wood wrought joinery Teak wood frame 1.75" thick
with wire guaze witho spring/hinge
1st Class Teak Wood Wrought Joinery : Teak Wood framing 1.5"
thick with wire guaze witho springs
1st Class Teak Wood wrought joinery : Teak Wood framing 1.5"
thick with wire guaze with springs
1st class teak wood wrought joinery GI wire guaze 22 SWG, fixed
to chowkat
1st class teak wood wrought joinery GI wire guaze 22 SWG, fixed
on teak wood frame
P/F of 1-3/4" thick teak wood joinery readymade brazillian door
fully painted both sides facing complete in all respects
P/F of 1-1/2'' thick teak wood joinery readymade brazillian door
fully painted both sides facing complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-06 Provide & fix exp. metal 1/2"-3/4" mesh, 16 guage fixed to Sft Sft 79.13 272.32 m2 m2
12-07 chowkat, with 1" teak wood cover strips Provide & fix expanded Sft Sft Sft Sft 79.13 272.32 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-08-a metal 1/2" to 3/4", 16 Sft Sft Sft Sft 229.58 1,842.98 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-08-b guage fixed to chowkat with 1" teak wood cover Sft Sft Sft Sft 201.19 1,597.71 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-08-c moulding SFT 186.25 1,535.21 m2
12-10-a First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. Sft 268.30 1,859.33 m2
12-10-b complete : 2" thick 205.99 1,518.72
12-11 First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. 155.81 1,130.57
12-12 complete : 1-3/4" thick 231.94 1,860.54
12-13-a First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. 100.66 875.34
12-13-b complete : 1.5" thick 100.66 970.75
12-14-a Deodar wood framed, braced & battened doors & windows : 2.25" 100.66 423.41
12-14-b thick, 1.25" battens & 1" planks Deodar wood framed, braced & 100.66 520.55
12-15 battened doors & 150.03 750.90
12-16 windows : 1.75" thick, 1" battens & 3/4" planks 75.94 839.80
12-17-a-01 1" thick battened door and windows fitted in position, complete 104.77 756.58
with iron fittings
Deodar wood battened ledged & braced doors & windows 2.25"
thick complete
Deodar wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
on one side complete
Deodar wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
on both sides complete Partal wood doors framed with braces & 22
GI sheet facing on one side complete
Partal wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
on both sides complete
Supply & fixing of First class deodar wood shutters 2'' thick fully
glazed with 5mm glass of approved quality and approved brass
hinges, tower bolts, deodar wood beading complete in all respect
Provding and fixing of Duca engineered door 2" thick made of
partal soft wood, MDF and solid mohagany wood including
chowkat, architrave, all required fittings i.e. hinges, handles, locks
bolts and including mohagany polish complete in all respects.
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame
1-3/4" thick with wire guaze without springs

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-17-a-02 First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame Sft 105.33 776.78 m2
12-17-b-01 13/4" thick with wire guaze with springs Sft 105.33 712.80 m2
12-17-b-02 First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame Sft 86.45 748.05 m2
12-17-c 1.5" thick with wire guaze without springs Sft Sft Sft Rft 118.46 722.69 m2 m2 m2 m
12-17-d First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame Rft Sft Each 79.13 367.04 m m2
12-18 1" thick with wire guaze with springs Each Each 169.44 970.37 Each
12-19-a First class deodar wood wrought joinery work GI wire guaze fixed Each Each Each 123.84 352.52 Each Each
12-19-b to chowkat with 3/4" strip Each Each Sft 123.84 287.61 Each Each
12-20 First class deodar wood wrought joinery work GI wire guaze fixed 54.82 226.15 Each Each
12-21-a to chowkat with 1/2" strip Making and fixing trellis doors & 115.16 382.71 Each m2
12-21-b windows of 354.83 1,557.68
12-22-a-01 deodar wood complete. 113.92 285.76
12-22-a-02 Provide & fix MS chowkat of doors, windows etc MS angle iron 113.92 540.13
12-22-b-01 1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat Provide & fix MS chowkat of 113.92 472.14
12-22-b-02 doors, windows etc 113.92 541.39
12-22-c-01 MS tee iron 1.5"x 1.5"x 1/4" welded with MS flat 113.92 1,475.73
12-22-c-02 Extra for providing & fixing iron double spring hinges with brass 113.92 1,621.53
12-23-a fittings including finger plate etc P/F brass spring hinges to wire 2.30 15.84
gauzed door.
P/F hydraulic Door Closer (Best Quality)
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Iron sliding bolts : 10"
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Iron sliding bolts : 12"
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors CP sliding bolts : 10"
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors CP sliding bolts : 12"
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Brass sliding bolts : 10"
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Brass sliding bolts : 12"
Extra for brass fittings to doors & windows Deodar panelled,
panelled+glazed or fully glazed

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-23-b Extra for brass fittings to doors & windows Deodar wood wire Sft Each Each 2.76 16.16 m2 Each Each
12-24-a-01 guazed shutters Each Each Sft 501.11 2,092.76 Each Each m2
12-24-a-02 Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Imported Sft 501.11 1,339.46 m2
12-24-b-01 Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Local Sft 349.16 908.06 m2
12-24-b-02 Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Imported Sft 349.16 639.55 m2
12-25-a Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Local Sft 39.49 401.67 m2
12-25-b Provide & fix exp. metal 1/2"-3/4"mesh 16 gauge Fixed to Sft 34.66 785.32 m2
12-26-a chowkat with 1" deodar wood strip etc Provide & fix exp. metal Sft 276.20 2,234.28 m2
12-26-b 1/2"-3/4"mesh 16 gauge 200.01 1,322.62
12-27-a Fixed with 1" cover mould & screws including 292.31 1,478.17
12-27-b frame 264.56 2,089.52
12-28-a Provide & fix deodar wood almirah 9"-12" depth including boxing 101.77 806.01
with back, shelves, shutters etc
Provide & fix deodar wood almirah 9"-12" depth With shelves,
shutters etc witho boxing & back
Provide & fix wooden box type wardrobe 22" deep Partal wood
boxing & deodar wood shelves etc
Provide & fix wooden box type wardrobe 22" deep Deodar wood
boxing & deodar shelves etc
Providing and fixing wooden box type wardrobe 24" (600 mm)
deep including 3/4" (19mm) thick boxing and shelves hanger rods,
hardboard 3/16" (5mm) thick back drawers, brass fitting, locking
arrangement, handles, internal bolts, shoe rods including painting.
(UV Medium Density Fibre High Gloss Board 3/4" (19mm) thick
Shutters and shelves and back with 3/4" thick laminated veneer

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-28-b Providing and fixing wooden box type wardrobe 24" (600 mm) Sft 101.77 973.50 m2
12-29-a deep including 3/4" (19mm) thick boxing and shelves hanger rods, Sft 51.84 421.93 m2
12-29-b hardboard 3/16" (5mm) thick back drawers, brass fitting, locking Sft 38.22 384.06 m2
12-29-c arrangement, handles, internal bolts, shoe rods including painting. Sft 33.94 533.07 m2
12-30-a (PVC Board 3/4" (19mm) High Gloss laminated thick Shutters and 100 Sft 7,371.02 67,902.20 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-30-b shelves and back with 3/4" thick plain laminated board) 100 Sft 7,371.02 54,037.83 m2 m2 m
12-30-c Provide & fix chowkat for doors, windows & CS windows, 100 Sft 7,371.02 38,092.17
12-31-a including holdfast etc : Teak wood 2" thick 100 Sft 7,371.02 67,693.22
12-31-b Provide & fix chowkat for doors, windows & CS windows, 100 Sft 7,371.02 95,680.74
12-31-c including holdfast etc : Shisham wood 2" thick 100 Sft Rft 7,371.02 125,405.72
12-32-a Provide & fix chowkat for doors, windows & CS windows, 319.78 1,265.35
including holdfast etc : Deodar wood 2" thick
Make & fix deodar planking in eave boards etc planed on both
sides complete : 1" thick
Make & fix deodar planking in eave boards etc planed on both
sides complete : 3/4" thick Make & fix deodar planking in eave
boards etc
planed on both sides complete : 1/2" thick
Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 1" thick
Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 1.5" thick
Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 2" thick
Providing and fixing First class Teak wood railing of approved
design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar
wood balusters of approved design and sections fixed into
stringers, steps or walls, minimum height 2'-9" having hand rail
with turning, bend posts, newal posts fixed with flat iron and
screws including cutting holes in stringers walls steps and making
good as required but including cost of polishing, stringers, steps
and flat iron.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-32-b Providing and fixing First class Shisham wood railing of approved Rft 319.78 1,189.24 m
12-33-a design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar Rft 319.78 1,540.18 m
12-33-b wood balusters of approved design and sections fixed into Rft 319.78 1,159.64 m
12-33-c stringers, steps or walls, minimum height 2'-9" having hand rail Rft 319.78 821.39 m
with turning, bend posts, newal posts fixed with flat iron and
screws including cutting holes in stringers walls steps and making
good as required but including cost of polishing, stringers, steps
and flat iron.
Providing and fixing First class Deodar wood railing of approved
design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar
wood balusters of approved design and sections fixed into
stringers, steps or walls, minimum height 2'-9" having hand rail
with turning, bend posts, newal posts fixed with flat iron and
screws including cutting holes in stringers walls steps and making
good as required but including cost of polishing, stringers, steps
and flat iron.
Providing and fixing First class Biar wood railing of approved
design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar
wood balusters of approved design and sections fixed into
stringers, steps or walls, minimum height 2'-9" having hand rail
with turning, bend posts, newal posts fixed with flat iron and
screws including cutting holes in stringers walls steps and making
good as required but including cost of polishing, stringers, steps
and flat iron.
Providing and fixing First class Partal wood railing of approved
design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar
wood balusters of approved design and sections fixed
into stringers, steps or walls, minimum height 2'-9" having hand
rail with turning, bend posts, newal posts fixed with flat iron and
screws including cutting holes in stringers walls steps and making
good as required but including cost of polishing, stringers, steps
and flat iron.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-34-a Providing and fixing 1/2" (13mm) thick First class Shisham wood 100 Sft 14,379.75 38,809.32 m2
12-34-b panelling in framework 3"x1.5" (75mmx38mm) of same wood on 100 Sft 14,379.75 50,467.01 m2
12-35 walls, jambs, skirting, cornice, chair rails and archivolt fixed on Rft 134.58 683.36 m
12-35-a framed Shisham wood backing with rawl plugs or screws but Rft 134.58 529.91 m
12-35-b excluding the cost of polishing as required. Rft 134.58 432.59 m
12-35-c Providing and fixing 1/2" (13mm) thick First class Deodar wood Rft 134.58 346.08 m
12-35-d panelling in framework 3"x1.5" (75mmx38mm) of same wood on Rft 69.10 360.33 m
12-35-e walls, jambs, skirting, cornice, chair rails and archivolt fixed on Rft 69.10 263.01 m
12-35-f framed deodar wood backing with rawl plugs or screws but Rft 69.10 176.50 m
12-36-a excluding the cost of polishing as required. 100 Sft 2,707.88 2,707.88 m2 m2
12-36-b Deodar wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5" as per approved design, 100 Sft 5,415.75 5,415.75
including moulding etc. complete
Deodar wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5" , including moulding as
per approved design and polishing etc. complete
Biar wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5" including moulding as per
approved design and polishing etc. complete
Partal wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5" including moulding as per
approved design and polishing etc. complete
Deodar wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5", including moulding as
per approved design without polishing
Biar wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5", including moulding as per
approved design without polishing
Partal wood dado or picture rail 3"x1.5", including moulding as per
approved design without polishing
Sawing wood by hand : Soft wood (deodar, kail or chir)
Sawing wood by hand : Hard wood (shisham, kikar, teak or sahl)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-37-a Sawing wood by machine : Soft Wood Sawing wood by machine : 100 Sft 1,456.65 1,456.65 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-37-b Hard Wood 100 Sft 2,312.71 2,312.71 m
12-38 Making and fixing sun-shade of deodar wood including fixing 100 Sft Sft 8,889.92 81,112.20 m2
12-39 brackets Rft 102.03 337.31 m2
12-40 Making and fixing 1" thick kail or chir wooden notice board with 100 Sft 417.61 4,725.38 m2
12-41-a-01 frame 100 Sft 1,799.53 10,938.53 m2
12-41-a-02 Wooden stair-cases complete 2'-3' wide frame 1.5" thick planks of 100 Sft 1,799.53 11,262.07 m2
12-41-a-03 deodar wood including hand rails 100 Sft 1,799.53 29,993.60 m2
12-41-b-01 Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one 100 Sft 2,165.05 13,469.03 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-41-b-02 side of frame : Hard board 100 Sft 2,165.05 13,928.30 m2
12-41-b-03 Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one 100 Sft 2,165.05 50,151.57
12-42-a side of frame : Ply wood 1/4" thick 100 Sft 3,597.68 13,483.28
12-42-b Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one 100 Sft 3,597.68 15,877.41
12-42-c side of frame : Masonite 5/16'' 100 Sft 3,597.68 13,644.24
12-42-d Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on 100 Sft 3,597.68 30,897.70
12-43-a-01 both sides of frame : Hard board 5/16'' 2,872.90 17,930.24
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on
both sides of frame : Ply wood 1/4"
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on
both sides of frame : Masonite 5/16''
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work
: Hard board 5/16''
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work
: Chip Board 1/2''
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work
: Ply wood 1/4" thick
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work
: Masonite 5/16''
Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Deodar wood
frame panelling : 3/4" thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-43-a-02 Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Deodar wood 100 Sft 2,872.90 18,185.39 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-43-b-01 frame panelling : 1" thick 100 Sft 2,872.90 9,151.86 m2
12-43-b-02 Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Partal wood 100 Sft Sft 2,872.90 9,407.01 m2
12-44-a frame panelling : 3/4" thick Sft 15.89 121.46 m2
12-44-b Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Partal wood Sft 15.89 139.69 m
12-44-c frame panelling : 1" thick 100 Sft 15.89 109.31 m m2
12-45 Providing and fixing 1/2" thick Medium Density Fibreboard Rft 3,112.50 15,569.80 Each Each
12-46-a (Lasani) ceiling of required shape fixed with screws and nails Rft 100 Sft 60.40 66.96
12-46-b perforated in corners if required but excluding the cost of frame in Each Each 72.09 122.67
12-47 ground floor upto 14 ft high including guffing. 4,332.60 22,233.20
12-48-a Providing and fixing 3/4'' thick Medium Density Fibreboard 340.88 340.88
12-48-b (Lasani) ceiling of required shape fixed with screws and nails 340.88 340.88
perforated in corners if required but excluding the cost of frame in
ground floor upto 14 ft high including guffing.
Providing and fixing 3/8'' thick Medium Density Fibreboard
(Lasani) ceiling of required shape fixed with screws and nails
perforated in corners if required but excluding the cost of frame in
ground floor upto 14 ft high including guffing.
P/F of plaster of paris tile of size 2' x 2' x 1'' false ceiling with
finishing of joints along with Aluminum L and T sections and
Hanging wires
P/F of plaster of paris Gola (Comer) 8" width ornamental design
with finishing of joints complete
P/F of plaster Gola (Comer) 2" width ornamental design with
finishing of joints complete
Supply and Fixing accoustic mineral fibre tile ceiling fixed with
aluminium tee hung by GI wire fixed in roof
Fixing Door including chowkats Fixing Windows including

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-49-a First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. Sft 207.44 1,539.39 m2
12-49-b panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position Sft 207.44 1,456.16 m2
12-49-c including chowkhat, holdfast, hinges, tower bolt rubber stop Sft 207.44 1,397.84 m2
12-50-a cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete Sft Sft Sft 28.97 166.42 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-50-b (excluding sliding bolts or lock) : 2" (50mm) thick. 100 Sft Sft Sft 41.23 217.56 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-50-c First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. Sft Sft 41.23 217.56
12-51-a panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position 2,015.03 2,244.06
12-51-b including chowkhat, holdfast, hinges, tower bolt rubber stop 38.63 81.49
12-52-a cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete 57.72 220.78
12-52-b (excluding sliding bolts or lock) : 1¾" (45mm) thick. 57.72 219.87
12-53-a First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. 11.52 1,226.52
panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position
including chowkhat, holdfast, hinges, tower bolt rubber stop
cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete
(excluding sliding bolts or lock) : 1½" (40mm) thick.
Glazing with panes (16-18 oz) including cost of putty
Glazing with panes (16-18 oz) using deodar wooden fillets & putty
Glazing with panes (24-26 oz) using putty & deodar wooden fillets
Cutting to required size & fixing glass panes with putty.
Cutting to required size & fixing glass panes Using deodar wood
fillets & putty
Glazing with plate glass 6 mm thick including cost of deodar wood
fillet & putty : Upto 0.75 m2 Glazing with plate glass 6 mm thick
including cost
of deodar wood fillet & putty : 0.75m2 to 2.25 m2
Providing and Fixing of 4 Way Structural Glazing in Aluminum
Section of Thickness 2mm, Brackets, Anchor Bolts, Hardware,
Silicon, Gasket. 6mm Clear Low E Glass Tempered + 12mm Air
Gap + 5mm Clear Glass Tempered. As per U-Value: 1.8 SC: 0.62
LT: 65%

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-53-b Providing and Fixing of Tempered Glass with Aluminium of Sft 11.52 1,627.47 m2
12-53-c Thickness 2mm, SS Spider (Grade 202), M.S Plates with Powder Sft 17.97 2,113.60 m2
12-54-a Coating, Floor Hinge (GCC), Patch Fitting, Handle, Local, Sft Sft Sft Sft 10.33 937.43 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-54-b Silicone. 6mm Clear Low E Glass Tempered + 12mm Air Gap + Sft 10.33 867.28 m2
12-55-a 5mm Clear Glass Ghani Tempered. (U-Value: 1.8, SC: 0.62, LT: Sft 176.96 1,083.03 m2
12-55-b 65%) Sft 176.63 1,017.86 m2
12-56-a Providing and Fixing of Tempered Glass with Aluminium of 78.60 678.67
12-56-b Thickness 2mm, SS Spider (Grade 202), M.S Plates with Powder 78.60 328.41
12-56-c Coating, Floor Hinge (GCC), Patch Fitting, Handle, Local, 377.61 1,495.17
Silicone. 6mm Clear Low E Glass Tempered + 12mm Air Gap +
5mm Clear Glass Ghani Tempered. (U-Value: 1.8 SC: 0.62 LT:
1.5" thick deodar doors & windows, chowkat of MS angle iron
1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat 1.5" thick deodar doors &
windows, chowkat of
MS tee iron 1.5"x 1.5"x 1/4" welded with MS flat
1.5" thick hollow flush door/window, chowkat of MS angle iron
1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat
1.5" thick hollow flush door/window, chowkat of MS tee iron
1.5"x 1.5"x 1/4" welded with MS flat Providing and fixing 1.5"
(38mm) thick pressed
veneered door shutters fully flushed with First
class wood veneering on all faces and sides fixed over deodar
wood cavited core and frame work of not less than 4" (100mm)
wide strips all round with approved brass hinges, tower bolts as
Providing and fixing 1.5" (38 mm) thick pressed veneered door
shutters fully flushed with First class wood veneering on all faces
and sides fixed over partal wood cavited core and frame work of
not less than 4" (100mm) wide strips all round with approved iron
hinges, tower bolts as required.
Providing and fixing of Teak wood joinery (factory made)
complete in all respects including chowkat and frame and fittings
complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-57-a Providing and fixing single leaf steel door with frame fully Sft 176.10 759.93 m2
12-57-b panelled with M.S sheet 16 gauge (1.59mm) painted with two Sft 173.89 753.15 m2
12-58 coats of red oxide paint with brass fitting of approved make Rft Sft 65.51 96.66 m m2
12-59 including cost of fabrication, iron lugs, cutting holes and making Sft 4,201.88 4,926.05 m2
12-59-a good the damages to walls. sft 0.00 4,871.67 m2
12-59-b Providing and fixing double leaf steel door with frame fully Rft Sft Sft Sft 0.00 4,871.67 m m2 m2 m2
12-60 panelled with M.S sheet 16 gauge (1.59mm) painted with two Sft Sft Sft Sft 43.33 264.16 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-61 coats of red oxide paint with brass fitting of approved make 76.08 285.11
12-62 including cost of fabrication, iron lugs, cutting holes and making 70.88 280.63
12-63-a good the damages to walls. 47.96 915.94
12-63-b 24 SWG aluminium kick plate 4" high, on bottom rail of flush 47.96 863.98
12-63-c doors of commercial ply 47.85 958.36
12-63-d Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Cladding of approved color & 47.96 842.36
12-64-a-01 design including all necessary fittings, angles, tees etc. complete in 72.41 591.21
all respects
Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Cladding of approved color &
design including all necessary fittings, angles, tees etc. complete in
all respects
Providing and fixing of Aluminium Cladding including
all necessary fittings, scaffolding sft etc complete in all
Curtain railing to doors & windows comprising railing of approved
quality including paint
MS flat 1/2"x1/8" grill in windows of approved design
Provide & fix GI wire gauze 22 SWG, 12x12 mesh per sq. in,
fixed to steel window complete
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
chowkat & lock : Teak veneered
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
chowkat & lock : Shisham veneered Hollow flush door 2" thick
including iron mongery
excluding chowkat & lock : Deodar veneered
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
chowkat & lock : Commercial veneered Supply and Fixing
aluminium door/window, Fixed
Glazing Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-a-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 621.59 m2
12-64-a-03 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 611.87 m2
12-64-a-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 643.46 m2
12-64-a-05 Economy model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 631.31 m2
12-64-a-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 664.11 m2
12-64-a-07 Economy model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 603.36 m2
12-64-a-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 634.95 m2
12-64-a-09 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 624.02 m2
12-64-a-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 655.61 m2
12-64-a-11 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 643.46 m2
12-64-a-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing Sft 72.41 677.48 m2
12-64-b-01 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft Sft Sft 72.41 605.79 m2 m2 m2
12-64-b-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing 72.41 636.17
12-64-b-03 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section 72.41 625.23
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Glazing
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Economy
model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Supply and Fixing aluminium
Arch Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-b-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Deluxe Sft Sft Sft Sft 72.41 658.04 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-64-b-05 model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section Supply and Fixing aluminium Sft 72.41 645.89 m2
12-64-b-06 door/window,Fixed Sft 72.41 679.91 m2
12-64-b-07 Arch Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 617.94 m2
12-64-b-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Premium Sft 72.41 649.53 m2
12-64-b-09 model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section Supply and Fixing aluminium Sft 72.41 638.60 m2
12-64-b-10 door/window,Fixed Sft 72.41 672.62 m2
12-64-b-11 Arch Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Sft 72.41 659.25 m2
12-64-b-12 Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 72.41 694.49 m2
12-64-c-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Economy Sft 24.95 316.55 m2
12-64-c-02 model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 24.95 335.99 m2
12-64-c-03 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Deluxe 24.95 328.70
12-64-c-04 model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section 24.95 348.14
12-64-c-05 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Deluxe 24.95 340.85
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Premium
model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fixed Arch Premium
model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 2" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-c-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 361.50 m2
12-64-c-07 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 24.95 323.84 m2
12-64-c-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 343.28 m2
12-64-c-09 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 24.95 335.99 m2
12-64-c-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 356.64 m2
12-64-c-11 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 24.95 348.14 m2
12-64-c-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 370.01 m2
12-64-d-01 Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 24.95 389.45 m2
12-64-d-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 413.75 m2
12-64-d-03 Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 24.95 405.24 m2
12-64-d-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 430.76 m2
12-64-d-05 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 24.95 421.04 m2
12-64-d-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window,Fly Screen Shutter Sft 24.95 447.77 m2
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 2"
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3"
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 2"
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3"
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 2"
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-d-07 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter Sft 24.95 399.17 m2
12-64-d-08 with separate outer frame Economy model (1.2 mm gauge) Sft 24.95 424.68 m2
12-64-d-09 Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 24.95 414.96 m2
12-64-d-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter Sft 24.95 441.69 m2
12-64-d-11 with separate outer frame Economy model (1.2 mm gauge) Sft 24.95 430.76 m2
12-64-d-12 Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 24.95 458.70 m2
12-64-e-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter Sft 37.35 541.58 m2
12-64-e-02 with separate outer frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Sft 37.35 613.26 m2
12-64-e-03 Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 37.35 564.66 m2
12-64-e-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter Sft 37.35 639.99 m2
12-64-e-05 with separate outer frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Sft 37.35 586.53 m2
12-64-e-06 Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 37.35 665.51 m2
12-64-e-07 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter Sft 37.35 554.94 m2
with separate outer frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge)
Bronz/Black 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fly Screen shutter
with separate outer frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge)
Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 2" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-e-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Sft 37.35 629.05 m2
12-64-e-09 frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 37.35 578.03 m2
12-64-e-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Sft 37.35 655.78 m2
12-64-e-11 frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 37.35 601.11 m2
12-64-e-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Sft 37.35 682.52 m2
12-64-f-01 frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 84.96 793.30 m2
12-64-f-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Sft 84.96 847.98 m2
12-64-f-03 frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 2" section Sft 84.96 816.39 m2
12-64-f-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Sft 84.96 873.49 m2
12-64-f-05 frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 84.96 839.47 m2
12-64-f-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 84.96 899.01 m2
12-64-f-07 frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 84.96 810.31 m2
12-64-f-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 84.96 867.42 m2
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door
frame Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 4" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-64-f-09 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 84.96 834.61 m2
12-64-f-10 frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 3" section Sft 84.96 894.15 m2
12-64-f-11 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 84.96 857.70 m2
12-64-f-12 frame Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 4" section Sft 84.96 919.66 m2
12-65-a-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 72.41 670.19 m2
12-65-a-02 frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 3" section Sft 72.41 706.64 m2
12-65-a-03 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Fixed Louver in Door Sft 72.41 702.99 m2
12-65-a-04 frame Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronze/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 741.87 m2
12-65-a-05 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 735.80 m2
12-65-a-06 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 777.11 m2
12-65-a-07 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 683.55 m2
12-65-a-08 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 721.22 m2
12-65-a-09 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 717.57 m2
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-65-a-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 757.67 m2
12-65-a-11 Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 751.59 m2
12-65-a-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 794.12 m2
12-65-b-01 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 72.41 679.91 m2
12-65-b-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Window Sft 72.41 717.57 m2
12-65-b-03 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 704.21 m2
12-65-b-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window Sft 72.41 743.09 m2
12-65-b-05 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 728.51 m2
12-65-b-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window Sft 72.41 768.60 m2
12-65-b-07 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 694.49 m2
12-65-b-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window Sft 72.41 732.15 m2
12-65-b-09 Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 2.5" section Sft 72.41 718.79 m2
12-65-b-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window Sft 72.41 758.88 m2
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Window
Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-65-b-11 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Sft 72.41 744.30 m2
12-65-b-12 WindowPremium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section Sft 72.41 785.61 m2
12-65-c-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Sft 72.41 684.77 m2
12-65-c-02 WindowPremium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 722.43 m2
12-65-c-03 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Sft 72.41 709.07 m2
12-65-c-04 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 747.95 m2
12-65-c-05 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Sft 72.41 733.37 m2
12-65-c-06 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 774.68 m2
12-65-c-07 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Deluxe Sft 72.41 699.35 m2
12-65-c-08 model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 738.23 m2
12-65-c-09 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Deluxe Sft 72.41 724.86 m2
12-65-c-10 model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 764.96 m2
12-65-c-11 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Sft 72.41 749.16 m2
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-65-c-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Hinged Door Sft 72.41 791.69 m2
12-65-d-01 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 733.37 m2
12-65-d-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Sft 72.41 774.68 m2
12-65-d-03 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 760.10 m2
12-65-d-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Sft 72.41 802.62 m2
12-65-d-05 Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 786.83 m2
12-65-d-06 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Deluxe Sft 72.41 831.78 m2
12-65-d-07 model (1.60 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 749.16 m2
12-65-d-08 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Deluxe Sft 72.41 819.63 m2
12-65-d-09 model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 803.84 m2
12-65-d-10 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Sft 72.41 850.01 m2
12-65-d-11 Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3" section Sft 72.41 833.00 m2
12-65-d-12 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Sft 72.41 881.60 m2
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door
Economy model (1.20 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door Deluxe
model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Sliding Door
Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-65-e-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 818.84 m2
12-65-e-02 Action Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3.5" section Sft 72.41 839.50 m2
12-65-e-03 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 845.57 m2
12-65-e-04 Action Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 866.23 m2
12-65-e-05 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 818.84 m2
12-65-e-06 Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3.5" section Sft 72.41 839.50 m2
12-65-e-07 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 845.57 m2
12-65-e-08 Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section Sft 72.41 866.23 m2
12-65-e-09 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 837.07 m2
12-65-e-10 Action Deluxe model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3.5" section Sft 72.41 857.72 m2
12-65-e-11 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 863.80 m2
12-65-e-12 Action Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 884.45 m2
12-65-e-13 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single Sft 72.41 837.07 m2
Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3.5" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Single
Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double
Action Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 3.5" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double
Action Deluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double
Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 3.5" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double
Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) 4" section
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double
Action Deluxe model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3.5" section

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-65-e-14 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double Sft 72.41 857.72 m2
12-65-e-15 ActionDeluxe model (1.60 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft 72.41 863.80 m2
12-65-e-16 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double Sft 72.41 884.45 m2
12-65-f-01 Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 3.5" section each each each 49.75 711.93 each each Each
12-65-f-02 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Swing Door Double each each Sft 49.75 1,076.43 Each Each m2
12-65-f-03 Action Premium model (2.00 mm gauge) Bronz/Black 4" section Sft Sft Sft Sft 62.30 724.47 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-65-f-04 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Other items Rft 186.75 2,306.93 m
12-65-f-05 Aluminium Short Handle 186.75 2,914.43
12-66 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Other items 771.28 1,455.32
12-67-a Aluminium Long Handle 122.09 249.91
12-67-b Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Other items Lock for 92.53 229.39
12-67-c Aluminium 122.01 223.80
12-68 Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Other items Hydraulic 60.66 127.84
12-69-a Door Closer Single Action Supply and Fixing aluminium 112.16 428.91
door/window, Other
items Hydraulic Door Closer Double Action
Supply and Fixing of double glazed aluminium (color as approved)
Premium model (Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Sliding window, including
all necessary fittngs and fly screen shutters complete.
Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick chipboard & wood frame (2"x0.75")
2'x2' grid : Sheesham Ply
Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick chipboard & wood frame (2"x0.75")
2'x2'grid : Lamination Sheet Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick
chipboard & wood
frame (2"x0.75") 2'x2' grid : Commercial Ply
Providing and fixing PVC wall Panelling 9'' wide and 10 ft long
including all accessories of approved design in any color, shade
and pattern in ground floor.
Providing and fixing with sunken iron screws over existing base of
iron or wood First class deodar wood moulding as hand rails,
studs, lathe etc. of approved design 4 to 6 sq.inch in cross section
as required.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-69-b Providing and fixing with sunken iron screws over existing base of Rft 112.16 336.53 m
12-70-a iron or wood First class shisham wood moulding as hand rails, Rft 78.14 357.20 m
12-70-b studs, lathe etc. of approved design 4 to 6 sq.inch in cross section Rft Rft Sft Sft 109.63 709.79 m m m2 m2
12-70-c as required. Sft Sft Sft Sft 109.63 711.86 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-70-d Supply and Fixing MS Sheet 16 guage(10'' x 2'') box type Sft 94.89 1,155.86 m2 m
12-70-e chowkats including fixing in position with all charges for Hold 100 Rft 94.89 1,155.86 m
12-71-a fast, Hinges and Painting etc 100 Rft 94.89 1,546.54 m
12-71-b Wood plastic composite door patio door leap delux (laker coated) 100 Rft 94.89 1,546.54
12-71-c Wood plastic composite door patio door leap premium grade ( UV 94.89 1,546.54
12-72-a coated ) 48.37 1,045.98
12-72-b Wood plastic composite door patio door with frame and beading 48.37 1,064.52
12-73-a deluxe grade (laker coated) Wood plastic composite patio door 2,645.63 5,135.42
12-73-b with frame and 2,645.63 4,517.83
12-73-c beading premium grade(UV coated) 2,645.63 4,346.81
Wood plastic composite door Leaf only bukhara, flush or steppe
Wood plastic composite door Leaf rock type single side
Wood plastic composite door rock type single type with frame and
Wood plastic composite door image type single side with frame
and beading
Wood plastic composite door carving type single side with frame
and beading
Providing and fixing First class deodar wood projected beading
upto one sq.inch.( wide in section, designed, fixed
around the panels of doors, windows of any description.
Providing and fixing First class teak wood projected beading upto
one sq.inch.( wide in section, designed, fixed around the
panels of doors, windows of any description.
Providing and fixing First class shisham wood projected beading
upto one sq.inch.( wide in section, designed, fixed
around the panels of doors, windows of any description.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-74-a Composite windows deluxe grade (lacquer coated) Composite Sft Sft Sft Sft 41.69 1,012.47 m2 m2 m2 m2
12-74-b windows premium grade (UV coated) Wood Plastic Fly Screen Rft Rft Rft Each 41.46 1,014.30 mmm
12-75-a Delux Grade 100 Sft 59.76 500.80 Each m2
12-75-b Wood Plastic Screen Premium Grade Wood Plastic Screen Door Sft 59.76 555.48 m2
12-75-c Frame Only Wood Plastic Screen Beading Smaller Wood Plastic Cft 89.64 597.51 m3
12-75-d Screen Beading larger Sft Sft Each Sft 89.64 230.58 m2 m2 Each
12-75-e Providing and fixing of Plastic propylene Seating "Chairs" without 89.64 297.40 m2
12-76-a legs , Complete in all respects. Providing and fixing Pre-Fabricated 33.62 774.77
12-76-b double wall 10,506.55 79,988.79
12-76-c with insulation building structure,including all 28.32 1,591.42
12-77 types of doors, windows, roof and all other necssary/required 41.60 314.75
12-78-a fittings as required complete in all respects 287.91 880.36
12-78-b Providing & Fixing of Glass Block Masonry Work having size 230.32 801.63
12-78-c 8"x8"x3" including white cement etc, Complete in all respects. 3,454.88 12,751.08
12-79 Making of Kitchen Cabinet 8'x3' make up from Veneer board 227.09 990.11
(MEDIUM DENSITY) Laminated on both sides, and hanging on
wall, i/c all hardwares
Kitchen Floor Cabinet as per approved Design/Specification..
Kitchen Wall Cabinet as per approved Design/Specification.
Providing and Fixing Sink Cabinet as per approved
Supply and fixing UPVC Flush doors with 60mm wide frame 2-
2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized
iron support in any available Plain colour

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-80 Supply and fixing UPVC Fancy doors with 60mm wide frame 2- Sft 271.91 1,196.52 m2
12-81 2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 271.91 1,219.61 m2
12-82 iron support in any available Plain colour Sft 265.93 1,146.81 m2
12-83 Supply and fixing UPVC Fancy doors with 60mm wide frame 2- Sft 265.93 1,089.70 m2
12-84 2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 227.09 968.24 m2
12-85 iron support in any available Plain colour Sft 158.36 898.30 m2
12-86 Supply and fixing UPVC Partially glazed doors with 60mm wide Sft 158.36 898.30 m2
12-87 frame 2-2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and Sft 206.17 1,125.93 m2
12-88 galvanized iron support in any available Plain colour Sft 128.48 818.60 m2
Supply and fixing UPVC Full glazed doors with 60mm wide frame
2-2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized
iron support in any available Plain colour
Providing & fixing uPVC white color full body doors with UPVC
frame and chowkat including, locks and all hardware fittings, etc.
complete in all respects
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed sliding windows with 80mm
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
and galvanized iron support in any available plain colour I/c fly
screen shutter without glass pan.
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed sliding windows with 80mm
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
and galvanized iron support in any available plain colour without
fly screen shutter and without glazing.
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed openable windows with
60mm wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all
accessories and galvanized iron support in any available plain
colour without glass pans.
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed Fixed windows with 80mm
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
and galvanized iron support in any available plain colour without
glass pans.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
12-89 Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed sliding windows with 80mm Sft 161.35 901.29 m2
12-90 wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories Sft 161.35 901.29 m2
12-91 and galvanized iron support in wooden texture I/c fly screen Sft 206.17 1,125.93 m2
12-92 shutter without glass pan. Sft 128.48 1,057.96 m2
12-93 Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed sliding windows with 80mm Sft 164.34 905.49 m2
12-94 wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories Sft 276.39 1,191.29 m2
and galvanized iron support in wooden texture without fly screen
shutter without glazing.
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed openable windows with
60mm wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all
accessories and galvanized iron support in wooden texture without
glass panes
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed fixed windows with 80mm
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
and galvanized iron support in wooden texture without glass panes
Supply and Fixing of UPVC Windows (color as approved)
Premium quality Sliding window, including all necessary fittngs
and fly screen shutters complete.
Supply and fixing UPVC full glazed fixed lowers windows with
80mm wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all
accessories and galvanized iron support in any available plain
colours without glass panes

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
13-01 Oiling woodwork with boiled linseed oil 100 Sft 224.10 431.14 m2 m2
13-02-a-01 Painting old corrugated surfaces, pent roofing etc. with oil paint : 100 Sft 760.07 1,306.47 m2 m2 m2 m2
13-02-a-02 First coat 100 Sft 575.81 995.88 m2 m2 m2 m
13-02-b-01 Painting old corrugated surfaces, pent roofing etc. with oil paint : 100 Sft 460.65 748.64 m
13-02-b-02 Each subsequent coat 100 Sft 391.55 616.38 100 No.
13-02-c-01 Painting old surfaces : Sashes, fanlights, doors or windows : First 100 Sft 760.07 1,306.47 100 No.
13-02-c-02 coat 100 Sft 575.81 995.88 100 No.
13-02-d-01 Painting old surfaces : Sashes, fanlights, doors or windows : Each 100 Sft 460.65 748.64 100 No.
13-02-d-02 subsequent coat 100 Sft 391.55 616.38 m2 m2 m2 m2
13-02-e-01 Painting old surfaces : Doors / windows any type First coat 100 Rft 391.55 665.34 m2
13-02-e-02 Painting old surfaces : Doors / windows any type Each subsequent 100 Rft 276.39 487.01
13-02-f-01 coat 100 No. 1,696.31 2,759.53
13-02-f-02 Painting old surfaces : Guard bars, gratings, railing & similar open 100 No. 1,322.81 1,995.55
13-02-g-01 work : First coat 100 No. 3,392.63 5,449.81
13-02-g-02 Painting old surfaces : Guard bars, gratings, railing & similar work 100 No. 1,898.63 3,094.44
13-03-a-01 : Each subsequent coat 100 Sft 844.11 1,648.92
13-03-a-02 Painting old surfaces : Fillets, framing, skirting pipes, etc. less than 100 Sft 438.24 1,116.72
13-03-b-01 6" girth : First coat Painting old surfaces : Fillets, framing, skirting 100 Sft 511.07 994.31
13-03-b-02 pipes, etc. less than 6" girth : Each subseq. Coat 100 Sft 276.39 667.74
13-03-c-01 Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles Not exceeding 1 100 Sft 844.11 1,648.92
sft : First coat
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles Not exceeding 1
sft : Each subsequent coat
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles 1sft-3sft area : First
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles 1sft-3sft area : Each
subsequent coat
Prepare & Paint new corrugated surface, pent roofing etc : Priming
Prepare & Paint new corrugated surface, pent roofing etc : Each
subsequent coat of paint Prepare & Paint new surface, sashes,
doors &
windows etc : Priming coat
Prepare & Paint new surface, sashes, doors & windows etc : Each
subsequent coat of paint Prepare & Paint new surface, doors &
Priming coat

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
13-03-c-02 Prepare & Paint new surface, doors & windows Each subsequent 100 Sft 438.24 1,116.72 m2 m2 m2
13-03-d-01 coat of paint 100 Sft 511.07 976.56 mm
13-03-d-02 Prepare & Paint new surfaces of guard bars, railing & similar open 100 Sft 276.39 650.00 100 No.
13-03-e-01 work : Priming coat 100 Rft 414.59 790.56 100 No.
13-03-e-02 Prepare & Paint new surfaces of guard bars, railing & similar work 100 Rft 207.29 508.61 100 No.
13-03-f-01 : Each subsequent coat 100 No. 1,727.44 3,347.16 100 No.
13-03-f-02 Prepare & Paint new surface of fillets, framing, skirtings etc : 100 No. 864.65 2,168.54 m2 m2
13-03-g-01 Priming coat 100 No. 3,423.75 6,554.25 m2 m2
13-03-g-02 Prepare & Paint new surface of fillets, framing, skirtings etc : Each 100 No. 1,525.13 3,851.69 m2 m2 m2
13-03-h subsequent coat of paint Prepare & Paint new surface of small 100 Sft 89.64 230.17 m2
13-03-i detached 100 Sft 2,303.25 4,600.52 m2 m2 m2
13-04-a articles upto 1 sft : Priming coat 2000 Sft 11,516.25 21,725.92
13-04-b Prepare & Paint new surface of small detached articles upto 1 sft : 2000 Sft 8,827.05 15,717.56
13-05-a Each subsequent coat Prepare & paint surf. of small detached 100 Sft 7,532.25 8,921.52
13-05-b articles 100 Sft 3,797.25 4,502.04
13-06 1sft - 3sft area : Priming coat 100 Sft 5,229.00 9,538.69
13-07-a Prepare & paint surf. of small detached articles 1 sft - 3 sft area : 100 Sft 460.65 1,119.61
13-07-b Subsequent coat of paint 100 Sft 230.32 725.95
13-07-c Extra for knotting & stopping to prime coat on new surface of 100 Sft 230.32 631.38
13-08-a wood 100 Sft 416.45 1,991.40
Providing and applying 3 coats of approved type of Plastic
emulsion paint to Plastic surface as per manufucture specification.
Khanki mixture, applied hot to barrage gates First coat
Khanki mixture, applied hot to barrage gates Second coat
French polishing complete: On new work French polishing
complete: On old work
Applying lacquer polish to wood work of any type
Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :
First coat
Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :
Second coat
Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :
Third coat
Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 20 Ibs.
per 100 sft.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
13-08-b Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 14 Ibs. 100 Sft 1,155.36 1,983.12 m2 m2
13-08-c per 100 sft. 100 Sft Each 811.24 1,635.76 Each
13-09 Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 10 Ibs. 100 Sft 14.07 15.95 m2 m2 m2
13-10-a per 100 sft. 100 Sft 369.77 2,142.25 m2 m2 m2
13-10-b Writing letters or figures 100 Sft 224.10 1,082.21 Each
13-11-a Coaltar paint applied hot: First coat Coaltar paint applied hot: 100 Sft 493.02 1,105.55 mmm
13-11-b Second coat Solignum paint applied hot: First coat Solignum paint 100 Sft 749.99 1,759.70 Each
13-12-a applied hot: Second coat Creosote paint applied hot: First coat 100 Sft Each 493.02 1,005.77 Each Each
13-12-b Creosote paint applied hot: Second coat 100 Rft 373.50 797.12 m2
13-13 Painting distance marks with white ground and black letterin on 100 Rft 67.23 205.14 m2 Each
13-14 both faces 100 Rft Each 2,303.25 2,670.28 letter m2
13-15 Painting two feet wide gauges, reading to 1/10th of a foot. Each Each 100 9.21 166.06 m2
13-16 Painting sounding rods and other guages, reading to 1/10th of a Sft 22,698.46 23,648.57
13-17-a foot Sft Each 575.81 762.88
13-17-b Painting levelling staves letter 100 Sft 72.09 95.50
13-17-c Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both sides with syn. enamel paint : 100 Sft 760.07 947.14
13-18 Mile/km posts 955.54 1,688.63
13-19 Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both sides with syn. enamel paint : 62.30 74.97
13-20 Furlong or 1/10 km posts Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both 46.76 279.93
13-21 sides with 36.85 38.12
13-22-a syn. enamel paint : Sign posts 433.26 1,077.76
13-22-b Preparing surface & applying Texture Painting complete 331.17 647.25
Paint on Concrete work (Kerb stone, Barrier)
Painting to clay flower posts/vase of various sizes of required
Painting letters with shade
Preparing surface and painting with emulsion paint
: First coat
Preparing surface and painting with emulsion paint
: 2nd & each subsequent coat.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
13-23 Pavement Marking using Reflective Chlorinated Rubber Paint with 100 Sft 1,556.25 2,104.84 m2 m2
13-24 Glass Beads as per specification Extra labour for painting, 100 Sft/coat 103.58 103.58 m2 m2
13-25-a varnishing etc from 20' 100 Sft/coat 1,151.63 2,089.48
13-25-b height & above, for every additional 10' 100 Sft/coat 575.81 1,050.10
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem / weathershield paint :
First coat
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem / weathershield paint :
2nd & subsequent coats

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-01-a Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC European type of Each 653.63 9,480.04 Each
14-01-b approved size excluding cost of seat & cover, complete in all Each 653.63 10,094.83 Each
14-02-a respects: White Each 14.94 695.34 Each
14-02-b Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC European type of Each 14.94 921.33 Each
14-03-a approved make/size excluding cost of seat & cover, complete in all Each 519.16 2,200.70 Each
14-03-b respects: Coloured Each 519.16 2,310.05 Each
14-04 Providing and Fixing Double Seat & Cover only : Bakelite Each 616.28 2,018.36 Each
14-05-a-01 Providing and Fixing double seat & cover only : Plastic Each 653.63 9,091.80 Each
14-05-a-02 Providing and fitting glazed earthenware water closet (WC), Each 653.63 8,752.94 Each
squatter type (orisa pattern) combined with foot rest. complete in
all respects : White
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC squatting type with
built-in foot rests complete in all respects : Coloured
Providing and Fixing white glazed earthernware WC squatting
type with separate foot rests, complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: White with pedestal (Best
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: Colour with pedestal (Best

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-05-a-03 Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB) Each 653.63 6,472.26 Each
14-05-a-04 complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste Each 784.35 6,359.98 Each
14-05-a-05 coupling, complete in all respects: White without pedestal (Best Each 653.63 4,090.86 Each
14-05-a-06 Quality) Each 653.63 4,212.36 Each
14-05-a-07 Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB) Each 653.63 3,483.36 Each
14-05-a-08 complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste Each 784.35 3,492.58 Each
14-05-b-01 coupling, complete in all respects: Coloured without pedestal. Each 784.35 5,426.87 Each
14-05-b-02 (Best Quality) Each 784.35 10,129.52 Each
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: White with pedestal (Normal
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: Colour with pedestal (Normal
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: White without pedestal (Normal
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: Coloured without pedestal.
(Normal Quality)
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: White with pedestal- (Normal
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
coupling, complete in all respects: Coloured with pedestal - (Best

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-05-b-03 Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB) Each 784.35 5,029.56 Each
14-05-b-04 complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste Each 784.35 6,238.48 Each
14-06-a coupling, complete in all respects: White without pedestal. Each 921.30 6,463.22 Each
14-06-b (Normal Quality) Each 921.30 5,548.97 Each
14-06-c Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB) Each 921.30 6,100.58 Each
14-06-d complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste Each 921.30 10,151.39 Each
14-06-e coupling, complete in all respects: Coloured without pedestal. Each 921.30 13,752.65 Each
14-07 (Best Quality) Each 1,204.54 8,909.40 Each
Providing and Fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size (120
x 60 cm) 48"x24", including set of brackets, waste pipe etc - (Best
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size
(90x45 cm) 36"x18" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size
(120x45 cm) 48"x18" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc
(Best Quality)
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size(152x
50 cm) 60"x20" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size
(182x 50 cm) 20"x72" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc
(Best Quality)
Providing and Fixing terrazzo concrete sink (60x 45 cm) 24"x18",
with drain board of mosaic, including bracket set, waste pipe and
waste coupling.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-08-a Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware sink (60x 45 cm) Each 921.30 3,416.30 Each
14-08-b 24"x15" including set of bracket set, waste pipe and waste Each 921.30 3,331.25 Each
14-09 coupling. Each 583.59 2,640.59 Each
14-10-a Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware sink 25"x18" including Each 1,045.80 3,256.98 Each
14-10-b set of bracket set, waste pipe and waste coupling. Each 1,045.80 3,964.72 Each
14-10-c Providing and Fixing white glazed earthernware flat back urinal Each 1,045.80 4,487.17 Each
14-11 complete in all respects Each 1,045.80 4,730.17 Each
14-12-a Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware low down flushing Each 1,045.80 3,812.35 Each
cistern 3 gallons (13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set,
copper connection, etc. complete in all respects: White
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware low down flushing
cistern 3 gallons (13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set,
copper connection, etc. complete in all respects: Coloured
Providing and Fixing Plastic low down flushing cistern 3 gallons
(13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set, copper connection,
etc. complete in all respects: White (Best Quality)
Providing and Fixing white enamelled cast iron (CI) low down
flushing cistern 3 gallons (13.63 liters) capacity including bracket
set, copper connection etc. complete in all respects.
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) high level flushing cistern 3
gallons (13.63 liters) capacity including bracket set, copper
connection etc. complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-12-b Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) high level flushing cistern 1 Each 1,045.80 2,974.00 Each
14-13 gallons (4.55 liters) capacity including bracket set, copper Each 104.58 829.33 Each
14-14-a connection etc. complete in all respects. Each 104.58 512.21 Each
14-14-b Providing and fixing choricum plated soap dish complete. Each 104.58 523.15 Each
14-15 Providing and Fixing glazed earthenware soap dish complete: Each 104.58 802.84 Each
14-16-a White Each 104.58 1,025.19 Each
14-16-b Providing and fixing glazed earthenware soap dish complete: Each 104.58 505.24 Each
14-17-a Coloured Each 326.81 2,521.71 Each
14-17-b Providing and Fixing CP (chromium plated) toilet paper holder Sft 65.36 802.26 m2
14-17-c complete Each 261.45 3,914.35 Each
Providing and Fixing chromium plated (CP) towel rail complete:
60 cm (24") long and 2 cm (3/4") dia
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) towel rail complete:
50 cm (20") long and 1.5 cm (1/2") dia
Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly
fitted on masonry wall etc. as per instruction of Engineer In-charge
complete. Mirror 60 x 45 cm (24"x18") size
Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly
fitted with bracket as per instruction of Engineer In-charge
Providing and fixing 30" x 24" (750mm x 600mm) looking mirror
of Imported glass complete with plastic frame of standared size &
c.p screws

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-17-d Providing and fixing 22" x 16" looking mirror of Imported glass Each 261.45 2,454.52 Each
14-18-a complete with Aluminum frame of standared size & c.p screws. Each 119.52 1,184.03 Each
14-18-b Providing and fixing best quality 5mm glass shelf (60 x 13) cm Each 44.82 663.67 Each
14-19-a 24"x5" complete: With chromium plated brackets & railing Each 119.52 920.62 Each
14-19-b Providing and fixing best quality 5mm glass shelf (60 x 13) cm Each 119.52 1,132.03 Each
14-20-a 24"x5" complete: Without chromium plated brackets & railing Each 104.58 464.83 Each
14-20-b Providing and fixing glazed earthenware shelf (60x13 cm) 24"x5" Each 104.58 466.04 Each
14-20-c without chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing : White Each 104.58 475.76 Each
14-20-d Providing and fixing glazed earthenware shelf (60x13 cm) 24"x5" Each 104.58 859.70 Each
14-21-a with chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing : Coloured Each 104.58 1,565.01 Each
Providing and fixing plastic soap dish complete.
Providing and fixing superior quality plastic toilet paper holder.
Providing and fixing superior quality plastic towel rail.
Providing and Fixing superior quality plastic shelf 60 x 13 cm
(24"x5") with bracket
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP)
pillar-cock, heavy duty of approved quality : 2 cm (3/4")

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-21-b Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) pillar-cock, heavy duty Each 104.58 1,241.82 Each
14-21-c of approved quality : 1.5 cm (1/2") Each 104.58 930.78 Each
14-22-a Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) double bib cock, heavy Each 104.58 913.77 Each
14-22-b duty of approved quality : 1.5 cm (1/2") Each 104.58 665.91 Each
14-23 Providing and fixing chromium plated CP stop-cock, heavy type : Each 184.26 745.59 Each
14-24-a 2 cm (3/4") Each 104.58 1,565.01 Each
14-24-b Providing and fixing chromium plated CP stop-cock, heavy type : Each 104.58 1,241.82 Each
14-25-a 1.5 cm (1/2") Each 104.58 936.61 Each
14-25-b Providing and fixing underground stop-cock 1.5 cm (1/2") with Each 104.58 1,075.36 Each
14-26-a chormium plated (CP) cover of approved quality. Each 104.58 1,506.69 Each
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) bib-cock heavy duty of
approved quality : 2 cm 3/4"
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP)
bib-cock heavy duty of approved quality : 1.5 cm 1/2"
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) tee stop cock 1.5 cm
(1/2") of approved quality
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) tee stop cock 2 cm
(3/4") of approved quality
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose complete :
Size 1/2"x4" (15 mm x 100 mm) (Best Quality)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-26-b Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose : Each 104.58 2,690.10 Each
14-26-c Size 3/4"x6" (20mm x 150 mm) (Best Quality) Each 104.58 681.71 Each
14-27-a Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose : Each 104.58 2,716.83 Each
14-27-b Size 3/4"x6" (20mm x 150 mm) (Normal Quality) Each 104.58 1,647.63 Each
14-28-a Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) mixing valve for wash Each 104.58 1,888.20 Each
14-28-b hand basin (WHB), sink or shower of approved (Best) quality Each 104.58 2,145.78 Each
14-28-c Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) mixing valve for wash Each 119.52 3,182.84 Each
14-28-d hand basin (WHB), sink or shower of approved (Normal) quality Each 104.58 7,277.51 Each
14-28-e Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 32 mm Each 119.52 7,461.52 Each
14-28-f (1-1/4") dia of approved quality. Each 104.58 1,353.60 Each
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 40 mm
1-1/2" dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 50 mm
(1-3/4") dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 50 mm
& 63 mm
(2") dia of approved quality.
Providing and Fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 75 mm
(3") dia of approved quality
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 20 mm
(3/4") dia of approved quality.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-28-g Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 25 mm Each 104.58 1,574.73 Each
14-29-a (1") dia of approved quality. Each 104.58 1,040.13 Each
14-29-b Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized Each 119.52 2,435.31 Each
14-29-c swan-neck cock 12 mm (1/2") dia of approved quality: Single way Each 149.40 461.65 Each
14-30-a Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized Each 104.58 492.17 Each
14-30-b swan-neck cock 1/2" dia : Double way Each 104.58 602.73 Each
14-30-c Providing and Fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized Each 49.30 1,521.88 Each
14-30-d swan-neck cock 1/2" dia : Three way Each 52.29 2,007.22 Each
14-31-a Providing and fixing union brass (15 mm ) 1/2" dia of approved Each 230.32 788.64 Each
14-31-b quality. Each 230.32 964.82 Each
Providing and fixing union brass 20mm (3/4") dia of approved
Providing and fixing union brass 2-1/2" dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing union brass 3" dia of approved quality.
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) floor trap of approved quality
including CI grating & concrete chamber all round : 4"x2"
(100mm x 50 mm)
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) floor trap approved quality
including CI grating & concrete chamber all round : 4"x3" (100
mm x 75 mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-32-a Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality including GI Each 207.29 1,596.95 Each
14-32-b grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm) of cast iron (Best Quality) Each 207.29 442.70 Each
14-33 Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality including GI Each 345.49 1,828.46 Each
14-34-a-01 grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm) glazed Rft 155.63 1,007.46 m
14-34-a-02 Providing and Fixing 4" gully trap of approved quality including Rft 115.16 697.68 m
14-34-b-01 cement concrete cost of PVC grating 6" x6" (150 x 150 mm) and Rft 69.10 747.53 m
14-34-b-02 masonry Rft 34.55 439.71 m
14-35-a chamber 12"x12" (300 x 300 mm). Rft 18.30 50.64 m
14-35-b Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials Rft 18.30 62.88 m
complete in all respects with
: Lead & yarn caulked joint : 4" dia.
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials,
complete in all respects with
: Lead & yarn caulked joint : 2" dia.
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials
complete in all respects with
: Cement caulked joint : 4" dia
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials
complete in all respects with
: Cement caulked joint : 2" dia
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except
excavation 3/4" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except
excavation 1" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-35-c Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in Rft 18.30 94.54 m
14-35-d walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of Rft 18.30 135.13 m
14-35-e approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the Rft 18.30 222.43 m
14-35-f same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including Rft 18.30 333.27 m
14-35-g specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except Rft 18.30 42.56 m
14-36-a excavation 1-1/4" i/d Kg 90.89 341.49 Kg
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except
excavation 1-1/2" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except
excavation 2" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: except
excavation 2-1/2" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications:
except excavation 1/2" i/d
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) specials, such as tees, bends,
collar cross etc: Lead caulked joint

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-36-b Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) specials, such as tees, bends, Kg 287.91 402.81 Kg
14-37-a collar cross etc: Cement caulked joint Each 186.75 1,926.63 Each
14-37-b Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc Each 126.99 3,250.75 Each
14-37-c (Heavy Type) of approved quality complete: 12" (300 mm) dia Each 126.99 1,645.74 Each
14-37-d Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc Each 575.81 4,373.90 Each
14-37-e (Heavey Type) of approved quality complete: 18" (455 mm) dia Each 186.75 512.37 Each
14-37-f Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc Each 126.99 977.49 Each
14-37-g (Heavey Type) of approved quality complete: 24" (610 mm) dia Each 126.99 1,706.49 Each
14-38 Providing & Fixing Steel manhole cover with frame 18"x18" full RFT 198.76 500.26 m
14-39-a heavy duty Each 104.58 595.20 Each
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavy
Type) of approved quality complete: 12" (300 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavey
Type) of approved quality complete: 18" (455 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavey
Type) of approved quality complete: 24" (610 mm) dia
Providing laying, cutting, jointing and testing of
R.C.C pipe 4" (100mm) dia in cement concrete, laid in trenches as
per specification complete in all respects.and Fixing RCC pipe 4"
dia, including laying & jointing in trenches
Providing and Fixing brass stop/bib cock of approved quality:
1/2" (13 mm) dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-39-b Providing and Fixing brass stop/bib cock of approved quality: Each 104.58 520.11 Each
14-40 3/4" (20 mm) dia Each Each 606.94 606.94 Each Each
14-41-a Hoisting & Placing in position precast RC latrine seat Each Each 119.52 556.92 Each Each
14-41-b Providing and Fixing chromium plated (CP) waste coupling of Each 119.52 1,152.27 Each
14-42-a approved quality : 1.25" (32 mm) Providing and fixing chromium Each 14.94 74.34 Each
14-42-b plated CP waste Each 14.94 99.32 Each
14-43-a coupling of approved quality : 1.5" (40 mm) Each 104.58 200.57 Each
14-43-b Providing and fixing rubber plug with chain of approved quality: Each 104.58 222.43 Each
14-44-a 1.25" (32mm) Each 74.70 142.98 Each
14-44-b Providing and Fixing rubber plug with chain of approved quality : Each 74.70 151.65 Each
14-45-a 1.5" (40 mm) 119.52 2,146.14
14-45-b Providing and fixing waste pipe of PVC of approved quality : 119.52 2,460.82
1.25" (32 mm)
Providing and fixing waste pipe of PVC of approved quality :
1.5" (40 mm)
Providing and fixing flushing bend of PVC of approved quality:
1.25" (32 mm)
Providing and fixing flushing bend of PVC of approved quality:
1.5" (40 mm)
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) bottle trough / trap of
approved quality with waste pipe complete : 1.25" (32 mm) i/d
Providing and Fixing chromium plated CP bottle trough/trap of
approved quality with waste pipe : 1.5" (40 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-46-a Providing and Fixing angle iron brackets for : Wash hand basin Each 119.52 253.17 Each
14-46-b (WHB ) and cistern Each 119.52 313.92 Each
14-47-a Providing and Fixing angle iron brackets for :Sink Each 44.82 260.60 Each
14-47-b Providing and Fixing 1/2" (12 mm) dia connection including Each 44.82 437.75 Each
14-47-c check nuts etc of approved quality: Plastic rubber connection Each 44.82 470.07 Each
14-48-a Providing and Fixing 1/2" (12 mm) dia connection including check Each 104.58 437.19 Each
14-48-b nuts etc of approved quality: Copper connection Each 104.58 476.67 Each
14-48-c Providing and Fixing 1/2" dia connection including check nuts etc Each 104.58 758.98 Each
14-48-d chorimum plated (CP) connection Each 104.58 1,086.30 Each
14-48-e Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: Each 104.58 1,349.95 Each
1/2" (13 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality:
3/4" dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 1"
(25 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality:
1.25" dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved
quality:1.5" (40 mm) dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-48-f Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 2" Each 104.58 2,042.51 Each
14-49-a (50 mm) dia Rft 287.91 582.54 m
14-49-b Providing and Fixing MS high pressure seamwelded pipe & Rft 230.32 497.63 m
14-50-a specials complete : 2" dia Each 460.65 13,473.30 Each
14-50-b Providing and Fixing MS high pressure steal welded pipe & Each 345.49 5,047.54 Each
14-50-c specials complete : 1" dia Each 230.32 2,781.82 Each
14-51-a Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 4" dia Each Each 249.00 1,496.23 Each Each
14-51-b Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 2" dia Each 249.00 1,230.11 Each
14-51-c Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 1" dia Each 99.60 500.55 Each
14-52-a Providing and Fixing pressure regulator : No. 103 Providing and Each 902.63 16,406.03 Each
14-52-b Fixing pressure regulator : No. 043 Each 361.05 8,222.10 Each
14-52-c Providing and Fixing pressure regulator : People type 180.52 4,141.42
Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 4" dia
Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 2" dia
Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 1" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-53 Providing and Fixing nipple or bush 1/4" to 3/8" i/d Each 44.82 91.48 Each
14-54-a Providing and fixing eclipse cock : 1" dia Each 115.16 1,174.64 Each
14-54-b Providing and fixing eclipse cock : 3/4" dia Each 230.32 1,218.36 Each
14-55-a Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete 2" dia Rft 91.38 327.99 m
14-55-b (light) Rft 91.38 298.61 m
14-55-c Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: Rft 91.38 265.76 m
14-55-d 1.5" dia (light) Rft 53.16 177.37 m
14-55-e Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: 1.25" Rft 53.16 140.54 m
14-55-f dia (light) Rft 45.69 106.85 m
14-56-a Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete 1" dia Each 37.35 675.22 Each
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete:
3/4" dia (light)
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete:
1/2" dia (light)
Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 1" dia.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-56-b Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 3/4" dia. Each 37.35 496.62 Each
14-56-c Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 1/2" dia Each 37.35 435.87 Each
14-57-a Providing and fixing brass gas cock : 1/2" dia (13 mm) Each 14.94 334.48 Each
14-57-b Providing and Fixing brass gas cock : 3/4" (20 mm) dia Each 14.94 358.79 Each
14-58-a Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas Each 44.82 230.71 Each
14-58-b cock: Single way Each 74.70 275.17 Each
14-58-c Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas Each 119.52 347.94 Each
14-59-a cock Two way Each Each 199.20 879.60 Each Each
14-59-b Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas Each 199.20 2,318.16 Each
14-60-a cock: Three way Each 249.00 2,071.50 Each
14-60-b Providing and Fixing approved best quality light burners: Single 249.00 2,922.00
Providing and Fixing approved best quality light burners: Double
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas room heaters
complete in all respects: Single pannel
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas room heaters
complete in all respects: Double pannel

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-61-a Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with: Each 328.68 17,107.83 Each
14-61-b Two (02) Burners & Oven Each 328.68 18,359.28 Each
14-61-c Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with Each 328.68 20,825.73 Each
14-61-d Two (02) burners, oven & rostary Each 328.68 24,871.68 Each
14-61-e Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with Each 328.68 31,554.18 Each
14-62-a three (03) burners, oven & hot case Each Each 498.00 20,140.66 Each Each
14-62-b Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with 3 Each Each 498.00 24,020.40 Each Each
14-62-c burners, oven, hot case & roastary Each Each 498.00 28,686.00 Each Each
14-63-a Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with 5 Each Each 124.50 549.75 Each Each
14-63-b burners, oven, hot case & roastary Each Each 124.50 792.75 Each Each
14-63-c Providing and Fixing Normal quality gas water heaters: 20 gallons Each Each 124.50 975.00 Each Each
14-64-a capacity 298.80 1,027.80
14-64-b Providing and Fixing Normal quality gas water heaters: 30 gallons 298.80 1,270.80
14-64-c capacity 298.80 1,392.30
14-64-d Providing and Fixing Normal quality gas water heaters 50 gallons 298.80 1,756.80
14-65 capacity 99.60 952.53
14-66 Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 6" (150 mm) Size 298.80 2,514.96
Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 9" (225 mm) Size
Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 12" (300 mm) Size
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 12" (300
mm ) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector:18" (450
mm) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 24"
(600 mm) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 32" (900
mm) nozzle
Providing and Fixing flue pipe for gas room heater any type/make
Providing and Fixing gas twin burners with stand complete
(Imperial make)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-67 Providing and Fixing angle iron frame wall type brackets for gas Pair Each 124.50 258.15 Pair Each
14-68-a room heater Each Each 451.31 2,456.06 Each Each
14-68-b Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 24" nozzle Each Each 451.31 2,881.31 Each Each
14-68-c Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 32" nozzle Each 451.31 3,185.06 Each
14-69-a-01 Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 48" nozzle Each 2,303.25 12,546.23 Each
14-69-a-02 Providing and fixing Fibre Glass , corrosion resistant, UV stablized Each 2,303.25 14,923.79 Each
14-69-b-01 WaterTank : 300 gallons Providing and fixing Fibre Glass , Each 2,303.25 16,008.98 Each
14-69-b-02 corrosion Each 4,668.75 26,094.13 Each
14-69-b-03 resistant, UV stablized WaterTank : 400 gallons 4,668.75 32,142.48
14-69-b-04 Supplying and Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank made from food 3,921.75 55,506.96
14-69-b-05 grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert 4,668.75 81,094.45
with water,
anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more than
10 years : 200 gallons (Horizontal)
Supplying and Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank made from food
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert
with water,
anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more than
10 years : 400 gallons (Vertical) Supplying and Fixing
Polyethylene Water Tank
made from food grade FDA Certified raw material,
3 layers UV stablized, inert with water,
anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more than
10 years : 500 gallons (Vertical) Supplying and Fixing
Polyethylene Water Tank
made from food grade FDA Certified raw material,
3 layers UV stablized, inert with water,
anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more than
10 years : 1000 gallons (Vertical)
Supplying and Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank made from food
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert
with water,
anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more than
10 years : 1500 gallons (Vertical)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-70-a Providing and Fixing of pipe type B nikasi system including testing RFT 69.10 679.19 m
14-70-b in all respect 110 mm Rft 69.10 373.60 m
14-71-a Providing and Fixing of pipe type B nikasi system including testing Rft 45.69 100.23 m
14-71-b in all respect 75 mm Rft 45.69 82.48 m
14-72-a Providing and Fixing of polydex high pressure PPR (green 20 Rft 42.58 53.84 m
14-72-b including testing ect complete 25 mm(including all special etc) 20 Rft 42.58 59.46 m
14-72-c Providing and Fixing of polydex high pressure PPR (green 20 Rft 42.58 65.11 m
14-72-d including testing ect complete 20 mm(including all special etc) 20 Rft 42.58 70.72 m
14-72-e Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1/2" 20 Rft 42.58 76.38 m
Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 3/4"
Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1" dia
Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1.5"
Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 2" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-72-f Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 2.5" 20 Rft 42.58 81.99 m
14-73-a dia 20 Rft 112.05 187.38 m
14-73-b Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber 20 Rft 112.05 192.65 m
14-73-c glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot 20 Rft 112.05 209.98 m
14-73-d water piping complete: 1/2" dia 20 Rft 112.05 219.77 m
14-73-e Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber 20 Rft 112.05 223.54 m
14-73-f glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot 20 Rft 112.05 241.62 m
14-73-g water piping complete: 3/4" dia 20 Rft 112.05 261.20 m
14-74-a Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber Each 747.00 26,869.50 Each
14-74-b glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot Each 653.63 28,598.63 Each
14-74-c water piping complete 1" dia Each 498.00 24,798.00 Each
Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot
water piping complete: 1.5" dia
Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot
water piping complete: 2" dia
Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot
water piping complete 2.5" dia
Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot
water piping complete: 3" dia
Providing and Fixing in positioin Gas water with fittings including
thermostat, safety valve etc:- 30 Gallon Best Quality
Providing and Fixing in positioin Gas water with fittings including
thermostat, safety valve etc:- 35 Gallon Best Quality
Providing and Fixing in positioin Wooden water geyser with
fittings : 30 Gallon Best Quality

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-74-d Providing and Fixing in positioin Gas water Geyser with fittings Each 653.63 34,673.63 each
14-75-a including thermostat, safety valve etc:- 50 Gallon Best Quality Each Each 249.00 29,692.34 Each Each
14-75-b Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 307 Each Each 249.00 26,675.25 Each Each
14-76 (3 Burners Black), Bigger size Providing & Fixing of approved Each 249.00 27,537.90 Each
14-77 quality Cooking Each 249.00 31,170.75 Each
14-78 Range Model 308 (3 Burners Black), Smaller size Each 230.32 3,511.07 Each
14-79-a Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 310 Each 896.40 15,024.66 Each
14-79-b (3 Burners White) Each 896.40 18,776.58 Each
14-79-c Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 312 Each 896.40 18,776.58 Each
14-79-d (5 Burners), Automatic) Providing and Fixing low level plastic Each 896.40 21,449.83 Each
14-80-a flushing 896.40 27,886.41
14-80-b cistern 3 gallons (13.63) liters capacity, complete 896.40 28,696.57
in all respects
Supply and fixing of 0.5 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
single phase upto 72 ft head (Type SE) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
single phase upto 90 ft head (Type SE) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
single phase upto 88 ft head (Type DE-S2) i/c all accessories.
Supply and fixing of 1.5 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
single phase upto 130 ft head (Type DE-S2) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25" 3
stage model DE-S3 (Deen Pump) single phase for 150 ft head with
all accessories
Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.5" 4
stage model DE-S4 single phase for 190 ft head with all

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-80-c Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 2"x2" size 1 Each 896.40 28,603.32 Each
14-81-a stage SE model single phase for 65 ft head with all accessories and Each 896.40 33,145.17 Each
14-81-b fittings. Each 896.40 32,070.38 Each
14-81-c Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.5" size Each 896.40 38,989.81 Each
14-81-d 5 stage DE-S5 model single phase for 220 ft head with all Each 1,494.00 41,174.38 Each
14-81-e accessories Each 896.40 40,564.33 Each
14-81-f Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25" Each 1,494.00 41,161.93 Each
14-81-g size 6 stage DE-S6 model single phase for 260 ft head with all Each 896.40 50,007.31 Each
14-81-h accessories Each 896.40 56,880.56 Each
14-82-a Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25" Each 3,361.50 21,751.86 Each
size 7 stage DN-S7 model single phase for 300 ft head with all
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 2.5"x2" size 2
stage DE-S2 model single phase for 100 ft head with all
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x2" size
3= stage DN-S3 model single phase for 130 ft head with all
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x2" size 4
stage DN-S4 model single phase for 160 ft head with all
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 3"x3" size 1
stage P.P model single phase for 60 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 3"x2.5" size
1stage P.P model single phase for 60 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size
1stage Jet S-1 model single phase for 60 ft suction and upto 60 ft
head with all accessories

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-82-b Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 2 Each 3,361.50 27,219.36 Each
14-82-c stage Jet S-2 model single phase for 80 ft suction and upto 80 ft Each 3,361.50 31,775.61 Each
14-82-d head with all accessories Each 3,361.50 36,554.45 Each
14-83 Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 3 Each 2,614.50 39,696.30 Each
14-84-a-01 stage Jet S-3 model single phase for 120 ft suction and upto 120 ft Each Each 119.52 11,667.56 Each Each
14-84-a-02 head with all accessories Each Each 119.52 4,280.36 Each Each
14-84-a-03 Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 4 Each Each 119.52 9,450.19 Each Each
14-84-a-04 stage Jet S-4 model single phase for 160 ft suction and upto 160 ft Each Each 119.52 8,530.43 Each Each
14-84-b-01 head with all accessories Each Each 119.52 4,578.04 Each Each
14-84-b-02 Providing & Fixing Solar Geysers 35 gallons capacity Each Each 119.52 1,613.44 Each Each
14-84-b-03 Furnish and install of G.I Union : 6" dia Furnish and install of G.I 119.52 3,162.56
14-84-b-04 Socket : 6" dia Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 6" dia Furnish and 119.52 2,731.24
14-84-c-01 install of G.I Elbow : 6" dia Furnish and install of G.I Union : 4" 119.52 2,500.39
14-84-c-02 dia Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 4" dia Furnish and install of 119.52 1,139.59
14-84-c-03 G.I Tee : 4" dia Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 4" dia Furnish 119.52 1,984.01
14-84-c-04 and install of G.I Union : 3" dia Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 119.52 1,668.11
3" dia Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 3" dia Furnish and install of
G.I Elbow : 3" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-84-d-01 Furnish and install of G.I Union : 2.5" dia Furnish and install of Each Each 119.52 1,911.11 Each Each
14-84-d-02 G.I Socket : 2.5" dia Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 2.5" dia Each Each 119.52 738.64 Each Each
14-84-d-03 Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 2.5" dia Furnish and install of Each Each 119.52 1,412.96 Each Each
14-84-d-04 G.I Union : 2" dia Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 2" dia Furnish Each Each 119.52 957.34 Each Each
14-84-e-01 and install of G.I Tee : 2" dia Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 2" Each Each 112.05 903.70 Each Each
14-84-e-02 dia Furnish and install of G.I Union : 1.5" dia Furnish and install of Each Each 112.05 418.91 Each Each
14-84-e-03 G.I Socket : 1.5" dia Furnish and install of Tee : 1.5" dia Furnish Each Each 112.05 595.09 Each Each
14-84-e-04 and install of G.I Elbow : 1.5" dia Furnish and install of G.I Union Each Each 112.05 554.99 Each Each
14-84-f-01 : 1.25" dia Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 1.25" dia Furnish Each Each 112.05 663.71 Each Each
14-84-f-02 and install of G.I Tee : 1.25" dia Furnish and install of G.I Each 112.05 296.78 Each
14-84-f-03 Elbow : 1.25" dia Furnish and install of G.I Union : 1" dia Furnish 112.05 434.07
14-84-f-04 and install of G.I Socket : 1" dia Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 1" 112.05 362.39
14-84-g-01 dia 104.58 511.65
14-84-g-02 104.58 262.58
14-84-g-03 104.58 364.64
14-84-g-04 104.58 296.60
14-84-h-01 104.58 390.15
14-84-h-02 104.58 215.19
14-84-h-03 104.58 286.88

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-84-h-04 Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 1" dia Each Each 104.58 239.49 Each Each
14-85-a Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c Each 119.52 1,213.75 Each
14-85-b require fittings complete. 2" dia Supply & fixing of brass foot Each Each 134.46 1,811.31 Each Each
14-85-c valve of the Each Each 149.40 2,501.88 Each Each
14-85-d following sizes i/c require fittings complete. 2.5" Each 179.28 4,861.65 Each
14-85-f dia Each 224.10 15,710.00 Each
14-86 Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c Each Each 224.10 2,406.24 Each Each
14-87 require fittings complete. 3" dia Supply & fixing of brass foot Each Each 522.90 5,900.98 Each Each
14-88 valve of the Each Each 915.08 9,914.58 Each Each
14-89-a following sizes i/c require fittings complete. 4" dia 915.08 4,585.32
14-89-b Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c 921.30 4,377.96
14-89-c require fittings complete. 6" dia Providing & fixing chromium 921.30 4,888.26
14-90-a plated double 119.52 181.49
14-90-b bib-cock with Muslim Shower of approved quality 119.52 217.93
14-91-a Complete is all respects. 119.52 279.90
Providing and fixing Providing and Fixing of Bath accessories set
(choricum plated (C) soap dish, CP toilet paper holder, towel rail,
best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly fitted with Mirror 60 x
45 cm (24"x18") size, glazed earthenware shelf (60x13 cm)
24"x5" with chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing) complete in
all respect
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
coupling,chromium plated CP stop-cock 1/2") complete in all
respects: White with pedestal
Providing and fixing stainless steel bowel sink 15" x20" including
set of brackets, waste pipe etc Providing and Fixing stainless steel
17"x14", including set of brackets, waste pipe etc
Providing and Fixing stainless steel bowel 18"x15", including set
of brackets, waste pipe etc Providing and installing GI Tee 1/2" dia
Providing and installing GI Tee 3/4" dia Providing and installing
GI Union1/2" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-91-b Providing and installing GI Union 3/4" dia Providing and installing Each Each 119.52 329.71 Each Each
14-91-c GI Union 1" dia Providing and installing GI Union 1-1/2" dia Each Each 186.75 468.63 Each Each
14-91-d Providing and installing GI Union 2" dia Providing and installing Each Each 119.52 667.48 Each Each
14-91-e GI Union 2-1/2" dia Providing and installing GI Union 3" dia Each Each 186.75 972.85 Each Each
14-91-f Providing and installing GI Union 4" dia Each 186.75 1,972.80 Each
14-91-g Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes Each 373.50 2,748.82 Each
14-91-h i/c require fittings complete. 2" dia Each 373.50 4,826.48 Each
14-93-a Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes Each 119.52 614.75 Each
14-93-b i/c require fittings complete. 2.5" dia Each 134.46 813.79 Each
14-93-c Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes Each 149.40 1,018.37 Each
14-93-d i/c require fittings complete. 3" dia 179.28 1,300.48
14-93-f Supply & fixing of cast iron foot valve of the following sizes i/c 224.10 2,102.00
14-94-a require fittings complete. 4" dia 149.40 9,483.76
14-94-b Supply & fixing of Cast Iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes 149.40 3,196.13
i/c require fittings complete. 6" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee
6" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings: G.I Tee 4"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-94-c Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including Each 149.40 2,036.05 Each
14-94-d cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee Each 149.40 1,465.00 Each
14-94-e 3" dia Each 149.40 645.36 Each
14-94-f Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including Each 119.52 452.62 Each
14-94-g cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee Each 104.58 373.87 Each
14-94-h 2.5" dia Each 104.58 294.27 Each
14-95-a Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including Each 149.40 1,155.18 Each
14-95-b cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee Each 149.40 441.24 Each
14-95-c 2" dia Each 149.40 375.63 Each
14-95-d Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including Each 149.40 322.90 Each
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee
1.5" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee
1.25" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : G.I Tee
1" dia
Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings :
Class B PVC TEES 6" dia
Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings :
Class B PVC TEES 4" dia
Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings :
Class B PVC TEES 3" dia
Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings :
Class B PVC TEES 2.5" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-95-e Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line Each 149.40 249.52 Each
14-95-f including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 119.52 201.12 Each
14-96-a Class B PVC TEES 2" dia Rft Rft Kg Rft 89.64 126.71 m m Kg m m
14-96-b Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line Rft Rft Each 89.64 114.65 m
14-97 including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each Rft 0.00 328.05 Each Each m
14-98-a Class B PVC TEES 1.5" dia Each 222.94 1,225.32 Each
14-98-b Supply of 1" dia Class E PVC special heavy gauge pipe. Sft 222.94 492.67 m2
14-98-c Supply of 3/4" dia Class E PVC special heavy gauge pipe. Each 222.94 897.27 Each
14-99 Supply of 150 Micron Polythene sheet of approved quality 65.36 332.66
14-100 Supply and fixing MS Pipe 4" i/d 5mm thick S/H/J MS Pipe 1.5" 65.36 435.94
14-101 i/d 5mm thick 40.46 140.09
14-102 S/H/J MS Pipe 3" i/d 5mm thick 298.80 22,168.80
14-103 Supply and Fixing of Chromium Plated tower bolt 104.58 432.63
14-104-a : 6" to 9" 101.16 493.60
Supply and Fixing of Ball cock : 1/2" dia
Supply and fixing of conduit pipe curtain railing coloured with
ends head brackets and runner complete
Providing & Fixing of SHOWER SET locally made complete with
concealed T-STOP COCK for cold and hot water supply with
mixer, swivel shower rose, long bib cock etc Complete in all
Providing, making & Fixing of of shower cabin of 8mm glass
(Irosted & design) fixed with stainless steel brackets complete in
all respects
Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with Grating 8"×8"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-104-b Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with Grating 6"×6" Each 101.16 372.10 Each
14-105 complete Sft Each Rft 119.52 204.38 m2 Each m
14-106 Supply and fixing of Glass Pane 5mm Black colour best quality Each 104.58 863.96 Each
14-107 imported Each Each 42.33 64.15 Each Each
14-108 Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) double angle cock, Each 230.32 3,511.07 Each
14-109 heavy duty of approved quality Providing and Fixing 3" x 1 1/2" Each Rft 261.45 3,663.45 Each m
14-110-a tubular pipe for Rft 373.50 555.75 m
14-110-b support on shed Each Each 373.50 495.00 Each Each
14-111 Providing and Fixing low level plastic flushing cistern 3 gallons Each Sft Rft 0.00 97.20 Each m2 m
14-112 (13.63) liters capacity, complete in all respects Each Each 0.00 8.51 Each Each
14-113 Supply of Thermostat for Sui Gas water heater 30.75 67.20
14-114 Supply of pilot light for Sui Gas water heater of approved qualily 0.00 121.50
14-115-a Supply of Pilot pipe of copper for Sui Gas water heater of 0.00 12,150.00
14-115-b Approved Quality 373.50 10,093.50
14-116 Supply of spindle valve for Sui Gas heater 373.50 1,254.38
14-117 Supply of flue pipe for sui gas water heater any-type and make 184.26 257.16
14-118 Providing and Fixing PVC rubber pipe complete: 1/2" dia (light) 287.91 1,478.61
14-119 Supply of themocouple for sui gas water heater 460.65 1,432.65
Supply of Burner (Triple) approved quality and design
Providing and Fixing of Suigas Burner (Double) Stainless steel
best quality
Supply & Installation of Heat Reflector of Brass sheet for fire
Supply/Installation & making of Brass beading for fire place i/c
cutting, bending & polishing of the same complete in all respect
Supply/Installation & making of coal tray with gas fitting for fire
Replacement of Rail cocks & knobs system with heavy duty ball
valves with specials to over come the'leakage of heavy pressure
gas'for cooking range/oven.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-120 Providing and Fixing stainless steel ball float valve of approved Each 104.58 833.58 Each
14-121 quality: kg Each Each 119.52 484.02 kg Each Each
14-122 1/2" (13 mm) dia Each Each Each 184.26 208.56 Each Each
14-123-a Filling of Fire Extinguisher including all fittings complete in all Each Each Each 119.52 224.01 Each Each
14-123-b respects. Each 119.52 261.67 Each Each
14-124 Supply and Fixing of suigas nab with screw Providing and Each Pair Each 404.63 404.63 Each
14-125 installing GI Bend 1/2" dia Providing and installing GI Bend 3/4" Each Sft Rft 373.50 3,046.50 Each Pair Each
14-126 dia Each 186.75 429.75 Each m2 m
14-127 Replacement of G.I water tenk new for water geezer 30/35 gallens 196.09 378.34 Each
14-128 Supply and fixing of 2-1/2 gallon capacity low level cistern 326.81 2,756.81
14-129 (B/Quality) 104.58 1,441.08
14-130 Supply & fixing of floor trough with gritting complete as per 261.45 998.35
14-131 approved design 64.74 307.74
14-132 Providing and Fixing of Drawers / Almirah lock 808/505 best 373.50 19,206.00
14-133 quality 373.50 1,163.25
14-134 Providing and Fixing of hydraulic Door Closer heavy 13.07 35.65
14-135 (Best Quality). 74.70 181.01
14-136 Providing and Fixing of Brass sliding bolts 10" long (heavy) 373.50 14,953.50
best quality
Providing and Fixing of looking glass of approved quality
Providing and Fixing of curtain ends (crystal) design.
Supply and Fixing of Bath sol (Best Quality)
Supply and Fixing of vast coupling with mixing rod & cap
(Golden) imported quality
Supply and Fixing of Tarpal
Supply and Fixing of MS16 SWG Pipe 2" dia
Supply and Fixing of steel sink heavy gauge double hole (6'x 1.5')

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-137 Supply & fixing of Syphone for flush tanki (Best Quality) Each Each Each 373.50 956.70 Each Each
14-138 Supply & fixing of coiling Rose best quality Each 149.40 787.28 Each
14-139 Providing and fixing of approved quality and manufacturer best Rft 298.80 15,865.99 Each
14-140 design Fire Extinguisher including all fittings complete in all Rft 0.00 3,521,070.00 m
14-141-a respects. Each Job 95.90 338.38 m
14-141-b Passenger Elevator/Lift Providing and fixing of Passenger Lift Rft 108.45 489.49 Each Job
14-142 (Elevator) of approved manufacturer including all fittings complete Rft 1,898.63 16,660.88 m
14-143 in all respects . Rft 0.00 46,170.00 m
14-144-a P/L approved quality UPVC pipes for water supply and gas supply 52.91 1,000.61 m
14-144-b i/c fitting, cutting, jointing, jointing material making holes in walls 42.33 547.77
14-144-c and filling the same with 1:4 CSM, excavation and back filling : 3" 42.33 398.33
P/L approved quality UPVC pipes for water supply and gas supply
i/c fitting, cutting, jointing, jointing material making holes in walls
and filling the same with 1:4 CSM, excavation and back filling. :
4" dia
Supplying and fixing, 5'x2.5'x1.25' size bath tub Complete with all
acceries of approved quality. Providing and fixing 2" dia PVC
gravel feed pipe
including Sanitary seal to min. 20ft depth from top
level of tube well, complete in all respects. Supplying and Fixing
UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 6" dia
Supplying and Fixing UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 4"
Supplying and Fixing UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 3"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-144-d uPVC Soil, Waste and vent pipes conforming to ISO:3633 type Rft 31.75 249.23 m
14-144-e "B" or BS-4514/5255 class "A" Rft 31.75 177.55 m
14-145-a ,including imported rubber ring/solvent cement fittings, jointing, Each 373.50 8,271.00 Each
14-145-b cutting, and breaking concrete/masonry and then making it good, Each 373.50 5,233.50 Each
14-146 applying painting, cleaning and testing etc. complete in all Each Job 373.50 61,123.50 Each Job
14-147 respects.(for sanitary drainage) : 2" dia Each 575.81 4,358.20 Each
14-148 uPVC Soil, Waste and vent pipes conforming to ISO:3633 type Each 0.00 157,950.00 Each
14-149 "B" or BS-4514/5255 class "A" Rft 230.14 1,020.52 m
14-150 ,including imported rubber ring/solvent cement fittings, jointing, 74.70 141.52
cutting, and breaking concrete/masonry and then making it good,
applying painting, cleaning and testing etc. complete in all
respects.(for sanitary drainage) : 1-1/2" dia
Providing and fixing Fire Extinguisher of approved quality and
manufacturer best design including all fittings complete in all
respects. : 6kg
Providing and fixing Fire Extinguisher of approved quality and
manufacturer best design including all fittings complete in all
respects. : 2kg
Fire Hose cabinet with 30 meter Hose Reel and Nozzle Complete
with accessories
Providing & Fixing of uPVC Floor Drain of dia 5" with P-Trap of
approved quality with M.S Grating of 5 Inches dia hole with
minimum outlet of drain should be 3 Inches complete in all
Providing and Fixing Electrically Operated drinking water cooler
of 100 gallons storage capacity with DX COIL based on
R134,compressor and air-cooled condenser with storage tank of
S/S 314 with TAPS including TRIPP LET FILTER complete in all
Providing and fixing of RCC pipe for power cable, including
excavation, sand bedding, back-filling, accessories, manholes, etc.
in the followinq sizes: 150 mm dia
Supply and fixing 25mm dia baker rod in expansion joint

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-151 Providing and applying polysulphide sealant of any colour in Rft Each Sft 14.94 39.24 m Each m2
14-152 expansion joint Sft 0.00 38,880.00 m2
14-153-a Supply and Fixing of Electric Water Cooler 45 Gallons (Local) Sft 202.31 393.78 m2
14-153-b Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and Rft 202.31 517.40 m
14-153-c color including all fiitting complete in all respects kg 202.31 665.03 kg
14-154 a) 5 mm Thick Each 575.81 1,088.33 Each
14-155 Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and Each No 184.26 317.91 Each No
14-156 color including all fiitting complete in all respects 230.32 4,724.49
14-157 b) 8 mm Thick 207.29 1,050.01
14-158 Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and 448.20 2,363.04
color including all fiitting complete in all respects
c) 12mm Thick
Supply and Installation of G.I. water pipes conforming to BS-1387
(1985), Medium Grade, I/c all fittings, wraping polythene tape,
giving anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting,
making holes in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes,
flushing, disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of the
following diameters. 2" dia
Galvanised MS ladder rings 3/4" dia inside and outside water
tanks; Each rung of 12" width, 6" projected outside the wall and 6"
embeded in RCC on both ends; including all necessary works for
complete installation.
Bitumen coated cast Iron grating cover with frame conforming to
BS-497, on catchpits, including all fittings for complete
installation. 24"x24" (70 KG)
P-Trap (uPVC) for squatting type WC.
Grab bar (ROCA make) with W.C of special person's toilet
including all fittings with complete installation.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-159 Undercounter Vanity type wash hand basin of approved make, Each 522.90 8,066.83 Each
14-160-a colour, size, shape and quality, including jointing and sealing Each 224.10 16,626.60 Each
14-160-b material, etc. with all accessories for complete installation. Each 121.39 39,001.39 Each
14-161 Supply and installation of Electric Water cooler of following Each 224.10 8,752.79 Each
14-162-a capacity, including check valve at inlet and all accessories for Rft 189.86 442.99 m
14-162-b complete installation. 10 Gallons Rft 189.86 515.26 m
Electric water coolers of 40 gallons capacity, including inlet and
outlet connections, gate valve on inlet, electric connection upto
power socket, and all other accessories for complete installation.
Triple water filter (10") including inlet and outlet connections,
power supply, and all accessories for complete installation.
G.I. water pipes (cold and hot water, in ducts & in exposed
condition) Conforming to BS-1387 (1985), Medium Grade, I/c all
fittings, wraping glasswool thermal insulation with aluminium
vapour barrier, making holes in concrete or masonry and then
repairing holes, supports and hangers etc. of approved make of the
following diameters, complete in all respects:
(a) 1 inch
G.I. water pipes (cold and hot water, in ducts & in exposed
condition) Conforming to BS-1387 (1985), Medium Grade, I/c all
fittings, wraping glasswool thermal insulation with aluminium
vapour barrier, making holes in concrete or masonry and then
repairing holes, supports and hangers etc. of approved make of the
following diameters, complete in all respects:
(b) 1-1/4 inch

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-162-c G.I. water pipes (cold and hot water, in ducts & in exposed Rft 189.86 557.40 m
14-163-a condition) Conforming to BS-1387 (1985), Medium Grade, I/c all Rft 19.40 184.53 m
14-163-b fittings, wraping glasswool thermal insulation with aluminium Rft 19.40 269.69 m
14-163-c vapour barrier, making holes in concrete or masonry and then Rft 21.56 343.46 m
repairing holes, supports and hangers etc. of approved make of the
following diameters, complete in all respects:
(c) 1-1/2 inch
G.I. water pipes (in burried conditions) conforming to BS-1387,
Medium Grade, I/c all fittings, wraping polythene tape, giving
anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, making holes
in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes, flushing,
disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of approved make, of
the following diameters,complete in all respects.
3/4" (20 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
G.I. water pipes (in burried conditions) conforming to BS-1387,
Medium Grade, I/c all fittings, wraping polythene tape, giving
anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, making holes
in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes, flushing,
disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of approved make, of
the following diameters,complete in all respects.
1" ( 25 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
G.I. water pipes (in burried conditions) conforming to BS-1387,
Medium Grade, I/c all fittings, wraping polythene tape, giving
anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, making holes
in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes, flushing,
disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of approved make, of
the following diameters,complete in all respects.
1¼" ( 32 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-163-d G.I. water pipes (in burried conditions) conforming to BS-1387, Rft 22.30 384.65 m
14-164 Medium Grade, I/c all fittings, wraping polythene tape, giving Each 379.73 1,886.32 Each
14-165-a anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, making holes Each 379.73 1,419.77 Each
14-165-b in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes, flushing, Each 379.73 2,215.59 Each
14-166 disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of approved make, of Rft 138.20 653.74 m
14-167-a the following diameters,complete in all respects. Each 14.94 1,564.06 Each
'1½" (40 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
uPVC Multi Floor Trap (110x75mm) including strainer; supports;
making required number of connections; breaking concrete or
masonry work & then making it good; etc.
uPVC floor Cleanout including 2 No. 45o elbows, transition pipe,
SS screwed plug/cover assembly jointed air-tight with pipe,
breaking concrete or masonry work & then making it good, etc.
complete in all respects.
(i) 3" dia
uPVC floor Cleanout including 2 No. 45o elbows, transition pipe,
SS screwed plug/cover assembly jointed air-tight with pipe,
breaking concrete or masonry work & then making it good, etc.
complete in all respects.
(ii) 4" dia
Supply & installation of cast iron roof drain, including strainer,
flashing material, and all accessories for complete installation, as
per specifications.
4 inches dia
Brass/Bronze Gate valves on water supply pipes, conforming to BS
standards of approved quality, including jointing arrangement of
pipes on both ends of valves; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all
respects, of following internal diameters.
(i) 3/4 "

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-167-b Brass/Bronze Gate valves on water supply pipes, conforming to BS Each 14.94 2,406.79 Each
14-168 standards of approved quality, including jointing arrangement of Each 14.94 4,352.49 Each
14-169 pipes on both ends of valves; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all Each 29.88 1,702.94 Each
14-170 respects, of following internal diameters. Each 14.94 713.57 Each
14-171-a (i) 1-1/2 " No 180.52 3,060.07 No
14-171-b Brass/Bronze swing type check valves on water supply pipes, No 180.52 3,691.88 No
14-172-a conforming to BS standards, including jointing arrangement of Each 50.58 7,948.08 Each
14-172-b pipes on both ends of valves; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all Each 50.58 11,593.08 Each
14-173 respects, of following internal diameters. Kg 145.67 449.42 Kg
14-174 (i) 1-1/4 " Rft 423.30 1,881.30 m
Air relief valves, of approved quality including jointing
arrangement with pipe; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all respects.
(i) 3/4 "
Cowel on vent pipes of the following diameter.
(i) 3"
Suppling and fixing of bell mouth with collar including testing of
joint, complete in all respects as specified. 3" dia
Suppling and fixing of bell mouth with collar including testing of
joint, complete in all respects as specified. 4" dia
Supplying and fixing of Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
6Kg Capacity complete in all respect
Supplying and fixing of Foam Type fire extinguishers capacity 12
liters complete in all respect
Providing & Laying 150 Micron thick Polythene Sheet as per
instructions of the
Engineer-in-Charge, Complete in all respects.
8" dia. MS filter Screen pipe of 4.5mm thickness & 1/16" slot

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
14-175 Provifing and fixing of teek wood water level gauge of approved Job 161.85 26,284.35 Job
14-176 quality complete in all repects. Each 423.30 8,564.04 Each
14-177-a Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and Each 149.40 24,024.15 Each
14-177-b weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of Each 149.40 16,551.90 Each
14-177-c jointing material):- Each 149.40 34,294.55 Each
14-177-d a) 2.5" (75 mm) dia of Valve Each 149.40 36,182.66 Each
Providing and Fixing Wall Shower Set 151/153 C.P
Providing and Fixing Wall Shower Set 4021/4023 C.P
Providing and Fixing Best Quality Wall Shower Set 981/83 C.P
Providing and Fixing Best Quality Wall Shower Set 671/73 C.P

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-01-a-01 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. on Rft 17.93 48.92 m
15-01-a-02 surface including clamps etc: 1/2" i/d Rft 17.93 56.56 m
15-01-a-03 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On Rft 17.93 69.05 m
15-01-a-04 surface including clamps etc: 3/4" i/d Rft 17.93 75.24 m
15-01-a-05 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On Rft 17.93 82.42 m
15-01-a-06 surface including clamps etc: 1" i/d Rft 17.93 102.82 m
15-01-b-01 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On Rft 44.82 109.44 m
15-01-b-02 surface including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d Rft 44.82 117.92 m
15-01-b-03 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On Rft 44.82 131.71 m
15-01-b-04 surface including clamps etc: 1.5" i/d Rft 44.82 139.21 m
15-01-b-05 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On Rft 44.82 154.03 m
15-01-b-06 surface including clamps etc: 2" i/d Rft 44.82 179.49 m
15-02-a-01 Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. Rft Rft 8.96 26.90 mm
15-02-a-02 Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1/2" i/d Supply and 8.96 32.03
Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1" i/d Supply and Erection
MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.5" i/d Supply and
Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
surface including clamps etc: 1/2" i/d Supply and Erection PVC
pipe for wiring purpose
complete On surface including clamps etc: 3/4" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-02-a-03 Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On Rft Rft 8.96 37.24 mm
15-02-a-04 surface including clamps etc: 1" i/d Supply and Erection PVC pipe Rft Rft Rft Rft 13.45 48.08 mmmmm
15-02-a-05 for wiring purpose Rft 17.93 56.52 m
15-02-a-06 complete On surface including clamps etc: 1.25" Rft 11.95 58.61 m
15-02-a-07 i/d Rft 13.45 68.31 m
15-02-a-08 Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On Rft 17.93 95.88 m
15-02-b-01 surface including clamps etc: 1.5" i/d Supply and Erection PVC Rft 26.89 56.10 m
15-02-b-02 pipe for wiring purpose Rft 26.89 72.37 m
15-02-b-03 complete On surface including clamps etc: 2" i/d Rft 26.89 72.56 m
15-02-b-04 Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On Rft 26.89 96.61 m
15-02-b-05 surface including clamps etc: 3" i/d Supply and Erection PVC pipe Rft 35.86 112.40
15-02-b-06 for wiring purpose 44.82 113.89
15-02-b-07 complete On surface including clamps etc: 4" i/d 55.28 138.18
15-02-b-08 Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete 68.72 185.01
15-03-a Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1/2" i/d 10.27 61.15
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 4" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
1/2" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-03-b Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete Rft 10.27 55.56 m
15-03-c 3/4" i/d Rft Rft 17.55 70.47 mm
15-03-d Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete Rft 19.05 82.82 m
15-03-e 1" i/d Rft 19.05 93.85 m
15-03-f Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete Rft 30.63 126.26 m
15-03-g 1.25" i/d Rft Rft Rft Rft 32.12 177.64 mmmm
15-04-a Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete Rft 4.48 11.06 m
15-04-b 1.5" i/d Rft 4.48 12.27 m
15-04-c Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete Rft 4.48 21.99 m
15-05-a 2" Rft 5.98 19.05 m
15-05-b i/d 5.98 24.83
15-05-c Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete 5.98 34.16
15-05-d 3" 5.98 42.43
15-05-e i/d 14.94 68.36
Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete
Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete
Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete 1"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029" 1/2" i/d Supply and Erection
single core PVC insulated copper conductor
250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-05-f Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor Rft 22.41 159.46 m
15-05-g 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064" Rft 37.35 239.36 m
15-06-a Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor Rft 10.46 23.30 m
15-06-b 250/440 V grade cable : 19/0.064" Supply and Erection single core Rft 10.46 29.31 m
15-06-c PVC insulated+sheathed copper Rft 11.95 39.95 m
15-06-d conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029" Rft 11.95 48.00 m
15-06-e Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper Rft 19.42 71.70 m
15-06-f conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036" Supply and Erection Rft 29.88 166.02 m
15-07-a single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper Rft 29.88 156.81 m
15-07-b conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029" Rft 50.80 262.70 m
15-07-c Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper Rft 50.80 340.95 m
15-07-d conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036" Supply and Erection Rft 74.70 604.87 m
15-07-e single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper Rft 186.75 935.26 m
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064" Supply and Erection
single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.052"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.083"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.072"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-07-f Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Rft 186.75 1,126.70 m
15-07-g conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.083" Rft 186.75 1,633.67 m
15-08-a Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Rft 7.47 48.89 m
15-08-b conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.103" Rft 7.47 65.63 m
15-08-c Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Rft 10.46 71.33 m
15-08-d conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029" Supply and Erection Rft 10.46 72.57 m
15-08-e twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Rft 10.46 103.37 m
15-08-f conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036" Rft 10.46 274.19 m
15-09-a Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Each 112.05 188.07 Each
15-09-b conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029" Supply and Erection Each 149.40 250.79 Each
15-09-c twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Each 186.75 304.61 Each
15-09-d conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036" Each 224.10 413.80 Each
15-09-e Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper Each 268.92 491.62 Each
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044" Supply and Erection
twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 4"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 7"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 9"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 8"x10"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 10"x12"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-09-f Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16" Each 313.74 540.82 Each
15-10-a thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 12"x14" Rft Each 22.41 61.29 m Each
15-10-b Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep Each Each 67.23 118.26 Each Each
15-10-c : 3"x3" dia Each Each 67.23 130.41 Each Each
15-10-d Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep Each Each 67.23 142.56 Each Each
15-10-e : 4"x4" Each 74.70 174.33 Each
15-10-f Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep Each 74.70 222.93 Each
15-11-a-01 : 7"x4" Each 149.40 679.95 Each
15-11-a-02 Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep Each 149.40 959.40 Each
15-11-a-03 : 8"x10" Each 224.10 1,520.10 Each
15-11-a-04 Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep Each 224.10 4,031.10 Each
15-11-b-01 : 10"x12" Each Each 298.80 1,108.80 Each Each
15-11-b-02 Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep 298.80 1,230.30
15-11-b-03 : 12"x14" 373.50 2,722.50
15-11-b-04 Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch 373.50 4,990.50
15-11-b-05 Double pole : 15/20 Amp. 373.50 10,093.50
15-11-b-06 Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch 298.80 12,448.80
Double pole : 30/35 Amp
Supply and Erection iron/aluminium clad 500 volts main switch
Double Pole : 60/65 Amp
Supply and Erection iron/aluminium clad 500 volts main switch
Double Pole : 100 Amp
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
Triple pole with neutral link : 15/20 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
Triple pole with neutral link : 30/35 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
Triple pole with neutral link : 60/65 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
Triple pole with neutral link : 100 Amp.
Supply & Erection of 200 Amp Main switch
Supply & Erection of Change over switch 100 Amp

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-11-b-07 Supply & Erection of Change over switch 200 Amp Each Each 298.80 24,598.80 Each Each
15-11-b-08 Supply & Erection of Change over switch 600 Amp Each 298.80 36,748.80 Each
15-11-b-09 Supply & Erection of Change over switch 500 Amp Each Each 298.80 34,318.80 Each Each
15-11-b-10 Supply & Erection of 600 Amp main switch Supply & Erection of Each Each 298.80 30,673.80 Each Each
15-11-b-11 400 Amp main switch Supply & Erection of 300 Amp main switch Each 298.80 24,598.80 Each
15-11-b-12 Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch Each 298.80 18,523.80 Each
15-12-a with Each 373.50 3,411.00 Each
15-12-b triple pole, complete : 60 Amp. Each 373.50 3,714.75 Each
15-12-c Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch Each Each 298.80 5,766.30 Each Each
15-12-d with Each 298.80 7,406.55 Each
15-12-e triple pole, complete : 100 Amp. Each 298.80 12,448.80 Each
15-12-f Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch Each 37.35 12,187.35 Each
15-12-g with Each 37.35 9,757.35 Each
15-13 triple pole, complete : 200 Amp. 14.94 932.11
15-14 Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch 28.39 76.99
15-15 with 59.76 278.46
15-16 triple pole, complete : 300 Amp. 37.35 147.38
Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
triple pole, complete : 500 Amp.
Supply & Erection of Brass Bar 5000 Amp Supply & Erection of
Brass Bar3000 Amp
Supply and Erection plain pendent lamp holder, complete with
bakelite lamp holder & flexible twin wire of 2m Supply and
Erection 9" long swan neck plain brass/steel/brass
oxidised bracket lamp holder, complete
Supply and Erection wall/pole type bracket with double cover
tight reflector, flexible wire & brass holder Supply and Erection
call bell 220/250V, fixed on Sahl wood board

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-17 Supply and Erection bell push or bed switch, with 5m. twin Each 10.46 259.00 Each
15-18-a flexible Each Each 22.41 61.29 Each Each
15-18-b wire 23/0.0076" Each Each 22.41 122.04 Each Each
15-19-a Supply and Erection switches 10/15 Amp : Open type Each 37.35 82.31 Each
15-19-b Supply and Erection switches 10/15 Amp : Recessed type Each 37.35 149.13 Each
15-20-a Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket Each Each 37.35 586.53 Each Each
15-20-b : Open type Each Each 37.35 647.28 Each Each
15-21 Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket Each 37.35 647.28 Each
15-22-a : Recessed Each 19.42 70.45 Each
15-22-b Supply and Erection 3 pin switch & plug combined recessed type : Each 19.42 167.65 Each
15-23-a 5 Each 37.35 158.85 Each
15-23-b Amp 37.35 219.60
15-23-c Supply and Erection 3 pin switch & plug combined recessed type : 37.35 559.80
15-23-d 10/15 Amp 37.35 1,155.15
15-23-e Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket with shoe open 37.35 1,276.65
Supply and Erection button holder/angle holder Bakelite large size
Supply and Erection button holder/angle holder Brass
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses with plastic sheet
base on angle iron board : 10/15 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses with plastic sheet
base on angle iron board : 30 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses with plastic sheet
base on angle iron board : 60 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses with plastic sheet
base on angle iron board 100 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses with plastic sheet
base on angle iron board : 200 Amp.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-24-a Supply and Erection tube light, including rod, choke etc complete Set 149.40 2,190.60 Set
15-24-b Double rod (2x40 watts) with 2 chokes & 2 starters Set 112.05 1,497.15 Set
15-24-c Supply and Erection tube light, including rod, choke etc complete Each 82.17 1,291.09 Each
15-25 Single rod (40 watts) with 1 choke & 1 starter Supply and Erection Each 37.35 328.95 Each
15-26-a tube light, including rod, choke etc complete Each Each Rft 112.05 897.91 Each Each m
15-26-b Round tube (32 watt) 1 choke + 1 starter w/o cover Rft 112.05 707.40 m
15-27 Supply and Erection girder clamp hook, 5/8" dia.for hanging Each kg 13.45 329.95 Each kg
15-28-a ceiling kg 17.93 259.74 kg
15-29 fans Rft Rft 37.35 228.71 mm
15-30 Supply and Erection circuit breaker (imported) on sahl wood board Rft 19.42 976.12 m
15-31 complete : 2/5/15 Amp. 19.42 201.67
15-32-a Supply and Erection circuit breaker (imported) on sahl wood board 10.46 81.07
15-32-b complete : 20/25/30 Amp. 10.46 111.30
15-32-c Supply and Erection stay for house service pipe, erected with 10.46 127.83
straining screws and 7/14 SWG stay wire
Supply and Erection of house service pipe Henley or pole, type 2"
dia. erected to install insulated wire etc
Supply and Erection shackle/pin insulator, medium size
Supply and Erection bare copper conductor wire, No. 2 to 16
SWG, including GI binding wire No. 16 SWG
Supply and Erection GI wire of sizes, including binding wire No.
16 SWG for support of rubber wire, pole to pole
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC insulated cable with GI
wire #8 SWG : 3/0.029"
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC insulated cable with GI
wire #8 SWG : 7/0.029"
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC insulated cable with GI
wire #8 SWG : 7/0.036"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-32-d Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC insulated cable with GI Rft 10.46 161.77 m
15-33 wire #8 SWG : 7/0.044" Each Each 336.15 869.23 Each Each
15-34 Supply and Erection street light pole bracket 1.25" GI pipe 2m. Each 597.60 2,541.60 Each
15-35-a long, complete with 2 pole clamps Supply and Fixing dust & Each No Each 597.60 2,330.19 Each No Each
15-35-b weather proof street Each Each Each 597.60 4,485.60 Each Each
15-35-c light fitting with reflector, 400W mercury vapour Each Each Each 326.81 29,251.32 Each Each
15-35-g lamp etc comp. Each No 373.50 1,224.00 Each Each
15-36-a Supply and Erection pole mounted street light complete for fitting 149.40 2,397.15 Each No
15-36-b 125/250 W mercury lamp : GEC make 149.40 3,551.40
15-36-c Supply and Erection pole mounted street light complete for fitting 149.40 5,313.15
15-36-d 125/250 W mercury lamp Supply & erection of Road Light fixture 747.00 17,757.00
15-36-e with 250 747.00 29,907.00
15-36-f watts Son lamp, ballast and ignitor 747.00 25,047.00
15-36-g Providing and laying of cable route marker cast iron for all sort of 747.00 15,084.00
15-36-h Road Light, Street Lights & Boundary Wall lights complete in all 326.81 69,285.57
respects with all installation material complete
Supply and Fixing 125 W mercury vapour lamp with choke
Supply and Fixing 250 W mercury vapour lamp with choke
Supply and Fixing 400 W mercury vapour lamp with choke
Supply and Fixing of Road Light fixture IP 66 with 250 watts Son
lamp, ballast and ignitor Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road
Fixture (120-130 watts)
Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road light Fixture (90-100
Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road light Fixture (60-70
Supply at site, installation and commissioning of Road light fixture
LED 72 Watt with 72 Watt LED lamp of approved equivalent
including cost of all necessary accessories, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-36-i-1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2x28 Watt Each 44.82 2,353.32 Each
15-36-i-2 fluorescent light fixture, ceiling, recessed, wall mounted made of Each 44.82 2,110.32 Each
15-36-i-3 MS body 22 SWG degreased and derusted with white enameled Each 44.82 6,119.82 Each
15-36-i-4 non yellowing paint. Complete with internal wiring, Grounding Each 44.82 2,596.32 Each
15-36-i-5 terminal , complete in all respects. Each 44.82 2,839.32 Each
15-36-i-6 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x28 Watt Each 44.82 15,353.82 Each
15-36-i-7 fluorescent light fixture, ceiling, recessed, wall mounted made of Each 44.82 4,540.32 Each
15-36-i-8 MS body 22 SWG degreased and derusted with white enameled Each 44.82 10,250.82 Each
15-36-i-9 non yellowing paint. Complete with internal wiring, Grounding Each 44.82 32,849.82 Each
terminal , complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2x28 Watt
fluorescent light fixture with T5 lamps & electronic ballast,
ceiling, recessed, wall mounted made of MS body 22 SWG
degreased and derusted with white enameled non yellowing paint.
Complete with internal wiring, Grounding terminal , complete in
all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x36 watt
fluorescent light fittings, ceiling, recessed, wall mounted made of
MS body 22 SWG degreased and derusted with white enameled
non yellowing paint. Complete with internal wiring, Grounding
terminal , complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following light
fittings, 1x18 Watt Impact Resistant Lamp fixture with Compact
Flourescent lamp, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of IP-44 rated, 2x3
Watt up/down light LED Light, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x23 Watt, E-27
base, wall bracket light, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2x20 Watt
"LED" DC emergency spot light with 3hr backup, complete in all
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x10 Watt
fluorescent exit light

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-36-i-10 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x6 Watt LED Each 44.82 6,119.82 Each
15-36-i-11 BULKHEAD light fixture, of best quality. Each 44.82 60,794.82 Each
15-36-i-12 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x160 Watt, No 44.82 6,119.82 No
15-36-i-13 Highbay LED light , complete in all respects. Each 44.82 834.57 Each
15-36-i-14 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 chip SMD Each 44.82 1,077.57 Each
15-36-i-15 Strip IP-65 rated, complete with12DC drive LED color as per Each 44.82 1,806.57 Each
15-36-i-16 approval of the Engineer Each 44.82 956.07 Each
15-36-i-17 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Purity Each 44.82 1,065.42 Each
15-36-i-18 Aluminum Spinning Reflector Vertical lamp Installation Recessed Each 44.82 5,390.82 Each
15-36-j-1 down light with CFL (1 X 13) watt Energy saver No 186.75 1,644.75 No
15-36-j-2 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Recessed Down No 186.75 2,373.75 No
Light with CFL (1 X 13) watt Energy saver and Convex Frosted
Lens IP 54, complete in all respects. .
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of recessed Light
of best quality with CFL (13-17 watt) Energy saver and with Glass
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Cylindrical
Incadescent Up/Down wall light with Dei-cast Aluminium
construcation Glass Diffuser ceramic Lampholder IP -44 With (2 x
100) watt ES Par 30 lamp
Supply, installation of outdoor Waterproof Light with 23 watt CFL
with Glass Reflector and with 1 Meter G.I pipe Support, complete
in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x5 watt
reflector surface mounted LED light fixture with frosted lens,
complete with driver
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type 'D'
surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (TMS-015/236) with 2 x
36W TLD lamp, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type 'D'
surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (.TMS-015/236) with 1
x 36W TLD lamp complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-36-j-3 Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type 'E' No 186.75 1,887.75 No
15-36-j-4 surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (TMS-012/136) with 1 x No No 186.75 2,009.25 No No
15-36-j-5 36W TLD farm, complete in all respects No 186.75 2,738.25 No
15-36-j-6 Supply, installation, & connecting up of Industrial reflector 2 x No 186.75 3,588.75 No
15-36-j-7 36W complete in all respects No 186.75 4,074.75 No
15-36-j-8 Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High No 186.75 1,644.75 No
15-36-j-9 performance luminar with M2 reflector 1 x 36W, complete in all No 186.75 2,130.75 No
15-36-j-10 respects No 186.75 4,317.75 No
15-36-j-11 Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High No 186.75 4,317.75 No
15-36-j-12 performance luminar with M2 reflector 2 x 36W, complete in all No 186.75 3,406.50 No
15-36-k-01 respects No 186.75 7,233.75 No
15-36-k-02 Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High 186.75 4,074.75
performance luminar with M6 reflector 2 x 36W, complete in all
Supply, installation, & connecting up of lightFixture type T surface
mounted fluorescent fitting with 1 x 18W TLD lamp, complete in
all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type T
surface mounted fluorescent fitting with 2 x 18W TLD lamp,
complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture TBS-088/236
Recessed Luminaires, with IP 20, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture TBS-088/418
Recessed Luminaires, with IP 20, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of 10W
LED Down Light Fixture suitable for 1300 lux, as per instruction
of Engineer, surface mounted circular shape or equivalent.
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
Surface mounting LED tube light with 2x2000 lumens, complete in
all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
Surface mounting LED tube light with 1x2000 lumens output and
fixture, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-36-k-03 Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of No 186.75 4,385.79 No
15-36-k-04 Wall mounted Bulkhead light fixtures with LED retrofit lamp 540 Each 186.75 3,102.75 Each
15-36-l-01 Lumens output, complete in all respects Each Each 37.35 5,504.85 Each Each
15-36-l-02 Supply & errection of down light fixture cylendrical type Each Each 37.35 1,495.35 Each Each
15-36-l-03 aluminium reflection with lamp suitable for 1300 Lux, ceiling Each Each 37.35 341.10 Each Each
15-36-l-04 mounted Each Each 37.35 341.10 Each Each
15-36-l-05 Supply & Erection of candle flood light 150 watt complete in all Each Each 37.35 110.25 Each Each
15-36-l-06 aspects Each 37.35 171.00 Each
15-36-l-07 Supply & Erection of Candle bulb 60 watt(Pin/Scrcw typo) Each Each 37.35 134.55 Each Each
15-36-l-08 Supply & Erection of Choke 125 watt Supply & Erection of choko Each Each 5.98 30.28 Each Each
15-36-l-09 20/40 watt Supply & Erection of Halogen rod 500 watt Each Each 29.88 1,001.88 Each Each
15-36-m-01 Supply & Erection of tube rod 4' long 40 watt Supply & Erection Each 37.35 1,009.35 Each
15-36-m-02 of Tube rod 2' long 20 watt Supply & Erection of 15 Watt Each Each 37.35 1,738.35 Each Each
15-36-m-03 Incandesent bulb Supply & Erection of emergency light 37.35 219.60
15-36-m-04 Supply & Erection of 400-watt choke 37.35 328.95
15-36-m-05 Supply & Erection of Spot light 120 /150 watt complete in all 37.35 377.55
15-36-m-06 aspects 37.35 584.10
15-36-n Supply & Erection of CFL 18 Watt Supply & Erection of CFL 23 29.88 1,730.88
15-36-o Watt Supply & Erection of CFL 25 Watt Supply & Erection of 186.75 612.00
15-37 CFL 45 Watt Supply & Erection of 150 watt Choke 149.40 4,280.40
15-38 Supply & Erection of Light Head cover for street light 149.40 574.65
15-39 Supply and Fixing mercury sodium lamp 360 Sunlux 400 W 8,964.00 24,759.00
with choke
Supply and Fixing mercury blended lamp 160 W with choke
Supply and Erection MS angle lattice structure pole 36' long 14"sq
at base & 8"sq. at top for elec. Distribution

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-40-a-01 Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8' of 5" dia, 7' 4" Each 2,801.25 20,175.75 Each
15-40-a-02 dia, 5' of 3" dia, Single arm of 5' of 1.5" dia Supply and Fixing GI Each 2,801.25 29,895.75 Each
15-40-b-01 tubular street light pole, 8' of 5" dia, 7' 4" Each 2,396.63 17,341.13 Each
15-40-b-02 dia, 5' of 3" dia, Double arm of 5' of 1.5" dia Each 2,396.63 27,061.13 Each
15-40-b-03 Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8' of 4" dia, 7' 3" Each Job 429.52 57,452.86 Each Job
15-41 dia, 5' of 2" dia, Single arm of 5' of 1.5" dia Supply and Fixing GI Each 2,988.00 7,161.20 Each
15-42-a tubular street light pole, 8' of 4" dia, 7' 3" Each Each 747.00 9,883.80 Each Each
15-42-b dia, 5' of 2" dia, Double arm of 5' of 1.5" dia Each Each 373.50 1,588.50 Each Each
15-42-c Providing street light poles of 40 ft height without arms including Each Rft 29.88 819.63 Each m
15-42-d fixing complete. Rft 29.88 588.78 m
15-42-e Earthing of iron clad/aluminium switches etc with GI wire #8 Rft 373.50 12,766.50 m
15-42-f SWG in Each 29.88 370.08 Each
15-43-a GI pipe 0.5" dia 10.46 375.01
15-43-b Supply and Erection 2'x2'x1/8" copper plate including riveting to 10.46 350.73
15-44 copper tape & placing in mixture of salt and charcoal etc 1,867.50 4,905.00
15-45 Manhole For LT Cable Pulling Supply and Erection of Test clamp 44.82 1,131.07
Supply and Erection of Fixing Clips
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Air terminal or
Supply and Erection of T tape clamps and square tape clamps
Supply and Erection copper tape, including copper staple & copper
nails/Screw etc : Size 1.5"x1/8"
Supply and Erection copper tape, including copper staple & copper
nails etc : Size 2"x1/8"
Supply and Erection 1" dia & 1m long lightening conductor copper
rod with 5 spikes ball & base etc.
Wiring of light/fan/call-bell point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated &
sheathed cable on sahl wood strip

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-46 Wiring of 2/3-pin 5-Amp plug point in 3/0.029" Each 44.82 804.60 Each
15-47-a PVC insulated & Rft 8.96 98.01 m
15-47-b sheathed cable on sahl wood Rft 8.96 136.91 m
15-47-c Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated & Rft 14.94 208.18 m
15-47-d sheathed Rft 26.89 561.89 m
15-48-a cable : 3/0.029" Rft 5.98 25.38 m
15-48-b Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated & Rft 5.98 40.49 m
15-48-c sheathed Rft 5.98 66.94 m
15-48-d cable : 7/0.029" Rft 10.46 155.06 m
15-49 Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated & Each 71.71 2,466.58 Each
15-50 sheathed Each 67.23 1,379.79 Each
15-51 cable : 7/0.044" Each 32.87 570.25 Each
15-52 Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated & Each 101.59 2,685.92 Each
cable : 7/0.064"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
sheathed cable : 3/0.029"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
sheathed cable : 7/0.029"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
sheathed cable : 7/0.044"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
sheathed cable : 7/0.064"
Wiring of light point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated sheathed cable on
sahl wood strip batten with two Nos. of two way switches
Wiring of light/fan/call-bell point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated bare
cable in PVC pipe recessed
Wiring of 2/3-pin 5-Amp. plug point in 3/0.029"
PVC insulated bare
cable in PVC pipe recessed
Wiring of light point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated bare cable in PVC
pipe recessed in wall comp.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-53 Special earthing of iron/metal clad switches etc with copper wire Each 1,195.20 16,265.23 Each
15-54-a No. 8 SWG in GI pipe 1/2" dia Each 74.70 264.03 Each
15-54-b Supply and Erection enclosed switch of bakelite DP 15/30 Each 29.88 72.40 Each
15-54-c Amp. fixed on wooden board complete Each Each 14.94 99.99 Each Each
15-54-d Supply & Erection of 5 Amp Piano type switch (PPI) Each Each 14.94 51.39 Each Each
15-54-e Supply & Erection of 15 Amp Multi plug Supply & Erection of 5 Each 14.94 51.39 Each
15-54-f Amp PPI plug Supply & Erection of 5 Amp PPI switch Each 14.94 257.94 Each
15-55-a Supply & Erection of 15 Amp Power Plug 3-Pin Each 59.76 1,274.76 Each
15-55-b Supply and erection of fancy wall type bracket with brass holder & Each 59.76 3,704.76 Each
15-56-a fancy shade : Single Each 74.70 293.40 Each
15-56-b Supply and erection of fancy wall type bracket with brass holder & Each 74.70 354.15 Each
15-56-c fancy shade : Double Each 74.70 414.90 Each
15-57-a Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100 Each 74.70 718.65 Each
15-57-b Watt bulb complete : 6" dia. Each 74.70 414.90 Each
15-57-c Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100 74.70 1,143.90
15-58 Watt bulb complete : 8" dia. 74.70 287.33
Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100
Watt bulb complete : 10" dia.
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
bulb complete : 8" dia
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
bulb complete : 10" dia
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
bulb complete : 12" dia
Supply and Erection white round globe 6" dia with angle type
bakelite gallery, holder & 60-W bulb complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-59 Supply and Erection 1' long strip light fitting comp. with cover of Each 74.70 378.45 Each
15-60 opalescent perspex in plain finish 10-Watt Supply and Erection Each 186.75 2,495.25 Each
15-61-a double fluorescent tube light fitting 2 No. 4' Each 149.40 1,789.65 Each
15-61-b long, 40-W with 2 chokes & starters complete Each 149.40 1,364.40 Each
15-62 Supply and Erection fluorescent tube light fitting including 4' Each 112.05 780.30 Each
15-63-a rod, choke, starter, flexible wire etc : Single Supply and Erection Each 149.40 890.55 Each
15-63-b fluorescent tube light fitting including 4' Each 149.40 890.55 Each
15-63-c rod, choke, starter, flexible wire etc : Double Each 149.40 890.55 Each
15-64-a Supply and Erection porch-light fitting round/square type with Each 373.50 750.15 Each
15-64-b gallery, holder & 40 W bulb Each 373.50 810.90 Each
15-64-c Supply and Erection gate-light fitting complete with holder & Each 373.50 871.65 Each
15-65-a 160-Watt mercury blended lamp: Small Supply and Erection gate- Each 373.50 3,824.10 Each
15-65-b light fitting complete with holder & Each 373.50 3,082.95 Each
160-Watt mercury blended lamp: Medium
Supply and Erection gate-light fitting complete with holder &
160-Watt mercury blended lamp: Large Supply and Erection
garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
mercury blended lamp & choke : 18" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
mercury blended lamp & choke : 19" dia Supply and Erection
garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
mercury blended lamp & choke : 22" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125
W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 18" dia Supply and Erection
garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125
W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 19" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-65-c Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125 Each 373.50 6,071.85 Each
15-65-d W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 22" dia Supply & erection of Each Each 44.82 18,054.77 Each Each
15-66-a Garden light fixture with LED 25-30 watts Each 373.50 1,491.30 Each
15-66-b Supply and Erection flood-light fitting with holder, complete 14" Each 373.50 2,463.30 Each
15-67 dia with 500-W lamp Each 224.10 224.10 Each
15-68-a Supply and Erection flood-light fitting with holder, complete 19«" Each 186.75 3,515.85 Each
15-68-b dia with 1000-W lamp Each 186.75 4,317.75 Each
15-68-c Making hole in wall with necessary masonry work for exhaust fan Each Each 186.75 4,439.25 Each Each
15-68-d any Each Each 0.00 4,252.50 Each Each
15-68-e size complete Each 93.38 5,439.38 Each
15-68-f Supply and Erection best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI Each 93.38 8,598.38 Each
15-69-a rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 36" sweep Supply and Erection Each 149.40 2,457.90 Each
15-69-b best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI 149.40 3,267.09
15-69-c rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 48" sweep 149.40 4,898.83
15-69-d Supply and Erection best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI 93.38 1,794.38
rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 56" sweep Supply & Erection of
24" Pedestal fan complete in all aspects
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Direct axial Wall
Bracket fan
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Direct axial Wall
Bracket fan
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
& regulator : 12"sweep
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
& regulator : 16"sweep
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
& regulator : 18"sweep
Supply & Erection of Exhaust fan(round) upto 6" dia (imported)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-70-a Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, Each 597.60 3,513.60 Each
15-70-b 400V Each 597.60 4,121.10 Each
15-70-c fungus moisture proofing : 30 Amp. Each 709.65 8,242.65 Each
15-71-a Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, Each 112.05 658.80 Each
15-71-b 400V Each 112.05 658.80 Each
15-71-c fungus moisture proofing : 60 Amp. Each 112.05 950.40 Each
15-71-d Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, Each 112.05 950.40 Each
15-72-a 400V Each 1,525.13 8,936.63 Each
15-72-b fungus moisture proofing : 100 Amp. Each 1,525.13 8,967.00 Each
15-72-c Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 6 Each 2,676.75 10,118.63 Each
15-72-d Amp. Each 3,252.56 10,755.19 Each
15-72-e Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 15 Each 3,797.25 12,059.25 Each
15-72-f Amp. Each Each 23.31 217.71 Each Each
15-72-g Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 20 Each 23.31 218.92 Each
15-72-h Amp. 23.31 240.79
Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 30
Supply and Erection of bus bars for 500 volts 3 phase AC S/W 4
copper bars 40 Amp with bar size 1 1/2" X 1/8" Supply and
Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
copper bars - 100 Amp with bar size1 1 1/2" X
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with
copper bars - 200 Amp with bar size 2"X 1/8" Supply and Erection
of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
copper bars - 300 Amp with bar size 2" X 3/16"
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with
copper bars - 500 Amp with size 2" X 1/4" Supply & erection of
Nut & Bolt (2''x5/8') Supply & erection of Nut & Bolt 8'' or 9''x5/8''
Supply & erection of Nut & Bolt 10''x5/8''

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-72-i Supply & erection of galvanized J-bolts Each Each 59.76 1,474.02 Each Each
15-73-a Supply and Erection of bracket of channel 3" X 1 1/2" X 1/4" Each 59.76 368.98 Each
15-73-b section 2' long for 2 lines Each 59.76 618.05 Each
15-74 Supply and Erection of bracket of MS channel 3" X 1 1/2" X 1/4" Each 11.77 120.63 Each
15-75-a Section:- 4' long for 4 lines Each 373.50 2,843.59 Each
15-75-b Supply and Erection of anchor rod honley type for poles i/e clamps Each 373.50 2,843.59 Each
15-76-a & 7/13 SWG stay wire straining screws PCC 1:3:6 Supply and Each 373.50 2,682.00 Each
15-76-b Erection cubical type factory fabricated floor/wall Each 373.50 981.00 Each
15-77-a mounting steel main board comp. : On surface Each 522.90 3,206.23 Each
15-77-b Supply and Erection cubical type factory fabricated floor/wall 522.90 3,495.40
mounting steel main board comp. : Recessed Fluorescent tube
lights fitting 2.5x2.5 feet square type suitable
for fixing in recess or direct on complete with 4
Nos 2 ft 20 watts
tubes, chokes, starters, holders complete in all respects in steel
Supply and Fixing of fluorescent tube fitting rectangular box types
housing made of 22 SWG stave enameled steel sheet having spring
load inner frame attachment with acrylic or polythene complete
with 2 No 4 ft 40 watts
Supply and Fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(double
way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete
Supply and Fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(double
way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-77-c Supply and fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(Double Each 194.22 3,419.92 Each
15-77-d way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete Each 44.82 3,154.00 Each
15-77-e 12"x12" Each 93.38 4,842.96 Each
15-78 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Exhaust Fan 10'' Each 93.38 5,439.38 Each
15-79-a dia with plastic body, fan blades and louvers, complete in all Rft 13.45 23.17 m
15-79-b respects Rft 13.45 31.67 m
15-79-c Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Exhaust Fan 18'' Rft 13.45 43.82 m
15-79-d dia with plastic body, fan blades and louvers, complete in all Rft 13.45 74.20 m
15-79-e respects RMtr 26.89 1,069.61 RMtr
15-79-f Supply and Fixing of 18" dia Direct axial Wall Bracket RMtr 26.89 1,373.36 RMtr
15-80 fan,1450Rpm, Max 50db sound level Fan shall be made with 99% Each Each Each 59.76 242.01 Each Each
15-81 purity Copper windings Each Each 29.88 272.88 Each Each
15-82 Supply and Fixing PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1/2" 149.40 696.15 Each
15-83 including all charges for nail screws etc 29.88 212.13
15-84 Supply and Fixing PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1" 74.70 142.74
including all charges for nail screws etc
PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1.5" including all
charges for nail screws etc complete
PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 2" including all
for nail screws etc complete
Supply and Erection PVC duct for wiring purpose complete
in walls including chase etc. : 3"x3" I/d
Supply and Erection PVC duct for wiring purpose complete
in walls including chase etc. : 4"x4" I/d Supply and Fixing dimmer
switch complete Supply and Fixing 20 Amp power plug
Supply and Fixing porcelain power plug 30 Amp Supply and
fixing light plug 10 Amp
Supply and fitting of capacitor 2.2 uf for ceiling fans

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-85 Supply and fitting of ball bearing of size 6201, 6202 or 6203 for Each 94.12 361.42 Each
15-86 ceiling fans Each Each 16.43 55.11 Each Each
15-87 Supply and erection of cut out, bakelite open type Each Each Each 16.43 167.09 Each Each
15-88 Supply and erection of cut out bakelite Recessed type cut out Each Each Each 27.14 99.23 Each
15-89 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 15/20 Amp Each Each 30.13 158.11 Each Each
15-90 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 30/35 Amp Each Each Each 43.58 308.85 Each Each
15-91 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 60/65 Amp No No 51.98 572.41 Each
15-92 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 100 Amp Supply and No No Rft Rft 61.07 867.02 Each Each
15-93 erection of kit kat 500 volts 200 Amp Supply and erection of kit Rft 61.07 630.09 Each No No
15-94 kat 500 volts 300 Amp Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 400 Rft 75.94 663.20 No No m m m
15-95-a Amp Rft 1,307.25 105,129.00 m
15-95-b Providing & Fixing Generator 2.2 KVA Petrol driven of best 1,307.25 105,918.75 m
15-95-c quaity 1,307.25 122,928.75
15-95-d Providing & Fixing Generator , 2.2 KVA Petrol-cum-Gas driven 1,307.25 122,139.00
15-96-a Providing & Fixing Generator, 3.1 KVA Petrol-cum-Gas driven. 862.78 35,473.49
15-96-b Providing & Fixing Generator , 3.1 KVA Petrol driven. 862.78 27,447.20
15-97-a Supply & erection of HT pole 36' High (Spun Type) 862.78 31,026.59
15-97-b Supply & erection of LT pole 31' High (Spun Type) 862.78 23,242.09
15-98-a Supply & erection of HT pole 36' High(H-Type) Supply & 26.15 560.74
15-98-b erection LT Pole 31' High (H-Type) Supply & stringing of ACSR 26.15 248.49
15-98-c Osprey Conductor Supply & stringing of ACSR Dog Conductor 26.15 139.14
15-98-d Supply & stringing of ACSR Rabbit Conductor (7/0.132") 26.15 210.82
15-98-e Supply & stringing of AAC Wasp Conductor ( 7/0.173") 26.15 118.49
Supply & stringing of AAC Ant Conductor ( 7/0.122" )

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-99-a Supply & erection of 11 KV Disc Insulator Supply & erection of Each Each Each 93.38 3,124.80 Each Each
15-99-b 11 KV Pin Insulator Supply & erection of 11 KV pin for Steel-x- Each No 93.38 1,365.48 Each Each No
15-99-c arm Supply & erection of Spool Insulator No No No 93.38 749.47 No No No
15-99-d Supply & erection of 25 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer Each Each Each 44.82 208.85 Each Each
15-100-a Supply & erection of 50 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer Kg Each Each 2,614.50 211,298.27 Each Kg Each
15-100-b Supply & erection of 100 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer Kg Each 2,614.50 344,948.25 Each Kg Each
15-100-c Supply & erection of 200 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer Each Job 2,614.50 466,448.25 Each Job
15-100-d Supply & erection of Steel-X-Arm with braces Supply & erection Each 2,614.50 1,050,148.88 Each
15-101-a of Steel-x-Arm / D-Fitting Supply & erection of Stay set Complete 44.82 9,662.76
15-101-b Supply & erection of Stay Wire 44.82 8,541.32
15-102 Supply & erection of Eye Nut Supply & erection of Earth Rod 44.82 1,833.30
15-103 Supply & erection of Earthing wire GSL 6 mm 44.82 227.07
15-104 Drilling of earth bore 3" dia 70 to 80 ft. deep or up to permanent 44.82 244.08
15-105-a water table, back filling, ramming, complete in all respect. 466.88 1,695.24
15-105-b grounding bores shall be made at 6 to 8 feet away from foundation 70.03 197.61
15-105-c and distance between earth bore shall not be less than 10 feet 1,120.50 10,840.50
15-105-d Supply at site, hoisting and installation of Single Arm Pole 1,307.25 58,116.01
15-105-e Supply, Installation & Connecting up of earth electrodes with 29.88 42,554.88
15-105-f 600mm x 600mm x 3.2mm conductors to main earth bar including 1,307.25 8,718.75
all accessories, in 50mm dia G.I. pipe / PVC pipe class D/E up
inspection chamber, heavy duty C.I. Cover etc.
Supply and errection of Grounding connecting points

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-105-g Providing & fixing of main earth bar, with 80mm x50mm x.20mm Job 29.88 30,404.88 Job
15-105-h copper bar with terminals, insulator supports, lugs, bolts, etc. Job 29.88 124,567.38 Job
15-105-i including bonding to rebars of structure. Each Each Each 653.63 5,513.63 Each Each
15-106 Providing & fixing of Plate type Earthing commpressed with Each Each 2,614.50 34,204.50 Each
15-107 execveted hole 6"up 63 feet,GI pipe 2"(50mm)with Tees , Each Each 5,229.00 114,579.00 Each Each
15-108 Sockets , Endcap of 60 (RFT) Copper Plate of 1/2"x 2"x 48", 2x Each Each Each 186.75 915.75 Each Each
15-109 70mmsq S/Core copper bare conductor 125 (Rft) Earth Connection Each Each Each 62.30 609.05 Each Each
15-110-a Point of 1200 x 50 x 50mm (L x W x T) Inspection Pit of 300 x Each Each Each 1,307.25 16,806.01 Each Each
15-110-b 300 x 450 mm (L x W x D) complated with all respect 1,307.25 14,524.13 Each Each
15-111 Construction of water tight brick type Grounding inspection pit. 373.50 10,701.00 Each Each
15-112-a Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Lightning 186.75 976.50 Each
15-112-b Protection System 186.75 551.25
15-112-c Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Lightning 186.75 551.25
15-113-a Protection System 93.38 518.63
15-113-b Supply & erection of double Arming Bolt 93.38 287.77
15-113-c Supply & erection of D-Bracket along with cotter pin 93.38 269.55
15-114-a Supply & erection of double pole platform for transformers 44.82 208.85
15-114-b Supply & erection of Single pole platform for transformers 44.82 196.70
Supply & erection of drop out cutouts Supply & erection of dead
end clamp Supply & erection of dead end clamp Supply & erection
of dead end clamp Supply & erection of PG Connector Supply &
erection of PG Connector Supply & erection of PG Connector
Supply & erection of Loop dead end clamp Supply & erection of
Loop dead end clamp

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-115-a Supply & erection of double arm GI round conical pole, hot dipped Each 3,921.75 69,235.51 Each
15-115-b galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 4 mm, Each 3,921.75 68,020.51 Each
15-115-c base dia 180 mm and top dia 62 with plate arrangement 450mm x Each 3,921.75 66,805.51 Each
15-115-e 450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects. Each 3,921.75 81,385.51 Each
15-115-f Supply & erection of Single arm GI round conical pole, hot dipped Each 3,921.75 64,375.51 Each
15-116 galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 4 mm, Each Each Rft 186.75 13,551.75 Each Each m
15-117 base dia 180 mm and top dia 62 with plate arrangement 450mm x m 186.75 5,396.67 Meter
15-118 450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects. Each Rft 373.50 1,103.71 Each m
15-119 Supply & erection of Double arm GI round conical pole, hot 44.82 501.66
15-120 dipped galvanized (80 microns) 10 meters long overall thickness 4 29.88 297.18
15-121 mm, base dia 180 mm and top dia 62 with plate arrangement 14.94 266.45
450mm x 450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
Supply & erection of Double arm GI round conical pole, hot
dipped galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 5
mm, base dia 200 mm and top dia 100 with plate arrangement
450mm x 450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
Supply & erection of Single arm GI round conical pole, hot dipped
galvanized (microns) 10 meters long overall thickness 5 mm, base
dia 200 mm and top dia 100 with plate arrangement 450mm x
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
Supply & erection of Timer TB 438 Supply & erection of
Magnetic contactor
Providing and laying pipe at a depth of 2-1/2'
Supply & erection of 2" PVC pipe flexible (weather proof)
Supply & erection of weather proof flexible PVC pipe 1.5" dia
Supply & erection of DIN rail

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-122-a Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC RMtr 44.82 857.01 RMtr
15-122-b insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt RMtr 89.64 1,438.52 RMtr
15-122-c grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid RMtr 119.52 1,874.26 RMtr
15-122-d conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings RMtr 134.46 2,848.86 RMtr
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-122-e Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC RMtr 179.28 2,640.48 RMtr
15-122-f insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt RMtr 194.22 5,249.19 RMtr
15-122-g grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid RMtr 747.00 7,977.31 RMtr
15-122-h conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings RMtr 1,120.50 13,703.87 RMtr
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-122-i Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC RMtr 1,494.00 17,027.71 RMtr
15-122-j insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt RMtr 1,494.00 20,903.77 RMtr
15-122-k grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid RMtr 1,867.50 34,131.56 RMtr
15-123-a conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings Rft Rft 10.46 103.61 mm
15-123-b including cost of all necessary materials, connections, mm 10.46 75.36 Meter
15-124-a identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for RMtr 11.95 791.63 Meter
15-124-b the following sizes complete in all respects. 10.46 235.23 RMtr
15-125 Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC 10.46 140.56
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply & erection of 3 Core Cable PVC/PVC '3 core 2.5 sqmm
Supply & erection of 3 CORE FLXIBLE POWER CABLE 1.5
Supply & erection of 2x10 mm2 Copper Cable
Supply & erection of 2 core 1.5mmsq Fire Resistant cable
Supply & erection of Flexible Copper Cable 1x4 mm2

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-126-a Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC m 44.82 341.62 Meter
15-126-b insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt m 89.64 539.42 Meter
15-126-c grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid m 134.46 808.20 Meter
15-126-d conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings m 373.50 2,098.96 Meter
15-126-e including cost of all necessary materials, connections, Meter 373.50 10,883.37 Meter
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
conduits / trenches to be installed as per routes shown on drawings
including cost of all necessary materials, connections,
identification tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for
the following sizes complete in all respects.
Supply and installation of four core copper conducter PVC/PVC
power cable (BS6400,BS6346,BS7629) in apropriete size of GI
cable tray and PVC condute surface mounted completed in all

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-127-a Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of the One Each 29.88 746.73 Each
15-127-b gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including Each 29.88 843.93 Each
15-127-c appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete Each 44.82 652.32 Each
15-127-d in all respects. Each 44.82 907.47 Each
15-127-e Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Two gang Each 59.76 991.97 Each
15-127-f light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including Each 59.76 1,224.03 Each
15-127-g appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete Each 93.38 1,530.72 Each
15-127-h in all respects. Each 29.88 904.68 Each
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three
gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Four gang
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Five gang
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning ofSix gang
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of the Eight
gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of One gang
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts two way, including
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-127-i Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of 2 & 3 pin Each 29.88 819.70 Each
15-127-j switched socket unit 5/10 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including Each 44.82 1,223.49 Each
15-127-k appropriate size MS, powder coated back box, complete in all Each 44.82 743.51 Each
15-127-l respects. Each 44.82 1,846.00 Each
15-127-m Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 pin Each 44.82 956.07 Each
15-127-n switched socket unit 13/15 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including Each 59.76 1,323.36 Each
15-127-o appropriate size MS, powder coated back box, complete in all Each 59.76 606.51 Each
15-127-p respects. Each 59.76 679.41 Each
15-127-q Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 pin Each 59.76 223.79 Each
15-128-a switched socket unit 20 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including Each 14.94 97.56 Each
appropriate size MS, powder coated back box, complete in all
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Push
Button 10 Amps, 250Volts, including appropriate size MS,
powder coated back box, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Fan
Dimmer with switch/ MS, powder coated back box with all
associated accessories, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of DP
switch 20 Amps with neon indication lamp complete with MS,
powder coated back box, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
220 V 05/10 Amp Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
220 V 20 Amps Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
Universal Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply and installation of Flush Face Plate One Way Switch 220V
10 Amps Switch, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-128-b Supply and installation of Flush Face Plate Two Way Switch 220V Each 14.94 120.64 Each
15-129-a 10 Amps switch, complete in all respects Each 29.88 260.73 Each
15-129-b Supply &. Installation of flush type switch (Single pole 220V 5 Each 29.88 236.43 Each
15-129-c amps switch 1 way) manufactured by fixed over sheet including Each 29.88 303.26 Each
15-130-a appropriate size outlet box of 16SWG black enameled MS sheet Point 186.75 4,497.28 Point
15-130-b recessed in wall, column etc. complete in all respects Each 373.50 83,542.38 Each
15-130-c Supply &. Installation of flush type switch (Single pole 220V 10 Each Each 373.50 166,711.27 Each Each
15-130-d amps switch 2 way) manufactured by fixed over sheet including Each Each 747.00 55,422.00 Each Each
15-130-e appropriate size outlet box of 16SWG black enameled MS sheet Each 747.00 78,146.77 Each
15-130-f recessed in wall, column etc. complete in all respects 373.50 19,631.25
15-130-g Supply &. Installation of flush type switch (2-Pin 10 amps 220 V 373.50 19,631.25
Switch Socket) manufactured by fixed over sheet including
appropriate size outlet box of 16SWG black enameled MS sheet
recessed in wall, column etc. complete in all respects
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2 core 1.5
Sqmm stranded copper conductor tin coated with drain PVC
insulated wires 600/1000
V. grade, fire resistant, low smoke, zero halogen Cu conductor to
be pulled in already installed 20mm dia. heavy duty PVC conduit
recessed in wall, columns, slab, floor or above false ceiling with all
necessary fixing accessories
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Mixer Amplifier
(240W); 6 MIC Input; complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Power
Supply and installation of plena easy line 120 Watt mixer amplifier
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Back Ground
Music Player
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Goose Neck
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Table Stand

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-130-h Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Cordless MIC Each Each Each 373.50 77,726.59 Each Each
15-130-i with Receivers Each Each m 186.75 2,514.70 Each Each
15-130-j Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Ceiling Mount No 186.75 50,855.47 Each
15-130-k Speakers Point 186.75 6,152.86 Meter
15-130-l Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Wall Mount Each 186.75 22,931.55 No
15-130-m Speakers Each 4.48 89.53 Point
15-130-n Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Wall Mount Each 93.38 3,738.38 Each
15-131-a Speakers 653.63 6,088.30 Each
15-131-b Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Column Loud 186.75 8,977.35 Each
15-131-c Speakers 186.75 17,647.69
15-131-d Supplying, installation, wiring, connection of speaker cable 186.75 13,220.12
37/0.0076 flexible cable for Audio speaker and pre laid 3A" PVC
Supply, connecting, testing & commissioning of recessed
mounting 8" dia Speaker having cylinderical shape 5W operating
voltage 12V suitable for PA system, complete in all respects.
Supply, testing and commissioning of 2 core 1.5mm. Sqmm
stranded copper conductor tin coated with drain PVC insulated
wires 600/1000
V. grade, fire resistant, LSZH Cu Conductor to be pulled in
already installed 20mm dia. heavy duty PVC conduit recessed in
wall, columns, slab, floor or above false ceiling with all necessary
fixing accessories as per site conditions.
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Analogue
Addressable Manual Call Point / Pull Station with Base and Back
Box with Key UL Listed complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Analogue
Addressable Sounder with Flasher, 24 VDC, Mounting Base and
with Base and Back Box with Key UL Listed complete in all
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Analogue
Addressable Optical Smoke Detector with Base; 24 VDC; UL
LISTED, low voltage, solid state, Not Radio Active type, uni-
polar and dual chamber with LED alarm indication to be installed
on RCC slab, complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-131-e Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Addressable Heat Each Each Each 186.75 7,962.75 Each Each
15-131-f Detector No 186.75 13,369.50 Each
15-131-g Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Wall mounted Each 186.75 319,769.16 No
15-131-h Sounder complete in all respect . Supply, installation, testing & Each Each Rft 186.75 91,311.75 Each
15-132 commissioning of 186.75 69,676.41 Each Each m
15-133 Micro processor based Fire Alarm Control Panel, 186.75 12,840.03
15-134 suppression consisting of loops and can address around 125points, 186.75 8,388.00
15-135-a indicating circuits, including 2x12V VDC Batteries, suppression 326.81 3,389.99
zone built in power supply, including stand by battery, alarm and
trouble indication, silence alarm and reset system, general alarm
and reset system, general alarm facility, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
conventional type Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) having 2 zone
conventional type
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Beam Detector,
TX-RX, 50 meter Range, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of input module
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Manual call Point
completed in all respect.
Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed
on wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position
or floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of
hanging arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x
6mm installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing
accessories, complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-135-b Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable Rft 326.81 3,971.81 m
15-135-c tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed Rft 326.81 2,623.64 m
15-135-d on wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position Rft 326.81 2,756.81 m
15-135-e or floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of Rft 326.81 1,894.34 m
hanging arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x
6mm installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing
accessories, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed
on wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position
or floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of
hanging arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x
6mm installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing
accessories, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed
on wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position
or floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of
hanging arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x
6mm installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing
accessories, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed
on wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position
or floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of
hanging arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x
6mm installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing
accessories, complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-136-a Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning ofLayer 3 Job 4,482.00 351,721.91 Job
15-136-b (Core) Level Network Switch, Managable for Data Rack, 24 Port Each 7,843.50 85,957.00 Each
15-136-c Giga Ethernet (10/100/1000) with Copper & Fiber Uplink Ports Each 747.00 6,073.65 Each
15-136-d Including Cost of 02 Nos 10 Giga SFP Modules(Support 02 Nos Each 747.00 6,073.65 Each
15-136-e 1.0 Giga SFP Modules) having:min 4 combo Rj45/SFP ports Each 44.82 69,486.87 Each
supporting SX/LX/LH etc.
min 4 SFP+ ports support SX/LX/LH etc, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Layer 2
(Edge) Level Network Switch, Manageable for Data Rack, 24 Port
Giga Ethernet (10/100/1000) with Copper & Fiber Uplink Ports
(Support 04 Nos 1.0 Giga SFP Modules). 1.0 Gigabit uplink
flexibility with Small Form-Factor Pluggable Plus (SFP+). 8 ports
of Gigabit Ethernet for desktop connectivity, complete in all
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of U/UTP, 4
pair Cat 6a (500 MHz) Network Cable supports (10 Giga) laid in
PVC Conduit , with pure copper conductor PVC insulated PVC
sheathed including cost of Single Shutter Face plate with UTP Cat-
6a Keystone Jack with Back Box to be installed on walls, from
Data Cabinet to Computer Points, PVC conduit & Cable tray.
Complete in all respects.
Supply and erection of Cable for Voice Communication System
from communication rack to each work station / outlet in 25mm
PVC conduit
/ channel as per drawing including termination, tagging at both
ends, complete in all respects Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of
Wireless Access Point (AP); 802.11 A/G/N;
DUAL BAND, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-136-f Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of data Each 2,614.50 23,499.37 Each
15-136-g cabinet of approximate size as mentioned below, powder coated, Each 2,614.50 115,525.00 Each
15-136-h having lockable glass door at front, 4 exhaust fans on top, suitable Each 1,494.00 62,244.00 Each
for under mentioned patch panels, consisting of the following
voice and data points to be terminated on modular patch panel,
including cost of power bus bar, input / output RJ-45 connectors
suitable for Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords, both for
Voice and Data, all necessary accessories / materials for active and
passive equipment, 24 ports switch. The data cabinet shall be
complete in all respects including cost of all necessary materials /
accessories required for proper functioning for the data cabinet.
Data cabinet shall be installed after obtaining necessary permission
from the computer specialist of the Client.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of data
cabinet of approximate size as mentioned below, powder coated,
having lockable glass door at front, 4 exhaust fans on top, suitable
for under mentioned patch panels, consisting of the following
voice and data points to be terminated on modular patch panel,
including cost of power bus bar, input / output RJ-45 connectors
suitable for Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords, both for
Voice and Data, all necessary accessories / materials for active and
passive equipment, 24 ports switch. The data cabinet shall be
complete in all respects including cost of all necessary materials /
accessories required for proper functioning for the data cabinet.
Data cabinet shall be installed after obtaining necessary permission
from the computer specialist of the Client.
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 42 port DATA
cabinet with 3 no’s cabinet tray, 4 no’s power socket and with flexi
glass door

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-136-i Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of data Each 5,229.00 178,728.52 Each
15-137-a cabinet of approximate size as mentioned below, powder coated, m 93.38 180.85 Meter
15-137-b having lockable glass door at front, 4 exhaust fans on top, suitable Each 1,494.00 23,364.00 Each
15-137-c for under mentioned patch panels, consisting of the following Each Each 4,482.00 83,457.00 Each Each
15-138-a-01 voice and data points to be terminated on modular patch panel, Each 747.00 8,037.00 Each
15-138-a-02 including cost of power bus bar, input / output RJ-45 connectors 747.00 18,972.00
suitable for Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords, both for
Voice and Data, all necessary accessories / materials for active and
passive equipment, 24 ports switch. The data cabinet shall be
complete in all respects including cost of all necessary materials /
accessories required for proper functioning for the data cabinet.
Data cabinet shall be installed after obtaining necessary permission
from the computer specialist of the Client.
Supply and installation from computer outlet to 30 port patch panel
with CAT-6 DATA cable run in PVC conduit and complete in all
in walls including chase etc : 1.25" i/d
Supply and installation, testing and commissioning of 30 port data
patch panel surfaces mounted and complete in all respects
Supply and installation of 30 ports 10/100-2 gaga uplink ports data
switch(CISCQ2960-24 TTL) Supply and Installation of 10-Pair
Junction Box with back mounting frame and
connection strip Recessed in wall Type where shown on drawings,
made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with hinged door. Completed in all
Supply and Installation of 25-Pair Telephone Junction Box with
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
where shown on drawings, made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with
hinged door. Completed in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-138-a-03 Supply and Installation of 50-Pair Telephone Junction Box with Each 1,494.00 28,224.00 Each
15-138-a-04 back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type Each 1,494.00 86,544.00 Each
15-138-b where shown on drawings, made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with Each 1,494.00 153,369.00 Each
15-138-c-01 hinged door. Completed in all respects Each 1,494.00 25,186.50 Each
15-138-c-02 Supply and Installation of 100-Pair Telephone Junction Box with Each 1,494.00 25,186.50 Each
15-138-d back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type Rft 93.38 178.43 m
15-138-e-01 where shown on drawings, made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with Each 14.94 622.44 Each
15-138-e-02 hinged door. Completed in all respects Each 14.94 683.19 Each
15-138-f Supply and Installation of 500-Pair Telephone Junction Box with Each 46.76 690.71 Each
15-138-g back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type Rft Each 14.94 203.26 m Each
15-138-h where shown on drawings, made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with 186.75 11,607.75
hinged door. Completed in all respects
Supply and Installation, testing and commissioning of 24-ports
10/100-2 giga uplink ports DATA switch completed in all respects
Supply and Installation, testing and commissioning of 48-ports
10/100-2 giga uplink ports DATA switch, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of 15 -
Pair telephone cable complete in all respects
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Single Port Data
outlet of 1 x RJ-45 I/Os for Cat-6 cable and with 16 SWG back
box, complete in all respects
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Dual Port Data
outlet of 1 x RJ-45 I/Os for Cat-6 cable and with 16 SWG back
box completed in all respects
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Patch Cord
CAT-6, 1m for computer complete in all respects
Supply and Erection of 3M Cat-6 Cable in 3/4",1"pvc conduit,
complete in all respect Supply at site, testing, installation &
commissioning of 12 Port Cat-3 Telephone Patch
Panel installed in Data Cabinet

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-138-i Supply and Installation of Single Port Telephone outlet of CAT-5,1 Each 44.82 652.32 Each
15-138-j x RJ-45 I/Os and back box of 16 SWG, complete in all respects Each 44.82 713.07 Each
15-138-k-01 Supply and Installation of Double Port Telephone outlet of CAT- Each 10,458.00 496,458.00 Each
15-138-k-02 5,1 x RJ-45 I/Os and back box of 16 SWG, complete in all respects Each 26,145.00 1,575,270.00 Each
15-138-l Supply installation, connection, testing and Commissioning of Each Each Each 1,494.00 27,616.50 Each Each
15-138-m Telephone Exchange comparising 4 Trunk lines, 12 Digital No 1,494.00 52,888.50 Each No
15-138-n Estentions, 200 Auto Dial Extention and attendeant console with No 186.75 21,449.25 No
15-138-o UPS builtin 16+ 34 Kx-Txa 600. No 93.38 883.13 No
15-138-p Supply and Installation of Telephone Exchange with 16 Trunk and Rft 93.38 5,196.38 m
15-138-q 300 Extensions with UPS Built-in 16+304 KX-TDA 600, Consol Yard Yard Each 2,988.00 118,413.00 Yard Yard
15-138-r Set, CLI Card, UPS Cable with Batteries, complete in all respects 2.99 54.27 Each
15-138-s-01 Supply and Installation of DT 364 Consol Set complaeted with all 37.35 98.10
15-138-s-02 respect 37.35 158.85
15-138-t Supply and Installation of KX-TDA 0193CLI Card for 16 Trunk 93.38 3,130.88
complated with all respect
Supply and Installation of SKX-A228UPS Cable with
Batteries.Copmlated wih all respect Supply, installation,
connecting, testing and
commissioning of Duplex telephone outlets F C C
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
Telephone distribution board having 1 x 1 5 cair termination block
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
PABX suitable for 4 line & 15 extension
Providing & fixing 3 pair telephone cable (Pony make) in already
installed conduit
Supply & Erection of Telephone vrire 1 Pair Supply & Erection of
Telephone vrire 2 Pair
Providing fixing of telephone termination box including sheet steel
back box, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-138-u Providing & fixing polycarbonate flame retardant digital telephone Each 93.38 883.13 Each
15-138-v socket with lancy " lovory" gang plate fixed on die fabricate Each Each 37.35 486.90 Each Each
15-139-a powder coated metal board recessed in wall or column including Each 1,494.00 53,131.50 Each
15-139-b connecting Each 2,614.50 29,101.50 Each
15-139-c Supply & Erection of telephone point with socket complete Each 1,494.00 27,981.00 Each
15-139-d Supply and Installation of Outdoor True Day & Night Color Each 44.82 20,396.07 Each
15-139-e Camera 1/3" CCD, 530TVL, 0 Lux, 49 IR LEDs, 2.8 to 10mm 448.20 23,290.20
Auto Iris Varifocal Lens, IP66 Rating Outdoor Weatherproof
Housing, DC12V/ AC24V, PAL,
HCD-92534X-Honyewell completed in all respect Supply and
Installation of True Day & Night Color Indoor Camera 1/3"
CCD, 550TVL, Color
0.3Lux & B/W 0.002Lux, Day/Night, DC12V/
AC24V, PAL, HCC-690P completed in all respect Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wall bracket box
Camera, type PoE I.P camera
with day and night feature having 1.3MP
Resolution with live/recording quality of min 15 fps, Varifocal
Lens 2.8-12mm, along with all mounting accessories complete in
all respect
Supply and Installation of Indoor Dome Camera,1/3" CCD,
550TV lines, 0.1lx (F2.0),Internal Sync., AWB / BLC / AGC
Mirror On-Off Control, varifocal lens 3.6mm, Gray color case,
DC12V, PAL, HDC-890P-36 completed in all respect
Supply of Installation Indoor, Outdoor Dome IR
Camera,1/3"CCD, 530TV lines, IR LEDs, 0.1lx (F2.0),Internal
Sync., AWB / BLC / AGC Mirror On-Off Control, varifocal lens
3.6mm, Gray color case, DC12V, PAL, HDC-515PI-36 completed
in all respect

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-139-f Supply Installation of 32-Channel Digital Video Recorder, real Each 1,494.00 426,744.00 Each
15-139-g time display 400ips andwith Built-in DVD writer,XtraStor/MPEG4 Each 448.20 85,498.20 Each
15-139-h compression,1TB,HDD,SATA port with remoteviewing and Each 448.20 79,423.20 Each
15-139-i management software Each Each 1,494.00 426,744.00 Each Each
15-139-j HNDR-E1648L-N-D-E,Honyewell.complated with all respect m Each No 1,494.00 24,336.00 Meter
15-139-k Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of INDOOR No 1.49 232.61 Each No
15-139-l DOME CAMERA; 2.0 MP FULL HD 1080P; 1/2.7" CMOS 448.20 55,123.20 No
15-139-m PROGRESSIVE SCAN; 1,494.00 26,401.50
15-139-n 3-10 mm VARIFOCAL DC IRIS LENS; WDR > 1,494.00 44,019.00
100 dB; PoE; 12 VDC complete in all respects. Supply,
installation, Testing and commissioning of CAMERA DOME;
1/2.7" PS CMOS; 1.3 Mp
HD-720P; 3-10 mm DC I V/F LENS; 76 DB
WDR; PoE; 12 VDC. complete in all respects. Supply and
Installation of Video Management and Recording System
including media converter
Supply and installation of 16 input to 01 output digital multiplexer
for CCTV system complete in all respect
Installation and Cabling (RG-11 Coaxial Cable through approved
3A" PVC conduit)
Supply and installation of 32" LCD monitor of best quality
Supply & fixing of 1/3M Color Dome Cameras equipped with
following charactaristics. Built in Varifocal Lens (4.0mm - 9.0mm)
Back Light Compensation Built-in Flickerless Hiqh Resolution
more than 470TV line 0.4 Lux at F1" 2 Compact Design Approval:
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of
ceiling mounting Fixed position super high resolution color Dome
Camera Day/ Night with Dynamic rang 12mm varifocal autoirise
lens, 12/24V dual operating voltage, complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-139-o Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of High- No 1,494.00 40,374.00 No
15-139-p sensitivity, 1/3" Ex-View HAD CCD color Camera Day/ Night No 1,494.00 365,994.00 No
15-140-a (outdoor), 12//24V dual perating voltage with Motorized gear box, Each 89.64 4,497.26 Each
15-140-b complete in all respects or equivalent, Each 186.75 9,278.44 Each
15-141-a Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of Each Each 373.50 5,301.41 Each Each
15-141-b CCTV Digital vidio recorder "DVR" equipment, suitable for 16 Each 29.88 675.24 Each
15-141-c channel, including power supply distributer 12 volts with color 22" Each 29.88 1,852.38 Each
15-142-a LCD, complete in all respects Each 89.64 1,636.42 Each
15-142-b Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Patch Panel 12 Each 89.64 2,642.72 Each
15-142-c Port Loaded with RJ-45 I/Os Suitable for CAT-VI FTP CABLE; Each 35.86 619.06 Each
15-142-d Rack Mount , complete in all respects. 44.82 688.77
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Patch Panel 24
Port Loaded with RJ-45 I/Os Suitable for CAT-VI FTP CABLE;
Rack Mount, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Cable Manager /
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of UTP Cat-6a
Patch Cords 1m (Supports 10 Giga Network) to be Installed in
Data Cabinets
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of UTP Cat-6a
Patch Cords 3m (Supports 10 Giga Network) to be Installed in
Data Cabinets
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Single Shutter /
Port with 1x RJ-45 I/O & Back Box, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Double
Shutter / Port with 1x RJ-45 I/O & Back Box, complete in all
Supply and installion of Computer single port face plate CAT-6
RJ-JACK with appropriate MS 16SWG enameled back box
recessed in wall, column etc… complete in all respects
in walls including chase etc : 1.5" i/d
Supply and installion of Computer double port face plate CAT-6
RJ-JACK with appropriate MS 16SWG Orange enameled back
box recessed in wall, column etc.complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-142-e Supply and Installation, testing and commissioning of 42 port Each 4,482.00 65,232.00 Each
15-143-a DATA cabinet with 3 no's cabinet tray, 4 No's power socket and Rft 10.46 34.76 m
15-143-b with flexi glass door l Rft 14.94 63.54 m
15-143-c Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following Rft 14.94 87.84 m
15-143-d Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura Rft 14.94 112.14 m
15-143-e duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials complete Rft 14.94 136.44 m
15-143-f in all respects. Rft 10.46 374.96 m
15-144-a Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following m 13.45 309.37 Meter
Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura
duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials complete
in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following
Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura
duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials complete
in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following
Fiber Optic Patch cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
dura duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials
complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following
Fiber Optic Patch cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
dura duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials
complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following
Fiber Optic Patch cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
dura duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials
complete in all respects.
Supply and Installation of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects
including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-144-b Supply and Installation of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1- m 13.45 159.25 Meter
15-144-c 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects m 13.45 232.15 Meter
15-144-d including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d m 13.45 317.20 Meter
15-144-e Supply and Installation of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1- Each 10.46 66.86 Each
15-145 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects Each 2,614.50 124,238.70 Each
15-146 including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d Each 14.94 2,133.71 Each
15-147 Supply and Installation of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1- Each 373.50 91,498.50 Each
15-148 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects Each 373.50 182,623.50 Each
15-149 including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d Each 747.00 6,436.81 Each
15-150 Supply and Installation of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1- Rft 70.03 460.62 m
1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects
including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the ODF; 12
Port Loaded with 6x Pigtails Multimode Tray & Other
Accessories, Rack Mount 1U Form Factor, complete in all
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of OFC Patch
Cord; 3m; Multi Mode; Duplex Type, complete in all respects.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Colour 59"
HD Colour LED Monitor with wall Hanging, complete in all
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Core-i7; 8 GB
RAM; 1 TB HDD; KB Mouse DVD R/W; Windows Graphic Card
4G Internal Tower Type PC (Computer), complete in all respects
Supply at site , insallation, testing and commissioning of
Polycarbonate junction box (250x250x150)mm to facilitate
connection of incoming and outgoing cables of maximum size
35sqmm complete with terminal blocks,cables glands, one 6A Sp
MCB , complete in all respects.
Supply, installation of Rubber mat 3 feet wide x 1/4" thick to be
placed all long the length of Main Panel Board in L.T. Panel Room

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-151 Supply, installation of Buckets made of M.S. sheet to be hung on Each 22.41 2,467.46 Each
15-152 hooks and filled with sand as per Electric Inspectors requirements. Each 22.41 2,119.12 Each
15-153 Supply of electric shock chart fixed on wooden board and hang on Each 373.50 19,813.50 Each
15-154-a wall as per the requirement of Electrical Inspector. No 29.88 1,094.22 No
15-154-b supply,Insatallation, testing & commisioning of Single Phase No 29.88 1,965.38 No
15-154-c KWH Energy Meters from Main Service of LT Line to each No 29.88 1,770.97 No
15-155-a building Complete in all respect No 29.88 819.63 No
Providing and fixing of point wiring (including circuit wiring with
2.5 mmsq conductors and 2.5 mmsq green / yellow CPC) with 1.5
mmsq single core PVC insulated 450/750 volt grade copper
conductors in PVC conduit rigid / flexible (clipped to surface or
concealed in structure or under floor), complete in all respects.
Providing and fixing of Light point controlled by two way switch
wiring (including circuit wiring with 2.5 mmsq conductors and 2.5
mmsq green / yellow CPC) with 1.5 mmsq single core PVC
insulated 450/750 volt grade copper conductors in PVC conduit
rigid / flexible (clipped to surface or concealed in structure or
under floor), complete in all respects.
Providing and fixing of Light point controlled by two way switch
wiring (including circuit wiring with 2.5 mmsq conductors and 2.5
mmsq green / yellow CPC) with 1.5 mmsq single core PVC
insulated 450/750 volt grade copper conductors in PVC conduit
rigid / flexible (clipped to surface or concealed in structure or
under floor), complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush
type 5Amp 3-pin switch & socket outlet with 3 pin switch and
socket combine unit with neon bulb fixed on plastic or fiber top
covered, including 14 SWG metal board with earth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-155-b Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush No 29.88 698.13 No
15-155-c type 13 Amps 3-pin (Duplex) outlet with 3 pin switch and socket No 29.88 941.13 No
15-155-d combine unit with neon bulb fixed on plastic or fiber top covered, No 29.88 989.73 No
15-155-e including 14 SWG metal board with earth No 29.88 941.13 No
15-156 Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush No 29.88 1,123.38 No
15-157-a type 13 Amps 3-pin simplex outlet with 3 pin switch and socket m 29.88 170.82 Meter
15-157-b combine unit with neon bulb fixed on plastic or fiber top covered, m 29.88 189.04 Meter
including 14 SWG metal board with earth
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush
type following 16 Amps Soko type switch & socket with 3 pin
switch and socket combine unit with neon bulb fixed on plastic or
fiber top covered, including 14 SWG metal board with earth
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush
type 20 Amps Soko type switch & socket with 3 pin switch and
socket combine unit with neon bulb fixed on plastic or fiber top
covered, including 14 SWG metal board with earth
Supply, Installation, Connecting, testing and commissioning of 400
watt Fan dimmer, polycarbonate flame retardant with fancy gang
plate fixed on die fabricated poweder coated metal board recessed
in wall or column , complete in all respects.
Providing and fixing of 3/4" dia PVC conduit as raceway, clipped
to the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
accessories bends, boxes, etc as required for street light +
telephone + power cable.
Providing and fixing of 1" dia PVC conduit as raceway, clipped to
the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
accessories bends, boxes, required for street light +
telephone + power cable.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-157-c Providing and fixing of 1-1/4" dia PVC conduit as raceway, m 29.88 243.72 Meter
15-157-d clipped to the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor m 29.88 236.43 Meter
15-158 including all accessories bends, boxes, as required for street light + m 29.88 637.38 Meter
15-159 telephone + power cable. No 1,494.00 37,944.00 No
15-160 Providing and fixing of 1-1/2" dia PVC conduit as raceway, No 1,494.00 268,794.00 No
15-161 clipped to the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor No 1,494.00 700,119.00 No
15-162-a including all accessories bends, boxes, etc sizes as required for No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
15-162-b street light + telephone + power cable. No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
Providing and fixing of 150 mm dia RCC pipe for power cable,
including excavation, sand bedding, back-filling, accessories,
manholes, etc
Supply, Installation of Short-circuit ratings to IEC 947-2, Icuta at
415 V All components (ELCBs, Contractors et.) with backup
protection & incoming MCB suitable backup protection of
ELECBs DBs of incoming size 100A or less may be Divided with
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of Floor
mounted following submain distribution board SMDB (Block 7-
11) power & HVAC complete with all metering with indication
lamps complete in all respects.
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of Floor
mounted following submain distribution board SMDB (Block 7-
11) as required for lighting, power & HVAC as per revise: sngle
line diagram, complete with all metering with indication lamps
complete in all respects
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B7-B1, LPDB-B7-B1/1 Distribution Boards,
compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B7-G1, LPDB-B7-F1, LPDB-B"-31 Distribution
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
win all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-162-c Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
15-162-d mounted ACDB-B7-G1, ACDB-B7-F1 Distribution Boards, No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
15-162-e compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
15-162-f respects No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
15-162-g Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No 1,494.00 1,034,244.00 No
15-162-h mounted LPDB-B8-B1 Distribution Boards, compes with all No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
15-162-i metering with indication lamps complete win all respects No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
15-162-j Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
mounted LPDB-B8-G1, LPDB-B8-F1, LPDB-3:-31 Distribution
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
win all respects
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B8-S1/1, LPDB-B8-S1/2 Distribution Boards,
compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted ACDB-B8-G1, ACDB-B8-F1. ACDB-5--51 Distribution
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
win all respects
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B9-G1, LPDB-B9-F1, LPDB-E^S1 Distribution
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
win all respects
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted ACDB-B9-F1, ACDB-B9-S1 Distribution Boards,
compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B10-G1, LPDB-B10-F1, LPD5-510-S1
Distribution Boards, compes with all metering with indication
lamps complete win all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-162-k Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
15-162-l mounted ACDB-B10-G1, ACDB-B10-F1, ACD5-510-S1 No 1,494.00 92,619.00 No
15-162-m Distribution Boards, compes with all metering with indication No 1,494.00 104,769.00 No
15-163 lamps complete win all respects No 1,494.00 365,994.00 No
15-164 Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No Rft 186.75 8,084.25 No m
15-165-a mounted LPDB-B11-G1, LPDB-B11-F1 Distribution Boards, Rft 3.73 47.47 m
15-165-b compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all No No 7.47 186.23 No No
15-166-a respects No No 186.75 3,102.75 No No
15-166-b Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall No 186.75 79,161.75 No
15-166-c mounted ACDB-B11-G1, ACDB-B11-F1 Distribution Boards, 94.12 1,066.12
15-166-d compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all 14.94 33.17
15-167 respects 1,494.00 4,745.34
Supply, Installation & Connecting up of floor or wall mounted
Sub-main Distribution Board equipment SMDB comprising of
Ammeter, Volt meter equiped with Ct's Pt's and selector switches.
Supply, installation, & connecting of Insect killer
Supply, installation, of 3/4" dia PVC Conduit for NURSE CALL
Supply, installation, & connecting of 1.5 sq.m 4 core PVC Cable
Providing and fixing of 10 zone panel for nurse call system
Providing and fixing of 20 zone panel nurse call system
Providing and fixing Door light indicator unit
Providing and fixing of S0X1.5mm sq. twisted Telephone Cable
Providing and fixing of call bells with push buttons including
wiring and all accessories

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-168 Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of Set 93.38 42,618.38 Set
15-169 wall/recessed mounting typical DB for flat should be factory Each 37.35 341.10 Each
15-170-a assembled ready wired and complete (comprising of incoming & Each Each 37.35 1,738.35 Each Each
15-170-b outgoing breaker rupturing capacity 10 KA Terrasaki make) Each Each 37.35 1,495.35 Each Each
15-170-c Incoming: 1 by 30 A.T.P mcb with ph. Indications Outgoing One Each Each 37.35 1,252.35 Each Each
15-170-d set: 15 by 10 Amps, 6 by 20 Amps single pole 250 volt moulded Each Each 37.35 1,009.35 Each Each
15-170-e case miniature ciruit breaker Each 37.35 948.60 Each
15-170-f (mcb) 7 No per phase coupled with one 60 Amps Each Each 37.35 766.35 Each Each
15-170-g T.P mcb Each Each 37.35 644.85 Each Each
15-171 Supply and fixing of Ready Made Fancy Sheet light plug (5-10 Each Each 186.75 2,009.25 Each Each
15-172 Amp) with PVC box complete in all aspects Each 37.35 110.25 Each
15-173 Precurement and Fixing of 10 Pin Kit with sheet Precurement and Each 37.35 948.60 Each
15-174 Fixing of 08 Pin Kit with sheet Precurement and Fixing of 06 Pin 37.35 401.85
15-175 Kit with sheet Precurement and Fixing of 04 Pin Kit with sheet 37.35 158.85
15-176 Precurement and Fixing of03 Pin Kit with sheet Precurement and 37.35 486.90
15-177 Fixing of 02 Pin Kit with sheet Precurement and Fixing of 01 Pin 37.35 486.90
15-178 Kit with sheet Supply & fixinng of China Kit for TV 37.35 523.35
15-179 Supply and installation of Fan dimmer switch Clipcal made 37.35 280.35
15-180 Supply and installation of Bell Press 186.75 6,261.75
Supply & Erection of 12 volt bulb with transformer
Supply & Erection of TV/satellite cable complete
Supply & Erection of Telephone point with socket complete
Supply & Erection of Telephone socket Supply & Erection of TV
Supply & Erection of Power Plug 15 Amp complete in all aspects
Supply & Erection of Swimming Pool Cascado lights direct
120/150 watt complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-181 Supply and installation of structure cable as required for CAT-6 m 186.75 302.17 Meter
15-182 PVC shielded cable in already installed Trunking/ conduit/ No 186.75 42,711.75 No
15-183 Channel , inducing Balun for vedio and power facility at both ends No 186.75 976.50 No
15-184 of cable to be provided. Each Each Each 74.70 117.22 Each Each
15-185 The CAT- 6 cable should be 3M complete in all respects Each 74.70 129.38 Each Each
15-186 Provide & connect 14" color TV Monitor equiped with Each Each 74.70 135.45 Each Each
15-187 following charactaristics Each 29.88 108.86 Each
15-188 Microphone & Speaker built in for one way audio VCR Connect Each Each Each 29.88 84.56 Each Each
15-189 for VCR record & play Each Each Each 59.76 108.36 Each Each
15-190 Horizontal resolution 420V linees NTSL/PAL 37.35 256.05 Each Each
15-191 Free voltage (90-260VAC, 50/60Hz) Approved 14.94 39.24
15-192 UL,CE,CSA,DHHA Computer Networks 37.35 134.55
15-193 Supply, installation, connecting, testing, and comissioning of 0.00 36.45
15-194 duplex computer outlet with RJ series 37.35 547.65
15-195 Acrylic boxes for 4"x4" Switchboard Complete with all aspects 29.88 90.63
15-196 Acrylic boxes for 7"x4" Switchboard Complete with all aspects 29.88 103.27
Acrylic boxes for 8"x10" Switchboard Complete with all aspects
Supply & Erection of Acrylic or bakolite sheet 7 40 , 4x4
Supply & Erection of bakolite sheet 4 x 2
Supply & Erection of PVC board 7" x 4" with all aspects
Supply & Erection ofExtention Board complete in all aspects
Supply & Erection of glow starter Supply & Erection of Brass bulb
holder Supply & Erection of Insulation tape
Supply & Erection of Volt meter (heavy duty) Supply & Erection
of Capacitor 3.5 for ceiling fan Supply & Erection of TV Cable

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-197 Supply & Erection of Remote Cell Each Each 29.88 248.58 Each Each
15-198 Supply & Erection of Ding Dong call bell best quality Each No No No 29.88 880.38 Each No No
15-199 Supply & Erection of Starter for Motor pump Supply & No No No Each 29.88 7,319.88 No No No No
15-200-a Installation of ASD strater for 10-20 HP Supply & Installation of Each m m 37.35 3,074.85 Each
15-200-b ASD strater for 21-30 HP Supply & Installation of ASD strater for No No No No 37.35 4,897.35 Each Meter
15-200-c 31-40 HP Supply & Installation of DOL strater for 10-20 HP No 37.35 6,112.35 Meter
15-201-a Supply & Installation of DOL strater for 21-30 HP Supply & No 37.35 3,074.85 No No No No
15-201-b Installation of DOL strater for 31-40 HP No 37.35 4,897.35 No
15-201-c S/Fixing 3-core flexible Copper cable for submersible electric No 37.35 6,112.35 No
15-202-a motor 10mm. 37.35 1,283.79 No
15-202-b S/Fixing 3-core flexible Copper cable for submersible electric 37.35 1,550.15 No
15-202-c motor 16mm. 37.35 2,467.35
15-202-d S/Fixing 4-core flexible Aluminium cable for service of 37.35 4,289.85
15-203 transformer to main board (19/64) S/Fixing 4-core flexible 29.88 2,459.88
15-204-a Aluminium cable for 29.88 3,674.88
15-204-b service of transformer to main board (19/83) 29.88 7,319.88
15-204-c S/Fixing protector magnet coil in strater S/Fixing strater overload 29.88 10,964.88
15-205-a relay 10-30 Amp S/Fixing strater overload relay 31-60 Amp 1,494.00 13,644.00
15-205-b S/Fixing strater overload relay 61-100 Amp 1,494.00 11,214.00
15-205-c Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site 1,494.00 10,606.50
15-205-d to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100- 1,494.00 7,569.00
KVA Trasformer
Repair of Transformer' LT coil i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA
Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA
Repair of Transformer' LT bush i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-206-a Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site No 1,494.00 11,214.00 No
15-206-b to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1,494.00 10,606.50 No
15-206-c Trasformer No 1,494.00 9,391.50 No
15-206-d Repair of Transformer' LT Coil i/c of carriage from site to No 1,494.00 8,784.00 No
15-206-e workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1,494.00 7,569.00 No
15-207-a Trasformer No 1,494.00 9,999.00 No
15-207-b Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to No 1,494.00 9,756.00 No
15-207-c workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1,494.00 9,391.50 No
15-207-d Trasformer No 1,494.00 8,784.00 No
15-207-e Repair of Transformer' LT Bush i/c of carriage from site to No 1,494.00 7,569.00 No
15-208 workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 747.00 4,392.00 No
15-209 Trasformer No No No No 747.00 2,569.50 No No No No
15-210 Repair of Transformer body i/c of carriage from site to workshop 93.38 1,004.63
15-211 & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA Trasformer 93.38 1,004.63
15-212 Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site 373.50 4,018.50
to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA
Repair of Transformer' LT Coil i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA
Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA
Repair of Transformer' LT bush i/c of carriage from site to
workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA
Repair of Transformer body i/c of carriage from site to workshop
& back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA Trasformer
S/Fixing voltage Regulator plate (Selector) complete in all respect
Rweinding of Voltage Regulator Coil stablizer coil Furnish &
Install of Volt: meter upt to 500 volt.
Furnish & Install of AMP meter up to 100 Amps S/Fixing of
control circuit for automatic stabilizer

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
15-213-a S/Fixing trust bearing for i/c disk of 10-25 Hp Submersible moter No No No No 373.50 1,588.50 No No No
15-213-b S/Fixing trust bearing for i/c disk of 30-50 Hp Submersible moter No No 747.00 2,569.50 No No No
15-214-a Furnish & Install of tapper bearing for motor (V.H.S) of 10-25 HP Per Ltr No 373.50 1,588.50 Per Ltr No
15-214-b Furnish & Install of tapper bearing for 30-50 HP motor (V.H.S) No No No No 747.00 2,569.50 No No No
15-215-a Furnish & Install of Ball bearing for 10-25 HP motor (V.H.S) No No No 373.50 1,588.50 No No No
15-215-b Furnish & Install of ball bearing for 30-50 HP motor (V.H.S) Each Each 747.00 2,569.50 no
15-216 Supply and Filling of Transformer Oil. Each 11.65 376.15 each each
15-217 Supply and Fixing of Voltage Regulator 30 KVA Supply and 1,494.00 183,744.00 Each
15-218 Fixing of Voltage Regulator 50 KVA Pump with motor for 1,494.00 347,769.00
15-219-a pressure pump (0.5 HP) Pump with motor for pressure pump (1 747.00 6,822.00
15-219-b HP) Pump with motor for pressure pump (1.5 HP) Pump with 747.00 8,037.00
15-219-c motor for pressure pump (2 HP) Supply and fixxing of 50 Litres 747.00 10,467.00
15-219-d Electric Geyser 747.00 12,897.00
15-220 Supply and fixxing of 40-50 Litres Electric Geyser including all 373.50 30,748.50
15-220-a accessories and fittings 311.25 30,686.25
15-220-b Supply and fixxing of 15-25 Litres Electric Geyser including all 311.25 24,611.25
15-220-c accessories and fittings 311.25 18,536.25
15-221 Supply and fixxing of 8-14 Litres Electric Geyser including all 89.64 271.89
accessories and fittings
Supply & Erection of element for electric water heater

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-01 Providing and Laying sub-base course of brick on edge 4.5" thick 100 Cft 2,365.50 18,629.49 m3 m3
16-02 Providing and Laying sub-base course of brick aggregate, 100 Cft 809.25 3,692.84 m3 m3 m3
16-03 including compaction to required camber, grade & density 100 Cft 827.54 5,535.90 m3 m3 m
16-04-a Graded Crushed Aggregate Crack-Relief Layer Granular Sub Base 100 Cft 1,213.88 4,215.71 Each m2
16-04-b Course using Pit Run Gravel 100 Cft 728.33 6,201.47 m2 m2 m2 m2
16-05-a Granular Sub Base Using Crushed Stone Aggregate 100 Cft 1,820.81 8,033.63 m2 m2
16-05-b Aggregate Base Course 100 Cft 728.33 7,220.30 m2
16-06 Water Bound Macadam Base Course 100 Rft Each 1,556.25 6,255.04 m3 m2
16-07 Providing and Laying road edging of 3" wide & 9" deep brick on 100SFT 262.76 6,244.99 m2 m2
16-08 end, complete 100 Sft 1,058.25 42,127.70
16-09-a Reflective Mirrors at Sharp Curves (900 mm dia) with post 100 Sft 161.85 1,814.93
16-09-b Complete in all respects 100 Sft 161.85 530.04
16-10-a Providing and Fixing Reflective Sheet Hi-intensity Grade 100 Sft 19.10 2,604.00
16-10-b Including Foundation and steel Post complete in all respect 100 Sft 19.10 3,716.45
16-10-c Bitumenous Prime Coat Bitumenous Tack Coat 100 Sft 19.10 4,870.52
16-11-a Single bitumenous Surface Treatment Double bitumenous Surface 100 Sft 70.34 1,360.83
16-11-b Treatment Triple bitumenous Surface Treatment 1000 Cft 120.99 1,289.81
16-12 Resurfacing of road complete with per 100sft : 22 Ibs. bitumen, 100 Sft 61.10 5,986.72
16-13-a 2.5"cft bajri/crush aggregate Resurfacing of road complete with 100 Sft 467.50 4,074.60
16-13-b per 100sft : 20 100 Sft 669.81 5,918.72
16-13-c Ibs. bitumen, 2 cft bajri/crush aggregate 872.12 7,829.55
Scarification Of Existing Road Pavement Structure
Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 1" Thick
Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 1.5" Thick
Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 2" Thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-14-a Asphaltic Base Course (Asphalt Batch Plant Hot Mixed) i/c 100 Cft 1,004.78 48,145.88 m3
16-14-b Transportation and Finishing complete 100 Cft 1,004.78 54,668.96 m3
16-15 Asphaltic Wearing Course (Asphalt Batch Plant Hot Mixed) i/c 100 Rft 25,140.40 89,049.41 m m/3row
16-16 Transportation and Finishing complete 100 13,496.42 104,816.03 Each
16-17-a Providing 3 feet high RCC railing (as per the drawing in Rft/3row Each 2,400.24 4,495.39 Each each m2
16-17-b specifications) on bridges Each Each 100 623.18 1,083.88 m2
16-17-c Providing and fixing GI pipe railing (3 feet high) P&E at site : Sft 518.98 1,789.60 m2
16-18-a RCC km stone 100 Sft 18,951.70 110,686.20 m2
16-18-b P&E at site : RCC 1/10th km stone. P&E at site : RCC boundry 100 Sft 11,249.07 93,028.55 Each Each
16-19-a pillar. 100 Sft 27,583.80 167,828.16 Each Each
16-19-b Road signs (not exceeding 1 m2) without reflection sheet & Each Each Each 22,873.91 143,917.39 Each
16-20-a lettering : Supply and Fixing at site with PCC 1:3:6 upto max 3' Each Each 657.90 12,106.11
16-20-b depth 21.82 12,162.79
16-20-c Road signs (not exceeding 1 m2) without reflection sheet & 1,818.70 27,918.06
16-20-d lettering : Supply to the C&W store/site of work 398.77 48,368.14
16-21-a Road sign (any size) double pedestal 4"x2"x0.25" 11' long without 6,816.38 208,217.48
reflection sheet & lettering: Supply and Fixing at site with PCC
1:3:6 max 3' depth
Road sign (any size) double pedestal 4"x2"x0.25" 11' long without
reflection sheet & lettering: Supply to the C&W store/site of work
Traffic Road Sign Cat 1
Traffic Road Signs Category 2, Size 900 mm Traffic Road Signs
Category 3a
Traffic Road Signs Category 3b
Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Single Carriageway

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-21-b Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Dual Carriageway Each Each 7,747.01 455,542.41 Each Each
16-21-c Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Six Lane Each 8,528.25 656,886.94 Per Each
16-21-d Carriageway 100 Sft 6,162.75 139,306.91 m2
16-22-a Providing and Fixing gantry of structural steel sections as per 100 Sft 1,966.33 65,389.34 m2
16-22-b design / drawings including foundation complete 100 Sft 1,966.33 41,575.34 m2
16-22-c Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc Each Each 1,966.33 26,023.33 Each Each
16-23 including lettering : Diamond grade Each 283.24 586.99 Each
16-24 Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc Each 283.24 691.48 Each
16-25-a-01 including lettering : High intensity grade Each 72.83 612.29 Each
16-25-a-02 Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc Each 72.83 629.30 Each
16-25-b-01 including lettering : Engineering grade Each 72.83 511.45 Each
16-25-b-02 Delineator Bi-directional (Diamond sheet) Plastic 3M Bi Direction Each 72.83 522.38 Each
16-25-c-01 Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Large, Each 72.83 357.14 Each
16-25-c-02 strip 146x30mm, 171 beads: Uni-direction 72.83 364.43
16-25-c-03 Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Large, 72.83 629.30
strip 146x30mm, 171 beads:
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs
Medium, strip 114x18mm, 74 beads: Uni-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs
Medium, strip 114x18mm, 74 beads: Bi-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Small,
strip 75x14mm, 43 beads:
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Small,
strip 75x14mm, 43 beads:
Supply & Fixing of high Quality) 360 d Glass Road studs ( 4"
Dia ) Including fixing at site in all respect

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-25-c-04 Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - Each Each 35.07 521.07 Each Each
16-25-c-05 Single) Each Each 35.07 551.45 Each Each
16-25-c-06 Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - Each Each 35.07 490.70 Each Each
16-25-c-07 Double) Each Each 35.07 521.07 Each Each m3
16-25-c-08 Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type - 100 Cft 35.07 399.57 m2 m3 m
16-25-c-09 Single) 100 Sft 35.07 429.95 mm
16-25-c-10 Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type - 100 Cft 35.07 369.20 m
16-25-c-11 Double) 100 Rft 35.07 429.95 mm
16-26 Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - Single) 100 Rft 3,638.51 20,999.04 mm
16-27 Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - 100 Rft 70.03 3,328.42 mm
16-28 Double) 100 Rft 1,618.50 4,134.22
16-29-a-i Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type - 100 Rft 4,188.47 61,703.14
16-29-a-ii 16-29- Single) 100 Rft 4,460.21 70,191.19
a-iii Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type - 100 Rft 23,899.64 90,978.55
16-29-b-i Double) 100 Rft 29,882.78 123,523.36
16-29-b-ii 16-29- Providing and Laying dry brick pavement/soling in streets etc 100 Rft 3,791.21 124,827.45
c-i including prep, water, compaction & sand cushion 100 Rft 35,860.33 182,987.61
16-29-c-ii 16-29- Provide and Lay Polythene Sheet under Rigid Pavement 3,863.24 181,835.20
d-i Supply & spreading 1"-1.5" guage shingle on road surface 41,832.50 314,275.22
16-29-d-ii 16-29- including compaction 3,947.40 311,888.13
e-i R.C.C. Pipe Culvert AASHTO M 170 Dia 310 mm 47,810.91 320,248.34
R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 380 Mm
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 460mm
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 610mm
R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 610 mm.
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 760mm
R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 760 mm
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 910mm
R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 910 mm
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia:

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-29-e-ii 16-29- R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 1070 mm 100 Rft 6,097.74 319,705.06 mm
f-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 100 Rft 53,796.70 368,138.41 mm
16-29-f-ii 16-29- 1220mm 100 Rft 5,567.04 365,357.88 m m3 m3
g-i R.C.C. Pipe Culvert AASHTO M 170 Dia 1220 mm 100 Rft 59,766.51 879,518.56 m
16-29-g-ii 16-30 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 100 Rft 5,743.19 876,611.06 m
16-31 1520mm 100 Cft 756.16 4,559.56 Job Job
16-32-a R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 1520 mm 100 Cft 5,532.91 29,911.09 Job Job Job
16-32-b Granular Material in Bed to RCC Pipe Culvert 100 Rft 102,090.00 309,855.00 Each Job
16-33 Concrete Class B in Bedding and Encasement of Concrete Pipe 100 Rft 102,090.00 284,340.00
16-34-a Culvert Job Job 3,439.31 127,060.81
16-34-b Confirmatory Boring including SPT's, samples, lab test bore-hole Job Job Job 0.00 566,461.69
16-34-c logs & Report : Alluvial Soils Each Job. 0.00 597,444.19
16-34-d Confirmatory Boring including SPT's, samples, lab test, bore-hole 0.00 628,426.69
16-34-e logs, report : in Gravelly Soil 0.00 649,081.69
16-34-f Pile Load Test Upto 120 Ton 0.00 667,306.69
Pile Load Testing : Max Load up to 121-240 tonne 0.00 224,775.00
Pile Load Testing : Max Load 241 - 300 tonne Pile Load Testing :
Max Load 301 - 360 tonne Pile Load Testing : Max Load 361 -
600 tonne Pile Load Test Upto 601-900 Ton
Pile Load test using hydraulic Jack system (601-900) Tonne (Only
Kentlage Load test charges)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-34-g Pile load test: (Pre high Strain Dynamic load test as per ASTM D Job. 0.00 679,456.69 Job
16-35-a 4945-08 including field data analysis results with report etc 100 Rft 0.00 207,765.00 mmmmmm
16-35-b complete Max Load 1100 tons 100 Rft 0.00 185,895.00 kg cm3 kg m
16-35-c Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia up to 100 Cft 0.00 206,550.00 Set m Each m
16-36-a 760mm 100 Rft 0.00 182,250.00 mm
16-36-c Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia 761 - 100 Rft 102,090.00 287,985.00 Each
16-36-d 1220 mm 100 Rft 102,090.00 309,855.00
16-37 Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia 1221 - 100 Kg 2,172.63 20,397.63
16-38-a 2000 mm Cubic Inch 100 1.21 66.82
16-38-b Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Gravelly Soils : Dia up to Kg 2,790.14 22,351.64
16-39 660mm 100 Rft 1,081.51 9,100.51
16-40 Boring with temporary casing in gravely subsoil for 760-1220 mm Set Ft Each 177.41 967.16
16-41 diameter pile. 100Rft 100Rft 694.62 820.62
16-42 Boring with temporary casing in any type of Rock (till appropriate 100Rft 1,064.47 1,469.07
16-43-a degree of socket & RQD value not less than 90%) for 720-1220 Each 1,479.96 34,632.71
16-43-b mm diameter pile. 1,479.96 43,282.30
16-43-c Supply fabricate & install welded MS lining in piles of thickness as 1,479.96 45,642.43
16-43-d per specs/drwg 202.31 492.91
Supply and Fixing Neoprene Bearing Pad as per specs & design
Supply and Fixing Steel Bearing Pads as per specs & design
Supply and Fixing spirally wound sheath of 50mm dia. For pre-
stressing of cables in precast conc.
Supply and Fixing stressing anchorages for high tensile steel wire
cables in precast girders Launching girders in place, including
lifting &
handling if any
Stressing Cable of High Tensile Steel Wire Strands
Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 1/2" dia
Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 3/4" dia
Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 1" dia
Providing and fixing GI Steel U Grips 1.5" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-43-e Providing and fixing GI Steel U Grips 1" dia Providing and fixing Each Each Each 202.31 471.77 Each Each
16-43-f GI Steel U Grips 3/4" dia Each Each 202.31 492.91 Each
16-43-g Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1.5" dia Each 202.31 1,726.14 Each Each
16-43-h Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1" dia Each Each 100 202.31 1,726.14 Each
16-43-i Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 3/4" dia Rft 202.31 1,726.14 Each Each m
16-43-j Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1/2" dia 1000 Cft 202.31 1,726.14 m3 Ton Ton
16-44 Coupling machine for ropes Saddle plate for ropes Ton Ton 100 809.25 1,948.31 m3 m
16-45 Inject Cement Grout in Sheath Pipe after stressing Cft 809.25 1,568.63 Each Each
16-46 Cement Stabilized Sub base 100 Rft 1,150.78 1,674.16 Each Each
16-47 Liquid Asphalt For Curing Seal, Type Mc-250 Emulsified Asphalt Each Each Each 105.77 35,960.24 Each kg Each
16-48 For Curing Seal, Type SS-1 Cement Stabilized Base Each Each 100 269.72 110,967.68 Each
16-49 Repair to cracks to reinforced or plain cement concrete work by Kg 269.72 88,125.68
16-50 grouting with cement gun in (1:2) cement sand mortar including Each Each 824.95 28,330.94
16-51 cutting the chase of required size 3,314.81 4,605.75
16-52-a Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 2 m in length 132.28 1,701.77
16-52-b including fixing and stregthening etc. 132.28 2,419.82
16-52-c Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 3 m in length 132.28 3,160.51
16-52-d including fixing and stregthening etc. 132.28 3,901.22
16-53 Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 4 m in length 551.04 726.03
16-54 including fixing and stregthening etc. 4,419.75 22,917.38
16-55 Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 5 m in length 214.76 523.37
16-56 including fixing and stregthening etc. 115.16 186.97
Cut off projecting wire ends of cables & make good anchorage
recess with 1:2:4 cem. conc. Supply and place in position MS
expansion joint
assemblies as specified & as per drawing
Supply and place in position galvanised steel 3" dia drain scuppers
in deck slab as per specs/drwg Providing and Fixing rain water
outlet of AC pipe

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-57 Supply and Fixing polystrene fill in expansion joints & under 100 Cft 5,886.24 9,774.24 m3 m
16-58 diaphragms at transoms. 100 Rft 112.05 17,729.55 m2 m2 m2
16-59-a Providing and Laying expansion joint of neoprene strip 4"x1/4" 1000 Sft 200.45 22,063.83 m2 m2 m2
16-59-b and plastic bitumen 1000 Sft 200.45 19,523.26 m2
16-60 Deep Patching (0-15 Cm) Deep Patching (15-30 Cm) 100 Sft 1,132.95 5,840.29 m2
16-61-a Providing and Laying 1" thick(consolidated) asphalt macadam 1000 Sft 31.32 326.02 m m3 m3
16-61-b with liquid asphalt (cut backs) of any approved grade with 1000 Sft 12.54 121.19 m2 m2 m2 m2
16-62 premixed sand seal coat, as specified. 100 Sft 1,294.80 8,907.82
16-63 CUT-BACK ASPHALT FOR BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT 100 Sft 1,780.35 12,630.57
16-65 Providing and Laying 2" thick (consolidated) asphalt macadam 10 Rft 112.05 2,913.84
16-66 with liquid asphalt(cut backs) of approved grade with precoated 100 Cft 1,890.91 5,173.22
16-67 bajri seal coat as specified. 1000 Cft 2,700.16 27,822.71
16-68-a Providing and Laying 3" thick (consolidated) asphalt macadam 100 Sft 48.56 665.20
16-68-b with liquid asphalt(cut backs) of approved grade with precoated 100 Sft 32.37 513.02
16-68-c bajri seal coat as specified. 100 Sft 40.46 521.12
16-69 Surface dressing with bitumen 80/100 or any other approved grade 100 Sft 324.95 1,603.86
on a primary coat of liquid asphalt (cut backs) of any approved
grade primer at 22lbs&bituman at 35lbs with 5cft of 1/2 standard
size bajri per %sft of road surface complete with rolling.
Providing and Laying PVC pipe (b) 8" dia in foot path of bridge
for utilities.
Providing and filling sand behind abutment of bridges, culverts.
Formation of shoulder with permeable material Passing less than 7
% from 200 seive and P.I less than 4 as specified.
Cold Milling of asphalt concrete 0-30 mm Cold Milling of asphalt
concrete 31-50 mm Cold Milling of asphalt concrete 51-70 mm
Seal Coat / Pad Coat

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-70 Providing and Laying Asphalt concrete in pot holes/ deep patching 100 Cft 5,166.75 43,826.58 m3
16-71 upto 30 cm including ramming completel 100 Sft 516.67 516.67 m2 m2
16-72 Grooving in existing BT road of size 4x4 cm @ 2 meter c/c. 100 Sft 1,500.22 2,101.35 m
16-73-a Leveling dressing and compaction with power roller of existing 100 Rft 3,112.50 18,479.09 m
16-73-b base coarse layer after asphalt scarification. 100 Rft 3,112.50 20,301.59 m
16-73-c Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x18"x6") in cement sand 100 Rft 3,112.50 14,226.59 m3 Cumec m
16-74-a mortar 1:3 in center media or round about as specified. 100 Cft Cusec 17.74 108.87 mmmmmm
16-74-b Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x14"x6") in cement sand 100 Rft 17.74 199.99 m
16-75-a mortar 1:3 in center media or round about as specified. 100 Rft 445.09 3,209.21 Each m3
16-75-b Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x12"x6") in cement sand 100 Rft 593.18 4,297.11
16-75-c mortar 1:3 in center media or round about as specified. 100 Rft 445.09 3,057.34
16-75-d Bailing out standing water by Mechanical mean. Bailing out 100 Rft 593.42 4,093.84
16-76-a running water by Mechanical mean. 100 Rft 445.09 1,386.71
16-76-b Pavement marking in reflective thermoplast paint with glass beads 100 Rft 593.18 1,854.96
16-77-a for line 15 cm width. 100 Rft 445.09 1,265.21
16-77-b Pavement marking in reflective thermoplast paint with glass beads 100 Each 593.18 1,692.15
16-78 for line 20 cm width. 100 Cft 4,046.25 49,290.80
16-79 Pavement marking in non-reflective thermoplast paint for line 15 1,587.38 7,167.26
cm width.
Pavement marking in non-reflective thermoplast paint for line 20
cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint with glass
beads for line 15 cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint with glass
beads for line 20 cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint for line 15
cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint for line 20
cm width.
Right of Way Marker
Providing & laying stone soling in water logged area including
granular filling & compaction complete.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-80 P/L 1" thick Gravel flat stone slabs in pavement with earth filling 100Cft 6,100.50 12,330.41 m3
16-81 in voids Per Cut 100 119.52 327.94 Per Cut m3
16-82 Saw Cutting of Asphaltic Layers Cft 879.09 50,373.31 Each
16-83-a Leveling wearing course on existing surface of road. Each 177.41 14,028.41 Each
16-83-b Jack Anchorage For 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Each 140.75 11,221.55 Each
16-83-c Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete) Each 88.71 8,593.71 Each
16-83-d Jack Anchorage For 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Each 110.94 9,587.94 Each
16-83-e Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete) Each 66.59 6,141.59 Each
16-83-f Jack Anchorage For 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Each 51.80 5,519.30 Each
16-83-g Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete) Each 29.57 3,917.57 mmmmm
16-84-a Jack Anchorage For 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Rft Rft Rft 10.76 101.89
16-84-b Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete) Rft Rft 8.40 87.37
16-84-c Jack Anchorage For 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising 6.62 49.15
16-84-d Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete) 5.32 44.20
16-84-e Jack Anchorage For 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising 4.49 40.94
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Un-galvanized Sheath for 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Un-galvanized Sheath for 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Un-galvanized Sheath for 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Un-galvanized Sheath for 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Un-galvanized Sheath for 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-84-f Un-galvanized Sheath for 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft Rft Each 3.08 38.31 mm
16-84-g Un-galvanized Sheath for upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Each Each 1.77 33.36 Each Each
16-84-h Stressing and Grouting for Cables above 24/0.5" (Single End Tonne 961.76 5,092.76 Each ton
16-84-i Stressing). tonne 672.30 3,564.00 ton
16-84-j Stressing and Grouting for Cables ranging from 13/0.5" to 24/.05" Tonne 463.76 2,632.54 ton
16-85-a (Single End Stressing). Rft Rft Rft 0.00 193,185.00 mmmmmm
16-85-b Stressing and Grouting for Cable below 13/0.5" (Single End Rft Rft Rft 0.00 191,970.00 mmm
16-85-c Stressing). Rft 0.00 145,800.00
16-86-a Supply of High Tensile Pre-stressed concrete steel wire strand 8 Rft 10.76 275.63
16-86-b Grade 270K 0.5" dia. Packed in standard reeless/weldless coils of 8 Rft 8.40 263.55
16-86-c two 2000 kgs approximately binded and wraped in Hessian Cloth. 6.62 233.83
16-86-d Supply of P.C Steel wire Dia 4 mm and 5 mm. Packed in reeless 5.32 185.14
16-86-e coils of 600 kgs to 800kgs properly binded. 4.49 167.30
16-86-f Supply of P.C Steel wire Dia 4 mm and 5 mm. Packed in reeless 3.08 157.38
16-86-g coils of 600 kgs to 800kgs properly binded. 1.77 138.10
16-87-a Galvanized Sheath for 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable 3,252.56 26,651.90
16-87-b Galvanized Sheath for 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable 3,252.56 20,882.52
Galvanized Sheath for 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Galvanized Sheath for 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Galvanized Sheath for 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Galvanized Sheath for 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Galvanized Sheath for upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable
Precast Reinfored Concrete Kerb New Jersy Barrier for Median
(Double Face)
Precast Reinforced Concrete Kerb New Jersy Barrier for Bridge
(Single Face)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
16-88-a Metal Guard Rail Rft Each Each 49.99 952.00 m Each Each
16-88-b Metal Guard Rail End Pieces Steel Post of Metal Guard Rail Cft 63.49 3,331.84 m3
16-88-c Concrete Beam Guardrail (including reinforcement) Cft 100 Cft 161.85 5,070.82 m3 m3
16-89-a Concrete Post For Guardrail (Incl. Reinforcement) 100 Sft 173.01 1,115.50 m2
16-89-b Sand Asphalt (Plant Mixed) layer for sealing cracked road surface 173.01 1,107.20
16-90-a (Asphalt content 6.3%) having average thickness 1.25 cm 1,004.15 62,558.19
16-90-b Sand Asphalt (Plant Mixed) layer for sealing cracked road surface 41.16 2,565.97
(Asphalt content 6.3%) having average thickness 1.25 cm

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
17-01-a Formation, dressing and preparing sub-grade in bed 100 Sft 712.14 712.14 m2
17-01-b Formation, dressing and preparing sub-grade on slope 100 Sft 971.10 971.10 m2 m2 m2 m2
17-02 Stabilized layer of cement, sand mortar 1:30 2" thick on slope 100 Sft 1,892.40 2,778.14 m2 m2
17-03-a 1/2" thick plaster of cement, sand motar 1:10 in bed 100 Sft 1,365.52 1,743.14 m2 m2 m2
17-03-b 1/2" thick plaster of cement, sand motar 1:10 On slope 100 Sft 1,730.55 2,108.17 m2
17-04-a 1«" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:6 in bed 100 Sft 1,730.55 3,320.50 m2
17-04-b 1" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:6 On slope 100 Sft 2,191.20 3,781.15 m2
17-05-a 3/8" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:3 in bed 100 Sft 971.10 1,584.43 m2
17-05-b 3/8" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:3 On slope 100 Sft 2,163.19 2,776.52
17-06-a Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:6 over a layer of 100 Sft 8,388.19 25,590.52
17-06-b 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (in bed) 100 Sft 9,570.94 26,773.27
17-07-a Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:6 over a layer of 100 Sft 8,388.19 27,460.65
17-07-b 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (On slope) 100 Sft 9,570.94 28,643.40
17-08-a Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:3 over a layer of 100 Sft 8,388.19 27,321.90
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (in bed)
Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:3 over a layer of
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (On slope)
Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class) in c/s mort. 1:6 ove a
layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (in bed)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
17-08-b Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:6 over a 100 Sft 9,570.94 28,504.65 m2
17-09-a layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (On slope) 100 Sft 8,388.19 29,192.03 m2
17-09-b Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:3 over a 100 Sft 9,570.94 30,374.78 m2
17-10-a-01 layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (in bed) 100 Cft 6,754.13 24,892.38 m3
17-10-a-02 Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:3 over a 100 Cft 6,754.13 21,567.40 m3
17-10-a-03 layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (On slope) 100 Cft 6,754.13 18,717.02 m3
17-10-b-01 4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed 100 Cft 7,936.88 26,075.13 m3
17-10-b-02 stone aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:2:4 100 Cft 7,936.88 22,750.15 m3
17-10-b-03 4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed 100 Cft 7,936.88 19,899.77 m3
17-11-a stone aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:3:6 Rft 77.19 290.36 m
17-11-b 4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed Rft 88.71 334.34 m
stone aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:4:8
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed
stone aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:2:4
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed
stone aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:3:6
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed
stone aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:4:8
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, including lowering in water channels to
correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where necessary,
complete in all respects:- Top width- 14" (360mm) & Total Depth-
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, including lowering in water channels to
correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where
necessary,excluding carriage, complete in all respects:- Top width-
18" (457mm) & Total Depth- 12"(305mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
17-11-c Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with Rft 100.22 395.48 m
17-11-d cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, including lowering in water channels to Rft 123.25 503.49 m
17-11-e correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where necessary, Rft 146.29 549.00 m
17-11-f etc. complete in all respects:- Top width- 24" (600mm) & Total Rft 184.88 706.79 m
Depth- 14"(360mm)
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3,including lowering in water channels to
correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where necessary,
etc. complete in all respects:- Top width- 25.5" (640mm) & Total
Depth- 18"(460mm)
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, excluding carriage, lowering in water
channels to correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where
necessary, etc. complete in all respects:- Top width- 27" (675mm)
& Total Depth- 19"(480mm)
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, excluding carriage, lowering in water
channels to correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where
necessary, etc. complete in all respects:- Top width- 30" (760mm)
& Total Depth- 21"(525mm)
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
505.78 505.78 1.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
285.78 285.78 2.1, 2.2 ,
809.25 809.25 2.3.5
647.40 647.40 2.1, 2.2 ,
809.25 809.25 2.3.2
77.69 77.69 2.1, 2.2 ,
121.39 121.39 2.3.2
388.44 388.44 2.1, 2.2 ,
48.56 48.56 2.3.1
24.28 24.28 2.1, 2.2 ,
1,618.50 1,618.50 2.3.1
809.25 809.25 2.1, 2.2 ,
202.31 202.31 2.3.18
739.98 739.98 2.1, 2.2 ,
323.70 323.70 2.3.12
84.59 84.59 2.1, 2.2 ,
109.74 109.74 2.3.18
0.00 45.56 2.1, 2.2 ,
178.04 178.04 2.3.18
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 , Except cement in Jute or paper bags
2.3.18 DELETED
2.1, 2.2 , The rate include checking and weighing the tins
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
46.13 46.13 2.1, 2.2 , DELETED
288.09 288.09 2.3.14 DELETED
407.86 407.86 2.1, 2.2 ,
809.25 809.25 2.3.10
0.00 180.73 2.1, 2.2 ,
114.31 114.31 2.3.10
863.47 863.47 2.1, 2.2 ,
517.92 517.92 2.3.14
308.32 308.32 2.1, 2.2 ,
143.88 143.88 2.3.14
1,726.37 1,726.37 2.1, 2.2 ,
323.70 323.70 2.3.5
184.99 184.99 2.1, 2.2 ,
1,294.80 1,294.80 2.3.5
616.57 616.57 2.1, 2.2 ,
647.40 647.40 2.3.10
340.78 340.78 2.1, 2.2 ,
2,589.60 2,589.60 2.3.10
1,294.80 1,294.80 2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1, 2.2 ,
2.1 , 2.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
194.22 194.22 2.1, 2.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
107.17 107.17 , 3.4.2
128.60 128.60
157.75 157.75 , 3.4.2
0.00 86.46 , 3.4.2
0.00 151.35 3.9.5
0.00 461.34 3.9.5
0.00 245.99 3.9.5
0.00 156.37 3.9.5
0.00 137.64 3.9.5
0.00 482.36 3.9.5
0.00 420.91 3.9.5
0.00 317.80 3.9.5
160.04 160.04 3.7
172.61 172.61 3.7
0.00 215.38
0.00 259.97
0.00 371.74
61.33 402.90 3.3.1 , 3.3.2

The rate is aplicable where the earth of the bed

to be removed is of the type of ordinary
soil.When it is silt or soft soil, it will be paid per
item No 03-01-a, 03-01-b or
03-02 above, whichever is applicable. The XEN
will specify drains of each categor
The rate includes hire charges of machinery,
cost of fuel, lubricants, pay of driver and
cleaner. The rate also includes clearing and
grubbing where necessary.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
61.33 371.08 3.3.1 , 3.3.2
61.33 339.25 3.3.1 , 3.3.2
142.89 142.89 3.15
291.28 291.28 3.15
216.80 1,003.11 3.15
0.00 236.41 3.2.4,
0.00 290.70 3.2.8 ,
0.00 326.39
0.00 375.09 3.2.4,
0.00 236.42 3.2.8 ,
0.00 290.70
0.00 323.60 3.2.4,
0.00 356.50 3.2.8 ,
3.2.8 ,
3.2.8 ,
3.2.4 ,
3.2.8 ,
3.2.8 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
0.00 225.99 3.2
0.00 301.27 3.2
0.00 376.64 3.2
228.63 228.63 3.2 , 3.6
274.35 274.35 3.2 , 3.6
322.94 322.94 3.2 , 3.6
600.15 600.15 3.2 , 3.6
732.05 732.05 3.2.4 , 3.13
855.79 887.33 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 473.45 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 541.67 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 589.72 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 621.84 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 656.13 3.2.4 , 3.13
0.00 692.79 3.2.4 , 3.13
602.42 602.42 3.2.4 , 3.13
753.02 753.02 3.2.4 , 3.13

Tools and plants shall be the liability of the

a) Tools and plants required shall be the
liabilities of the contractor.
b) Reduce the rate by 8 % if the excavated
section is not dressed or levelled to design
a) Tools and plants required shall be the
liabilities of the contractor.
b) Reduce the rate by 8 % if the excavated
section is not dressed or levelled to design

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
941.27 941.27 3.2.4 , 3.13
1,082.46 1,082.46 3.2.4 , 3.13
1,190.70 1,190.70 3.2.4 , 3.13
1,309.78 1,309.78 3.2.4 , 3.13
71.45 71.45 3.2 , 3.13
100.02 100.02 3.2 , 3.13
285.78 285.78 3.2 , 3.13
85.51 85.51 3.10 , 3.2.5
500.12 2,407.11 3.2.5
835.37 1,076.08 3.2.5
85.74 85.74 3.10 , 3.2.5
4.86 4.86 1.5
5.66 5.66 1.5
202.91 202.91 1.5
31.44 31.44 1.5
28.58 28.58
20.00 20.00

This rate shall be aplicable upto 250m total

distance, including the lead covered in the item
of earth work.
This rate will be paid in addition to the rate of
earth work, without deducting the lead covered
in the item of earth work
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
9.15 9.15 3.10 This rate is in addition to pavement for dressed
17.72 17.72 3.10 earth work
42.87 42.87 3.10 a) To be paid only when exclusively dressing is
done and no earh work is carried out in
9.29 9.29 3.10 embankment or cutting.
10.52 10.52 3.5 b) The surface area dressed is to be taken for
11.76 11.76 3.1 measurement (ii) The item is aplicable where
46.50 170.20 3.2.2 , 3.2.4 the dressing is done by the contractor other than
64.74 252.95 3.2.2 , 3.2.4 the one who executed the work
83.93 309.92 3.2.2 , 3.2.4 Tools and plants required shall be the liability
91.17 340.56 3.2.2 , 3.2.4 of the contractors.
Composite rate includes material,
1,877.38 2,566.08 3.2.4 , i.e plank, etc
41.77 67.51 The rate does not include hire charges of the
26.75 26.75 3.10.2 Roller to be supplied by the Department or
45.07 45.07 3.10.2 through other agencies.
52.76 52.76 3.10.2
59.50 59.50 3.10.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
67.23 67.23 3.10.2 The rate alslo inlcude hire charges of
42.87 42.87 3.10.2 machinery, cost of fuel, lubricant, pay of driver
57.16 57.16 3.10.2 and cleaner etc
Dag belling for layout of borrow pit, to be done
140.25 274.49 3.9 , 3.3.3 by contractor at their own cost.
105.19 217.52 3.9 , 3.3.3
89.91 180.12 3.9 , 3.3.3
100.02 100.02 3.9.6
228.91 255.16
178.62 178.62
225.41 225.41
257.21 257.21
0.00 252.73
571.57 1,596.09 3.15
556.34 629.26 16.2.6
1,486.81 1,486.81 16.2.6
17.42 82.78 16.2.6
128.60 128.60 16.2.6
200.05 200.05
7,040.02 7,040.02
9,302.88 9,302.88

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
14,834.33 14,834.33 16.2.6 Area ploughed bo be measured
0.90 28.13 For ordinary soil
7,268.06 7,268.06 The rate include a) Removal of top crust of
earth overburden. b) Royalty to the government
8,306.36 8,306.36 or cost to the private owner
39.83 39.83 3.9 a) The rate does not include back filling after
53.10 53.10 3.9 laying of sewer, which is payable seperately b)
40.30 40.30 3.9 If the timbering and shuttering is not actually
53.10 53.10 3.9 done at site, the composite rate may be reduced
171.47 171.47 1.4 , 2.1 by 5 %
263.80 263.80 1.4 , 2.1
15.56 15.56 1.4 , 2.1
79.91 79.91 1.4 , 2.2
85.74 85.74 2.2
200.05 200.05 2.1
128.60 128.60 2.2
116.72 116.72 1
8.09 290.57 3.9.6
10.35 376.13 3.9.6

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
10.72 409.76 3.9.6 The rate does not include back filling after
329.75 647.27 3.9.6 laying of sewer, which is payable seperately.
426.48 846.97 3.9.6 The rate does not include back filling after
laying of pipe line, which is payable separately.
602.35 1,100.07 3.9.6
202.91 202.91
0.00 556.11 3.8
0.00 835.02 3.8
80.93 1,402.92 3.8
95.49 2,571.96 3.8
4.35 4.35
8.71 8.71 1
11.32 11.32 3.1.4
3.37 162.00 3.7
7,534.12 7,534.12 3.7
34.38 34.38 3.15
29.32 133.91 3.15
542.99 542.99 3.2
0.00 199.52 3.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
67.40 67.40 3.7
265.50 648.18 3.7
414.18 1,011.16 3.7
1.85 16.54 3.7
54.22 583.44 3.8
108.44 1,166.89 3.8
325.32 2,844.45 3.8
6.71 20.77 3.10 , 3.3.3
16.18 365.88 3.9.4
117.09 774.14 3.9.4
88.51 684.84 3.9.4
21.43 301.89 3.9.6 , 3.13
267.04 379.74 3.9.6
4.05 264.06 3.9.6
103.75 992.73 3.9.6
647.30 1,932.21 3.9.6 , 3.13
80.93 639.83 3.9.6 , 3.13

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
46.24 417.66 3.9.6 , 3.13
207.42 328.90 3.9.6
101.17 1,101.17 3.9.6
101.17 780.44 3.9.6
64.74 1,451.68 3.10.2
71.93 204.23 3.10.2
122.60 1,596.40 3.10.2
16.18 405.62 3.9.7
145.66 915.87 3.9.7
16.20 628.40 3.9.4
28.58 418.02 3.9.7
3.60 252.91 3.9.4
21.58 907.49 3.9.4
21.43 537.46 3.9.4
14.39 532.86 3.9.4
7.19 654.28 3.9.4
3.60 145.04 3.9.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
17.50 360.22 3.9.4
1.12 45.32
20.15 95.35
13.43 54.66 .4
0.56 30.62 16.2.1
7.14 52.67 16.2.1
7.14 56.09 3.6 , 3.12
10.57 67.79 3.6 , 3.12
10.57 76.37 3.6 , 3.12
14.29 132.88 3.6 , 3.12
3.6 , 3.12

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
7.14 60.22 3.6 , 3.12
28.58 111.56 3.6 , 3.12
0.00 383.38 3.3
0.00 337.13 3.3
285.78 1,571.82 3.3
785.91 1,054.61 3.3
0.00 233.84 3.3 , 3.12.3
0.00 238.48 3.3 , 3.12.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
0.00 488.71 3.3 , 3.12.3
0.00 776.30 3.3 , 3.12.3
0.00 1,185.53 3.3 , 3.12.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
242.92 242.92 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
357.23 357.23 4.1 , 4.4.3 only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
857.35 857.35 4.1 , 4.4.3 respectively.
Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
428.68 428.68 4.1 only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
929.08 929.08 4.1 , 4.4.3 respectively against item No 04-12, 04-13,
714.46 714.46 4.1 04-14 and 04-15
1,143.14 1,143.14 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
571.57 571.57 4.1 only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
714.46 714.46 4.1 respectively against item No 04-17, 04-19, and
593.55 593.55 4.1 04-20
142.89 142.89 4.1 , 4.4.3
357.23 357.23 4.1 , 4.4
242.92 242.92 4.1 , 4.4
500.12 500.12 4.1 , 4.4
1,214.58 1,214.58 4.1 , 4.4
1,071.69 1,071.69 4.1 , 4.4
285.78 285.78 4.1 , 4.4
571.57 571.57 4.1 , 4.4
785.91 785.91 4.1 , 4.4
3,000.73 3,000.73 4.1 , 4.4
1,571.81 1,571.81 4.1 , 4.4
2,572.06 2,572.06 4.1 , 4.4
3,143.63 3,143.63 4.1 , 4.4
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
857.35 857.35 4.1 , 4.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
130.70 130.70 4.1 , 4.4 only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
5,144.12 5,144.12 4.1 , 4.4 respectively against item No 04-22-a, 04-22-b,
04-26, 04-27 and 04-30
273.90 2,016.08 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
354.98 2,097.15 4.1, 4.4 , only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
52.59 52.59 4.7 respectively against item No 04-31 and 04-32
130.26 130.26 4.1 , 4.4
109.19 109.19 4.1
65.31 65.31 4.1
66.98 66.98 4.1
253.36 253.36 4.1 , 4.4
174.15 174.15 4.1 , 4.4
217.69 217.69 4.1 , 4.4
151.19 151.19 4.1 , 4.4
97.52 97.52 4.1 , 4.4
162.43 162.43 4.1 , 4.4
174.15 174.15 4.1 , 4.4
74.01 74.01 4.1
108.84 108.84 4.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
33.19 33.19 4.1 , 4.4 a) The rate does not include the cost of
46.12 46.12 4.1 excavation and refilling of trench, or the
59.90 59.90 4.1 demoliation of any masonry or brick work.
b) Bends, elbows, sluice valves, etc should not
52.60 52.60 4.1 be paid for extra if
202.31 202.31 4.1 fixed in the length of pipe line that is being
404.63 404.63 4.1 dismantled.
55.19 55.19 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
1,408.15 1,408.15 4.1 only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
151.13 151.13 4.1 respectively against item No 04-35 and 04-36
1,456.71 1,456.71 4.1
663.59 663.59 4.1, 4.4 ,
606.94 606.94 4.7
16.18 16.18 4.1
10,893.75 10,893.75 4.1
7,314.38 7,314.38 4.1
23.09 23.09 4.1
34.83 34.83 4.1
65.31 65.31 4.1
571.57 571.57 4.1
1,142.43 1,142.43 3.9.3
21.77 21.77 3.9.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
65.31 65.31 4.1
247.83 247.83 4.1
971.38 971.38 4.1
500.12 500.12 4.1
89.64 89.64 4.1, 4.4 ,
74.70 74.70 4.7
56.37 56.37 4.1
89.70 89.70 4.1 , 4.4
4.1 , 4.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
1,071.69 6,520.73 5.1
1,071.69 5,514.08 5.1
1,071.69 5,560.17 5.1
1,071.69 5,601.35 5.1
1,071.69 4,551.16 5.1
1,071.69 5,868.96 5.1
1,071.69 4,431.25 5.1
1,071.69 10,668.16 5.2.4
1,071.69 9,318.24 5.2.4
1,071.69 8,360.38 5.2.4
1,071.69 6,943.00 5.2.4
1,071.69 6,346.18 5.2.4
1,071.69 5,824.11 5.2.4
1,071.69 5,500.56 5.2.4
1,071.69 5,161.19 5.2.4
1,071.69 7,484.30 5.2.4
1,071.69 6,350.97 5.2.4
857.35 15,688.21 5.2.2
857.35 13,007.16 5.2.2
857.35 11,221.00 5.2.2
857.35 9,941.43 5.2.2
857.35 8,984.07 5.2.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
857.35 7,642.93 5.2.2
857.35 6,748.50 5.2.2
857.35 6,111.42 5.2.2
857.35 5,631.85 5.2.2
857.35 5,260.53 5.2.2
1,500.37 1,521.82 5.2.1
1,500.37 2,093.89 5.2.1
785.91 1,421.97 5.2
857.35 16,410.08 5.1
857.35 37,242.99 5.2.2
857.35 21,636.63 5.2.2
857.35 37,242.99 5.2.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,283.17 3,190.16 TO BE DELETED
857.35 2,719.05 6.1.4, The stone ballast, crushed bajri, round shingle
1,703.71 6,577.73 6.2.1 , 6.3 from nallah,or brick ballast may be used
according to their comparative cheaper rates in
1,703.71 6,286.50 6.1.4, 6.3 various areas of the province.
1,703.71 5,995.97 , 6.2
1,703.71 5,682.53 6.1.4, 6.3
1,703.71 5,355.68 , 6.2
1,703.71 5,225.48 6.1.4, 6.3
285.78 285.78 , 6.2
400.10 400.10 6.3 , 6.2
1,553.13 11,982.55 6.3 , 6.2
1,553.13 11,911.30 6.1.3, 6.2,
1,553.13 9,822.00 6.3, 6.6,
6.11 , 6.10
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.11 , 6.10
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.11 , 6.10

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,553.13 9,310.21 6.1.3, 6.2,
1,553.13 8,505.98 6.3, 6.6,
1,553.13 8,587.41 6.11 , 6.10
1,553.13 7,623.66 6.1.3, 6.2,
1,553.13 7,229.35 6.3, 6.6,
1,553.13 6,498.08 6.11 , 6.10
1,929.14 12,022.08 6.1.3, 6.2,
3,099.66 13,529.89 6.3, 6.6,
3,099.66 11,369.34 6.11 , 6.10
3,099.66 10,134.75 6.1.3, 6.2,
3,099.66 13,529.89 6.3, 6.6,
3,099.66 11,368.53 6.11 , 6.10
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.11 , 6.10
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.11 , 6.10
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3 , 6.19
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3 , 6.19
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3 , 6.19
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3 , 6.19
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3 , 6.19

1) The rate include rendering floor surface

smooth, and the plastering done for making up
all surfaces after removing centering.
2) Plastering done after soffit of
R.C.C roof slab meant for human habitaion
buildings shall be paid extra
3) This item shall not be applicable to factory
made units.
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
3,099.66 10,134.75 6.1.3, 6.2,
3,099.66 13,529.89 6.3 , 6.19
3,099.66 11,369.34 6.1.3, 6.2,
3,099.66 10,134.75 6.3, 6.6,
2,791.89 13,222.12 6.12 , 6.17
2,791.89 11,061.58 6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.12 , 6.17
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.12 , 6.17
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.19, 6.23
, 6.25
6.1.3, 6.2,
6.3, 6.6,
6.19, 6.23
, 6.25

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,791.89 9,826.98 6.1.3, 6.2,
2,365.49 11,650.08 6.3, 6.6,
6,732.87 14,554.45 6.19, 6.23
857.35 857.35 , 6.25
10,415.30 186,990.09 6.1.3, 6.2,
10,415.30 205,215.09 6.3, 6.6,
10,415.30 200,355.09 6.19, 6.23
20,832.71 213,202.50 , 6.25

The rate includes wastage The rate includes

wastage The rate includes wastage The rate
includes wastage &
allowance for stressing of cables.
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
7.55 187.50 6.17 The rate includes wastage & allowance for
2,462.14 9,274.75 6.12 , 6.21 stressing of cables.
5,352.96 9,375.33 6.22
663.11 1,042.76 6.12
8,590.50 38,343.97 6.3, 6.19 ,
1,030.24 1,221.40 7.1
1,143.14 1,143.14 6.3, 7.2 ,
285.76 285.76 11.1
285.78 285.78 6.12
575.81 908.18 6.11
4,099.91 4,099.91 6.11
80.38 80.38 6.6
26.52 26.52 6.6
61.96 61.96
102.15 102.15

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
30.98 30.98 6.6
36.11 304.33 6.9
26.55 105.88 6.9
265.50 395.05 6.9
185.85 273.34 6.9
164.10 1,125.00 9.15.8
194.78 1,271.06 6.9
1,556.25 3,150.74 6.9
435.38 2,055.14 6.9
1,836.75 3,770.28 6.9
246.30 399.07 6.9
404.63 3,077.51 6.9
1,400.63 19,090.39 6.9
1,400.63 45,856.63 6.9

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
944.57 1,268.02 6.9
37.45 57.93 16.6.8
163.41 379.68 16.6.8
2,052.10 3,353.29
199.74 868.63 6.20.1
199.74 950.25 6.20.1
210.99 1,136.09 6.20.1
199.74 953.60 6.20.1
199.74 1,035.23 6.20.1
210.46 1,220.54 6.20.1
183.66 669.50 6.20.2
183.66 710.19 6.20.2
183.66 681.36 6.20.2
183.66 723.87 6.20.2
183.66 710.91 6.20.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
183.66 766.89 6.20.2
183.66 754.48 6.20.2
183.66 795.16 6.20.2
183.66 766.34 6.20.2
183.66 808.85 6.20.2
183.66 795.89 6.20.2
183.66 858.63 6.20.2
2.73 353.33
415.28 1,593.90 9.14.6
183.66 669.50 6.20.2
183.66 710.19 6.20.2
183.66 681.36 6.20.2
183.66 723.87 6.20.2
183.66 710.91 6.20.2
183.66 773.65 6.20.2
183.66 754.48 6.20.2
183.66 795.16 6.20.2
183.66 766.34 6.20.2
183.66 808.85 6.20.2
183.66 795.96 6.20.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
183.66 858.63 6.20.2
3,583.29 3,583.29 6.14
40.19 40.19
282.99 282.99
122.83 122.83 6.1.3, 6.2,
237.33 7,269.14 6.3 , 6.19
714.46 714.46 10.9.3
800.20 800.20
928.80 928.80
1,071.69 1,071.69
77.61 207.08
714.46 714.46 6.1.3, 6.2,
800.20 800.20 6.3, 6.6,
928.80 928.80 6.10 , 7.7
1,071.69 1,071.69
1,428.92 1,428.92
2,429.17 2,429.17

This does not include the chages for working of

crushers , but manual labour for charges of
stone to crusher within 100 m and also stacking
the product after crushing within 100 m.
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
228.63 228.63
228.63 228.63
408.36 894.36 6.12
28.01 290.45 6.12
35.07 287.79 6.12
39.67 452.77 6.12
44.37 355.41 6.12
46.72 532.72 6.12
49.08 632.28 6.12
51.32 780.32 6.12
1,761.75 4,926.73 6.25, 6.11
1,758.89 5,424.32 , 6.10
1,758.89 5,930.84 6.25, 6.11
1,758.89 4,336.99 , 6.10
1,758.89 4,722.18 6.25, 6.11
, 6.10
6.25, 6.11
, 6.10
6.25, 6.11
, 6.10

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,758.89 5,107.36 6.25, 6.11
371.74 593.99 , 6.10
371.74 620.14 6.5
371.74 763.95 6.5
371.74 803.17 6.5
355.00 1,008.67 6.5
355.00 1,074.04 6.5
123.91 123.91 6.5
2,791.89 10,543.25 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 11,544.55 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 12,481.84 6.1.3 , 6.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
2,791.89 8,289.77 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 10,080.96 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 14,024.37 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 14,837.89 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 16,088.81 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 10,444.65 6.1.3 , 6.3
2,791.89 7,810.10 6.1.3
2,408.28 11,663.51 6.1.3
2,408.28 8,548.33 6.1.3
2,408.28 11,170.67 6.1.3
2,408.28 16,837.63 6.1.3
2,408.28 11,670.86 6.1.3
2,408.28 8,069.41 6.1.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
2,408.28 10,787.26 6.1.3 , 6.12
204.15 2,730.94 6.1.3 , 6.12
163.43 826.95 6.26
82.92 101.70 6.26
301.75 589.29 6.26
261.23 261.23 6.26
218.56 1,239.97 6.26
213.00 232.87 6.26
278.64 308.45

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,680.19 7,422.23 5.2.1, 7.2
2,232.63 8,043.32 , 7.3.1
417.68 434.85 5.2.1, 7.2
967.27 984.43 , 7.3.1
1,516.85 1,534.02 5.2.1, 7.2
2,066.44 2,083.60 , 7.3.1
2,341.23 8,151.92 5.2.1, 7.2
417.68 434.85 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 10,225.69 5.2.1, 7.2
2,221.20 9,705.10 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 9,392.75 7.1, 7.2 ,
2,221.20 9,162.30 7.3
2,221.20 9,038.75 5.2.2, 7.2
2,221.20 8,927.00 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 8,835.67 5.2.2, 7.2
2,221.20 9,323.34 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 9,194.06 5.2.2, 7.2
2,221.20 9,098.08 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 9,004.96 5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,221.20 8,939.94 5.2.4, 7.2
2,221.20 9,147.08 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 8,984.55 5.2.3, 7.2
2,221.20 9,287.33 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 9,180.29 5.2.3, 7.2
2,221.20 8,974.27 , 7.3.1
2,221.20 8,715.05 5.2.3, 7.2
2,860.92 10,934.06 , 7.3.1
2,860.92 10,413.47 5.2.3, 7.2
2,860.92 10,101.12 , 7.3.1
2,860.92 9,892.89 5.2.3, 7.2
2,860.92 9,747.13 , 7.3.1
2,860.92 9,635.37 5.2.3, 7.2
2,860.92 9,544.04 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 10,081.73 5.2.3, 7.2
2,913.68 9,955.19 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 9,852.92 5.2.2, 7.2
2,913.68 9,766.09 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 9,701.07 5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,913.68 9,908.20 5.2.3, 7.2
2,221.20 8,984.55 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 9,979.81 5.2.3, 7.2
2,913.68 9,872.76 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 9,666.75 5.2.3, 7.2
2,913.68 9,407.53 , 7.3.1
417.68 434.85 5.2.3, 7.2
967.27 984.43 , 7.3.1
1,516.85 1,534.02 5.2.3, 7.2
2,473.13 2,490.30 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 10,678.17 5.2.3, 7.2
2,747.93 10,300.48 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,845.24 5.2.2, 7.2
2,605.03 9,637.00 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,491.24 5.2.2, 7.2
2,605.03 9,379.49 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,288.15 5.2.2, 7.2
2,605.03 9,775.83 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,646.98 5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.2, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,605.03 9,544.27 5.2.4, 7.2
2,605.03 9,457.44 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,392.42 5.2.4, 7.2
2,605.03 9,599.56 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,437.07 5.2.4, 7.2
2,605.03 9,740.84 , 7.3.1
2,605.03 9,632.77 5.2.4, 7.2
2,176.36 8,998.08 , 7.3.1
2,913.68 9,476.18 5.2.3, 7.2
417.68 431.41 , 7.3.1
1,099.17 1,133.50 5.2.3, 7.2
659.50 944.84 , 7.3.1
813.39 813.39 5.2.3, 7.2
549.59 549.59 , 7.3.1
956.28 956.28 5.2.3, 7.2
167.45 167.45 , 7.3.1
7,154.94 14,812.13 5.2.3, 7.2
4,886.63 4,886.63 , 7.3.1
3,392.63 3,392.63 5.2.2 , 7.2.2
340.33 1,018.93 5.2.1 , 7.1

This item is to be executed only on the written

orders of Superintending Engineer.
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
444.41 1,316.12 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 1,276.38 , 7.3
444.41 1,252.67 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 1,236.81 , 7.3
444.41 1,225.62 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 1,217.28 , 7.3
444.41 1,210.66 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 1,003.16 , 7.3
444.41 994.67 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 986.22 , 7.3
444.41 978.73 5.2.2, 7.2
444.41 974.56 , 7.3
444.41 989.05 5.2.2, 7.2
63.63 67.82 , 7.3
147.36 151.54 5.2.4, 7.2
231.08 236.31 , 7.3
376.77 384.09 5.2.4, 7.2
510.52 1,406.20 , 7.3
655.74 1,896.10 5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3
5.2.4, 7.2
, 7.3
5.2.3, 7.2
, 7.3
5.2.2 , 7.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
655.74 1,816.79 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,769.21 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,737.48 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,715.11 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,697.85 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,684.36 5.2.2 , 7.2
655.74 1,758.63 5.2.4 , 7.2
655.74 1,738.59 5.2.4 , 7.2
655.74 1,724.73 5.2.4 , 7.2
655.74 1,710.13 5.2.4 , 7.2
655.74 1,700.58 5.2.4 , 7.2
655.74 1,724.41 5.2.4 , 7.2
95.85 95.85 7.2 , 7.3.4
294.72 294.72 5, 7.2 ,
524.13 524.13 7.3.4
753.54 753.54 5.2.2,
2,868.83 7,780.08 7.2.2 , 7.3.1
417.68 452.01
300.79 1,206.73

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
300.79 1,205.18 5.2.2,
234.48 851.45 7.2.2 , 7.3.1
239.12 854.53 5.2.2,
3,176.60 7,274.30 7.2.2 ,
1,099.17 6,820.87 7.3.1
359.67 899.05 5.2.2,
670.81 1,601.57 7.2.2 , 7.3.1
1,863.09 4,303.32 7.1, 7.2 ,
967.27 1,536.11 7.15.2
138.88 289.94 7.1 , 7.2
157.77 370.07 16.3.19
131.22 362.88 16.3.19
157.77 233.56 7.15
233.34 465.81 7.20
311.03 716.77 7.11
391.11 973.24 7.11
809.25 809.25 7.11
1,494.00 1,494.00 7.9
87.74 1,291.29 7.9
402.34 453.48 7.9

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
341.94 873.99 5.2.2, 7.7 This item is to be executed only on the written
341.94 848.71 , 7.3.1 orders of Superintending Engineer.
990.33 990.33 5.2.2, 7.7 Payable in addition to brickwork Payable in
addition to brickwork
225.72 225.72 , 7.3.1
299.42 299.42
2,985.13 12,576.77 1
2,913.68 11,984.84 7.1 , 7.2
2,913.68 11,672.38 7.1 , 7.2
148.94 153.40 7.1 , 7.2
5,179.29 15,208.47 7.1 , 7.2
167.45 2,179.37 7.1 , 7.2
167.45 2,033.12 7.1 , 7.2
1,505.86 5,750.78 6.22
1,505.86 5,493.27 6.22
1,505.86 5,334.31 6.22

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,505.86 5,230.20 6.22
1,505.86 5,166.10 6.22
1,505.86 5,102.00 6.22
1,505.86 5,055.39 6.22
1,760.21 6,913.98 6.22
1,760.21 6,601.63 6.22
1,760.21 6,414.22 6.22
1,760.21 6,289.28 6.22
1,760.21 6,200.50 6.22
1,760.21 6,134.77 6.22

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,760.21 6,081.04 6.22
2,032.15 10,214.19 6.22
2,032.15 9,850.34 6.22
2,032.15 9,631.13 6.22
2,032.15 9,485.37 6.22
2,032.15 9,384.00 6.22
2,032.15 9,305.67 6.22
2,032.15 9,240.97 6.22
1,505.86 6,656.29 6.21
1,505.86 6,398.78 6.21

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,505.86 6,239.83 6.21
1,505.86 6,135.71 6.21
1,505.86 6,071.61 6.21
1,505.86 6,007.50 6.21
1,505.86 5,960.90 6.21
1,760.21 7,381.62 6.21
1,760.21 7,069.28 6.21
1,760.21 6,881.86 6.21
1,760.21 6,756.92 6.21
1,760.21 6,668.15 6.21

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,760.21 6,602.42 6.21
1,760.21 6,548.69 6.21
2,032.15 9,172.24 6.21
2,032.15 8,808.39 6.21
2,032.15 8,589.19 6.21
2,032.15 8,443.42 6.21
2,032.15 8,342.05 6.21
2,032.15 8,263.72 6.21
2,032.15 8,199.03 6.21

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,912.56 3,501.84 8.12
2,390.70 4,211.68 8.12
3,682.22 6,964.06 5.2.3 , 8.12
3,682.22 6,854.65 5.2.3 , 8.12
3,682.22 6,745.23 5.2.3 , 8.12
3,682.22 8,073.63 5.2.3 , 8.12
3,682.22 7,611.68 5.2.2 , 8.12
3,682.22 7,082.94 5.2.2 , 8.12
3,682.22 6,790.43 5.2.2 , 8.12
2,440.16 4,029.45 8.1
3,396.44 5,217.42 5.2.1 , 8.10
4,149.37 7,242.42 5.2.3 , 8.10
4,149.37 7,371.63 5.2.3 , 8.10
4,149.37 7,274.44 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,149.37 8,455.98 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,149.37 8,045.36 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,149.37 7,572.56 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,149.37 7,317.05 5.2.2 , 8.10
2,176.36 3,765.65 8.12

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,868.83 4,651.21 5.2.1 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,299.30 5.2.3 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,189.89 5.2.3 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,080.48 5.2.3 , 8.12
4,017.47 8,408.88 5.2.2 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,946.92 5.2.2 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,418.19 5.2.2 , 8.12
4,017.47 7,125.68 5.2.2 , 8.12
1,089.39 2,267.28 8.12
1,325.94 4,888.44 5.2.3 , 8.12
1,325.94 3,707.38 8.12
992.55 3,923.41 5.2.3 , 8.12
8,705.43 11,110.65 5.2.2 , 8.10
1,341.84 4,362.71 8.1
2,846.85 4,436.14 5.2.1 , 8.10
4,473.62 6,255.99 5.2.3 , 8.10
4,687.96 7,779.92 5.2.3 , 8.10
4,687.96 7,910.23 5.2.3 , 8.10
4,687.96 7,812.66 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,687.96 8,994.57 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,687.96 8,583.95

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,687.96 8,113.34 5.2.2 , 8.10
4,687.96 7,866.58 5.2.2 , 8.10
12,882.27 16,146.50 5.2.3 , 8.3
12,882.27 16,073.56 5.2.3 , 8.3
12,882.27 16,885.78 5.2.3 , 8.3
12,882.27 17,771.38 5.2.2 , 8.3
12,882.27 17,463.41 5.2.2 , 8.3
12,882.27 17,114.38 5.2.2 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,420.67 5.2.2 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,384.19 5.2.3 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,347.72 5.2.3 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,790.52 5.2.2 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,636.54 5.2.2 , 8.3
24,830.25 29,464.62 5.2.2 , 8.3
596.85 596.85
1,376.16 1,376.16
2,169.76 2,169.76
3,447.00 3,447.00
549.59 549.59

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,626.77 1,626.77 8.2.6 a) This rate of dressing shall be paid only when
9,496.83 9,496.83 8.2.5 supply of undressed stone is made
9,496.83 9,496.83 8.2.4 b) In case of masonry, dressing is already
included and this rate shall not be added thereto
1,021.46 1,021.46 8.2.3 c) Only dressed surface of stone shall be
1,955.85 1,955.85 5.2.2 , 8.15 measured
2,364.43 2,364.43 8.1.7
5,077.16 5,077.16 8.1.7
1,541.90 12,695.52 8.16 ,
18,356.14 19,900.80 16.7.10
8,991.21 10,535.88 8.17.3
681.49 2,419.23 8.17.4
464.76 739.46
779.09 1,645.28

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,218.05 2,393.98 9.2 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
924.34 2,038.61 9.3 only are 6%, 15% and 23% on composite rates
368.06 1,005.51 for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
41.06 182.16 9.14 ditto
123.91 549.75 9.2.4 ditto ditto
177.99 239.50 9.2.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
50.84 126.53 9.2.4 only are 6%, 15% and 23% on composite rates
375.09 1,378.51 9.15.3 for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
1,339.62 3,050.93 9.5 respectively.
1,339.62 3,236.11 9.5 a) For steel part and its erection etc. Item No
25-10 and 25-14 be reffered b) Add extra 13%,
1,088.44 2,769.09 9.5 32% and 51% on labour rates only or 6%, 15%
1,088.44 2,937.57 9.5 and 23% on composite rates for 2nd, 3rd, 4th
321.51 321.51 9.5 and subsequent floors respectively.
1,111.88 1,829.54 9.5 a) For steel part and its erection etc. Item No
25-10 and 25-14 be reffered b) Add extra 13%,
32% and 51% on labour rates only or 6%, 15%
and 23% on composite rates for 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and subsequent floors respectively.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
116.81 209.39 9.15.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
122.04 227.69 9.15.3 only are 6%, 15% and 23% on composite rates
24.52 26.50 9.14 for subsequent floors respectively.
87.08 363.75 9.14.3 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on labour rates
227.74 2,433.48 9.8 only are 6%, 15% and 23% on composite rates
227.74 2,145.66 9.8 for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
227.74 1,821.85 9.8 respectively.
441.57 556.77 ditto
501.11 844.35 9.11.1 ditto ditto
501.11 1,426.93 9.11.1 ditto
ditto ditto
361.29 943.19 9.12 ditto ditto ditto
361.29 1,041.87 9.12
410.26 1,330.60 9.12
256.17 2,155.74 9.17
256.17 1,689.88 9.17
280.13 1,565.94 9.17
180.52 1,148.18 9.17
361.05 624.58 9.11.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
247.83 3,554.09 9.19
247.83 2,377.49 9.19
247.83 1,331.61 9.19
602.83 2,542.36 9.7
602.83 2,338.11 9.7
334.90 1,360.54 9.9
57.60 57.60 9.9
126.62 295.23 9.7
442.27 2,734.01 9.7
442.27 2,654.95 9.7
442.27 3,034.79 9.12
211.79 763.86 9.11
460.65 460.65 16.6.11
2,303.25 3,053.73 7.12
66.38 71.91 9.12
570.95 3,304.70 9.15
415.28 1,625.77 9.15
415.28 1,623.16 9.15
411.93 1,645.96 9.12
149.09 1,386.81

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
204.31 212.80 9.2.4 Rate shall be increased by 1.5 times for stone
265.24 280.64 9.2.4 masonry or PCC and 2 times for RCC
357.89 366.42 9.2.4 ditto
Applicable only to roof troughs (inverted tees
176.48 180.25 9.2.4 and trough) for heights of first storey only
784.35 784.35 9.2.4
66.10 66.10 9.2.4
59.76 59.76 9.2.4
78.43 78.43 9.2.4
98.04 98.04 9.2.4
130.23 130.23 9.2.4
156.87 156.87 9.2.4
156.87 156.87 9.2.4
196.09 196.09 9.2.4
260.45 260.45 9.2.4
299.67 299.67 9.2.4
326.31 326.31
352.96 352.96
392.17 392.17
431.39 431.39

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
560.00 560.00 9.2.4
601.65 601.65 9.2.4
652.63 652.63 9.2.4
118.28 118.28 9.2.4
252.74 252.74 9.2.4
304.90 304.90 9.2.4
391.05 391.05 9.2.4
428.22 428.22 9.2.4
473.10 473.10 9.2.4
591.38 591.38 9.2.4
946.20 946.20 9.2.4
612.66 975.20 9.11
806.48 6,236.17 9.3
716.29 3,368.03 6.17 , 9.15

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
385.14 1,028.49 10.18
128.94 238.76 10.2
508.53 656.22 10.4.3
1,434.72 3,424.55 10.4.3
269.60 429.85 10.3
174.77 633.57 10.13
251.77 931.19 10.13
167.45 241.23 10.13
235.77 812.52 10.5
378.44 1,211.36 10.5
294.72 674.45 10.5
294.72 729.35 10.5
334.90 845.57 10.5
272.95 1,802.61 10.5
444.02 1,300.55 10.5
320.10 938.37 10.5
444.02 1,102.98 10.5
444.02 1,525.16 10.5
444.02 1,300.55 10.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
213.00 550.60 10.4 , 10.10 If glass strips are used for paneling, it shall be
260.89 686.43 10.4 , 10.10 paid extra as per item No. 10-47
260.89 727.67 10.4 , 10.10 ditto
Applicable to item No 10-08 to 10-16, 10-19 to
304.43 828.13 10.4 , 10.10 10-25 and 10-28
317.49 876.40 10.4 , 10.10 to 10-33 and 27-64, 27-65
356.67 960.06 10.4.3
356.67 1,002.60 10.4 , 10.10
477.33 1,177.09 10.4 , 10.10
412.27 852.78 10.11
412.27 883.10 10.11
492.31 1,010.65 10.11
123.91 221.87
103.62 103.62

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
697.09 1,072.66 10.6 If glass strips are used for paneling, it shall be
697.00 1,174.66 10.6 paid extra as per item No. 10-47
254.53 1,733.65 10.17
219.03 958.59 10.17
152.98 523.28 10.17
1,018.11 1,707.01 10.12
1,018.11 1,808.86 10.12
1,044.23 1,772.32 10.12
1,044.23 1,891.68 10.12
552.26 2,620.55 10.9
445.42 2,031.70 10.8
512.40 2,105.11 10.8
421.98 1,604.69 10.7
421.98 1,494.88 10.7
421.98 1,426.24 10.7
421.98 1,796.87 10.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
421.98 1,632.15 10.7
421.98 1,536.06 10.7
421.98 1,453.69 10.7
421.98 1,838.05 10.7
421.98 1,934.14 10.7
421.98 1,796.87 10.7
421.98 1,590.96 10.7
421.98 2,043.96 10.7
421.98 1,934.14 10.7
421.98 1,796.87 10.7
421.98 1,590.96 10.7
421.98 2,043.96 10.7
378.44 1,485.33 10.7
378.44 1,485.33 10.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
28.18 576.41 10.8
28.18 462.20 10.8
28.18 462.20 10.8
38.18 184.43 ,
2,042.92 9,563.61
1,486.98 7,826.64 0
1,486.98 8,406.42 10.14
1,486.98 7,538.35 10.14
1,486.98 4,760.51 10.14
1,486.98 10,663.41 10.14
2,042.92 7,119.67 10.14
1,486.98 6,094.26 10.14
1,486.98 7,538.87 10.14
1,486.98 5,538.64 10.14
1,486.98 3,760.66 10.14
1,486.98 5,694.21 10.14
1,486.98 9,511.05 10.14
2,042.92 8,474.49 10.14

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
582.73 5,585.40 10.14
582.73 2,915.08 10.14
487.55 1,351.29 10.21
363.64 2,259.37 10.21
561.23 675.67 10.21
561.23 657.24 10.21
60.28 65.06 10.21
2,541.12 11,038.83 10.7
2,541.12 14,960.85 10.7
233.09 1,792.02 10.7
423.99 7,954.73 10.7
423.99 4,770.05 10.7
880.80 1,437.54 10.8
880.80 1,434.25 10.8
800.42 1,357.17 10.8
800.42 1,368.87 10.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
626.27 1,051.41
626.27 1,122.75 1
626.27 1,113.88
626.27 1,230.95 1
214.61 1,780.65
227.00 2,059.15 1
458.82 1,340.23
421.98 1,632.15 1
421.98 1,536.06 10.8
421.98 1,453.69 10.21
421.98 1,838.05 10.7
421.98 1,604.69 10.21
421.98 1,494.88 10.21

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
421.98 1,426.24 10.21
421.98 1,796.87 10.21
421.98 1,934.14 10.21
421.98 1,796.87 10.21
421.98 1,590.96 10.21
421.98 2,043.96 10.21
421.98 1,934.14 10.21
421.98 1,796.87 10.21
421.98 1,590.96 10.21
421.98 2,043.96 10.21
291.37 1,171.80 10.15
37.78 76.72
37.78 71.28
37.78 85.53

The cost of base for rubber floor is not included

in the rate and is payable separately
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
49.32 99.58
251.18 977.48 10.19
247.83 1,188.03 6.12 , 10.5
81.78 991.56 6.12 , 10.5
123.91 1,125.21 10.8
123.91 1,229.79 10.8
148.70 1,280.72 10.8
284.40 1,917.54 10.8
227.00 1,990.87 10.8
324.59 2,101.54 10.8
284.40 1,309.39 10.8
41.46 796.49 10.8
41.46 876.21 10.8
227.00 3,363.22 10.8
214.61 3,762.65 10.8
227.00 3,363.22
324.59 3,186.27
324.59 3,186.27

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
316.75 3,452.98 10.8
214.61 2,801.75 10.22
284.40 2,020.47 10.22
284.40 1,773.38 10.22
324.59 1,950.84 10.8
200.15 833.53 10.8
316.55 2,903.69 10.8
200.15 833.53 10.8
214.61 3,076.29 10.22
214.61 2,321.30 10.22
316.75 1,564.13 10.8
320.10 1,626.41 10.8
378.44 1,081.66 10.5
539.39 1,529.00 16.7.9
1,541.86 3,322.91 16.7.9
1,505.34 3,202.32 16.7.9
1,473.67 3,135.01 16.7.9
1,907.96 6,829.98 16.7.9
1,267.39 5,706.86 16.7.9
1,408.92 5,748.59 16.7.9
1,408.92 6,111.99 16.7.9
291.37 1,818.29 10.22

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
284.40 1,680.59 10.22
234.84 1,955.16 10.22
364.78 2,586.22 10.22
291.37 1,300.58 10.7
334.90 2,078.39 10.7
12,391.49 717,047.81 10.23
713.35 8,402.87 10.23
713.35 10,283.48

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
713.35 10,283.48 10.23
713.35 10,283.48 10.23
713.35 11,148.29 10.23
713.35 12,177.81 10.23
713.35 10,283.48 10.23

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
713.35 10,283.48 10.23
713.35 14,580.06 10.23
334.90 6,159.98 10.7
334.90 2,439.29 10.7
843.96 2,061.97 10.7
843.96 2,323.44 10.7
458.82 1,389.91 10.7
656.41 1,081.74 10.6
334.90 3,222.74 10.6
43.54 265.79

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
487.62 2,995.10
522.45 2,640.34
284.40 1,708.52

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
75.22 97.24 11.1.10 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% above the labour
103.55 147.86 11.1.10 rates only or 6%, 15% and 23% on composite
67.65 89.66 11.1.10 rates for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent floors
136.15 180.45 11.1.10 The rate be allowed only on written orders of
229.41 264.79 11.1.5 Superintending Engineer
229.41 300.76 11.1.5 ditto
229.41 319.78 11.4
229.41 387.58 11.4
535.18 879.87 11.1
205.31 1,118.47 11.1.13
205.31 1,089.63 11.1.13
205.31 1,072.96 11.1.13
229.41 324.07 11.1.3
229.41 349.41 11.1.3
291.37 474.84 11.1.3
229.41 298.18 11.1.3
229.41 318.78 11.1.3
291.37 425.00 11.1.3
229.41 291.77 11.1.3
229.41 307.34 11.1.3
291.37 411.05 11.1.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
215.68 325.14 11.1.3 i) This item shall be applicable to building
215.68 300.08 11.1.3 meant for human habitation only, such as
215.68 294.08 11.1.3 building like residence, offices, educational
institutions and hospitals etc. It shall no
229.41 285.92 11.1.3 admissible on godowns, bins, agricultural,
229.41 302.64 11.1.3 poultry etc.
291.37 400.47 11.1.3 ii) The thickness of the plaster will not be more
229.41 277.57 11.1.3 than 3/8" thick.
229.41 291.78 11.1.3
291.37 382.93 11.1.3
151.04 185.29 11.1.3
133.96 163.96 11.2
269.60 299.60 11.2
229.41 295.94 11.2
229.41 282.02 11.2
167.45 233.99 11.2
269.60 336.13 11.2
269.60 322.21 11.2
226.06 264.37 11.2
226.06 278.78 11.2
430.35 468.67 11.2
430.35 482.97 11.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
24.78 28.86 11.8
24.78 65.43 13.12
61.96 95.20 11.8
92.19 132.42 11.8
61.96 106.89 11.8
17.35 39.18 11.8
24.78 52.31 11.8
18.08 27.06 11.5
43.20 57.77 11.5
14.59 21.11 11.5
32.35 85.53 11.5
14.59 18.69 11.3
32.35 38.35 11.3
40.45 49.45 11.3
20.50 25.68 11.3
32.69 36.28 11.3
24.52 25.21 9.2.10 ,
24.52 26.05 10.3.3
56.26 56.26 9.2.10 ,
41.06 41.06 10.3.3
103.82 198.77 7.1.14
103.82 115.10 9.13
18.08 38.56 9.13
203.96 272.59 11.1.3
203.96 290.17 11.1.3

Payable with fresh masonry when the face of

the work is not to be plastered/pointed.
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
1,481.95 1,707.15 11.1.6
41.06 44.98 11.1.7
1,337.95 1,723.62 11.1.6
52.61 117.89 11.1.7
17.93 17.93 12.16.4
582.73 1,730.83 13.12.2
411.93 1,216.89 11.9
60.28 1,349.06 12.16.3
721.72 2,368.32 10.8
576.04 1,381.35 10.8
576.04 1,479.40

The will be taken from the floor, roof or ground

underneath as the case may be, on the side
towards which the work is to be done
The rate of plastering over walls is not included
in this rate and is to be paid separately.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
36,136.30 284,664.34 12.1
50,823.43 224,606.83 12.1
27,167.09 273,884.44 12.1
42,201.53 214,174.22 12.1
4,063.07 15,972.18 12.14
4,043.51 15,091.61 12.14
3,755.83 13,938.07 12.14
2,490.35 9,329.22 12.14
2,490.35 9,564.38 12.14
2,465.57 8,404.82 12.11 ,
2,465.57 8,659.86 12.14
861.91 3,937.85 12.11 ,
1,390.53 7,255.09 12.14
1,386.51 8,782.13 12.11 ,
1,386.51 8,259.72 12.14
12.11 ,
12.3 , 12.14
12.3 , 12.14

a) This also includes the cost of woods required

for extra thickness of chowkats.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
851.46 2,930.17
851.46 2,930.17
2,470.26 19,830.41 12.14
2,164.83 17,191.38 12.14
2,004.07 16,518.86 12.14
2,886.88 20,006.38 12.4
2,216.40 16,341.48 12.4
1,676.53 12,164.90 12.4
2,495.71 20,019.42 12.4
1,083.08 9,418.69 12.4
1,083.08 10,445.29 12.4
1,083.08 4,555.91 12.4
1,083.08 5,601.08 12.4
1,614.38 8,079.74 12.12
817.17 9,036.22 12.1 , 12.2
1,127.29 8,140.77 12.14

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,133.39 8,358.11 12.14
1,133.39 7,669.69 12.14
930.17 8,048.99 12.14
1,274.65 7,776.18 12.11 , 12.14
851.46 3,949.37 12.11 , 12.14
1,823.22 10,441.15 12.29
406.30 1,156.55 12.2 , 25.5
406.30 943.61 12.2 , 25.5
589.83 2,433.34 ,
115.16 382.71 12.19.6 12.17
354.83 1,557.68 12.19.9
113.92 285.76 12.19.9
113.92 540.13 12.19.9
113.92 472.14 12.19.9
113.92 541.39 12.19.9
113.92 1,475.73 12.19.9
113.92 1,621.53
24.78 170.42

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.74 173.83
501.11 2,092.76
501.11 1,339.46 12.1.2,
349.16 908.06 12.1.3 , 12.25
349.16 639.55 12.1.2,
424.93 4,321.93 12.1.3 ,
372.95 8,450.07 12.25
2,971.95 24,040.85 12.1.2,
2,152.10 14,231.39 12.1.3 , 12.25
3,145.23 15,905.13 12.1.2,
2,846.69 22,483.25 12.1.3 ,
1,095.01 8,672.63 12.25
12.1.3 , 12.25

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,095.01 10,474.86 12.1.2,
557.75 4,539.92 12.1.3 ,
411.26 4,132.49 12.25
365.25 5,735.82
793.12 7,306.28
793.12 5,814.47
793.12 4,098.72 12.14
793.12 7,283.79 12.14
793.12 10,295.25 12.14
793.12 13,493.65 12.1 , 12.14
1,049.14 4,151.40 12.1 , 12.14
12.1 , 12.14

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,049.14 3,901.71 12.28
1,049.14 5,053.08 12.28
1,049.14 3,804.60 12.28
1,049.14 2,694.84 12.28

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,547.26 4,175.88 12.14
1,547.26 5,430.25 12.14
441.55 2,241.99 12.14
441.55 1,738.54 12.14
441.55 1,419.24 12.14
441.55 1,135.42 12.14
226.70 1,182.19 12.14
226.70 862.90 12.14
226.70 579.08 12.14
291.37 291.37 4.6.2 ,
582.73 582.73
4.6.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
156.74 156.74 4.6.2 ,
248.85 248.85
956.56 8,727.67 4.6.2 ,
1,097.82 3,629.49
1,370.11 15,503.22 12.14
193.63 1,176.99 12.1
193.63 1,211.80 12.2
193.63 3,227.31 12.1
232.96 1,449.27 12.1
232.96 1,498.69 12.1
232.96 5,396.31 12.1
387.11 1,450.80 12.1
387.11 1,708.41 12.1
387.11 1,468.12 12.1 , 9.22
387.11 3,324.59 9.19
309.12 1,929.29 9.19
12.1 , 9.20

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
309.12 1,956.75 9.2
309.12 984.74 9.2
309.12 1,012.19 9.2
171.00 1,306.93 9.19
171.00 1,503.03 9.19
171.00 1,176.19 9.19
334.90 1,675.31 9.21
198.17 219.69 9.21
236.52 402.45 9.21
466.19 2,392.29 9.19
340.88 340.88 12.2
340.88 340.88 12.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,232.07 16,563.78 12.14
2,232.07 15,668.26 12.14
2,232.07 15,040.74 12.14
311.73 1,790.66 12.12
443.62 2,340.89 12.12
443.62 2,340.89 12.12
216.82 241.46 12.12
415.68 876.78 12.12
621.05 2,375.56 12.12
621.05 2,365.85 12.12
123.91 13,197.31 12.12

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
123.91 17,511.53 12.12
193.31 22,742.30 12.12
111.12 10,086.73 12.2 , 25.5
111.12 9,331.89 12.2 , 25.5
1,904.07 11,653.39 12.2
1,900.59 10,952.13 12.2
845.77 7,302.45 12.3
845.77 3,533.65 12.2
4,063.07 16,088.03 12.14

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,894.83 8,176.84 25.5
1,871.05 8,103.92 25.5
214.93 317.12 12.19.19
45,212.18 53,004.30 12.15
0.00 52,419.14 12.15
0.00 52,419.14 12.15
142.15 866.66 12.19.26
818.64 3,067.78
762.65 3,019.62 12.11
516.02 9,855.47 12.2
516.02 9,296.45 12.2
514.82 10,311.93 12.2
516.02 9,063.84 12.2
779.12 6,361.46

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 6,688.30
779.12 6,583.71
779.12 6,923.62
779.12 6,792.89
779.12 7,145.87
779.12 6,492.20
779.12 6,832.11
779.12 6,714.45
779.12 7,054.35
779.12 6,923.62
779.12 7,289.68
779.12 6,518.35
779.12 6,845.18
779.12 6,727.52

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 7,080.50
779.12 6,949.77
779.12 7,315.82
779.12 6,649.08
779.12 6,988.99
779.12 6,871.33
779.12 7,237.38
779.12 7,093.58
779.12 7,472.70
268.46 3,406.08
268.46 3,615.25
268.46 3,536.81
268.46 3,745.98
268.46 3,667.54

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
268.46 3,889.79
268.46 3,484.52
268.46 3,693.69
268.46 3,615.25
268.46 3,837.50
268.46 3,745.98
268.46 3,981.31
268.46 4,190.48
268.46 4,451.95
268.46 4,360.43
268.46 4,634.98
268.46 4,530.39
268.46 4,818.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
268.46 4,295.07
268.46 4,569.61
268.46 4,465.02
268.46 4,752.64
268.46 4,634.98
268.46 4,935.66
401.89 5,827.35
401.89 6,598.68
401.89 6,075.74
401.89 6,886.29
401.89 6,311.06
401.89 7,160.83
401.89 5,971.15

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
401.89 6,768.63
401.89 6,219.55
401.89 7,056.25
401.89 6,467.94
401.89 7,343.86
914.16 8,535.95
914.16 9,124.25
914.16 8,784.34
914.16 9,398.79
914.16 9,032.74
914.16 9,673.33
914.16 8,718.98
914.16 9,333.43

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
914.16 8,980.44
914.16 9,621.04
914.16 9,228.84
914.16 9,895.58
779.12 7,211.24
779.12 7,603.44
779.12 7,564.22
779.12 7,982.57
779.12 7,917.20
779.12 8,361.70
779.12 7,355.04
779.12 7,760.32
779.12 7,721.10

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 8,152.52
779.12 8,087.15
779.12 8,544.72
779.12 7,315.82
779.12 7,721.10
779.12 7,577.29
779.12 7,995.64
779.12 7,838.76
779.12 8,270.18
779.12 7,472.70
779.12 7,877.98
779.12 7,734.17
779.12 8,165.59

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 8,008.71
779.12 8,453.21
779.12 7,368.12
779.12 7,773.39
779.12 7,629.58
779.12 8,047.93
779.12 7,891.05
779.12 8,335.55
779.12 7,525.00
779.12 7,943.35
779.12 7,799.54
779.12 8,230.96
779.12 8,061.01

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 8,518.58
779.12 7,891.05
779.12 8,335.55
779.12 8,178.67
779.12 8,636.24
779.12 8,466.28
779.12 8,950.00
779.12 8,061.01
779.12 8,819.26
779.12 8,649.31
779.12 9,146.10
779.12 8,963.07
779.12 9,486.01

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 8,810.77
779.12 9,033.01
779.12 9,098.38
779.12 9,320.63
779.12 8,810.77
779.12 9,033.01
779.12 9,098.38
779.12 9,320.63
779.12 9,006.87
779.12 9,229.11
779.12 9,294.48
779.12 9,516.73
779.12 9,006.87

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
779.12 9,229.11
779.12 9,294.48
779.12 9,516.73
49.75 711.93
49.75 1,076.43
62.30 724.47
186.75 2,306.93
186.75 2,914.43
8,298.95 15,659.28
1,313.70 2,689.02
995.67 2,468.20
1,312.83 2,408.11
652.66 1,375.61
367.97 1,407.17

12.12 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
367.97 1,104.11 12.23.4
256.35 1,171.91 25.5
359.69 2,328.71 12.2 , 12.24
359.69 2,335.51 12.2 , 12.24
1,021.06 12,437.02 12.2 , 12.24
1,021.06 12,437.02 12.2 , 12.24
1,021.06 16,640.75 12.2 , 12.24
1,021.06 16,640.75 12.2 , 12.24
1,021.06 16,640.75 12.2 , 12.24
520.44 11,254.70 12.2 , 12.24
520.44 11,454.19 12.2 , 12.24
86.80 168.48 12.14
86.80 148.22 12.14
86.80 142.61 12.14

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
448.57 10,894.21 12.2 , 12.24
446.09 10,913.84 12.2 , 12.24
643.02 5,388.66 12.2 , 12.24
643.02 5,976.96 12.2 , 12.24
294.09 1,960.33 12.2 , 12.24
294.09 756.50 12.2 , 12.24
294.09 975.74 12.2 , 12.24
33.62 774.77 12.31
1,130.50 8,606.79 12.32
304.76 17,123.69 12.3
1,468.93 11,115.23 12.25
3,097.87 9,472.72 12.25
2,478.30 8,625.54 12.25
3,454.88 12,751.08 12.25
2,443.47 10,653.56 12.24

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,925.73 12,874.59 12.24
2,925.73 13,122.98 12.24
2,861.43 12,339.64 12.24
2,861.43 11,725.19 12.24
2,443.47 10,418.24 12.24
1,704.00 9,665.70 12.24
1,704.00 9,665.70 12.24
2,218.41 12,114.97 12.24
1,382.49 8,808.18 12.24

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,736.15 9,697.85 12.12 ,
1,736.15 9,697.85 12.24
2,218.41 12,114.97 12.12 ,
1,382.49 11,383.64 12.24
1,768.30 9,743.07 12.12 ,
2,973.96 12,818.23 12.24
12.12 ,
12.12 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
24.11 46.39 13.7
81.78 140.58 13.1.8 , 13.9
61.96 107.16 13.1.8 , 13.9
49.57 80.55 13.1, 13.2
42.13 66.32 , 13.9
81.78 140.58 13.1, 13.2
61.96 107.16 , 13.9
49.57 80.55 13.1, 13.2
42.13 66.32 , 13.9
12.85 21.83 13.1, 13.2
9.07 15.98 , 13.9
1,696.31 2,759.53 13.1, 13.2
1,322.81 1,995.55 , 13.9
3,392.63 5,449.81 13.1, 13.2
1,898.63 3,094.44 , 13.9
90.83 177.42 13.1, 13.2
47.15 120.16 , 13.9
54.99 106.99 13.1, 13.2
29.74 71.85 , 13.9
90.83 177.42 13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1.8 , 13.9
13.1.8 , 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9
13.1, 13.2
, 13.9

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
47.15 120.16 13.1, 13.2
54.99 105.08 , 13.9
29.74 69.94 13.1, 13.2
13.60 25.94 , 13.9
6.80 16.69 13.1, 13.2
1,727.44 3,347.16 , 13.9
864.65 2,168.54 13.1, 13.2
3,423.75 6,554.25 , 13.9
1,525.13 3,851.69 13.1, 13.2
9.65 24.77 , 13.9
247.83 495.02 13.1, 13.2
61.96 116.89 , 13.9
47.49 84.56 13.1, 13.2
810.47 959.96 , 13.9
408.58 484.42 13.1, 13.2
562.64 1,026.36 , 13.9
49.57 120.47 13.1, 13.2
24.78 78.11 , 13.9
24.78 67.94 13.1.6
44.81 214.27 11.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
124.32 213.38 13.1
87.29 176.01 13.1
14.07 15.95 13.1.8 ,
39.79 230.51 13.13 13.8
24.11 116.45 13.8
53.05 118.96 13.8
80.70 189.34 13.8
53.05 108.22 13.8
40.19 85.77 13.8
67.23 205.14 13.1.8 ,
75.57 87.61 13.13
0.30 5.45 13.1.7
744.70 775.87 13.9
575.81 762.88 13.1.8 ,
72.09 95.50 13.13
760.07 947.14 13.1.8 ,
102.82 181.70 13.13
670.35 806.65 13.1.8 ,
46.76 279.93 13.13
36.85 38.12 13.1.8 ,
46.62 115.97 13.13
35.63 69.64 13.1.8 ,
13.13 13.12
13.1.8 , The ratio in the rate of 1st coat to 2nd coat is 60
13.13 11.6 % to 40 % in the labour as well as composite
11.6 , rate

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
167.45 226.48 16.8.8 The height will be taken from the floor, road or
11.15 11.15 13.1.5 , ground underneath, as the case may be, on side
123.91 224.83 13.14 towards which the work is to be done.
61.96 112.99 13.1.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
653.63 9,480.04 14.4, The rates of saintary ware are for best quality
653.63 10,094.83 14.5,14.6,
14.94 695.34 14.7.1 , 14.8
14.94 921.33 14.4 , 14.6,
519.16 2,200.70 14.7.1 , 14.8
519.16 2,310.05 14.4 , 14.6,
616.28 2,018.36 14.7.2 , 14.8
653.63 9,091.80 14.4 , 14.6,
653.63 8,752.94 14.7.2 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.1 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.1 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.1 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.4 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
653.63 6,472.26 14.4 , 14.6,
784.35 6,359.98 14.7.4,
653.63 4,090.86 14.7.5 ,
653.63 4,212.36 14.8
653.63 3,483.36 14.4 , 14.6,
784.35 3,492.58 14.7.4,
784.35 5,426.87 14.7.5 ,
784.35 10,129.52 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.4 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
784.35 5,029.56 14.4 , 14.6,
784.35 6,238.48 14.7.4,
921.30 6,463.22 14.7.5 ,
921.30 5,548.97 14.8
921.30 6,100.58 14.4 , 14.6,
921.30 10,151.39 14.7.4,
921.30 13,752.65 14.7.5 ,
1,204.54 8,909.40 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
921.30 3,416.30 14.4 , 14.6,
921.30 3,331.25 14.7.16,
583.59 2,640.59 14.7.5 ,
1,045.80 3,256.98 14.8
1,045.80 3,964.72 14.4 , 14.6,
1,045.80 4,487.17 14.7.16,
1,045.80 4,730.17 14.7.5 ,
1,045.80 3,812.35 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.15 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,045.80 2,974.00 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 829.33 14.7.3,
104.58 512.21 14.7.5 ,
104.58 523.15 14.8
104.58 802.84 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 1,025.19 14.7.6 ,
104.58 505.24 14.8
326.81 2,521.71 14.4 , 14.6,
703.30 8,632.32 14.7.6 ,
261.45 3,914.35 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.6 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.7 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.8 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.8 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.9 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.9 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.9 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
261.45 2,454.52 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 1,184.03 14.7.9 ,
44.82 663.67 14.8
119.52 920.62 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 1,132.03 14.7.11 ,
104.58 464.83 14.8
104.58 466.04 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 475.76 14.7.11 ,
104.58 859.70 14.8
104.58 1,565.01 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.11 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.11 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.6 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.7 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.8 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.9 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 1,241.82 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 930.78 14.7.18 ,
104.58 913.77 14.8
104.58 665.91 14.4 , 14.6,
184.26 745.59 14.7.18 ,
104.58 1,565.01 14.8
104.58 1,241.82 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 936.61 14.7.18 ,
104.58 1,075.36 14.8
104.58 1,506.69 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.14 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 2,690.10 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 681.71 14.7.14 ,
104.58 2,716.83 14.8
104.58 1,647.63 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 1,888.20 14.7.14 ,
104.58 2,145.78 14.8
119.52 3,182.84 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 7,277.52 14.7.13 ,
119.52 7,461.52 14.8
104.58 1,353.60 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.13 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 1,574.73 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 1,040.13 14.7.21 ,
119.52 2,435.31 14.8
149.40 461.65 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 492.17 14.7.18 ,
104.58 602.73 14.8
49.30 1,521.88 14.4 , 14.6,
52.29 2,007.22 14.7.18 ,
230.32 788.64 14.8
230.32 964.82 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.19 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.19 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
207.29 1,596.95 14.4 , 14.6,
207.29 442.70 14.7.19 , 14.8
345.49 1,828.46 14.4 , 14.6,
510.58 3,305.31 14.7.19 , 14.8
377.83 2,288.97 14.4 , 14.6,
226.70 2,452.52 14.7.20 , 14.8
113.35 1,442.63 14.4 ,
60.02 166.15 14.6 , 14.8
60.02 206.28 14.4 ,
14.6 , 14.8
14.4 ,
14.6 , 14.8
14.4 ,
14.6 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 , 14.6, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
60.02 310.17 14.4 , 14.6,
60.02 443.33 ,
60.02 729.76
60.02 1,093.41 14.4 , 14.6,
60.02 139.62 ,
90.89 341.49
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 ,
14.6 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
287.91 402.81 14.4 ,
186.75 1,926.63 14.6 , 14.8
126.99 3,250.75 14.4 , 14.6,
126.99 1,645.74 14.7.22 , 14.8
575.81 4,373.90 14.4 , 14.6,
186.75 512.37 14.7.22 , 14.8
126.99 977.49 14.4 , 14.6,
126.99 1,706.49 14.7.22 , 14.8
652.11 1,641.29 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 595.20 14.7.22 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.22 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.22 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.22 , 14.8
14.4 ,
14.6 , 14.8
14.4 ,
18 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 520.11 14.4 ,
606.94 606.94 14.6,14.7.
119.52 556.92 18 , 14.8
119.52 1,152.27 14.4, 14.8
14.94 74.34 14.4 , 14.6,
14.94 99.32 14.8
104.58 200.57 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 222.43 14.8
74.70 142.98 14.4 , 14.6,
74.70 151.65 14.7.11
119.52 2,146.14 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 2,460.82 14.7.11
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
119.52 253.17 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 313.92
44.82 260.60 ,14.8
44.82 437.75 14.4 , 14.6,
44.82 470.07
104.58 437.19 ,14.8
104.58 476.67 14.4 , 14.6,
104.58 758.98
104.58 1,086.30 ,14.8
104.58 1,349.95 14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 2,042.51 14.4 , 14.6,
944.57 1,911.23 14.7.21
755.66 1,632.63 ,14.8
460.65 13,473.30 14.4,
345.49 5,047.54 14.5,
230.32 2,781.82 14.6.4
249.00 1,496.23 14.4,
249.00 1,230.11 14.5,
99.60 500.55 14.6.4
902.63 16,406.03 14.4 , 14.6,
361.05 8,222.10 14.7.21
180.52 4,141.42 ,14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 91.48 14.4 , 14.6,
115.16 1,174.64 14.7.21
230.32 1,218.36 ,14.8
299.81 1,076.09 14.4 , 14.6,
299.81 979.70 14.7.18
299.81 871.92 ,14.8
174.41 581.93 14.4 , 14.6,
174.41 461.09 14.7.18
149.91 350.56 ,14.8
37.35 675.22 14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
37.35 496.62 14.4 , 14.6,
37.35 435.87 14.7.18 ,
14.94 334.48 14.8
14.94 358.79 14.4 , 14.6,
44.82 230.71 14.7.18 ,
74.70 275.17 14.8
119.52 347.94 14.4 , 14.6,
199.20 879.60 14.7.18 ,
199.20 2,318.16 14.8
249.00 2,071.50 14.4 , 14.6,
249.00 2,922.00 14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.18 ,
14.4 , 14.6
14.4 , 14.6
14.4 , 14.6
14.4 , 14.6

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
328.68 17,107.83 14.4, 14.5
328.68 18,359.28 14.4, 14.5
328.68 20,825.73 14.4, 14.5
328.68 24,871.68 14.4, 14.5
328.68 31,554.18 14.4, 14.5
498.00 20,140.66 14.4, 14.5
498.00 24,020.40 14.4, 14.5
498.00 28,686.00 14.4, 14.5
124.50 549.75 14.4, 14.5
124.50 792.75 14.4, 14.5
124.50 975.00 14.4, 14.5
298.80 1,027.80 14.4, 14.5
298.80 1,270.80 14.4, 14.5
298.80 1,392.30 14.4, 14.5
298.80 1,756.80 14.4, 14.5
99.60 952.53 14.4, 14.5
298.80 2,514.96 14.4, 14.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
124.50 258.15 14.4, 14.5
451.31 2,456.06 14.4, 14.5
451.31 2,881.31 14.4, 14.5
451.31 3,185.06 14.4, 14.5
2,303.25 12,546.23 14.4 , 14.6,
2,303.25 14,923.79 14.7
2,303.25 16,008.98 14.4 , 14.6,
4,668.75 26,094.13 14.7
4,668.75 32,142.48 14.4 , 14.6,
3,921.75 55,506.96 14.7
4,668.75 81,094.45 14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
226.70 2,228.30 14.4 , 14.6,
226.70 1,225.72 14.7.3,
149.91 328.85 14.7.5 ,
149.91 270.60 14.8
6.98 8.83 14.4 , 14.6,
6.98 9.75 14.7.3,
6.98 10.68 14.7.5 ,
6.98 11.60 14.8
6.98 12.53 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.5 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6.98 13.45 14.4 , 14.6,
18.38 30.74 14.6.2 , 14.8
18.38 31.60 14.4 , 14.6,
18.38 34.45 14.5.9 , 14.8
18.38 36.05 14.4 , 14.6,
18.38 36.67 14.5.9 , 14.8
18.38 39.64 14.4 , 14.6,
18.38 42.85 14.5.9 , 14.8
747.00 26,869.50 14.4 , 14.6,
653.63 28,598.63 14.5.9 , 14.8
498.00 24,798.00 14.4 , 14.6,
14.5.9 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.5.9 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.5.9 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
653.63 34,673.63 14.4 , 14.6,
249.00 29,692.34 14.8
249.00 26,675.25 14.4 , 14.6,
249.00 27,537.90 14.8
249.00 31,170.75 14.4 , 14.6,
230.32 3,511.07 14.8
896.40 15,024.66 14.4 , 14.6,
896.40 18,776.58 14.8
896.40 18,776.58 14.4 , 14.6,
896.40 21,449.83 14.7.3 , 14.8
896.40 27,886.41 14.4 , 14.6,
896.40 28,696.57 14.8, 15.16.3
14.4 , 14.6,
14.8, 15.16.3
14.4 , 14.6,
14.8, 15.16.3
14.4 , 14.6,
14.8, 15.16.3
14.4 , 14.6,
14.8, 15.16.3
14.4 , 14.6,
14.8, 15.16.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
896.40 28,603.32 14.4 , 14.6,
896.40 33,145.17 14.8,
896.40 32,070.38 15.16.3
896.40 38,989.81 14.4 , 14.6,
1,494.00 41,174.38 14.8,
896.40 40,564.33 15.16.3
1,494.00 41,161.93 14.4 , 14.6,
896.40 50,007.31 14.8,
896.40 56,880.56 15.16.3
3,361.50 21,751.86 14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4 , 14.6,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,361.50 27,219.36 14.4 , 14.6,
3,361.50 31,775.61 14.8,
3,361.50 36,554.45 15.16.3
2,614.50 39,696.30 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 11,667.56 14.8,
119.52 4,280.36 15.16.3
119.52 9,450.19 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 8,530.43 14.8,
119.52 4,578.04 15.16.3
119.52 1,613.44 14.4 , 14.6,
119.52 3,162.56 14.8,
119.52 2,731.24 15.16.3
119.52 2,500.39 14.6.2 ,
119.52 1,139.58 14.8.4
119.52 1,984.01 14.6.2 ,
119.52 1,668.11 14.8.4
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
119.52 1,911.11 14.6.2 ,
119.52 738.64 14.8.4
119.52 1,412.96 14.6.2 ,
119.52 957.34 14.8.4
112.05 903.70 14.6.2 ,
112.05 418.91 14.8.4
112.05 595.09 14.6.2 ,
112.05 554.99 14.8.4
112.05 663.71 14.6.2 ,
112.05 296.78 14.8.4
112.05 434.07 14.6.2 ,
112.05 362.39 14.8.4
104.58 511.65 14.6.2 ,
104.58 262.58 14.8.4
104.58 364.64 14.6.2 ,
104.58 296.60 14.8.4
104.58 390.15 14.6.2 ,
104.58 215.19 14.8.4
104.58 286.88 14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 239.49 14.6.2 ,
119.52 1,213.75 14.8.4
134.46 1,811.31 14.7.21 ,
149.40 2,501.88 14.8.4
179.28 4,861.65 14.7.21 ,
224.10 15,710.00 14.8.4
224.10 2,406.24 14.7.21 ,
522.90 5,900.98 14.8.4
915.08 9,914.58 14.7.21 ,
915.08 4,585.32 14.8.4
921.30 4,377.96 14.7.21 ,
921.30 4,888.26 14.8.4
119.52 181.49 14.7.18 ,
119.52 217.93 14.8.4
119.52 279.90 14.7.6 ,
14.7.11 ,
14.7 , 14.8
14.7 , 14.8
14.7 , 14.8
14.7 , 14.8
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,
14.6.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
119.52 329.71 14.6.2 ,
186.75 468.63 14.8.4
119.52 667.48 14.6.2 ,
186.75 972.85 14.8.4
186.75 1,972.80 14.6.2 ,
373.50 2,748.82 14.8.4
373.50 4,826.48 14.6.2 ,
119.52 614.75 14.8.4
134.46 813.79 14.6.2 ,
149.40 1,018.37 14.8.4
179.28 1,300.48 14.6.2 ,
224.10 2,102.00 14.8.4
149.40 9,483.76 14.6.2 ,
149.40 3,196.13 14.8.4
14.7.21 ,
14.7.21 ,
14.7.21 ,
14.7.21 ,
14.7.21 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
149.40 2,036.05 14.6.1,
149.40 1,465.00 14.8.3,
149.40 645.36 14.8.4 ,
119.52 452.62 14.8.5
104.58 373.87 14.6.1,
104.58 294.27 14.8.3,
149.40 1,155.18 14.8.4 ,
149.40 441.24 14.8.5
149.40 375.63 14.6.1,
149.40 322.90 14.8.3,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,
14.8.4 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
149.40 249.52 14.6.3,
119.52 201.12 14.8.3,
294.09 415.73 14.8.4 ,
294.09 376.14 14.8.5 14.6.3,
0.00 328.05 14.8.3,
731.44 4,020.07 14.8.4 ,
731.44 1,616.38 14.8.5 14.6.3
731.44 2,943.79 14.6.3
65.36 332.66 14.4, 14.6
65.36 435.94 14.6.4 ,
132.75 459.62 14.8.3
298.80 22,168.80 14.6.4 ,
1,125.28 4,655.10 14.8.3
101.16 493.60 14.6.4 ,
14.7, 14.8
14.7.21 ,
14.6 , 14.8.4
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.14 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.14 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.19 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
101.16 372.10 14.4 , 14.6,
1,286.04 2,199.08 14.7.19 , 14.8
104.58 863.96 14.4, 14.5
138.88 210.48 14.7.21 ,
230.32 3,511.07 14.8.4
261.45 3,663.45 14.6.2 ,
373.50 555.75 14.8.3 14.7.3
373.50 495.00 14.4, 14.5
0.00 97.20 14.4, 14.5
0.00 27.90 14.4, 14.5
100.89 220.48 14.4, 14.5
0.00 121.50 14.4, 14.5
0.00 12,150.00 14.6.3 ,
373.50 10,093.50 14.8.3
4,018.86 13,497.08 14.4, 14.5
604.53 843.70 14.4, 14.5
287.91 1,478.61 14.4, 14.5
460.65 1,432.65 14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.58 833.58 14.7.21
119.52 484.02 14.4, 14.5
184.26 208.56 14.4 , 14.6
119.52 224.01 14.6.2 ,
119.52 261.67 14.8.3
404.63 404.63 14.6.2 ,
373.50 3,046.50 14.8.3
186.75 429.75 14.4 , 14.6
196.09 378.34 14.7.3
326.81 2,756.81 14.4 , 14.6
104.58 1,441.08 14.4 , 14.6
261.45 998.35 14.4 , 14.6
64.74 307.74 14.4 , 14.6
373.50 19,206.00 14.7.9
373.50 1,163.25 14.4 , 14.6
140.66 383.56 14.4 , 14.6
245.08 593.87 14.4 , 14.6
373.50 14,953.50 14.4 , 14.6
14.6.4 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 956.70 14.7.3
149.40 787.28 14.4 , 14.6
298.80 15,865.99 14.4, 14.5
0.00 3,521,070.0 14.4, 14.5
314.62 1,110.16 14.4 , 14.6,
355.79 1,605.93 ,
1,898.63 16,660.88
0.00 46,170.00 14.4 , 14.6,
173.60 3,282.85 ,
138.88 1,797.15
138.88 1,306.84 14.7.17
14.4 , 14.6
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 , 14.6, ,
14.4 , 14.6, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
104.16 817.69 14.4 , 14.6,
104.16 582.50 ,
373.50 8,271.00
373.50 5,233.50 14.4 , 14.6,
373.50 61,123.50 ,
575.81 4,358.21
0.00 157,950.00 14.4, 14.5
230.14 1,020.52 14.4, 14.5
245.08 464.32 14.4, 14.5
14.4 , 14.6, , 14.4,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.4, 14.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
49.02 128.74 14.4 , 14.6
0.00 38,880.00 14.4 , 14.6
2,176.88 4,237.04 14.4 , 14.6
2,176.88 5,567.25 14.4 , 14.6
2,176.88 7,155.67 14.4 , 14.6
1,889.15 3,570.63 14.6.2,
184.26 317.91 14.8.3 ,
230.32 4,724.49 14.8.4
207.29 1,050.01 14.4 , 14.6,
448.20 2,363.04 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.6.3 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.1 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
522.90 8,066.83 14.7.4
224.10 16,626.60 14.4 , 14.6
121.39 39,001.39 14.4 , 14.6
224.10 8,752.79 14.4 , 14.6
622.91 1,453.37 14.6.2,
622.91 1,690.47 14.8.3 ,
14.8.3 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
622.91 1,828.73 14.6.2,
63.66 605.40 14.8.3 ,
63.66 884.79 14.8.4
70.73 1,126.85 14.6.2,
14.8.3 ,
14.8.3 ,
14.8.3 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
73.18 1,261.98 14.6.2,
379.73 1,886.32 14.8.3 ,
379.73 1,419.77 14.8.4
379.73 2,215.59 14.6.3 ,
453.40 2,144.83 14.8.3
14.94 1,564.06 14.6.3 ,
14.6.3 ,
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
14.94 2,406.79 14.4 , 14.6,
14.94 4,352.49 14.7.21 , 14.8
29.88 1,702.94 14.4 , 14.6,
14.94 713.57 14.7.21 , 14.8
180.52 3,060.07 14.7.21
180.52 3,691.88 14.4 , 14.6,
50.58 7,948.08 14.7.21 , 14.8
50.58 11,593.08 14.4 , 14.6,
145.66 449.42 14.7.21 , 14.8
1,388.78 6,172.24 14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 , 14.8
14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5
14.4, 14.5
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
161.85 26,284.35 14.4 , 14.6,
423.30 8,564.04 14.7.21 , 14.8
149.40 24,024.15
149.40 16,551.90 ,
149.40 34,294.55 14.4 , 14.6,
149.40 36,182.66 14.7.21 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 , 14.8
14.4 , 14.6,
14.7.21 , 14.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
58.82 160.51 15.2.3
58.82 185.55 15.2.3
58.82 226.55 15.2.3
58.82 246.86 15.2.3
58.82 270.40 15.2.3
58.82 337.34 15.2.3
147.05 359.06 15.2.3
147.05 386.86 15.2.3
147.05 432.13 15.2.3
147.05 456.71 15.2.3
147.05 505.36 15.2.3
147.05 588.88 15.2.3
29.41 88.25 15.2.4
29.41 105.09 15.2.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.41 122.16 15.2.4
44.11 157.74 15.2.4
58.82 185.44 15.2.4
39.21 192.29 15.2.4
44.11 224.12 15.2.4
58.82 314.55 15.2.4
88.23 184.06 15.2.4
88.23 237.44 15.2.4
88.23 238.07 15.2.4
88.23 316.96 15.2.4
117.64 368.78 15.2.4
147.05 373.66 15.2.4
181.36 453.36 15.2.4
225.47 606.98 15.2.4
33.70 200.63 15.2.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
33.70 182.30 15.2.5
57.59 231.20 15.2.5
62.50 271.73 15.2.5
62.50 307.91 15.2.5
100.48 414.24 15.2.5
105.38 582.79 15.2.5
14.70 36.28 15.2.6
14.70 40.26 15.2.6
14.70 72.15 15.2.6
19.61 62.50 15.3.1
19.61 81.47 15.3.1
19.61 112.09 15.3.1
19.61 139.19 15.3.1
49.02 224.29 15.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
73.52 523.17 15.3.1
122.54 785.29 15.3.1
34.31 76.45 15.3.1
34.31 96.18 15.3.1
39.21 131.06 15.3.1
39.21 157.48 15.3.1
63.72 235.25 15.3.1
98.03 544.69 15.3.1
98.03 514.47 15.3.1
166.65 861.89 15.3.1
166.65 1,118.60 15.3.1
245.08 1,984.47 15.3.1
612.70 3,068.45 15.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
612.70 3,696.52 15.3.1
612.70 5,359.81 15.3.1
24.51 160.40 15.3.1
24.51 215.33 15.3.1
34.31 234.02 15.3.1
34.31 238.09 15.3.1
34.31 339.14 15.3.1
34.31 899.56 15.3.1
112.05 188.07 15.3.1,
149.40 250.79 15.3.2
186.75 304.61 15.3.1,
224.10 413.80 15.3.2
268.92 491.62 15.3.1,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
313.74 540.82 15.3.1,
73.52 201.08 15.3.2
67.23 118.26 15.3.1,
67.23 130.41 15.3.2
67.23 142.56 15.3.1,
74.70 174.33 15.3.2
74.70 222.93 15.3.1,
149.40 679.95 15.3.2
149.40 959.40 15.3.1,
224.10 1,520.10 15.3.2
224.10 4,031.10 15.3.1,
298.80 1,108.80 15.3.2
298.80 1,230.30 15.3.1,
373.50 2,722.50 15.3.2
373.50 4,990.50 15.4.1,
373.50 10,093.50 15.4.5
298.80 12,448.80 15.4.1,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
298.80 24,598.80 15.4.5
298.80 36,748.80 15.4.5
298.80 34,318.80 15.4.5
298.80 30,673.80 15.4.5
298.80 24,598.80 15.4.5
298.80 18,523.80 15.4.5
373.50 3,411.00 15.4.1,
373.50 3,714.75 15.4.5
298.80 5,766.30 15.4.1,
298.80 7,406.55 15.4.5
298.80 12,448.80 15.4.1,
37.35 12,187.35 15.4.5
37.35 9,757.35 15.4.1,
14.94 932.11 15.4.5
28.39 76.99 15.4.1,
59.76 278.46 15.4.5
37.35 147.38 15.4.25

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
10.46 259.00 15.4.1
22.41 61.29 15.4.1,
22.41 122.04 15.4.5
37.35 82.31 15.4.1,
37.35 149.13 15.4.5
37.35 586.53 15.4.1,
37.35 647.28 15.4.5
37.35 647.28 15.4.1
19.42 70.45 15.4.1,
19.42 167.65 15.4.5
37.35 158.85 15.4.1,
37.35 219.60 15.4.5
37.35 559.80 15.4.1,
37.35 1,155.15 15.4.5
37.35 1,276.65 15.4.1,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
149.40 2,190.60 15.6.4
112.05 1,497.15 15.6.4
82.17 1,291.09 15.6.4
37.35 328.95 15.5.1
112.05 897.91 15.2.10
112.05 707.40 15.6.6
44.11 1,082.52 15.9.1
58.82 852.18 15.4.25
37.35 228.71 15.2.10
19.42 976.12 15.2.10,
19.42 201.67 15.3.1
34.31 265.99 15.2.10,
34.31 365.17 15.3.1
34.31 419.38 15.2.10,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
34.31 530.75 15.2.10,
336.15 869.23 15.3.1
597.60 2,541.60 15.5.6
597.60 2,330.19 15.6.1
597.60 4,485.60 15.6.1
326.81 29,251.32 15.6.1
373.50 1,224.00 15.6.5
149.40 2,397.15
149.40 3,551.40 15.6.1
149.40 5,313.15 15.6.1
747.00 17,757.00 15.6.1
747.00 29,907.00 15.6.1
747.00 25,047.00 15.6.1
747.00 15,084.00 15.6.1
326.81 69,285.57 15.6.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 2,353.32
44.82 2,110.32
44.82 6,119.82
44.82 2,596.32
44.82 2,839.32
44.82 15,353.82
44.82 4,540.32
44.82 10,250.82
44.82 32,849.82

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 6,119.82
44.82 60,794.82
44.82 6,119.82
44.82 834.57
44.82 1,077.57
44.82 1,806.57
44.82 956.07
44.82 1,065.42
44.82 5,390.82
186.75 1,644.75
186.75 2,373.75

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
186.75 1,887.75
186.75 2,009.25
186.75 2,738.25
186.75 3,588.75
186.75 4,074.75
186.75 1,644.75
186.75 2,130.75
186.75 4,317.75
186.75 4,317.75
186.75 3,406.50
186.75 7,233.75
186.75 4,074.75

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
186.75 4,385.79
186.75 3,102.75
37.35 5,504.85
37.35 1,495.35
37.35 341.10
37.35 341.10
37.35 110.25
37.35 171.00
37.35 134.55
5.98 30.28
29.88 1,001.88
37.35 1,009.35
37.35 1,738.35
37.35 219.60
37.35 328.95
37.35 377.55
37.35 584.10
29.88 1,730.88
186.75 612.00
149.40 4,280.40
149.40 574.65
8,964.00 24,759.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
2,801.25 20,175.75 15.6.6
2,801.25 29,895.75 15.6.6
2,396.63 17,341.13 15.6.6
2,396.63 27,061.13 15.6.6
429.52 57,452.86 15.6.6,
2,988.00 7,161.20 15.7.4
747.00 9,883.80 15.6.6
373.50 1,588.50 15.13.2
29.88 819.63 15.14.4
29.88 588.78 15.13.2
373.50 12,766.50 15.13.2
29.88 370.08 15.3.1
34.31 1,230.34
34.31 1,150.69
6,126.97 16,092.52
44.82 1,131.07

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 804.60 15.3.1
29.41 321.54 15.3.1
29.41 449.18 15.3.1
49.02 683.00 15.3.1
88.23 1,843.48 15.3.1
19.61 83.27 15.3.1
19.61 132.85 15.3.1
19.61 219.63 15.3.1
34.31 508.71 15.3.1
71.71 2,466.58 15.3.1
67.23 1,379.79 15.3.1
32.87 570.25 15.3.1
101.59 2,685.92 15.3.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,195.20 16,265.23 15.3.2
74.70 264.03 15.4.5
29.88 72.40 15.5.4
14.94 99.99 15.4.5
14.94 51.39 15.4.4
14.94 51.39 15.4.5
14.94 257.94 15.4.5
59.76 1,274.76 15.6.3
59.76 3,704.76 15.6.3
74.70 293.40 15.6.3
74.70 354.15 15.6.3
74.70 414.90 15.6.3
74.70 718.65 15.6.3
74.70 414.90 15.6.3
74.70 1,143.90 15.6.3
74.70 287.33 15.6.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
74.70 378.45 15.6.1
186.75 2,495.25 15.6.1
149.40 1,789.65 15.6.1
149.40 1,364.40 15.6.1
112.05 780.30 15.6.1
149.40 890.55 15.6.1
149.40 890.55 15.6.1
149.40 890.55 15.6.1
373.50 750.15 15.6.1
373.50 810.90 15.6.1
373.50 871.65 15.6.1
373.50 3,824.10 15.6.1
373.50 3,082.95 15.6.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 6,071.85 15.6.1
44.82 18,054.77 15.6.3 ,
373.50 1,491.30 15.6.4
373.50 2,463.30 15.6.1
224.10 224.10 15.6.1
186.75 3,515.85 15.13.1
186.75 4,317.75 15.5.1
186.75 4,439.25 15.5.1
0.00 4,252.50 15.5.1
93.38 5,439.38 15.5.2
93.38 8,598.38 15.5.2
149.40 2,457.90 15.5.3
149.40 3,267.09 15.5.3
149.40 4,898.83 15.5.3
93.38 1,794.38 15.5.3

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
597.60 3,513.60 15.7.12
597.60 4,121.10 15.7.12
709.65 8,242.65 15.7.12
112.05 658.80 15.7.12
112.05 658.80 15.7.12
112.05 950.40 15.7.12
112.05 950.40 15.7.12
1,525.13 8,936.63 15.14.5
1,525.13 8,967.00 15.14.5
2,676.75 10,118.63 15.14.5
3,252.56 10,755.19 15.14.5
3,797.25 12,059.25 15.4.5
23.31 217.71
23.31 218.92
23.31 240.79

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
59.76 1,474.02 15.8.11
59.76 368.98 15.8.11
59.76 618.05 15.2.10
11.77 120.63 15.5.3
373.50 2,843.59 15.5.3
373.50 2,843.59
373.50 2,682.00
373.50 981.00
522.90 3,206.23
522.90 3,495.40

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
194.22 3,419.92 15.5.3
44.82 3,154.00 15.5.3
93.38 4,842.96 15.5.3
93.38 5,439.38 15.5.2
44.11 76.00 15.2.4
44.11 103.91 15.2.4
44.11 143.77 15.4.7
44.11 243.43 15.4.6
26.89 1,069.61 15.4.6
26.89 1,373.36 15.4.6
59.76 242.01 15.6.4
29.88 272.88
149.40 696.15
29.88 212.13
74.70 142.74

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
94.12 361.42
16.43 55.11
16.43 167.09
27.14 99.23
30.13 158.11
43.58 308.85
51.98 572.41
61.07 867.02
61.07 630.09
75.94 663.20
1,307.25 105,129.00
1,307.25 105,918.80
1,307.25 122,928.80
1,307.25 122,139.00
862.78 35,473.49
862.78 27,447.20
862.78 31,026.59
862.78 23,242.09
85.78 1,839.71
85.78 815.26
85.78 456.50
85.78 691.68
85.78 388.73

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
93.38 3,124.80
93.38 1,365.48
93.38 749.47
44.82 208.85
2,614.50 211,298.30
2,614.50 344,948.31
2,614.50 466,448.31
2,614.50 1,050,149.0
44.82 9,662.76
44.82 8,541.32
44.82 1,833.30
44.82 227.07
44.82 244.08
466.88 1,695.24
70.03 197.61
1,120.50 10,840.50
1,307.25 58,116.01
29.88 42,554.88
1,307.25 8,718.75


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.88 30,404.88
29.88 124,567.40
653.63 5,513.63
2,614.50 34,204.50
5,229.00 114,579.00
186.75 915.75
62.30 609.05
1,307.25 16,806.01
1,307.25 14,524.13
373.50 10,701.00
186.75 976.50
186.75 551.25
186.75 551.25
93.38 518.63
93.38 287.77
93.38 269.55
44.82 208.85
44.82 196.70


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,921.75 69,235.51
3,921.75 68,020.51
3,921.75 66,805.51
3,921.75 81,385.51
3,921.75 64,375.51
186.75 13,551.75
186.75 5,396.67
1,225.39 3,621.11
44.82 501.66
29.88 297.18
49.02 874.16

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 857.01 15.18.8
89.64 1,438.52 15.18.8
119.52 1,874.26 15.18.8
134.46 2,848.85 15.18.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
179.28 2,640.48 15.18.1
194.22 5,249.19 15.18.1
747.00 7,977.31 15.18.1
1,120.50 13,703.87 15.18.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 17,027.71 15.18.1
1,494.00 20,903.77 15.18.1
1,867.50 34,131.56 15.18.1
34.31 339.93 15.18.8
34.31 247.25 15.18.8
11.95 791.63 15.18.8
10.46 235.23 15.18.8
10.46 140.56 15.18.8

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 341.62 15.18.1
89.64 539.42 15.18.1
134.46 808.20 15.18.1
373.50 2,098.96 15.18.1
373.50 10,883.37 15.4.5,
15.2.4 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.88 746.73 15.4.5
29.88 843.93 15.4.5
44.82 652.32 15.4.5
44.82 907.47 15.4.5
59.76 991.97 15.4.5
59.76 1,224.03 15.4.5
93.38 1,530.72 15.4.5
29.88 904.68 15.4.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.88 819.70 15.4.5
44.82 1,223.49 15.4.5
44.82 743.51 15.4.5
44.82 1,846.00 15.4.7
44.82 956.07 15.4.12
59.76 1,323.36 15.4.12
59.76 606.51 15.4.12
59.76 679.41 15.4.6
59.76 223.79 15.4.5
14.94 97.56

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
14.94 120.64 15.4.5
29.88 260.73 15.4.5
29.88 236.43 15.4.5
29.88 303.26 15.4.5
186.75 4,497.28 15.18.8
373.50 83,542.38 15.16.3
373.50 166,711.30 15.16.3
747.00 55,422.00 15.16.4
747.00 78,146.77 15.16.4
373.50 19,631.25
373.50 19,631.25

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 77,726.59 15.16.4
186.75 2,514.70 15.16.7
186.75 50,855.47 15.16.7
186.75 6,152.86 15.16.7
186.75 22,931.55 15.16.7
4.48 89.53 15.16.7
93.38 3,738.38 15.18.8
653.63 6,088.30 15.17.4
186.75 8,977.35
186.75 17,647.69
186.75 13,220.12

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
186.75 7,962.75 15.17.4
186.75 13,369.50 15.16.7
186.75 319,769.19 15.17.8
186.75 91,311.75 15.16.4 ,
186.75 69,676.41 15.16.5
186.75 12,840.03
186.75 8,388.00
1,072.22 11,122.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,072.22 13,030.88
1,072.22 8,607.73
1,072.22 9,044.66
1,072.22 6,215.04

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,482.00 351,721.91
7,843.50 85,957.00
747.00 6,073.65
747.00 6,073.65
44.82 69,486.87

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,614.50 23,499.37
2,614.50 115,525.00
1,494.00 62,244.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
5,229.00 178,728.50 15.20.4
93.38 180.85 15.2.3
1,494.00 23,364.00 15.2.3
4,482.00 83,457.00
747.00 8,037.00
747.00 18,972.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 28,224.00 15.2.3
1,494.00 86,544.00 15.2.3
1,494.00 153,369.00 15.2.3
1,494.00 25,186.50 15.4.19
1,494.00 25,186.50 15.4.19
306.35 585.38
14.94 622.44
14.94 683.19
46.76 690.71
49.02 666.88
186.75 11,607.75

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
44.82 652.32
44.82 713.07
10,458.00 496,458.00
26,145.00 1,575,270.0
1,494.00 27,616.50
1,494.00 52,888.50
186.75 21,449.25
93.38 883.13
93.38 5,196.38
2,988.00 118,413.00
9.80 178.06
37.35 98.10
37.35 158.85
93.38 3,130.88


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.38 883.13 15.20.2
37.35 486.90 15.2.3
1,494.00 53,131.50 15.20.2
2,614.50 29,101.50
1,494.00 27,981.00
44.82 20,396.07
448.20 23,290.20

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 426,744.00
448.20 85,498.20
448.20 79,423.20
1,494.00 426,744.00
1,494.00 24,336.00
1.49 232.61
448.20 55,123.20
1,494.00 26,401.50
1,494.00 44,019.00


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 40,374.00 15.20.2
1,494.00 365,994.00 15.20.4
89.64 4,497.26 15.18.6
186.75 9,278.44 15.18.6
373.50 5,301.41
29.88 675.24
29.88 1,852.38
89.64 1,636.42
89.64 2,642.72
35.86 619.06
44.82 688.77

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,482.00 65,232.00 15.16.10
34.31 114.04 15.18.6
49.02 208.46 15.18.6
49.02 288.19 15.18.6
49.02 367.91
49.02 447.64
34.31 1,230.18
13.45 309.37

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
13.45 159.25
13.45 232.15
13.45 317.20
10.46 66.86
2,614.50 124,238.70
14.94 2,133.71
373.50 91,498.50
373.50 182,623.50
747.00 6,436.81
229.76 1,511.21


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
22.41 2,467.46
22.41 2,119.12
373.50 19,813.50
29.88 1,094.22
29.88 1,965.38
29.88 1,770.97
29.88 819.63

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
29.88 698.13 15.18.8
29.88 941.13 15.18.8
29.88 989.73 15.18.8
29.88 941.13 15.4.5
29.88 1,123.38 15.4.7
29.88 170.82 15.2.4
29.88 189.04 15.2.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.88 243.72 15.2.4
29.88 236.43 15.2.4
29.88 637.38 15.7.4
1,494.00 37,944.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 268,794.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 700,119.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 104,769.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 104,769.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 104,769.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 1,034,244.0 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 104,769.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 104,769.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 92,619.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 104,769.00 15.7.4
1,494.00 365,994.00 15.7.4
186.75 8,084.25 15.2.4
12.25 155.76 15.2.4
24.51 611.00
186.75 3,102.75
186.75 79,161.75
94.12 1,066.12
14.94 33.17
1,494.00 4,745.34

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.38 42,618.38 15.7.4
37.35 341.10 15.5.1
37.35 1,738.35
37.35 1,495.35
37.35 1,252.35
37.35 1,009.35
37.35 948.60
37.35 766.35
37.35 644.85
186.75 2,009.25
37.35 110.25
37.35 948.60
37.35 401.85
37.35 158.85
37.35 486.90
37.35 486.90
37.35 523.35
37.35 280.35
186.75 6,261.75

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
186.75 302.17 15.20.6
186.75 42,711.75 15.2.4
186.75 976.50
74.70 117.22
74.70 129.38
74.70 135.45
29.88 108.86
29.88 84.56
59.76 108.36
37.35 256.05
14.94 39.24
37.35 134.55
0.00 36.45
37.35 547.65
29.88 90.63
29.88 103.27

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
29.88 248.58
29.88 880.38
29.88 7,319.88
37.35 3,074.85
37.35 4,897.35
37.35 6,112.35
37.35 3,074.85
37.35 4,897.35
37.35 6,112.35
37.35 1,283.79
37.35 1,550.15
37.35 2,467.35
37.35 4,289.85
29.88 2,459.88
29.88 3,674.88
29.88 7,319.88
29.88 10,964.88
1,494.00 13,644.00
1,494.00 11,214.00
1,494.00 10,606.50
1,494.00 7,569.00


Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 11,214.00
1,494.00 10,606.50
1,494.00 9,391.50
1,494.00 8,784.00
1,494.00 7,569.00
1,494.00 9,999.00
1,494.00 9,756.00
1,494.00 9,391.50
1,494.00 8,784.00
1,494.00 7,569.00
747.00 4,392.00
747.00 2,569.50
93.38 1,004.63
93.38 1,004.63
373.50 4,018.50

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 1,588.50
747.00 2,569.50
373.50 1,588.50
747.00 2,569.50
373.50 1,588.50
747.00 2,569.50
11.65 376.15
1,494.00 183,744.00
1,494.00 347,769.00
747.00 6,822.00
747.00 8,037.00
747.00 10,467.00
747.00 12,897.00
373.50 30,748.50
311.25 30,686.25
311.25 24,611.25
311.25 18,536.25
89.64 271.89

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
835.37 6,578.95 16.3.1 The Item has been Deleted
285.78 1,304.12 16.3.1
292.24 1,954.99 16.3.5
428.68 1,488.77 16.3.1
257.21 2,190.03 16.3.1
643.01 2,837.05 16.3.2
257.21 2,549.83 16.3.6
51.06 205.22 16.3.7
262.76 6,244.99 16.8.12
113.87 4,532.94 16.8.12
17.42 195.29 16.4.3
17.42 57.03 16.4.4
2.05 280.19 16.4.5
2.05 399.89 16.4.5
2.05 524.07 16.4.5
7.57 146.42 16.4
13.02 138.78 16.9
2.16 211.42 3.9.3
50.30 438.43 16.4.13
72.07 636.85 16.4.13
93.84 842.46 16.4.13

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
354.84 17,002.57 16.4.8 The Rate of Item No '16-14-a and b include a
354.84 19,306.18 16.4.10 Lead of 10 Km. The Lead More than 10 Km is
824.82 2,921.57 16.8.6 to be paid separately for the loaded trip from the
nearest asphalt plant under item no 16-13-c.
442.80 3,438.85 16.8.6 , DELETED
2,400.24 4,495.38 25.7.4 The rate is for complete item of work according
623.18 1,083.88 16.8.15 to standard design including cement concrete
518.98 1,789.60 16.8.15 foundation block and painting letters etc.
2,039.20 11,909.83 16.8.14 The cost of pedestal, PCC and excavation is
1,210.40 10,009.87 16.8.7 included in the rate.
2,968.02 18,058.31 16.8.7 The cost of pedestal, PCC and excavation is
included in the rate.
2,461.23 15,485.51 16.8.7
657.90 12,106.11 16.8.7
21.82 12,162.79 16.8.7
1,818.70 27,918.06 16.8.7
398.77 48,368.14 16.8.7
6,816.38 208,217.50 16.8.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
7,747.01 455,542.41 16.8.7 The cost of RCC base for the foundation is not
8,528.25 656,886.88 16.8.7 included in the rate which is payable separately.
6,162.75 139,306.91 16.8.7
211.58 7,035.89
211.58 4,473.51
211.58 2,800.11
283.24 586.99 16.8.12
283.24 691.48 16.8.12
72.83 612.29 16.8.10
72.83 629.30 16.8.10
72.83 511.45 16.8.10
72.83 522.38 16.8.10
72.83 357.14 16.8.10
72.83 364.43 16.8.10
72.83 629.30 16.8.10

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
35.07 521.07 16.8.12
35.07 551.45 16.8.12
35.07 490.70 16.8.12
35.07 521.07 16.8.12
35.07 399.57 16.8.10
35.07 429.95 16.8.10
35.07 369.20 16.8.10
35.07 429.95 16.8.10
1,284.93 7,415.75 16.3.15
7.54 358.14
571.57 1,459.99 16.7.2
137.42 2,024.38 16.7.2
146.33 2,302.86 16.7.2
784.11 2,984.86 16.7.2
980.41 4,052.61 16.7.2
124.38 4,095.39 16.7.2
1,176.52 6,003.53 16.7.2
126.75 5,965.72 16.7.2
1,372.46 10,310.87 16.7.2
129.51 10,232.55 16.7.2
1,568.60 10,506.83

The nominal thickness of bricks shall be taken

for the purpose of measurement and payment.
For different thicknesses, rate is to be calculated
on pro-rate basis.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
200.06 10,489.01 16.7.2
1,764.98 12,078.03 16.7.2
182.65 11,986.81 16.7.2
1,960.84 28,855.60 16.7.2
188.42 28,760.21 16.7.2
267.04 1,610.20 16.7.2
1,953.93 10,563.01
3,349.41 10,165.85
3,349.41 9,328.74
3,439.31 127,060.80
0.00 566,461.69
0.00 597,444.19
0.00 628,426.69
0.00 649,081.69
0.00 667,306.69
0.00 224,775.00

a) The bore hole dia shall not be less than

200mm and the method of execution of pre-
construction boring shall be done with casing
and appropriate to soil encountered.
b) Preparation and submission of bore-logs
based on soil classification with SPT's values as
per BS-1377 is included in the rate.
Rates includes all material, equipment,
instruments and temporary work required to
construct anchor pile, load test and load
settlement readings and preparation of graphs of
the test pile, Less Cost of Test Pile.

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
0.00 679,456.69
0.00 6,816.44
0.00 6,098.92
0.00 6,776.58
0.00 5,979.33
3,349.41 9,448.33
3,349.41 10,165.85
21.73 203.98
0.07 4.08 ,
27.90 223.52 16.6.8
35.48 298.57 16.6.8
177.41 967.16 16.6.7
2,278.95 2,692.32 16.6.7
1,064.47 1,469.07 16.6.7
48.55 1,136.24 16.10
48.55 1,420.02 16.10
48.55 1,497.46 16.10
202.31 492.91 16.12

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
202.31 471.77 16.12
202.31 492.91 16.12
202.31 1,726.14 16.11
202.31 1,726.14 16.11
202.31 1,726.14 16.11
202.31 1,726.14 16.11
809.25 1,948.31 16.12
809.25 1,568.63
37.76 54.93 0.3
3.74 1,269.93 16.3.4
269.72 110,967.70 16.4.12
269.72 88,125.68 16.4.12
291.33 10,004.99 16.3.4
108.75 151.11
132.28 1,701.77 16.6.9
132.28 2,419.82 16.6.9
132.28 3,160.51 16.6.9
132.28 3,901.22 16.6.9
551.04 726.03 16.6.7
44.20 229.17 6.9
214.76 523.37 16.7.12
115.16 186.97 16.7.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,078.71 3,451.74 6.9
3.68 581.68 16.6.8
2.16 237.41 16.3.7
2.16 210.07 16.3.7
121.91 628.41 16.4.7
0.34 3.51 16.4.3
0.13 1.30 16.4.4
139.32 958.48 16.4.7
191.57 1,359.05 16.4.7
4.61 365.23 16.4.3
36.76 955.98 16.7.12
667.77 1,826.91
95.36 982.55 16.2.7
5.22 71.58 16.4.15
3.48 55.20 16.4.15
4.35 56.07 16.4.15
34.96 172.58

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,824.62 15,477.23 16.4.10
55.59 55.59 3.9.3
161.42 226.10 3.9.3 , 16.3
102.12 606.27 16.8.2
102.12 666.06 16.8.2
102.12 466.75 16.8.2
6.27 38.45 24.2.2
626.53 7,062.64 24.2.2
14.60 105.29 16.8.10
19.46 140.98 16.8.10
14.60 100.31 16.8.10
19.47 134.31 16.8.10
14.60 45.50 16.8.10
19.46 60.86 16.8.10
14.60 41.51 16.8.10
19.46 55.52 16.8.10
40.46 492.91 16.8.9
560.58 2,531.10 16.3.15

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,154.37 4,354.45 16.9.4
119.52 327.94
310.45 17,789.18 ,
177.41 14,028.41 3,
140.75 11,221.55
88.71 8,593.71 8
110.94 9,587.94 16.6.7
66.59 6,141.59 16.6.7
51.80 5,519.31 16.6.7
29.57 3,917.57 16.6.7
35.31 334.28 16.6.7
27.55 286.66 16.6.7
21.73 161.25 16.6.7
17.46 145.02 16.6.7
14.75 134.33 16.6.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
10.09 125.69 16.6.7
5.82 109.46 16.6.7
961.76 5,092.76
672.30 3,564.00
463.76 2,632.54
0.00 196,285.05 16.6.7
0.00 195,091.45 16.6.7
0.00 148,139.66 16.6.7
35.31 904.31 16.6.7
27.55 864.66 16.6.7
21.73 767.15 16.6.7
17.46 607.42 16.6.7
14.75 548.90 16.6.7
10.09 516.34 16.6.7
5.82 453.07 16.6.7
1,333.89 10,930.08 16.8.2
1,333.89 8,564.03 16.8.2

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
164.00 3,123.37 16.8.4
63.49 3,331.84 16.8.4
161.85 5,070.82 16.8.4
6,109.63 39,393.51 16.8.5
6,109.63 39,100.44
354.61 22,092.24
4.43 276.10

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
76.63 76.63 17.3.1, 1.Rates for all finished work include the
104.49 104.49 17.3.3 removal of surplus debris, unused material and
203.62 298.93 17.3.1, by products.
2.'The rates include curing for specified period
146.93 187.56 17.3.3 wherever necessary.
186.21 226.84 17.2.5 3.'Nominal dimensions of tile or brick shall be
186.21 357.29 17.2.5 taken for the purpose on measuremen
235.77 406.85 17.2.5
104.49 170.48 17.2.5
232.76 298.75 17.2.5
902.57 2,753.54 17.2.5
1,029.83 2,880.80 17.2.5
902.57 2,954.77 17.3.7
1,029.83 3,082.03 17.3.7
902.57 2,939.84 17.3.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,029.83 3,067.10 17.3.7
902.57 3,141.06 17.3.7
1,029.83 3,268.33 17.3.7
2,385.20 8,790.67 17.2.7,
2,385.20 7,616.46
2,385.20 6,609.86 17.2.7,
2,802.88 9,208.35
2,802.88 8,034.15 17.2.7,
2,802.88 7,027.54
253.25 952.61 17.2.7,
291.03 1,096.91

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
328.81 1,297.51 17.3.5
404.38 1,651.87 17.3.5
479.95 1,801.18 17.3.5
606.57 2,318.85 17.3.5
Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
18-01 Cutting Ransome & Larson piles. Cutting universal piles Each Each Rft 326.81 326.81 Cut Cut m
18-02 Driving steel piles to depth of: Upto 15' Rft Rft 490.22 490.22 mm
18-03-a Driving steel piles to depth of: More than 15' to 25' Each Each Each 35.36 35.36 Each Each
18-03-b Driving steel piles to depth of: More than 25' to 30' Job Job Job 48.80 48.80 Each Job Job
18-03-c Dolleying piles upto 5' Drilling holes in piles by hand Raising and 100 Rft tonne 51.05 51.05 Job m tonne
18-04 lowering machine Turning Machine : 90 Turning Machine : 135 100 Rft 359.56 359.56 m
18-05 Turning Machine : 180 Travelling machine (light) Loading and Each Each per 43.14 43.14 Each Each per
18-06 unloading piles day 15,121.15 15,121.15 day
18-07-a Carriage of piling machine under different conditions 6,573.60 6,573.60
18-07-b Erecting piling machines Dismantling piling machine 8,366.40 8,366.40
18-07-c Hire charges of piling plant with accessories including fuel, pay of 11,454.00 11,454.00
18-08 operator and other mechanical staff, mobilization, demobilization 17,032.77 17,032.77
18-09 and idle time 350.41 350.41
18-10 7,063.97 7,063.97
18-11 46,096.00 46,096.00
18-12 43,902.06 43,902.06
18-13 0.00 6,075.00

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-01 Cutting pilchi, frash or sarkanda including carriage within one 100 Cft 1,230.06 1,230.06 m3
19-02 mile. 100 Sft Each 2,913.30 2,913.30 m2 Each
19-03-a (1.6 km.) Each 65.55 102.00 Each
19-03-b Weaving matresses Each 81.73 118.18 Each
19-03-c Supply & filling used synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25cft capacity Each 65.55 174.90 Each
19-03-d with sand or earth, sewing & stacking : in dry Each 81.73 191.08 Each
19-04-a Supply & filling used synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25cft capacity Each 262.20 321.73 Each
19-04-b with sand or earth, sewing & stacking : Under water Each Each 100 326.94 386.47 Each Each 100
19-04-c Supplying and filling used jute bags, 1.25 cft capacity with sand or No. 262.20 444.45 No.
19-04-d earth, sewing and stacking: in dry. 100No/50m 326.94 509.19 100No/50
19-05-a Supplying and filling used jute bags 1.25 cft capacity with sand or 100No/50m 331.79 331.79 m 100No/50
19-05-b earth, sewing & stacking : Under Water 100No/50m 250.87 250.87 m
19-05-c Supply & filling new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 100No/50m 27.51 27.51 100No/50
19-06-a 4-5cft capacity with sand or earth,sewing, stacking 1,327.17 1,327.17 m 100No/50
19-06-b : in dry 1,003.47 1,003.47 m
Supply & filling new synthetic fibre/plastic bags
4-5cft capacity with sand or earth,sewing, stacking
: Under water
Supply & filling used jute bags 4-5 cft capacity with sand or earth,
sewing & stacking : in dry Supply & filling used jute bags 4-5
capacity with
sand or earth, sewing & stacking : Under Water
Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25 cft capacity filled with
sand / earth : 1st 50 m Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25
capacity filled with sand / earth : 2nd & 3rd 50 m
Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25 cft capacity filled with
sand / earth : 4th and subsequent 50 m
Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft capacity filled
with sand/earth : 1st 50 m
Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft capacity filled
with sand/earth : 2nd & 3rd 50 m

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-06-c Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft capacity filled 100No/50m 110.06 110.06 100No/50
19-07-a with sand/earth : 4th & subsequent 50 m 100 Sft 890.17 890.17 m m2 m2 m2
19-07-b Rolling matresses to river edge & floating, after unrolling with 100 Sft 1,416.19 1,416.19 100 No.
19-07-c area : Upto 200 m2 100 Sft 1,691.33 1,691.33 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-08 Rolling matresses to river edge & floating, after unrolling with 100 No. 1,173.41 1,225.38 m3 Each m2
19-09 area : Over 200 to 250 m2 Rolling matresses to river edge & 100 Cft 1,578.04 1,578.04 m2 m2 m2 m2
19-10 floating, after 100 Cft 971.10 971.10 m2 m2 m2
19-11-a unrolling with area : Over 250 m2 100 Cft 2,343.59 2,343.59
19-11-b Sewing empty cement bags in sheets 100 Cft 1,566.71 1,566.71
19-11-c Making compact round pilchi, frash or sarkanda round bundles of 100 Cft Each 1,851.56 1,851.56
19-12 specified size for the work Launching the bundles mentioned in 100 Sft 202.31 264.99
19-13-a-01 Item 19-09 100 Sft 1,587.38 2,403.85
19-13-a-02 above & placing in position 100 Sft 1,587.38 4,124.50
19-13-a-03 Supply and staking within 150m (500 feet) : Boulders 9" (225 m) 100 Sft 1,587.38 4,477.62
19-13-b-01 and above 100 Sft 1,904.85 2,533.54
19-13-b-02 Supply within 150m (500 feet) : Over size shingle 3" to 9" 100 Sft 1,904.85 3,857.09
19-13-b-03 Supply within 150m (500 feet): Mixed graded shingle 100 Sft 1,904.85 5,676.02
19-13-c-01 Supplying and stacking munj or patha trungers (6" mesh to hold 3 100 Sft 2,116.50 3,061.58
19-13-c-02 cft) stones/boulders 2,116.50 5,044.86
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 15
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 10
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 8
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 15
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 10
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 8
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 15
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 10
SWG wire

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-13-c-03 Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 8 100 Sft 2,116.50 6,450.94 m2 m3 m3 m3
19-14 SWG wire 100 Cft 809.25 4,940.25 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-15-a Providing and Laying shingle on top of bund, including handling 100 Cft 1,618.50 6,235.50 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-15-a-01 of materials within 100 m. Supply & dump at site, without boat, 100 Cft 1,618.50 3,465.30 m3
19-15-b including 100 Cft 1,618.50 5,749.50 m3 m3 m2 m2
19-15-c handling within 100m : Stone 100 Cft 1,213.88 6,073.88 m2
19-16-a Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within 100 Cft 2,925.75 4,772.55
19-16-b 100m: boulders 100 Cft 2,925.75 7,056.75
19-16-c Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within 100 Cft 2,396.63 7,256.63
19-17-a 100m : Shingle or spawls Supply & dump at site, without boat, 100 Cft 2,023.13 6,883.13
19-17-b including 100 Cft 3,548.25 8,408.25
19-18-a handling within 100m : Brick bats 100 Cft 1,747.98 3,594.78
19-18-b Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m 100 Cft 1,739.89 5,870.89
19-19 lead : Stone or boulder 100 Cft 211.65 211.65
19-20 Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m 100 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50
19-21 lead : Shingle or spawls 100 Sft 809.25 1,691.34
19-22 Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m 100 Sft 2,023.13 2,097.97
19-23 lead : Brick bats 100 Sft 1,618.50 3,441.34
Provide & fill brick bats in crates, excluding cost of crates :
without hand packing.
Provide & fill brick bats in crates, excluding cost of crates : with
hand packing.
Supply & fill bricks in wire crates including sewing crates, excl
cost of crates : Stone or boulder
Supply & fill bricks in wire crates including sewing crates, excl
cost of crates : Shingle or spawls
Extra for anchoring boat for dumping by boats or tipping crates
Extra for tipping crates (in addition to achoring boats)
Pilchi revetment, including carriage upto 1.6 km (one mile)
Surface protection with pilchi matresses including carriage upto
1.6 km.
Pilchi, sarkanda or frash pitching on slopes, incl supply within 1.5
km, pegging & tying with wire

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-24-a P&E groynes, vertical wooden stakes 7"-12" dia Upto 1.5 m high, 100 Sft 809.25 4,555.16 m2
19-24-b single row of stakes at 0.3m 100 Sft 3,454.88 7,702.96 m2 m3 m3 m3
19-25 P&E groynes, vertical wooden stakes 7"-12" dia Upto 3 m high, 100 Cft 1,867.50 6,484.50 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-26 double row of stakes at 0.6m Providing and Laying stone 100 Cft 2,614.50 7,231.50 m3 m3 m3
19-27 pithcing/filling, dry 100 Cft 4,544.25 10,084.65 m3
19-28-a hand packed in pitching & aprons 100 Cft 6,162.75 11,703.15 m2 m2 m2 m3
19-28-b Supplying stone and stone filling in GI wire crate and its sewing, 100 Cft 4,544.25 10,084.65 m2
19-29-a excluding cost of crates 100 Cft 1,073.81 6,152.51
19-29-b Providing and Laying stone pitching with hammer dressed stones 100 Cft 871.50 5,950.20
19-30-a on surface, laid in courses Providing and Laying stone pitching for 100 Cft 7,905.75 16,291.68
19-30-b top layer 100 Cft 6,567.38 14,953.30
19-30-c only : On slope 100 Cft 5,493.56 13,879.49
19-30-d Providing and Laying stone pitching for top layer only : On level 100 Cft 5,493.56 13,693.10
19-31-a Providing and Laying stone or spawl filling : On slope 100 Sft 3,019.13 8,240.59
19-31-b Providing and Laying stone or spawl filling : On level 100 Sft 3,019.13 5,800.24
19-31-c Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar Top 100 Sft 3,019.13 5,614.12
19-31-d layer on slope 100 Cft 5,493.56 14,317.14
19-32 Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar Top 100 Sft 1,073.81 2,203.76
layer on level
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar
Stone pitching/filling on slope or on level
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:6 c/s mortar
Stone pitching/filling on slope or on level
Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:3)
Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:8)
Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:6)
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in PCC 1:3:6 on
slope or on level
Sand grouting in stone apron, with high pressure hose

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-33 Grouting stone filling or pitching with bajri 100 Cft 1,011.56 2,250.86 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-34 Remove stone & repitching hand packed, on slopes or level, 100 Cft 5,727.00 5,727.00 m3 m3 m3
19-35 making good damaged portion Collect & stack boulders from 100 Cft 2,427.75 2,427.75 m3
19-36 nullah beds or loose 100 Cft 1,073.81 2,313.11 m3 m3
19-37 shale etc within 100m lead 100 Cft 1,743.00 2,982.30 m3 m3 m3 m3
19-38-a Levelling and dressing stone filling under blocks and grouting with 100 Cft 971.10 971.10 Each Each
19-38-b shingle 100 Cft 6,427.31 11,967.71 Each Each
19-38-c Grouting jharies between blocks with bajri Breaking stone into 100 Cft 7,501.13 15,845.99
19-38-d spawls and stacking 100 Cft 2,956.88 2,956.88
19-38-e Stone pitching with hammer dressed stone on surface laid in 100 Cft 1,618.50 1,618.50
19-38-f-01 courses including carriage of material with in 91.50 (300 feet) 100 Cft 6,162.75 11,703.15
19-38-f-02 meters. 100 Cft 4,544.25 10,084.65
19-38-g-01 Stone pitching hand packed with surface levelled off to the correct 100 Cft 871.50 5,950.20
19-38-g-02 section with hammer dressed stone and voids filled in 1:8 cement 100 Cft Each 1,073.81 6,152.51
19-39-a mortar in floors of bridges and along banks and in aprons etc Each Each 41.40 41.40
19-39-b including 91.50 meter lead. Each 58.76 58.76
19-39-c Removing stone and repitching, hand packed on slopes after 82.79 82.79
19-39-d making good damage slope. 165.59 165.59
Collecting and stacking boulders from nullah beds or loose shale
from any other site, within 91.50 (300 feet) meter lead
Stone pitching for top layer only on slope Stone pitching for top
layer only on Bed Laying stone or spawl filling. a) on level Laying
stone or spawl filling. a) on slope
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1
km : Upto 2' FS depth\ Fix floating spurs, with material from canal
plantation within 1 km : Over 2' to 3' FS depth
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km:
Over 3' to 4' FS depth
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km:
Exceeding 4' depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-40-a-01 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 No. 2,559.72 3,142.92 100 No.
19-40-a-02 Unsharpened within 1km 100 No. 1,120.50 1,120.50 100 No.
19-40-a-03 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 No. 1,011.56 1,011.56 100 No.
19-40-a-04 Sharpening one end 100 Rft 404.63 439.25 mm
19-40-a-05 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" 100 Rft 2,832.38 24,580.88 100 No.
19-40-b-01 dia:Driving 1' below ground 100 No. 2,964.34 24,712.85 100 No.
19-40-b-02 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 No. 1,120.50 1,120.50 100 No.
19-40-b-03 Tying with munj, patha ban Stake & bush from canal plantation etc 100 No. 1,416.19 1,416.19 mm
19-40-b-04 : Pegs 3.5' 100 Rft 404.63 439.25 100 No.
19-40-b-05 long, 3"-6" dia: Wattle+intertwine brushwood 100 Rft 3,439.31 25,187.81 100 No.
19-40-c-01 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" 100 No. 3,517.13 25,265.63 100 No.
19-40-c-02 dia:Unsharpened within 1km 100 No. 1,195.20 1,195.20 mmm
19-40-c-03 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 No. 1,490.27 1,490.27 100 No.
19-40-c-04 Sharpening one end 100 Rft 404.63 439.25 100 No.
19-40-c-05 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 Rft 4,208.10 25,956.60 m
19-40-d-01 Driving 1.25' below ground Stake & bush from canal plantation etc 100 Rft 4,295.25 4,878.45
19-40-d-02 : Pegs 4' 100 No. 752.60 752.60
19-40-d-03 long, 3"-6" dia: Tying with munj, patha ban 100 No. 1,755.82 1,755.82
19-40-d-04 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 Rft 404.63 439.25
Wattle+intertwine brushwood Stake & bush from canal plantation
etc : Pegs 5'
long, 3"-6" dia: Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6"
dia:Driving 1.5' below ground Stake & bush from canal plantation
etc : Pegs 5'
long, 3"-6" dia: Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
Wattle+intertwine brushwood Stake & bush from canal plantation
etc : Pegs 6'
long, 3"-6" dia: Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6"
dia:Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6"
dia:Driving 1.75' below ground Stake & bush from canal plantation
etc : Pegs 6'
long, 3"-6" dia: Tying with munj, patha ban

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-40-d-05 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6" dia: 100 Rft 5,260.13 27,008.63 m 100 No.
19-40-e-01 Wattle+intertwine brushwood Stake & bush from canal plantation 100 No. 8,995.13 9,578.33 100 No.
19-40-e-02 etc : Pegs 8' 100 No. 1,747.98 1,747.98 100 No.
19-40-e-03 long, 4"-8" dia:Unsharpened within 1km 100 No. 1,941.83 1,941.83 mm
19-40-e-04 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8" 100 Rft 404.63 446.18 100 No.
19-40-e-05 dia:Sharpening one end 100 Rft 6,069.38 27,817.88 100 No.
19-41-a-01 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8" 100 No. 0.00 22,599.00 100 No.
19-41-a-02 dia:Driving 2' below ground 100 No. 1,494.00 1,494.00 mm
19-41-a-03 Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8" 100 No. 2,798.14 2,798.14 100 No.
19-41-a-04 dia:Tying with munj, patha ban Stake & bush from canal 100 Rft 809.25 850.80 100 No.
19-41-a-05 plantation etc : Pegs 8' 100 Rft 7,687.88 42,485.48 100 No.
19-41-b-01 long, 4"-8" dia:Wattle+intertwine brushwood 100 No. 0.00 29,038.50 mm
19-41-b-02 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5" 100 No. 1,747.98 1,747.98 100 No.
19-41-b-03 dia: Supply bamboo Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 100 No. 2,353.05 2,353.05 100 No.
19-41-b-04 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5" dia: Sharpen one end 100 Rft 404.63 3,650.13 100 No
19-41-b-05 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5" 100 Rft 9,549.15 53,046.15
19-41-c-01 dia: Driving bamboo 2.5 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any 100 No. 0.00 30,010.50
19-41-c-02 source 100 No. 1,972.08 1,972.08
19-41-c-03 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5" dia: Tying bamboo with wire 100 No 2,614.13 2,614.13
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
dia: Wattle & intertwine Stake, market bamboo, bush from any
10'-12' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
5"dia : Sharpen one end Stake, market bamboo, bush from any
10'-12' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Driving bamboo 2.75
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source
10'-12' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire Stake, market
bamboo, bush from any source
10'-12' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Wattle & intertwine
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
5"dia : Supply bamboo Stake, market bamboo, bush from any
12'-14' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
5"dia : Driving bamboo 3.5

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
19-41-c-04 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 100 Rft 404.63 3,650.13 mm
19-41-c-05 12'-14' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire Stake, market 100 Rft 11,143.37 72,039.17 100 No.
19-41-d-01 bamboo, bush from any source 100 No. 0.00 32,319.00 100 No.
19-41-d-02 12'-14' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Wattle & intertwine 100 No. 2,241.00 2,241.00 100 No.
19-41-d-03 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"- 100 No. 2,913.30 2,913.30 mm
19-41-d-04 5"dia : Supply bamboo Stake, market bamboo, bush from any 100 Rft 560.25 3,496.66 100 No.
19-41-d-05 source 100 Rft 11,329.50 80,924.70 100 No.
19-41-e-01 14'-16' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Sharpen one end 100 No. 0.00 63,180.00 100 No.
19-41-e-02 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"- 100 No. 2,629.44 2,629.44 m m m3
19-41-e-03 5"dia : Driving bamboo 4' Stake, market bamboo, bush from any 100 No. 3,510.53 3,510.53 m3 m
19-41-e-04 source 100 Rft 404.63 3,650.13 m2 m2
19-41-e-05 14'-16' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire 100 Rft 12,138.75 90,433.35 m3
19-42 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"- 100 Cft 809.25 16,048.42
19-43 5"dia : Wattle & intertwine Stake, market bamboo, bush from any 100 Cft 403.01 403.01
19-44 source 100 Rft 483.93 483.93
19-45 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5"dia : Supply bamboo 100 Sft 5,264.98 5,264.98
19-46 Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5" 100 Sft 4,452.49 4,452.49
19-47 dia : Sharpen one end Stake, market bamboo, bush from any 100 Cft 1,929.75 3,782.50
16'-20' long, 2.5"-5" dia : Driving bamboo 4'
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source
16'-20' long, 2.5"-5" dia : Tying bamboo with wire Stake, market
bamboo, bush from any source
16'-20' long, 2.5"-5" dia : Wattle & intertwine
Cut & supply brushwood from canal plantation or from any other
source, within 1.5 km.
Filling brush wood only, thoroughly packed
Covering road 10' to 12' wide, with 3" sarkanda or jungle, upto
50m lead
Gachi pitching 1' thick
Gachi pitching done with silt clearance and berm dressing
Filter granular backfill behind retaining wall (stone/boulder filling
upto one meter to prevent choking of weep holes

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
20-01-a Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Job 1,348.78 1,348.78 Job
20-01-b Puddling: Job 1,780.35 1,780.35 Job
20-01-c Channel discharge Upto 50 cusecs Job 2,697.47 2,697.47 Job
20-01-d Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling Job 3,641.63 3,641.63 Job
20-01-e b) Channels discharge from 51-100 Cs. Earth Work for Outlet Job 5,395.03 5,395.03 Job
20-02-a excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling Each 1,348.78 1,348.78 Each
20-02-b c) Channels discharge from 101-200 Cs. Each Each 2,023.13 2,023.13 Each Each
20-02-c Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling Each Each Each 2,697.47 2,697.47 Each Each
20-02-d d) Channels discharge from 201-350 Cs. Earth Work for Outlet Each Each 3,371.90 3,371.90 Each Each
20-02-e excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling Job 2,023.13 2,023.13 Each
20-02-f e) Channels discharge over 350 Cs. 2,697.47 2,697.47 Job
20-02-g Dismantling outlets: 3,371.90 3,371.90
20-03 Old types such as KGO's orfices, etc 760.07 1,210.23
20-04 Dismantling outlets: 1,543.80 1,543.80
APM or OF, 'H' upto 2.0 ft. (610 mm) Dismantling outlets:
APM or OF, 'H' from 2.1 ft. (635mm) to 3.0 ft
(915 mm)
Dismantling outlets:
APM or OF, 'H' above 3.0 ft (915 mm) Dismantling outlets:
Tail cluster bifurcation
Dismantling outlets:
Tail cluster trifurcation Dismantling outlets:
Tail cluster quardification
Making temporary APM brick block & fixing at site.
Dismantling walls, taking out temporary APM brick block, fixing
iron block & rebuilding walls

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
20-05 Dismantling walls & fitting iron block of O.F outlets Each 1,929.75 1,929.75 Each
20-06-a Constructing, watching & removing bund for outlet built in Each 3,237.00 3,237.00 Each
20-06-b running Each Each Each 4,369.95 4,369.95 Each Each
20-07 water : Upto 3' (915 mm) depth Constructing, watching & Each Each 1,204.54 1,836.34 Each Each
20-08 removing bund for outlet built in running water : Over 3' depth Each Each Each 2,334.38 3,350.11 Each
20-09-a Adjusting "B" of tail cluster by dismantling and rebuilding throat Each 2,303.25 2,484.28 Each Each
20-09-b walls Rft Each 1,727.44 1,908.47 Each Each
20-09-c Adjusting "Y" of an APM outlet, including dismantling and Each Rft Rft 1,381.95 1,562.98 m Each
20-09-d rebuilding 1,151.63 1,294.39 Each m m
20-09-e Bending rolled steel beams or rails 921.30 1,025.79
20-10 Extra labour in fixing APM and O.F. outlet blocks including 760.07 1,020.69
20-11 dressings of bricks: Depth more than 4.0' to 5.0' 36.85 36.85
20-12 Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth more than 674.35 674.35
20-13 3.0' to 4.0' 549.80 549.80
20-14-a Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth more than 132.82 144.87
20-14-b 2.0' to 3.0' 60.33 72.38
Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth upto 2.0'
Repairing damaged reducing collar of hume pipe outlets
Laying iron pipes for outlets.
Water allowance for constructing outlets or culverts, when canal
water is not flowing
Hoisting and placing R.C slab or stone in position on outlets or
W.C. culverts
Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth & puddling :
Portion under bank
Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth &
puddling :Portion under road, beyond bank

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
20-15-a Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling: Portion under Rft Rft Rft 107.87 107.87 mmm
20-15-b bank Rft 40.46 40.46 m
20-16-a Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling: Portion under 154.77 166.82
20-16-b road, beyond Bank 77.42 89.46
Changing pipe outlets by removing one pipe & replacing at the
same site with another pipe complete with earth and puddling:
Portion under bank
Changing pipe outlets by removing one pipe & replacing at the
same site with another pipe complete with earth and puddling: :
Portion under road, beyond Bank

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-01-a-01 Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil 100 Cft 616.84 616.84 m3
21-01-a-02 or sand : 0' (0 m) Upto 5' (1.5 m) depth 100 Cft 620.56 620.56 m3
21-01-a-03 Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil 100 Cft 787.34 787.34 m3
21-01-a-04 or sand :From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 m) depth 100 Cft 962.95 962.95 m3
21-01-b-01 Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil 100 Cft 683.19 683.19 m3 m3
21-01-b-02 or sand : From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth 100 Cft 792.32 792.32 m3
21-01-b-03 Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil 100 Cft 863.53 863.53 m3
21-01-b-04 or sand : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth 100 Cft 967.93 967.93 m3
21-01-c-01 Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil : 100 Cft 1,573.37 1,573.37 m3
21-01-c-02 From 0' to 5' (0 to 1.500 m) depth Excavate well in dry & dispose 100 Cft 1,651.87 1,651.87 m3
21-01-c-03 of soil within 50m 100 Cft 1,721.46 1,721.46 m3
21-01-c-04 in hard soil : From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 100 Cft 2,767.01 2,767.01 m3
21-02-a-01 m) depth 100 Cft 3,299.25 3,299.25
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth Excavate well in dry
& dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata like shingle and
gravel :From 0' to 5'
(0 to 1.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata
like shingle and gravel: From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 m)
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata
like shingle : From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata
like shingle : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to
4.500 m) depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-02-a-02 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil : 100 Cft 4,108.50 4,108.50 m3
21-02-a-03 From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 100 Cft 4,917.75 4,917.75 m3
21-02-a-04 6.000 m) depth 100 Cft 5,727.00 5,727.00 m3
21-02-a-05 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil : 100 Cft 6,536.25 6,536.25 m3
21-02-a-06 From 20.1' to 25' (6.030 m to 100 Cft 7,345.50 7,345.50 m3
21-02-a-07 7.500 m) 100 Cft 8,154.75 8,154.75 m3
21-02-a-08 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil : 100 Cft 8,964.00 8,964.00 m3
21-02-b-01 From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 100 Cft 45,753.75 45,753.75 m3
21-02-b-02 9.000 m) 100 Cft 5,384.63 5,384.63 m3
21-02-b-03 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary 100 Cft 6,193.88 6,193.88 m3
21-02-b-04 soil :From 30.1' to 35' (9.05 m to 10.5 m) 100 Cft 7,003.13 7,003.13 m3
21-02-b-05 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil : 100 Cft 7,812.38 7,812.38 m3
21-02-b-06 From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to 100 Cft 86,216.25 86,216.25 m3
12.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to
13.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
From 45.1' (13.530 m) to any depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
From 20.1' to 25' (6.030 m to 7.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
Soil :From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 9.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
Soil :From 30.1' to 35' (9.1m to 10.68m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
Soil :From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to
12.000 m) depth 10.5 to 12 m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-02-b-07 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard 100 Cft 97,545.75 97,545.75 m3
21-02-b-08 Soil :From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to 100 Cft 10,240.13 10,240.13 m3 m3
21-02-c-01 13.500 m) depth 100 Cft 6,318.38 6,318.38 m3
21-02-c-02 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil : 100 Cft 7,127.63 7,127.63 m3
21-02-c-03 From 45.1' (13.530 m) to any depth Dry sinking of well & disposal 100 Cft 7,936.88 7,936.88 m3
21-02-c-04 of soil within 50m 100 Cft 8,746.13 8,746.13 m3
21-02-c-05 in hard Strata like shingle and gravel :From 10.1' 100 Cft 9,555.38 9,555.38 m3
21-02-c-06 to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth 100 Cft 103,646.25 103,646.25 m3
21-02-c-07 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata 100 Cft 11,173.88 11,173.88 m3
21-02-c-08 like shingle and gravel : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) 100 Cft 11,173.88 11,173.88 m3
21-03-a-01 depth 100 Cft 3,602.41 3,602.41 m3
21-03-a-02 Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata 100 Cft 7,376.63 7,376.63
like shingle and gravel : From 20.1' to 25' 6.030 m to 7.500 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata
like shingle and gravel: From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 9.000 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata
like shingle and gravel : From 30.1' to 35' (9.030 m to 10.500 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata
like shingle and gravel: From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to 12.000 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata
like shingle : From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to 13.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata
like shingle : From 45.1' (13.530 m) to any depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:-
Upto 1.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 1.5 to 3 m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-03-a-03 Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths 100 Cft 11,349.79 11,349.79 m3
21-03-a-04 below spring level, as per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 14,927.86 14,927.86 m3
21-03-a-05 machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil 100 Cft 18,164.86 18,164.86 m3
21-03-a-06 within one chain:- 100 Cft 25,229.24 25,229.24 m3
21-03-a-07 Above 3 to 4.5 m depth 100 Cft 30,048.32 30,048.32 m3
21-03-a-08 Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths 100 Cft 37,034.08 37,034.08 m3
21-03-a-09 below spring level, as per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 43,978.57 43,978.57 m3
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:-
Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 6 to 7.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:-
Above 7.5 to 9 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:-
Above 9 to 10.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:-
Above 10.5 to 12 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 12 to 13.5 m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-03-a-10 Wet sinking of well, in ordinary soil (value of C upto 5), for depths 100 Cft 53,140.52 53,140.52 m3
21-03-b-01 below spring level, as per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 4,750.30 4,750.30 m3
21-03-b-02 machinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil 100 Cft 9,119.63 9,119.63 m3
21-03-b-03 within one chain:-Exceeding 13.5 m depth 100 Cft 13,705.89 13,705.89 m3
21-03-b-04 Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for 100 Cft 17,835.68 17,835.68 m3
21-03-b-05 depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 24,290.88 24,290.88 m3
21-03-b-06 mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil 100 Cft 31,052.29 31,052.29 m3
21-03-b-07 within one chain:- 100 Cft 37,588.98 37,588.98 m3
Upto 1.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 1.5 to 3 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 3 to 4.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Above 6 to 7.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- : Above 7.5 to 9 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- : Above 9 to 10.5 m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-03-b-08 Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for 100 Cft 47,287.84 47,287.84 m3
21-03-b-09 depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 54,812.68 54,812.68 m3
21-03-b-10 mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil 100 Cft 65,908.05 65,908.05 m3
21-03-c-01 within one chain:- Above 10.5 to 12 m depth 100 Cft 9,051.15 9,051.15 m3
21-03-c-02 Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for 100 Cft 21,011.87 21,011.87 m3
21-03-c-03 depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of 100 Cft 28,393.04 28,393.04 m3
21-03-c-04 mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil 100 Cft 38,937.13 38,937.13 m3
21-03-c-05 within one chain:- Above 12 to 13.5 m depth 100 Cft 58,489.54 58,489.54 m3
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil
within one chain:- Exceeding 13.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain:- Upto 1.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 1.5m to 3 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 3 to 4.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 6 to 7.5 m depth

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-03-c-06 Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below 100 Cft 75,322.94 75,322.94 m3
21-03-c-07 spring level as per specification including charges of machinery, 100 Cft 94,585.45 94,585.45 m3
21-03-c-08 shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one 100 Cft 122,141.72 122,141.72 m3
21-03-c-09 chain: Above 7.5 to 9 m depth 100 Cft 153,778.09 153,778.11 m3
21-03-c-10 Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below 100 Cft 195,073.64 195,073.64 m3
21-04 spring level as per specification including charges of machinery, - 0.00 0.00 -
21-05 shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one - 0.00 0.00 -
21-06-a chain: Above 9 m to 10.5 m depth 100 Cft 20,841.24 46,927.46 m3
21-06-b Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below 100 Cft 21,513.54 44,004.57 m3
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 10.5 m to 12 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Above 12 to 13.5 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in shingle, or gravel etc. for depths below
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one
chain: Exceeding 13.5m to any depth
Deleted Deleted
Providing, making and laying R.C.C. well curb in position, using
coarse sand for concrete, including all kinds of forms, moulds,
curing, shuttering, rendering and finishing the exposed surface,
(including screening & washing of aggregate : Ratio 1: 1½: 3
Providing, making and laying R.C.C. well curb in position, using
coarse sand for concrete, including all kinds of forms, moulds,
curing, shuttering, rendering and finishing the exposed surface,
(including screening & washing of aggregate: Ratio 1:2:4

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
21-07 Providing and fixing structural steel cutting edge for well curb. Ton 45,442.50 275,048.34 Ton

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
22-01-a-01 Tega formed of burnt bricks on end, laid in and over cement sand 100 Rft 1,588.31 4,801.69 m
22-01-a-02 mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) top of 100 Rft 1,588.31 4,441.28 m
22-01-b-01 drain along the property side where required, laid to lines, grades, 100 Rft 1,737.26 5,587.19 m
22-01-b-02 slopes and shape according to the engineer's drawing. 100 Rft 1,737.26 5,371.33 m
22-02-a i) 3" thick : Ratio 1:3 100 Sft 2,132.31 7,339.33 m2
22-02-b Tega formed of burnt bricks on end, laid in and over cement sand 100 Sft 2,132.31 6,965.34 m2
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) top of
drain along the property side where required, laid to lines, grades,
slopes and shape according to the engineer's drawing.
(ii) 3" thick : Ratio 1:5
Tega formed of burnt bricks on end, laid in and over cement sand
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) top of
drain along the property side where required, laid to lines, grades,
slopes and shape according to the engineer's drawing.
(i) 4.5" thick : Ratio 1:3
Tega formed of burnt bricks on end, laid in and over cement sand
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) top of
drain along the property side where required, laid to lines, grades,
slopes and shape according to the engineer's drawing.
(ii) 4.5" thick : Ratio 1:5
burnt flat brick 3" (75mm) thick, laid in reimbursement, in cement,
sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required.
All joints to be completely filled and struck flush.
(i) Ratio 1:3
burnt flat brick 3" (75mm) thick, laid in reimbursement, in cement,
sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required.
All joints to be completely filled and struck flush.
(ii) Ratio 1:5

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
22-02-c burnt flat brick 3" (75mm) thick, laid in reimbursement, in cement, 100 Sft 2,132.31 6,858.17 m2
22-03-a sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required. 100 Sft 2,399.11 10,194.45 m2
22-03-b All joints to be completely filled and struck flush. 100 Sft 2,399.11 9,643.49 m2
22-03-c (iii) Ratio 1:6 100 Sft 2,399.11 9,480.22 m2
22-04-a burnt brick on edge, laid in reimbursement, in cement, sand mortar 100 Sft 2,006.94 7,870.59 m2
22-04-b on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to 100 Sft 2,006.94 7,448.03 m2
22-04-c be completely filled and struck flush. 100 Sft 2,006.94 7,355.08 m2
22-05-a (i) Ratio 1:3 100 Rft 2,043.92 9,198.38 mmmm
22-05-b burnt brick on edge, laid in reimbursement, in cement, sand mortar 100 Rft 5,199.06 21,684.83
22-05-c on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to 100 Rft 6,607.84 27,485.22
22-05-d be completely filled and struck flush. 100 Rft 7,118.97 30,991.95
(ii) Ratio 1:5
burnt brick on edge, laid in reimbursement, in cement, sand mortar
on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to
be completely filled and struck flush.
(iii) Ratio 1:6
burnt flat brick, herring bond pitching in cement, sand mortar laid
to lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing.
(i) Ratio 1:3
burnt flat brick, herring bond pitching in cement, sand mortar laid
to lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing.
(ii) Ratio 1:5
burnt flat brick, herring bond pitching in cement, sand mortar laid
to lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing.
(ii) Ratio 1:6
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
complete : Type I Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement
concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type II
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
complete : Type III Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement
concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type IV

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
22-05-e Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3, 100 Rft 9,546.78 41,025.29 mmmm
22-05-f complete : Type V Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement 100 Rft 10,787.75 46,114.33 mmmm
22-05-g concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type VI 100 Rft 10,954.07 47,636.70 mmm
22-05-h Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3, 100 Rft 16,497.87 71,070.52 Each
22-05-i complete : Type VII Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement 100 Rft 18,810.96 80,508.38
22-05-j concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type VIII 100 Rft 20,292.88 92,464.52
22-05-k Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3, 100 Rft 22,182.54 98,527.65
22-05-l complete : Type IX Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement 100 Rft 22,675.06 100,837.75
22-06-a concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type X 100 Rft 11,831.42 12,385.56
22-06-b Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3, 100 Rft 17,912.94 19,037.42
22-06-c complete : Type XI Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement 100 Rft Each 23,706.54 25,404.18
22-07 concrete 1:1.5:3, complete : Type XII 0.00 7,736.33
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position including jointing
6" to 12" dia
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position including jointing
12" to 24" dia
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position including jointing
24" to 36" dia
Supply of pre cast concrete new jersey barrier of 10 ft length, 2 ft
base width, 6" top width and 32" height.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-01-a Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete Rft 35.17 227.89 m
23-01-b 1:1-1/2:3, with spigot, socket or collar joint, etc. including cost of Rft 38.16 287.81 m
23-01-c reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L" Rft 65.86 438.41 m
23-02-a including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and Rft 28.95 250.01 m
23-02-b grade, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing, Rft 35.17 276.49 m
etc. complete:- 4" dia:
Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, with spigot, socket or collar joint, etc. including cost of
reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L"
including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and
grade, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing,
etc. complete:- 6" dia:
Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, with spigot, socket or collar joint, etc. including cost of
reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L"
including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and
grade, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing,
etc. complete:- 9" dia:
Providing and laying non-reinforced concrete pipe moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM Specification C-
14-73, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
work, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and grade,
jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing, etc.
complete:-4" internal diameter
Providing and laying non-reinforced concrete pipe moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM Specification C-
14-73, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
work, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and grade,
jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing, etc.
complete:- 6" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-02-c Providing and laying non-reinforced concrete pipe moulded with Rft 65.86 342.56 m
23-03-a-01 cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM Specification C- Rft 75.57 558.53 m
23-03-a-02 14-73, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of Rft 85.16 677.47 m
23-03-a-03 work, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and grade, Rft 92.75 791.38 m
23-03-a-04 jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing, etc. Rft 126.87 922.69 m
complete:- 9" i/d wall thickness 1".
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:-
12" i/d, wall thickness 2".
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 15" i/d, wall thickness 2.2".
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 18" i/d, wall thickness 2.5".
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 21" i/d, wall thickness 2.5".

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-a-05 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 145.42 1,050.59 m
23-03-a-06 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 215.07 1,396.66 m
23-03-a-07 Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 259.33 1,747.71 m
23-03-a-08 alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where Rft 322.27 1,965.56 m
23-03-a-09 necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 24" i/d, wall thickness 3". Rft 397.53 2,514.67 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 27" i/d, Wall thickness 3.2"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 30" i/d, Wall thickness 3.5"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 33" i/d, Wall thickness 3.7"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 36" i/d, Wall thickness 4.1"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-a-10 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 516.36 3,353.39 m
23-03-a-11 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 982.12 4,159.34 m
23-03-a-12 Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 1,376.35 5,311.43 m
23-03-a-13 alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where Rft 1,721.59 6,775.23 m
23-03-a-14 necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 42" i/d, Wall thickness 5.5" Rft 2,752.70 9,390.20 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 48" i/d, Wall thickness 6.3"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 54" i/d, Wall thickness 6.5"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 60" i/d, Wall thickness 6.8"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 66" i/d, Wall thickness 7"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-a-15 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 3,440.87 12,297.62 m
23-03-b-01 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 68.10 589.03 m
23-03-b-02 Class II, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 84.35 712.36 m
23-03-b-03 alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where Rft 102.09 855.69 m
23-03-b-04 necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 72" i/d, Wall thickness 8" Rft 126.87 1,027.54 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III -B, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 12" i/d, Wall
thickness 2"
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 15" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 18" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 21" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-b-05 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 145.42 1,104.20 m
23-03-b-06 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 215.07 1,273.39 m
23-03-b-07 Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 259.33 1,861.08 m
23-03-b-08 correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 322.27 2,297.12 m
23-03-b-09 pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 24" i/d, Wall B Rft 397.53 2,722.58 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 27" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-30" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 33" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 36" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-b-10 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 516.36 3,747.89 m
23-03-b-11 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 982.12 4,631.67 m
23-03-b-12 Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 1,376.35 5,901.85 m
23-03-b-13 correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 1,721.59 7,542.76 m
23-03-b-14 pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 42" i/d, Wall B Rft 2,752.70 10,411.02 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 48" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-54" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 60" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 66" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-b-15 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 3,440.87 13,675.74 m
23-03-c-01 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 68.10 663.45 m
23-03-c-02 Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 84.35 789.05 m
23-03-c-03 correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 102.09 978.41 m
23-03-c-04 pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 72" i/d, Wall B Rft 126.87 1,174.80 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 12" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-15" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 18" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-21" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-c-05 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 145.42 1,349.63 m
23-03-c-06 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 215.07 1,543.36 m
23-03-c-07 Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 259.33 2,044.24 m
23-03-c-08 correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 322.27 2,526.07 m
23-03-c-09 pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 24" i/d, Wall B Rft 397.53 3,211.01 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 27" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 30" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-33" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 36" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-c-10 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 516.36 4,205.78 m
23-03-c-11 concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 982.12 5,013.26 m
23-03-c-12 Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 1,376.35 6,378.83 m
23-03-c-13 correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 1,721.59 8,162.85 m
23-03-c-14 pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 42" i/d, Wall B Rft 2,752.70 11,235.73 m
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 48" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 54" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 60" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to
correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:-66" i/d, Wall B

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-03-c-15 Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement Rft 3,440.87 14,789.08 m
23-04-a concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, Rft 75.91 349.40 m
23-04-b Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to Rft 99.86 680.93 m
23-04-c correct alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting Rft 122.44 1,163.98 m
23-04-d pipes where necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 72" i/d, Wall B Rft 145.99 1,685.03 m
23-04-e Lowering of sub soil water table along sewer line for laying of Rft 151.82 2,430.66 m
23-04-f pipe sewer in trenches complete in all respects. Rft 176.58 3,009.63 m
23-04-g Upto 1 ft below SSWL Rft 199.80 3,648.38 m
23-04-h Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along Rft 223.27 4,134.96 m
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 2 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 3 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 4 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 5 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
respects. 0 - 6 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 7 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
respects.0 - 8 ft below SSWL

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-04-i Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along Rft 86.51 4,417.82 m
23-04-j sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 92.09 5,095.87 m
23-04-k respects. Rft 95.17 5,670.76 m
23-04-l 0 - 9 ft below SSWL Rft 98.49 6,286.50 m
23-05-a Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along Each Each Set 2,227.18 8,458.56 Each Each Set
23-05-b sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Set 2,227.18 7,139.06 Set
23-06 respects. Set 1,668.30 1,668.30 Set
23-07 0 - 10 ft below SSWL Set 100 Kg 3,598.55 8,428.35 Set 100 Kg
23-08-a Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along 100 Kg 4,979.44 12,241.00 100 Kg
23-08-b sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all 100 Kg 4,975.39 10,061.86 100 Kg
23-09-a respects. 392.18 15,215.17
23-09-b 0 - 11 ft below SSWL 522.90 15,345.90
23-09-c Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along 653.63 15,476.63
sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all
0 - 12 ft below SSWL
Constructing gully grating chamber complete With CI gully
trap,weighing 81 lbs. frame hinged Constructing gully grating
chamber complete
Concrete gully trap
Fixing manhole frame and cover in RCC slab, including carriage to
Providing and Fixing 3" thick RCC manhole cover, 22" dia with
shaped CI frame of 20" clear i/d complete
RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: Tee shaped CI frame, 22" i/d
RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: 3"x3"x1/4" angle iron frame,
22" i/d complete
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
bitumenous paint complete : 18 ft. long
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
bitumenous paint complete : 24 ft. long
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
bitumenous paint complete : 30 ft.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
23-09-d Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with 100 Kg 784.35 15,607.35 100 Kg
23-10 bitumenous paint complete : 36 ft. Each Each 3,486.00 20,972.52 Each Each
23-11 Long 3,486.00 18,380.59
Septic Tank (int.Size: 7'x2'x5') complete. Soakage Pit (6'dia x 15'
deep) complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-01-a Mobilization of plant, equipment and camping arrangements etc & Job 0.00 43,740.00 Job
24-01-b demobilization after completion Job Job 0.00 27,945.00 Job Job
24-01-c Subsequent mobilization in the same project area Rft 0.00 7,897.50 m
24-02-a-01 Mobilization of equipment for drilling of small bore upto 8" dia Rft 118.15 177.86 m
24-02-a-02 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 163.28 249.71 m
24-02-a-03 rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to Rft 248.75 398.87 m
24-02-a-04 100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 301.91 500.93 m
24-02-a-05 withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore 414.58 716.90
3" (75 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
4" (100 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
5" (125 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
6" (150 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
8" (200 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-a-06 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 448.82 1,965.14 m
24-02-a-07 rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to Rft 545.31 2,393.32 m
24-02-a-08 100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 641.80 2,821.51 m
24-02-a-09 withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore Rft 734.55 3,198.57 m
24-02-a-10 10" (250 mm) i/d Rft 592.00 3,435.10 m
24-02-a-11 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 1,012.18 4,423.90 m
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
12" (300 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
18" (450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
18"(450 mm) to 20" (500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to
100m), including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia of Bore
20"(500 mm) to 26" (650 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-b-01 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 285.73 1,244.80 m
24-02-b-02 rock except hard rock from a depth of Rft 338.02 1,482.37 m
24-02-b-03 328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 466.88 2,047.16 m
24-02-b-04 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 522.28 2,266.05 m
24-02-b-05 per specifications.: 5" (125 mm) i/d Rft 631.84 2,757.05 m
24-02-b-06 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 746.38 3,253.04 m
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 6" (150 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 8" (200 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.:
12" (300 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-b-07 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 841.00 3,674.62 m
24-02-b-08 rock except hard rock from a depth of Rft 970.48 4,240.04 m
24-02-b-09 328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1,160.96 5,084.44 m
24-02-c-01 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 392.80 1,708.80 m
24-02-c-02 per specifications.: Rft 546.55 2,363.89 m
24-02-c-03 18" (450 mm) i/d Rft 593.86 2,599.20 m
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 18" (450 mm) to 20" (500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m to 200 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 20" (600 mm) to 26" (650 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 6" (150mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 8" (200mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-c-04 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 726.46 3,170.45 m
24-02-c-05 rock except hard rock from a depth of Rft 853.14 3,735.80 m
24-02-c-06 656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 963.63 4,222.30 m
24-02-c-07 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 1,116.77 4,876.76 m
24-02-c-08 per specifications.: 12" (300 mm) i/d Rft 1,334.02 5,846.02 m
24-02-d-01 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 622.50 3,301.90 m
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Above 18" (450 mm) and upto 20" (500 mm)
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Above 20" (450 mm) upto 26" (500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in all types of soil and soft rock
except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to 400
m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 8" (200
mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-d-02 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 694.71 3,651.29 m
24-02-d-03 rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to Rft 835.40 4,438.73 m
24-02-d-04 400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 982.30 5,232.39 m
24-02-d-05 withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 10" (250 Rft 1,103.07 5,907.51 m
24-02-d-06 mm) i/d Rft 1,284.22 6,827.80 m
24-02-d-07 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 1,550.02 8,202.33 m
rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to
400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 12" (250
mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to
400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 15" (375
mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to
400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 18" (450
mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to
400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Above 18"
(450 mm) upto 20"
(500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to
400 m) depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Above 20"
(500 mm) upto 26"
(650 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-e-01 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 711.52 3,792.83 m
24-02-e-02 rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any Rft 785.91 4,185.97 m
24-02-e-03 depth) (400.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection Rft 966.43 5,110.26 m
24-02-e-04 of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per Rft 1,131.08 6,018.68 m
24-02-e-05 specifications.: 8" (200 mm) i/d Rft 1,279.24 6,804.35 m
24-02-e-06 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 1,469.10 7,844.23 m
rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any
depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any
depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 12" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any
depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any
depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any
depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: Abobe 18" (450 mm) upto 20" (500 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-02-e-07 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of soil and soft Rft 1,711.88 9,362.03 m
24-03-a-01 rock except hard rock from a depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any Rft 233.75 344.20 m
24-03-a-02 depth) (300.1m and beyond) depth, including sinking, collection Rft 306.27 446.18 m
24-03-a-03 of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per Rft 463.76 679.76 m
24-03-a-04 specifications.: Above 20" (500 mm) upto 26" (650 mm) i/d Rft 552.47 810.20 m
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 3" (75 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 4" (100 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 5" (125 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 6" (150 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-a-05 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 755.72 1,111.62 m
24-03-a-06 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from Rft 842.24 1,234.97 m
24-03-a-07 ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking, Rft 1,019.03 4,437.86 m
24-03-a-08 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 1,193.95 5,226.42 m
24-03-a-09 per specifications.: Dia of Bore 8" (200 mm) i/d Rft 1,353.94 5,912.37 m
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 12" (300 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 18" (450 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-a-10 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 1,568.08 6,827.81 m
24-03-a-11 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from Rft 1,874.35 8,186.03 m
24-03-b-01 ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking, Rft 628.72 2,745.77 m
24-03-b-02 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 870.26 3,793.79 m
24-03-b-03 per specifications.: Dia of Bore Above 18"(450 mm) upto 20" (500 Rft 959.90 4,185.87 m
mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from
ground level upto 328 ft depth (0m to 100m), including sinking,
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore Above 20"(500 mm) upto 26" (650
mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 6" (150 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 8" (200 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-b-04 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 1,172.17 5,103.82 m
24-03-b-05 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a Rft 1,379.46 6,016.80 m
24-03-b-06 depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including Rft 1,558.74 6,800.94 m
24-03-b-07 sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, Rft 1,649.63 7,203.15 m
24-03-b-08 complete as per specifications.: 12" (300 mm) i/d Rft 1,690.09 7,309.95 m
24-03-c-01 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 727.39 3,162.00 m
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: Above 18" (450 mm) upto 20"
(500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 328 ft to 656 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: Above 20" (600 mm) upto 26"
(650 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656
ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 6" (150mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-c-02 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 999.11 4,361.18 m
24-03-c-03 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of Rft 1,108.05 4,817.92 m
24-03-c-04 656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1,343.35 5,864.76 m
24-03-c-05 collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as Rft 1,581.15 6,914.09 m
24-03-c-06 per specifications.: 8" (200mm) i/d Rft 1,792.80 7,821.34 m
24-03-c-07 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 1,895.82 8,282.37 m
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656
ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656
ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 12" (300 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656
ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656
ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection
of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of
656.1 ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking,
collection of 100
% corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: Above 18" (450 mm) and upto 20" (500 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-c-08 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock having Rft 1,938.46 8,401.30 m
24-03-d-01 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa from a depth of 656 Rft 1,148.51 5,014.89 m
24-03-d-02 ft to 984 ft (200 m to 300 m) depth, including sinking, collection Rft 1,278.61 5,544.97 m
24-03-d-03 of 100 Rft 1,540.69 6,740.29 m
24-03-d-04 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per Rft 1,820.19 7,953.06 m
specifications.: Above 20" (450 mm) upto 26"
(500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 8" (200 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 12" (250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: 15" (375 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-d-05 Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having Rft 2,054.25 8,987.06 m
24-03-d-06 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a Rft 2,171.90 9,516.43 m
24-03-d-07 depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including Rft 2,204.27 9,636.54 m
24-03-e-01 sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, Rft 1,328.42 5,774.74 m
24-03-e-02 complete as per specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d Rft 1,465.36 6,371.67 m
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: Above 18" (450 mm) upto 20"
(500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth of 984 ft to 1312 ft (300 m to 400 m) depth, including
sinking, collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe,
complete as per specifications.: Above 20" (500 mm) upto 26"
(650 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: 8"
(200 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: 10"
(250 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-03-e-03 Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having Rft 1,783.46 7,763.01 m
24-03-e-04 unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a Rft 2,103.43 9,156.24 m
24-03-e-05 depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond) Rft 2,367.37 10,340.10 m
24-03-e-06 depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 2,510.54 10,956.76 m
24-03-e-07 withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: 12" Rft 2,542.91 11,090.02 m
(250 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: 15"
(375 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: 18"
(450 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: Above
18" (450 mm) upto 20"
(500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50 MPa and above from a
depth 1312 ft and beyond (upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
depth, including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: Above
20" (500 mm) upto 26"
(650 mm) i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-04 Providing strong box of deodar wood 4' x 2½' x 9" with Job 1,200.18 20,265.35 Job
24-05 compartments, lock and locking arrangement,and preserving in it Per set 0.00 1,482.30 Per set
24-06-a the corings / samples of strata collected from bore hole and supply Rft 44.00 5,560.47 m
24-06-b to the approved soil testing laboratory for testing. Rft 66.14 6,271.90 m
24-06-c Collection and submission at approved water testing laboratory of Rft 75.58 9,039.33 m
24-06-d two water samples in bottles from each bore hole for testing. Rft 75.58 9,695.43 m
24-06-e Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer of approved Rft 75.58 16,625.26 m
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-
6" (150 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-
8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-
10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-
10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-
12" (300 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-07-a Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality Rft 55.47 5,943.05 m
24-07-b in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc. Rft 83.42 7,388.17 m
24-07-c complete as per specification:- Rft 95.35 8,559.04 m
24-07-d 6" (150 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick Rft 95.35 9,936.85 m
24-07-e Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality Rft 95.35 12,124.02 m
24-08-a in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc. Each 5,637.36 8,451.25 Each
24-08-b complete as per specification:- Rft 5,519.71 9,283.99 m
8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
complete as per specification:-
10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
complete as per specification:-
10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
complete as per specification:-
12" (300 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
Providing and installing M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality
in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:-
6" (150 mm) i/d 2 ft (450 mm) long. Providing and installing M.S.
Bail plug of approved make / quality in tubewell bore hole
complete as per specification:-
8" (200 mm) i/d 2 ft (450 mm) long.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-08-c Providing and installing M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality Rft 5,637.36 10,269.65 m
24-08-d in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:- Rft 5,637.36 12,178.42 m
24-09-a-01 10" (250 mm) i/d 2 ft (450 mm) long. Providing and installing Rft 41.88 393.13 m
24-09-b-01 M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality in tubewell bore hole Rft 41.88 527.54 m
24-09-b-02 complete as per specification:- Rft 52.13 793.67 m
24-09-b-03 12" (300 mm) i/d 2 ft (450 mm) long. Rft 52.13 1,167.65 m
24-09-b-04 Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "B" of approved Rft 52.13 1,679.40 m
24-09-c-01 make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special Rft 41.88 671.88 m
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:- 6" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (150mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "C" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:- 6" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (150mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "C" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-8" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (200 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "C" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification: 10" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "C" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:12" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (300 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "D" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:- 6" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (150mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-09-c-02 Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "D" of approved Rft 52.13 990.50 m
24-09-c-03 make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special Rft 52.13 1,495.70 m
24-09-c-04 sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:-8" Nominal Pipe Rft 52.13 2,138.67 m
24-09-d-01 Size (NPS) (250 mm) Rft 52.13 3,584.57 m
24-09-d-02 Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "D" of approved Rft 52.13 4,001.85 m
24-10-a-01 make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special Each 610.05 3,097.77 Each
24-10-a-02 sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification: 10" Nominal Pipe Each 762.56 3,689.29 Each
24-10-a-03 Size (NPS) (250 mm) Each 762.56 4,205.78 Each
24-10-a-04 Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "D" of approved Each 915.08 4,874.77 Each
24-10-b-01 make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special Each 610.05 3,738.35 Each
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:12" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (300 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "E" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification: 10" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "E" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:12" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (300 mm)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'B' working pressure : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'B' working pressure :8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'B' working pressure : 10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'B' working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'C' working pressure : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)(150 mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-10-b-02 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Each 762.56 4,442.93 Each
24-10-b-03 'C' working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Each 762.56 5,092.40 Each
24-10-b-04 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Each 915.08 5,894.39 Each
24-10-c-01 'C' working pressure : 10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Each 610.05 4,376.18 Each
24-10-c-02 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Each 762.56 5,265.35 Each
24-10-c-03 'C' working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm ) Each 762.56 5,975.20 Each
24-10-c-04 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Each 915.08 6,909.61 Each
24-10-d-01 'D' working pressure : 6"Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm) Each 610.05 4,675.79 Each
24-10-d-02 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Each 762.56 5,583.05 Each
24-10-d-03 'D' working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Each Each 762.56 6,183.57 Each Each
24-10-d-04 Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class Rft 915.08 7,013.70 m
24-11-a 'D' working pressure : 10" (250 mm) i/d 99.86 1,237.10
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class
'D' working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
working pressure : 6"Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
working pressure : 10" (250 mm) i/d Providing and installing PVC
bail plug in tubewell
BSS Class 'D' working pressure : 12" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of socketed & welded,
M.S. reducer (where necessary) of approved make / quality in
tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer, etc.
complete as per specifcation: 6" (150 mm) Nominal Pipe Size
(NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-11-b Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of socketed & welded, Rft 116.46 1,695.96 m
24-11-c M.S. reducer (where necessary) of approved make / quality in Rft 116.46 2,011.86 m
24-11-d tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer, etc. Rft 139.78 2,919.70 m
24-12-a-01 complete as per specifcation: 8" (200 mm) NPS 3/16" (5 mm) Rft 28.52 364.26 m
24-12-b-01 thick Rft 28.52 759.50 m
24-12-b-02 Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of socketed & welded, Rft 35.45 770.33 m
M.S. reducer (where necessary) of approved make / quality in
tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer, etc.
complete as per specifcation: 10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size
(NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of socketed & welded,
M.S. reducer (where necessary) of approved make / quality in
tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer, etc.
complete as per specifcation: 12" (300 mm) Nominal Pipe Size
(NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "B" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "C" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "C" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (200 mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-12-b-03 Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "C" in Tube Rft 35.45 1,148.68 m
24-12-b-04 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 43.62 1,655.07 m
24-12-c-01 strainer etc. complete : 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (250 mm) Rft 28.52 653.19 m
24-12-c-02 Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "C" in Tube Rft 35.45 819.36 m
24-12-c-03 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 35.45 1,478.73 m
24-12-c-04 strainer etc. complete : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm) Rft 43.62 2,116.03 m
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "D" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "D" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (200 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "D" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (250 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "D" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-12-c-05 Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "E" in Tube Rft 28.52 881.95 m
24-12-c-06 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 35.45 1,362.05 m
24-12-c-07 strainer etc. complete : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm) Rft 31.99 2,294.16 m
24-12-c-08 Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "E" in Tube Rft 43.62 3,193.53 m
24-12-d-01 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 28.52 914.78 m
24-12-d-02 strainer etc. complete : 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (200 mm) Rft 35.45 1,413.07 m
24-13-a Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "E" in Tube Hour Hour 0.00 1,062.16 Hour Hour
24-13-b Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with 0.00 1,347.01
strainer etc. complete : 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (250 mm)
Providing and installing PVC blind pipe BSS Class "E" in Tube
Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with
strainer etc. complete : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "E" of approved
make / quality in Tube Well Bore Hole including Sockets and
Solvents and jointing with strainer etc. complete : 6" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC Strainer BSS Class "E" of approved
make / quality in Tube Well Bore Hole including Sockets and
Solvents and jointing with strainer etc. complete : 8" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) (200 mm)
Cleaning and washing of tubewell with air compressor in all sizes
and depth, 8" i/d and above
Testing and developing of tubewell with DNT unit 8" i/d and
above complete as per specifications

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-14 Shrouding with graded pack gravel 3/8" (10 mm) to 1/8" (3 mm) Rft 45.07 83.95 m
24-15-a around tubewell in bore hole complete as per specification:- Rft 50.94 191.74 m
24-15-b Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey Rft 62.39 649.70 m
24-15-c cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot Rft 91.69 1,276.85 m
24-15-d and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of Rft 103.19 2,141.90 m
24-15-e jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per Rft 113.64 2,656.57 m
24-15-f specifications. : 3" i/d Rft 124.09 2,981.88 m
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot
and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of
jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per
specifications : 4" i/d
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot
and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of
jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per
specifications : 6" i/d
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot
and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of
jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per
specifications :8" i/d
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot
and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of
jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per
specifications: 10" i/d
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot
and socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of
jointing material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per
specifications: 12" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-a-01 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 7.78 167.20 m
24-16-a-02 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 8.95 215.92 m
24-16-a-03 - 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality) including specials etc.Complete Rft 8.95 326.66 m
24-16-a-04 as per specifications except excavation. ½" Nominal Pipe Size Rft 10.35 420.48 m
24-16-a-05 (NPS) Rft 10.35 485.90 m
24-16-a-06 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.80 679.62 m
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality) including specials etc. complete
as per specifications except excavation. 3/4" Nominal Pipe Size
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
1¼" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
'1½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
'2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-a-07 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 11.12 855.97 m
24-16-a-08 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 12.45 1,120.15 m
24-16-a-09 - 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials Rft 13.46 1,598.57 m
24-16-a-10 etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation. Rft 15.56 2,069.42 m
24-16-a-11 '2½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 15.56 2,459.84 m
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-a-12 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 15.56 4,080.70 m
24-16-b-01 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 7.78 130.01 m
24-16-b-02 - 2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials Rft 8.95 96.77 m
24-16-b-03 etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation. Rft 8.95 133.66 m
24-16-b-04 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 10.35 320.77 m
24-16-b-05 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.35 360.82 m
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Quality) including specials etc.Complete as per
specifications except excavation.
½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 3/4" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
1¼" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
'1½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-b-06 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.80 513.02 m
24-16-b-07 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 11.12 653.74 m
24-16-b-08 - 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials Rft 12.45 844.14 m
24-16-b-09 etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation. Rft 13.46 850.03 m
24-16-b-10 '2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 15.56 1,653.83 m
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
'2½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials
etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation.
5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-b-11 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 15.56 1,946.58 m
24-16-c-01 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 7.78 108.10 m
24-16-c-02 - 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials Rft 8.95 153.45 m
24-16-c-03 etc.Complete as per specifications except excavation. Rft 8.95 214.98 m
24-16-c-04 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 10.35 277.44 m
24-16-c-05 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.35 351.47 m
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc. complete
as per specifications except excavation. 1/2" Nominal Pipe Size
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc. complete
as per specifications except excavation. 3/4" Nominal Pipe Size
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
1¼" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
'1½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-c-06 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.80 440.53 m
24-16-c-07 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 11.12 607.20 m
24-16-c-08 - 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete Rft 12.45 711.75 m
24-16-c-09 as per specifications except excavation. Rft 13.46 1,013.01 m
24-16-c-10 '2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 15.56 1,461.66 m
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
'2½" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications except excavation.
5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-c-11 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 15.56 1,768.90 m
24-16-c-12 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 7.78 104.41 m
24-16-c-13 - 2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete Rft 8.95 145.04 m
24-16-c-14 as per specifications except excavation. Rft 8.95 204.53 m
24-16-c-15 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 10.35 264.15 m
24-16-c-16 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.35 333.37 m
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 1/2" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 3/4" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 1" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 1 1/4" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 1 1/2" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-c-17 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 10.80 418.41 m
24-16-c-18 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 11.12 584.91 m
24-16-c-19 - 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc. Rft 12.45 678.83 m
24-16-c-20 complete as per specifications except excavation. Rft 13.46 967.95 m
24-16-c-21 2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 15.56 1,350.53 m
24-16-c-22 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 15.56 1,584.46 m
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 2 1/2" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 3" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 4" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 5" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255
- 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc.
complete as per specifications except excavation. 6" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-16-c-23 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI Rft 46.69 2,450.64 m
24-17-a-01 pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 Rft 16.22 302.96 m
24-17-a-02 - 2004 (Approved Extra Light quality ) including specials etc. Rft 47.72 424.37 m
24-17-a-03 complete as per specifications except excavation. 8" Nominal Rft 51.98 652.19 m
24-17-a-04 Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 58.14 1,072.67 m
24-17-a-05 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 66.02 1,448.69 m
24-17-a-06 pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 74.28 1,905.28 m
24-17-a-07 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 78.72 3,672.69 m
excavation. 3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 14" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-17-a-08 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 84.36 4,566.50 m
24-17-a-09 pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 91.03 4,573.17 m
24-17-a-10 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 110.34 5,630.09 m
24-17-a-11 excavation. 16" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 120.17 7,756.44 m
24-17-b-01 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 47.72 464.47 m
24-17-b-02 pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 51.98 776.12 m
24-17-b-03 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 58.14 1,208.75 m
24-17-b-04 excavation. 18" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 66.69 1,674.14 m
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 20" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 24" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-17-b-05 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 75.17 2,316.85 m
24-17-b-06 pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 78.72 4,223.09 m
24-17-b-07 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 85.37 5,391.27 m
24-17-b-08 excavation. 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 89.80 6,600.99 m
24-17-b-09 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 106.09 7,856.57 m
24-17-b-10 pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 120.17 11,053.95 m
24-17-c-01 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 56.01 532.29 m
24-17-c-02 excavation. 14" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 51.53 925.12 m
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 16" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 18" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 20" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 24" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-17-c-03 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 57.58 1,610.35 m
24-17-c-04 pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 66.02 2,362.37 m
24-17-c-05 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 74.28 3,433.75 m
24-17-c-06 excavation. 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 78.72 6,086.90 m
24-17-c-07 Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC Rft 84.36 7,854.29 m
24-17-c-08 pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches Rft 89.80 9,447.73 m
24-17-c-09 with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except Rft 106.09 11,528.30 m
24-17-c-10 excavation. 10" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 120.17 16,636.88 m
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 14" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 16" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 18" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 20" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: except
excavation. 24" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-a-01 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 7.78 132.62 m
24-18-a-02 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 10.35 198.70 m
24-18-a-03 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 12.45 271.97 m
24-18-a-04 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 12.45 380.90 m
24-18-a-05 per specifications Rft 17.74 576.82 m
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 3"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 4"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 6"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 8"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-a-06 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 24.90 956.12 m
24-18-a-07 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 31.13 1,345.91 m
24-18-b-01 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 7.78 84.41 m
24-18-b-02 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 6.23 117.88 m
24-18-b-03 per specifications Rft 7.78 159.40 m
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 10"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class B (6 Bar) except excavation. 12"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 2" NPS
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC
pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505
manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug
bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as
per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 2.5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 3"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-b-04 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 10.35 254.02 m
24-18-b-05 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 12.45 385.98 m
24-18-b-06 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 12.45 536.96 m
24-18-b-07 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 17.74 852.88 m
24-18-b-08 per specifications Rft 24.90 1,457.22 m
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 4"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 6"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 8"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (9 Bar) except excavation. 10"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-b-09 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 31.13 2,047.91 m
24-18-c-01 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 2.76 48.04 m
24-18-c-02 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 4.31 62.98 m
24-18-c-03 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 6.23 96.49 m
24-18-c-04 per specifications Rft 6.23 144.09 m
UPVC Pressure Pipes Class C (6 Bar) except excavation. 12"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 1.25"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 1.5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 2"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 2.5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-c-05 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 7.78 205.74 m
24-18-c-06 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 10.35 337.93 m
24-18-c-07 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 12.45 502.20 m
24-18-c-08 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 12.45 727.89 m
24-18-c-09 per specifications Rft 17.74 1,106.29 m
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 3"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 4"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 6"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 8"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-c-10 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 24.90 1,893.95 m
24-18-c-11 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 31.13 2,659.73 m
24-18-d-01 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 1.38 26.60 m
24-18-d-02 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 1.38 38.67 m
24-18-d-03 per specifications Rft 2.76 57.54 m
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 10"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) except excavation. 12"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 3/4"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 1"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and
plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer
complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 1.25"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-d-04 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 4.31 75.24 m
24-18-d-05 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505) jointed with Rft 6.23 120.33 m
24-18-d-06 socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the Rft 6.23 180.02 m
24-18-d-07 respective manufacturer complete as per specifications Rft 7.78 249.36 m
24-18-d-08 uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 1.5" Rft 10.35 403.56 m
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and
plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer
complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 2"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 2.5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 3"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 4"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-18-d-09 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 12.45 614.22 m
24-18-d-10 pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 Rft 12.45 866.95 m
24-18-d-11 manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug Rft 17.74 1,345.54 m
24-18-d-12 bend etc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as Rft 24.90 2,288.41 m
24-18-d-13 per specifications Rft 31.13 3,182.54 m
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 5"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 6"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 8"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 10"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Providing, laying, cutting, jointing,
testing and
disinfecting UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches
(conforming to BS 3505 manufactured ) jointed with socket,
elbow, tee, bend and plug bend etc.manufactured by the respective
manufacturer complete as per specifications
uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) except excavation. 12"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-19-a-01 Providing and fixing Cast Iron Special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' " Kg 203.63 303.41 Kg
24-19-a-02 (such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot, Kg 117.43 217.20 Kg
24-19-b-01 cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron Kg 256.67 356.45 Kg
24-19-b-02 pipe line, complete. Kg 126.39 226.17 Kg
24-19-c-01 (a) C.I. Specials with spigot and socket joint. 3" to 6" Nominal Kg 210.36 310.13 Kg
24-19-c-02 Pipe Size (NPS) Kg 122.21 221.99 Kg
Providing and fixing cast iron special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' "
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron
pipe line, complete.
(a) C.I. Specials with spigot and socket joint. 8" to 12" " i/d
Providing and fixing cast iron special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' "
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron
pipe line, complete.
(b) C.I. Flanged special with flanged joints. 3" to 6" i/d
Providing and fixing cast iron special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' "
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron
pipe line, complete.
(b) C.I. Flanged special with flanged joints. 8" to 12" i/d
Providing and fixing cast iron special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' "
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron
pipe line, complete.
(c) CI specials with tyton joints. 3" to 6" i/d Providing and fixing
cast iron special of BSS class " 'B', 'C', 'D' " (such as bend, tee,
cross collar,
reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot, cap, flanged
socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron pipe line,
(c) CI specials with tyton joints. 8" to 12" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-20-a Providing and fixing C.I. special of BSS Class "B" (such as bend, Kg 93.98 203.73 Kg
24-20-b tee, cross, collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged socket, flanged spigot, Kg 146.29 256.04 Kg
24-21-a cap, taper, angle branch plug etc.) for AC pipe line with cement Each 848.16 10,963.27 Each
24-21-b joint and rubber ring complete : 3" to 6" i/d Each 684.75 13,768.11 Each
24-21-c Providing and fixing C.I. special of BSS Class "B" (such as bend, Each 946.20 25,090.19 Each
24-21-d tee, cross, collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged socket, flanged spigot, Each 946.20 50,848.20 Each
24-21-e cap, taper, angle branch plug etc.) for AC pipe line with cement Each 2,925.75 59,145.74 Each
24-21-f joint and rubber ring complete : 8" to 18" i/d Each 4,388.63 66,744.37 Each
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of
jointing material):-
a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of
jointing material):-
b) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of
jointing material):-
c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of
jointing material):-
d) 8" (200 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for cost iron pipe line (including cost of jointing
d) 10" (250 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron & AC pipe line (including cost of
jointing material):-
d) 12" (300 mm) dia of Valve

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-22-a Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and Each 2,435.53 12,550.65 Each
24-22-b weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 2,435.53 15,518.89 Each
24-22-c material):- Each 2,925.75 27,069.74 Each
24-22-d b) 3" (78 mm) dia of Valve Each 3,657.19 53,637.91 Each
24-22-e Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and Each 4,715.44 61,038.95 Each
24-22-f weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 5,851.50 68,347.21 Each
24-22-g material):- Each 5,851.50 79,292.42 Each
24-22-h b) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve Each 5,851.50 79,302.63 Each
24-23 Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and Each 298.80 21,561.30 Each
24-24-a weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 65.36 3,315.73 Each
c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing
d) 8" (200 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing
d) 10" (250 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing
d) 12" (300 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing
d) 15" (375 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC pipeline (including cost of jointing
d) 18" (450 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing, fire hydrants B.S.S. quality and weight of 2-
1/2" (65 mm) dia (including cost of jointing material):-
Providing and fixing, air valve 3" dia of B.S.S. quality and weight
(BS 1074) complete with jointing material
a. Single air valve 3" (75 mm) dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-24-b Providing and fixing, air valve (Kitz Japan make or equivalent) 3" Each 65.36 5,381.23 Each
24-25-a-01 dia of B.S.S. quality and weight (BS 1074) complete with jointing Kg 56.32 175.39 Kg
24-25-a-02 material Kg 44.07 163.14 Kg
24-25-a-03 b. Double air valve 3" (75 mm) dia Kg 44.33 163.40 Kg
24-25-b-01 Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including Kg 25.77 144.84 Kg
24-25-b-02 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Kg 19.09 138.16 Kg
24-25-b-03 a. 3" Kg 13.22 132.29 Kg
24-26-a-01 Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including Each Each 250.71 317.81 Each each
24-26-a-02 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Each Each Each 274.35 423.52 Each Each
24-26-a-03 b. 4" Each Each 365.72 557.84 Each Each
24-26-a-04 Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including 530.23 1,074.72 Each
24-26-a-05 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. 731.44 1,393.01
24-26-a-06 C.6" 914.30 4,923.80
24-26-a-07 Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including 1,097.16 7,111.41
turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects.
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects.
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects.
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 2" i/d
"Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
pressure : 3"" i/d"
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working pressure
: 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working pressure
: 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working pressure
: 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working pressure
: 12" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-26-b-01 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working Each Each 250.71 317.53 Each Each
24-26-b-02 pressure : 2" i/d Each Each 274.35 497.53 Each Each
24-26-b-03 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C'working pressure Each Each 365.72 677.09 Each Each
24-26-b-04 : 3" i/d Each Each 530.36 1,131.78 Each Each
24-26-b-05 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working Each Each 731.44 5,275.54 Each Each
24-26-b-06 pressure : 4" i/d Each Each 914.30 9,173.87 Each Each
24-26-b-07 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working Each Each 1,097.16 9,450.28 Each Each
24-26-c-01 pressure : 6" i/d Each 250.71 317.53 Each
24-26-c-02 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working Each 274.35 407.99 Each
24-26-c-03 pressure : 8" i/d Each 365.72 552.81 Each
24-26-c-04 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working Each 530.23 1,131.65 Each
24-26-c-05 pressure : 10" i/d 731.44 6,478.39
24-26-c-06 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working 914.30 9,334.25
24-26-c-07 pressure : 12" i/d 1,097.16 9,784.41
24-27-a-01 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working 365.72 455.53
24-27-a-02 pressure :2" i/d 438.86 657.25
24-27-a-03 Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working 585.15 896.02
24-27-a-04 pressure :3" i/d 804.58 1,900.78
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B'working pressure :
3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B'working pressure :
6" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-27-a-05 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure : Each 1,188.52 4,908.27 Each
24-27-a-06 8" i/d Each 1,371.51 5,153.81 Each
24-27-a-07 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure : Each 1,645.73 5,655.23 Each
24-27-b-01 10" i/d Each 365.72 469.30 Each
24-27-b-02 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure : Each 438.86 676.09 Each
24-27-b-03 12" i/d Each 585.15 925.96 Each
24-27-b-04 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C'working pressure : Each 804.58 2,067.57 Each
24-27-b-05 2" i/d Each 1,188.52 10,209.90 Each
24-27-b-06 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure : Each 1,364.97 9,584.45 Each
24-27-b-07 3" i/d Each 1,645.73 13,005.98 Each
24-27-c-01 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure : Each 365.72 445.91 Each
24-27-c-02 4" i/d Each 438.86 646.02 Each
24-27-c-03 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure : Each 585.15 865.82 Each
6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :
2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working
pressure :
3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure :
4" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-27-c-04 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure : Each 804.58 1,740.13 Each
24-27-c-05 6" i/d Each 1,188.52 6,267.22 Each
24-27-c-06 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure : Each 1,371.51 9,791.46 Each
24-27-c-07 8" i/d Each 1,645.73 11,001.23 Each
24-28-a-01 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure : Each Each 122.32 183.53 Each Each
24-28-a-02 10" i/d Each Each 128.07 233.38 Each Each
24-28-a-03 Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working Each Each 182.86 317.31 Each Each
24-28-a-04 pressure : Each Each 1,285.71 1,761.23 Each Each
24-28-a-05 12" i/d Each Each 365.72 1,792.66 Each Each
24-28-a-06 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working Each Each 456.82 2,595.22 Each Each
24-28-a-07 pressure : 2" i/d Each Each 548.58 2,653.57 Each Each
24-28-b-01 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working 122.32 189.15
24-28-b-02 pressure : 3" i/d 642.73 765.02
24-28-b-03 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working 182.86 319.85
24-28-b-04 pressure : 4" i/d 256.00 790.60
24-28-b-05 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working 365.72 1,802.46
24-28-b-06 pressure : 6" i/d 457.08 2,996.43
24-28-b-07 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working 548.58 3,856.42
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
pressure: 12" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-28-c-01 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working Each Each 122.32 192.71 Each Each
24-28-c-02 pressure : 2" i/d Each Each 128.07 239.44 Each Each
24-28-c-03 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working Each Each 182.86 324.97 Each Each
24-28-c-04 pressure : 3" i/d Each Each 256.00 774.12 Each Each
24-28-c-05 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working Each 365.72 1,826.51 Each
24-28-c-06 pressure : 4" i/d Each 457.08 3,063.26 Each
24-28-c-07 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working Each 548.58 4,190.54 Each
24-29-a-01 pressure : 6" i/d Each 250.71 406.41 Each
24-29-a-02 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working Each 274.35 490.87 Each
24-29-a-03 pressure : 8" i/d Each 365.72 648.39 Each
24-29-a-04 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working Each 530.23 717.34 Each
24-29-a-05 pressure : 10" i/d 731.44 1,052.20
24-29-a-06 Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working 914.30 1,448.90
24-29-a-07 pressure : 12" i/d 1,080.97 1,669.03
24-29-b-01 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working 250.71 357.63
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working
pressure : 2" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-29-b-02 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working Each 274.35 401.32 Each
24-29-b-03 pressure : 3" i/d Each 365.72 519.42 Each
24-29-b-04 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working Each 531.01 731.49 Each
24-29-b-05 pressure : 4" i/d Each 731.44 1,065.56 Each
24-29-b-06 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working Each 914.30 1,475.63 Each
24-29-b-07 pressure : 6" i/d Each 1,099.58 1,767.83 Each
24-29-c-01 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working Each 250.71 350.95 Each
24-29-c-02 pressure : 8" i/d Each 274.35 394.64 Each
24-29-c-03 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working Each 365.72 552.83 Each
24-29-c-04 pressure : 10" i/d Each 530.23 797.53 Each
24-29-c-05 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working Each 731.44 1,185.85 Each
24-29-c-06 pressure : 12" i/d Each 914.30 1,742.93 Each
24-29-c-07 Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working Each 1,097.16 2,052.75 Each
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
pressure : 12" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-a-01 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 7.42 42.07 m
24-30-a-02 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 7.42 61.37 m
24-30-a-03 in Rft 7.42 90.47 m
24-30-a-04 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (40 mm dia) Rft 7.31 126.32 m
24-30-a-05 PN-8 Rft 12.17 180.47 m
24-30-a-06 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 14.44 266.58 m
24-30-a-07 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 15.47 555.89 m
24-30-a-08 in Rft 18.11 850.32 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (50 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (63 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (75 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (90 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (110 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (160 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (200 mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-a-09 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 20.54 1,307.36 m
24-30-a-10 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 23.19 2,085.74 m
24-30-b-01 in Rft 5.45 23.83 m
24-30-b-02 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (250 mm dia) Rft 5.53 24.14 m
24-30-b-03 PN-8 Rft 5.53 32.91 m
24-30-b-04 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 7.42 49.61 m
24-30-b-05 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 7.42 72.68 m
24-30-b-06 in Rft 7.42 111.07 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (300 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (20mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (25mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (32 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (40 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
in trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (50 mm
dia) PN-10
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (63 mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-b-07 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 7.42 152.77 m
24-30-b-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 12.21 221.82 m
24-30-b-09 in Rft 14.44 324.23 m
24-30-b-10 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (75 mm dia) Rft 15.47 666.91 m
24-30-b-11 PN-10 Rft 18.11 1,033.86 m
24-30-b-12 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 20.54 1,599.85 m
24-30-b-13 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 23.19 3,719.66 m
24-30-c-01 in Rft 5.53 20.63 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (90 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (110 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (160 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (200 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (250 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (300 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (20mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-c-02 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 5.53 26.09 m
24-30-c-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 5.53 38.42 m
24-30-c-04 in Rft 7.42 58.40 m
24-30-c-05 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (25mm dia) Rft 7.42 85.57 m
24-30-c-06 PN-12.5 Rft 7.42 115.03 m
24-30-c-07 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 7.42 184.02 m
24-30-c-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 12.21 264.03 m
24-30-c-09 in Rft 14.44 387.66 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (32 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (40 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (50 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (63 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (75 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (90 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (110 mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-c-10 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 15.47 805.59 m
24-30-c-11 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 18.11 1,247.78 m
24-30-c-12 in Rft 20.54 1,945.68 m
24-30-c-13 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (160 mm dia) Rft 23.19 4,426.83 m
24-30-d-01 PN-12.5 Rft 5.53 22.88 m
24-30-d-02 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 5.53 29.96 m
24-30-d-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 5.53 44.19 m
24-30-d-04 in Rft 7.42 67.88 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (200 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (250 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (300 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (20mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (25mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (32 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (40 mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-d-05 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 7.42 102.48 m
24-30-d-06 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 7.42 156.99 m
24-30-d-07 in Rft 7.42 217.07 m
24-30-d-08 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (50 mm dia) Rft 12.21 313.65 m
24-30-d-09 PN-16 Rft 14.44 463.11 m
24-30-d-10 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 15.47 973.37 m
24-30-d-11 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 18.11 1,512.24 m
24-30-d-12 in Rft 20.54 2,347.85 m
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (63 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (75 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (90 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (110 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (160 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (200 mm dia)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427
trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (250 mm dia)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-d-13 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High Rft 22.97 5,606.06 m
24-30-e-01 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Each 87.77 204.41 Each
24-30-e-02 in Each 87.77 257.87 Each
24-30-e-03 trenches, complete in all respects except excavation. (300 mm dia) Each 87.77 333.69 Each
24-30-e-04 PN-16 Each 122.32 584.99 Each
24-30-e-05 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 20mm dia Each 723.19 1,486.21 Each
24-30-e-06 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 25mm dia Each 723.19 1,986.79 Each
24-30-e-07 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 32mm dia Each 128.07 1,858.23 Each
Providing and installing HDPE Socket 40mm dia
Providing and installing HDPE Socket 50mm dia
Providing and installing HDPE Socket 63mm dia
Providing and installing HDPE Socket 75mm dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-e-08 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 90mm dia Each 128.07 3,209.31 Each
24-30-e-09 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 110mm dia Each 182.86 6,627.22 Each
24-30-e-10 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 160mm dia Each 182.86 6,257.86 Each
24-30-e-11 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 200mm dia Each 182.86 7,472.86 Each
24-30-e-12 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 250mm dia Each 182.86 8,687.86 Each
24-30-e-13 Providing and installing HDPE Socket 300mm dia Each 182.86 9,902.86 Each
24-30-f-01 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 20mm dia Each 292.58 482.11 Each
24-30-f-02 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 25mm dia Each 292.58 627.91 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-f-03 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 32mm dia Each 292.58 754.28 Each
24-30-f-04 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 40mm dia Each 365.72 1,187.06 Each
24-30-f-05 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 50mm dia Each 365.72 1,833.44 Each
24-30-f-06 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 63mm dia Each 365.72 2,766.56 Each
24-30-f-07 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 75mm dia Each 438.86 3,743.66 Each
24-30-f-08 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 90mm dia Each 438.86 6,246.56 Each
24-30-f-09 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 110mm dia Each 585.15 10,888.35 Each
24-30-f-10 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 160mm dia Each 585.15 11,068.17 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-f-11 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 200mm dia Each 585.15 18,406.77 Each
24-30-f-12 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 250mm dia Each 585.15 33,345.20 Each
24-30-f-13 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 300mm dia Each 585.15 53,000.25 Each
24-30-g-01 Providing and installing HDPE bend 20mm dia Each 195.15 326.37 Each
24-30-g-02 Providing and installing HDPE bend 25mm dia Each 195.15 404.13 Each
24-30-g-03 Providing and installing HDPE bend 32mm dia Each 195.15 486.75 Each
24-30-g-04 Providing and installing HDPE bend 40mm dia Each 250.71 802.81 Each
24-30-g-05 Providing and installing HDPE bend 50mm dia Each 250.71 1,193.55 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-g-06 Providing and installing HDPE bend 63mm dia Each 250.71 1,796.19 Each
24-30-g-07 Providing and installing HDPE bend 75mm dia Each 274.35 2,650.89 Each
24-30-g-08 Providing and installing HDPE bend 90mm dia Each 274.35 4,001.97 Each
24-30-g-09 Providing and installing HDPE bend 110mm dia Each 365.72 7,412.72 Each
24-30-g-10 Providing and installing HDPE bend 160mm dia Each 365.72 10,326.29 Each
24-30-g-11 Providing and installing HDPE bend 200mm dia Each 365.72 16,091.46 Each
24-30-g-12 Providing and installing HDPE bend 250mm dia Each 365.72 23,430.06 Each
24-30-g-13 Providing and installing HDPE bend 300mm dia Each 365.72 43,870.01 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-h-01 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 20mm Each 102.40 189.88 Each
24-30-h-02 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 25mm Each 102.40 238.48 Each
24-30-h-03 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 32mm Each 102.40 321.10 Each
24-30-h-04 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 40mm Each 122.32 409.06 Each
24-30-h-05 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 50mm Each 122.32 622.90 Each
24-30-h-06 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 63mm Each 122.32 962.70 Each
24-30-h-07 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 75mm Each 128.07 1,488.87 Each
24-30-h-08 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 90mm Each 128.07 1,965.15 Each

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-30-h-09 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 110mm Each 182.86 3,788.98 Each
24-30-h-10 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 160mm Each 182.86 3,827.86 Each
24-30-h-11 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 200mm Each 182.86 5,042.86 Each
24-30-h-12 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 250mm Each 182.86 6,257.86 Each
24-30-h-13 Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 300mm Each 182.86 7,472.86 Each
24-31-a S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 18" i/d 6.35mm thick S/H/J G.I. Flanged Rft Rft Rft 1,605.65 6,860.53 mmmmmm
24-31-b Pipe 16" i/d 6.35mm thick S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 12" i/d 6.35mm Rft Rft Rft 671.87 5,270.65 mm
24-31-c thick S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 10" i/d 6.35mm thick S/H/J G.I. Rft Rft 802.83 4,283.80
24-31-d Flanged Pipe 8" i/d 5 mm thick S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 6" i/d 5 669.04 3,625.53
24-31-e mm thick S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 4" i/d 5 mm thick S/H/J MS 535.12 2,397.11
24-31-f Flanged Pipe 18" i/d 6.35 mm thick 401.41 1,759.18
24-31-g 267.63 1,148.50
24-32-a 1,337.95 7,716.70

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-32-b S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 16" i/d 6.35 mm thick S/H/J MS Flanged Rft Rft Rft 892.06 5,387.56 mmmmmm
24-32-c Pipe 12" i/d 6.35mm Rft Rft Rft 669.04 3,949.54 Each
24-32-d S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 10" i/d 6.35mm thick S/H/J MS Flanged Each 535.12 3,268.87 Each
24-32-e Pipe 8" i/d 5mm thick S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 6" i/d 5mm thick Each 445.97 2,632.97 Each
24-32-f S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 4" i/d 5mm thick Each 356.73 1,936.23 Each
24-32-g Supplying and Fixing MS manhole cover of 0.25" thick sheet & Each 222.94 1,316.44 m
24-33-a angle iron frame 2'x2'x0.25" with lock complete Rft 109.42 844.49 m
24-33-b Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc. Rft 74.70 1,814.58 Each Each
24-33-c (Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 12" (300 mm) dia. Each Each 74.70 3,198.47 Each Each Pair
24-33-d Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc. Each Each 104.58 3,902.67 Pair Pair
24-34 (Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 18" (450 mm) dia. Pair Pair 60.50 804.97
24-35 Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc. Pair 4.39 509.83
24-36-a (Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 24" (600 mm) dia. 26.15 3,054.53
24-36-b Supplying and Fixing flat iron (2"x3/8") ladder for OHR, holes @ 26.15 1,475.03
24-36-c 15" c/c, steps of MS bars 5/8" i/d & paint compl Supplying and 26.15 1,001.49
24-36-d Fixing C.I. vent pipe for storage tanks including 26.15 574.41
24-37-a jally etc 89.64 454.14
24-37-b Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 10" i/d 119.52 544.77
24-37-c Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 8" i/d 149.40 756.90
Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 6" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 4" i/d
Providing and fixing MS Flanges 3" dia (3/8" Thick)
Providing and fixing MS Flanges 4" dia (3/8" Thick)
Providing and fixing MS Flanges 6" dia (3/8" Thick)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-37-d Providing and fixing MS Flanges 8" dia (3/8"Thick) Pair Pair 186.75 976.50 Pair Pair
24-37-e Providing and fixing MS Flanges 10" dia (3/8"Thick) Each Each 298.80 1,453.05 Each Each
24-38-a Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 18" i/d Each Each 1,562.47 80,537.48 Each Each
24-38-b Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 16" i/d Each Each 1,562.47 62,312.48 Each Each
24-38-c Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 12" i/d Each Each 1,562.47 33,152.48 Each Each
24-38-d Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 10" i/d Each 1,562.47 20,394.97 Each
24-38-e Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 8" i/d Each 1,179.64 15,759.64 Each
24-38-f Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 6" i/d Each 1,179.64 10,899.64 Each
24-38-g Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 4" i/d 887.06 9,392.06
24-39-a Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for 2,340.60 5,438.85
24-39-b housing 2,340.60 4,603.54
24-39-c pipe : 18" i/d 1,462.88 2,981.63
24-39-d Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for 877.72 2,117.03
pipe : 16" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for
pipe : 12" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for
pipe : 10" i/d

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-39-e Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for Each 585.15 1,602.71 Each
24-39-f housing Each 438.86 1,289.36 Each
24-39-g pipe : 8" i/d Each 292.58 596.33 Each
24-40 Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for Rft 17.85 169.72 m
24-41 housing No 2,023.13 31,972.88 No
24-42 pipe : 6" i/d Job 2,427.75 23,082.75 Job
24-43 Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for Rft 99.18 266.85 m
24-44 housing Each 835.12 5,695.12 Each
24-45-a pipe : 4" i/d Joint 325.13 1,673.78 Joint
Supplying and Fixing PVC Water Stopper 8" wide 3/8" thick.
Providing and fixing PVC water stopper 8" wide 3/8" thick in
verticle (Wall/Column) or horizontal (Floor/Slab) expansion joint
inclusing cutting and jointing complete in all respects.
Conducting Elec: Resistivity survey of the area and furnishing its
Logging of bore hole with electrical equipment and furnishing
Providing and lowering pezu meter 1.25" GI pipe including all
P&L Reflux valves (C.I) of BSS quality/weight including jointing
material 3" i/d-6" i/d.
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 8"i/d of GI pipe line
including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-45-b Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 6"i/d of GI pipe line Joint 325.13 1,584.84 Joint
24-45-c including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 325.13 1,024.97 Joint
24-45-d complete. Joint 325.13 819.39 Joint
24-45-e Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 4"i/d of GI pipe line Joint 325.13 762.53 Joint
24-46 including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Rft 986.88 5,479.34 m
24-47-a complete. Each Each 902.63 21,557.63 Each Each
24-47-b Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 3"i/d of GI pipe line Each 902.63 10,622.63 Each
24-48-a including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Each 1,494.00 97,448.63 Each
24-48-b complete. Each 1,494.00 171,329.73 Each
24-48-c Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 2-1/2"i/d of GI pipe line 1,494.00 370,550.25
including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc
Testing of soil for bearing capacity & chemical contents upto any
Supply and Fixing Affridev type hand pump with all accessories
except riser pipe.
Supply and Fixing a simple hand pump (Single handle) upto 80
Supply and installation of manually controlled voltage regulator oil
cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control
regulator on each phase 20-30 KVA
Supply and installation of manually controlled voltage regulator oil
cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control
regulator on each phase 35-50 KVA
Supply and installation of manually controlled voltage regulator oil
cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control
regulator on each phase 60-100 KVA

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-48-d Supply and installation of three phase automatic voltage stabilizers Each 1,494.00 141,735.38 Each
24-48-e having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% Each 1,494.00 319,013.00 Each
24-48-f copper wound with protective devices 20-30 KV A Each 1,494.00 518,172.75 Each
24-49-a Supply and installation of three phase automatic voltage stabilizers Each 79.68 1,047.63 Each
24-49-b having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% Each 119.52 1,751.67 Each
24-49-c copper wound with protective devices 35-50 KVA Each 119.52 2,104.02 Each
24-49-d Supply and installation of three phase automatic voltage stabilizers Each 119.52 3,112.47 Each
24-49-e having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% Each 119.52 4,168.30 Each
copper equipped with protective devices 60-100 KV A
Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1" dia
Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.25" dia
Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.5" dia
Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 2" dia
Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 2.5" dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-49-f Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 3" dia Each 119.52 7,269.39 Each
24-49-g Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 4" dia Each 119.52 13,294.17 Each
24-50-a-01 Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible Each 2,303.25 332,624.09 Each
24-50-a-02 Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind- Each 4,606.50 415,818.38 Each
24-50-a-03 able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Each 4,606.50 462,608.03 Each
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 10 HP,
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 15 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 25 HP

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-50-a-04 Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible Each 4,606.50 504,035.91 Each
24-50-a-05 Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind- Each 4,606.50 700,161.19 Each
24-50-a-06 able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Each 4,606.50 766,700.69 Each
24-50-a-07 Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection Each 4,108.50 1,146,208.50 Each
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 30 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 40 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 50 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 80 HP

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-50-a-08 Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible Each 4,108.50 439,078.50 each
24-50-b-01 Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind- Each 4,606.50 1,219,606.50 Each
24-50-b-02 able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Each 4,145.85 380,795.84 Each
24-50-b-03 Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection Each 3,685.20 309,865.19 Each
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 20 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric
Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control
Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge
protection, phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all
acessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 80 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric
Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control
Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge
protection, phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all
acessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 50 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric
Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control
Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge
protection, phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all
acessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 40 HP

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-50-b-04 Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal Each 3,454.88 254,959.88 Each
24-50-b-05 Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric Each 3,454.88 225,799.88 Each
24-50-c-01 Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control Meter 99.60 646.35 Meter
24-50-c-02 Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge Meter 99.60 889.35 Meter
24-50-c-03 protection, phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all Meter 99.60 1,618.35 Meter
24-50-c-04 acessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except Meter 99.60 1,861.35 Meter
24-50-c-05 column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and meter 99.60 473.21 meter
24-51-a Discharge : 30 HP Each 952.42 952.42 Each
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
Pump (ISO – 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric
Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control
Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge
protection, phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all
acessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable with appropriate Head and
Discharge : 25 HP
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x10 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x16 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x25 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x35 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x6 mm2
Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts,
bolts, spindle etc: complete of the following size.
a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-51-b Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts, Each 1,111.16 1,111.16 Each
24-51-c bolts, spindle etc: complete of the following size. Each 1,269.90 1,269.90 Each
24-52-a a) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve Each 1,512.68 1,788.50 Each
24-52-b Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts, Each 1,512.68 1,732.12 Each
24-52-c bolts, spindle etc: complete of the following size. Each 1,282.35 1,501.79 Each
a) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve
Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipe
line i/c cost of extraction/ excavation with welding joint coating
with bictumen/ red oxide and reinstallation to its original position
after refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all respect
of the following sizes.
a) 6" (150 mm) dia
Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipe
line i/c cost of extraction/ excavation with welding joint coating
with bictumen/ red oxide and reinstallation to its original position
after refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all respect
of the following sizes.
a) 4" (100 mm) dia
Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipe
line i/c cost of extraction/ excavation with welding joint coating
with bictumen/ red oxide and reinstallation to its original position
after refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all respect
of the following sizes.
a) 3" (75 mm) dia

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-52-d Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipe Each 1,282.35 1,445.40 Each
24-53-a line i/c cost of extraction/ excavation with welding joint coating Each Each Each 230.32 1,690.35 Each Each
24-53-b with bictumen/ red oxide and reinstallation to its original position Each Each Rft 230.32 2,557.45 Each Each
24-53-c after refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all respect Rft 230.32 3,135.79 Each m
24-53-d of the following sizes. Rft 345.49 4,727.18 m
24-53-e a) 2" (50 mm) dia 345.49 7,176.62 m
24-54-a Replacement of existing/ GM Peet valve including cost of Union, 13.55 249.72
24-54-b Nipple, Sockets etc : 1" dia Replacement of existing/ GM Peet 14.96 319.55
24-54-c valve including 14.96 358.86
cost of Union, Nipple, Sockets etc : 1.25" dia
Replacement of existing/ GM Peet valve including cost of Union,
Nipple, Sockets etc : 1.5" dia Replacement of existing/ GM Peet
valve including
cost of Union, Nipple, Sockets etc : 2" dia
Replacement of existing/ GM Peet valve including cost of Union,
Nipple, Sockets etc : 2.5" dia Replacement of existing damaged
rusted &
chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including laying, cutting,
jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint including
specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
1" ( 25 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Replacement of existing
damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN
10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including
laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint
including specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
1¼" ( 32 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Replacement of existing
damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN
10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including
laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint
including specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
'1½" (40 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-54-d Replacement of existing damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with Rft 15.41 508.21 m
24-54-e new GI pipes of EN 10255 - 2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) Rft 15.73 646.30 m
24-54-f including laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with Rft 18.21 834.30 m
24-54-g socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete as per Rft 19.22 1,205.27 m
24-55-a specifications Rft 77.81 797.17 m
24-55-b '2" (50 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Replacement of existing Rft 93.38 1,209.29 m
24-55-c damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN Rft 77.81 536.58 m
10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including
laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint
including specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
'2½" (65 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Replacement of existing
damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN
10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including
laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint
including specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
3" (75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Replacement of existing
damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe with new GI pipes of EN
10255 -
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including
laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with socket joint
including specials and valves etc.Complete as per specifications
4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
pumps for
4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' length
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
pumps for
6" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' length
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
pumps for
2.5" ( 63 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' length

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-55-d Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT) Rft 77.81 623.37 m
24-56-a pumps for Rft 77.81 902.31 m
24-56-b 3" ( 75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' length Rft 77.81 728.81 m
24-56-c Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible Rft 77.81 642.06 m
24-57-a pump : 4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Job 809.25 9,071.25 Job
24-57-b length Job Rft 809.25 28,693.50 Job m
24-58-a Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible Rft 184.26 861.87 m
24-58-b pump : 3" ( 75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Rft 207.29 1,011.02 m
24-58-c length Rft 230.32 1,355.54 m
24-58-d Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible 287.91 1,812.43
pump : 2.5" ( 63 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10'
Tubewell Development/yield test with pumping unit minimum 8
hours for tube wells more than 6" dia
Tubewell Development/yield test with pumping unit minimum 8
hours for tube wells upto 6" dia Supply and installation of Column
pipe for Bowl
Assembly of ASTM53 standard material with
stainless steel nut bolts/double galvanized and flanges thickness
20mm, with outside surface epoxy coated, 2.5" size
Supply and installation of Column pipe for Bowl Assembly of
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
galvanized and flanges thickness 20mm, with outside surface
epoxy coated, 3" size
Supply and installation of Column pipe for Bowl Assembly of
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
galvanized and flanges thickness 20mm, with outside surface
epoxy coated, 4" size
Supply and installation of Column pipe for Bowl Assembly of
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
galvanized and flanges thickness 20mm, with outside surface
epoxy coated, 5" size

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-59-a Replacement of existing S.S sluice valve for high head lines i.e Each 725.21 10,840.33 Each
24-59-b with pumping machienry and pumping main i/c required fitting (if Each 725.21 13,808.58 Each
24-59-c necessary i/c flanges, packing sheet, bolts & Nuts etc Each 1,091.86 25,235.86 Each
24-60-a a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve Each 725.21 8,106.58 Each
24-60-b Replacement of existing S.S sluice valve for high head lines i.e Each 725.21 8,887.83 Each
24-60-c with pumping machienry and pumping main i/c required fitting (if Each 725.21 10,840.33 Each
24-60-d necessary i/c flanges, packing sheet, bolts & Nuts etc Each 725.21 13,808.58 Each
24-60-e b) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve Each 1,091.86 21,530.11 Each
Replacement of existing S.S sluice valve for high head lines i.e
with pumping machienry and pumping main i/c required fitting (if
necessary i/c flanges, packing sheet, bolts & Nuts etc
c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve
Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work
AERO Type of required fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing
sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete. b) 2" (100 mm) dia of Valve
Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work
AERO Type of required fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing
sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete. b) 2.5" (100 mm) dia of Valve
Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work
AERO Type of required fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing
sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete.
a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve
Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work
AERO Type of required fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing
sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete.
b) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve
Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work
AERO Type of requried fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing
sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete. b) 5" (100 mm) dia of Valve

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-60-f Replacement of existing C.I sluice valve for distribution net work Each 1,091.86 25,235.86 Each
24-61-a AERO Type of requried fittings if necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing Each 244.33 635.08 Each
24-61-b sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete. c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve Each 244.33 479.07 Each
24-61-c Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as Each 169.32 382.19 Each
24-61-d required at site complete. Each 169.32 373.44 Each
24-62 c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve Each Job 809.25 809.25 Each Job
24-63 Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as Each Each 0.00 0.00 Each Each
24-64 required at site complete. Each 373.50 1,309.05 Each
24-65-a c) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve Each Each 373.50 11,916.00 Each Each
24-65-b Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as Each Each 373.50 13,981.50 Each Each
24-66 required at site complete. Each 373.50 1,163.25 Each
24-67 a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve Each 373.50 2,287.13 Each
24-68 Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as 373.50 920.25
24-69-a required at site complete. 373.50 1,345.50
24-69-b a) 2-1/2" (63 mm) dia of Valve Cleaning of reservoirs in any 373.50 1,588.50
24-69-c capacity 373.50 1,953.00
Water quality test Biological / Chemical / Physical paraMeter.
Supply and Fixing of Man Hole cover made of Angle iron fram
2'x2' size.
Supply and Fixing of thrust bearing for Submersible motor
(a) (10-25) Hp
Supply and Fixing of thrust bearing for Submersible motor
(b) (30-50) Hp
Supply and Fixing of Guide bearing for Electric motors
Supply and Fixing of Stainless steel Top rod for Electric motors.
Supply and Fixing Carbon bush (Submercible)
Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column shaft 2.5"
Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column shaft
Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column shaft 5"

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-70-a Furnish and install of column pipe socket 4'' dia. Furnish and Each Each Job 149.40 1,294.90 Each Each Job
24-70-b install of column pipe socket 5'' dia. Pair Pair Pair 149.40 2,029.98 Pair Pair Pair
24-71 Extraction of Turbine/submersible pump & lowering/ Installation Pair Pair RFT 9,213.00 9,213.00 Pair Pair
24-72-a of the same after necessary rapair. Rft 89.64 612.09 mm
24-72-b Providing and fixing G.I Flanges 3" dia (5/8"Thick) Rft 119.52 720.95 m
24-72-c Providing and fixing G.I Flanges 4" dia (5/8"Thick) Rft 149.40 1,036.35 m
24-72-d Providing and fixing G.I Flanges 6" dia (5/8"Thick) Rft 186.75 1,705.50 m
24-72-e Providing and fixing G.I Flanges 8" dia (5/8"Thick) 298.80 2,103.07
24-73 Providing and fixing G.I Flanges 10" dia (5/8"Thick) 119.52 192.38
24-74-a Riser Pipe for hand Pump (2" dia PVC Pipes) 57.58 347.15
24-74-b Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete 65.05 488.96
24-74-c 1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site 68.10 551.06
24-74-d of work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and 85.16 783.78
testing, etc. for culverts complete:- 6" i/d
Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site
of work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and
testing, etc. for culverts complete:- 9" i/d wall thickness 1".
Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site
of work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and
testing, etc. for culverts complete:-
12" i/d, wall thickness 2".
Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site
of work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and
testing, etc. for culverts complete:-
18" i/d, wall thickness 2.2".

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-74-e Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete Rft 145.42 1,050.59 m
24-75 1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site Job Each 0.00 0.00 Job Each
24-76-a of work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and Each 575.81 33,623.81 Each
24-76-b testing, etc. for culverts complete:- Each 575.81 37,025.81 Each
24-76-c 24" i/d, wall thickness 3". Each 875.23 41,091.73 Each
24-76-d Mobilization of plant for pressure pump / Hand Pump Rft Rft Rft 875.23 46,741.48 mmm
24-77-a Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for Rft 24.28 109.33 m
24-77-b pressure pump Rft 24.28 127.55 m
24-78-a 0.5 HP No 101.16 429.21 No
24-78-b Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for Job 161.85 708.60 Job
24-78-c pressure pump 202.31 931.31
24-79 1 HP 4,313.30 32,197.55
24-80 Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for 809.25 9,071.25
pressure pump
1.5 HP
Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for
pressure pump
2 HP
Steel Rope for pressure pump 3/8" dia
Steel Rope for pressure pump 1/2" dia
Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing)
3/4" dia
Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing)
1" dia
Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing)
1-1/4" dia
Electric Resistivity Survey for tubewell construction complete in
all respects (minimum 03 locations).
Yield test by using air compressor in test bore (Pressure Pump)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-81 Providing & installation of 20 BHP submersible pumping having a Each 2,303.25 811,493.25 Each
24-82 discharge 7000 gallons per hour against a total head of 150 ft i/c Each 2,303.25 536,903.25 Each
24-83 cost of all allied accessories, commissioning testing etc, complete m2 m 699.19 2,931.93 1000 SFT
24-84 in all respects. Each Meter 452.56 452.56 RFT
24-85 Infra-Structure Providing & installation of 10 BHP submersible Meter 14,827.95 66,465.45 Each Meter
24-86 pumping having a discharge 7000 gallons per hour against a total Each Each 1,171.48 3,029.46 Meter
24-87 head of 150 ft i/c cost of all allied accessories, commissioning 181.87 5,041.87 Each Each
24-88 testing etc, complete in all respect 404.63 26,527.13
24-89 Site clearance, grubbing and disposal of muddy water to nearest 202.31 3,239.81
disposal point.
Reaming of 15" dia Pilot bore hole, 0m to 360m, without casing
pipes including withdrawings the boring pipes, washing the bore
by means of pipe cylinder etc. all complete as per direction of
engineer in-charge
Electrical log (self potential resistivty both short and normal) of
test bore holes.
Installation of Anchor Bars in spill way & Dam Embankment by
using No. 11 bar (11' length) including 3” dia bore-hole along with
cement slurry bentonite.
Water Pressure Test including drilling and testing for calculation
of water losses in bore-hole: 0-30 m
Providing & Fixing of Chain Pulley Block of 3 ton capacity,
Complete in all respects.
Providing & Fixing unservicable brass bushes for bowel assembly

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-90-a Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible WHP 5,727.00 138,162.00 746 HW
24-90-b Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind- WHP 4,581.60 127,296.60 746 HW
24-90-c able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like WHP 4,008.90 109,713.90 746 HW
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity up to 1 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 1 WHP and upto 3
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 3 WHP and upto 6
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-90-d Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible WHP 3,436.20 64,186.20 746 HW
24-90-e Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind- WHP 2,863.50 56,323.50 746 HW
24-90-f able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like WHP 2,290.80 50,890.80 746 HW
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 6 WHP and upto 10
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 10 WHP and upto 15
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 15 WHP and upto 20
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-90-g Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible WHP 1,145.40 47,315.40 746 HW
24-91-a Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind- WHP 4,008.90 78,123.90 746 HW
24-91-b able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like WHP 3,722.55 65,687.55 746 HW
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge less than or equal to
3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than 20 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity up to 1 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 1 WHP and upto 3 WHP
(As per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-91-c Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible WHP 3,436.20 58,111.20 746 HW
24-91-d Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind- WHP 2,290.80 40,927.80 746 HW
24-91-e able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like WHP 1,145.40 32,006.40 746 HW
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 3 WHP and upto 6 WHP
(As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 6 WHP and upto 10 WHP
(As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 10 WHP and upto 15 WHP
(As per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-91-f Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible WHP 859.05 23,336.55 746 HW
24-91-g Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind- WHP 744.51 20,913.51 746 HW
24-91-h able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like WHP 629.97 19,219.47 746 HW
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 15 WHP and upto 20 WHP
(As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 20 WHP and up to 30
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with Submersible rewind-
able Electric Motor with AC winding and all accessories like
Motor Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection
device, surge protection, phase reverse indicator) Complete in all
accessories including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
column pipe and power cable for discharge greater than 3000
iGPH and output capacity greater than 30 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-92-a Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar WHP 11,454.00 256,884.00 746 HW
24-92-b Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with WHP 10,308.60 246,018.59 746 HW
24-92-c Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all WHP 8,590.50 147,100.50 746 HW
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity up
to 1 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-92-d Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar WHP 6,872.40 107,717.40 746 HW
24-92-e Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with WHP 5,727.00 102,927.00 746 HW
24-92-f Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all WHP 4,581.60 98,136.60 746 HW
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-92-g Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar WHP 2,290.80 93,415.80 746 HW
24-93-a Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with WHP 10,881.30 197,991.30 746 HW
24-93-b Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all WHP 10,308.60 174,333.59 746 HW
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 20 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater 3000 iGPH and output capacity up to 1 WHP (As
per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-93-c Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar WHP 9,163.20 103,933.20 746 HW
24-93-d Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with WHP 8,017.80 74,842.80 746 HW
24-93-e Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all WHP 6,872.40 61,061.40 746 HW
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-93-f Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar WHP 4,581.60 51,359.10 746 HW
24-93-g Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with WHP 3,436.20 48,391.20 746 HW
24-93-h Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all WHP 2,290.80 44,208.30 746 HW
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
20 WHP and upto 30 (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Solar
Submersible Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) coupled with
Submersible rewind-able Electric Motor with AC winding and all
accessories like Solar Pump Controller, du/dt filter Complete in all
accessories including cooling jackets, NRV, Pressure Gauge,
Sluice valves (02 Nos) except column pipe and power cable for
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
30 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-94-a Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 11,454.00 394,179.00 746 HW
24-94-b Solar PV Generator including WHP 10,308.60 367,518.59 746 HW
24-94-c A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure WHP 9,163.20 327,493.19 746 HW
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity up
to 1 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-94-d Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 8,017.80 219,427.80 746 HW
24-94-e Solar PV Generator including WHP 6,872.40 212,207.41 746 HW
24-94-f A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure WHP 4,581.60 200,196.59 746 HW
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-94-g Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 2,290.80 193,045.80 746 HW
24-95-a Solar PV Generator including WHP 10,881.30 269,676.31 746 HW
24-95-b A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure WHP 10,308.60 261,813.59 746 HW
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and output capacity
greater than 20 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity up to 1
WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-95-c Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 9,163.20 240,013.20 746 HW
24-95-d Solar PV Generator including WHP 8,017.80 221,857.80 746 HW
24-95-e A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure WHP 6,872.40 205,524.91 746 HW
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-95-f Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 4,581.60 192,906.59 746 HW
24-95-g Solar PV Generator including WHP 3,436.20 188,116.20 746 HW
24-95-h A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure WHP 2,290.80 182,110.80 746 HW
24-96-a and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers, WHP 11,454.00 406,329.00 746 HW
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
20 WHP and up to 30 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Fixed Mounting Structure
and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, Fuses, DC Breakers,
Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inverter, sized at a sizing factor
of 1.75 capable of operating its intended solar pump having
discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output capacity greater than
30 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity up to 1 WHP (As
per Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-96-b Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 10,308.60 399,108.59 746 HW
24-96-c Solar PV Generator including WHP 9,163.20 337,213.19 746 HW
24-96-d A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tacker WHP 8,017.80 207,277.80 746 HW
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-96-e Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 6,872.40 191,552.41 746 HW
24-96-f Solar PV Generator including WHP 4,581.60 186,831.59 746 HW
24-96-g A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker WHP 2,290.80 180,895.80 746 HW
24-97-a Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, WHP 10,881.30 286,686.31 746 HW
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 20 (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity up to 1 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-97-b Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 10,308.60 271,533.59 746 HW
24-97-c Solar PV Generator including WHP 9,163.20 240,013.20 746 HW
24-97-d A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tacker WHP 8,017.80 191,482.80 746 HW
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-97-e Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 6,872.40 183,047.41 746 HW
24-97-f Solar PV Generator including WHP 4,581.60 175,896.59 746 HW
24-97-g A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Manual Tracker WHP 2,290.80 169,960.80 746 HW
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Manual Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 20 WHP and up to 30 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-97-h Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 2,290.80 166,315.80 746 HW
24-98-a Solar PV Generator including WHP 12,599.40 503,459.41 746 HW
24-98-b A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules ,Manual Tracker WHP 12,026.70 494,381.69 746 HW
24-98-c Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, WHP 10,881.30 434,916.31 746 HW
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 30 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or equal to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity up to 1 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per
Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-98-d Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 9,735.90 277,035.91 746 HW
24-98-e Solar PV Generator including WHP 6,872.40 260,807.41 746 HW
24-98-f A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker WHP 4,581.60 245,151.59 746 HW
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-98-g Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 2,290.80 236,785.80 746 HW
24-99-a Solar PV Generator including WHP 10,240.13 379,600.13 746 HW
24-99-b A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker WHP 10,308.60 368,733.59 746 HW
24-99-c Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes, WHP 9,163.20 331,138.19 746 HW
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge less than or eual to 3000 iGPH and
output capacity greater than 20 WHP (As per Approved Technical
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tracker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity up to 1 WHP (As per Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 1 WHP and up to 3 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 3 WHP and up to 6 WHP (As per Approved

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-99-d Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 8,017.80 270,457.81 746 HW
24-99-e Solar PV Generator including WHP 6,872.40 245,012.41 746 HW
24-99-f A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker WHP 5,727.00 221,997.00 746 HW
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 6 WHP and up to 10 WHP (As per Approved
Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 10 WHP and up to 15 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 15 WHP and up to 20 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
24-99-g Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete WHP 4,581.60 215,991.59 746 HW
24-99-h Solar PV Generator including WHP 2,290.80 208,840.80 746 HW
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 20 WHP and up to 30 WHP (As per
Approved Technical Specifications)
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of complete
Solar PV Generator including
A-Grade Mono Crystalline PV Modules , Auto sun Tacker
Mounting Structure and Foundation Civil work, Junction Boxes,
Fuses, DC Breakers, Wiring complete upto Solar Pump Inerter,
sized at a sizing factor of 1.50 capable of operating its intended
solar pump having discharge greater than 3000 iGPH and output
capacity greater than 30 WHP (As per Approved Technical

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-01 Laying, linking and packing tramway line Dismantling tramway Rft Rft Rft Each 25.19 25.19 mmm
25-02 track Each Each Each 8.07 8.07 Each Each
25-03 Laying, linking of BG track, including packing, straightening and Each 68.47 68.47 Each Each
25-04 levelling Tonne Tonne 6,505.13 6,505.13 Each
25-05 Linking points and crossings, complete with fastening Tonne Sft 731.44 731.44 Tonne Tonne
25-06 Bending or straightening BG rail with jim crow Fixing street lamp Tonne Tonne 687.86 687.86 Tonne m2
25-07 posts Tonne Kg 84.97 84.97 Tonne Tonne
25-08 Binding ends of sleepers and timbers of all sizes & kinds, Each cut 10.00 10.00 Tonne Kg
25-09 including spreading & restacking 71,712.00 205,362.00 Each cut
25-10 Opening stacks of sleepers & timber of all kinds and sizes, 10,582.50 145,360.27
25-11 including spreading for inspection 11,461.53 11,461.53
25-12 Small iron work, such as gusset plates, knees, bends, stirrups, 16.93 16.93
25-13 straps, rings etc excluding erection Fabrication of heavy steel work 16,483.80 16,483.80
25-14 with angle, tees, 991.02 991.02
25-15 sheet iron etc for making trusses, girders etc 489.29 489.29
25-16 Erection and fitting in position iron trusses, staging of water tanks, 156.87 255.77
25-17-a etc 300.94 300.94
Fixing corrugated iron sheet including rivetting, etc
24 SWG to 26 SWG
Erecting corrugated iron sheet tanks, upto 20' height
Erecting rolled steel beams or old rails, in roof etc, erection &
fixing in position
Erecting rolled steel beams or rails, erection for posts etc (other
than in roofs)
Making bolts & nuts of iron rods
Cutting rails,rolled steel joist & beams, with hacksaw : Upto 6"
Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-17-b Cutting rails,rolled steel joist & beams, with hacksaw : Above 6" Each cut 451.31 451.31 Each cut
25-18 size Each cut 150.38 150.38 Each cut
25-19 Cutting rails or rolled steel beams of size below 6" with jim Per Bend 257.97 1,653.51 Per Bend
25-20 Bending rolled steel beams or rails Each hole Each 70.61 70.61 Each hole Each
25-21 Drilling holes,in plates over 1/2" thick per inch dia. or part thereof hole 34.86 34.86 hole
25-22 Extra for drilling holes in plates upto 1/2" thick per inch dia, or Each Each 9.03 9.03 Each Each
25-23 part thereof Rft Each 25.09 25.09 m Each
25-24 Rivetting 1/8" dia Each Each cut 51.98 51.98 Each Each cut
25-25 Cutting out Rivets, all sizes. Sft 68.53 68.53 m2
25-26 Fitting and erection of gutters of sheet iron Cutting and fixing iron Sft 30.15 30.15 m2
25-27 bars, for barred windows Sft 601.69 655.96 m2
25-28 Cutting GI sheets of 2'-8" wide. 58.84 61.10
25-29 Notching web or foot of rail posts for housing rail beams 30.63 31.42
25-30-a Hoop iron netted trellis work fixed with nails 601.76 1,463.99
Fixing zinc, iron or GI sheet on table tops
Providing and fixing steel grated doors, complete with locking
arrangement, angle iron frame 2"x2"x3/8" and 3/4" round bars 4"
center to center.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-30-b Providing and fixing steel grated doors, complete with locking Sft 601.76 1,562.90 m2
25-31 arrangement, angle iron frame 2"x2"x3/8" and 1" square bars 4" Sft 543.27 1,936.27 m2
25-32 center to center. Sft 146.29 572.46 m2
25-33-a Providing and fixing steel grated doors, with 1/16" thick sheeting Rft 145.66 935.17 m
25-33-b including angle iron frame 2"x2"x3/8" and 3/4" square bars 4" Rft 37.97 192.56 m
25-34 center to center with locking arrangement. Sft 333.47 1,000.05 m2
25-35 Providing and fixing grating in opening including fixing at site Sft 41.71 282.44 m2
25-36 with flat iron 2" x 3/8" and 3/4" round bars at 4" center to center. Rft Rft 49.33 340.11 mm
25-37 Providing and fixing terrace railing 2" i/d conduit pipe 16 SWG, 171.19 577.05
welded with 5/8" x 5/8" square bar
2.75 ft. high fixed at 5" centre to centre, in RCC slab with suitable
arrangement, complete in all resppects as per design and drawing.
Providing and fixing steel square pipe size l-l/2" x l-l/2" of 16
gauge including its welding, complete in all respect, as specified
Providing and fixing collapsible gate made of 2"x2"x1/4" tee iron
at top and bottom, channel iron verticals 3/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8"
at 3" to 5" centre to centre (approximate) and flat iron crosses 3/4"
x 3/16" and best quality rollers at bottom of 3" diameters including
holdfast, handles 12" long of 3/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" channel
iron, locking arrangment inside and outside, painting 3 coats of
black enamel, complete in working order.
Providing and Fixing 24 SWG GI sheet rolling shutter of steel
frame of MS channel 2"x1.25"x1/8" complete
Providing and Fixing MS angle iron 1"x1"x1/4" edge protector
nozing of steps of stairs, complete Providing and Fixing stair
railing of 2.5" i/d GI
pipe, welded with 5/8"x5/8" MS bars 2'-9" high,
fixed in each step

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-38 Providing and Fixing GI wire gauze 24 SWG, (12x12) meshes per Sft 124.13 235.16 m2
25-39-a-01, fixed to steel windows or doors etc, complete in all respects Sft 36.10 710.94 m2
25-39-a-02 Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels, Sft 36.10 717.01 m2
25-39-a-03 using beam section for frame Sft 36.10 726.73 m2
1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for leaves 3/4" x 1" x 3/4" x
1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass panes, wooden screed for
glazing embded over a thin layer of putty duly screwed with
leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted, complete in all
respects, including all cost of material and labour etc. as per
approved design and as directed by the engineer - in -charge: Glass
pane 2mm thick
Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels,
using beam section for frame
1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for leaves 3/4" x 1" x 3/4" x
1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass panes, wooden screed for
glazing embded over a thin layer of putty duly screwed with
leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted, complete in all
respects, including all cost of material and labour etc. as per
approved design and as directed by the engineer - in -charge Glass
pane 2.5mm thick
Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels,
using beam section for frame
1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for leaves 3/4" x 1" x 3/4" x
1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass panes, wooden screed for
glazing embded over a thin layer of putty duly screwed with
leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted, complete in all
respects, including all cost of material and labour etc. as per
approved design and as directed by the engineer - in -charge Glass
pane 3mm thick

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-39-a-04 Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels, Sft 36.10 735.24 m2
25-39-a-05 using beam section for frame Sft 36.10 744.35 m2
25-39-b-01 1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for leaves 3/4" x 1" x 3/4" x Sft 39.84 815.26 m2
25-39-b-02 1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass panes, wooden screed for Sft 39.84 815.26 m2
25-39-b-03 glazing embded over a thin layer of putty duly screwed with Sft 39.84 831.06 m2
25-39-b-04 leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted, complete in all Sft 39.84 839.56 m2
25-39-b-05 respects, including all cost of material and labour etc. as per Sft 39.84 848.68 m2
25-40 approved design and as directed by the engineer - in -charge: Glass Sft Rft 653.63 1,255.05 m2 m
25-41 pane 4mm thick 345.49 1,534.55
Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels,
using beam section for frame
1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for leaves 3/4" x 1" x 3/4" x
1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass panes, wooden screed for
glazing embded over a thin layer of putty duly screwed with
leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted, complete in all
respects, including all cost of material and labour etc. as per
approved design and as directed by the engineer - in -charge Glass
pane 5mm thick
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 2mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 2.5mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 3mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 4mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 5mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable
glazed panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Providing and Fixing
angle iron railing with MS
Pipe 2" dia at top and at Mid-height, using
2.5"x2.5"x3/8" angle iron post 4.5' long, 5" to 6" apart, complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-42 Providing and fixing barbed wire (12 Guage) fencing consisting of Rft 74.49 208.77 m
25-43 1.5"x1.5"x3/16" angle iron post 3.25 ft long, 5 to 6 ft centre to Rft 79.87 232.70 m
25-44 centre embedded in cement concrete 1:2:4 base of size 9"x9"x12", Sft 147.82 1,144.04 m2
25-45-a and 3 rows of barbed wire, painting posts, etc. complete in all Sft 150.68 769.54 m2
25-45-b respects. Sft 249.98 1,017.88 m2
25-46 Providing and fixing barbed (22 SWG) wire fence on compound Rft Rft 402.29 681.74 mm
25-47 wall, consisting of 1.5"x1.5"x3/16" angle iron post 3 ft long, 4 ft sft 325.26 1,418.76 m2
25-48 apart embedded in cement concrete 1:2:4 base of size 6"x6"x9", Kg 404.63 404.63 Kg
25-49 and 4 rows of barbed wire, including binding wire, painting posts, Each 87.65 263.82 Each
25-50-a etc. complete in all respects. Each RFT 105.20 712.70 Each m Each
25-50-b Supplying and Fixing 18SWG Steel Almirah, 12" max depth Each 40.46 161.96
25-51 including box shelves, back, shelves, lock, spray paint complete 42.33 175.98
25-52 Supplying and Fixing 18 SWG MS Sheet Door with angle iron 298.80 691.24
frame (1.5"x1.5"x1/8"), bolt, hinges, paint etc complete
Supplying and Fixing 18 SWG MS Sheet Gate with angle iron
frame (2"x2"x3/16") with side window, lock, painting etc
Erection of Steel Girder 4"x8"x3/16" (Commercial size) including
fitting in position
Supply and fixing of fancy type stainless steel chromium plate 2"
dia pipes stair railing 3/4" dia pipe fixed on specified space on
steps in horizontal positions, complete in all respects
Removing & folding design paracutist cloth shade with steel rope
size 85'×50' complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing of Steel chowkat including GI sheet (heavy
gauge) with holdfast embedded in PCC 5" to 6" wide
Providing and Fixing of Steel Bracket (heavy) for Split Unit
Supply and fixing of steel bracket for curtain pipe
Supply and Fixing of Tee Iron (2''x2''x1/8'')
Providing, making & fixing of Steel manhole cover i/c angle iron
(1 1/2" x 1 1/4" x 1/8") frame with M.S. sheet'complete .

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-53 Providing, making and fixing of steel grill of MS pipe (2"x1") Sft 194.22 676.89 m2
25-54 omamental design i/c cost of paiting complete. Sft Each 38.66 54.89 m2 Each
25-55 Minor repair of steel joinery complete. Sft 3,423.75 14,358.75 m2
25-56 Supply and Fixing of steel ladder 5' dia upto 15' height with Rft 231.59 563.41 m
25-57 umbrella railing complete in all respect Providing and fixing steel Sft Sft 818.23 1,170.58 m2 m2
25-58-a gate of 16-18 SWG MS Sft 169.32 302.97 m2
25-58-b Sheet Gate with angle iron frame (2"x2"x3/16") Sft 23.49 457.66 m2
25-58-c with side window, lock, painting etc M.S. sheet covering including Sft 23.49 546.35 m2
25-58-d hold fast, with or without rollers and track arrangement including Rft 23.28 898.21 m
25-59 providing wicket shutter of required size with all accessories and 36.97 421.56
25-60-a locking arrangement complete 44.20 263.05
Providing & Fixing of M.S Girder (WF 10x30) Duly painted
including red oxide primer, complete in all respects.
Supply and Fixing of 27-SWG CGI sheets on existing truss frame
complete in all respect. Providing and fixing of parking shed
consisting of
CGI Sheet, tubular pipe frame (heavy) quality and
circular columns excluding cost of foundation. Providing and
fixing of parking shed consisting of fiber glass Sheet, tubular pipe
frame (heavy)
quality and circular columns excluding cost of
Providing and fixing of cantiliver type parking shed consisting of
fiber glass sheet, tubular pipe frame (heavy) quality , triangular
frame supports excluding cost of foundation.
Making & Fixing of steel racks 1.5" depth i/e angle iron welding
jointing with 3- coats painting complete
Supply and fixing razor wire (2'-0" dia) consisting of 1-1/2"X1-
1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
embedded in concrete block of size 3"X9"X6" (PCC 1:2:4), at top
of boundary wall including painting posts etc.
Complete in all respects.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
25-60-b Supply and fixing razor wire (1'-6" dia) consisting of 1-1/2"X1- Rft 44.20 184.08 m
25-60-c 1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center Rft 44.20 275.14 m
25-60-d embedded in concrete block of size 3"X9"X6" (PCC 1:2:4), at top Rft 44.20 196.17 m
25-61 of boundary wall including painting posts etc. Sft 131.66 625.74 m2
Complete in all respects.
Supply and fixing razor wire (2'-0" dia) consisting of 1-1/2"X1-
1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
fixed with bolt anchorage, at top of boundary wall including
painting posts etc. Complete in all respects.
Supply and fixing razor wire (1'-6" dia) consisting of 1-1/2"X1-
1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
fixed with bolt anchorage, at top of boundary wall including
painting posts etc. Complete in all respects.
Supply and fixing of steel door comprising of steel pipe frame of
size 1.25" x 2.5" & 1.25" x 2.5" square pipe at lock rail & devider
above and below lock rail using 28 SWG plain sheet on both sides
injcluding hold fast, hinges & painting complete.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-a-01 Double arm round conical Pole, Hot dipped galvanized (80 No 373.50 34,097.26 No
26-01-a-02 microns) 6 meters overall thickness 4mm Arm length 1.5 meters No 653.63 31,947.38 No
26-01-a-03 each with OD 60 mm, base dia 150 mm and top dia 75mm with No 862.78 47,951.54 No
26-01-a-04 base plate arrangement 350mm x 350 mm x 20mm, 4 No of No 862.78 45,521.54 No
26-01-a-05 Stiffners (150mm 75mm 13mm), Complete in all respects No 1,307.25 64,191.01 No
Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized (80 microns)
6 meters overall thickness 4mm Arm length 1.5 meters each with
OD 60 mm, base dia 150 mm and top dia 75mm with base plate
arrangement 350mm x 350 mm x 20mm, 4 No of Stiffners
(150mm 75mm 13mm), Complete in all respects
Double arm round Conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized (80
microns) 8 meters overall thickness 4mm Arm length 1.5 meters
each with OD 60 mm, base dia 180 mm and top dia 75mm with
base plate arrangement 400mm x 400 mm x 20mm, 4 No of
Stiffners (200mm x 100mm x 20mm), complete in all respects
Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized (80 microns)
8 meters overall thickness 4mm Arm length 1.5 meters each with
OD 60 mm, base dia 180 mm and top dia 75mm with base plate
arrangement (400mm x 400 mm x 20mm), 4 No of Stiffners
(200mm x 100mm x 20mm), complete in all respects
Double arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized 10m overall
thickness 5mm Arm length
1.5 meters each with OD 60 mm, base dia 200 mm and top dia
100mm with base plate arrangement 450mm x 450 mm x 25mm,
Stiffners size (250mm x 100mm x 20mm), complete in all respects
Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-a-06 Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized 10m overall No 1,307.25 61,761.01 No
26-01-b-01 thickness 5mm Arm length Rft Rft Rft No 7.47 86.44 m m m No
26-01-b-02 1.5 meters each with OD 60 mm, base dia 200 mm and top dia No 7.47 110.75 No
26-01-b-03 100mm with base plate arrangement 450mm x 450 mm x 25mm, No 7.47 122.89 No
26-01-c-01 Stiffners size (250mm x 100mm x 20mm), Complete in all No 190.64 28,242.33 No
26-01-c-02 respects No No No No 190.64 38,922.52 No No No No
26-01-c-03 Supply and Erection PVC flexible pipe : 1" i/d Supply and No No 190.64 52,287.52 No no
26-01-c-04 Erection PVC flexible pipe : 1.5" i/d Supply and Erection PVC 190.64 68,082.52
26-01-c-05 flexible pipe : 2" i/d 94.12 701.62
26-01-c-06 Supply and Erection of pole mounted SMD type light road light 94.12 883.87
26-01-c-07 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosioresisted powder 94.12 1,066.12
26-01-c-08 coated finish (30-40 watts) with 12/24V DC LED 94.12 1,309.12
26-01-c-09 Supply and Erection of pole mounted SMD type light road light 94.12 2,524.12
26-01-c-10 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder 94.12 817.05
coated finish
(60-70 watts) with 12/24V DC LED
Supply and Erection of pole mounted SMD type light road light
fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder
coated finish
(90-100) with 12/24V DC LED
Supply and Erection of pole mounted SMD type light road light
fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder
coated finish
(120-130) with 12/24V DC LED
BULBS (7-10 W)
BULBS (16-20 W)
BULBS (21-30 W)
BULBS (31-50 W)
BULBS (51-100 W)
BULBS (11-15 W)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-d-01 Supply and Erection of Solar PV Module (Solar Panel) Mono- Watt 0.90 73.80 Watt
26-01-d-02 crystalline A-Grade (per Watt) (As per Approved Specifications) Watt 0.90 71.37 Watt
26-01-e-01 Supply and Erection of Solar PV Module (Solar Panel) Poly- No 94.12 11,424.00 No
26-01-e-02 crystalline A-Grade (per Watt) (As per Approved Specifications) No 94.12 16,356.90 No
26-01-e-03 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (10 No 94.12 11,940.37 No
26-01-e-04 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections No 94.12 24,303.00 No
26-01-e-05 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (15 No 94.12 34,709.47 No
26-01-e-06 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections No 94.12 37,212.37 No
26-01-e-07 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (20 No 94.12 42,163.50 No
26-01-e-08 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections No 94.12 48,123.07 No
26-01-f-01 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (30 AH AH AH 4.48 317.95 AH AH AH
26-01-f-02 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections AH AH 4.48 298.51 AH AH
26-01-f-03 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (40 KWhr 4.48 337.39 kwhr
26-01-f-04 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections 4.48 327.67
26-01-f-05 Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (45 4.48 247.48
26-01-f-06 Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections 1,494.00 69,801.30
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (50
Amps, (12/24/48 V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (60
Amps, (12/24/48 V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of 12 V VRLA GEL battery per AH
Supply and Erection of 12 V VRLA AGM Battery per AH
Supply and Erection of 12 V Lead Carbon Battery per AH
Supply and Erection of 12V OPzV battery per AH
Supply and Erection of 12V OPzS battery per AH
Supply and Erection of 12 V Lithium LiFeP04 battery per KWhr

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-f-07 Supply and Erection of 2 V OPzV battery per AH Supply and AH AH 1.49 99.54 ah ah m
26-01-f-08 Erection of 2 V OPzS battery per AH Rft Rft Rft 1.49 84.60 mm
26-01-g-01 Supply and Erection 1x2.5 flexible copper cable Rft Rft Rft Rft 1.49 35.51 mmmmmm
26-01-g-02 Supply and Erection 1x4 double insulated flexible copper Rft Rft Rft Rft 1.49 52.52 mmmmm
26-01-g-03 cable Rft Rft Rft Pair 1.49 70.75 Pair
26-01-g-04 Supply and Erection 1x6 single core (XPLE/XPLO Pair Per Watt 1.49 108.41 Pair Per Watt
26-01-g-05 insulated/PCV sheathed) flexible copper cable Per Watt 1.25 167.70 Per Watt
26-01-g-06 Supply and Erection 1x10 flexible copper cable 1.25 238.17
26-01-g-07 Supply and Erection 1x16 Copper cable Supply and 1.25 326.86
26-01-g-08 Erection Copper cable Supply and Erection 1x35 1.49 64.07
26-01-g-09 Copper cable 1.49 95.66
26-01-g-10 Supply and Erection 2x2.5 flexible copper cable 1.49 132.71
26-01-g-11 Supply and Erection 2x4 flexible copper cable 1.49 188.60
26-01-g-12 Supply and Erection 2x6 flexible copper cable 1.49 390.29
26-01-g-13 Supply and Erection 2x10 flexible copper cable 1.49 548.24
26-01-g-14 Supply and Erection 2x16 Copper cable Supply and 1.49 791.24
26-01-h-01 Erection Copper cable Supply and Erection 2x35 46.76 274.57
26-01-h-02 Copper cable 46.76 1,140.26
26-01-i-01 Supply and Erection MC4 connector (TUV Approved) 1.49 79.69
26-01-i-02 Supply and Erection MC4 Branch connector 1.49 41.95
Supply and Erection of 3 Phase 220/380V Solar Pump inverter
(MPPT) upto 1.1 KW
Supply and Erection of 3 Phase 220/380V Solar Pump inverter
(MPPT) 1.2 to 2.9 KW

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-i-03 Supply and Erection of 3 Phase 220/380V Solar Pump inverter Per Watt Per 1.49 27.15 per watt Per
26-01-i-04 (MPPT) 3 KW to 7 KW Watt 1.49 17.24 Watt
26-01-i-05 Supply and Erection of 3 Phase 220/380V Solar Pump inverter Per Watt Per 1.49 22.70 per watt per
26-01-i-06 (MPPT) 7.5 KW and above Supply and Erection of off Grid Watt Per Watt 1.49 49.96 watt Per Watt
26-01-i-03-a Hybrid inverter Per Watt Per 0.75 26.42 Per Watt Per
26-01-i-03-b Supply and Erection of On Grid Hybrid inverter Watt Per Watt 0.75 24.44 Watt Per Watt
26-01-i-03-c Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter) No 0.75 22.46 no
26-01-i-03-d (0-10 KW) No No No No 0.75 20.47 no No No No
26-01-j-01 Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter) No No No No 747.00 90,110.25 No No No No
26-01-j-02 (10-20 KW) No 747.00 135,612.00 No
26-01-k-01 Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter) Per Watt 1,494.00 80,469.00 Per Watt
26-01-k-02 (20-30 KW) 1,494.00 122,994.00
26-01-k-03 Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter) 1,494.00 244,494.00
26-01-k-04 (above 30 KW) 1,494.00 390,294.00
26-01-k-05 Supply and Erection of dV /dT or Sine Filters 11 KW to 18.5 KW 2,988.00 731,988.00
26-01-l-01 Supply and Erection of dV /dT or Sine Filter or dV/dT filter 22 164.34 5,835.96
26-01-l-02 KW to 45 KW 164.34 4,659.84
26-01-l-03 Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (1HP 164.34 4,902.84
26-01-m-01 1200W, 40 meter head) 1.49 22.19
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (2HP
(2000w), 50 meter head) Supply installation and commissioning of
Submersible (3HP (3000w), 100 meter head)
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (5HP
(5000w), 100 meter head) Supply installation and commissioning
of DC
Submersible (10 HP (10 kw), 140 meter head)
FANS 56 inch, 50 W
Supply and Erection of DC CEILING FANS 48 inch 30-36 W
Supply and Erection of DC PEDISTAL FANS 18 inch 18-30 W
Supply and Erection of hot dipped (80 microns Average)
galvanized steel of minimum thickness of 12 SWG / 2.64 mm
Channel / Pipe or 8 SWG /
4.06 mm Angle

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
26-01-n-01 Supply and Erection of Copper Conductor of 10 AWG Watt Watt Watt 1.49 10.00 Watt Watt
26-01-n-02 Supply and Erection of 1x1 ft 4mm Copper Earthing Plate Watt No No No 1.49 3.92 Watt Watt No
26-01-n-03 Supply and Erection of Stainless Steel Nuts and Bolts No kW 1.49 3.92 No No No kW
26-01-o Supply and Erection of BOX / STAND for Batteries SHS Inverter 1.49 6.35
26-01-p-01 & Charge Controller Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED 747.00 79,722.00
26-01-p-02 SPLIT AC (01 Ton) 747.00 85,797.00
26-01-p-03 Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED SPLIT AC (1.5 Ton) 747.00 91,872.00
26-01-q Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED SPLIT AC (02 Ton) 1,494.00 273,411.00
26-01-r Supply and Erection of SOLAR AUTO TRACKER for 3.6 KW 46.31 29,766.43
Supply and Erection of PV MOUNTING FRAME WITH

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-01 Repair of leakages in valve of already laid pipe line in trenches / Each 379.73 527.49 Each
27-02 building i/c cost of extractiion / exvacation, complete in all respect Each 295.07 355.21 Each
27-03 of the following sizes. Rft 6.89 9.32 m
27-04 a) 3" to 6" dia of Valve Sft each 39.01 50.73 m2 each
27-05 Repair of leakages in valve of already laid pipe line in trenches / Job 149.40 149.40 Job
27-06 building i/c cost of extractiion / exvacation, complete in all respect Job Each 451.93 1,494.43 Job Each
27-07 of the following sizes. Each Each Each 1,076.93 14,441.92 Each Each
27-08 a) 1" to 2.5" dia of Valve Each Each 326.81 399.71 Each Each
27-09 Removing of existing damaged rusted & chocked 392.17 465.08 Each
27-10 G.I pipe from 1/2" to 4 " Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 401.51 474.41
27-11 Repairing & re-fixing of steel main gate i/c hold fast, welding 521.34 594.24
27-12 complete in all respects 642.73 715.63
27-13 Repair of existing G.I. damaged connection 1/2" to 4" dia i/c 104.58 177.48
required jointing of union,socket,nipple,elbow etc, complete in all
Repairing welding of suigas water heater
35-gallons capacity with replacement of Centre pipe and Bottom
sheet, complete In all respect i/c carriage etc
Replacement of rusted/leaking G.I water tank with new for water
geyser 30/35 gallens
Removing of glazed earthen ware WC European type of approved
make/size including cost of double seat & cover (plastic &
bakelite), complete in all respects: All Colours
Removing of glazed earthen ware WC squatting type, complete in
all respects: All Colours
Removing of glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB),
complete in all respects: All colours Removing of stainless steel
sink with drain board,
complete in all respect.
Removing terrazzo concrete sink, with drain board of mosaic,
complete in all respect
Removing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose of approved quality
complete :
Size 1/2"x4" (15 mm x 100 mm)
Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-14-a Furnishing and Installation thrust bearing for motor (10-25 H.P) Each Each Each 529.13 12,071.63 Each Each
27-14-b (V.H.S.) turbine Furnishing and Installation thrust bearing for Each H.P 529.13 14,197.88 Each Each H.P
27-14-c motor (30-50 H.P) (V.H.S.) turbine H.P 529.13 7,211.63 H.P
27-14-d Furnishing and Installation ball bearing for Hollow Shaft Vertical H.P 529.13 8,122.88 H.P
27-15-a Elec. / Motor Turbine (10-25 H.P) Furnishing and Installation ball H.P 725.21 1,514.96 H.P
27-15-b bearing for Hollow Each Job 840.38 1,782.00 Each Job
27-16-a Shaft Vertical Elec. / Motor Turbine (30-50 H.P) Job 725.21 1,514.96 Job
27-16-b Rewinding of Submersible electric motor i/c carriage from site of Each Each 840.38 1,782.00 Each Each
27-17 work and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: Set Set Rft Rft 305.02 608.78 Set Set m m
27-18-a From 0.75 to 20 H.P Job 1,070.70 7,753.20 Job
27-18-b Rewinding of Submersible electric motor i/c carriage from site of 1,525.13 12,460.13
27-19 work and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: 59.76 314.91
27-20 Above 20 H.P 747.00 6,214.50
27-21 Rewinding of turbine electric motor i/c carriage from site of work 747.00 5,121.00
27-22 and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: From 149.40 538.20
27-23-a 0.75 to 20 H.P 373.50 968.85
27-23-b Rewinding of turbine electric motor i/c carriage from site of work 298.80 760.50
27-24-a and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: Above 1,494.00 18,261.00
20 H.P
Supply and fixing of C.T Coil for Ampere meter
Extraction of Turbine/Submersible Pump & lowering/installation
of the same after necessary repair (0 to 200 ft)
Extraction of Turbine/Submersible Pump & lowering/installation
of the same after necessary repair (Above 200 ft)
S/Fixing of Top nut any size
S/Fixing of Top shaft any size (Turbine/Submersible) S/Fixing of
staffing box gland
S/Fixing of threaded coupling
Supply and Fixing for Coloumn Pipe Turbine For Stage
Rewinding of Voltage Regulator complete in all respect: 3 coil

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-24-b Rewinding of Voltage Regulator coil complete in all respect: No. 747.00 6,153.75 No.
27-25 Repair of Voltage regulator point control machine Repair of Job Job No. 747.00 5,096.70 Job Job No.
27-26 Voltage regulator point control machine Replacement of pump No. 747.00 5,096.70 No.
27-27 shaft stainless steel Replacement of Impellar No. 896.40 6,242.40 No.
27-28 Supply and Fixing of Column shaft Sleeve 20 to 30 mm No. 896.40 2,658.15 No.
27-29 Replacement of Column pipe socket 3" to 6" i/d Replacement of No. 224.10 940.95 No.
27-30 column shaft any size Replacement of wearing ring No. 448.20 2,088.45 No.
27-31 Replacement of studs for intermediate bowl Replacement of nut, No. 747.00 2,144.25 No.
27-32 bolts of any size Repair/reconditioning of impellars No. 224.10 831.60 No.
27-33 Replacing the Submersible motor thrust bearing and disc No. 23.90 54.28 No.
27-34 Replacing the carbon bushes / steel bushes for submersible motor No. Job 26.89 105.87 No. Job
27-35 complete Job Job Pair Job 359.49 456.69 Job Job Pair
27-36 Replacing of brass bush any size Replacing of bearing Job Job Job Job 1,322.81 13,169.06 Job Job Job
27-37 bushes/houseing Replacing of rubber packing 3" to 6"i/d Job No. 855.94 4,926.19 Job Job Job
27-38 Rewinding of H.T Coil 25 KVA Rewinding of H.T Coil 50 KVA No. 261.45 960.08 No.
27-39 Rewinding of H.T Coil 100 KVA Rewinding of L.T Coil 25 KVA No. 287.60 955.84 No.
27-40 Rewinding of L.T Coil 50 KVA Rewinding of L.T Coil 100 KVA No. Liter 40.46 161.96 No.
27-41-a Replacement of insulator (HT) Bush for 25 to 50 KVA 373.50 8,028.00 No. Liter
27-41-b Replacement of Transformer L.T bush for 25 to 50 KVA 522.90 10,024.20
27-41-c Replacement of transfomer link of different KVS Replacement of 1,045.80 20,121.30
27-42-a S-Y-II unit for 25 to 100 KVA Replacement of transformer oil 373.50 4,048.88
27-42-b 522.90 5,079.15
27-42-c 1,045.80 6,148.80
27-43 359.49 1,938.99
27-44-a 747.00 2,630.25
27-44-b 448.20 2,088.45
27-45 747.00 2,144.25
27-46 104.58 317.20

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-47 Loading unloading of Transformer asper wapda specification & Job 1,494.00 6,475.50 Job
27-48 installation with cariage complete for 25 to 100 KVA No. Rft No. 29.13 102.03 No. m No.
27-49 Rubber packing 1/32" to 1/16"thick Replacement of gland dori No. Rft No. 24.28 66.80 No. m No.
27-50 Replacing of Kit kat grips 60 to 200 Amp Replacing of pressure No. Job 186.75 1,523.25 No. Job
27-51 gauge 0 to 500 Flexsible conduct pipe 1-1/2" to 2"dia Replacing of Rft 190.60 482.20 m
27-52 clamps 3" to 6"s ize Submersible plate Rft 62.30 104.82 m
27-53 Cutting & threading MS column pipe of various size Rft 202.31 1,052.81 m
27-54 Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper): Rft 202.31 2,000.51 m
27-55 PVC Cable 7/064 Rft 915.08 1,158.07 m
27-56-a Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper): Rft 46.76 114.80 m
27-56-b PVC Cable 7/052 Rft Rft Hr 46.76 101.44 m m Hr
27-56-c Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper): Per Job 93.38 202.73 Per Job
27-56-d PVC Cable 19/052 93.38 214.88
27-57-a Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper): 93.38 199.08
27-57-b PVC Cable 19/064 140.14 480.34
27-58-a Replacing of 3 core submersible cable (cupper) of the following 140.14 389.21
27-58-b gauge. 140.14 328.46
27-59 14/16mm. 350.16 775.41
27-60 Replacing of 3 core submersible cable (cupper) of the following 1,094.35 1,094.35
25 mm
Replacing of 4 core cable of the following gauge PVC Cable
Replacing of 4 core cable of the following gauge PVC Cable
Test & develope tubewell of size 6" & above continously up to 1.5
cuse cs (Air compressor) Disconnection of Illegal water
complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-61 Making holes upto 3" dia, 18" depth in cement concrete or stone Per Job 329.13 329.13 Per Job
27-62 masonry walls and repairing Replacing kallar eaten bricks Each Each 46.06 57.61 Each Each
27-63 Repairing corners of bridges & other hydraulic masonry works Sft 575.81 575.81 m2
27-64 Rubbing and polishing old grit/mosaic floor, including repairing 100 Sft 0.00 18.04 m2
27-65 voids, uneven surface, complete 100 Sft 0.00 22.93 m2 m2
27-66 Rubbing & polishing grit floor, including repairing voids, uneven 100 Sft 1,011.56 1,011.56 Each Each
27-67 surface, complete Each Each Each 606.94 606.94 Each
27-68-a Racking and washing joints of stone masonry (old work) Each 366.03 944.37 Each
27-68-b Racking and washing joints of brick masonry (old work) Each 62.68 94.32 Each
27-69-a-i Petty repairs to Fire Place Petty repairs to Floor Each 93.38 588.12 Each
27-69-a-ii Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle Each 93.38 440.86 Each
27-69-a-iii with necessary screws of the same metal : 6''-7" Size Each 93.38 246.46 Each
27-69-b-i Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle Each 93.38 135.66 Each
27-69-b-ii with necessary screws of the same metal : 5" Size 93.38 128.61
27-69-b-iii Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle 93.38 234.32
27-70-a with necessary screws of the same metal : 4" Size 93.38 202.73
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
necessary screws of the same metal : 5" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
necessary screws of the same metal : 4" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
necessary screws of the same metal : 6''-7" Size (Chromium
Prfoviding and Fixing approved curved or circular 5/8" dia rod
handle upto 5" size with brass screws
: Brass Handle

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-70-b Prfoviding and Fixing approved curved or circular 5/8" dia rod Each 93.38 190.57 Each
27-71 handle upto 4" size with brass screws Each 373.50 528.05 Each
27-72-a-i 27-72- : Chromium Plated Handle Each Each 93.38 822.38 Each Each
a-ii 27-72-b-i 27- Prfoviding and Fixing approved 6" size Fancy Brass Heavy Type Each Each 93.38 518.63 Each Each
72-b-ii 27-73 door handle with plate and screws. Each Each 93.38 306.00 Each Each
27-74-a Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : Brass Each Each 93.38 275.63 Each Each
27-74-b 6" Each 112.05 3,204.23 Each
27-74-c Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : Brass Each Rft 100 74.70 310.13 Each m m2
27-74-d 4" Sft 74.70 305.43 m2 m2 m2 m2
27-75 Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : 100 Sft 12.40 736.54 m2 m2
27-76 Galvanized Iron 6" 100 Sft 4.03 183.85
27-77 Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : 100 Sft 379.73 17,958.35
27-78 Galvanized Iron 4" 100 Sft 38.46 38.46
27-79 Replacement of Aluminum door closer of approved quality 100 Sft 224.10 287.89
27-80 Removing & refixing cleats for doors & windows including hinges 100 Sft 338.27 338.27
27-81 and screws. 1,618.50 1,618.50
27-82 Removing & refixing cleats with brass hooks for roof ventilators 1,089.38 1,694.98
27-83-a Removing & refixing Door stops of 1.5" dia rubber block 404.63 504.86
Removing & refixing GI hook with clamps for doors 809.25 809.25
Making deodar punkha pole 10'x6"x6" Dismantling and refixing 97.11 272.68
eave boards
Removing old paint from woodwork/steel with paint remover
Brushing & scraping blisters of old paints from woodwork
Scraping, brushing and removing old paint, from metal surface
Burning off or rubbing down with pumice stone, old paint from
wood work
Removing with caustic soda,old paint from wood work
Removing paint or varnish from wall Scraping of Khanki paint
from barrage gates

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-83-b Scraping of Aluminium paint from barrage headworks 100 Sft 202.31 377.88 m2
27-84 Scraping rust from old rails or girders Chiselling old paint from 100 Sft 1,213.88 1,389.44 m2 m2 m2 m2
27-85 brick work Cleaning glasses with chalk and spirit etc 100 Sft 1,618.50 1,794.07 Each
27-86 Cleaning and oiling rafter or rolled steel beams 100 Sft 809.25 984.82 Job Job m m m
27-87 Cleaning and painting punkha poles, including fixing hooks 100 Sft Each 404.63 434.79 Job m2 m
27-88 Repainting of ceiling fan (all sizes & types) incl painting of blades, Job Job 202.31 225.67 m2
27-89 canopy etc with syn. Enamel Repainting of iron poles with cross 100 RFT 104.58 196.88 m2
27-90 arms, with 100 RFT 652.63 1,005.63 m2
27-91-a bitumen or other approved paint 100 RFT 747.00 1,753.27
27-91-b Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or PVC conduit etc : Job 100 Sft 1,494.00 3,332.92
27-91-c Upto 1.5" i/d 100 Rft 2,480.04 5,196.06
27-92 Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or PVC conduit etc : 100 Sft 44.82 178.60
27-93 From 1.5" to 2" i/d Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or 100 Sft 404.63 404.63
27-94 PVC conduit etc : From 2" to 4" i/d 100 Sft 3,314.81 4,605.75
27-95 Repainting main switches & branch distribution boards of all sizes 809.25 809.25
27-96 & types with approved paint Scarifying old road surface, including 1,739.89 6,391.24
27-97 removal of 1,901.74 8,455.56
debris within one chain
Repair to cracks to reinforced or plain cement concrete work by
grouting with cement gun in (1:2) cement sand mortar including
cutting the chase of required size.
Dismantling bitumen carpet of any description from existing roads
surface including its removal and disposal within 3 chains lead as
Removing the existing worn out bitumanious surface having pot
holes and ruts in patches of regular shape brushing and re-
carpeting with 1" thick (consolidated) asphalt macadam as per
Removing the existing worn out bitumanious surface pot holes and
ruts in patches of regular shape brushing and re-carpeting with 2"
thick(consolidated) asphalt macadam as per specificaiton complete

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-98 Removing of existing worn out bitumanious surface pot holes and 100 Sft 2,387.29 10,808.12 m2
27-99 ruts in patches and 100 Sft 354.83 500.02 m2
27-100 re-carpeting with 3" thick(consolidated) asphalt macadam as per 100 Sft 404.63 404.63 m2 m2
27-101 specifiedcomplete including disposal of excavated stuff within one 100 Sft 2,662.43 6,601.45 m kg kg Ton
27-102 chain Rft kg kg Ton 75.07 75.07 m2 m2
27-103-a Clarification existing Base/Sub base / ploughed to a specified Sft Sft 1,494.00 1,776.49 Each m3 m2
27-103-b depth in the drawings, and compacted specified density. Each Cft Sft 435.75 2,181.71 Each
27-104-a Tucking and chipping of road surface before hot surface dressing Each 184.51 184.51 m2 m2
27-104-b over existing road. Sft Sft 18.67 162.52
27-104-c Repair to pot holes including cleaning, brushing, removal of loose 2.29 25.84
27-105-a material and filling of the same with clean stone of size 0.75" to 606.94 606.94
27-105-b 1.5" with hot bitumen manual compaction with rammer (water 76.07 76.07
27-106 bound 3% biutmen) 18.67 55.88
27-107 Repairs to hand pump, pulling out & refitting Recaning of 186.75 463.58
27-108 chairs/stools : With plastic cane. Recaning of chairs/stools : With 14.94 78.31
27-109-a willow cane. 112.05 184.95
Dismantling removing and stacking of heavy design steel grill
from compound wall & re-fixing painting complete.
Removing, Repairing, re-fixing of wooden joinery i/c replacement
of Deodar wooden strips, nail etc. Repair of almirah/wardrobe i/c
replacement of
wooden strips, sheet, hinges where required
complete in all respects. Cleaning of choked manhole
Cleaning of septic tank including disposal of waste
Preparing surface using chemical and applying lacquer polish
finish with 3-coats on existing wooden joinery complete in all
Removing, Repairing & Fixing of aluminium joinery i/c opening
of frame with rubber packing complete
Removing & re-fixing of wooden joinery (doors & windows) i/e
addition and alteration complete
Removing of existing wire guaze & re-fixing GI wire gauze of 22
guage and 12 mesh per square inch complete in all respects

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-109-b Removing of existing wire guaze & re-fixing plastic wire gauze Sft 112.05 144.13 m2
27-109-c with 22 mesh per square inch complete in all respects Sft 112.05 136.35 m2
27-110 Removing of existing aluminum wire guaze & re-fixing Aluminum Rft 276.39 600.97 m
27-111 wire gauze of 30 guage and 14 mesh per square inch complete in Each Sft 879.28 879.28 Each m2
27-112-a all respects Sft 22.41 91.22 m2
27-112-b Removing, repairing and re-Fixing of wooden (heavy) sheesham Each Sft 115.16 132.88 Each m2
27-112-c railing i/c rawal bolts, painting complete in all respects 1000 Cft 120.61 489.92 m3 m2
27-113 Removing and Re-Fixing of aluminium windows Sft 34.55 76.33 m2
27-114 Repair of aluminium door/windows, fly sutter screen openable 100 Sft 200.53 9,680.11
27-115 door or window R/q handle rubber, silicon complete in all respects 287.91 800.81
27-116 Repair of wooden wardrobe =of required wooden batten, hinges, 2,910.19 4,577.21
hasp staple or commercial ply 3/4" shelf
Removing, repairing, cleaning, washing of vertical blind curtain &
re-fixing complete
Repair of doors/windows complete
Reinstatement Of Road Surface
Repair / refixing of kitchen wall cabinet i/c commercial ply, new
drawers, fancy handle, shutter etc required for painting.
Repairs to plaster of thickness 1/2" to 3/4" in cement sand mortar
1:4 patches of area 27 Sft and under, including cutting the patch in
proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the
surface of the walls complete, including disposal of rubbish to the
dumping ground within 30 metres lead.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-117 Fixing door chowkat in existing opening including embedding Each 57.35 256.44 Each
27-118 chowkat in floors or walls cutting masonry for holdfasts, Sft 97.22 100.63 m2
27-119 embedding hold fasts in cement concrete blocks of size 6"x4"x4", Cft 251.29 6,400.70 m3
27-120 with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 100 Sft 475.35 475.35 m2
27-121 aggregate), painting two coats of approved wood preservative to Sft 0.97 0.97 m2
27-122 sides of chowkhats and making good the damages to walls and Sft 1.21 3.23 m2
27-123 floors as required complete, including disposal of debris to the Sft 7.60 10.07 m2
27-124 dumping ground within 30 meters lead. Rft 20.85 95.58 m
27-125 Making the opening in brick masonry including dismantling in Rft 13.30 130.76 m
floor or walls by cutting masonry and making good the damages to
walls and jambs complete, to match existing surface i/c disposal of
debris to the nearest municipal dumping ground.
Renewing wooden battens in roofs, including making good the
holes in wall and painting with oil type wood preservative of
approved brand and manufacture complete, including removal of
rubbish to the dumping ground within 30 metres lead:
Raking out joints in lime or cement mortar and preparing the
surface for re-pointing or replastering,including disposal of rubbish
to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead.
Removing white or colour wash by scrapping and sand papering
and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to
scratches etc. complete.
Removing distemper, water proofing cement paint and the like by
scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth
including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete.
Painting on old G.I. sheet with synthetic enamel paint of approved
quality of required colour to give an even shade:
Providing and fixing deodar wood First class wooden curtain rods
1" to 1.25" (25mm to 32mm) dia with end stay.
Providing and fixing 3/4" (19mm) dia. approved Brass tubes with
Brass sockets as curtain rods.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-126 Providing and fixing 3/4" (19mm) dia. approved Chromium Plated Rft 13.30 138.96 m
27-127 Brass tubes with Chromium Plated Brass sockets as curtain rods. Rft 67.82 907.29 m
27-128 Providing and fixing Chromium Plated curtain rails with double Rft 67.82 907.29 m
27-129-a-i roller runners, clamps, including cost of Chromium Plated brass Each Each Each 373.50 842.79 Each Each
27-129-a-ii screws and rawl plugs. Each Each Each 373.50 1,875.24 Each Each
27-129-a-iii 27- Providing and fixing Aluminium curtain rails with double roller Each Each 373.50 2,876.39 Each Each
129-c runners, clamps, including cost of screws and rawl plugs. Each 747.00 7,004.26 Each Each
27-130 Replacement of existing door lock with new door lock. : Rim Lock Each Each Each 186.75 710.71 Each
27-131-a (Local) Each 140.14 337.21 Each Each
27-131-b Replacement of existing door lock with new door lock. : Heavy 140.14 510.10 Each
27-132-a-i Duty Rim Lock 121.46 657.03 Each
27-132-a-ii Replacement of existing door lock with new door handle lock of 149.40 921.90
27-132-b-i imported quality heavy duty Replacement of existing floor hinges 121.46 367.14
27-132-b-ii with new 149.40 455.82
27-133-a floor hinges. : Floor Hinges 373.50 433.76
27-133-b Replacement of existing brass drawer and cupboard lock with 373.50 486.37
brass screws.
Replacement of existing finger plate with screws. : Aluminium
finger plate 6" x 2.25"
Replacement of existing finger plate with screws. : Brass finger
plate 6" x 2.25"
Replacement of existing approved helical brass spring hinges 6"
(150mm) size with brass screws. : Single action
Replacement of existing helical brass spring hinges 6" (150mm)
size with brass screws. : Double action
Replacement of existing helical iron spring hinges 6" (150mm)
size with iron screws. : Single action Replacement of existing
helical iron spring hinges
6" (150mm) size with iron screws. : Double action
Replacement of existing piano hinges of sheet 3/4" (19mm) wide
with brass screws. : Brass piano hinges
Replacement of existing piano hinges of sheet 3/4" (19mm) wide
with brass screws. : Iron piano hinges

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-134-a-i Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Brass Each Each 112.05 333.91 Each Each
27-134-a-ii parliament hinges 5" x 5", 12 SWG Replacement of existing Each Each 93.38 588.61 Each Each
27-134-b-i parliament hinges with Each Each 112.05 199.53 Each Each
27-134-b-ii screws. : Brass parliament hinges 4" x 4", 12 SWG Each Each 93.38 168.71 Each Each
27-135-a Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Iron Each Each 93.38 197.87 Each Each
27-135-b parliament hinges 5" x 5", 12 SWG Replacement of existing Each 112.05 204.39 Each
27-135-c parliament hinges with Each 112.05 180.09 Each
27-136-a-i screws. : Iron parliament hinges 4" x 4", 12 SWG Each 93.38 159.59 Each
27-136-a-ii Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. : Each Each 93.38 197.87 Each Each
27-136-a-iii 27- Tee hinges 18" Each Each 93.38 250.11 Each Each
136-b-i Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. : 93.38 439.04
27-136-b-ii Tee hinges 12" 93.38 513.77
27-136-b-iii Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. : 93.38 711.81
27-136-c-i Tee hinges 10" 93.38 171.74
27-136-c-ii Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. : 93.38 196.04
27-136-c-iii 27- Brass tower bolts of 6" Size Replacement of existing tower bolts 93.38 244.64
137-a-i with screws 93.38 525.00
of same metal. : Brass tower bolts of 9" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
Brass tower bolts of 12" Size Replacement of existing tower bolts
with screws
of same metal. :Chromium plated brass tower bolts
of 6" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same
metal. :Chromium plated brass tower bolts of 9" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
Chromium plated brass tower bolts of 12" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
Aluminium tower bolts of 4" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
Aluminium tower bolts of 6" Size Replacement of existing tower
bolts with screws
of same metal. : Aluminium tower bolts of 8" Size
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-137-a-ii Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with Each 93.38 439.95 Each
27-137-a-iii necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size Each 93.38 342.75 Each
27-137-a-iv 4" Each 93.38 318.45 Each
27-137-b-i Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with Each 93.38 148.78 Each
27-137-b-ii necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size Each 93.38 142.70 Each
27-137-b-iii 3" Each 93.38 136.63 Each
27-137-b-iv Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with Each 93.38 130.55 Each
27-137-c-i necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size Each 93.38 234.32 Each
27-137-c-ii 2" Each 93.38 222.16 Each
27-137-c-iii Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with Each 93.38 210.01 Each
27-137-c-iv necessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size Each 93.38 197.87 Each
27-140-a 5" Job Job 373.50 981.00 job job
27-141-i Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with 373.50 5,233.50
necessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and
staple of Size 5"
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and
staple of Size 4"
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and
staple of Size 3"
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and
staple of Size 2"
Servicing of window type AC
Gas charging for 2.0 Ton Split AC with R410 or equivalent gas

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-141-a Servicing for floor stand AC unit Servicing of Split type AC Job Job Job 373.50 859.50 job job job
27-141-b Supply and Replacement of compressor for 1.5 Ton Split AC Job Job Job Job 1,151.63 1,880.63 job job job job
27-141-c Supply and Replacement of compressor for 2.0 Ton Split AC Job Job Job Job 1,381.95 17,176.95 job job job job
27-141-d Supply and Replacement of compressor for 1.5 T Window AC Job Job Job Job 1,381.95 20,821.95 job job job job
27-141-e Supplay and Replacement of compressor for 2.0 T Window AC Job Job 1,151.63 16,946.63 job job
27-141-f Supply and fixing of compressor for Electric Water Cooler No Job Job 1,151.63 20,591.63 no job job
27-141-g Gas charging for 1.5 Ton Split AC with R410 or equivalent gas Job 373.50 11,916.00 job
27-141-h Gas changing for 1.5 Ton Window AC with R410 or equivalent 373.50 4,626.00
27-141-j gas 373.50 4,626.00
27-141-k Gas changing for 2.0 Ton Window AC with R410 or equivalent 373.50 5,233.50
27-141-l gas 373.50 4,626.00
27-141-m Gas charging for Electric Water Cooler with R410 or equivalent 460.65 5,320.65
27-141-n gas 460.65 4,713.15
27-142-a Gas charging for floor stand AC unit with R410 or equivalent gas 460.65 4,105.65
27-142-b Repairing of PC Circuit Board complete for Split AC unit 460.65 1,554.15
27-142-c Supply and replacement of PC Circuit Board complete for Split 298.80 906.30
27-142-d AC unit 149.40 513.90
27-142-e Supply and Replacement of Sensor for Split AC unit 0.00 1,822.50
27-142-f Supply and Replacement of running capacitor 74.70 111.15
27-142-g Supply and Replacement of Insulation Copper pipe for Split AC 298.80 2,121.30
27-142-h unit 224.10 2,046.60
Supply and providing of Remote Control for Split AC unit
Supply and fixing of drain pipe flexible for outdoor unit of split
Supply and fixing of fan motor for outdoor unit of split AC
Supply and fixing of fan motor for window AC unit

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
27-143 Supply and fixing of fan motor for Electric Water Cooler Job Job Job 224.10 2,046.60 job job job
27-144-a Supply and fixing of steel bracket with rawal bolt best quality for Job Job Job Job 149.40 1,364.40 job job job job
27-144-b AC Job 44.82 142.02 job
27-145-a Supply and fixing of 110/76 - 3 core wire for split AC 575.81 575.81
27-145-b Removing of window AC Refixing of window AC Removing of 575.81 575.81
27-145-c Split AC Refixing of Split AC complete 921.30 921.30
27-145-d Providing and fixing of contact relay for split AC complete 1,151.63 1,151.63
27-146 149.40 4,401.90

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
28-01 Supplying bamboo jhandies 10' to 12' with iron shoes and flags 15" Each 100 No. 100.22 444.41 Each 100 No.
28-02 square 100 No. 575.81 5,729.83 100 No.
28-03 Supplying wooden pegs for levelling 1.5" square 6" long Rft Each Each 799.91 8,393.64 m Each Each
28-04 Supplying wooden pegs for alignment, 2" to 3" square, 9" long Rft Rft Rft 96.28 110.25 mmm
28-05 Fixing enamelled iron gauges flush with masonry including cost of Each 100 Sft 404.63 592.05 Each m2 Each
28-06 hooks Each Each Each 310.01 789.89 Each Each
28-07-a Supply & fix boundry pillars in position, including digging pits Per Gallon 118.56 118.56 Per Gallon
28-07-b Fixing main line type distance mark in position including making Each 240.75 240.75 Each
28-07-c 1:3:6 cement concrete base block 100 Cft per 361.33 361.33 m3 per spray
28-08 Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in ordinary soil spray 323.70 323.70 m2
28-09-a Boring and fixing 1.5 dia pressure pipe in clay 100 Sft 1,120.50 1,242.00
28-09-b Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in shingle Fixing hand 484.06 544.81
28-09-c pump (machine only) 70.59 82.74
28-10 Washing of Durries / Synthetic Matting Washing of Bed Sheets 202.31 389.62
28-11 Washing of Table Cloth / Napkins / Dusters etc Sweeping 0.49 1.75
28-12 chimneys 122.20 146.50
28-13 Cleaning of water tanks per gallon capacity 323.70 1,660.20
28-14 Cleaning and washing of bath rooms / toilets by using 112.05 2,545.28
28-15 recommended chemicals i/c refilling of joints with grout material. 19.50 884.34
Supplying manure
Spraying anti-termite liquid on Wood mixed with water of mixing
ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual (1 Spray = 10 Litre
Pre anti Termite Treatment in the building mixed with water of
mixing ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
28-16 Post anti Termite Treatment in the building mixed with water of 100 Sft 19.50 1,127.34 m2
28-17-a mixing ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual including Rft Rft 367.94 517.76 mm
28-17-b boreholes as specified Sft 367.94 562.81 m2
28-18 Providing and Fixing barbed wire fencing with 4 horizontal & 2 100 Sft 16.81 85.84 m2
28-19 cross wires : Without PCC base Providing and Fixing barbed wire Each Per Cut 1,929.75 3,263.82 Each Per Cut
28-20 fencing with 4 Per Cut 100 Sft 49.80 253.92 Per Cut m2
28-21 horizontal & 2 cross wires : With PCC 1:4:8 base Sft 119.52 119.52 m2
28-22 12"x12"x21" 100 Sft Each 225.59 225.59 m2 Each
28-23 Providing and fixing with steel nails and washers, the chicken wire 606.94 1,019.00
28-24 mesh of approved quality, at joint of concrete and masonry work 112.31 706.09
28-25 (4" wide strip) before plastering etc complete. 493.02 1,105.55
28-26-a Making notice board 1/2" thick of c/s mortar 1:3 with 2"x1/2" 855.94 6,534.06
Binding office books/registers. Cutting of Pipes upto 2" Dia
Cutting of Pipes above 2" Dia upto 4" dia
Providing and fixing of 1-1/2" thick Thermopore in cavity wall,
including all necessary fittings complete in all respect .
Providing and fixing hot dipped galvanized fully glazed fixed steel
sky light of Z section 1.25" (32.5 mm) width or as approved by
Engineer incharge including iron lugs, cutting holes and making
good the damages to walls.
Providing and placing of geotextile fabric as shown in the
drawings as directed by the Engineer. Providing and fixing 25 mm
dia. 3 m long
deformed steel dowel bars (Grade 60) with one
end driven into 38 mm diameter 1.50 m deep hole drilled in bed
rock and other end provided with
L-bend for embedding in concrete / masonry of over flow / non-
over flow blocks and other appurtenant works including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, drilling and cleaning hole, filling
hole with specified cement mortar, driving anchor rod etc.
complete with all lead and lifts.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
28-26-b Providing and fixing 25 mm dia. 2.75 m long ribbed/deformed Each 977.33 6,382.07 Each
28-27-a steel bars (Grade 60) with one end split and driven firmly using Rft 485.55 3,219.30 m
28-27-b steel wedge into 38 mm diameter 1.25 m deep hole drilled in bed Rft 728.33 3,462.07 m
rock and other end provided with L-bend for embedding in
concrete / masonry for spillway and appurtenant works including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, steel wedge, drilling and
cleaning hole, filling hole with thick cement slurry, driving anchor
rod etc. complete with all lead and lifts.
Drilling approximately 75 mm dia. holes by calyx or any other
rotary process (except diamond drilling) through over burden
providing black steel or suitable casing pipe, using casing shoe bit,
vertical or inclined upto 10 degrees to vertical as directed
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, water charges,
reaming, collection of wash samples/disturbed samples at suitable
intervals, logging and labelling, supplying wooden core box, fixing
casing pipes etc. complete. from depth (0 to 50 m), excluding cost
of mobilization & demobilization.
Drilling approximately 75 mm dia. holes by calyx or any other
rotary process (except diamond drilling) through over burden
providing black steel or suitable casing pipe, using casing shoe bit,
vertical or inclined upto 10 degrees to vertical as directed
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, water charges,
reaming, collection of wash samples/disturbed samples at suitable
intervals, logging and labelling, supplying wooden core box, fixing
casing pipes etc. complete. from depth (beyond 50 m), excluding
cost of mobilization & demobilization.

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
28-27-c Drilling by diamond drilling, holes of minimum 75 mm dia. Rft 485.55 4,130.55 m
28-27-d vertical or at specified inclination using diamond core drilling bit, Rft 582.66 4,835.16 m
28-27-e double barrel tube in masonry, concrete or rock including cost of Rft 606.94 4,859.44 m
all materials, machinery, labour, water, collection of core samples,
logging & labelling samples, supplying wooden core box and re-
drilling in case of collapse of sides etc. complete. excluding cost of
mobilization & demobilization. (For depth 0 to 50 m and inclined
at 0? to 10? vertically downward)
Drilling by diamond drilling, holes of minimum 75 mm dia.
vertical or at specified inclination using diamond core drilling bit,
double barrel tube in masonry, concrete or rock including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, water, collection of core samples,
logging & labelling samples, supplying wooden core box and re-
drilling in case of collapse of sides etc. complete. excluding cost of
mobilization & demobilization. (For depth 0 to 50 m and inclined
at 10? to 45? vertically downward)
Drilling by diamond drilling, holes of minimum 75 mm dia.
vertical or at specified inclination using diamond core drilling bit,
double barrel tube in masonry, concrete or rock including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, water, collection of core samples,
logging & labelling samples, supplying wooden core box and re-
drilling in case of collapse of sides etc. complete. excluding cost of
mobilization & demobilization. (For depth beyond 50 m and
inclined at 0? to 10? vertically downward)

Item Code Description Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)

Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Comp
28-28 Topographic and cadastral survey for head works/Dams & other Acre 352.33 473.83 ha
irrigation projects by using Total station GPS, etc. with minimum
30 number of point reading per acre, to generate 15mx15m grid
and 0.5 m interval contours including transfer of entire data to
computer system in different
geo-referenced layers / themes using features of standard software,
compatible with design software packages, including supply of soft
and hard copies of point readings, including digitizing village
maps and super imposing the contours on village map (scale 1 in
4000) including marking all permanent features like roads, cart
tracks, existing canals, mosques, tanks, forest boundary and
electric poles, etc. including marking of ridges and valleys on
survey sheet including supply of 4 soft copies and 4 hard copies
after approval of competent authority, preparation & submission of
grid and L-section nallah etc. complete
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
326.81 326.81 a) The rates includes laying and removing of
490.22 490.22 track and also carriage way of piles to machine,
116.00 116.00 average distance of 100 ft.
c) T-piles and adjustable junction piles will be
160.12 160.12 counted as two piles.
167.47 167.47 To be done by hand carts or ramps, including
359.56 359.56 cost of ropes.
43.14 43.14
15,121.15 15,121.15
6,573.60 6,573.60
8,366.40 8,366.40
11,454.00 11,454.00
558.82 558.82
350.41 350.41 18.3.3
231.76 231.76
46,096.00 46,096.00
43,902.06 43,902.06
0.00 6,075.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
434.39 434.39 19.3.4 The rate does not include supply of sand or
313.47 313.47 19.3.4 earth for filling bags, which will be paid extra
65.55 102.00 19.3.4 from item 19-03-a to 19-04-d
81.73 118.18 19.3.4
65.55 174.90 19.3.4
81.73 191.08 19.3.4
262.20 321.73 19.3.4
326.94 386.47 19.3.4
262.20 444.45 19.3.4
326.94 509.19 19.3.4
331.79 331.79 19.3.4
250.87 250.87 19.3.4
27.51 27.51 19.3.4
1,327.17 1,327.17
1,003.47 1,003.47

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
110.06 110.06 19.3.4
95.78 95.78 19.3.4
152.38 152.38 19.3.4
181.99 181.99 19.3.4
1,173.41 1,225.38 19.2.1 ,
557.28 557.28 19.3.1
342.94 342.94 19.2.1 ,
827.63 827.63 19.3.1
553.28 553.28 19.3.2
653.87 653.87 19.2.2 ,
202.31 264.99 19.3.2
170.80 258.65 19.2.2 ,
170.80 443.80 19.3.3
170.80 481.79 19.2.1
204.96 272.61
204.96 415.02
204.96 610.74
227.74 329.43
227.74 542.83

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
227.74 694.12
285.78 1,744.63 19.3.2
571.57 2,202.05
571.57 1,223.76
571.57 2,030.42
428.68 2,144.97
1,033.22 1,685.41
1,033.22 2,492.07 19.3.2
846.36 2,562.66
714.46 2,430.75
1,253.05 2,969.35
617.29 1,269.49 19.3.4
614.44 2,073.29 19.3.4
74.74 74.74 19.3.4
571.57 571.57 19.3.4
87.08 181.99 19.2.1 ,
217.69 225.74 19.3.1
174.15 370.29 19.2.1 ,
19.2.1 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
87.08 490.13 19.3.5
371.74 828.84 19.3.5
659.50 2,289.98 19.2.2 ,
923.30 2,553.78 19.3.2
1,604.79 3,561.36 19.2.2 ,
2,176.36 4,132.93 19.3.2
1,604.79 3,561.36 19.2.2 ,
379.21 2,172.74 19.3.2
307.77 2,101.30 19.2.2 ,
2,791.89 5,753.36 19.3.2
2,319.25 5,280.71 19.2.2 ,
1,940.04 4,901.50 19.3.2
1,940.04 4,835.68 19.2.2 ,
324.86 886.69 19.3.2
324.86 624.11 19.2.2 ,
324.86 604.08 19.3.2
1,940.04 5,056.06 19.2.2 ,
115.54 237.12 19.3.2
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
357.23 794.89 19.2.2 ,
2,022.47 2,022.47 19.3.2
857.35 857.35 19.2.2 ,
379.21 816.87 19.3.2
615.54 1,053.19 19.2.2 ,
342.94 342.94 19.3.2
2,269.79 4,226.36 19.2.2 ,
2,649.00 5,595.96 19.3.2
1,044.21 1,044.21 19.2.2 ,
571.57 571.57 19.3.2
2,176.36 4,132.93 19.2.2 ,
1,604.79 3,561.36 19.3.2
307.77 2,101.30 19.2.2 ,
379.21 2,172.74 19.3.2
41.40 41.40
58.76 58.76 19.2.2 ,
82.79 82.79 19.3.2
165.59 165.59 19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,
19.2.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,559.72 3,142.92 19.3.4
1,120.50 1,120.50 19.3.4
1,011.56 1,011.56 19.3.4
13.28 14.41 19.3.4
92.93 806.46 19.3.4
2,964.34 24,712.85 19.3.4
1,120.50 1,120.50 19.3.4
1,416.19 1,416.19 19.3.4
13.28 14.41 19.3.4
112.84 826.37 19.3.4
3,517.13 25,265.63 19.3.4
1,195.20 1,195.20 19.3.4
1,490.27 1,490.27 19.3.4
13.28 14.41 19.3.4
138.06 851.59 19.3.4
140.92 160.05 19.3.4
752.60 752.60 19.3.4
1,755.82 1,755.82 19.3.4
13.28 14.41 19.3.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
172.58 886.11 19.3.4
8,995.13 9,578.33 19.3.4
1,747.98 1,747.98 19.3.4
1,941.83 1,941.83 19.3.4
13.28 14.64 19.3.4
199.13 912.66 19.3.4
0.00 22,599.00 19.3.4
1,494.00 1,494.00 19.3.4
2,798.14 2,798.14 19.3.4
26.55 27.91 19.3.4
252.23 1,393.88 19.3.4
0.00 29,038.50 19.3.4
1,747.98 1,747.98 19.3.4
2,353.05 2,353.05 19.3.4
13.28 119.76 19.3.4
313.29 1,740.36 19.3.4
0.00 30,010.50 19.3.4
1,972.08 1,972.08 19.3.4
2,614.13 2,614.13 19.3.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
13.28 119.76 19.3.4
365.60 2,363.49 19.3.4
0.00 32,319.00 19.3.4
2,241.00 2,241.00 19.3.4
2,913.30 2,913.30 19.3.4
18.38 114.72 19.3.4
371.70 2,655.01 19.3.4
0.00 63,180.00 19.3.4
2,629.44 2,629.44 19.3.4
3,510.53 3,510.53 19.3.4
13.28 119.76 19.3.4
398.25 2,966.97 19.3.4
285.78 5,667.45 19.3.4
142.32 142.32 19.3.4
15.88 15.88 19.4.2
566.51 566.51 19.2.1
479.09 479.09 19.2.1
681.49 1,335.78 19.2.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,348.78 1,348.78 20.3 , Rate for all finished works include the removal
1,780.35 1,780.35 20.4.1 of the surplus debris un-used material and by
2,697.47 2,697.47 20.3 , products.
These rates are for total dismantlement and
3,641.63 3,641.63 20.4.1 removal of material. The rates do not include
5,395.03 5,395.03 20.3 , earth work for which rates are given in item No.
1,348.78 1,348.78 20.4.1 20-01 above
2,023.13 2,023.13 20.3 ,
2,697.47 2,697.47 20.4.1
3,371.90 3,371.90 20.3 ,
2,023.13 2,023.13 20.4.1
2,697.47 2,697.47 20.4.1
3,371.90 3,371.90 20.4.1
760.07 1,210.23 20.4.1
1,543.80 1,543.80 20.4.1
20.2.6 ,
20.2.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,929.75 1,929.75 20.2.1,
3,237.00 3,237.00 20.2.2,
4,369.95 4,369.95 20.2.6 ,
1,204.54 1,836.34 20.4.1
2,334.38 3,350.11 20.2, 20.3
2,303.25 2,484.28 , 20.4.1
1,727.44 1,908.47 20.2, 20.3
1,381.95 1,562.98 , 20.4.1
1,151.63 1,294.39 20.2, 20.3
921.30 1,025.79 , 20.4.1
760.07 1,020.69 20.2, 20.3
120.91 120.91 , 20.4.1
674.35 674.35 20.2, 20.3
549.80 549.80 , 20.4.1
435.77 475.29 20.2, 20.3
197.94 237.46 , 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1,
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1

At the discreation of
Engineering-in-charges depending upon the
distance and source or supply for item 20-12
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
353.91 353.91 20.2, 20.3
132.75 132.75 , 20.4.1
507.78 547.30 20.2, 20.3
254.00 293.52 , 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1
20.2, 20.3
, 20.4.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
217.83 217.83 21.3.6 ,
219.15 219.15
278.05 278.05 21.3.6 ,
340.06 340.06
241.27 241.27 21.3.6 ,
279.80 279.80
304.95 304.95 21.3.6 ,
341.82 341.82
555.63 555.63 21.3.6 ,
583.35 583.35
607.93 607.93 21.3.6 ,
977.16 977.16
1,165.12 1,165.12 21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,450.90 1,450.90 21.3.6 ,
1,736.69 1,736.69
2,022.47 2,022.47 21.3.6 ,
2,308.26 2,308.26
2,594.04 2,594.04 21.3.6 ,
2,879.83 2,879.83
3,165.61 3,165.61 21.3.6 ,
16,157.80 16,157.80
1,901.56 1,901.56 21.3.6 ,
2,187.35 2,187.35
2,473.13 2,473.13 21.3.6 ,
2,758.92 2,758.92
30,447.01 30,447.01 21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
34,447.99 34,447.99 21.3.6 ,
3,616.27 3,616.27
2,231.32 2,231.32 21.3.6 ,
2,517.10 2,517.10
2,802.88 2,802.88 21.3.6 ,
3,088.67 3,088.67
3,374.45 3,374.45 21.3.6 ,
36,602.38 36,602.38
3,946.02 3,946.02 21.3.6 ,
3,946.02 3,946.02
1,272.18 1,272.18 21.3.6 ,
2,605.03 2,605.03
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,008.14 4,008.14 21.3.6 ,
5,271.73 5,271.73
6,414.87 6,414.87 21.3.6 ,
8,909.63 8,909.63
10,611.47 10,611.47 21.3.6 ,
13,078.47 13,078.47
15,530.90 15,530.90 21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
18,766.42 18,766.42 21.3.6 ,
1,677.55 1,677.55
3,220.57 3,220.57 21.3.6 ,
4,840.19 4,840.19
6,298.62 6,298.62 21.3.6 ,
8,578.25 8,578.25
10,966.02 10,966.02 21.3.6 ,
13,274.44 13,274.44
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
16,699.56 16,699.56 21.3.6 ,
19,356.93 19,356.93
23,275.23 23,275.23 21.3.6 ,
3,196.39 3,196.39
7,420.28 7,420.28 21.3.6 ,
10,026.92 10,026.92
13,750.53 13,750.53 21.3.6 ,
20,655.41 20,655.41
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,
21.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
26,600.07 26,600.07 21.3.6 ,
33,402.57 33,402.57
43,133.98 43,133.98 21.3.6 ,
54,306.27 54,306.27
68,889.66 68,889.66 21.3.6 ,
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 21.3.6 ,
7,360.02 16,572.29
7,597.44 15,540.08 21.3.6 ,
- 21.2.1,
21.3.5 ,
21.3.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
45,442.50 275,048.31 21.2.2,
21.3.5 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
52.11 157.54 22.3.2 ,
52.11 145.71 22.4
57.00 183.31 22.3.2 ,
57.00 176.22 22.4
229.44 789.71 22.3.2 ,
229.44 749.47 22.4
22.3.2 ,
22.3.2 ,
22.3.2 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
229.44 737.94 22.3.2 ,
258.14 1,096.92 22.4
258.14 1,037.64 22.3.2 ,
258.14 1,020.07 22.4
215.95 846.88 22.3.2 ,
215.95 801.41 22.4
215.95 791.41 22.3.2 ,
67.06 301.78 22.4
170.57 711.44 22.3.2 ,
216.79 901.75 22.4
233.56 1,016.80 22.3.2 ,
22.3.2 ,
22.3 , 22.4
22.3 , 22.4
22.3 , 22.4
22.3 , 22.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
313.21 1,345.97 22.3 , 22.4
353.93 1,512.94 22.3 , 22.4
359.39 1,562.88 22.3 , 22.4
541.27 2,331.71 22.3 , 22.4
617.16 2,641.35 22.3 , 22.4
665.78 3,033.61 22.3 , 22.4
727.77 3,232.53 22.3 , 22.4
743.93 3,308.33 22.3 , 22.4
388.17 406.35 22.3 , 22.4,
587.69 624.59 22.5
777.77 833.47 22.3 , 22.4,
0.00 7,736.33 22.5
22.3 , 22.4,
22.5 6.1.3,
6.3, 6.6,
6.12 , 6.17

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
115.39 747.68 23.4 , 23.5
125.19 944.26 23.4 , 23.5
216.08 1,438.35 23.4 , 23.5
94.97 820.26 23.4 , 23.5
115.39 907.13 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
216.08 1,123.88 23.4 , 23.5
247.94 1,832.46 23.4 , 23.5
279.39 2,222.67 23.4 , 23.5
304.31 2,596.38 23.4 , 23.5
416.23 3,027.20 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
477.09 3,446.82 23.4 , 23.5
705.62 4,582.22 23.4 , 23.5
850.83 5,733.95 23.4 , 23.5
1,057.31 6,448.67 23.4 , 23.5
1,304.23 8,250.22 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,694.11 11,001.93 23.4 , 23.5
3,222.17 13,646.14 23.4 , 23.5
4,515.58 17,425.95 23.4 , 23.5
5,648.25 22,228.45 23.4 , 23.5
9,031.15 30,807.76 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
11,288.94 40,346.52 23.4 , 23.5
223.43 1,932.52 23.4 , 23.5
276.73 2,337.13 23.4 , 23.5
334.94 2,807.39 23.4 , 23.5
416.23 3,371.21 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
477.09 3,622.69 23.4 , 23.5
705.62 4,177.78 23.4 , 23.5
850.83 6,105.91 23.4 , 23.5
1,057.31 7,536.47 23.4 , 23.5
1,304.23 8,932.34 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,694.11 12,296.22 23.4 , 23.5
3,222.17 15,195.78 23.4 , 23.5
4,515.58 19,363.01 23.4 , 23.5
5,648.25 24,746.59 23.4 , 23.5
9,031.15 34,156.89 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
11,288.94 44,867.91 23.4 , 23.5
223.43 2,176.68 23.4 , 23.5
276.73 2,588.74 23.4 , 23.5
334.94 3,210.00 23.4 , 23.5
416.23 3,854.34 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
477.09 4,427.91 23.4 , 23.5
705.62 5,063.52 23.4 , 23.5
850.83 6,706.83 23.4 , 23.5
1,057.31 8,287.64 23.4 , 23.5
1,304.23 10,534.80 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,694.11 13,798.50 23.4 , 23.5
3,222.17 16,447.69 23.4 , 23.5
4,515.58 20,927.92 23.4 , 23.5
5,648.25 26,781.00 23.4 , 23.5
9,031.15 36,862.63 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
11,288.94 48,520.61 23.4 , 23.5 (i) This rate shall be payable, in addition to the
249.04 1,146.34 23.4 , 23.5 item of excavation below SSWL for sewers &
327.63 2,234.03 23.4 , 23.5 manholes under chapter 3, earthwork and laying
of sewer pipe
401.70 3,818.83 23.4 , 23.5 (ii) The grant of these rates shall be subject to
478.97 5,528.31 23.4 , 23.5 approval of Chief Engineer.
498.08 7,974.60 23.4 , 23.5 (iii) The rate includes cost of providing pumps,
579.33 9,874.10 23.4 , 23.5 POL, and all operation charges at the site of
655.52 11,969.75 23.4 , 23.5 work etc.
732.52 13,566.14 23.4 , 23.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
283.82 14,494.17 23.4 , 23.5
302.14 16,718.72 23.4 , 23.5
312.23 18,604.87 23.4 , 23.5
323.12 20,624.99 23.4 , 23.5
2,227.18 8,458.56 23.4 , 23.5
2,227.18 7,139.06 23.4 , 23.5
1,668.30 1,668.30 23.4 , 23.5
3,598.55 8,428.35 23.4 , 23.5
4,979.44 12,241.00 23.4 , 23.5
4,975.39 10,061.86 23.4 , 23.5
392.17 15,215.17
522.90 15,345.90
653.63 15,476.63

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
784.35 15,607.35
3,486.00 20,972.52
3,486.00 18,380.59

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
0.00 43,740.00 24.2.1,
0.00 27,945.00 ,
0.00 7,897.50 ,
387.63 583.52
535.70 819.27 24.2.1,
816.11 1,308.62 ,
990.53 1,643.47 ,
1,360.19 2,352.04
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,472.51 6,447.32 24.2.1,
1,789.07 7,852.12 ,
2,105.64 9,256.92 ,
2,409.94 10,494.00
1,942.25 11,270.00 24.2.1,
3,320.82 14,514.12 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
937.43 4,083.99 24.2.1,
1,108.98 4,863.40 ,
1,531.74 6,716.42 ,
1,713.51 7,434.53
2,072.96 9,045.46 24.2.1,
2,448.75 10,672.72 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,759.18 12,055.84 24.2.1,
3,183.98 13,910.90 ,
3,808.93 16,681.23 ,
1,288.71 5,606.30
1,793.16 7,755.55 24.2.1,
1,948.38 8,527.55 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,383.39 10,401.75 24.2.1,
2,799.00 12,256.55 ,
3,161.52 13,852.68 ,
3,663.93 15,999.89
4,376.70 19,179.85 24.2.1,
2,042.32 10,833.02 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,279.23 11,979.30 24.2.1,
2,740.80 14,562.77 ,
3,222.79 17,166.63 ,
3,619.00 19,381.59
4,213.31 22,400.92 24.2.1,
5,085.38 26,910.54 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,334.38 12,443.67 24.2.1,
2,578.43 13,733.51 ,
3,170.71 16,765.95 ,
3,710.90 19,746.31
4,196.98 22,323.99 24.2.1,
4,819.88 25,735.66 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
5,616.39 30,715.31 24.2.1,
766.89 1,129.28 ,
1,004.82 1,463.84 ,
1,521.53 2,230.19
1,812.56 2,658.12 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,479.38 3,647.06 24.2.1,
2,763.26 4,051.74 ,
3,343.28 14,559.91 ,
3,917.18 17,147.04
4,442.05 19,397.56 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
5,144.61 22,400.96 24.2.1,
6,149.44 26,857.05 ,
2,062.75 9,008.42 ,
2,855.17 12,446.81
3,149.26 13,733.16 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,845.69 16,744.82 24.2.1,
4,525.79 19,740.15 ,
5,113.98 22,312.80 ,
5,412.16 23,632.37
5,544.91 23,982.77 24.2.1,
2,386.45 10,374.00 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,277.93 14,308.32 24.2.1,
3,635.33 15,806.82 ,
4,407.33 19,241.34 ,
5,187.50 22,684.02
5,881.89 25,660.56 24.2.1,
6,219.90 27,173.14 , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,359.79 27,563.34 24.2.1,
3,768.08 16,453.04 ,
4,194.93 18,192.15 ,
5,054.75 22,113.82
5,971.75 26,092.72 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,739.67 29,485.12 24.2.1,
7,125.67 31,221.89 ,
7,231.86 31,615.94 ,
4,358.32 18,946.01
4,807.63 20,904.43 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
5,851.26 25,469.20 24.2.1,
6,901.01 30,040.14 ,
7,766.96 33,924.21 ,
8,236.69 35,947.38
8,342.89 36,384.58 24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,
24.2.1, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,200.18 20,265.35
0.00 1,482.30
144.35 18,243.03 ,
217.00 20,577.11
247.98 29,656.59 ,
247.98 31,809.15
247.98 54,544.82 , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
181.98 19,498.19 ,
273.67 24,239.40
312.81 28,080.83 ,
312.81 32,601.21
312.81 39,776.97 ,
5,637.36 8,451.25
18,109.28 30,459.29 , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
18,495.28 33,693.08 ,
18,495.28 39,955.45
137.40 1,289.79 ,
137.40 1,730.77
171.04 2,603.90 ,
171.04 3,830.86
171.04 5,509.86 ,
137.40 2,204.33 , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
171.04 3,249.67 ,
171.04 4,907.14
171.04 7,016.65 ,
171.04 11,760.41
171.04 13,129.44 ,
610.05 3,097.77
762.56 3,689.29 ,
762.56 4,205.77
915.08 4,874.77 ,
610.05 3,738.35 , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
762.56 4,442.93 ,
762.56 5,092.40
915.08 5,894.39 ,
610.05 4,376.18
762.56 5,265.35 ,
762.56 5,975.21
915.08 6,909.61 ,
610.05 4,675.79
762.56 5,583.05 ,
762.56 6,183.57
915.08 7,013.70 ,
327.63 4,058.73 , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
382.10 5,564.19 24.2.2,
382.10 6,600.60 24.2.3,
458.60 9,579.08
93.56 1,195.06 ,
93.56 2,491.79 24.2.2,
116.29 2,527.33 24.2.3,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
116.29 3,768.63,
143.13 5,430.01 24.2.3,
93.56 2,143.01,
116.29 2,688.18
116.29 4,851.47 ,
143.13 6,942.36,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.56 2,893.54,
116.29 4,468.66 24.2.3,
104.95 7,526.78,
143.13 10,477.45
93.56 3,001.24 ,
116.29 4,636.06,
0.00 1,062.16 24.2.3,
0.00 1,347.01,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
147.86 275.42 ,
167.12 629.08
204.70 2,131.57,
300.81 4,189.13 24.3.6 ,
338.54 7,027.24
372.83 8,715.77,
407.12 9,783.08 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
25.53 548.55,
29.35 708.41 24.3.6 ,
29.35 1,071.74
33.96 1,379.52,
33.96 1,594.15 24.3.6 ,
35.43 2,229.74,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
36.50 2,808.29,
40.85 3,675.02 24.3.6 ,
44.18 5,244.67
51.06 6,789.43,
51.06 8,070.36 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
51.06 13,388.13,
25.53 426.54 24.3.6 ,
29.35 317.47
29.35 438.53,
33.96 1,052.39 24.3.6 ,
33.96 1,183.81,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
35.43 1,683.13,
36.50 2,144.82 24.3.6 ,
40.85 2,769.48
44.18 2,788.82,
51.06 5,425.96 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
51.06 6,386.43,
25.53 354.65 24.3.6 ,
29.35 503.45
29.35 705.30,
33.96 910.23 24.3.6 ,
33.96 1,153.13,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
35.43 1,445.29,
36.50 1,992.13 24.3.6 ,
40.85 2,335.14
44.18 3,323.52,
51.06 4,795.49 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
51.06 5,803.46,
25.53 342.55 24.3.6 ,
29.35 475.84
29.35 671.01,
33.96 866.62 24.3.6 ,
33.96 1,093.72,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
35.43 1,372.74,
36.50 1,919.00 24.3.6 ,
40.85 2,227.15
44.18 3,175.69,
51.06 4,430.88 24.3.6 ,
51.06 5,198.36,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
153.17 8,040.14,
53.20 993.95 24.3.6 ,
156.56 1,392.29
170.53 2,139.73,
190.75 3,519.25 24.3.6 ,
216.61 4,752.93
243.69 6,250.93,
258.27 12,049.51 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
276.78 14,981.94,
298.67 15,003.84 24.3.6 ,
362.02 18,471.42
394.25 25,447.64,
156.56 1,523.84 24.3.6 ,
170.53 2,546.32
190.75 3,965.70,
218.81 5,492.59 24.3.6 ,,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
246.63 7,601.21 24.3.6 ,
258.27 13,855.27
280.08 17,687.91 24.3.6 ,
294.63 21,656.78
348.05 25,776.15 24.3.6 ,
394.25 36,266.24
183.77 1,746.37 24.3.6 ,
169.06 3,035.16
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
188.91 5,283.30 24.3.6 ,
216.61 7,750.56
243.69 11,265.59 24.3.6 ,
258.27 19,970.13
276.78 25,768.66 24.3.6 ,
294.63 30,996.49
348.05 37,822.51 24.3.6 ,
394.25 54,582.94
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,
24.3.6 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
25.53 435.09,
33.96 651.89 24.3.6,
40.85 892.29
40.85 1,249.69 ,
58.21 1,892.47,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
81.69 3,136.89,
102.12 4,415.71 24.3.6,
25.53 276.94
20.42 386.75 ,
25.53 522.98,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
33.96 833.39,
40.85 1,266.35 24.3.6,
40.85 1,761.68
58.21 2,798.17 ,
81.69 4,780.89,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
102.12 6,718.87,
9.07 157.60 24.3.6,
14.13 206.64
20.42 316.56 ,
20.42 472.73,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
25.53 675.00,
33.96 1,108.70 24.3.6,
40.85 1,647.63
40.85 2,388.09 ,
58.21 3,629.54,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
81.69 6,213.76,
102.12 8,726.17 24.3.6,
4.53 87.27
4.53 126.87 ,
9.07 188.78,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
14.13 246.86,
20.42 394.79 24.3.6,
20.42 590.63
25.53 818.11 ,
33.96 1,324.03,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
40.85 2,015.14,
40.85 2,844.32 24.3.6,
58.21 4,414.48
81.69 7,507.91 ,
102.12 10,441.39,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
203.63 303.41,
117.43 217.20 24.3.6,
256.67 356.45,
126.39 226.17
210.36 310.13 ,
122.21 221.99,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.98 203.73,
146.29 256.04 24.3.6,
848.16 10,963.27,
684.75 13,768.11
946.20 25,090.19 ,
946.20 50,848.20,
2,925.75 59,145.74 24.3.6,
4,388.63 66,744.37,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,435.53 12,550.65
2,435.53 15,518.89 ,
2,925.75 27,069.74
3,657.19 53,637.91 ,
4,715.44 61,038.95
5,851.50 68,347.21 ,
5,851.50 79,292.42
5,851.50 79,302.63 ,
298.80 21,561.30
65.36 3,315.73 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
65.36 5,381.23
56.32 175.39
44.07 163.14
44.33 163.40
25.77 144.84
19.09 138.16
13.22 132.29
250.71 317.81 ,
274.35 423.52
365.72 557.84,2
530.23 1,074.72
731.44 1,393.01 ,
914.30 4,923.80
1,097.16 7,111.41 , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
250.71 317.53 ,
274.35 497.53
365.72 677.09 ,
530.36 1,131.78
731.44 5,275.54 ,
914.30 9,173.87
1,097.16 9,450.28 ,
250.71 317.53
274.35 407.99 ,
365.72 552.81
530.23 1,131.65 ,
731.44 6,478.39
914.30 9,334.25 ,
1,097.16 9,784.41
365.72 455.53 ,
438.86 657.25
585.15 896.02 ,
804.58 1,900.78 , , , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,188.52 4,908.27 ,
1,371.51 5,153.81
1,645.73 5,655.23 ,
365.72 469.30
438.86 676.09 ,
585.15 925.96
804.58 2,067.57 ,
1,188.52 10,209.90
1,364.97 9,584.45 ,
1,645.73 13,005.98
365.72 445.91 ,
438.86 646.02
585.15 865.82 , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
804.58 1,740.13 ,
1,188.52 6,267.22
1,371.51 9,791.46 ,
1,645.73 11,001.23
122.32 183.53 ,
128.07 233.38
182.86 317.31 ,
1,285.70 1,761.23
365.72 1,792.66 ,
456.82 2,595.22
548.58 2,653.57 ,
122.32 189.15
642.73 765.02 ,
182.86 319.85
256.00 790.60 ,
365.72 1,802.46
457.08 2,996.43 ,
548.58 3,856.42 , , , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
122.32 192.71 ,
128.07 239.44
182.86 324.97 ,
256.00 774.12
365.72 1,826.51 ,
457.08 3,063.26
548.58 4,190.54 ,
250.71 406.41
274.35 490.87 ,
365.72 648.39
530.23 717.34 ,
731.44 1,052.20
914.30 1,448.90 ,
1,080.97 1,669.03
250.71 357.63 , , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
274.35 401.32 ,
365.72 519.42
531.01 731.49 ,
731.44 1,065.56
914.30 1,475.63 ,
1,099.58 1,767.83
250.71 350.95 ,
274.35 394.64
365.72 552.83 ,
530.23 797.53
731.44 1,185.85 ,
914.30 1,742.93
1,097.16 2,052.75 , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
24.36 138.03 24.3.4,
24.36 201.34 ,
24.36 296.81
24.00 414.44 24.3.4,
39.93 592.09 ,
47.38 874.61
50.77 1,823.79 24.3.4,
59.42 2,789.76 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
67.38 4,289.25 24.3.4,
76.08 6,842.97 ,
17.87 78.19
18.13 79.20 24.3.4,
18.13 107.97 ,
24.34 162.76
24.34 238.46 24.3.4,
24.34 364.41 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
24.34 501.21 24.3.4,
40.06 727.74 ,
47.38 1,063.73
50.77 2,188.02 24.3.4,
59.42 3,391.91 ,
67.38 5,248.85
76.08 12,203.61 24.3.4,
18.13 67.67 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
18.13 85.58 24.3.4,
18.13 126.04 ,
24.34 191.62
24.34 280.75 24.3.4,
24.34 377.38 ,
24.34 603.74
40.06 866.25 24.3.4,
47.38 1,271.85 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
50.77 2,643.01 24.3.4,
59.42 4,093.78 ,
67.38 6,383.47
76.08 14,523.73 24.3.4,
18.13 75.05 ,
18.13 98.31
18.13 144.99 24.3.4,
24.34 222.71 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
24.34 336.22 24.3.4,
24.34 515.06 ,
24.34 712.19
40.06 1,029.05 24.3.4,
47.38 1,519.38 ,
50.77 3,193.47
59.42 4,961.42 24.3.4,
67.38 7,702.92 ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,
24.3.4, ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
75.35 18,392.57 24.3.4,
87.77 204.41 ,
87.77 257.87
87.77 333.69 24.3.4,
122.32 584.99,
723.19 1,486.21
723.19 1,986.79 ,
128.07 1,858.23 24.3.4,,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
128.07 3,209.31 24.3.4,
182.86 6,627.22,
182.86 6,257.86
182.86 7,472.86 ,
182.86 8,687.86 24.3.4,
182.86 9,902.86,
292.58 482.11
292.58 627.91 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
292.58 754.28 24.3.4,
365.72 1,187.06,
365.72 1,833.44
365.72 2,766.56 ,
438.86 3,743.66 24.3.4,
438.86 6,246.56,
585.15 10,888.35
585.15 11,068.17 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
585.15 18,406.77 24.3.4,
585.15 33,345.20,
585.15 53,000.25
195.15 326.37 ,
195.15 404.13 24.3.4,
195.15 486.75,
250.71 802.81
250.71 1,193.55 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
250.71 1,796.19 24.3.4,
274.35 2,650.90,
274.35 4,001.97
365.72 7,412.72 ,
365.72 10,326.29 24.3.4,
365.72 16,091.46,
365.72 23,430.06
365.72 43,870.01 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
102.40 189.88 24.3.4,
102.40 238.48,
102.40 321.10
122.32 409.06 ,
122.32 622.90 24.3.4,
122.32 962.70,
128.07 1,488.87
128.07 1,965.15 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
182.86 3,788.98 24.3.4,
182.86 3,827.86,
182.86 5,042.86
182.86 6,257.86 ,
182.86 7,472.86 24.3.4,
5,267.88 22,508.29,
2,204.30 17,292.15
2,633.94 14,054.47 ,
2,195.01 11,894.80 24.3.4,
1,755.64 7,864.52,
1,316.97 5,771.57
878.04 3,768.04 ,
4,389.59 25,317.24 24.3.4,,
, , , , , , , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,926.71 17,675.73
2,195.01 12,957.80
1,755.64 10,724.64
1,463.14 8,638.34
1,170.37 6,352.46
731.44 4,319.04
109.42 844.49,
74.70 1,814.58
74.70 3,198.47 ,
104.58 3,902.67
198.49 2,640.97
14.40 1,672.67
26.15 3,054.53
26.15 1,475.03 ,
26.15 1,001.49
26.15 574.41 ,
89.64 454.14
119.52 544.77 ,
149.40 756.90

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
186.75 976.50 ,
298.80 1,453.05
1,562.47 80,537.48 ,
1,562.47 62,312.48
1,562.47 33,152.48
1,562.47 20,394.97
1,179.64 15,759.64
1,179.64 10,899.64
887.06 9,392.06
2,340.60 5,438.85
2,340.60 4,603.54
1,462.88 2,981.63
877.72 2,117.02 2,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
585.15 1,602.71
438.86 1,289.36 2,
292.58 596.33
58.55 556.83 ,
2,023.13 31,972.88
2,427.75 23,082.75 2,
325.40 875.50
835.12 5,695.12 ,
325.13 1,673.78
, , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
325.13 1,584.84 ,
325.13 1,024.97
325.13 819.39 ,
325.13 762.53
3,237.80 17,976.85 ,
902.63 21,557.63
902.63 10,622.63 ,
1,494.00 97,448.63
1,494.00 171,329.70
1,494.00 370,550.31

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 141,735.41
1,494.00 319,013.00
1,494.00 518,172.81
79.68 1,047.63
119.52 1,751.67
119.52 2,104.02
119.52 3,112.47
119.52 4,168.30

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
119.52 7,269.39
119.52 13,294.17 ,
2,303.25 332,624.09 ,
4,606.50 415,818.41
4,606.50 462,608.00 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,606.50 504,035.91
4,606.50 700,161.19
4,606.50 766,700.69
4,108.50 1,146,209.0

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,108.50 439,078.50
4,606.50 1,219,607.0
4,145.85 380,795.81
3,685.20 309,865.19

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,454.88 254,959.91
3,454.88 225,799.91
99.60 646.35
99.60 889.35
99.60 1,618.35
99.60 1,861.35
99.60 473.21
952.42 952.42
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
1,111.16 1,111.16
1,269.90 1,269.90 ,
1,512.68 1,788.50 ,
1,512.68 1,732.12
1,282.35 1,501.79 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,282.35 1,445.40
230.32 1,690.35 ,
230.32 2,557.45
230.32 3,135.79
345.49 4,727.18
345.49 7,176.62
44.46 819.28
49.08 1,048.41 ,
49.08 1,177.36 , ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
50.55 1,667.35 ,
51.61 2,120.40
59.74 2,737.21 ,
63.07 3,954.29
255.29 2,615.39 ,
306.35 3,967.49
255.29 1,760.43 ,

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
255.29 2,045.18
255.29 2,960.34
255.29 2,391.11
255.29 2,106.49
809.25 9,071.25
809.25 28,693.50
604.53 2,827.64
680.09 3,316.98
755.66 4,447.30
944.57 5,946.28

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
725.21 10,840.33
725.21 13,808.58
1,091.86 25,235.86
725.21 8,106.58
725.21 8,887.83
725.21 10,840.33
725.21 13,808.58
1,091.86 21,530.11

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,091.86 25,235.86
244.33 635.08
244.33 479.07
169.32 382.19
169.32 373.44
809.25 809.25
0.00 0.00
373.50 1,309.05
373.50 11,916.00
373.50 13,981.50
373.50 1,163.25
373.50 2,287.13
373.50 920.25
373.50 1,345.50
373.50 1,588.50
373.50 1,953.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
149.40 1,294.90 ,
149.40 2,029.98
9,213.00 9,213.00 ,
89.64 612.09
119.52 720.95 ,
149.40 1,036.35
186.75 1,705.50 ,
298.80 2,103.07
392.13 631.18 ,
188.91 1,138.95
213.42 1,604.18
223.43 1,807.95
279.39 2,571.47

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
477.09 3,446.82
0.00 0.00
575.81 33,623.81
575.81 37,025.81
875.23 41,091.73
875.23 46,741.48
79.65 358.69
79.65 418.48
331.88 1,408.16
531.00 2,324.80
663.75 3,055.49
4,313.30 32,197.55
809.25 9,071.25

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,303.25 811,493.31
2,303.25 536,903.31
0.70 2.93
452.56 452.56
14,827.95 66,465.45
1,171.48 3,029.46
181.87 5,041.87
404.63 26,527.13
202.31 3,239.81

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
5,727.00 138,162.00 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 127,296.60 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,008.90 109,713.90 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,436.20 64,186.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,863.50 56,323.50 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 50,890.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,145.40 47,315.40 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,008.90 78,123.90 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
3,722.55 65,687.55 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
3,436.20 58,111.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 40,927.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
1,145.40 32,006.40 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
859.05 23,336.55 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
744.51 20,913.51 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
629.97 19,219.47 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
11,454.00 256,884.00 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,308.60 246,018.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
8,590.50 147,100.50 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,872.40 107,717.40 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
5,727.00 102,927.00 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 98,136.60 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,290.80 93,415.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,881.30 197,991.30 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,308.60 174,333.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
9,163.20 103,933.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
8,017.80 74,842.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
6,872.40 61,061.40 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,581.60 51,359.10 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
3,436.20 48,391.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 44,208.30 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
11,454.00 394,179.00 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,308.60 367,518.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
9,163.20 327,493.19 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
8,017.80 219,427.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
6,872.40 212,207.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 200,196.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,290.80 193,045.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,881.30 269,676.31 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,308.60 261,813.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
9,163.20 240,013.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
8,017.80 221,857.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
6,872.40 205,524.91 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,581.60 192,906.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
3,436.20 188,116.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 182,110.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
11,454.00 406,329.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
10,308.60 399,108.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
9,163.20 337,213.19 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
8,017.80 207,277.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,872.40 191,552.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 186,831.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 180,895.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,881.30 286,686.31

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
10,308.60 271,533.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
9,163.20 240,013.20 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
8,017.80 191,482.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,872.40 183,047.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 175,896.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 169,960.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,290.80 166,315.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
12,599.40 503,459.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
12,026.70 494,381.69 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,881.30 434,916.31

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
9,735.90 277,035.91 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
6,872.40 260,807.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
4,581.60 245,151.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,290.80 236,785.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,240.13 379,600.09 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
10,308.60 368,733.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
9,163.20 331,138.19

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
8,017.80 270,457.81 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
6,872.40 245,012.41 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
5,727.00 221,997.00 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
4,581.60 215,991.59 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300
2,290.80 208,840.80 WHP = Dishcharge (iGPM)* Head (ft) / 3300

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
82.63 82.63 25.3 , 25.4
26.47 26.47 25.3 , 25.4
224.66 224.66 25.3 , 25.4
6,505.13 6,505.13 25.3 , 25.4
731.44 731.44 25.3 , 25.4
687.86 687.86 25.3 , 25.4
84.97 84.97 25.3 , 25.4
10.00 10.00 25.3 , 25.4
71,712.00 205,362.00 25.3 , 25.4
10,582.50 145,360.30 25.3 , 25.4
11,461.53 11,461.53 25.3 , 25.4
182.19 182.19 25.3 , 25.4
16,483.80 16,483.80 25.3 , 25.4
991.02 991.02 25.3.2,
489.29 489.29 25.3.5 ,
156.87 255.77 25.3.6
300.94 300.94 25.3.2,
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
451.31 451.31 25.3.2,
150.38 150.38 25.3.3,
257.97 1,653.51 25.4.21
70.61 70.61 25.4.17
34.86 34.86 25.3.2,
9.03 9.03 25.3.3,
25.09 25.09 25.4.21
170.53 170.53 25.4.17
68.53 68.53 25.3.2,
30.15 30.15 25.3.3,
601.69 655.96 25.4.21
633.10 657.41 25.4.17
329.61 338.11
6,474.92 15,752.59
25.4.5 ,
25.4.5 25.4.8 ,
25.4.8 ,
25.4.9 ,
25.4.9 ,
25.4.13 25.3,
25.4.13 , 25.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
6,474.92 16,816.76 25.3,
5,845.57 20,834.25 25.4.2,
1,574.05 6,159.68 25.4.3,
477.90 3,068.13 25.4.13 ,
124.58 631.76 25.5 25.3,
3,588.10 10,760.58 25.4.2,
448.77 3,039.03 25.4.3,
161.85 1,115.85 25.4.13 ,
561.64 1,893.20 25.5 25.3,
25.4.3 ,
25.3 , 25.4
25.3 , 25.4
25.3 , 25.4

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,335.60 2,530.29 25.3 , 25.4
388.49 7,649.71 25.3 , 25.4
388.49 7,715.07
388.49 7,819.66

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
388.49 7,911.17
388.49 8,009.23
428.68 8,772.25
428.68 8,772.25
428.68 8,942.20
428.68 9,033.72
428.68 9,131.77
7,033.00 13,504.34
1,133.49 5,034.62

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
244.40 684.93 25.7.4
262.03 763.46 25.7.4
1,590.53 12,309.82 25.4.2
1,621.34 8,280.25 25.7.4
2,689.82 10,952.36 25.4.8
1,319.85 2,236.68 25.7.4
1,067.11 4,654.71 25.3.8
4,353.77 4,353.77
87.65 263.82
105.20 712.70
40.46 161.96
138.88 577.36
298.80 691.24

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2,089.81 7,283.38
416.02 590.59
3,423.75 14,358.75
2,491.96 6,062.31
2,684.49 3,840.50
1,821.88 3,259.96
252.79 4,924.38
252.79 5,878.73
250.51 9,664.73
397.80 4,536.01
145.00 863.03

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
145.00 603.93
145.00 902.71
145.00 643.60
1,416.65 6,733.01

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 34,097.26 26.6.6
653.63 31,947.38 26.6.6
862.78 47,951.54 26.6.6
862.78 45,521.54 26.6.6
1,307.25 64,191.01 26.6.6
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
1,307.25 61,761.01 0.00
24.51 283.61 26.2.4
24.51 363.34 15.2.4
24.51 403.20 15.2.4
190.64 28,242.33 15.6.1
190.64 38,922.52 15.6.1
190.64 52,287.52 15.6.1
190.64 68,082.52 15.6.1
94.12 701.62 15.6.1
94.12 883.87 15.6.1
94.12 1,066.12 26.6.1
94.12 1,309.12 26.6.1
94.12 2,524.12 15.6.1
94.12 817.05 26.34

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
0.90 73.80 26.10
0.90 71.37 26.10
94.12 11,424.00 26.41
94.12 16,356.90 26.41
94.12 11,940.37 26.41
94.12 24,303.00 26.41
94.12 34,709.47 26.41
94.12 37,212.37 26.42
94.12 42,163.50 26.43
94.12 48,123.07 26.44
4.48 317.95 26.60
4.48 298.51 25.50
4.48 337.39 26.70
4.48 327.67 26.80
4.48 247.48 26.80
1,494.00 69,801.30 26.90

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1.49 99.54 26.80
1.49 84.60 26.80
4.90 116.52 26.2,
4.90 172.32 26.43
4.90 232.12 26.2,
4.90 355.69 26.43
4.08 550.20 26.2,
4.08 781.40 26.43
4.08 1,072.39 26.2,
4.90 210.19 26.43
4.90 313.83 26.2,
4.90 435.41 26.43
4.90 618.78 26.2,
4.90 1,280.49 26.43
4.90 1,798.70 26.2,
4.90 2,595.95 26.43
46.76 274.57 26.2,
46.76 1,140.26 26.43
1.49 79.69 26.2,
1.49 41.95 26.43

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1.49 27.15 26.28
1.49 17.24 26.38
1.49 22.70 26.28
1.49 49.96 26.28
0.75 26.42 26.37
0.75 24.44 26.37
0.75 22.46 26.37
0.75 20.47 26.37
747.00 90,110.25 26.29
747.00 135,612.00 26.29
1,494.00 80,469.00 26.23
1,494.00 122,994.00 26.23
1,494.00 244,494.00 26.23
1,494.00 390,294.00 26.23
2,988.00 731,988.00 26.24
164.34 5,835.96 26.13
164.34 4,659.84 26.15
164.34 4,902.84 26.16
1.49 22.19 15.6.6

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1.49 10.00 15.1.2
1.49 3.92 15.12
1.49 3.92 0.00
1.49 6.35 26.10
747.00 79,722.00 26.17
747.00 85,797.00 26.17
747.00 91,872.00 26.17
1,494.00 273,411.00 26.33
46.31 29,766.43 26.34

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
379.73 527.49
295.07 355.21
22.61 30.58
419.70 545.90
149.40 149.40
451.93 1,494.43
1,076.93 14,441.92
326.81 399.71
392.17 465.08
401.51 474.41
521.34 594.24
642.73 715.63
104.58 177.48
Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks
Unit Labour Composite
529.13 12,071.63
529.13 14,197.88
529.13 7,211.63
529.13 8,122.88
725.21 1,514.96
840.38 1,782.00
725.21 1,514.96
840.38 1,782.00
305.02 608.78
1,070.70 7,753.20
1,525.13 12,460.13
59.76 314.91
747.00 6,214.50
747.00 5,121.00
149.40 538.20
1,225.39 3,178.64
980.32 2,495.08
1,494.00 18,261.00

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
747.00 6,153.75
747.00 5,096.70
747.00 5,096.70
896.40 6,242.40
896.40 2,658.15
224.10 940.95
448.20 2,088.45
747.00 2,144.25
224.10 831.60
23.90 54.28
26.89 105.87
359.49 456.69
1,322.81 13,169.06
855.94 4,926.19
261.45 960.08
287.60 955.84
40.46 161.96
373.50 8,028.00
522.90 10,024.20
1,045.80 20,121.30
373.50 4,048.88
522.90 5,079.15
1,045.80 6,148.80
359.49 1,938.99
747.00 2,630.25
448.20 2,088.45
747.00 2,144.25
104.58 317.20

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,494.00 6,475.50
29.13 102.03
79.65 219.17
186.75 1,523.25
190.60 482.20
204.40 343.91
202.31 1,052.81
202.31 2,000.51
915.08 1,158.07
153.42 376.65
153.42 332.80
306.35 665.11
306.35 704.97
306.35 653.15
459.77 1,575.91
459.77 1,276.94
459.77 1,077.63
350.16 775.41
1,094.35 1,094.35

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
329.13 329.13 6.1 Reduce the rate by 35 % and 40 % for labour
46.06 57.61 and composite rate respectively if polishing is
575.81 575.81 10.9 not done.
Reduce the rate by 35 % and 40 % for labour
0.00 194.14 10.9 and composite rate respectively if polishing is
0.00 2.47 7.1.14 not done.
108.84 108.84 7.1.14
65.31 65.31 12.19.20
366.03 944.37 12.19.20
62.68 94.32 12.19.20
93.38 588.12 12.19.20
93.38 440.86 12.19.20
93.38 246.46 12.19.20
93.38 135.66 12.19.20
93.38 128.61
93.38 234.32
93.38 202.73

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.38 190.57 12.19.20
373.50 528.05 12.19.20
93.38 822.38 12.19.20
93.38 518.63 12.19.20
93.38 306.00 12.19.20
93.38 275.63 12.19.20
112.05 3,204.23 12.19.22
74.70 310.13 12.2
74.70 305.43 12.2
12.40 736.54 12.2
4.03 183.85 12.2
379.73 17,958.35 12.1
126.20 126.20 4.1
24.11 30.98 13.3.1
36.40 36.40 13.3.1
174.15 174.15 13.3.1
117.22 182.38 13.3
43.54 54.32 13.3
87.08 87.08 13.1.5
10.45 29.34 13.1

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
21.77 40.66 13.1.5
130.61 149.50 13.1.5
174.15 193.04 13.1.5
87.08 105.97 13.9
43.54 46.78 13.1 , 13.9
202.31 225.67 13.1 , 13.9
104.58 196.88 13.1 , 13.9
652.63 1,005.63 13.1 , 13.9
24.51 57.52 13.1 , 13.9
49.02 109.35 3.9.3
81.37 170.47 16.9
44.82 178.60 3.9.3
43.54 43.54 3.9.3 ,
108.75 151.11 16.4.7
87.08 87.08 3.9.3 ,
187.21 687.70 16.4.7
204.63 909.82

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
256.87 1,162.95 3.9.3 , 16.4.7
38.18 53.80 3.9.3
43.54 43.54 3.9.3
286.48 710.32 16.9
246.30 246.30 4.1
1,494.00 1,776.49 12.14
435.75 2,181.71
184.51 184.51 14.5.6
200.94 1,748.70 14.5.6
24.65 278.05 13.1.5
606.94 606.94 12.15
2,686.37 2,686.37 12.2 , 12.14
200.94 601.26 4.1 ,12.12
186.75 463.58
160.75 842.60
1,205.66 1,990.06

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,205.66 1,550.80 4.1 ,12.12
1,205.66 1,467.13 4.1 ,12.12
906.79 1,971.68 12.28
879.28 879.28 12.26
241.13 981.48 12.26
1,239.15 1,429.83
120.61 489.92 12.1 , 12.2
371.74 821.32 16.9.5
7.08 341.85 12.25
3,097.87 8,616.68
313.14 492.51

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
57.35 256.44,
1,046.11 1,082.82,
8,874.26 226,038.77,
51.15 51.15
10.45 10.45 4.5.6,
13.06 34.77 4.4.5
81.78 108.35
68.42 313.57 11.2.2
43.62 429.00 11.5

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
43.62 455.90 12.19.26
222.51 2,976.67 12.19.26
222.51 2,976.67 12.19.26
373.50 842.79 12.18
373.50 1,875.24 12.18
373.50 2,876.39 12.18
747.00 7,004.26
186.75 710.71 12.19.18
140.14 337.21 12.19.25
140.14 510.10 12.19.25
121.46 657.03 12.19.6
149.40 921.90 12.19.6
121.46 367.14 12.19.6
149.40 455.82 12.19.6
373.50 433.76 12.19.7
373.50 486.37 12.19.7

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
112.05 333.91 12.19.5
93.38 588.61 12.19.5
112.05 199.53 12.19.5
93.38 168.71 12.19.5
93.38 197.87 12.19.8
112.05 204.39 12.19.8
112.05 180.09 12.19.8
93.38 159.59 12.19.10
93.38 197.87 12.19.10
93.38 250.11 12.19.10
93.38 439.04 12.19.10
93.38 513.77 12.19.10
93.38 711.81 12.19.10
93.38 171.74 12.19.10
93.38 196.04 12.19.10
93.38 244.64 12.19.10
93.38 525.00 12.19.18

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
93.38 439.95 12.19.18
93.38 342.75 12.19.18
93.38 318.45 12.19.18
93.38 148.78 12.19.18
93.38 142.70 12.19.18
93.38 136.63 12.19.18
93.38 130.55 12.19.18
93.38 234.32 12.19.18
93.38 222.16 12.19.18
93.38 210.01 12.19.18
93.38 197.87 12.19.18
373.50 981.00
373.50 5,233.50

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
373.50 859.50
1,151.63 1,880.63
1,381.95 17,176.95
1,381.95 20,821.95
1,151.63 16,946.63
1,151.63 20,591.63
373.50 11,916.00
373.50 4,626.00
373.50 4,626.00
373.50 5,233.50
373.50 4,626.00
460.65 5,320.65
460.65 4,713.15
460.65 4,105.65
460.65 1,554.15
298.80 906.30
149.40 513.90
0.00 1,822.50
74.70 111.15
298.80 2,121.30
224.10 2,046.60

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
224.10 2,046.60
149.40 1,364.40
44.82 142.02
575.81 575.81
575.81 575.81
921.30 921.30
1,151.63 1,151.63
149.40 4,401.90

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
100.22 444.41 16.8.16 Composite rate does not include cost of iron
575.81 5,729.83 16.8.16 distance marks.
799.91 8,393.64 16.8.16 Capacity of cart, 20 cubic feet
For capacity other than 400 gallons, the rate
315.87 361.71 14.7.3 shall be work out on proper rate basis.
404.63 592.05 16.8.14 Capacity of cart, 20 cubic feet
310.01 789.89 16.8.9
388.96 388.96 24.3.4,
789.87 789.87 24.3.5
1,185.47 1,185.47 24.3.4,
323.70 323.70 24.3.5
120.57 133.64 24.3.4,
484.06 544.81 24.3.5
70.59 82.74 3.11
202.31 389.62 3.11.4
0.49 1.75
122.20 146.50
114.31 586.29
112.05 2,545.28
2.10 95.16

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
2.10 121.30 3.11.4
1,207.16 1,698.69 16.8.11
1,207.16 1,846.48 16.8.11
180.85 923.68
207.64 351.19
49.80 253.92 7.17
119.52 119.52
225.59 225.59
65.31 109.64
1,208.40 7,597.53
53.05 118.96
855.94 6,534.06

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
977.33 6,382.07
1,593.01 10,562.01
2,389.52 11,358.51

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
1,593.01 13,551.67
1,911.61 15,863.39
1,991.26 15,943.04

Rate (Metric System) Spec. No Remarks

Unit Labour Composite
352.33 473.83

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