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English class activities

2nd grade

Fecha de entrega: 28 de abril 2022

Unit 6

1. Write and illustrate in your notebook the vocabulary.

 Refrigerator, Blender, Stove, Fan, Microwave, Washing Machine, Iron clothes, Hair Dryer, T. V, Toaster,
Playstation, Headphones, Cellphone, Pc, Laptop, Telephone, Printer, DVD, Lamp, Speaker and Coffe
2. Write in two columns the devices that are used in Home and School and write 2 different devices in each
School Home
Fan Blender

3. Write the sentences about functions in your notebook and on the lines write the correct device.

 It is used for mix and crush food. _____  It is used for warm food. ________
 It is used for listen to music._________  It is used for take pictures. _________
 It is used for wash clothes._________  It is used for help with your
 It is used for dry your hair. ________ homework.________
 It is used for play videogames. ______  It is used for bake and cook food._____
 It is used for print. ________

4. Write in your notebook in English and spanish the verbs

Place, Open, Slide, Turn on, Turn off, Connect, Plug in, Plug out, Close, Press, Hold, Fill, Set.

5. Write 5 short sentences on your notebook, use the vocabulary of devices and verbs of action.


 Place the CD on the DVD.

 Turn on the lights.
6. Write in order the steps and the parts of an Clothes Iron
7. Resolve the word search and complete the vocabulary.
8. Choose a household advice and do an infographic like the example below with Title, Picture, Parts and How to
use. Example:

Unit 7
1. Write on your notebook the affirmative and negative form of sentences in Simple past.
2. Find the vocabulary in the Word search and classify the verbs in Regular and Irregular verbs on your
3. Write on your notebook the vocabulary and look for the meaning.

4. Answer the next questions with verbs in past on your notebook and illustrate.
 What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
 Who gave you that toy?
 Do you still have it?

5. Write the events in order or write the numbers 1-6

6. Complete the sentences and match with the picture.
7. Write on your notebook 5 events that occurred in the past and Illustrate . Remember the use of time
expression and verbs.

NOTE: In case you have any doubt with the activities, you can send an email to your teacher.

Jazmín Abadía Orihuela:

Keila Vasti Jiménez Lina:

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