Technical Interview Resources For Software Engineers

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Technical Interview Resources for Software Engineers:

Warm Up:
1. Fizz Buzz
2. 560. Subarray Sum Equals K
3. Arrays: Left Rotation
4. Strings: Making Anagrams
5. Nth Fibonacci

Data Structures:

1. Data Structures & Algorithms #1 — What Are Data Structures?​ — Video

2. Multi-dim ​— Video
3. Dynamic Arrays​ ​— Video
4. Resizing arrays ​— Video
5. Data Structures: Linked Lists​ — Video
6. Core Linked Lists Vs Arrays ​— Video
7. Pointers to Pointers​ ​— Video
8. Data Structures: Trees​ ​— Video
9. Data Structures: Heaps​ ​— Video
10. Data Structures: Hash Tables​ ​— Video
11. Phone Book Problem ​— Video
12. Data Structures: Stacks and Queues​ ​— Video
13. Using Stacks Last-In First-Out ​— Video
14. Data Structures: Crash Course Computer Science #14​ ​— Video
15. Data Structures: Tries​ ​— Video


1. Algorithms: Graph Search, DFS and BFS ​— Video

2. BFS(breadth-first search) and DFS(depth-first search) ​— Video
3. Algorithms: Binary Search​ — Video
4. Binary Search Tree Review​ — Video
5. Python Algorithms for Interviews​ ​— Video
6. Algorithms: Recursion​ — Video
7. Algorithms: Bubble Sort​ — Video
8. Algorithms: Merge Sort​ — Video
9. Algorithms: Quicksort​ — Video

Big O Notation

1. Introduction to Big O Notation and Time Complexity (Data Structures & Algorithms
#7) ​— Video
2. Harvard CS50 — Asymptotic Notation ​— Video
3. A Gentle Introduction to Algorithm Complexity Analysis ​— Post
4. Cheat sheet ​— Post

Dynamic Programming
1. Dynamic Programming (Think Like a Programmer) — Video
2. Algorithms: Memoization and Dynamic Programming — Video
3. 6.006: Dynamic Programming I: Fibonacci, Shortest Paths — Video
4. 6.006: Dynamic Programming II: Text Justification, Blackjack — Video
5. Dynamic Programming — Post

String Manipulation

1. Coding Interview Question and Answer: Longest Consecutive Characters​ — Video

2. Sedgewick — Substring Search ​— Video

Walkthrough Interviews

1. Google Coding Interview — Universal Value Tree Problem​ — Video

2. Google Coding Interview Question and Answer #1: First Recurring
Character​ — Video
3. Find min and max element in a binary search tree ​— Video
4. Find height of a binary tree ​— Video
5. Check if a binary tree is binary search tree or not ​— Video
6. What Is Tail Recursion? Why Is It So Bad?​ — Video

Reference article:​ ​142 Resources for Mastering Coding Interviews

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