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Proposal for an innovative lodging establishment

Chapter I
1. Establishments Name
2. Business line (Giro o actividad del negocio)
3. Objective of the lodging establishment
4. Description of the product or service: Remember that your Project idea has to be innovative
5. Logo (Describe the meaning of your logo)
6. Slogan

Chapter II – Strategic Plan

1.- Determine the size of your business:
● Small: Up to 50 rooms
● Medium: From 51 to 300 rooms
● Large: More than 300 rooms

2.- Philosophy
● Mission: What are we here for? Where are we going? What are we doing? For whom do we do
it? What do we look for? Why do we do it?

● Vision: What is the image that we want to project of our establishments? How are we going to
be in the future? What will we do in the future?

● Values: The hotel staff is especially characterized by values that encourage them to adopt a
culture of quality in the service they offer to each guest. Write down at 3 least values

● Goals: Write down at least 6 SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Timely) considering if they are short, medium or long term.
Short term (specify the period of time)
1. .
2. .
Medium term (specify the period of time)
1. .
2. .
Long term (specify the period of time))
1. .
2. .

Chapter III - Canvas Business Model

● Competitive advantage:
1) What is your value proposal that makes your offer different from the existing ones?
Describe the services you are going to offer in your lodging establishments
(accommodation, F&B, Spa, Gym, Laundry services, Boutiques, Entertainment, Kid

club….Food and Beverages services to be developed in Unit III including restaurant
equipment, Kitchen equipment….) Remember that it has to be innovative.
2) What certifications do you plan to get? Organic certifications, Stars, AAA, Michelin…..
and what are the requirements for the certifications that you want to get?

● Target Market
1) For whom do you create value?
2) What do they do?
3) What product/service do they use now?

● Promotion: How are you going to sell and advertise your accommodation establishment?

● Competitors Who are they?

● Income
1) What will be my average room rate?
2) How much the potential clients are willing to pay per room per person per night?

● Key Resources: What resources do you need for your project? Land, infrastructure,
equipment, furniture (beds, lamps, chairs, tables, handicap equipment….)

● Key Partners (Socios clave): Possible alliances that you should make for the business to be

Chapter IV - Organizational Structure

1.- Make a detail list of all the people you will need to run your business and the tasks according to
the responsibilities of each position

Job Position # of Tasks description


2.- Draw an Organizational Chart by positions for your Project idea (mention how many people in
each position. E.given: General Manager (1) Front desk Supervisor (2) Front desk Clerk (3)

Final Conclusions: What did you learn from this homework?


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