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In films the director is God; in documentaries God is the director.

Alfred Hitchcock, British film director

3orn to sing
1 V O C A B U L A R Y biographies W r i t e t h e verbs i n t h e past s i m p l e o r p r e s e n t p e r f e c t . Use
c o n t r a c t i o n s w h e r e necessary.
C o m p l e t e the phrases.

1 M y g r a n d a d was a o n his 6 5 t h b i r t h d a y .
1 A How long have you studied English? (study)

He went •d b i n love w i t h m y g r a n at school.

B Since I was little. I started learning it at school.

H e fell •b c b o r n i n 1945.

H e left •f d t o school w h e n he was five. 2 A Are Tom and Gill married?

H e started •e e w o r k w h e n he was 17. B Yes, they are.
T h e y got •hg f school i n 1960. A When did they get married? (get)
7 They had • g three c h i l d r e n . B Last year. But they 've been together for about
8 H e retired •a h m a r r i e d i n 1968.
ten years now. (be)

A Is that man the new accountant?

B Yes, he is.
2 G R A M M A R present perfect or past simple (2)?
A How long has he worked . here? (work)
a (^fhrj^) t h e c o r r e c t v e r b f o r m s . B Only for two months. He finished . university in June.

A How long have you had . your car?

B A longtime! I bought it in 2005,1 think, (buy)

A When did . Sandra meet her

boyfriend? (meet)
B When she was at university. She.'s known . him for
three years now. (know).

A How long have lived _ in London?

. you.
B Not long. I arrived . six months ago. (arrive)

3 PRONUNCIATION word stress

My mum was born in Plymouth in 1948. When (sheleft)/ she's 1

a W r i t e the words i n the correct g r o u p .

left school, she started work in an office in Plymouth. Later, the
company sent / has sent her to a different office in Bristol,
award children divorced married musician primary
where she met / she's met my dad. They fell / They've fallen
3 4 retire secondary separate (verb) successful

in love, and they got / they've got married in 1970. They had /
5 6

They've had three children - I'm the youngest. 1 Stress on 1st syllable 2 Stress on 2nd syllable
They moved / They've moved back to Plymouth again when children award
my dad retired. They bought a very nice house and they lived / 8
married divorce
they've lived there for two years now. My dad just put / 9
primary musician
has just put a greenhouse in the garden for growing vegetables - secondary retire
he was / he's been a keen gardener all his life. My parents separate successful
made / have made a lot of new friends and they're very
happy in their new home. b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the w o r d s .

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