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ch-10 Queuin: theory__ ( Waiting line models) Aim ov obgective : * To neduce the waiting time. + Eppective utilisation oF resources: NOTE: fh we design a system in Such a way £ served. queue ge that everyone who is entering the Service Peoples ane coming We cau them as arrivals , a *Service time: a. : Time vequived for providing Service. «Inginite population means anyone can come.) Scanned with CamScanner * Finite popwation means only restricted to that. Avvzival vate (A)! or Mean arrival rate * it is vate at which customers arrive at a Facility. L : a et US assume A= 15 customers /, | Physical meaning of this is>15 peoples OF custo- mers ane arviving fer every one’ ‘hour. From experiment or Prom past expetience it was Observed that annivals follow Poisson distribution * let A= iy ( if means one person on an average arrives in 4 min.) Note: waiting time in system = Waiting time | Service . in queve time Service Scanned with CamScanner Service vate (HM): it is the rate at which people oF custo- mers get service at a facility. Wethosdassomen=820/ m7 physical meaning OF this is, in every one hour 20 peoples Ve served. Ma 2%, ( For 1 person service time ig 3 min) distribution. ° Service vate Follows exponential ZION. 7 . ip Service vate > arrival yate 1 No queue formation « Service rate and arrival vate are average. Let us take: case-1 d= '5/,, (1 person on an average coudves In + min) son Service time is 3 min) M= 2A%py ( For + per M>r Service ko SF g:08 9:04 FAM am AM (waiting For 4 more min, [ne queve Formation] aad . > Scanned with CamScanner queue formation when U>A because we ane taking: cvemie veluer Example: Who knows in First 4 min 5 peoples ane coming. £ Service @ ®@ queue + So, don't think that when u>d then no queue formation. , : . Beauty of this system is, QS the Service rate is more than the avrival rate there is a high chance of au customers getting Served. Note: +Por Inginite population any one can come, So we take Service rate > Annival rate. (11>A) «if we want to:keep the eppiciency of oun Service 7 Ada to be in pact “our M>> : o A ! Ad Scanned with CamScanner Avrival _ 15 = on y= time a: he = 82 = 4. min. A 15 15 . he Service = ?%, time i. hr Go oT — ee =3m ee ry 20 Wn N77 Be 4°>3 5 physical meaning is :- Every + min people one axniving Se, it is inter avrival rate. A> auuval vate or avg. qovdval sate + + inter arrival vate. ‘Inter qrouival time: . it is specified by oF it is the time between any two consecutive arnivals. D “Shows service time for 4 person or inter Service time. e Inter amival, follows negative exponential distribu- tion, Scanned with CamScanner_ Example: Waiting time in queue= 20 min. M=2of, 2 Service time ='4 = ge = 3 min. Waiting time in system =? weave here RERIRL ———— 2o rnin. Queue Service. Wesystem = Wauerie t Service time = +20 #3 = 23 min. t the, * = 1 Ws = Wat % Case:2 : Inginite queue length Let us take; A= 20/py 4 = 60 = 8min, ( every 3 MIN. one. Person - A 20/ by 20 ; arrive.) Scanned with CamScanner Me 15/p,, 1. 4 min ( Every 4 min. one person is Served:) Aw + if asvdval nate (A) 7 a chance that some people in Such service rate (HM) then deri nately there is ae unserved: So never design a way that A >: Note: + Por finite popul Service time is more. ation it doesn’t matter that A waiting time in system Wa > waiting. time in queve outputs . Ls > length of System : Lg > length oF leat Scanned with CamScanner * Number of Service providers )or counters + axvtival nate : Input + Service nate Queue discipline: itis a parameter that explains how the customers arrive at a Service facility. The vanious types OF queve disciplines are: * First come First serve C FCRS) or First in Fixstou 4 Generally For human beings ¢ FIFO) * Last in First out _CLEFO L, Godam, Courier * Served in random order ( SIRO) + VIP or priority Scheduling + Processor (or time) Sharing Represerttation or que ua ng_fo odels: kendalls ( ( ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ re ‘ q ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Lee ‘ ‘ ele ies. 2 elle albilc : dle : Noor service provid No. of Servers 4 CNo- of Servers) 1 probability distribution Server probability OF Service probability distri bution ovexival probability OF anznive, Scanned with CamScanner d+ queue discipline . d- queue, length e> queve length ‘ ; (How many people we e- queve discipline are permitting) , * ‘fs calling Source populatign (Whom are. we permitting) i , Generally First tio (ab) ' Pollow maxkevian(or mM|™M|4: 3¢| FIFO : memory less) distribution, ‘ : single Server , Meaning of memory less: , . . vian exponential | Present situation does eee PorsService nek guarantee thetiuture markovian poisson arrival ) One. or Future trend. Bo-— queve length mM] mM]: FIFol |°° | Frro- queve discipline Markovian exponential service Maskovian pojsson arrival 1- No of Server (single) » FIFo - queve discipline ) quveve length - calling Sovree population e| Scanned with CamScanner 18 model 1° M|M|1 : c| FIFO ice vate Follow In this model the arrival and servic maxkevian poisson and mazkovion exponerdial distribution which are probabilistic distributions: In this rnodel there is only 1 Server. Assumption: Observation time is So Small that dwung the smau obsenvation time Only one event is gira to happen. glass Service observer Possibility - or pessibl case. 4) One arrival and no service ( departure) 2) No axedval and one service 3) No azival and no Service 4) one OGives and one érvies CNot possible be two event) Scanned with CamScanner Let us assume smau time is dt Ry = probability when 7- persons (or customers) in the system. one service] : ivals and Pcetdt) = Pas Ge econ (-4) or p(t) #[No service and Ne arrival] n — oF : Service % [one arrival and No e] and — * {or te u Ry? ° Arrival vate = A_ time in dt time apuval is »dt P (Arrival + Non- avdval) ei e@ When aruval is Adt then non-auviuveal is (a-Adt). + Similiardy, in dé time Service is udt then non- sexvice is (1- udt)- Scanned with CamScanner ade (ude)] + Py [Ur d ) pf cade (inate) ] p,_ (BO Ladt] ane neglected) Py Cetdt) = Pf L Om ci-adt)] + Poo > Prt [edt] + pcp nade ade] + Chigher onder terms” ences + Rl - 4 pycbdt > P(ttdt)= A Phan tbat -AAR, CHdt + Ceo HPP AP, Ct) 4 APpe ce] dt Ce) — (EA) PACED > Plt tdt) — Po dt) = [u Le Pace tdt)— Po Cb) J Prag 6 © + APAvA dt dt 7° ~ (uta) Pr bbD d Pace = TE Baas? + AF Cutar lr | —— dt At steady state, d Pot! 5 0 = UP yy, Ct) + PR, OH) ~ (ue tAd Pn DUP, FAP = CHT fh (4) Scanned with CamScanner P, = probability when zero peyson in the system Bcetdt) = RO) x [ne aredval and no service] or Bce*[ne arrival and one service] or assumption we [not possible , ‘ble in assume only one event] then chance oF No service = loc] e System, cofo-adp mt] eWhen no one in ea ie. probability Rcttdb) = Res[ci-ado™ ajrr P,(ttdt) = Po(t)- > Pleydt + pp cedt Ee A Ble) + MP CH] dE pct tat) — Pot? ptetrae- Pel) 2 Lapin ran dt At steady state . dPo(t) - o dt dRle) dt on —AR TMP = HARE) ACE) (2) Scanned with CamScanner From equ: (1) 2 p MP gy APA CM +A) Pn queue length jis inginite, So N> © to» n= number ‘of people in the system. nN=4. WR + APo = CaFAd Py AL Py + Pilon we P, API Prom equ.¢2) APs = MFI LLP tary = eH AA MPy = AP, r»A = R= AP ie L£ a «Por inginite queve length Pat Prom eq: (2) P, =Afe a P= £ Fo cH) Scanned with CamScanner Similiorty ip we take n=2; we get Ps = P Pa Generalised equation P, = PPe Poa PPL? Pa Py= P Pa? Ps Ww 5. (PPo) = F*Po PUP? Po) = pe Po 1 ‘ \ \ \ ‘ \ ‘ ' n BR, = PPn-s > Pe f & We know that sum of the probabilities is equal tod, aoetlec cre --- +Fr 1 np =4 Pt PR + PPP +P Pot leibeee + pok P, ( pepe ph ccccee oo TRY a n— > oo ( infinite queve length) when P<] Sum oF INF! mite term (1+ P+ Peto +P”) Scanned with CamScanner « “PPP, - Pp, is showin i propasiin’ ihnereg = is zero queve len and on P= Pl f Person Served: q a 4 +P = FP, 4 2 a = PCI“ P) ; a Note: 4 a P,= No person in ‘the system P, = One person in the system a : a : . a R, = Foun person in the system. means 3 /n : queve and 4 is jin the Sexvice. a a Service a ERL IR ‘ 4 3 2 4 7 ee a queue a a Little's equation oy little’s low: , it gives the relationship ; between the queue lengths and the waiting « times. . : iLg = length oF queve « Lo = AWq Ly = leng i iF Ls = length oF System ; oe Lg = AWs We = Waiting time in queves Scanned with CamScanner Ws = waiting time in system ‘ t ‘ Ex: Az top, (40 peeple aeurive in 1 houn (on anavg)), x f Service SN he came at at 10:30 9:00 AM Am he enten tn Service. 10:30AM — 9:0DAM “Waiting time in queve Cwe) = 41 hour 30 min. oy 1:5 houn by the time he was about to enter, no. of people Sorat = 1 houn = Lo people ty houn = 5 pas 1.5 hour = 15 L Length oF queve. (Le) = 15x10 Le = L autival rate (A) waiting time in queve (We) Scanned with CamScanner We know that Cexpected) Waiting time in system = waiting time in queve (expected) _ seryice time Ws = Wq + oe —__ 64) Fea eaus ws = bs » Similionly We = = erleqe co 1 Ce at a» a ced = = lat” Ls Giada Length of System (Ls): Le = Expected number = nae Total: : oo Le = Patt a Pox infinite queve length = , n=o Scanned with CamScanner For Finite N Ls = =P N= number of people. n=o Ls= OR +17 +2h +3P3 + YR, + lo= OF P+ 2% +3Pgt------ Le= PPot 2Pth + SPOR tm Le = FR [it ert ape t-----~ oo] Tl J S Sum op 1+ 2P 4B PP? H-~----- { pes S= 14+ 2p r3prt---- se pt apt 3pst---- 7 (s-ps) = tt Pt Peto s(1-P) = F ls = PRX Toe mee - | Cin p)™ Scanned with CamScanner Pow w Waiting time in_system (Ws): We know that From Little's equation Lg=AWs L Ws = == SX = 4 A Ns =X [atx] Waiting time in queue (We): Ws = We + Le Wa = Ws -*% 4 SE Scanned with CamScanner Lg = > We te: Note Probability when no customer in the system ie, system js idle. P= 4-fP ° Scanned with CamScanner Probability when _there are mere thon 'N’ people In the system: R+ P+ Bt------ Py tart Pyygh > ---- feo. =4 ‘ a Ne Prob. that there are Prob. that there are N people in the more than N people system. in the system Prob. that there are more than N people = 1- (BrP tht----- Pu) in the system N PC>N) = 1-(Pe+ PPR + Pp trom P Pp) = FR (AF PE PEE ne PD Ex: 4+a+a2+4----- aN No.of terms= Nt4 : pesca ON terms) Sum of N ter in GP = aa ; N+ sum of N+i terms in GP = j-aNt 1-a Q = common ratio Scanned with CamScanner a= wowewreerwr ee ee - pony = 4-p(1- eX" . Top N+ a- ueer Lief J (l= Py P(>n) = pitt Ex: N= 40 (more than 10 people in the system) d= 10/hy Me 2p -~ A _ 42 2 os f= <0 ~ 20 ° lot] P(>dio) = I (0-5) = 0.000488 Scanned with CamScanner What is the probability that there are move than or equal to N_ people in the system: Total probability woe eae +P =1 Ry +P ton PY te tn + Too more than and equal Ft Rodi = a- [Pot ht --n =e + Ps N-I P( Bn) = 1— (Pot PR AP Rt P Po) N-I 2 1 Rite eette ct P ) Asst a sagem, n> term = i-PB ra f= SP = 4+ oA u-2 u/9) row +) Probability that queve is non-empty: for non-empty queve minimum number of people is equal to 2. ( oneisin queve ¢ Oneisin Service) Scanned with CamScanner service queve 2 So, Por non. empty queve: N should be grecter than equal to 2, le. PC 22) We know that P(2N) = £” then P(22) = f* Model IT M[mMl1: NIFCES (Restricted model) In model-4 ( inginite quveve length). P (actual aecival) ere. A Forcerul Batking Dactuat = Aere. + FB Let H=2O/py 7 ee dere -= 18/py then Are = Thy fe A. 25 -1 Physical meaning of this js: Whenever ArH oy FFL Means Some people get unsexved thats» why they ane leaving. P= probability when N people in the system, eWhen there ane N- people in the system, then We are expecting Arg: Scanned with CamScanner e If number of people less than 'N’ then We ane expecting Aerr. So, Ape = Pr Aactual axnival. rectonnivar? > We know that Dd = Aecr. > Are a | | Aepfective = ACL Py) @ (1-F) showing » probability 'N' people in the system. when there V7e less than Derr. 1 + Now, waiting time In queve and system ane depend on Derr. (errective avuval nate). ' Lg =Aegp. Ws La = err. NF Scanned with CamScanner Total probability: BP eRe s--- =e Py = 4 P+ PPo +P? Po ponceee-- + PNP =4 R[iterPr+ wee cree - +pY]=d (4) [ie] =f Ue A> aActvat = — owerival M 6° " olo by using U hospital rule 1-f Hie) for 1-pNtl o-d > a epeenere rs til ca o- (NEN -1 7 ‘ { Ned -(Nt!) x p™ cnet) 4% Scanned with CamScanner When peat or Prom equ’ (4) Pa [ LE pe pte-------- + PN] =4 When PHL P, [ie(etere en) =1 pee N PR(Nt+1) = 4 When pel Expected no. of people in_the system or expected length oF system CLs): N ls= 27% n=o saa aig= = +N, op, t+ 4P, + 2Py+ 3Pat = Pt 2m +8 H----- ot NPQ Scanned with CamScanner Lo= Pp, + 2P7R + 3P3R+--- N-I Sra [Re 2s apeups+—----— 1 NP] We already Calewlated N cea +NPYP, P, = — Cig Pet) N24 Re ee (ip pea) eve case ti) Let P=4 Leo = 1xp,[!+2+8 fo----- tN] Le = Pe CNCN+S)) 2 Le = [LNenes7] 2 Scanned with CamScanner hee ceiunee eR RaRELE ALLEL 4b bb ow case - (II) PHL Lo = PR, [1 tapt ap? +----------- +npr Fs $ N-I Slee o pS Poi ao rN te pss pe opr apse — mon ner N-! eece NP oo oe ee ept=t--- 7-77 + ON-1 * PS = + £ a . N-4 cs-ps)= 1+ Pt PAH ----- HH +P = Np S(1-P) = (A=) — np™ £-P Ls= fR.S i-p’ _ nen] ss (5) (( =e 1-f Po= (peri LP l (aE pane] Ls= (Se) oe =P ues fo [CF] Scanned with CamScanner Once Ls iS known, we can calewate W Ls = Aer’ Ys Ws = ts dere. ® lq= Aere. Se Wa, = Le Aerr- Scanned with CamScanner

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