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Ecology Letters, (2016) 19: 249–259 doi: 10.1111/ele.


LETTER Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungal diversity at

multiple scales

Akira S. Mori,1* Forest Isbell,2 Theory suggests that biodiversity might help sustain multiple ecosystem functions. To evaluate
Saori Fujii,1 Kobayashi Makoto,3 possible biodiversity–multifunctionality relationships in a natural setting, we considered different
Shunsuke Matsuoka4 and Takashi spatial scales of diversity metrics for soil fungi in the northern forests of Japan. We found that
Osono4 multifunctionality increased with increasing local species richness, suggesting a limited degree of
multifunctional redundancy. This diversity–multifunctionality relationship was independent of the
Graduate School of Environment
compositional uniqueness of each community. However, we still found the importance of commu-
and Information Sciences, Yoko-
nity composition, because there was a positive correlation between community dissimilarity and
hama National University, Yoko-
multifunctional dissimilarity across the landscape. This result suggests that functional redundancy
hama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan
can further decrease when spatial variations in identities of both species and functions are simulta-
Department of Ecology, Evolution
neously considered at larger spatial scales. We speculate that different scales of diversity could
and Behavior, University of
Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108,
provide multiple levels of insurance against the loss of functioning if high-levels of local species
diversity and compositional variation across locations are both maintained. Alternatively, making
Field Science Center for Northern
species assemblages depauperate may result in the loss of multifunctionality.
Biosphere, Hokkaido University,
Otoineppu 438, Otoineppu, Keywords
Hokkaido 098-2501, Japan Belowground processes, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, compositional characteristics, ecosystem
Center for Ecological Research, multifunctionality, forest biodiversity, functional redundancy, multifunctional dissimilarity, scale
Kyoto University, Otsu, Shiga dependency, species importance.
520-2113, Japan
Ecology Letters (2016) 19: 249–259
*Correspondence: E-mail: akira.

identity) can be a major determinant for overall functionality

of ecosystems, in addition to the fundamental importance of
There are currently increasing concerns and demands for con- the level of species diversity (e.g. a-diversity). Importantly, this
serving biodiversity worldwide. These concerns primarily functional importance of individual species to support some
result from substantial declines in biodiversity at various spa- functions can become particularly significant for sustaining
tial, temporal and biological scales, which have been globally multifunctionality when there is species turnover across space,
recognised for the last several decades (Butchart et al. 2010). time or ecosystem functions. This is because no species can
Concurrently, there is a growing body of scientific evidence always promote all functions at different locations and time-
indicating that biodiversity is not merely a response variable points (Zavaleta et al. 2010; Isbell et al. 2011). Thus, to gain
to environmental changes but also a predictor of various a better picture of the diversity–multifunctionality relation-
ecosystem functions and services (Duffy 2009; Cardinale et al. ships and to carefully assess the possible redundancy among
2012; Balvanera et al. 2013), which are essential for sustaining species (Gamfeldt et al. 2008), it is also necessary to account
human wellbeing (MA 2005). Notably, the roles of biodiver- for variations in species composition among communities
sity for maintaining ecosystem functioning can be more (compositional characteristics).
strongly realised when multiple functions are considered Such a perspective base on different scales of diversity could
simultaneously (Hector & Bagchi 2007; Zavaleta et al. 2010; be especially important for maintaining the multifunctionality
Isbell et al. 2011; Maestre et al. 2012; Byrnes et al. 2014; Lef- of natural systems, where communities often show a large
check et al. 2015). These investigations of ‘ecosystem multi- variation in species composition across space and time.
functionality’ are of practical importance because human Although a recent study in a model ecosystem (Pasari et al.
society does not rely on a single function or service, but 2013) shed light on the importance of compositional distinct-
rather, in reality, requires multiple functions and services ness among local communities (b-diversity) to promote
obtained from nature. ecosystem functioning, it is still unknown whether such spatial
An important issue in considering the roles of species variations in compositional characteristics affect multifunc-
assemblages for promoting multiple ecosystem functions is tionality in natural systems. In nature, communities that are
that of ‘low multifunctional redundancy’ (Mori et al. 2013); formed through natural assembly processes might contain
i.e. species that are functionally redundant when a single func- complementary suites of species that are better adapted to
tion is considered can no longer be redundant when different local conditions (Pasari et al. 2013). Furthermore, real-world
functions are simultaneously considered (Gamfeldt et al. 2008; situations are characterised by a skewed distribution (i.e.
Zavaleta et al. 2010; Isbell et al. 2011). Such low redundancy unevenness) of species abundance (McGill et al. 2007), non-
suggests that the functional uniqueness of species (species random loss of species (Bracken et al. 2008; Selmants et al.

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250 A. S. Mori et al. Letter

2012), and higher levels of biodiversity than many biodiversity 22 °C, and an average minimum temperature in February of
experiments. Considering this reality, it is of practical impor- about 16 °C. The United Nations Educational, Scientific
tance to simultaneously quantify the possible effects of species and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have classified this
identity, species diversity and compositional characteristics of area as a World Natural Heritage site because it represents
species assemblages on ecosystem multifunctionality. one of the richest northern temperate ecosystems in the world
Given the scale-dependency of diversity–functioning rela- and exemplifies the interaction between marine and terrestrial
tionships (Pasari et al. 2013), which is expected to be espe- ecosystems ( Approxi-
cially the case in natural systems (Chase & Leibold 2002), a mately, 90% of the park’s terrestrial area is covered with pris-
narrow focus on diversity at a single spatial scale may be tine natural vegetation (mostly mixed conifer-hardwood
insufficient to determine the degree of functional redun- forests). The remaining land area was used for agriculture in
dancy. With this issue in mind, we focused on soil microbes the early 20th century, but settlers abandoned these areas by
(fungi) in forested areas of the northern Japan, which have the late 1960s. Since then, numerous forest restoration efforts
been managed for forest diversity conservation. While many have been implemented, including re-vegetation activity and
biodiversity experiments have manipulated plant diversity, establishment of fences (3–4 m tall) to prevent overgrazing by
because much of the matter and energy in an ecosystem large herbivores. The restoration area now consists of mosaics
flows through these primary producers, it is not always pos- of different vegetation types, including monoculture planta-
sible to, in a similar manner, culture and manipulate tions of larch (Larix kaempferi), mixture plantations of several
microorganisms that are likely equally important for regula- tree species (mainly Picea glehnii, Abies sachalinensis, and
tion of ecosystem processes. Microbes, as a mega-diverse Betula erimani) and treeless windswept lands dominated by a
groups of organisms, have traditionally tended to be consid- dwarf bamboo (Sasa cernua).
ered highly redundant for individual ecosystem functions
(Nielsen et al. 2011). However, there is a possibility of low
Census procedures
multifunctional redundancy according to an analysis using a
microbial genome database (Miki et al. 2014). Given the In May 2013, we established six 10 m 9 10 m study plots in
increasing interest in understanding causes and consequences each of the above three vegetation types within the restoration
of changes in belowground diversity (Coleman 2008; Bard- area and in adjacent natural forests (24 plots in total). In all
gett & van der Putten 2014), it is necessary to assess four types of vegetation, we established half of the plots
whether there is high or low multifunctional redundancy in within large herbivore exclosure areas (i.e. within fences). In
natural soil assemblages. each plot, we established three 1 m 9 1 m subplots (72 sub-
Here, we hypothesised that ecosystem multifunctionality plots in total). In late May 2013, we collected topsoil from a
depends on soil fungal diversity, and that this relationship in depth of 0–5 cm in each subplot for the following analyses.
turn depends on the focal spatial scale in a natural system. To minimise the damage to ground vegetation, these samples
Given the large natural variation in species composition were collected adjacent to the subplot boundary. The soil
across local communities, we expect that functional redun- samples were used to estimate fungal diversity, belowground
dancy will decrease at larger spatial scales. To test these ecosystem functions, and soil physicochemical properties.
hypotheses, we used a modern high-throughput amplicon Fungal diversity was measured with metagenomics (Bunge
pyrosequencing of fungal metagenomes (Osono 2014) to et al. 2014; Osono 2014). Details of DNA extraction, PCR
determine the richness and composition of soil fungal commu- amplification, and pyrosequencing, as well as bioinformatics,
nities. Note that the information of species richness is are described in Supporting Information S1. Species were
important to be comparable with earlier works for the diver- identified based on operational taxonomic units (OTUs;
sity–multifunctionality relationship developed using plant Bunge et al. 2014), leading to total of 428 fungal OTUs (here-
assemblages and is also necessary to accurately evaluate the after, referred to as species) from soil cores collected at 72
degree of redundancy. We suspect that approaches such as sampling locations (38.08  0.25 fungal species per sampling
ours, which focus on different aspects of biological organisa- location, mean  SE). For soil physicochemical properties,
tion, will broaden our understanding of the functional roles we estimated soil water content, pH and amounts of total car-
that soil biota play, improving our ability to help conserve bon (C) and nitrogen (N). Total C and N were measured
multifunctionality in natural ecosystems. using a CN analyser (JM1000CN, JScience Lab, Kyoto,
Japan). In August 2013, a vegetation survey was conducted in
all plots. Species identity and size (diameter at breast height;
MATERIALS AND METHODS DBH) were determined for all trees with DBH larger than
5.0 cm. Tree species richness, abundance and total basal area
Study site
in each plot were then calculated.
This study was conducted in lowland coastal areas in north-
western Shiretoko National Park in Hokkaido, the northern- Ecosystem functions
most island of Japan (latitude 44°080 to 110 , longitude 145°030 The ecosystem functions measured here included belowground
to 080 , altitude 140 to 220 m). This region is subjected to the primary production, soil carbon sequestration, decomposition
cold Northwest Asian monsoon during winter months. The rates for plant litter, amount of plant-available nitrogen, and
northwestern coast experiences an annual rainfall of c. reduction of nitrogen leaching losses, all of which are funda-
900 mm, an average maximum temperature in August of c. mental to soil biogeochemical processes (Wall et al. 2012;

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Letter Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungi 251

Bardgett & van der Putten 2014; Bradford et al. 2014; Wagg Community-level analyses
et al. 2014). For community-level analyses, we examined effects of fungal
For litter decomposition, we used standardised materials species richness and compositional characteristics of local fun-
(tea bags) for quantifying soil stabilisation factor (S), which gal assemblages on belowground multifunctionality. Addition-
could be important considering the ability of soil to sequester ally, we used soil water content, soil acidity, soil C : N ratio,
carbon, in addition to the potential for initial decomposition tree diversity (the number of species), tree abundance and tree
in a given environment (k) (Keuskamp et al. 2013). Following basal area as possible environmental variables with which to
the protocol of the tea-bag index (TBI; Keuskamp et al. evaluate the diversity–functioning relationship in a natural,
2013), tea-bags were retrieved after 3 months (mid-June to unmanipulated setting (Gamfeldt et al. 2013).
mid-September), and then mass remaining was measured to First, to account for the differences in sequencing depth
obtain k and S indices. Following earlier work (Bradford between locations (116 to 912 with mean value of 437; Sup-
et al. 2014), we also used materials of aboveground litter col- porting Information S1), fungal species richness (a-diversity)
lected in the sites. In late-September 2013, we initiated field was evaluated based on a rarefaction approach (Gotelli &
experiments for plant litter decomposition in each subplot. Colwell 2001) as often adopted elsewhere (Laliberte et al.
Quercus crispula (QC) and Senecio cannabifolius (SC) leaves 2014). Species richness was rarefied by randomly subsampling
were used as litter. QC and SC are the most dominant and 116 annotated reads per sample. Second, the compositional
representative tree and herb species in the region, respectively. characteristics (b-diversity) was evaluated by Raup-Crick dis-
Litterbags were placed on the surface of the ground at each similarity to reduce the effects of a-diversity (Vellend et al.
subplot (close to the localities that the above soil cores were 2007). However, because this dissimilarity metric is not com-
collected) and then retrieved after 360 and 260 days for QC pletely independent of a-diversity, we relied on a modified ver-
and SC respectively. The percentage of mass lost relative to sion of the Raup-Crick dissimilarity metric (Chase et al.
the initial dry litter mass was calculated. 2011). This metric is calculated using a null model, which gen-
The production of fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) as a proxy erates species-level stochasticity by randomly drawing species
for belowground primary production was estimated using an based on their observed frequency of occurrence within the
in-growth core method that sampled mineral soil to a depth meta-community. The dissimilarity values between all pairs of
of 10 cm. In this region, most of the fine roots are distributed subplots were calculated with 9999 randomisations. The dis-
on the surface of the soil (Fukuzawa et al. 2007). The sam- similarity values of this metric range between 1 and +1, with
pled soils were sieved through a 2 mm mesh. A 120 g (wet negative and positive values indicating that species assem-
weight) sieved soil subsample was placed into the in-growth blages in two given localities share more or fewer species,
core (4.5 cm depth, 7.5 cm diameter). Ingrowth cores were respectively, than randomly-expected from the meta-commu-
buried (close to the localities that the soil cores were taken) in nity structure. To evaluate the compositional uniqueness of
late-May (just after snowmelt) and removed at the end of soil fungi at each location, mean dissimilarity values were cal-
October 2013 (just before snow cover). The dry mass of the culated for each subplot. This averaged dissimilarity value
fine roots that were present inside the excavated cores was represents how a species assemblage in a given location is
measured and represented fine root production. Inorganic compositionally unique (independent of species richness) com-
nitrogen leaching was estimated using the resin core method pared to the random expectation within the entire meta-com-
(Zou et al. 1992). A polyvinyl pipe was filled with ion- munity. Again, we rarefied fungal species richness in the
exchangeable resin, buried at a depth of 10 cm in topsoil species 9 location matrix to correct for the disproportionate
(close to the localities the soil cores were taken) and incubated effect of rare species on b-diversity. We excluded species that
from late May to late October 2013. The amount of nitrate occurred only once or twice in the meta-community from all
absorbed by the ion-exchange-resin was used as a proxy for locations. We also confirmed that rarefaction did not substan-
the amount of nitrogen leached from the surface soil. For cal- tially affect our results regarding the effects of a- and b-diver-
culations of (multi)functionality, we used the inverse of these sity on (multi)functionality (i.e. results analysed with no
values to quantify the reduction of nitrogen leaching. The rarefied dataset produced similar results).
sum of ammonium and nitrate in sieved soil represented the We used several methods to evaluate the diversity–(multi)-
amount of plant-available nitrogen. Ion exchange resin and functionality relationship. First, we used the average multi-
sieved soil were extracted using 1-M KCl and 2-M KCl, respec- functionality approach (Maestre et al. 2012), which is
tively, for the following analyses. Ammonium within extracts straightforward and easily-understandable (Byrnes et al.
was analysed by indophenol blue absorptiometry, and nitrate 2014). Each function was standardised to common scale, and
within extracts was analysed by naphtyl ethylenediamine dihy- the mean of these standardised values across all individual
drochloride spectrophotometry, using an auto analyser functions in each location (subplot) was calculated to obtain
(AACS-4, BL-TEC, Inc., Japan). the average multifunctionality. We used a linear mixed effects
model (LMM) to evaluate the relationship of fungal species
richness or compositional uniqueness with average multifunc-
Data analyses
tionality. Plot was included as a random effect to account for
We used R software 3.0.2 (, with repeated measurements (three subplots) within each plot. To
‘vegan’, ‘lmerTest’, ‘multifunc’, and ‘glmmADMB’ libraries consider the possibility that third variables may influence the
for data analyses. diversity–multifunctionality relationship in natural systems,

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252 A. S. Mori et al. Letter

we included all possible combinations of the environmental results. Excluding the selected environmental variables from
variables and the random intercepts of vegetation types (four the best model of a-diversity-multifunctionality or adding
categories) and fence presence/absence (two categories); conse- them to the best model of b-diversity-multifunctionality did
quently, more than 200 candidate models were tested. The not substantially influence the results. We also confirmed that
best models were then selected using Akaike Information Cri- similar results were obtained when we (1) ignored the lack of
terion (AIC). Following Gamfeldt et al. (2013), explanatory statistical dependence between subplots and used a generalised
variables were all centred and standardised. linear model (GLM) with a quasipoisson error and (2)
Our second multifunctionality approach was a modified assumed a Gaussian distribution of the response variables and
average multifunctionality method. Instead of averaging the used an LMM instead of GLMM. These confirmations help
standardised values of individual functions, we included the compare our results with those of earlier studies (Bradford
identity of function (seven categories) as a random effect in et al. 2014; Perkins et al. 2015). We also verified that our
the LMM. Again, we selected the best models based on the results were not substantially affected by the selection of
AIC values. In this second analysis, we also examined the ecosystem functions (Fig. S1).
diversity–functioning relationship of each individual function.
Given the importance of quantifying responses of individual Species-level analyses
functions in addition to evaluating the overall response of Species-level analyses are needed to determine the extent to
multifunctionality to diversity changes (Bradford et al. 2014; which same or different subsets of species are most important
Byrnes et al. 2014), this approach was intuitive and enhanced for maintaining the high levels of different ecosystem func-
the visualisation and understanding of possible tradeoffs tions. This is because diversity effects on multifunctionality
between different functions. We standardised the values of the could be significant even if species have high levels of func-
seven functions prior to calculating correlations. tional redundancy. For quantifying the functional importance
Our third multifunctionality approach was a multiple- of species, we relied on the randomisation method of Gotelli
threshold multifunctionality method (Byrnes et al. 2014), et al. (2011), which can be used in uncontrolled natural
which explicitly incorporates tradeoffs between different func- assemblages. The species-specific value of functional impor-
tions (Perkins et al. 2015) and which tests whether diverse tance is calculated as the difference between the average of
communities are more likely to support multiple functions at functionality where a given species is present and that where
high levels (Byrnes et al. 2014). This method evaluates the the same species is absent. The standardised effect size (SES)
relationships between diversity and the total number of func- of this importance value is then quantified based on a null
tions that have values greater than or equal to a threshold model. If |SES| is higher than 1.96, then the observed value is
(defined as a given percentage of the maximum observed rate in the 5% tail of a normal distribution. If |SES| is lower than
of each individual function, where the maximum was quanti- 1.96, the observed value is within the range expected by
fied as the mean of the seven highest values). We used the chance. This standaridised metric is designed to take advan-
threshold values between 5 and 95% at 1% intervals. To eval- tage of natural variation in species composition and measure
uate the effects of fungal species richness or compositional differences in ecosystem function that are associated with this
uniqueness on multifunctionality, we used a generalised linear variation (Gotelli et al. 2011).
mixed effects model (GLMM), with a negative binomial error Next, to calculate mean values of multifunctionality
distribution and plot identity as a random effect. Again, the required for the calculation of functional importance, we
best models were selected after comparing numerous candi- excluded species that occurred only once or twice in the
date models with different combinations of environmental meta-community from all locations. This rarefaction did not
variables and vegetation/fence categories. We used 20, 40, 60 substantially affect our results regarding the functional impor-
and 80% of the threshold for model selection. We identified tance of each species. For the average multifunctionality
the minimum threshold (Tmin), which is the percentage of approach, we used the standardised values of multifunctiality
maximum functioning at which multifunctionality becomes in each locality. We used 999 randomisations for the calcula-
influenced by changes in diversity, and the realised maximum tion of functional importance of each species, and repeated
effect of diversity (Rmde), which is the strength of the linear the null modelling for all species. For the multiple threshold
relationships of diversity–multifunctionality (i.e. slope) where approach, the functional importance of each species was
diversity has the strongest effects. quantified as the difference in average number of functions
The results of model selections for fungal species richness that have values greater than or equal to a threshold in locali-
and compositional uniqueness effects on multifunctionality, ties where a target species is present and that in localities
which could be affected by environmental variables, are where the same species is absent. We calculated the SES val-
shown in Table S1 through S6. Briefly, the best models of ues of the functional importance for each species at each
diversity–multifunctionality relationships using a-diversity threshold from 5 to 95% at 1% intervals. A single SES value
(fungal species richness) consistently included soil water con- was individually calculated with 999 randomisations, and we
tent and acidity as the environmental variables (Tables S1 and repeated the null modelling for all species at all threshold
S2). Models based on b-diversity (compositional uniqueness) levels.
consistently included a random intercept of vegetation
category (Tables S3 and S4). Additionally, using the multiple- Landscape-level analyses
threshold approach, we examined whether models with To test whether and how spatial variation in species composi-
different environmental or categorical variables affected tion influences multiple functions, we analysed the relationship

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Letter Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungi 253

between multifunctional dissimilarity and community dissimi- important than the null expectation (Fig. 3a; Supporting
larity (the modified Raup-Crick metric) across all pairs of information S2). Most species were not significantly more or
locations. The multifunctional dissimilarity was calculated less functionally important than the null expectation (Fig. 3a).
based on Euclidian distances using all standardised functions The standardised functional importance (SES) based on the
that were used for the average multifunctionality approach. multiple threshold approach similarly showed that the number
The negative and positive dissimilarity values of this metric of species that were significantly more important than the null
indicate that species assemblages in two given localities simi- expectation increased with increasing the threshold level of
larly or dissimilarly perform multiple functions, respectively. multifunctionality (Fig. 3b; Supporting information S2),
We calculated partial Mantel correlations between community despite the fact that most species were not significantly more
dissimilarity and multifunctional dissimilarity, after excluding or less functionally important than the null expectation. The
the influences of geographical or environmental distance mean SES values across species at each threshold significantly
between given pairs of locations (i.e. subplots). Environmental increased with increasing the threshold level (ordinary least-
distance was quantified using Gower distances, with square regression, Slope = 0.0113, R2 = 0.49, F = 84.42,
vegetation and plot identities used in the above model of P < 0.0001).
b-diversity-multifunctionality. Additionally, we included the
standardised values of water content and acidity (used in the
Landscape-level analyses
above model of a-diversity-multifunctionality) in environmen-
tal distances, which produced similar results. There was a positive correlation between community dissimi-
larity and multifunctional dissimilarity (Fig. 4). This positive
correlation remained significant after excluding the effects of
RESULTS geographical or environmental isolation between local com-
munities (partial Mantel r = 0.071 and 0.115, respectively;
Community-level analyses
Fig. 4). That is, communities with similar compositional char-
After accounting for environmental covariates (Tables S1–S2), acteristics tend to provide similar functions at similar levels,
the average multifunctionality significantly increased with independent of geographical proximities or similarities in envi-
increasing fungal species richness (LMM, P < 0.05; Fig. 1a,b) ronmental conditions.
but showed no relationship with compositional uniqueness of
local assemblages (LMM, P > 0.05; Fig. 1c,d). When the
aggregated response of multifunctionality was disaggregated
to inspect the underlying individual functions, only two (herb By focusing on soil fungal communities, we have tested the
litter decomposition and reduction in nitrogen leaching) of scaling effects of biodiversity on ecosystem multifunctionality
seven functions were positively affected by an increase in fun- and the associated multifunctional redundancy. Ours is, to
gal species richness (LMM, P < 0.05; Fig. 1b). The composi- our knowledge, the first study that clearly shed light on this
tional uniqueness was again not a significant explanatory issue in a natural-setting. Thus far, few studies have focused
variable for any single function (LMM, P > 0.05; Fig. 1d). Of on spatial dimensions of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning
21 possible combinations between individual functions, 13 relationships (Pasari et al. 2013). For translating the knowl-
showed no significant relationship (P > 0.05; Table 1). While edge of experimental diversity–multifunctionality studies into
three pairs of functions showed a significant positive correla- practice, we envision that this perspective deserves to gather
tion, five pairs showed a significant negative correlation further attention.
(P < 0.05; Table 1). When analysed with the multiple thresh- At the local scale, we found that multifunctionality signifi-
old approach, there was a significantly positive relationship cantly increased with fungal species richness (Fig. 1a,b), sug-
between fungal species richness and multifunctionality gesting that maintaining local soil fungal diversity could help
(GLMM, P < 0.05; Fig. 2a,b). Increasing species richness sustain multifunctionality. Importantly, in spite of this posi-
started to significantly (GLMM, P < 0.05) increase multi- tive contribution of diversity to overall ecosystem multifunc-
functionality at a threshold of 65% of the maximum values tionality, such positive effects of local fungal diversity was not
observed across all locations, with a peak diversity effect at a necessarily observed for all individual functions (Fig. 1b). This
threshold of 88% (Fig. 2b). We found an increase of 0.043 is very likely due to potential tradeoffs among different func-
functions per addition of 1 species (Fig. 2b), indicating that tions (Bradford et al. 2014; Byrnes et al. 2014; Lefcheck et al.
about 23 fungal species were needed to add an additional 2015; Perkins et al. 2015). For example, an increase in fine-
function. Compositional uniqueness showed no relationship root production for nutrient acquisition could lead to
with any threshold levels of local multifunctionality (GLMM, decreased availability of inorganic nitrogen in soil (Nadelhof-
P > 0.05; Fig. 2c,d). fer 2000), likely resulting in a negative correlation between the
amount of plant-available nitrogen and root productivity
(Table 1). An increase in plant-available nitrogen is often
Species-level analyses
associated with increased nitrogen leaching (MacDonald et al.
The standardised functional importance (SES) based on the 2002), likely resulting in another tradeoff (Table 1). Indeed,
average multifunctionality approach showed that, while no consistent with a study on tree assemblages in natural systems
species had a significantly negative effect on the multifunc- (Gamfeldt et al. 2013), we found positive, neutral or negative
tionality, 21 species were significantly more functionally relationships between fungal diversity and individual functions

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254 A. S. Mori et al. Letter

(a) Slope: 0.0023* (b) Common slope: 0.0019*

Average multifunctionality




Belowground productivity
0.5 Stabilizaiton factor (S)
0.25 Standardized decomposition (k)
Leaf litter decomposition (Tree)
Leaf litter decomposition (Herb)
Plant-available nitrogen
0.4 Reduction of nitrogen leaching
10 20 30 10 20 30
Species richness Species richness

(c) Slope: 0.0285n.s. (d) Common slope: 0.0264n.s.

Average multifunctionality



Belowground productivity
0.5 Stabilizaiton factor (S)
0.25 Standardized decomposition (k)
Leaf litter decomposition (Tree)
Leaf litter decomposition (Herb)
Plant-available nitrogen
0.4 Reduction of nitrogen leaching
−0.6 −0.3 0.0 0.3 −0.6 −0.3 0.0 0.3
Compositional uniqueness Compositional uniqueness

Figure 1 The effects of diversity on ecosystem functioning using the averaging approach. Effects of (a) species richness and (c) compositional uniqueness on
the average multifunctionality. Red lines indicate the fits of mixed effects models. Slope values are shown with significance levels; *P < 0.05 and n.s.
P > 0.05. Effects of (b) species richness and (d) compositional uniqueness on individual functions and multifunctionality. Dots of different colors are values
of different functions. Red lines indicate the mixed effects model fit that accounts for variability across the seven functions. Slope values are shown with
significance levels; *P < 0.05 and n.s. P > 0.05. Colored lines indicate the mixed effects model fit of individual functions. (a–d) Solid thick lines and dashed
thin lines indicate significance and non-significance of the model slope, respectively. If significant, 95% confidence intervals of the model fit are shown as
shaded areas.

Table 1 Correlation matrix among seven ecosystem functions. All functions were standardised to a common scale

Belowground Tree litter Herb litter Reduction of

productivity S k decomposition decomposition nitrogen leaching

S 0.05n.s. – – – – –
K 0.03n.s. 0.18n.s. – – – –
Tree litter decomposition 0.21n.s. 0.28* 0.04n.s. – – –
Herb litter decomposition 0.37** 0.10n.s. 0.09n.s. 0.13n.s. – –
Reduction of nitrogen leaching 0.11n.s. 0.15n.s. 0.03n.s. 0.17n.s. 0.34** –
Plant-available nitrogen 0.29* 0.14n.s. 0.31* 0.27* 0.44*** 0.46****

Pearson’s correlation coefficients are shown. Significance levels; ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, n.s. P > 0.05. S and k are the stabilisa-
tion factor and initial decomposition rate estimated from the tea-bag method. The correlation coefficients for significant relationships are shown in bold letters.

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Letter Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungi 255

(a) (b) 0.075

per unit increment of species richness


Number of funcons ≥ Threshold

Change in number of funcons

0.050 Rmde: 0.043


Threshold (%)
50 Tmin: 65 %
0 25

10 20 30 0 25 50 75
Species richness Threshold (%)


per unit increment of composional uniqueness

Number of funcons ≥ Threshold

Change in number of funcons


2 Threshold (%)

−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0 25 50 75

Composional uniqueness Threshold (%)

Figure 2 Diversity effects for a range of ecosystem multifunctionality thresholds. Effects of (a) species richness and (c) compositional uniqueness on the
number of functions above thresholds. Lines represent the slope between species richness and the number of functions greater than or equal to a threshold
value ranging from 5 to 95% of maximum for each function. Evaluation for (b) species richness and (d) compositional uniqueness effects on
multifunctionality. The dotted curves indicate the changes in number of functions per unit increment of diversity (slope of the relationship between
diversity and the threshold-based multifunctionality shown in (a) and (c)) with the shaded red areas indicating 95% confidence intervals. When the diversity
effects are significant (i.e. when the areas do not cover the dashed gray, zero lines), Tmin, and Rmde (see methods) are shown.

(Table 1). Our findings thus lend support for the previous tions among fungi competing for resources can even decrease
notion that, while diversity is important for ecosystem multi- the rate of biogeochemical processes (H€ attenschwiler et al.
functionality in a given locality, it would be unrealistic to sus- 2005). It is thus not surprising that some functions are inde-
tain all functions at high levels with any level of biodiversity pendent of diversity (Fig. 1b) often leading to high redun-
(Zavaleta et al. 2010; Gamfeldt et al. 2013; Byrnes et al. 2014; dancy in soil taxa. Another possibility is that the focal
Perkins et al. 2015). functions are, in reality, supported not only by fungi but also
The positive fungal diversity–multifunctionality relationship by diverse groups of organisms living belowground (Wagg
at the local scale was further supported using the multiple et al. 2014). According to a recent synthesis, ecosystem func-
threshold approach (Fig. 2a,b). Our finding that an additional tioning belowground can be threatened when soil species rich-
23 species were needed to add an additional function is higher ness is only severely reduced (Nielsen et al. 2011). In contrast,
than the reported values in previous studies for plants (Byrnes our study suggests a relatively limited degree of functional
et al. 2014) and macro-invertebrates (Perkins et al. 2015), redundancy for soil fungi when multiple functions are simulta-
indicating that many fungal species are required to increase neously considered.
multifunctionality in soil. Theory predicts positive effects of It should be noted that the above results for the relation-
microbial diversity on soil ecosystem functions, such as ships between species richness and multifunctionality may
decomposition, likely resulting from functional niche comple- not be sufficient to determine whether there is high or low
mentarity (Loreau 2001). However, results from observational multifunctional redundancy. This is because, in addition to
and experimental evidence are largely variable (H€ attenschwiler the levels of species richness in a given location, other aspects
et al. 2005). There is a possibility that antagonistic interac- of biological communities, such as the identity of constituting

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS

256 A. S. Mori et al. Letter

(a) (b)
25 5

based on number of functions ≥ Threshold

Standardized functional importance (SES)
20 3

Number of species

15 1

10 –1


5 –3


0 –5

–4 –2 0 2 4 25 50 75
Standardized functional importance (SES) Threshold (%)
based on average multifunctionality

Figure 3 Functional importance of species to sustain multifunctionality. Standardised effect size (SES) of species’ functional importance based on (a) the
average multifunctionality approach and (b) the multiple threshold approach. (a) A histogram showing the number of functions in each SES value class.
(b) Boxplots representing species distribution at each threshold level. Black dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals of the SES values. Species
with the SES values higher than the upper limits of confidence intervals are significantly (P < 0.05) more important to impact multifunctionality than
expected by chance (see Supporting Information S2 for these species identified by the two approaches).

species and that of local assemblages, may also be important functionality. More specifically, although sustaining all or
for some ecosystem functions in soil (Heemsbergen et al. most functions at high levels in a single locality may be
2004). At the species level, we found that some fungal species unrealistic in nature with any species composition or level of
play a disproportionally large functional role in supporting biodiversity, doing so may be possible within a larger spatial
belowground multifunctionality (Fig. 3a), especially for sus- scale.
taining multiple functions at the higher threshold levels Our additional analysis at the landscape level showed a pos-
(Fig. 3b). However, given our finding that the majority of itive correlation between community dissimilarity and multi-
species did not significantly increase or decrease ecosystem functional dissimilarity within the meta-community (Fig. 4).
functioning (Fig. 3), we suggest that most particular species Although a large variation was still left unexplained, our find-
do not necessarily impact ecosystem multifunctionality more ing suggests the importance of species turnover for sustaining
than species diversity. That is, this result again demonstrates multifunctionality at a large spatial scale. Our other multi-
that, rather than the functional roles of some important spe- functionality approaches (Figs 1–3) ignored the identity of
cies, the number of species is fundamental for sustaining individual functions, which implicitly assumes that functions
multifunctionality. In contrast, some studies have suggested are substitutable, such that increases in some functions com-
that, rather than species richness, the identity and dominance pensate for decreases in other functions. Our cross-site results
of particular species is of primary importance to reveal that when the identities of ecosystem functions within
sustain ecosystem functioning (e.g. Winfree et al. 2015). each locality are considered, the functional redundancy of soil
However, this issue has been previously discussed mainly in microbes decreases to some extent. That is, shifts in fungal
the context of a single function. Although further studies are community composition between locations lead to shifts in
needed, our results suggest that the importance of particular which functions are provided, even if they do not lead to
species, rather than species diversity per se, for regulating shifts in the average level of multiple ecosystem functions.
ecosystem functioning might depend on the number of func- Although it has been occasionally suggested (e.g. Heemsber-
tions considered. gen et al. 2004), this is the first study to our knowledge
To further disentangle the functional roles of species to clearly demonstrate the limited level of multifunctional
assemblages for supporting multifunctionality, we separated redundancy for soil microbes inhabiting natural ecosystems.
the effects of species composition from those of species rich- Consequently, as we found, diversity–multifunctionality rela-
ness. This index of the compositional uniqueness of each tionships can be scale dependent. Given natural variation in
local community explained neither multifunctionality nor species assemblages, as well as spatial heterogeneity of envi-
individual functions at the local scale (Figs 1c,d and 2c,d). ronmental factors in nature, we emphasise that the functional
However, it may be still important to account for composi- roles of biodiversity need to be carefully assessed with a mul-
tional characteristics when considering landscape-scale multi- ti-scale and multifunctionality perspective.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS

Letter Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungi 257

Partial mantel r: 0.071* (CF: Geo) as the focus shifts from local to landscape scales, multifunc-
10 Partial mantel r: 0.115** (CF: Env) tional redundancy can be further lowered. These findings
reveal links between species composition and multifunctional-
ity at multiple spatial scales. Our second conclusion is thus
that, spatial variation in species composition across locations
Multifunctional dissimilarity

is important to maintain many functions at high levels

throughout a landscape.
There is increasing evidence that humans are homogenising
6 ecological communities across locations (McKinney & Lock-
wood 1999; Olden et al. 2004). Such biotic homogenisation
has been also reported for soil biota (Mori et al. 2015).
4 Importantly, recent studies have shown that soil microbes are
assembled deterministically according to environmental condi-
tions, indicating that there is a natural variation in composi-
tional characteristics in environmentally heterogeneous
natural systems (Ranjard et al. 2013). The ecosystem func-
tions considered here are indeed important in practice (includ-
ing in our study system, which is undergoing forest
restoration), as these soil processes are crucial to conserve,
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
restore and sustain ecological dynamics by the virtue of plant-
Community dissimilarity
soil feedbacks (van der Putten et al. 2013). The present study
emphasises that different scales of biodiversity could provide
Figure 4 Relationships of community dissimilarity and multifunctional
multiple levels of insurance against the loss of such important
dissimilarity. Partial Mantel correlations with a controlling factor (CF) of
geographical (Geo) or environmental distances (Env) between two given properties and feedbacks in ecological systems (Pasari et al.
locations are shown with significant levels; two asterisks (**) denote 2013) if both high-levels of species diversity at each location
P < 0.01 and an asterisk (*) denotes P < 0.05. There was a significant and compositional variation across locations could be main-
positive correlation between community dissimilarity and multifunctional tained. Alternatively, making soil assemblages depauperate or
dissimilarity across locations. The red line represents the linear fit based homogeneous will likely eventually translate into the loss of
on standardised major axis regression, which was significant (P < 0.0001),
ecosystem multifunctionality and services.
for visual understanding of the result. Overall, the result indicates that
species turnover is significantly positively associated with turnover of
multifunctionality between locations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This study was supported by the Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Envi-
Implications ronment Fund and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Cul-
Given the rising concern that belowground biodiversity has ture and Sports (No. 23770083). The present study was also
been seriously impacted by human activities in many parts of conducted using the Joint Usage/Research Grant of Center
the world (Pulleman et al. 2012; Bardgett & van der Putten for Ecological Research, Kyoto University and the Coopera-
2014), our findings lend support to initiatives of soil biodiver- tion Research Program of Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto
sity conservation including those under the framework of University. Logistical support for the field study was pro-
Convention on Biological Diversity ( vided by the Shiretoko Foundation. We thank students at
soil.shtml). An important implication of our results is that Yokohama National University and members of the Shire-
conserving and restoring soil microbes could likely lead to the toko Biodiversity Evaluation Project for their assistance with
continued provision of ecosystem services such as carbon field and laboratory work. Thanks are extended to editors
sequestration and food provision (Wall et al. 2012), which are and three anonymous reviewers for their comments on this
crucial for the wellbeing of humanity. The diversity–multi- paper.
functionality relationships we found, which were less affected
by compositional uniqueness than by local fungal diversity,
suggest a possible multifunctional insurance effect of diversity AUTHORSHIP
(Yachi & Loreau 1999). Our first conclusion is that increasing ASM, FI, SF, MK and TO designed research. All authors col-
or maintaining species diversity may be one of the most lected data. ASM primarily analysed data and wrote the
promising ways to secure overall multifunctionality. manuscript, with critical inputs from all authors.
Note that the minimal importance of compositional
uniqueness to enhance multifunctionality in no way justifies
the loss of any species, even if soil biota have some levels of REFERENCES
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multifunctionality. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 111, 5266–5270. the online version of this article at Wiley Online Library
Wall, D.H., Bardgett, R.D., Behan-Pelletier, V.M., Herrick, J.E., Jones, (
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Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Winfree, R., Fox, J.W., Williams, N.M., Reilly, J.R. & Cariveau, D.P.
(2015). Abundance of common species, not species richness, Editor, Brenda Casper
drives delivery of a real-world ecosystem service. Ecol. Lett., 18, Manuscript received 23 July 2015
626–635. First decision made 3 September 2015
Yachi, S. & Loreau, M. (1999). Biodiversity and ecosystem productivity Second decision made 28 October 2015
in a fluctuating environment: The insurance hypothesis. Proc. Natl Manuscript accepted 22 November 2015
Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 96, 1463–1468.
Zavaleta, E.S., Pasari, J.R., Hulvey, K.B. & Tilman, G.D. (2010).
Sustaining multiple ecosystem functions in grassland communities

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