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Crit Care Nurs Q

Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 172–190

Copyright  c 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pharmacologic Treatment of
Neurobehavioral Sequelae
Following Traumatic Brain
Jessica Traeger, PharmD, BCCCP; Brian Hoffman, PharmD;
Jennifer Misencik, PharmD; Alan Hoffer, MD;
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Jason Makii, PharmD, MBA, FCCM, FNCS, BCCCP

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability in the United States. With decreasing
mortality rates, a higher number of patients are impacted by long-term neuropsychiatric seque-
lae, such as cognitive deficits, depression, anxiety, and sleep-wake disorders. These sequelae are
primarily driven by the disruption of key neurotransmitter homeostasis including dopamine, nore-
pinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. Neurostimulants are centrally acting medications used
to assist in restoring these neurotransmitter abnormalities and are pharmacologic options to ame-
liorate symptoms in post-TBI patients. Examples of neurostimulants include amantadine, selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, central stimulants (ie, methylphenidate),
modafinil, and donepezil. Large, well-powered studies have not been performed to validate their
use in patients with TBI, leaving uncertainty for these agents’ place in therapy. Current prac-
tice is driven by consideration of patient-specific factors to select the most appropriate agent.
This review provides clinicians with a summary of the available literature on neurostimulants fol-
lowing TBI to guide appropriate usage to help improve patients’ symptoms and optimize safety.
Key words: amantadine, neurobehavioral, neurostimulants, neurotransmitters, selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors, traumatic brain injury


leading cause of disability in the United
States, impacting between 3.2 and 5.3 million
people and resulting in almost 300 000 hos-
pitalizations per year.1 Traumatic brain injury
not only burdens the individual and care-
givers but also represents an annual eco-
nomic burden of more than $60 billion when
accounting for direct and indirect costs.2 One
Author Affiliations: Departments of Pharmacy analysis found that mortality rates are now
Services (Drs Traeger, Hoffman, Misencik, and Makii) less than half of what they were in the mid-
and Neurological Surgery (Dr Hoffer), University
Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio; 1980s.3 With decreasing mortality rates, a
and Case Western Reserve University School of higher number of patients are faced with po-
Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio (Dr Hoffer). tential long-term sequelae. Traumatic brain in-
The authors have disclosed that they have no signif- jury can be classified into 3 main subtypes:
icant relationships with, or financial interest in, any mild, moderate, or severe. Mild TBIs, which
commercial companies pertaining to this article.
account for the majority of patients, carry in-
Correspondence: Jessica Traeger, PharmD, BCCCP, creased morbidity; 30% to 53% of individu-
Department of Pharmacy Services, University Hos-
pitals Cleveland Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Ave, als who experience a mild TBI report having
Mather B400, Cleveland, OH 44106 (Jessica.Traeger2@ disabling symptoms for at least 1 year postin- jury. However, they typically do not alter life
DOI: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000301 expectancy.4-6 Moderate to severe TBIs are


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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 173

associated with progressing degrees of loss of PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

consciousness as well as physical, cognitive,
and behavioral impairments that are likely to Common etiologies of TBI include blunt
persist.4 head trauma, penetration of the skull, accel-
Long-term sequelae associated with TBI eration or deceleration forces to the head,
can be categorized as cognitive deficits, and blast injuries.4 These events can cause
affective disorders, sleep-wake disorders, rapid movement of the brain within the skull,
and aggression. Cognitive deficits include and if rotational movement occurs, it may
impaired attention, processing speed, mem- result in tearing of the axons within the
ory, and executive functioning. Affective white matter.4,7-10 During the acute injury
disorders include depression, anxiety, bipolar phase, proinflammatory cytokines cause glio-
disorders, mania, and psychosis. These se- sis, demyelination, and apoptosis, resulting in
quelae are associated with decreased quality edema and sustained inflammation.11,12 An
of life and increased long-term mortality.4 It increase in nitric oxide production causes
can be helpful for health care professionals to vasodilation, which reduces cerebral perfu-
recognize pharmacologic options, in addition sion pressure, and may last from hours to
to nonpharmacologic treatment (ie, cogni- days.13-17
tive behavioral therapy), for the variety of These effects are associated with a disrup-
disorders. A broad pharmacologic category tion in the homeostasis between functional
available to providers is neurostimulant med- neurotransmitters and receptors. For exam-
ications. Neurostimulants are centrally acting ple, glutamate, which binds to N-methyl-D-
agents that assist in restoring neurotransmit- aspartate receptors, and γ -aminobutyric acid
ter abnormalities associated with chronic are the primary excitatory and inhibitory
impairment and will be the focus of this neurotransmitters in the brain, respectively.
article. Directly following TBI, glutamate concen-
trations spike and N-methyl-D-aspartate re-
ceptors downregulate while γ -aminobutyric
METHODS acid activity is reduced. This imbalance re-
sults in uninhibited stimulation known as
Authors worked independently to perform excitotoxicity. The subsequently powerful
a literature search using PubMed (1966 depolarizations can result in loss of ion-
to November 1, 2019) using the MeSH based transmembrane and intracellular po-
terms “traumatic brain injury,” “neurostim- tentials, cellular energy crisis, and neuronal
ulant,” “amantadine,” “methylphenidate,” death. These excitotoxic effects are most pro-
“donepezil,” “selective serotonin reuptake nounced during the acute phase (first few
inhibitors,” “tricyclic antidepressants,” days post-TBI) and self-regulate during the
“monoamine oxidase inhibitors,” “an- chronic phase (up to 6 months post-TBI).
tidepressants,” “modafinil,” “‘sleep-wake Depending on the severity of TBI, these
disorder,” “agitation,” “depression,” “lev- excitotoxic actions may result in neuronal
odopa,” “bromocriptine,” and “rivastigmine.” dysfunction and long-term neuropsychiatric
The search was limited to case reports or sequelae.18 Apart from the brain’s excitatory-
series, observational trials, or randomized inhibitory balance, key neurotransmitters as-
controlled trials. Articles published in English sociated with neuropsychiatric sequelae in-
evaluating neurostimulant medications in TBI clude dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin,
were included. Articles regarding nonneu- and acetylcholine. Therefore, pharmacologic
rostimulant medications (ie, β-blockers or opportunities to enhance these pathways
antiepileptics) for the management of TBI may be used; however, limited data are avail-
sequelae were not included. able to support their role.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. INESSS-ONF Rehabilitation Guidelines for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injurya,b

Cognitive Disorders Affective Disorders Disorders

Attention Mood/depression Fatigue and sleep

• MPH [B] • SSRIs (sertraline or citalopram disorders
• Dextroamphetamine preferred) [C] • Melatonin [B]
(second line) [C] • MPH (may be used to augment SSRI • Trazodone [C]
• Amantadine (third line) [B] effect) [B] • BZDs (<7 d) [C]
Processing speed • TCAs (third line) [C] • MPH [C]
• MPH [B] Anxiety
Arousal/recovery speed • SSRIs [C]
• Amantadine [A] • BZDs (not recommended first line) [C]
Memory Agitation/aggression
• Donepezil [B] • Propranolol or pindolol [A]
• Rivastigmine [B] • SSRIs (sertraline preferred) [B]
• Amantadine or MPH (may be considered
with concomitant arousal/attention
impairment) [B]
• Second-generation neuroleptics [C]c
• VPA and/or CBZ (may be considered
with concomitant seizure disorders) [C]
• TCAs (third line) [C]

Abbreviations: BZD, benzodiazepines; CBZ, carbamazepine; MPH, methylphenidate; SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants; VPA, valproic acid.
[A] recommendation supported by at least 1 meta-analysis/systematic review or randomized controlled trial; [B] rec-
ommendation supported by at least 1 cohort; and [C] recommendation supported by expert opinion or small reports.
From Bayley et al.21 Used with permission.
Second-generation neuroleptics: quetiapine, ziprasidone, olanzapine, and risperidone.

AVAILABLE CLINICAL PRACTICE to guide practice today. A summary of those

GUIDELINES recommendations, which include neurostim-
ulants and other classes of medications, can
Currently, there is a lack of evidence-based be found in Table 1 and reflect the support-
guidelines on medication use in TBI. The ing evidence prior to its publication in 2018.
2016 Guidelines for the Management of Se-
vere Traumatic Brain Injury offer no recom- AMANTADINE
mendations for the use of neurostimulants
in TBI.19 The first attempt at formulating an Amantadine was originally developed as
evidence-based practice consensus occurred an antiviral agent and is now commonly
in 2006 by Warden et al20 but was limited by used to treat symptoms of Parkinson disease
insufficient evidence to support a true guide- (see Table 2).33 Similar to what is observed
line recommendation. Over a decade later, in Parkinson disease, dopamine release is
the Institut national d’excellence en santé et impaired in TBI following neuronal inflam-
en services sociaux and Ontario Neurotrauma mation and death. Amantadine is believed
Foundation (INESSS-ONF) guidelines for reha- to increase dopamine release and reuptake,
bilitation of persons with moderate to severe which results in increased dopamine concen-
TBI were created to review and summarize tration in the synaptic cleft.22 Amantadine
previous guidelines.21 These guidelines are may also have neuroprotective properties
the most updated recommendations available due to possible N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Neurostimulant Dosing Recommendations, Adverse Effects, and Clinical Pearls

Drug/Class Mechanism Dose Adverse Effects Clinical Pearls

Amantadine22 Dopamine agonist 100-200 mg twice daily Agitation, irritability, Recommended to

insomnia, vivid dreams, administer doses in the
hyperactivity, seizure, morning and early
and delirium afternoon
May need to taper when
stopping medication
Selective serotonin Increases concentration of Sertraline: 50-200 mg once Insomnia, dizziness, Alternative SSRI may be
reuptake serotonin in synaptic cleft daily drowsiness, nausea, needed if no response
inhibitors23,24 by inhibiting serotonin Citalopram: 20-40 mg once constipation, diarrhea, after 6-8 weeks of
reuptake daily dry mouth, decreased adequate dose titration
libido Taking SSRIs at bedtime may
Black Box Warning for help reduce daytime
suicidal drowsiness
Tricyclic Serotonin and Depression: Sedation, dizziness, Recommended to take at
antidepressants25,26 norepinephrine reuptake Amitriptyline: 100-300 mg orthostatic hypotension, bedtime due to sedation
inhibitor. Blockade of once daily urinary retention, Lowers seizure threshold
muscarinic, histamine Desipramine: 100-300 mg constipation,
(H1), and α-adrenergic once daily arrhythmias, seizure
receptors Agitation/Aggression: Black Box Warning for
Amitriptyline: 150 mg once suicidal
daily thinking/behavior
Desipramine: 150 mg once
Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae

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Table 2. Neurostimulant Dosing Recommendations, Adverse Effects, and Clinical Pearls (Continued)

Drug/Class Mechanism Dose Adverse Effects Clinical Pearls

Central stimulants27-29 Increases release of Methylphenidate: 0.3 Insomnia, irritability, MPH dose can be weight
presynaptic mg/kg twice daily agitation, weight loss, based and should be
catecholamines Dextroamphetamine: 10 gastrointestinal upset administered in the
(dopamine and mg once daily morning and early-to-mid
norepinephrine), may also Lisdexamfetamine: 30-70 afternoon
block catecholamine mg once daily Irritability and agitation may
reuptake be medication-limiting
side effects
Possible risk of addiction
and dependence
Controlled substance
Modafinil30 Exact mechanism unknown Modafinil: 200 mg once Headache, nausea, Induces CYP3A4 (potential
Armodafinil31 daily insomnia, anxiety, for drug interactions)
Armodafinil: 250 mg once dizziness, and Controlled substance

daily palpitations
Donepezil32 Acetylcholinesterase 5-10 mg once daily Insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, May be associated with QT
inhibitor (centrally acting) and weight loss interval prolongation on

Abbreviations: MPH, methylphenidate; SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 177

antagonism.34 By increasing the available 12 weeks of injury may result in more rapid
dopamine at the synaptic cleft, amantadine’s functional improvement. Other observational
proposed effects include improved cognitive trials of amantadine found mixed results, with
functioning, concentration, and behavioral a trend toward overall cognitive improvement
symptoms.35 and decreased disability.39-41
Amantadine has a favorable safety profile. A 2012 study randomized 184 patients to
Commonly reported side effects are dose de- amantadine 100 to 200 mg twice daily or
pendent and include agitation, irritability, in- placebo. As in the previous trial, patients had
somnia, vivid dreams, and delirium. As pa- recently experienced a TBI 4 to 16 weeks
tients with TBIs are at risk for seizures, it prior. All of these patients were in a vegeta-
is important to note that rarely, amantadine tive or minimally conscious state and were re-
has been associated with seizures at higher ceiving usual inpatient rehabilitation. Aman-
doses.34 Amantadine is dosed twice daily, but tadine significantly improved recovery speed
because of patient tolerance and insomnia, assessed by patient disability rating scales
it is typically administered in the morning (see Table 3 for further explanation of clini-
and in the early afternoon.22 Drug accumu- cal rating scales).49 Following amantadine dis-
lation may occur in renal impairment, neces- continuation at week 4, the improvement
sitating renal function monitoring and dose in disability rating scales significantly slowed
adjustments if needed. When amantadine is when assessed 2 weeks later. These findings
abruptly discontinued, patients may experi- suggest that patients’ observed accelerated re-
ence a withdrawal syndrome that manifests covery pace was directly related to being ad-
similarly to its side effects. In extreme situ- ministered amantadine.
ations, amantadine withdrawal may present Amantadine has also been assessed to im-
similarly to neuroleptic malignant syndrome, prove behavioral symptoms. A single-center,
which can be fatal. Therefore, it is gener- double-blind, placebo-controlled trial ran-
ally recommended to taper amantadine when domized 76 patients (aged 16-65 years) with
stopping therapy.22 chronic TBI symptoms (>6 months post-TBI)
Amantadine was initially evaluated for pa- who were referred for irritability manage-
tients with TBI in small case series and trials ment. Patients had a history of a moderate,
in the 1990s.36-38 The first trial to show clin- severe, or complicated mild TBI and were ran-
ically significant benefit was a randomized, domized to amantadine 100 mg twice daily or
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, placebo for 4 weeks.50 The amantadine group
pilot study in patients with moderate to se- had a significant reduction in overall irritabil-
vere TBI. Thirty-five patients were included ity, irritability frequency, and severity. No sig-
within 6 weeks of their initial injury and were nificant difference was found in aggression or
randomized to receive either amantadine 100 distress scores.
mg twice daily or placebo for 6 weeks. Pa- A separate multicenter trial randomized
tients then crossed over treatments for an ad- 168 patients to amantadine 100 mg twice
ditional 6-week period. The study found im- daily or placebo for 60 days with similar char-
provement in cognition and arousal in the acteristics to the previous trial.51 There was
first 6 weeks in all patients, implying that no difference in observer rated irritability,
some of the improvement was likely spon- but a significant reduction in participant self-
taneous. In patients who initially received rated irritability was found. The patients also
amantadine, this improvement plateaued experienced significant improvement in the
once patients crossed over to placebo. In pa- Clinical Global Impressions scale for overall
tients initially randomized to placebo, there symptoms. From this trial, a cohort of 118
was continued improvement once amanta- patients who had baseline moderate to se-
dine was initiated.34 These findings suggest vere aggression was further analyzed to assess
that initiation of amantadine within the first amantadine’s impact on anger and aggression

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 3. Select Clinical Scale Descriptions and Ranges

Score Range and

Scale Description Interpretation

Affect/mood scale42 25-item scale that measures severity 25-100; a higher score reflects
of depression (validated in stroke more severe depression.
patients). Patients are rated by
health care personnel in verbal
communication, observations of
patient behaviors, and
observations of patient mood.
Clinical Global An observer-rated scale applicable 1-7
Impressions (CGI) to psychiatric disorders. The CGI CGI: a higher score reflects
scale43,44 scale is designed to measure worse severity of a patient’s
illness severity, as well as illness illness
improvement or change (CGI-C) CGI-C: a higher score reflects
in response to therapy. worsening of illness
Disability Rating Scale Cognitive impairment scale 0-29; a higher score reflects
(DRS)45 designed to rate injury severity severe disability up to a
and predict recovery duration in vegetative state.
patients with TBI.
The Hamilton Rating 17-item questionnaire administered 0-52; a higher score reflects
Scale for Depression by a health care professional, more severe depression.
(HAM-D)46 which measures patient rate
severity of depressive symptoms.
Mini-Mental State Cognitive impairment scale 0-30; lower score reflects
Examination (MMSE)47 designed to measure severity and worse cognitive function
cognitive changes over time often
in dementia including orientation,
short-term memory (retention
and recall), attention, and
Multiple Sleep Latency A full-day test for excessive daytime Positive MSLT: patient falls
Test (MSLT)48 sleepiness. Measures how quickly asleep with a mean sleep
patients fall asleep in a quiet latency below 8 min during
environment during the day. naps and patient had no
more than 1 nap or no more
than 2 naps where REM
sleep was reached.

symptoms. Those treated with amantadine support its use for recovery speed and overall
show significant decrease in self-reported ag- symptom management in the acute setting.
gression compared with placebo at day 60, al- In patients with chronic behavioral sequelae,
though there was no difference in observer- amantadine may reduce patient self-reported
rated aggression. There was no difference in symptoms, although the results are subjec-
anger scores.52 tive, inconsistent, and do not extend to symp-
Amantadine has shown favorable signals toms observed by caregivers. Most of the
across a variety of neurobehavioral symp- aforementioned trials excluded patients with
toms. The strongest data for amantadine a history of seizures, so caution should be

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 179

exercised when considering prescribing but common side effects include drowsiness,
amantadine to this patient population. It is insomnia, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and
reasonable to initiate amantadine at 100 mg sexual dysfunction.23 Current literature sug-
twice daily (dosed in the morning and early gests that the SSRIs sertraline or citalopram
afternoon) and then titrate up to 200 mg may have a role in the treatment of post-TBI
twice daily if needed. Patients were typically affective disorders.
treated for a limited duration of up to 60 days. Sertraline is one of the most well-studied
Longer courses of therapy may be cautiously agents for the treatment of agitation, depres-
considered because a significant slowing of sion, and anxiety post-TBI. Ashman et al57
recovery was found in one study following performed a 10-week, double-blind, con-
amantadine discontinuation. However, there trolled trial to assess the effect of sertra-
is no evidence to support an indefinite line on post-TBI depression. Patients at least
duration of treatment.49 6 months following mild to severe TBI were
randomized to sertraline at a dose of 25 mg
SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE daily (up-titrated to a maximum of 200 mg
INHIBITORS per day) or placebo. Fifty-two patients were
evaluated for improvements in depression,
Patients with traumatic brain injury com- anxiety, and quality of life based on multiple
monly develop neuropsychiatric disorders, clinical scales including the Hamilton Rating
including depression, anxiety, and agitation Scale for Depression (HAM-D). No improve-
caused by disruptions in neurotransmitter ments were found compared with placebo.
synapses following the insulting event.53-55 Both groups were found to have nonsignifi-
Particularly in patients with frontal lobe cant improvements in HAM-D scores (≥50%
damage, an area highly concentrated with reduction from baseline in 59% of the ser-
serotonergic projections from the raphe traline group and 32% of placebo). The im-
nuclei, the resulting effect is a decreased pro- provement observed in both groups may have
duction of serotonin. One study reported that resulted from a high percentage of patients
severe TBI was associated with a 17% loss from minority background and lower socioe-
of serotonergic neurons.56 While guidelines conomic status. This may have confounded
advocate for cognitive behavioral therapy the results as these patients likely had lim-
initially, medications affecting serotonin ited access to health care prior to the study
concentrations in the synaptic cleft have and may explain the improvement in HAM-D
also been evaluated as treatment options for scores in the placebo group.
post-TBI affective disorders. Lee et al58 compared the effects of
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SS- methylphenidate (MPH), sertraline (100 mg
RIs) increase concentrations of serotonin per day), and placebo on various neuropsy-
through the inhibition of presynaptic reup- chiatric sequelae, including depression, in a
take by serotonin transporters. Following 4-week double-blind, parallel group trial. Pa-
therapy initiation, clinical onset is typically tients included in this study had experienced
expected within 1 to 4 weeks. However, due a mild to moderate TBI between 2 weeks
to the high degree of patient-specific variabil- and 1 year prior and were suffering from de-
ity with these agents, it may take up to 12 pression. Thirty patients completed the study
weeks to notice a significant difference in (10 in each treatment arm). Quality of life
symptoms. Patients failing an initial SSRI trial and depressive symptoms, as measured by the
may respond to other agents within this med- HAM-D, significantly improved in all patients
ication class. Therefore, it is appropriate to by the end of the study, which suggests
consider initiating an alternative SSRI if a pa- that patients experienced spontaneous recov-
tient fails to respond. Selective serotonin re- ery. Both sertraline and MPH significantly im-
uptake inhibitors are usually well tolerated, prove depressive symptoms compared with

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

placebo. No improvements in cognitive func- At week 10, the majority of patients were
tioning, postconcussive symptoms, or ex- receiving 40 mg per day. Among the 54 pa-
cessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) were ob- tients who completed at least 6 weeks of
served in the sertraline group. Compared the trial, there were significant reductions in
with placebo and MPH, sertraline was as- mean HAM-D scores at 6 and 10 weeks, with
sociated with more adverse effects such as 26.9% of patients in remission (HAM-D score
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. Be- <7) at week 10. Dry mouth, nausea, and de-
cause of the double-blind nature of the study, creased libido were the most commonly re-
all medications were administered in the ported side effects. Twenty-one patients in re-
morning. As sertraline is known to cause mission were then randomized to citalopram
drowsiness, this may explain why the sertra- or placebo in a 40-week open-label extension
line group had more EDS compared with the study.61 The rate of relapse was similar be-
other arms. The limited duration of sertra- tween the 2 groups, occurring in 50% of the
line treatment in this trial (4 weeks) may not citalopram group and 54.5% of the placebo.
have been long enough for patients to achieve These studies indicate that citalopram treat-
maximum therapeutic benefit, making it dif- ment may reduce depressive symptoms ini-
ficult to fully evaluate its effectiveness. This tially; however, there is a high risk of relapse.
trial will be explored further in this article in Fluoxetine, another SSRI, was investigated
the section on central stimulants. for post-TBI depression in a small, open-label,
Sertraline has also been evaluated for the pilot study.62 Five patients were administered
prevention of post-TBI depression. Jorge fluoxetine at a dose of 20 to 60 mg per day for
et al59 performed a 24-week double-blind, 8 months. The study reported that fluoxetine
placebo-controlled trial evaluating patients improved mood and working memory; how-
with mild to severe TBI. Ninety-four patients ever, not all patients had depression at base-
were randomized to either sertraline at a dose line. These results indicate that a randomized
of 100 mg daily or placebo. Patients with on- controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of flu-
going depression were excluded. The major- oxetine may be beneficial. Until further stud-
ity of patients were enrolled 3 to 4 weeks fol- ies are completed, agents with more robust
lowing TBI. Patients in the sertraline group evidence, such as sertraline and citalopram,
were found to have a longer time to onset should be the SSRIs of choice when utilized
of a mood disorder. The number needed to for TBI patients.
treat to prevent 1 case of post-TBI depres- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
sion was 5.9 (95% confidence interval, 3.1- are considered the first-line pharmacologic
71.1). Patients treated with sertraline were treatment for post-TBI depression by some
more likely to report dry mouth and diarrhea; organization guidelines, such as INESSS-ONF,
no serious adverse events were attributed to because of their effectiveness and mild
sertraline. These results are promising, but side effect profile.21 Most of the evidence
given the single-center design and low enroll- supports the use of sertraline 50 to 200 mg
ment, further studies would be needed to rec- per day and citalopram 20 to 40 mg per
ommend sertraline for post-TBI depression day. As the treatment of post-TBI depression
prophylaxis. may improve cognitive functioning, somatic
Rapoport et al60 studied the effects of symptoms, and quality of life, these agents
citalopram on major depression in patients should be considered when an adequate
within 1 year of a mild to moderate TBI. In the response is not achieved with psychotherapy
initial 6-week study period, patients received alone.53 When initiating therapy with one
citalopram at a fixed dose of 20 mg daily. of these agents, providers should be aware
Because of low response rate, the study’s that patients may not respond to the initial
duration was extended to 10 weeks, and a antidepressant regimen. It may be necessary
flexible dosing schedule was implemented. to switch to an alternative SSRI agent after

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 181

6 to 8 weeks of treatment if no response is further occurrences. Although desipramine

observed despite adequate dose titration. appeared to be effective in treating depres-
The majority of studies had relatively short sion in this small sample of patients, the re-
trial durations; therefore, a gap in recommen- ported adverse effects are concerning.
dations remains regarding how long patients Mysiw et al64 evaluated the effect of
should continue treatment. If patients con- amitriptyline on agitation in TBI patients ad-
tinue to have significant improvements in mitted to a rehabilitation program. All pa-
depressive symptoms and wish to continue tients were initially managed with behavioral
treatment, therapy could be continued. psychotherapy. Twenty patients who had re-
However, as evidenced by Rapoport et al,61 mained agitated for more than 7 days were
TBI patients may have high rates of treatment initiated on amitriptyline 25 mg daily (up-
relapse. titrated to a maximum dose of 150 mg per
day). In those patients, 13 patients had a
TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS significant reduction in agitation at 1 week.
One patient experienced more severe agita-
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) in- tion after initiating amitriptyline and discon-
hibit the reuptake of both serotonin and tinued therapy; however, no other adverse
norepinephrine.63 These agents also block events were reported. The majority of respon-
muscarinic, histamine (H1), and α-adrenergic ders were those early in the recovery pro-
receptors that results in an increased poten- cess, who still required maximal assistance,
tial for adverse effects including sedation, and were characterized as confused and agi-
arrhythmias, and a reduction in the seizure tated. This indicates that amitriptyline may be
threshold.63 Because of the potential for most effective in treating agitation seen at ear-
adverse effects, TCAs are infrequently pre- lier stages of recovery.
scribed for indications such as depression, Tricyclic antidepressants have limited ev-
agitation, and neuropathic pain since the ad- idence to support their use in treating de-
vent of better tolerated agents such as SSRIs. pression and agitation in the TBI population.
Although the clinical utility of TCAs may be This benefit, however, is limited by the risk
low, there is some evidence to support their of adverse events seen with these agents.
use in post-TBI depression and agitation. One concern is the increased risk of seizures
Currently, the best available evidence is for with TCAs due to a reduction in the seizure
the TCAs amitriptyline and desipramine. threshold. Tricyclic antidepressants may be
Wroblewski et al42 conducted a random- considered as alternatives after treatment fail-
ized, placebo lead-in study of desipramine ure with agents with more favorable side ef-
150 mg daily (maximum dose 300 mg per fect profile (ie, SSRIs). Based on available lit-
day) in 10 patients with severe TBI who also erature, amitriptyline 100 to 300 mg per day
had depression for at least 2 months. De- and desipramine 100 to 300 mg per day may
pressive symptoms were evaluated using the be options for the treatment of post-TBI de-
affect/mood scale. At 1 month, there was pression and agitation and aggression.
a reduction in the affect/mood scale in pa-
tients started on desipramine (N = 6). Six CENTRAL STIMULANTS
of the 7 patients who completed the study
experienced resolution of depression with Children who are 12 and 24 months post-
desipramine (≥50% reduction in number of TBI have increased rates of attention-deficit/
symptoms). Two patients were withdrawn hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).65 Centrally
from the study because of severe seizure ac- acting stimulants, which are Food and
tivity and development of mania. Another Drug Administration approved for indications
patient experienced mild seizure activity but such as ADHD, include MPH, amphetamines
continued with the study treatment without dextroamphetamine, and lisdexamfetamine

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

(which is a prodrug of dextroamphetamine). A recent meta-analysis reviewed 10 random-

Mechanistically, they may have beneficial ac- ized controlled trials (261 patients total) in-
tivity in TBI by increasing dopamine transmis- vestigating MPH in TBI.68 All trials had at
sion in the frontostriatal regions, as suggested least 1 primary outcome related to cognitive
by functional magnetic resonance imaging ability or attention. Half of the trials used a
data.66,67 In addition, stimulants can inhibit weight-based dosing regimen (0.25-0.3 mg/kg
the reuptake of norepinephrine into presy- twice daily). Methylphenidate was associated
naptic neurons, which increases its availabil- with a significant improvement in attention.
ity in the synaptic cleft. Theoretical effects No differences were found between MPH and
of stimulants include enhanced processing placebo in the studies evaluating memory and
speed, attention, psychomotor and cognitive processing speed. Adverse effects primarily
recovery, and decreased mental fatigue.68 consisted of gastrointestinal upset; 1 study re-
Common side effects of stimulants include ported irritability and emotional hypersensi-
insomnia, irritability, and weight loss. Be- tivity. Limitations of the meta-analysis were
cause of the risk of insomnia, stimulants are variations between trial timing, dosing, and
dosed in the morning, and if a second dose is duration of treatment. The included trials also
required then in the early-to-mid afternoon. used inconsistent subjective examinations to
Rarely, stimulants are associated with psy- assess each outcome.
chosis or severe cardiovascular disorders in- A recent randomized trial of 36 patients
cluding sudden death, stroke, and myocardial who were 2 to 52 weeks from mild to mod-
infarction. One retrospective study of greater erate TBI and received 5 to 20 mg per
than 1 million patients taking stimulants for day of MPH or placebo for 30 weeks was
ADHD found no significant increase in these published.75 Patients who received MPH ex-
events versus placebo.27 Stimulants also are perienced significant improvement in the co-
controlled substances that carry a black box primary outcomes of mental fatigue and cog-
warning for abuse and dependence, which nitive functioning. A secondary outcome also
should be accounted for when prescribing or showed an improvement in depression ac-
monitoring these medications.69 cording to the Mini-Mental State Examination.
Methylphenidate first received Food and The previously mentioned trial by Lee et al58
Drug Administration approval in 1955 and is compared the effects of MPH (20 mg per day)
the most widely studied stimulant in post-TBI with both sertraline and placebo in 30 pa-
patients.69 Most early studies in the 1990s tients. In addition to improving depressive
were limited by small sample sizes of less symptoms and quality of life, MPH was also
than 20 patients.70-73 In 2004, a 6-week, found to improve cognitive functioning and
double-blind, placebo-controlled, random- EDS.58 Although further study is warranted,
ized, crossover trial published by Whyte these trials suggest that in addition to improv-
et al74 studied 34 adult patients who expe- ing attention, MPH may also have a role in im-
rienced a moderate to severe TBI and had proving depressive symptoms.
subjective complaints of difficulties with The first controlled trial to study an al-
attention. Methylphenidate was dosed at 0.3 ternative stimulant in TBI was published
mg/kg twice daily, which is in contrast to flat in 2014.76 This double-blind, placebo-
dosing typically seen in ADHD. There was a controlled, crossover trial studied patients 16
large range of time since their TBI in included to 42 years of age who were 6 to 34 months
patients (median of 3.2 years, range: 4 months post moderate to severe TBI. Patients were
to 34 years). The trial found a significant randomized to receive lisdexamfetamine
benefit in processing speed and caregiver- dimesylate, titrated from 30 to 70 mg once
rated attention. The results of the study were daily or placebo for a total of 6 weeks, and
limited by a small sample size, yet the then switched. Twenty-two patients were
beneficial results were encouraging. enrolled in the study but 9 withdrew (7 loss

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 183

to follow-up, and 2 due to blood pressure timulants with wake-promoting activity.78

elevation). In patients who completed the In patients with TBI, excessive sleepiness
study, no differences in the primary outcome is commonly reported and may detrimen-
of safety or tolerability were found. Blood tally affect cognitive function. Modafinil
pressure elevation hindered some patients and armodafinil’s exact mechanism is un-
from reaching the maximum 70-mg dose. known; however, they are not believed to
Patients randomized to lisdexamfetamine had directly bind catecholamines, serotonin, or
improvements in sustained attention, work- γ -aminobutyric acid receptors.78,79 These
ing memory, response speed, and executive agents have been shown to improve energy
functioning. Another randomized trial stud- levels, productivity, attention, and social func-
ied dextroamphetamine 10 mg once daily tioning in narcoleptic patients, as well as
for 3 weeks in 32 patients within 6 months cognitive performance in sleep-deprived mili-
following a moderate to severe TBI.77 tary personnel.80,81 Modafinil and armodafinil
No significant differences were seen for cog- are generally well tolerated; possible adverse
nitive function and overall functional status. effects include headache, nausea, insomnia,
The largest numerical benefit was seen in anxiety, dizziness, and palpitations.30,31 Based
increased processing speed, but patients also on these characteristics, modafinil and ar-
suffered from significantly more agitation. modafinil seem to be appealing agents to help
The evidence suggests that stimulants have increase alertness and reduce EDS and fatigue
benefits for attention, processing speed, in TBI patients.
and cognitive functioning in patients with An initial promising report of modafinil’s
TBI. Most of the studies were conducted use in TBI patients came from a small,
with MPH. Methylphenidate may also be prospective, open-label trial in 2001.82 Ten
considered as an augmentative agent to patients with closed-head TBI were given
SSRIs in depression.21 Methylphenidate was modafinil 100 to 400 mg per day. Modafinil
commonly dosed on the basis of weight was reported to improve EDS in 9 of 10 out-
(0.3 mg/kg) twice daily, lisdexamfetamine patients. After 13 months, reported adverse
dimesylate 30 to 70 mg per day, and dex- effects were mild and included overstimula-
troamphetamine 10 mg per day. Stimulants tion and gastrointestinal upset.
may increase the risk of agitation, irritabil- In a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
ity, and insomnia, which may adversely crossover trial, Jha et al83 evaluated the
affect TBI patients and their functional efficacy of modafinil in treating EDS and
improvement.68,69 In addition, patients’ fatigue in TBI patients with chronic, self-
blood pressure should be monitored and reported disabling symptoms. Patients who
doses adjusted in case of elevation. In these were at least 1 year post-TBI were eligible as
trials, the stimulants were initiated across long as they did not meet certain exclusion
a broad range of time postinjury, both in criteria including cardiovascular disease or
the acute (weeks postinjury) and chronic risks, epilepsy, and significant psychiatric or
phases (years postinjury). The treatment behavioral disturbances. After randomization,
durations studied ranges from 3 to 30 weeks. 51 patients received either modafinil, up-
Ultimately because stimulant side effects may titrated to 400 mg per day, or placebo for 10
be detrimental to TBI recovery, dosing should weeks (period 1). Subjects then underwent a
be slowly titrated to effect with consideration 4-week washout period before being crossed
of alternative agents if poorly tolerated. over to the alternative treatment group for
the remaining 10 weeks (period 2). In pe-
MODAFINIL AND ARMODAFINIL riod 1, there were no significant differences
between modafinil and placebo in either end
Modafinil and armodafinil (modafinil’s R- point. In period 2, the modafinil group had
enantiomer) are nonamphetamine psychos- significant improvements in fatigue and EDS

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

at week 4 but not at week 10 in either end enrolled in an additional 12-month open-
point. The most commonly reported adverse label extension of the trial to evaluate the
events were headache and insomnia. Based long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of
on the inconsistent results, this study does armodafinil.43 Patients completing the open-
not support this use of modafinil in treating label extension received either armodafinil
post-TBI fatigue or EDS. 150 mg or 250 mg per day. Efficacy was main-
Kaiser et al84 performed a double-blind, tained throughout the study extension. The
placebo-controlled pilot study of 20 patients most reported adverse events were mild and
with mild to severe TBI. Patients received ei- included headache, anxiety, nausea, and dizzi-
ther modafinil, up-titrated to 200 mg per day, ness. Based on the results, there appears to
or placebo for 6 weeks. The study found sig- be a dose-dependent improvement in EDS in
nificant improvement in measures of EDS but patients treated with armodafinil. However,
not fatigue.84 Similar rates of adverse events as this study was underpowered and enrolled
occurred in each group and included nausea, patients with solely mild-TBI, these results
stomach pain, and arthralgia. Based on these may not be generalizable to all TBI patients.
results, modafinil does not appear to be effica- The overall literature suggests that these
cious in treating fatigue but may be an option agents are not effective at improving fatigue
for EDS. in TBI patients. Doses of modafinil 200 mg
The effect of armodafinil on EDS was inves- per day and armodafinil 250 mg per day might
tigated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled improve EDS with minimal adverse effects,
trial by Menn et al.43 Patients were 1 to 10 but results have been inconsistent. Although
years following their injury and the majority these agents are not mentioned in the INESSS-
had sustained a mild TBI. ONF guidelines, they may be considered as a
Patients were randomized to armodafinil treatment option for EDS following the acute
50 mg daily (N = 30), armodafinil 150 mg phase of TBI. Although Menn et al43 reported
daily (N = 29), armodafinil 250 mg daily (N continued efficacy in patients treated with
= 29), or placebo (N = 29) for 12 weeks. armodafinil at 12 months, the appropriate
Efficacy was assessed by several measures, duration of therapy has not yet been deter-
including the Clinical Global Impression of mined. Patients should be periodically evalu-
Change scale of excessive sleepiness and ated for continued efficacy, as well as adverse
mean sleep latency for 4 different naps sched- effects. If clinical benefit is not found after ad-
uled throughout the morning and early after- equate dose titration, these agents should be
noon assessed by the Multiple Sleep Latency discontinued.
Test. At week 12, patients who received ei-
ther armodafinil 150 mg or 250 mg per day DONEPEZIL
had significant improvements in their Multi-
ple Sleep Latency Test compared with base- Donepezil is a centrally acting acetyl-
line, with a more significant effect in the 250 cholinesterase inhibitor that acts by inhibit-
mg per day group. The increase in sleep la- ing the breakdown of acetylcholine in the
tency, or the time it took patients to fall asleep synaptic cleft. It is indicated for the treat-
for naps, observed in this study suggests ment of Alzheimer disease and dementia.32
that patients were not as sleepy during the In TBI, acetylcholine has been found to have
daytime. There was also a trend toward a the most prolonged time to normalization
higher percentage of Clinical Global Impres- and highest chance of chronic impairments
sion of Change responders in the 150 mg and compared with other neurotransmitters.85,86
250 mg per day groups. However, this effect Donepezil’s effect on acetylcholine may the-
was no longer significant beyond week 4. oretically enhance arousal, attention, learn-
Forty-nine patients who completed the ini- ing, memory, and various other cognitive
tial 12 weeks of double-blind treatment were functions.85,87-89 Side effects are typically

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 185

mild and include insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, Donepezil is recognized as the primary
and weight loss. agent for memory impairments in the INESSS-
Several early studies focused on donepezil ONF guidelines, but this recommendation is
in TBI.90-101 These trials consisted of small supported by limited evidence.21 A recent,
sample sizes, nonrandomized designs, and larger retrospective trial could not replicate
heterogeneous outcome measures. Improve- any previously reported benefits for process-
ments in attention, processing speed, mem- ing speed, attention, and memory.103 The lack
ory, and overall functionality were observed. of reproducible results may be secondary to
The first randomized, placebo-controlled, small, nonrandomized studies, varying time
crossover study included 20 patients who to initiation and duration of donepezil. Dos-
were 2 to 24 months after a mild to severe ing strategies were consistent at 5 to 10 mg
TBI.102 Patients were treated for 10 weeks per day in both trials. Because of acetyl-
with donepezil 5 to 10 mg daily or placebo, choline’s prolonged time to normalization
followed by a 4-week washout period, and and higher risk of chronic impairment, future
then switched to the other treatment for studies could focus on long-term benefits of
the remaining 10 weeks. At week 10, pa- donepezil.85,86
tients in the group who were treated with
donepezil had significant improvements in AGENTS WITH LIMITED EVIDENCE
both short-term memory and attention scores
compared with their own baseline and those Several other neurostimulants have
given placebo. Patients administered placebo been evaluated with limited evidence
did not significantly improve compared with to draw conclusions on their benefit in
their baseline. After completion of the sec- TBI patients. Milnacipran is a serotonin-
ond phase of the trial at week 24, those ini- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI).
tially treated with donepezil maintained their Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake in-
benefits. The scores of those who crossed hibitors increase concentrations of serotonin
over from placebo to donepezil improved, and norepinephrine through inhibition
and there was no longer any difference be- of presynaptic reuptake by serotonin and
tween the groups. The results of this small norepinephrine transporters. Although
study imply that treatment with donepezil hypothesized to have similar benefits to
can improve patients’ memory and attention. SSRIs, studies evaluating SNRIs in post-TBI
A more recent analysis of donepezil was a depression are limited. One open label
retrospective cohort by Campbell et al103 in study of 10 patients evaluated the use of
2018. This trial included patients who had milnacipran on depression assessed by the
sustained a moderate to severe TBI. Fifty-five HAM-D and cognitive functioning assessed by
subjects who were treated with donepezil 5 the Mini-Mental State Examination after mild
to 10 mg daily via physician discretion had to moderate TBI.104 Milnacipran was initiated
their outcomes compared with 74 patients at a dose of 30 mg twice daily and adjusted
who had received standard TBI care and no to a maximum dose of 150 mg per day.
donepezil. Donepezil was initiated a mean After 6 weeks, 44.4% of patients’ depression
17.5 (range: 3-54) days postinjury and dis- was in remission (HAM-D <7). Patients also
continued after a mean 67.5 (range: 32-120) had significant improvement in cognitive
days. The prespecified outcomes were pro- functioning based on their Mini-Mental State
cessing speed, attention, and memory. No Examination. Although the sample size was
significant differences were found across all low, these results indicate that with further
neuropsychological outcomes. A limitation of studies, milnacipran may be effective in
this study is the retrospective design and post-TBI depression. A trial evaluating the
provider-guided decision for who received SNRI venlafaxine for the treatment of post-
donepezil. TBI depression has also been completed;

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

however, the results of this trial have not yet state following severe TBI. In a prospective
been published (NCT00205491). case series, 11 patients who remained in a
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) in- vegetative state for 1 month following TBI
hibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase, result- were given levodopa/carbidopa 100 mg/25
ing in increased concentrations of multiple mg twice daily (maximum dose: 375 mg per
neurotransmitters including serotonin, nore- day). After 2 to 5 months, 4 patients had
pinephrine, and dopamine.63,105 Although improved to a minimally conscious state.108
MAOIs were the first class of antidepres- No adverse events were reported. As the evi-
sant medications, their use has historically dence is limited to case series, further studies
been limited by drug-drug and drug-food in- are needed before this agent can be recom-
teractions and adverse events. One concern- mended for use in improving recovery speed.
ing interaction is with tyramine-containing Bromocriptine is a dopamine agonist
foods (ie, cheeses, cured or smoked meats, with similar therapeutic properties to
and sourdough bread) as MAOIs also in- amantadine.109 A prospective cohort study
hibit monoamine oxidase in the gastroin- included patients in a minimally conscious
testinal tract. When MAOIs and tyramine are state.110 Adult patients (N = 33) received
coingested, this allows unmetabolized tyra- bromocriptine 7.5 mg once daily. Patients
mine to enter the bloodstream and promotes exhibited improvements in arousal, cognitive
a sympathetic effect.105 These agents also impairment, and memory after 6 months. As
have numerous drug interactions that may in- this study lacked a comparative group, the
crease the risk of serotonin syndrome when 6-month time frame may have allowed for
taken concomitantly with other serotonergic spontaneous improvement and confounds
medications (ie, SSRIs or SNRIs). Although the results.
not available in the United States, moclobe- Rivastigmine is a centrally acting acetyl-
mide is a novel MAOI with similar therapeutic cholinesterase inhibitor with similar thera-
properties to other antidepressants. Moclobe- peutic properties to donepezil.111 A multicen-
mide reversibly and selectively inhibits MAO- ter trial randomized 157 patients with TBI
A, which results in fewer interactions and ad- to rivastigmine 1.5 to 3 mg twice daily or
verse effects.106 placebo.112 The primary outcome measured
Newburn et al107 conducted a retrospective verbal attention and memory function. No
study of TBI patients with a major depres- significant differences were found. Patients
sive episode or major depression. Patients who received rivastigmine experienced sig-
were treated with moclobemide 450 to 600 nificantly more nausea. With the limited data
mg per day. After 3 weeks of treatment, 23 available, the evidence for improvement in
of 26 patients were considered responders memory in TBI favors donepezil as the agent
based on their HAM-D scores.107 Five patients of choice.
withdrew from the study because of adverse
events including nausea, diarrhea, and ortho- CONCLUSION
static hypotension. The results indicate that
with further research, moclobemide might Neurostimulants have been evaluated for
be an alternative option for the treatment of post-TBI conditions including cognitive, af-
depression in TBI patients. However, as this fective, and sleep-wake disorders. Benefits
agent is not available in the United States, have been reported in both the acute and
a recommendation for its use cannot be chronic phases of recovery, but clinical prac-
made. tice guidelines are lacking strong recommen-
Levodopa/carbidopa is a combined dations. The available literature is limited by
dopamine precursor and decarboxylase in- several factors including small sample sizes,
hibitor that has been evaluated for improving lack of accountability for spontaneous re-
recovery speed from a persistent vegetative covery, the use of different and subjective

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurobehavioral Sequelae 187

outcomes scales, and subject heterogeneity shown to improve EDS. When making the de-
(including variations in TBI severity and time cision to initiate a neurostimulant, providers
from injury). should work with the patient to identify the
Based on the available literature, there is ev- most appropriate agent based on medication
idence to support the use of amantadine for side effect profiles and patient-specific fac-
cognitive disorders, particularly in improving tors. Patients should be monitored for clinical
recovery speed. Selective serotonin reuptake improvement and adverse effects. Large ran-
inhibitors may be useful in treating affective domized controlled trials with homogenous
disorders, with the best evidence supporting patient populations are needed to fully deter-
sertraline and citalopram for the treatment mine the benefit of these agents. In the mean-
of post-TBI depression. For sleep-wake disor- time, recommendations such as those pro-
ders, MPH may be useful in improving mental vided by INESSS-ONF are able to offer some
fatigue. Modafinil and armodafinil have been guidance.


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