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personal pronouns: I and me etc

SUBJETS I you he she it we they

OTHER USES me you him her it us them
SUBJETS: I. HE ETC I like Mary. He needs help. They want your address.
OBJETS: ME ETC Mary doesn’t like me. Help him Don’t tell them anything.
AFTER PREPOSITIONS: ME ETC Look at me. Why is Jane with him? Is that for us?
AFTER BE: ME ETC ’Who’s there?’ ’It’s me.’ (NOT USUALLY ’IT IS I.’)
’Is that Joe?’ ’Yes, that’s him
INFORMAL ANSWERS: ME ETC ’Who said that?’ ’Me’ ’I’m tired,’ ’Me too’

1 Circle the correct answer.

I / Me don’t understand. 5 ’Where’s you brother?’ ’That’s he / him over there.’
1 ’Who said that?’ ’It was she / her.’
2 Tell we / us your address. 6 Where are the children? Can you see they? / them?
3 This isn’t for you, it’s for he / him.
4 I don’t think they / them are here today. 7 Ask she / her why she / her is crying.

2 Put in he, him, she, her, they or them.

1 ’Does your father speak English?’ ’..................... understands a little.’
2 ’I’m seeing Lucy and Pete on Tuesday.’ ’Oh, give ................ my love’
3 ’Mr Carter’s here.’ ’Ask .................. to wait downstairs.’
4 Where are you friends? .................. ’re very late.
5 ’Have you spoken to Mrs Lewis?’ ’Not yet. I’m going to phone ............. this evening’
6 ’ Where’s Ann?’ ’.................’s in Germany all this week’

We use it, they and them for thing, induding (usually) countries and animals
I like Scotlond, but it’s cold in winter She sold her horse because it cost too much.

3 Put in it, they or them.

1 ’Where are my keys?’ ................ ’re on that chair.’
2 ’Where did that cat come from?’ ’................’s not very good.’
3 ’What did you think of the lm?’ ’ .................. ’s not very good.’
4 ’What shall I do with these letters?’ Just put ................ on the table.
5 ’Can I have John’s address?’ ’I’ll give ................. to you this afternoon.’
6 ’Did you enjoy your holiday in Ireland?’ ’Yes, ...............’s a wonderful place.’
7 ’Where are your glasses?’ ’I’ve lost....................,
8 ’Would you like tickets for the concret?’ ’How much do ............... cost?’

We use it to talk about times, dates, distances and the weather.

It’s ve o’clock It’s Tuesday, It’s December 17th today It’s my birthday.
It’s 20 miles from my house to the of Oxford. It’s cold today It’s raining.

4 Write true answers to these questions beginning it’s ......

1 What day is it? It’s ....................................... 3 What’s the date? ........................................
2 What day is it? ............................................. 4 How far is it to London?..............................
We don’t usually leave out personal pronouns. (For exceptions in spoken English, see page 271)

Jan arrived in America in 1976. He found a job in a clothes shop. (NOT Found a job...)
’What languages do you know?’ ’I can speak some German.’ (NOT ’Can speak...’)
’Is your room Ok?’ ’Yes, I like it’ (NOT ’Yes, I like,’)

5 Write answers, using I, you, etc.

’What time is the next train?’ (8.30, leaves, at)
’It Leaves at 8.30.’
1 ’Where’s John?’ (has, London, to, moved)
2 ’Have you seen my glasses?’ (on, chair, are, that)
3 ’What do you think of my new shoes?’ (like)
4 ’What’s Elisabeth going to do?’ (medicine, study, going to, is)
5 ’I’m learning Greek. ’ Is it easy?’ (No, dif cult, is)


Make sure you know the adjetives and verbs in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Then label the pictures.

ADJETIVES: cloudy cold foggy hot sunny warm windy

VERBS: hail rain snow


It’s hailing
..................... It’s foggy
........................ 1 ...................... 2 ........................ 3 ..........................



4 ......................... 5 ........................... 6........................... 7 ......................... 8......................

In conversation, we often use me after and in subjects. Many people feel this is incorrect.
John and me saw a great lm last night. (More ’correct’: John and I...)
I and me (subject and object pronouns)
1 Look at this: 3 Look at the subject and object pronouns
(1 - 16) in this conversation:

Mary saw Peter and Paul.

A: I 1saw Sheila yesterday but she didn’t
see me 9
She saw them. 2 12
B: Are you going to see her tomorrow?
Note that we can use she (subject pronoun) A: No, I’m meeting Steve, We6are playing golf,
instead of Mary, and them (object pronoun) B: You7’re both beginners It isn’t an easy game.
instead of Peter and Paul. 13
I played it last year and I was terrible!
A: Why don’t you come with us14 ? We can help you10
2 Here are the subject and object pronouns: B: I would like to play with you15 both tomorrow, but
SUBJECT OBJECT my brother is leaving in the afternoon. He3is catching the
singular 1 I 9 me two o’clock train, and we’re taking him11 to he station.
2 you 10 you He ’s spending a month with our aunt and uncle. They8live
3 he 11 him in Scotland. I stayed with them16 last year.
4 she 12 her
5 it 13 it 4 We use it for things and for the weather, time, days, date, distances,
plural 6 we 14 us and for animals:
7 you 15 you
8 they I’m studying economics. It’s a di cult subject.
16 them
It’s hot today
We must always have a subject in English: It’s four o’clock.
They are coming (Not Are coming) It’s Tuesday. It’s the third of April.
It’s 200 miles to York
Look at that bird It’s eating the bread

A Write these sentences using subject and object pronouns instead of the underlined words.
0 John and I saw Peter yesterday. He bought John and me a cup of coffee.

We saw Peter yesterday. He bought us a cup of coffee

1 David and Mike are arriving today. I’m meeting David and Mike at the station.

2 I’m looking for Mary. Have you seen Mary? Mary isn’t at home.

3 John and I saw a lm called ’The Tiger’ yesterday. Have you seen ’The Tiger’?

4 Come to the swimming pool with Joanna and me. Joanna and I are leaving now.

5 George and Jane are meeting Paul today. Paul is having lunch with George and Jane

6 There’s Jack’! Jack’s got a heavy suitcase. Shall we help Jack?

him he
0 ________ saw ________, but ________ dind’t see ________ me
1 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
2 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
3 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
4 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
5 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
6 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________
7 ________ saw ________, but ________ didn’t see ________

C James is talking about himself and his family. Put subject pronouns
(I, you etc.) in the gaps
0 1 2
Hi!_______ am James and________ live in Australia._________ ’ve got.
two brothers___________ ’re called Pete and Mike. My mother works at the
4 5
hospital.__________ is a doctor. My father works in a sports shop.________
works very hard. The shop makes a lot of money, and_________ ’s always full
of people.

Now put object pronouns (me, you etc.) in the gaps.

On Saturdays I work for my father, I help _________ in the shop, and he gives
__________ some money. On Sundays we go to the beach. We have two dogs,
and we take_________ with us. We also take a ball and they play with
_________ on the beach while we swim in the sea.

Now put object or subject pronous in the gaps

At the moment I’m at university, I’m studying business 11___________ ’s an
interesting subject. Two of my school friends are at university with 12____________
Our Teachers are good but 1_3________ give 14__________ a lot of work to do.
Next week 15___________ are all taking our rst exams. I want to get good marks
in 16______________

I my This is my coat.
you your That’s your problem.
he his John’s visiting his mother.
she her Ann looks like her brothers.
it its The club has its meetings on Tuesdays.
we our Our friends Joe and Pat are Staying with us.
they their The children have spent all their money.
who? whose? Whose coat is this?

Possessives don’t change for singular and plural

our friend our friends (NOT ours friends)

Note how we use his and her if a boy or man has something, we use his, if a girl or woman has
something, we use her.
I saw John and his sister yesterdays. (NOT John and her sister...)
Mary and her brother are students (NOT Mary and his brother)

We often use possessives with parts of the body and clothes.

Phil has broken his arm. (NOT Phil has broken the arm)
She stood there with her eyes closed and her hands in her pockets.

Put in the correct possessives.

Ann’s lost ................ keys.

Would you like to wash ............. hands?
1 Peter says ............... wife is ill.
2 We’re taking............ holiday in June.
3 ............... car is that outside?
4 My bank has changed .................. name.
5 I’m going to sell ................ motorbike.
6 My students have got ................... exam next week.
7 John writes to ............. girlfriend every day.
8 Ann lives with ........... father in Portugal.
9 Please put ............... coats upstairs.
10 Robert broke ............. leg skiing last winter.
11 ’What lm did you see?’ ’Sorry, I’ve forgotten.................. name.’

nish these sentences.

my hands
1 I’m going to wash..................... 4 He’s going to wash .................................
2 She’s going to wash ................................... 5 They’re going to wash ............................
3 We’re going to wash ................................... 6 Are you going to wash ............................?
Finish these sentences.
1 He ........................................... 5 I .................................................. parents.
2 They live with ............................... parents. 6 John .........................................................
3 We ................................................ parents 7 Do you live ............................................?
4 Julia lives .................................................. 8 Most children .........................................
Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with his/her/their.
1 her husband, Philip.
I saw Liz with............
2 I saw Ann and Ted with............ children.
3 I saw Ted with............. wife, Ann.
4 I saw George with........... brother, Bill.
5 I saw Ann with.............. brother, Bill.
6 I saw Liz and Philip with............... son, Bill
7 I saw Ann with.............. parents.
8 I saw Diana and Robert with.......... parents

Put in my/our/your/his/her/their/its
1 Do you like.............job?
2 I know Mr Watson but I don’t know................ wife.
3 Mr and Mrs Baker live in London. ..................... son lives in Australia.
4 We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all ................. friends.
5 Ann is going out with ................. friends this evening.
6 I like tennis. It’s .................. favourite sport.
7 ’Is that ................ car?’ ’No, I haven’t got a car.’
8 I want to phone Ann. Do you know .................. phone number?
9 Do you think most people are happy in .............. jobs?
10 I’m going to wash ................. hair before I go out.
11 This is a beautiful tree, ................. leaves are a beautifull colour.
12 John has a brother and a sister. .................. brother is 25 and ............... sister is 21.
Complete the sentences, Use my/his/their etc. with one of these words:
coat homework house husband job key name
1 his job It’s not very interesting.
Jim doesn’t enjoy ................
2 I can’t open the door, I haven’t got ................................... .
3 Sally is married. ............................................ works in a bank.
4 It’s very cold today. Put on ....................................... when you go out.
5 ’What are the children doing?’ ’They’re doing .......................................’
6 ’Do you know that man?’ ’Yes, but I don’t know ................................. .’
7 We live in Barton Street. ........................................ is at the end on the left.

1 Finish the sentences with mine/yours etc.
1 It’s your money. It’s ................. 5 It’s their house. It’s .................................
2 It’s my bag. It’s ...................................... 6 They’re your books. They’re ..................
3 It’s our car. It’s ........................................ 7 They’re my glasses. They’re ...................
4 They’re her shoes. They’re ..................... 8 It’s his coat. It’s ........................................

2 Choose the right word

1 It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours. their and ours are right
2 This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours?
3 That’s not my/mine umbrella, My/Mine is black,
4 Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine?
5 Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
6 My/Mine room is bigger than her/hers.
7 They’ve got two children but I don’t know their/theirs names.
8 Can we use your washing machine? Our/Ours is broken.

3 Finish these sentences. Use friend(s) of mine/yours etc.

1 friend of mine
I went to the cinema with a .....................................
2 friends of theirs
They went on holiday with some .......................................
3 She’s going out with a friend ..........................................................................
4 We had dinner with some ................................................................................
5 I played tennis with a .......................................................................................
6 Tom is going to meet a .....................................................................................
7 Do you know those people? Are they .............................................................?
4 Look at the pictures. What are people saying?

A. Complete with a Re exive Pronoun

1. He looked at .............................. in the mirror.
2. I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with.............................
3. Margaret enjoyed .............................. in London.
4. We never think about others. We only think about ..............................
5. I like you. Tell me about ..................................!
6. Many people go on holiday by ............................

B. Chose the right word

1. It’s theirs/their problem, not our/ours.
2. These are nice pictures. Are they yours/your.
3. This is not my/mine bike. My/Mine is newer.
4. Kate is leaving with hers/her friends.
5. Can we/us use your car! Our/ours is broken.

C. Complete using Personal Pronouns and Objective Pronouns.

1. They invite me but .............. don’t want to invite ..............
2. She invites us but ................ don’t want to invite..............
3. We invite them but ................ don’t want to invite ............
4. He invites her but ............ don’t want to invite .................
5. I invite you but ................. you don’t want to invite...........

D. Complete the sentences P. P. and obj. Pronouns

1. Who is that man? Do you know .................?
2. The children are not here. Where are ................?
3. I’m speaking. Please listen to ....................?
4. What’s the matter with Peter? ............... is very sad.
5. We’ll meet our friends. Please give ............... my love

E. Complete the correct Possessive Adjective

1. John and ............................. wife.
2. I can’t nd .............................. coat.
3. Mr Rodriguez bought a ball for .............................children.
4. The cat is big. It drinks .............................. milk everyday.
5. Mary has 2 cars ........................... Renault is new and .......................... toy old.
6. The teachers love ........................... pupils.
square, round, flat, rectangular

An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone

is. Examples: ancient, new, young, old
Adjective order

Task 1: Put the following adjectives in the right order

Our school is in a _____________________________ (big old, rectangular) building.

We have ____________________________ (English, interesting, two) classes this week

We have ______________________________ (a few, tasteless, tiny) hot dog for dinner.

We drink some ___________________________ (American, orange, sweet) lemonade.

We meet a group of ______________________________ ( ve, smart, young) authors.

Today, we have a _____________________________ (di cult, extensive, math) exam

We are selling our ____________________________________ (broken, tiny, ugly) car.

We can see ________________________________ (ancient, circular, several) menhirs.

They sell ___________________________________ (colourful, round, southern) cacti

We are looking for __________________________________ (fresh, red, some) apples.

This restaurant had ___________________________ (Atlantic, de licious, some) crabs.

Aunt Lucy bought an ___________________________ (antique, rocking, wooden) chair.

Jason wrote a ____________________________________ (horror, long new) novel

Ansgar joined an _________________________________ (ambitious, rich, soccer) team.

Kim directed an _________________________ (acclaimed, modern, international) lm

Alex watched the __________________________________ (blue, northem, pale) sky

Teny survived a ________________________________ (big, electric, violent) storm.

Mary fell in love with a ________________________ (good-looking, tall, strapping man)

Sean owns an _____________________________ (imported, orange, precious) carp.

Mel got a ____________________________________ (canopy, massive, square) bed

Task 2: Depict ten different objects in your house by using at least three different

adjective to describe each item.

................... ............................. .........................

........................... ................................. ................................



............................. .
................................................ .
................................................ .
................................................ .
................................................ .
................................................ .
............................................ .
................................................ .
............................................... .
................................................ .
cheap the cheapest We often use the Present Perfect with ever
big the biggest after the superlative:
sad the saddest That was your best film I’ve ever seen.
famous the most famous A: How was your holiday?
dif cult the most dif cult B: Fantastic! Iceland is the most beautiful
hungry the hungriest country I’ve ever visited
Good and bad are irregular:






The Superlative Form of Adjectives

Complete the following sentences with the correct superlative form of the words listed below.

funny high delicious easy cold boring lucky smart

dirty rich valuable bad large cheap long scary
1. Yesterday was __________________ day of the year. I almost froze to death walking home from school!

2. That was ________________________ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.

3. Please give me your recipe. That is __________________________ cake I’ve ever eaten.

4. Jerry is ___________________________ student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.

5. Bob told __________________________________ story last night. I couldn’t stop laughing.

6. Whales are ______________________________________ animals in the world.

7. The Nile is __________________________ ________ river in the world

8. Marie is __________________________ person I know. She has won lottery times!

9. He is ________________________ speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleep during

his speech

10. Mount Everest is _________________________ mountain in the world

11. That is ___________________________ painting in the art gallery It’s worth a million dollars.

12. Bill Gates is one of _________________________________ men in the world.

13. I nished the exercise in ve minutes It was ________________________ homework the teacher.

14. Arthur hates to clean. He has ________________________ apartment I’ve ever seen.

15. My dinner only cost $ 6.00. That must be __________________________ restaurant in town.

16. I was afraid to turn off the lights last night. That was ___________________________ show

I’ve ever watched.

The Superlative Form of Adjectives

A) Write questions using the words provided and the superlative form of the adjective.

Ex what / big mistake / ever made What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?

1. what / beautiful place to visit / your country


2. who / kind person / you know


3. what / good movie / ever seen


4. what / happy day / in your life


5. what / crazy thing / ever done


6. what / expensive thing / ever bought


7. what / good restaurant / your city


8. what / exciting place / ever been


9. who / interesting person / ever met


B) Ask a classmate the questions you have written or write your own answers on

a separate piece of paper.

Comparatives Using as....as
Make your own com parisons using the words provided and the structure as,,,as.

Ex. My aparment / large / yours My apartment is as large as yours.

My car/ expensive / your car My car isn’t as expenseve as your car.

1. biology / interesting / history _______________________________________________________

2. train / fast / airplane ______________________________________________________________

3. algebra / di cult / geometry________________________________________________________

4. Batman / popular / Superman ______________________________________________________

5. lemon / sweet / orange ____________________________________________________________

6. morning / warm / afternoon _________________________________________________________

7. robin / big / eagle ________________________________________________________________

8. my neighbor / friendly / yours _______________________________________________________

9. tiger / dangerous / lion ____________________________________________________________

10. bicycle / expensive / motorcycle ___________________________________________________

11. house / tall / skyscraper __________________________________________________________

12. France / beautiful / Switzerland _____________________________________________________

13. my old shoes / comfortable / new shoes ______________________________________________

14. grammar / di cult / spelling ________________________________________________________

15. Beethoven / famous / Mozart _______________________________________________________

16. frozen yogurt / fattening / ice cream ___________________________________________________

17. Coke / healthy / fruit juice __________________________________________________________

18. my apartment / convenient / yours ______________________________________________________

19. big cities / safe / small towns ________________________________________________________

20. New York hotels / expensive / Tokyo hotels ______________________________________________

Adjectives Compansons
1 (age)
2 (street)
3 (time)
4 (colour)
adjectives: comparative and superlative
1. Complete the chart with the comparatives and superlatives:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

longer than the longest
________________ ________________
fast faster than
________________ ________________
pretty the prettiest
________________ ________________
beautiful more beautiful than
________________ ________________
ugly uglier than
________________ ________________
thin ________________ ________________
the thinnest
fashionable more fashionable than
________________ ________________

2. Write the comparative:

a. old older f. good__________________
b. strong_________________ g. large__________________
c. happy_________________ h. serious________________
d. modem________________ i. pretty__________________
e. important_______________ j. bad____________________
3. Complete the sentences with a superlative
a. This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town
b. It was a very happy day It was ________________________________ of my life
c. It’s a very good lm It’s _____________________________________ I’ve seen
d. It was a very bad mistake. It was ______________________________ in my life
e. It was a very cold day. It was _________________________________ of the year
f. She’s a popular singer. She’s __________________________________ in the country
g. He’s a very boring person. He’s _______________________________ I know
h. This house is very big, it is ___________________________________ I’ve lived in
i. My cousin is very tall. He is __________________________________ I have
j. Laura is a very pretty girl. She is _______________________________ I know

4. Choose the correct answer

a. Tom’s car is as big as / the biggest his friend’s.
b. Who is shorter than / the shortest person in your family?
c. Who is more independent than / the most independent person you know?
d. These sofas are more comfortable than / the most comfortable ours.
e. My brother is taller than / the tallest in the class
f. Is Jason’s dog older than / the oldest yours?
g. Who is the best / better than singer in the world?
B Put the best phrase from the box in each gap. Start your sentences with I’ll.

phone for a taxi help you to look for it go with you

give you the name of a language school carry some of them give you some money
ask her to phone you tonight open a window make you a sandwich

0 A: I want to take these books home but they’re very heavy

I’ll carry some of them.
B: _______________________________________________________
1 A: I feel sick. It’s so hot in this room
2 A: I want a cup of coffee, but I don’t have any money.
3 A: I’m hungry. I didn’t have any lunch.
4 A: I want to learn Japanese
5 A: I’ve lost my passport.
6 A: I’t’s ten o’clock. I’ll be late if I walk.
7 A: I want to speak to Jane. It’s very important.
8 A: I want to go to the museum, but I don’t know the way.

C Put shall I or Shall we in the gaps in the dialogues.

0 A: I’m hungry. Are you going to the shops?
Shall I
B: Yes ________________ get you something to eat?
0 A: We need a holiday
Shall we go to Florida?
B: What a good idea!_____________
1 A: I’m going to get some tickets for the concert next week. __________________ buy you one?
B: Yes please. I’d love to come.
2 A: ______________ go to a restaurant tonight?
B: Ok, but I don’t have any money. Will you pay for me?
3 A: I want to go to Italian classes, but I’ve never learnt a foreign language before.
B: __________________ come with you?
A: That’s very kind of you.
4 A; Where is our meeting?
B: At John’s of ce on Baker Street.
A: __________________ walk or take a taxi?
5 A: You look thirsty. ______________ get you a drink?
B: Yes, please. Can I have an orange juice or some water?
6 A: It’s a beautiful day! _______________ have a picnic?
B: Wonderfull idea! Who shall we invite?
Future Simple
We use the Future Simple for:
Af rmative
I/you will (I’ll/you’ll) go predictions.
he/she/it will (he’ll/she’ll/it’ll)go There will be more deserts in the future
we/you/they will (we’ll/you’ll/they’ll) go decisions made at the time of speaking.
Onions aren’t on the list, but I’ll gelt some.
Negative promises
I/you will not (won’t) go I’ll take you with me next time.
he/she/it will not (won’t) go
we/you/they will not (won’t) go threats.
I’ll tell your friends about this.
Question offers.
Will I/you go? Those bags look heavy I’ll carry some for you
Will he/she/it/go?
Will we/you/they go?

Short answers
We only use shall with I and we in questions when we
want to offer to do something or when we suggest
Yes, I/you will. No, I/you won’t. Shall I do the shopping today?
Yes, he/she/it will. No, he/she/it won’t. Shall we go away for the weekend?
Yes, we/you/they will. No, we/you/they won’t.

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly with will or shall.
We can use shall
Eg Get out, or I call the guard. instead of will for offers
Get out, or I’ll call the guard! or suggestions with
I and we
1 The phone is ringing; I get it.
2 Will I get you a more comfortable chair?
3 Don’t worry! I help you to move house.
4 Will we out this evening?
5 In the next decade, cars are becoming lighter.
6 Stop talking or I am calling the librarian.
7 It’s raining, so I am lending you an umbrella.
8 I return the money, I promise.
Choose the correct answer

Eg We won’t leave / don’t leave without you, I promise.

1 Is Ingrid staying / Does Ingrid stay in tonight?
2 The next bus arrive / arrives in ten minutes.
3 Get to work on time, or you will lose / are losing your job.
4 Will / Shall we have breakfast outside?
5 I won’t tell / don’t tell anyone, I promise.
6 In future, less sunlight will reach / is reaching Earth.
7 What time does / will your train leave?
8 My friends and I are playing / play football this evening.

Be Going To
Af rmative We use be going to to talk about:
I am (I’m) going to wait
you are (you’re) going to wait plans and arrangements for the future.
he/she/it is (he’s/she’s/it’s) going to wait I am going to plant some trees in my
we/you/they are (we’re/you’re/they’re) going to wait garden.
Negative something we know is going to
I am not (I’m not) going to wait happen because we have evidence.
you are not (aren’t) going to wait He’s very tired. He’s going to fall asleep
he/she/is not (isn’t) goint to wait very soom.
we/you/they are not (aren’t) going
Question From now on, I’m not going to throw
Am I going to wait?
away paper with the other rubbish.
Are you going to wait?
Is he/she/it going to wait?
Are we/you/they going to wait?

Short answers
We can use both be going to and the
Present Continuous to talk about plans
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. and arrangements.
Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. We’re going to invite some friends to dinner.
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. We’re inviting some friends to dinner.
Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to and a verb from the box.

Break buy choose give learn not use put spend take

Eg are going to buy

They.......................................................... a new car next week.
1 We ........................................................ a little Portuguese before we go to Brazil.
2 Form now on, he ........................................................ more time with his fanily.
3 I .......................................................... a carpet for my bedroom on Saturday.
4 Where ............. you .........................................your new table?
5 My hair looks awful .................................................... this shampoo again.
6 I don’t want to carry a heavy suitcase, so I........................................................ very few clothes.
7 There is too much weight on the rope. It ...............................................................
8 I ............................................................. my stamp collection to my nephew.
Write questions and answers using be going to and the verbs in brackets.

Eg you / sell / your old bike (paint)

Are you going to sell your old bike?
No, I’m going to paint it

1 they / buy / a house (rent)

2 Edward / drive / to work / tomorrow (cycle)
3 you / spend / that money (save)
4 we / make / a pizza / this evening (order)
5 they / shell / their stamp collection (keep)
6 she / start / reading that book / tomorrow ( nish)
7 he / study / abroad / next year (work)
8 you / draw / the old houses in the village (photograph)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to or the Future Simple.

am going to have
Eg I .......................................(have) Shall I make
cuo of tea .................................... (make) one for you

1 He is a long way in front of the second runner. He ...............................(win) the race.

2 I ................................. (work) late today, but I promise I ............................(be) back in time for dinner.
3 They ............................... (start) their own business. Do you think they ..................... (be) successful?
4 You ................................ (hurt) your back carrying that heavy case, ....................... (help) you with it?
5 Clean water ................................ (become) more expensive in the future.
6 ’We don’t have any rice ........................ you .............................. (buy) some from the supermarket?’
’It’s not on my list, but I ...................................... (get) some for you.’
7 Don’t shout at the boss, or you ................................... (lose) you job.
8 I ................................. (take) some time off work next week. ......................... (we / spend) a few days
in the country?
Will or be going to

2 a baby in the summer.

a) Jane......
Choose the best 1) will have 2) is going to have
word or phrase.
b) Bye for now. Perhaps....... you later.
1) I’ll see 2) I’m going to see

c)”What are your plans for next summer?” “....... stay with my relatives in New York
1) I’ll 2) I’m going to

d) “I need someone to wite on the board. Any volunteers?” “ .......... do it.”

1) I will 2) I’m going to

e) I don’t know my plans for the summer. What.......?

1) will you do 2) are you going to do

f) “Is Jim coming with us?” “ No, he’s tired, so he ......... early tonight”
1) will go to bed 2) is going to go to bed

g) Have you heard the news? Helen ...... to Portland.

1) will move 2) is going to move
B Make sentences with ’ll and the words in brackets ()
I’ll make you a cup of coffee
0 Sit down. (I/make / you a cup of coffee.) ___________________________________________
1 A: It’s time for me to go home
B: (I / give / you a lift) __________________________________________________________
2 (I / phone / you tonight, I promise,) ________________________________________________
3 A: I won’t be able to buy the tickets for the concert today.
B: Don’t worry (I / buy / the tickets for both of us, and I / meet / you at the
concert hall.) __________________________________________________________________
4 A: Oh no, it’s raining and I must go to the shops.
B: That’s okay. (I / lend / you my umbrella.) ___________________________________________

C Complete these sentences using the correct form of am is/me going to and
the workds in brackets ().
I’m going to get
0 I keep sneezing. _________________________ (get) a bad cold.
1 Some of my friends _________________________ (have) a party next week.
They’ve invited lots of people.
2 I ________________________ (play) tennis this afternoon. I’ve booked a court.
3 We ________________________ (move) to a different area of the town
because we don’t like this area.
4 Anna _________________________ (look) for a different job. She wants.
to do something more interesting.
5 They said on the radio that it ______________________ (rain) this afternoon.

D Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets and ’ll or a form of be going to.
0 A: It’s rather hot in here, isn’t it?
I’ll open
B: Yes, you’re right ____________________________ (I/open) a window

1 A: Are you going to watch TV toninght?

B: Yes, _________________________ (I/watch) my favourite programme at 9 o’clock.

2 A: What _______________________ (you/eat) toninght? What food have you bought?

B: I haven’t bought any food.
A: Well, why don’t you come to my house? ________________________ (I/cook) us.
sometching nice to eat.

3 A: I’m going into centre of town tomorrow ___________________________ (I/buy)

some new clothes.
B: Oh what__________________________ (you/get)?
A: __________________________ (I/look) for a T-shirt and some jeans
B: I’d like to go into the centre too _________________________ (I/come) with you.

4 A: ___________________________ (I/leave) work late tomorrow. There is a meeting at 6 p. m.

B: Oh, I din’t know that. Well ____________________________ (I/see) you after the meeting.

5 __________________________ (I/phone) Tom at 6 o’clock. I promised to phone him

this evening.

6 A: Are you going to have a holiday in the summer?

B: Yes, ____________________________ (I/travel) around Europe with a friend.

Going to or Simple Future

1. Perhaps people ................................ (travel) to the moon.

2. They ................................. (have) their holiday on January 15
3. Let’s go to the park! No. I.............................. (watch) a lm.
4. Careful! The baby ................................. (fall) down.
5. A cigar? No, thanks I ................................ (have) a cup of tea.
6. Mum had an accident so he .............................. (stay) in hospital for 2 weeks.
7. I think you ................................. (not get) that job.
8. Look at the sky! It .................................. (be) a beautiful day.
9. I’m very tired. Ok ............................... (cook) foy you
10. I have decided I ............................... (buy) a Toyota.
11. John is going to London next week He .................................... (visit) some
12. Probably my mother ............................... (come) tomorrow.
13. What ................................ Pam (do) tomorrow? She ............................ (do)
some shopping
Do you want tu come? Ok I ................................ (go)
14. Listen! Tom ............................... (sing) my favourite song
15. Did you buy the tickets for the concert?
No, I forgot to do it
Don’t worry I .................................. (buy) them.
16. Pam ............................... (have) a baby It’s great!
17. It’s hot in here. Don’t worry I ............................. (open) the window.
18. It’s a holiday on May 25 We ............................. (have) a picnic.

A. Write sentences using GOING TO future.

1. John / start work / tomorrow (+)
2. Mary / phone / this evering (?)
3. It / rain (-)

B. Write sentences using Simple Future

1. I / be / here / next week (-)
2. Where / I nd / the key (?)
3. I think / the train / arrive / late (+)

C. Choose the correct Future

1. Perhaps I’ll see / am going to see you one day
2. I promise we aren’t going to be / shan’t be late.
3. I’m sick. Ok I am going to clean / ’ll clean the house.
4. She needs some tea. She ’ll go / is going to go to MiniCosto.

D. Put the verbs in the correct Future

1. Listen! Patricia Sosa ....................................... (sing).
2. May 25th is a holiday. We ..................................... (not come) to school.
3. I don’t want to drive. Don’t worry. I .......................................... (dot) it
4. In 2016 the teacher ....................................... (be) retired.
5. Tom’s made a decision. He ....................................... (study) engineering
6. We .............................. (go) to the disco. Wait! Tom ............................................ (go) too!
7. May be the children ..................................... (make) a party.
8. John is in Japan. He ....................................... (learn) Japanese.
9. Do you want to come? No, I ........................................ (visit) Mary.
10. I lost my pen! It’s ok I ........................................ (buy) you one.

* An adjective is a describing word

* It tells you about a noun, or describes it.
* It often comes before the noun it describes.
* Adjectives don’t change for singular and plural

Examples: an old building This is a busy street

a smart dog There is a large bed in the room
a tall basketball player It is quiet today
a fast car two fast cars


Old Windy interesting
young sunny boring
smart quiet high
low noisy poor
tall rough rich
short beautiful useful
big ugly tiny
small handsome thin
busy dif cult fat
dark easy safe
clear empty attractive
deep full ceative
shallow pretty smiling
strong wide weekly
heavy narrow friendly
light wet comfortable
at hot dangerous
famous cold horrible
unknown kind happy
popular rude sad
unpopular clean new
large dirty ancient
expensive thick modern
cheap intelligent early
slow good late
fast bad near
nice hard far
warm long stupid
wonderful hungry tired
A. Put the verbs in the correct Past Tense

Last weekend my sisters and I ............................................. (go) to Mar del Plata. We

................................... (be) very happy. The weather ....................................... (be) ne but
we ................................ (not swim) in the sea. We ...................................... (take) a lot of
photos. I ......................................... (buy) presents for my parents. My sister. Pam
.................................... (dance) in the night every night and ................................................
(come) back to the hotel very late. On Saturday night we ........................................ (leave)
the hotel when we ..................................... (meet) some friends.
We.................................... (have) a drink and ...................................... (talk) for hours.

On Sunday evening we ................................................ (wait) for the plane when it

.................................... (begin) to rain. We ................................... (arrive) home very late
but anyway we .................................... (enjoy) a lot!

B. Put the verbs in backets in the correct past tense.

1. When you ..................................... (come) in I................................... (read)
2. Mary .......................... (cook) when I rst ............................. (ask) her to marry me.
3. The dog ........................................... (bite) her on the ankle while she
..................................... (catch) it.
4. While we ............................. (write) a letter the phone ............................. (ring).
5. He ................................. (lose) his watch while he ......................... (cut) the grass.
6. We ....................... (run) under the bridge when the storm ............................ (break)
C. Choose the correct option
1. I was going / went to Paris last year.
2. When I nished / was nishing; I went / was going tu bed.
3. I opened the door when. Tom was ringing / rang the bell

A. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. When I .............. ...... (arrive) the professor ........................... (write) on the board.
2. They ....................... (play) football when the referee ...................... (stop) the game
3. The dogs .................................................... (walk) along quietly when Mr Pitt’s dog
........................................... (attack) them.
4. He suddenly ......................................... (realize) that he .............................. (travel)
in the wrong direction.
5. Tom ....................................... (have) an accident while he ......................................
(repair) the roof.
6. Mary ...................................... ( nd) an old photo when she ....................................
(look) for her passport.
7. What ......................................... the boy ..................................... (do) when I
......................................... (call) him?
B. Put the verbs in the correct Past Tense

Two years ago I .............................................. (go) to Miami. I ........................................ (have) a

great time there. Everything ............................................. (be) fantastic.
I .......................................... (make) a lot of friends and we ............................................ (do) a lot.
of things together. We ................................................. (swim) in the sea, ........................................
(visit) different places and ......................................................... (take) a lot of photos. One day we
.......................................... (buy) souvernirs when a man ................................................. (take) my
wallet. I ........................................... (shout) but it ............................................. (be) impossible to
stop him. We ............................................. (not can) buy anything and ..........................................
(go) back to the hotel.

A. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. When I .............. ...... (arrive) the professor ........................... (write) on the board.
2. They ....................... (play) football when the referee ...................... (stop) the game
3. The dogs .................................................... (walk) along quietly when Mr Pitt’s dog
........................................... (attack) them.
4. He suddenly ......................................... (realize) that he .............................. (travel)
in the wrong direction.
5. Tom ....................................... (have) an accident while he ......................................
(repair) the roof.
6. Mary ...................................... ( nd) an old photo when she ....................................
(look) for her passport.
7. What ......................................... the boy ..................................... (do) when I
......................................... (call) him?
B. Put the verbs in the correct Past Tense

Two years ago I .............................................. (go) to Miami. I ........................................ (have) a

great time there. Everything ............................................. (be) fantastic.
I .......................................... (make) a lot of friends and we ............................................ (do) a lot.
of things together. We ................................................. (swim) in the sea, ........................................
(visit) different places and ......................................................... (take) a lot of photos. One day we
.......................................... (buy) souvernirs when a man ................................................. (take) my
wallet. I ........................................... (shout) but it ............................................. (be) impossible to
stop him. We ............................................. (not can) buy anything and ..........................................
(go) back to the hotel.

Past continuous / I / He / She was talking. / You / We / They were waiting.

Match the conversations with the pictures. a. Read the article. What happened?
1. There she is! Quick Take a photo!
2. Quite hot today!
Dear Monique,
3. It’s nearly time. Jut ve more minutes. I hope you like this newspaper article I
4. Come in! The water’s lovely!
am sending you. I think it’s funny!
A: The children are saying Come in!
Tropical Londonl
Yesterday everyone was feeling hot. with
temperatures of 35 degrees in the shade
children were playing in the water of the
fountains. At 10:55, crowds of tourists were
waiting at Buckingham Place. They were
taking photos of the guardsmen who were
wearing their tradicional uniform - heavy
hats and thick, red jackets. At exactly 11
o’clock, the Queen came out of the Place
and waved to the crowd. As she was talking
to one of the of cers, there was a loud noise
- a guardsman fainted an fell to the ground.
But the Queen didn’t look surprised and just
said “Its quite hot today”. The guardsman is
now recovering in hospital.

Write soon,

b. Read the text again. Which people were

doing the following actions?

Playing in the water.

Waiting outside Buckingham Palace
Wearning their traditional uniforms.
Talking to one of the guardsmen.
Taking photos of the guardsmen
B Complete the sentences using the correct forms of have to and
the words in brackets. Be careful to use the correct tense.

0 I have to leave
0 Did you have to study
0 You don’t have to come
1 _______________________
2 _______________________
3 _______________________
4 _______________________
5 _______________________
6 _______________________
7 I want to be an airline pilot. What quali cations________________________ (you/have)
to be a pilot?
8 ________________________ (you/not/decide) today. You can tell me tomorrow.
9 I arrived late yesterday because _______________________ (I/wait) a long time for a bus.
10 A: ________________________ (you/work) every weekend?
B: No. I don’t but ________________________ (I/work) last weekend.

C Complete the conversations, using the correct forms of have to.

A: (Good morning, I’d like to buy a travel card. What / I / do?)
0 Good morning. I’d like to buy a travel card. What do I have to do?
have to do you to teach small children?
Have to is a modal verb, but we use have to like must, and we use don’t have to like needn’t

+ I/you/we/theyhave to go he/she/it has to go

? do I/you/we/they have to go? does he/she/it have to go?
- I/you/we/they do not have to go he/she/it does not have to go
Contractions: don’t; doesn’t

be be be carry have wear

has to be good with numbers.

An accountant.................... 3 A politician ...................... good at speaking.
1 A cook ..................................... very clean hands. 4 A builder ............................... heavy things.
2 An army of cer................................... a uniform. 5 A secretary ........................ good at spelling.



+ -
+ .................................................................................................................
- ...................................................................................................................
- ...................................................................................................................
+ ................................................................................................................
- ...................................................................................................................
+ ...................................................................................................................
- ................................................................................................................
+ ..................................................................................................................


.......................... .................................................
............................ ..................................................

When we want to express permission, responsibilities, obligation or prohibicion we use modal


* HAVE TO AND MUST are used to express obligation.

* DON’T HAVE TO is used to express that something is not required, is not necessary

* MUST and MUSTN’T are the same for all persons

* We use MUST when we think it is important to do an action or we give people orders.


You must be home by eleven She must tidy up her room every day

* We use MUST when the obligation comes from the speaker.

I must go to the doctor, I don’t feel well. I must stop smoking
I must have my homework ready tonight.

* We use HAVE TO when the obligation comes from someone else, not the speaker;
for an action that is necessary because of rules.


We have to be at the airport three hours before the ight leaves.

At work I have to wear a uiform.

My father has to pay the rent every month.

* MUSTN’T is used to say that something is against the rules or against the law


You mustn’t smoke at school. You mustn’t use your telephone on a plane

* DON’T HAVE TO is used to show that there is no obligation.


In this restaurant you don’t have to wear a tie.

My brother doesn’t have to wear uniform at his school.
We don’t have to get up early at weekends.
We can use have to in a number of tenses. We do not
usually use it in continuous tenses
Present Simple - I have to, you, etc
Past Simple - I had to, you had to, etc
Present Perfect Simple - I have had to, you have had to, etc
Past Perfect Simple - I will have to, you will have to, etc
We use have to to talk about obligation.
we have to get to work by elght o’clock tomorrow.
We use don’t have to to talk about something that is not
a necessity.
You don’t have to wear a tie in this restaurant.
We use the question form to ask if someone is obliged to
do something.
Do I have to wait for the machine to warm up before I use It?
Does she have to type all these letters before she goes home?

have to do
Table F Irregular verbs: Past Simple and past participle

be was / were been give gave given

beat beat beaten go went gone
become became become grow grew grown
begin began begun have had had
break broke broken hear heard heard
bring brought brought hide hid hidden
build built built hit hit hit
burn burnt burnt hold held held
buy bought bought hurt hurt hurt
catch caught caught keep kept kept
choose chose chosen know knew known
come came come learn learnt / learned learnt / learned
cost cost cost leave left left
cut cut cut lend lent lent
do did done let let let
draw drew drawn lose lost lost
drink drank drunk make made made
drive drove driven meet met met
eat ate eaten pay paid paid
fall fell fallen put put put
feel felt felt read read read
nd found found ring rang rung
y ew own run ran run
forget forgot forgotten say said said
forbid forbade forbidden see saw seen
get got got sell sold sold
send sent sent swim swam swum
show showed shown / showned take took taken
shut shut shut teach taught taught
sing sang sung tell told told
sit sat sat think thought thought
sleep slept slept throw threw thrown
speak spoke spoken understand understood understood
spend spent spent wake woke woken
stand stood stood wear wore worn
steal stole stolen win won won
sweep swept swept write wrote written

Rearrange the letters and nd the Past Write the in nitive form in the grid. Don’t
simple. One letter is useless: copy it to write to (e.g. TO BE = BE)
nish the proverb (e.g. BECOME MENCFAB >
1 2

1 become menceab became n

2 begin aboeng ............. .......
3 blow wrelb ............. ....... 3

4 catch gucahot ............. ....... 4

5 drink skrand ............. ....... 5

6 feel lefet ............. .......
7 forget gortwof ............. .......
8 give viage ............. ....... 6

9 have dath ............. ....... 7 8 9 10

10 keep phekt ............. .......

11 know wenok ............. ....... 11 12

12 make duame ............. ....... 13 14

13 say sitad ............. .......
14 meet tame ............. .......
15 speak toskep ............. .......
16 sleep spelth ............. ......
17 wear roweo ............. ....... ACROSS DOWN
18 stand rodost ............. .......
nokot ............. ....... 3 told 1 came
19 take
5 drank 2 fell
7 stole 3 took
There is N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 ate 4 wrote
1/2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10/11/12/13 11 bought 6 lent
12 stood 7 said
_ _ _ _ _ _ 14 caught 8 left
14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 15 chose 10 taught
13 went

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