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Marketing Analysis Homework II

The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate your analysis skills. You will be provided with
a dataset containing store level Nielsen data for a food item.


The SPSS data file contains outcome and predictor measures for four brands in a single food
product category. The brand names are disguised and labeled {A, C, D, X}. Brand X denotes the
private label product offering for the category. The data cover weekly observations of the
included variables measured at the store level. The time period of the data spans 51 weeks, with
week one corresponding to the first week of 2007. There are 18 stores in the dataset, each with
51 weekly observations. These stores are classified into 2 separate markets. The length of the
data file is 914 records.

Week [1: 51] (for) Stores [n=18] (in) Market Regions [#4 & #32]

In addition to the classification variables, there are six variables of interest in the dataset. For a
single row in the dataset, there is an observation on each of the variables for each of the four
brands. For example, selling price is one key variable of interest in the dataset. In week #1 in
market #4 at store #186, the dataset has four observations for selling price, one for each brand
{A,C,D,X}, represented by variables price.a, price.c, price.d, and price.x. Thus the total number
of columns in the dataset is 6x4=24 plus the above three classifiers (week, store and market),
which equals 27.

Out of the six variables of interest, there are four continuously scaled variables as follows.
Units Sold: Actual number of product units sold in that store for that week (unit sizes are
equivalent across brands)
Selling Price: Recorded selling price at the register (includes discounts)
metric # of UPC’s: Number of UPC’s (Universal Product Coding) for a particular brand stocked
in that store for that week. The higher the number of UPC's, the more variety is offered by that
metric TPR % depth: Percentage discount (industry uses the term temporary price reduction or
TPR) from normal selling price due to a price cut at that store for that week

The variables Units Sold, Selling Price, and # of UPC’s are measured on a scale from 0 to ∞.
TPR % depth is defined on the range 0-1 with zero representing normal selling price and .14, for
example, representing a 14% discount on normal selling price.

There are two categorical variables included in the dataset that record the state of certain
promotional activities for that specific brand. If the particular activity was true for that brand for
that store during that week, the variable will take the value one, if not it will take the value zero.

Feature: The brand appeared in a coupon booklet inserted into a local newspaper or other
circular that week
Display: The brand is presented in some in-store sales display
Hypothesis Testing:

You have each been randomly assigned to one of the four brands. Assume you are the manager
for that brand. For all questions in this section, state the null and alternative for each hypothesis,
provide a concise summary of your hypothesis testing in the form of a table, and state your
conclusions. Describe what these results mean beyond the reject, do not reject claim.

1. Test if there is a relationship between the likelihood of your brand being on in-store
display and the market region.


 in store display categorical (yes/no)

 region categorical (4 & 32)
o Nominal by nominal = chi-squared

Ho: Market #4 = Market# 32

Ha: The markets are not the same

Chi-Square Tests
Significance Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.898a 1 .168
Continuity Correctionb 1.166 1 .280
Likelihood Ratio 1.838 1 .175
Fisher's Exact Test .233 .141
Linear-by-Linear 1.896 1 .169
N of Valid Cases 914
a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table
Conclusion The assumption has been violated because 25% of the cells is greater than 20%
The Chi-squared test shows it is not statically significant. This means that there is no difference
in the market region and the items being on display.

Recommendation – It does not matter which region you are, a product being on display is the
2. Test if being featured makes a difference on the unit sales of your brand.


 Feature - nominal (yes/no) two groups

 Unit sales continuous (looking at the mean)

Independent sample t-test

Ho: Being featured does not contribute to unit sales.

Ha: Being featured does contribute to the outcome of unit sales.

Group Statistics
Std. Std. Error
feat.x N Mean Deviation Mean
units. No 848 63.71 47.372 1.627
x Yes 66 120.12 48.740 5.999

Conclusion: According to the data, both the data is statistically significant. After analyzing the
mean scores, I see the number of yes’s is higher; meaning that if the product is featured then
more units will be sold of that product.

Recommendation – Keep featuring items that you want people to buy. The data shows that
featuring an item increases unit sales for it.
3. Test if there is a difference in average price among the 18 stores.


 Price – continuous (mean)

 18 stores – categorical 18 groups

Ho: Price is the same among the 18 stores

Ha: Price is different among the 18 stores


Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Between 48.703 17 2.865 67.550 <.001
Within Groups 38.000 896 .042
Total 86.703 913

There is a difference because the Sig. level is .001 which is < .05 so we run the post hoc test

95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Std. Mean Minimu Maximu
N Mean Deviation Error Lower Bound Upper Bound m m
36 51 1.5375 .24041 .03366 1.4698 1.6051 1.02 1.89
104 51 1.4408 .10030 .01404 1.4126 1.4690 1.05 1.49
186 51 1.5143 .13646 .01911 1.4759 1.5527 1.00 1.69
206 51 1.4806 .04235 .00593 1.4687 1.4925 1.39 1.50
220 51 1.4508 .09472 .01326 1.4241 1.4774 1.03 1.49
334 51 1.4524 .09286 .01300 1.4262 1.4785 1.06 1.49
583 51 1.5384 .23787 .03331 1.4715 1.6053 1.02 1.89
704 51 1.5404 .23493 .03290 1.4743 1.6065 1.06 1.89
1432 51 1.8875 .22403 .03137 1.8244 1.9505 1.09 1.99
2178 51 1.7178 .17558 .02459 1.6685 1.7672 1.02 1.79
2188 51 1.5404 .23468 .03286 1.4744 1.6064 1.03 1.89
2190 50 1.5462 .23364 .03304 1.4798 1.6126 1.04 1.89
2201 48 1.4269 .09919 .01432 1.3981 1.4557 1.01 1.49
2252 51 1.4539 .40943 .05733 1.3388 1.5691 .99 2.04
3384 51 1.8031 .22543 .03157 1.7397 1.8665 1.50 1.99
3434 51 1.2967 .06665 .00933 1.2779 1.3154 1.25 1.39
3502 51 1.5418 .23187 .03247 1.4766 1.6070 1.07 1.89
3724 51 2.3533 .25860 .03621 2.2806 2.4261 1.36 2.49
Total 914 1.5852 .30816 .01019 1.5651 1.6052 .99 2.49
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: price.x
95% Confidence
Mean Interval
(I) (J) Difference Std. Lower Upper
store store (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
36 104 .09667 .04078 .995 -.1183 .3116
186 .02314 .04078 1.000 -.1918 .2381
206 .05686 .04078 1.000 -.1581 .2718
220 .08667 .04078 .999 -.1283 .3016
334 .08510 .04078 .999 -.1299 .3001
583 -.00098 .04078 1.000 -.2159 .2140
704 -.00294 .04078 1.000 -.2179 .2120
1432 -.35000* .04078 <.001 -.5650 -.1350
2178 -.18039 .04078 .300 -.3953 .0346
2188 -.00294 .04078 1.000 -.2179 .2120
2190 -.00875 .04099 1.000 -.2248 .2073
2201 .11058 .04141 .981 -.1077 .3289
2252 .08353 .04078 .999 -.1314 .2985
3384 -.26569* .04078 <.001 -.4806 -.0507
3434 .24078* .04078 .007 .0258 .4557
3502 -.00431 .04078 1.000 -.2193 .2106
3724 -.81588* .04078 <.001 -1.0308 -.6009
104 36 -.09667 .04078 .995 -.3116 .1183
186 -.07353 .04078 1.000 -.2885 .1414
206 -.03980 .04078 1.000 -.2548 .1751
220 -.01000 .04078 1.000 -.2250 .2050
334 -.01157 .04078 1.000 -.2265 .2034
583 -.09765 .04078 .995 -.3126 .1173
704 -.09961 .04078 .993 -.3146 .1153
1432 -.44667* .04078 <.001 -.6616 -.2317
2178 -.27706* .04078 <.001 -.4920 -.0621
2188 -.09961 .04078 .993 -.3146 .1153
2190 -.10542 .04099 .988 -.3214 .1106
2201 .01391 .04141 1.000 -.2044 .2322
2252 -.01314 .04078 1.000 -.2281 .2018
3384 -.36235* .04078 <.001 -.5773 -.1474
3434 .14412 .04078 .769 -.0708 .3591
3502 -.10098 .04078 .992 -.3159 .1140
3724 -.91255* .04078 <.001 -1.1275 -.6976
186 36 -.02314 .04078 1.000 -.2381 .1918
104 .07353 .04078 1.000 -.1414 .2885
206 .03373 .04078 1.000 -.1812 .2487
220 .06353 .04078 1.000 -.1514 .2785
334 .06196 .04078 1.000 -.1530 .2769
583 -.02412 .04078 1.000 -.2391 .1908
704 -.02608 .04078 1.000 -.2410 .1889
1432 -.37314* .04078 <.001 -.5881 -.1582
2178 -.20353 .04078 .100 -.4185 .0114
2188 -.02608 .04078 1.000 -.2410 .1889
2190 -.03189 .04099 1.000 -.2479 .1841
2201 .08744 .04141 .999 -.1308 .3057
2252 .06039 .04078 1.000 -.1546 .2753
3384 -.28882* .04078 <.001 -.5038 -.0739
3434 .21765* .04078 .042 .0027 .4326
3502 -.02745 .04078 1.000 -.2424 .1875
3724 -.83902* .04078 <.001 -1.0540 -.6241
206 36 -.05686 .04078 1.000 -.2718 .1581
104 .03980 .04078 1.000 -.1751 .2548
186 -.03373 .04078 1.000 -.2487 .1812
220 .02980 .04078 1.000 -.1851 .2448
334 .02824 .04078 1.000 -.1867 .2432
583 -.05784 .04078 1.000 -.2728 .1571
704 -.05980 .04078 1.000 -.2748 .1551
1432 -.40686* .04078 <.001 -.6218 -.1919
2178 -.23725* .04078 .010 -.4522 -.0223
2188 -.05980 .04078 1.000 -.2748 .1551
2190 -.06561 .04099 1.000 -.2816 .1504
2201 .05371 .04141 1.000 -.1646 .2720
2252 .02667 .04078 1.000 -.1883 .2416
3384 -.32255* .04078 <.001 -.5375 -.1076
3434 .18392 .04078 .260 -.0310 .3989
3502 -.06118 .04078 1.000 -.2761 .1538
3724 -.87275* .04078 <.001 -1.0877 -.6578
220 36 -.08667 .04078 .999 -.3016 .1283
104 .01000 .04078 1.000 -.2050 .2250
186 -.06353 .04078 1.000 -.2785 .1514
206 -.02980 .04078 1.000 -.2448 .1851
334 -.00157 .04078 1.000 -.2165 .2134
583 -.08765 .04078 .999 -.3026 .1273
704 -.08961 .04078 .998 -.3046 .1253
1432 -.43667* .04078 <.001 -.6516 -.2217
2178 -.26706* .04078 <.001 -.4820 -.0521
2188 -.08961 .04078 .998 -.3046 .1253
2190 -.09542 .04099 .996 -.3114 .1206
2201 .02391 .04141 1.000 -.1944 .2422
2252 -.00314 .04078 1.000 -.2181 .2118
3384 -.35235* .04078 <.001 -.5673 -.1374
3434 .15412 .04078 .647 -.0608 .3691
3502 -.09098 .04078 .998 -.3059 .1240
3724 -.90255* .04078 <.001 -1.1175 -.6876
334 36 -.08510 .04078 .999 -.3001 .1299
104 .01157 .04078 1.000 -.2034 .2265
186 -.06196 .04078 1.000 -.2769 .1530
206 -.02824 .04078 1.000 -.2432 .1867
220 .00157 .04078 1.000 -.2134 .2165
583 -.08608 .04078 .999 -.3010 .1289
704 -.08804 .04078 .999 -.3030 .1269
1432 -.43510* .04078 <.001 -.6501 -.2201
2178 -.26549* .04078 <.001 -.4804 -.0505
2188 -.08804 .04078 .999 -.3030 .1269
2190 -.09385 .04099 .997 -.3099 .1222
2201 .02548 .04141 1.000 -.1928 .2438
2252 -.00157 .04078 1.000 -.2165 .2134
3384 -.35078* .04078 <.001 -.5657 -.1358
3434 .15569 .04078 .626 -.0593 .3706
3502 -.08941 .04078 .998 -.3044 .1255
3724 -.90098* .04078 <.001 -1.1159 -.6860
583 36 .00098 .04078 1.000 -.2140 .2159
104 .09765 .04078 .995 -.1173 .3126
186 .02412 .04078 1.000 -.1908 .2391
206 .05784 .04078 1.000 -.1571 .2728
220 .08765 .04078 .999 -.1273 .3026
334 .08608 .04078 .999 -.1289 .3010
704 -.00196 .04078 1.000 -.2169 .2130
1432 -.34902* .04078 <.001 -.5640 -.1341
2178 -.17941 .04078 .311 -.3944 .0355
2188 -.00196 .04078 1.000 -.2169 .2130
2190 -.00777 .04099 1.000 -.2238 .2083
2201 .11156 .04141 .980 -.1067 .3298
2252 .08451 .04078 .999 -.1304 .2995
3384 -.26471* .04078 <.001 -.4797 -.0498
3434 .24176* .04078 .007 .0268 .4567
3502 -.00333 .04078 1.000 -.2183 .2116
3724 -.81490* .04078 <.001 -1.0299 -.5999
704 36 .00294 .04078 1.000 -.2120 .2179
104 .09961 .04078 .993 -.1153 .3146
186 .02608 .04078 1.000 -.1889 .2410
206 .05980 .04078 1.000 -.1551 .2748
220 .08961 .04078 .998 -.1253 .3046
334 .08804 .04078 .999 -.1269 .3030
583 .00196 .04078 1.000 -.2130 .2169
1432 -.34706* .04078 <.001 -.5620 -.1321
2178 -.17745 .04078 .335 -.3924 .0375
2188 .00000 .04078 1.000 -.2150 .2150
2190 -.00581 .04099 1.000 -.2218 .2102
2201 .11352 .04141 .975 -.1048 .3318
2252 .08647 .04078 .999 -.1285 .3014
3384 -.26275* .04078 <.001 -.4777 -.0478
3434 .24373* .04078 .006 .0288 .4587
3502 -.00137 .04078 1.000 -.2163 .2136
3724 -.81294* .04078 <.001 -1.0279 -.5980
1432 36 .35000* .04078 <.001 .1350 .5650
104 .44667* .04078 <.001 .2317 .6616
186 .37314* .04078 <.001 .1582 .5881
206 .40686* .04078 <.001 .1919 .6218
220 .43667* .04078 <.001 .2217 .6516
334 .43510* .04078 <.001 .2201 .6501
583 .34902* .04078 <.001 .1341 .5640
704 .34706* .04078 <.001 .1321 .5620
2178 .16961 .04078 .436 -.0453 .3846
2188 .34706* .04078 <.001 .1321 .5620
2190 .34125* .04099 <.001 .1252 .5573
2201 .46058* .04141 <.001 .2423 .6789
2252 .43353* .04078 <.001 .2186 .6485
3384 .08431 .04078 .999 -.1306 .2993
3434 .59078* .04078 <.001 .3758 .8057
3502 .34569* .04078 <.001 .1307 .5606
3724 -.46588* .04078 <.001 -.6808 -.2509
2178 36 .18039 .04078 .300 -.0346 .3953
104 .27706* .04078 <.001 .0621 .4920
186 .20353 .04078 .100 -.0114 .4185
206 .23725* .04078 .010 .0223 .4522
220 .26706* .04078 <.001 .0521 .4820
334 .26549* .04078 <.001 .0505 .4804
583 .17941 .04078 .311 -.0355 .3944
704 .17745 .04078 .335 -.0375 .3924
1432 -.16961 .04078 .436 -.3846 .0453
2188 .17745 .04078 .335 -.0375 .3924
2190 .17164 .04099 .420 -.0444 .3877
2201 .29097* .04141 <.001 .0727 .5093
2252 .26392* .04078 <.001 .0490 .4789
3384 -.08529 .04078 .999 -.3002 .1297
3434 .42118* .04078 <.001 .2062 .6361
3502 .17608 .04078 .352 -.0389 .3910
3724 -.63549* .04078 <.001 -.8504 -.4205
2188 36 .00294 .04078 1.000 -.2120 .2179
104 .09961 .04078 .993 -.1153 .3146
186 .02608 .04078 1.000 -.1889 .2410
206 .05980 .04078 1.000 -.1551 .2748
220 .08961 .04078 .998 -.1253 .3046
334 .08804 .04078 .999 -.1269 .3030
583 .00196 .04078 1.000 -.2130 .2169
704 .00000 .04078 1.000 -.2150 .2150
1432 -.34706* .04078 <.001 -.5620 -.1321
2178 -.17745 .04078 .335 -.3924 .0375
2190 -.00581 .04099 1.000 -.2218 .2102
2201 .11352 .04141 .975 -.1048 .3318
2252 .08647 .04078 .999 -.1285 .3014
3384 -.26275* .04078 <.001 -.4777 -.0478
3434 .24373* .04078 .006 .0288 .4587
3502 -.00137 .04078 1.000 -.2163 .2136
3724 -.81294* .04078 <.001 -1.0279 -.5980
2190 36 .00875 .04099 1.000 -.2073 .2248
104 .10542 .04099 .988 -.1106 .3214
186 .03189 .04099 1.000 -.1841 .2479
206 .06561 .04099 1.000 -.1504 .2816
220 .09542 .04099 .996 -.1206 .3114
334 .09385 .04099 .997 -.1222 .3099
583 .00777 .04099 1.000 -.2083 .2238
704 .00581 .04099 1.000 -.2102 .2218
1432 -.34125* .04099 <.001 -.5573 -.1252
2178 -.17164 .04099 .420 -.3877 .0444
2188 .00581 .04099 1.000 -.2102 .2218
2201 .11933 .04161 .961 -.1000 .3387
2252 .09228 .04099 .997 -.1237 .3083
3384 -.25694* .04099 .002 -.4730 -.0409
3434 .24953* .04099 .004 .0335 .4656
3502 .00444 .04099 1.000 -.2116 .2205
3724 -.80713* .04099 <.001 -1.0232 -.5911
2201 36 -.11058 .04141 .981 -.3289 .1077
104 -.01391 .04141 1.000 -.2322 .2044
186 -.08744 .04141 .999 -.3057 .1308
206 -.05371 .04141 1.000 -.2720 .1646
220 -.02391 .04141 1.000 -.2422 .1944
334 -.02548 .04141 1.000 -.2438 .1928
583 -.11156 .04141 .980 -.3298 .1067
704 -.11352 .04141 .975 -.3318 .1048
1432 -.46058* .04141 <.001 -.6789 -.2423
2178 -.29097* .04141 <.001 -.5093 -.0727
2188 -.11352 .04141 .975 -.3318 .1048
2190 -.11933 .04161 .961 -.3387 .1000
2252 -.02705 .04141 1.000 -.2453 .1912
3384 -.37626* .04141 <.001 -.5945 -.1580
3434 .13021 .04141 .907 -.0881 .3485
3502 -.11489 .04141 .972 -.3332 .1034
3724 -.92646* .04141 <.001 -1.1447 -.7082
2252 36 -.08353 .04078 .999 -.2985 .1314
104 .01314 .04078 1.000 -.2018 .2281
186 -.06039 .04078 1.000 -.2753 .1546
206 -.02667 .04078 1.000 -.2416 .1883
220 .00314 .04078 1.000 -.2118 .2181
334 .00157 .04078 1.000 -.2134 .2165
583 -.08451 .04078 .999 -.2995 .1304
704 -.08647 .04078 .999 -.3014 .1285
1432 -.43353* .04078 <.001 -.6485 -.2186
2178 -.26392* .04078 <.001 -.4789 -.0490
2188 -.08647 .04078 .999 -.3014 .1285
2190 -.09228 .04099 .997 -.3083 .1237
2201 .02705 .04141 1.000 -.1912 .2453
3384 -.34922* .04078 <.001 -.5642 -.1343
3434 .15725 .04078 .605 -.0577 .3722
3502 -.08784 .04078 .999 -.3028 .1271
3724 -.89941* .04078 <.001 -1.1144 -.6845
3384 36 .26569* .04078 <.001 .0507 .4806
104 .36235* .04078 <.001 .1474 .5773
186 .28882* .04078 <.001 .0739 .5038
206 .32255* .04078 <.001 .1076 .5375
220 .35235* .04078 <.001 .1374 .5673
334 .35078* .04078 <.001 .1358 .5657
583 .26471* .04078 <.001 .0498 .4797
704 .26275* .04078 <.001 .0478 .4777
1432 -.08431 .04078 .999 -.2993 .1306
2178 .08529 .04078 .999 -.1297 .3002
2188 .26275* .04078 <.001 .0478 .4777
2190 .25694* .04099 .002 .0409 .4730
2201 .37626* .04141 <.001 .1580 .5945
2252 .34922* .04078 <.001 .1343 .5642
3434 .50647* .04078 <.001 .2915 .7214
3502 .26137* .04078 .001 .0464 .4763
3724 -.55020* .04078 <.001 -.7651 -.3352
3434 36 -.24078* .04078 .007 -.4557 -.0258
104 -.14412 .04078 .769 -.3591 .0708
186 -.21765* .04078 .042 -.4326 -.0027
206 -.18392 .04078 .260 -.3989 .0310
220 -.15412 .04078 .647 -.3691 .0608
334 -.15569 .04078 .626 -.3706 .0593
583 -.24176* .04078 .007 -.4567 -.0268
704 -.24373* .04078 .006 -.4587 -.0288
1432 -.59078* .04078 <.001 -.8057 -.3758
2178 -.42118* .04078 <.001 -.6361 -.2062
2188 -.24373* .04078 .006 -.4587 -.0288
2190 -.24953* .04099 .004 -.4656 -.0335
2201 -.13021 .04141 .907 -.3485 .0881
2252 -.15725 .04078 .605 -.3722 .0577
3384 -.50647* .04078 <.001 -.7214 -.2915
3502 -.24510* .04078 .005 -.4601 -.0301
3724 -1.05667* .04078 <.001 -1.2716 -.8417
3502 36 .00431 .04078 1.000 -.2106 .2193
104 .10098 .04078 .992 -.1140 .3159
186 .02745 .04078 1.000 -.1875 .2424
206 .06118 .04078 1.000 -.1538 .2761
220 .09098 .04078 .998 -.1240 .3059
334 .08941 .04078 .998 -.1255 .3044
583 .00333 .04078 1.000 -.2116 .2183
704 .00137 .04078 1.000 -.2136 .2163
1432 -.34569* .04078 <.001 -.5606 -.1307
2178 -.17608 .04078 .352 -.3910 .0389
2188 .00137 .04078 1.000 -.2136 .2163
2190 -.00444 .04099 1.000 -.2205 .2116
2201 .11489 .04141 .972 -.1034 .3332
2252 .08784 .04078 .999 -.1271 .3028
3384 -.26137* .04078 .001 -.4763 -.0464
3434 .24510* .04078 .005 .0301 .4601
3724 -.81157* .04078 <.001 -1.0265 -.5966
3724 36 .81588* .04078 <.001 .6009 1.0308
104 .91255* .04078 <.001 .6976 1.1275
186 .83902* .04078 <.001 .6241 1.0540
206 .87275* .04078 <.001 .6578 1.0877
220 .90255* .04078 <.001 .6876 1.1175
334 .90098* .04078 <.001 .6860 1.1159
583 .81490* .04078 <.001 .5999 1.0299
704 .81294 .04078 <.001 .5980 1.0279
1432 .46588 .04078 <.001 .2509 .6808
2178 .63549 .04078 <.001 .4205 .8504
2188 .81294 .04078 <.001 .5980 1.0279
2190 .80713 .04099 <.001 .5911 1.0232
2201 .92646 .04141 <.001 .7082 1.1447
2252 .89941 .04078 <.001 .6845 1.1144
3384 .55020 .04078 <.001 .3352 .7651
3434 1.05667 .04078 <.001 .8417 1.2716
3502 .81157 .04078 <.001 .5966 1.0265
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Conclusion: Overall the data is statistically significant and there are products that are priced
differently at the 18 different stores. Some stores have the same price as other stores but for the
most part the stores do not charge the same for product x. For example, store 3384 are priced
differently than every other store except stores 1432 and 2178.

Recommendation – Keep doing what you are doing. Pricing is different at the different
locations because the stores may have acquired the item at different cost.

4. Test if being sold in different market regions makes a difference on the brand’s price.


 Regions – categorical nominal two groups

 Price – continuous (mean score)

Ho: Items sold in different market region makes no difference in the brands price.

Ha: Items sold in different market region makes a difference in the brands price.

Independent sample t-test

Group Statistics
marke Std. Std. Error
t N Mean Deviation Mean
price. 4 357 1.6842 .40235 .02129
x 32 557 1.5217 .20482 .00868
Conclusion - The independent sample t-test tells us the region and price are statistically
significant. This means that the different regions make a difference in the selling price of the
product. According to the mean score market region 4 has a higher price.

Recommendation- Keep doing what you are doing because price should be different in different
places due to currency exchange and hourly wage.

5. Test if being sold at an above-average price vs. below-average price makes a difference

on the brand’s sales.


 Unit sales
 Above /below 2 groups

Ho: Above or below average price does not make a difference in the brands sales.

Ha: Above or below average price does make a difference in the brands sales.

Independent sample t-test

Descriptive Statistics
Minimu Maximu Std.
N m m Mean Deviation
price.x 914 .99 2.49 1.5852 .30816
Valid N 914

Group Statistics
Above/below average Std. Std. Error
selling price N Mean Deviation Mean
units. Below 633 83.71 50.125 1.992
x Above 281 31.93 22.384 1.335

Conclusion – When the brand is sold at above or below average price there is a noticeable
difference on the brands sales since the data is statically significant. The independent sample t-
test shows being below average price has a higher impact on sales according to the mean score.

Recommendation – Run promotional sales on the brand to encourage more people to buy.

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