United States: Patent Office

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Patented Mar. 2, 1926.

No Drawing. Application filed December 19, 1922. Serial No. 607,898.
To all whom it may concern: impurity associated with it, may be em
Be it known that I, CARL MARx, a citizen ployed for the recovery of sulphur from
of the United States, residing in Wyoming, mechanical mixtures containing the same,
Milburn Township, Essex County, New Jer tained and that the sulphur thus recovered, is ob- 55
sey, have invented a new and useful Method able physicalin a high state of purity and desir
of Producing Purified Sulphur from Im condition.
pure Sulphur or Ores. Containing the Same If the recovery is carried out under a high
in Elemental Form, of which the following vacuum and the amount of heat applied per
unit of time is relatively great, the sulphur 60
is a specification.
O Sulphur has been produced from ores con willwhich
distill from the conglomerate with
it has been associated in the form of
taining the same in elemental form by sev
eral methods, that employed largely in vapors which condense as liquid sulphur of
high purity. As previously described by me,
Sicily being to melt the sulphur from the by
ore by the aid of heat. Deposits of sulphur working at a modified rate, the purified 65
5 occurring in the United States, notably those sulphur can also be caused to condense in
in Louisiana and Texas, have been exploited the form of minute, spherical or spheroidal
by the use of a process involving melting particles without the production of liquid
the sulphur beneath the surface by means sulphur in the receiver, but for the purpose
of Superheated water, and pumping the Sul of recovery of sulphur from its ores, the de- 70
20 phur to the surface in the liquid form. tails of the method employed will naturally
depend upon the amount and nature of im
While the latter process has proved suc purities
cessful for the working of sulphur. deposits One method associated with the sulphur.
occurring a considerable distance beneath the embodied in theof present operation of the process
application is as 75
surface of the earth, there are in existence follows:-
in the United States and elsewhere, deposits w
of native sulphur in admixture with igneous charged with the material containing sulis
An iron still of suitable size and shape
or other rock, calcium sulphate, earth, etc.,
in such form or location that economically phur. It has previously been found that
where much calcium sulphate or other ab- 80
working the same by the sub-surface fusion sorbent material is associated with the ele
30 method is impracticable. The distillation of
sulphur under atmospheric pressure is both mental sulphur, upon the application of heat
slow and expensive, and is also dangerous there is a tendency for the liberated sulphur
due to ignition of the sulphur vapors which to become absorbed in the calcium sulphate
occurs at about 256°C., while sulphur boils whensulphurheat is applied, with the result that 85
at about 444° C. Therefore a process for the is absorbed and only removed
the production of Fife sulphur from ma incompletely and with difficulty. In the
conditions obtaining in my vacuum appa
terial containing the same in elemental form ratus as described in a previous application,
seems highly desirable.
In my previous applications I have de the liberated sulphur boils at a much lower 90
scribed methods for the purification of sul temperature-in fact at from 140° C. to
180 C. -at which temperature it is well
phur by distillation or sublimation of the known that sulphur under ordinary atmos
same under reduced pressure or substantial pheric pressure is in a relatively non-liquid 95
yacuum, these previously described processes. State.
being especially applicable to the treatment
45 of naturally occurring sulphur of a purity Due to the materially lower temperature
of 95 per cent or better. My further re employed
by me as the result of the high
under which the sulphur is liquefied,
searches have disclosed that a similar ap gasified and subsequently condensed, a con
paratus to that already described by me, siderable fuel economy results, and if suffi- 100
with or without mechanical modification de cient heat per unit of time is employed, the
pending upon the form in which the sul sulphur will distill much more rapidly than
phur occurs and the nature and amount of
g 1,574,988
would be possible under normal atmospheric phur or ores containing the same in ele
conditions, and with far less danger fromig mental form, what I claim as new and de
nition - of the sulphur vapors, due to the sire to secure by Letters Patentis:-
practical 1. The method of recovery of sulphur
working byabsence of air or. oxygen when
my process. from mineral matter containing the same in 55
As an example of the practical operation the elemental form, characterized by heating
of my process, when operating upon a crude the said sulphur-containing matter in an ap
Sulphur mixture containing about 98 per paratus under high vacuum and consisting
cent of absolute sulphur therein, employing of still and receiver, continuing heat until no
10 a still which had a heating surface of about further sulphur is vaporized and condensed
3offeet 8 inches by 3 feet 8 inches. 442 pounds in the receiving portion of the apparatus, 60
purified sulphur was obtained in a period the sulphur, thus condensed being in a high
of 2 hours distillation, the sulphur so ob state of purity. .
tained being of 99.9 per cent purity, of bril
5 liant yellow color, neutral reaction, and ap
2. A process of recovery of sulphur from
mineral matter containing the same in the 65
parently free from occluded gases, bitumens elemental form, consisting in heating said
or other impurities. In another example, a Sulphur-containing mineral matter in an ap
clude Sulphur containing 12.7 per cent of paratus containing still and receiver both
ash upon ignition, when heated under vacu
20 um in my process, gave a yield of 365 pounds
being maintained under high vacuum during
the operation, heating being so regulated
of purified sulphur in 2 hours distillation, that the volatilized sulphur comes over in 70
the sulphur obtained being of purity sub a form which condenses in the receiver in
stantially as above indicated. The residue minute, spherical or spheroidal, amorphous,
in the still contained commercially negligible neutral particles of light weight, the process
amounts of free sulphur at the close of the being continuous as to introduction of raw 5
operation. The distillation operation may material and withdrawal of purified sul
be so modified as to speed or heating and phur, as desired.
degree of absoluteness of vacuum main 3. A process for the recovery of sulphur
tained during operation, that a portion or all from mineral matter containing the same in
of the sulphur volatilized may be condensed the elemental form, consisting in heating
asof minute, spherical or spheroidal particles
light weight instead of liquid sulphur.
Said sulphur-containing mineral matter in 80
an apparatus containing still and receiver,
Where the sulphur is collected in the re both being maintained under high vacuum
ceiver in the liquid state, the temperature during the operation, heating and other fac
of the receiver during operation is kept tors of working being so regulated that the
above the melting point of sulphur, and the sulphur is volatilized in the still and con 85
latter withdrawn therefrom periodically or denses in a liquid form in the receiver in a
at The
the close of the operation.
residues in the still may be discharged
highly purified form, substantially as de
scribed. 's
40 mechanically if desired, by being allowed to 4. A process for the recovery of sulphur
drop by gravity into another chamber still from ores containing the same in elemental 90
under vacuum, so that there is no necessity form comprising distilling the sulphur from
for interrupting the operation to remove sul the ore under a high vacuum, passing the
phur from the system. The charging of vapors into a connected vacuum receiver
45 the apparatus may also be performed in a and condensing said vapors.
similar manner where it is, desired to work This specification signed this sixth day of 95
the process continuously. December, 1922.
Having now described my method for pro
ducing purified Sulphur from impuresul CARL MARX.

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