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OM01 Operations Management

Assignment No.I
Assignment Code: 2011OM01A1 Last Date of Submission: 31st March 2011 Maximum Marks:100

Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Section-A Ques.1 One of the strategies for being cost effective is the Location of the Plant. What factors would you consider while locating an office which caters to the tourism business. Explain the priority you would assign for each factor. Explain how these factors affect process-design decisions: (a) nature of product demand, (b) degree of vertical integration, (c) product and volume flexibility, (d) degree of automation, (e) product quality. How do capacity decision influence productivity? How does operations strategy impact business strategy? Section-B


Ques.3 Ques.4

A leading Indian Airline charges slightly higher for travel as compared to the competitors for travel between the same pair of cities. People still prefer to fly by this airline even when the flights are in nearly similar time slots. This means that customers are willing to give a premium for the service delivery process even though the same time is taken by the airline and in the same time slot. Similarly, the first AC compartments of the Indian Railways are not sought after with the same intensity by paying customers as the 3 rd AC compartments. Here the people are willing to pay the extra premium for the service. It is important to think what could be the causes, as the service delivery seems to be as important as the product itself for competitive advantage. Think of any service place you have experienced recently. It can be a restaurant, bank, a hospital etc. Also recall what you felt was good and bad about that service. Focus only on the service delivery process and not on the service product itself. Part I : Think like a customer of service and develop a list of the desired features or attributes of the service, which are important to you as a customer. Then list the attributes, which will make it really unique and create a differential advantage in the sense that you will always come back to the same place for receiving that service. Part II : Now you have to become the owner of that service provider. Now take the list in part 1 and try to group the items under major heads. Finally make a list of Service delivery Process Design Requirements that will have to be met by your service. As you do this, think of the measurable standards; i.e. what you would measure so that you can evaluate the efficiency of the service.

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OM01 Operations Management

Assignment No.II
Assignment Code: 2011OM01A2 Last Date of Submission: 15th May 2011 Maximum Marks:100

Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Section-A Ques.1 Ques.2 As a management discipline, does Maintenance Management differ from Production Management? If yes, in what ways? Use the dimensions of quality to describe typical characteristics of these products and services : a.Television Set b.A restaurant c.Painting a house d.Mobile phone Describe briefly how a company can achieve lower production costs by improving the quality of its product and services. Contrast push and pull methods of moving goods and materials through production systems. What are the main benefits of a JIT system. How can use of MRP contribute to productivity? How does the purpose of ERP differ from the purpose of MRP Section-B
Amrit Lal Enterprises requires to prepare a production plan for a four month period namely February through May. For February and March, the production should exactly as per demand forecasted. For April and May, the use of overtime and inventory is permitted with a stable workforce; stable workforce means that the number of workers needed for March will be held constant through May. However, government constraints put the maximum of 5000 hours of overtime labour per month in April and May. ( zero overtime in Feb and March ) If demand exceeds supply, then backorder occur. There are 100 workers on January 31st. The forecast for the months are as follows: February --- 80000 units , March ----- 64000 units , April ---1,00,000 , May ---40000 units.

Ques.3 Ques.4

Productivity is 4 units per worker hour , eight hour per day in normal time, 20 days per month. Assume zero inventory on February 1st. Costs of hiring Rs. 100 per new worker. ; lay off Rs. 130 per worker laid off; inventory holding cost Rs. 7 per unit per month. Normal time labour cost Rs. 12 per hour , overtime Rs. 18 per hour , backorder cost Rs. 20 per unit. Find the total cost of production for this plan. ( Neglect the material costs etc. )

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