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Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF DIRECTORIAL STAFF Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM TO See Distribution FROM : TCDS SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications DATE June 13, 2022 1. References: a. PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2022-076 dated June 13, 2022 entitled, “Revised Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications” and b. PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2019-013 dated March 5, 2019 entitled, “Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications.” 2. This pertains to the guidelines being followed by PNP Offices/Units in preparing communications which despite numerous directives on the matter, still many offices/units commit mistakes which causes delay in the processing of said communications. 3. In this regard, attached is the memorandum circular outlining the revised guidelines for the standard preparation of communications. oe? MANUEL M ABU Police Lieutenant Generals 4. For widest dissemination, Distribution 1G, IAS Cmdr, APCs D-Staff P-Staff D, NSUs RD, PROs = voz Copy furnished: OTCDS co1069) Command Group SPAto the SILG : Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF DIRECTORIAL STAFF Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR: OIC, PNP THRU TDCA = 02 20m ee aeaaeaaeaay CPNP a oe0 2 R061689 FROM; ae wn SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications mae MAY 3.0 2022 4. Reference: PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2019-013 dated March 5, 2019 entitled, “Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications.” 2. This pertains to the guidelines being followed by PNP Offices/Units in preparing communications which despite numerous directives on the matter, still many offices/units commit mistakes which causes delay in the processing of said communications. 3. In this regard, respectfully request approval and signature on the attached memorandum circular outlining the revised guidelines for the standard preparation of communications. 4. For your consideration. : Gaol? marten MANUEL M ABU Police Lieutenant Generales we OSEPE 21 DS Coos89) OcPNP. ibe 2” P511205 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City JUN 13 2022! MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO:2022-076 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE STANDARD PREPARATION OF COMMUNICATIONS 4. REFERENCES: a. PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2019-026 dated July 10, 2019 entitled, “Institutionalizing Completed Staff Work in the PNP (Revised)”; b. PNP MC No. 2019-013 dated March 5, 2019 entitled, “Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications”; c. PNP MC No. 2017-015 dated February 21, 2017 entitled, “Revised Doctrine on PNP Issuances”, d. Memorandum from TCDS dated March 23, 2022 with subject: Reiteration of the Guidelines for the Standard Preparation of Communications; and . Memorandum from TCDS dated October 3, 2014 with subject: Guidelines in the Use of Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) and PNP MC. 2. RATIONALE: This Memorandum Circular (MC) provides the basic guidelines to be followed by all Philippine National Police (PNP) offices/units in the standard preparation of communications. 3. SITUATION: It has been observed that despite numerous directives on the preparation of communications, many offices/units still commit the following mistakes: a. Wrong format of the letterhead, addressee portion, especially on letters, for the President, SILG or Chairman, NAPOLCOM, and other government officials: b. Usage of wrong format on communications; c. Incomplete staff work; d. Inappropriate complimentary endings; Page 1 of 12 e. Lack of appropriate tabs for enclosures/attachments; f. Wrong spacing and margins; g. Typographical and grammatical errors; and h. Wrong font and font size; 4. PURPOSE: To provide guidelines as well as timely revisions to the existing customary preparation of communications to harmonize all document lay-outs/templates into a single standard and ensure that all PNP offices/units observe a unified communications format from top level management down to the lowest rank. 5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: For purposes of this MC, the following terms or words and phrases shall mean or be understood as follows: a. Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) — issued when an activity is to be initiated and completed within a specific period. It sets guidelines for tasked offices/units and usually issued as an administrative instruction covering a particular activity. It is temporary in nature and covers a specific duration based on the agtivity, event, or project to be undertaken. It is numbered consecutively by calendar year. The issuing authority is the Command Group, Directorial Staff (D-Staff), Directors of National Support Units (D, NSUs), or Regional Director, Police Regional Offices (RD, PROs) with the Chief, PNP as the approving authority. The control number for CMCs is issued by the Directorate for Operations. b. Communications — is a process in writing by which information is exchanged between individuals for expressing ideas effectively c. Complete Staff Work (CSW) - is a staff officer's analysis of a problem, to include consideration of all feasible courses of action and solution presented in a finished form that the headichief of office/unit can approve or disapprove as a completed action. d. Copy Furnished — is a derivative from the term Carbon Copy, meaning to provide an exact copy of the document for the information/acknowledgement/perusal of the target recipients. The list of recipients is enumerated at the bottom left portion of the communication following the Distribution List by order of hierarchy of rank from highest to lowest e. Distribution — when a communication is intended for more than one recipient for action, the FOR/TO (addressee line) is directed as “See Distribution” and the list of recipients (Distribution) is enumerated at the Page 2 of 12 bottom left portion of the communication in order of hierarchy of rank from highest to lowest. Documents ~ refer to any recorded information regardless of its Physical form or characteristics and include, but are not limited to written matter, whether handwritten, printed, or typed; all painted, drawn, or engraved matter; all sound and voice recordings; all printed photographs and exposed or printed film, still or moving; and all reproductions of the foregoing for whatever purpose. Memorandum Circular (MC) — issued for purposes of providing policies/guidelines and specific details of certain rules and regulations which are to be observed by PNP personnel. It has a continuing effect unless rescinded or amended. It is numbered consecutively by calendar year. The issuing authority is the Command Group; D-Staff: RD, PROs; or D, NSUs, with the Chief, PNP as the approving authority The control number for MCs is issued by the Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development through the PNP Command Library. Priority Communications — are communications that set a deadline for immediate action to be complied within 72 hours upon receiptissuance and/or upon expressed instructions from the Command Group, the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government (SILG), or the President. Regular Communications — are communications that do not fall under the parameters of Rush/Priority. These communications are not marked/tabbed and shall be processed on first come, first served basis. Rush Communications — are communications that set a deadline for immediate action to be complied within 24 hours upon receipt/issuance and/or upon expressed instructions from the Command Group, the SILG, or the President Security Classification/Classified Matter — refers to information and material in any form or any nature, the safeguarding of which is necessary in the interest of national security and which is classified for such purpose by the responsible classifying authority falling in the herein below categories. These are document classifications shown as markings on the top center page (header) and bottom center page (footer) of a document together with a completely color-coded page cover to determine the recipient of the communication. The color coding of security classifications is as follows 1) TOP SECRET (Green); 2) SECRET (Red); 3) CONFIDENTIAL (Blue); and Page 3 of 12 4) RESTRICTED (Black) |. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/Staff Directives - are established or prescribed methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or in designated situations to be observed by PNP personnel exclusive to an office/unit. The issuing authority is the D-Staff, PROs, or NSUs, with the Head of Office/Unit as the approving authority. The control number for SOPs is issued by the issuing Office/Unit copy furnished the Chief, PNP through the Command Group and the PNP Command Library. 6. GUIDELINES: a. General Guidelines: 1) For purposes of uniformity, except in cases of legal documents, all memoranda shall be printed in white A4 sized bond paper (80 grams per square meter [GSM]) and letters shall be printed in ivory colored A4 sized laid paper (90 GSM); 2) All PNP communications shall utilize ARIAL Font, Size 12nd Arabic Numbers (1, 2, 3)in the body of the text as standard. Likewise, the proper margins (left, right, top and bottom) of all communications should be 1” measured from the sides/edges of the paper; 3) CMG Format (Annex “A”); PNP MC (Annex “B"); SOP Format (Annex “C”); Memorandum Format (Annex “D1 and D2”); and Style Sheet (Annex “E”) are attached for reference and guide in the preparation of communications; 4) The usage of additional titles preceding and/or following the official names of signatories such as but are not limited to ATTY/LLB, DR/MD, Ph.D., PESE, CESO, CESE, CSEE, MPSA, MNSA, and other similar name extensions not included in the registered name of the personnel in the Philippine Statistics Authority is no longer permitted; 5) In writing names of persons with qualifier, a comma shall be used between the surname and the qualifier. Likewise, there should be no period in middle initials and abbreviations of rank, qualifier, and names of PNP offices/units; 6) There shall only be two ways of printing the names of PNP personnel as signatories: a) Three lines: Police General Chief, PNP Page 4 of 12 b) Two lines: 1) In correspondence: PGEN Chief, PNP 2) In memorandum Police General 7) Concurring lines for the PNP Command Group shall be 1.5 inches long, as shown: FOR — : CPNP THRU: TDCA TDCO, Tops 8) The following guidelines are prescribed in the preparation of tabs: a) Size of Tab 1/2" by 1/2" b) Font and color of lettering : Arial Black ©) Size of lettering : 28 d) Location : Right side edge of the paper 9) The following guidelines are prescribed in the preparation of tabs for the rush communications: a) Size of Tab : 2112" by 1" b) Font and color of lettering : Arial Black in Red Background ©) Size of lettering 27 d) Location Top leftmost edge of the paper 10)The following guidelines are prescribed in the preparation of tabs for the priority communications: a) Size of Tab 2 2.1/2" by 1" b) Font and color of lettering : Arial Black in Blue Background c) Size of lettering 27 d) Location Top leftmost edge of the paper Page 5 of 12 11) Only communications that fall under the parameters of either rush 12) 13) and/or priority shall be marked accordingly. Communications that are intentionally mislabeled shall be returned without action; To minimize redundancy in communication distribution, the following shall be observed: a) Commander, Area Police Commands (Cmdr, APCs) are separated from the D-Staff when being enumerated while NASUs and NOSUs are part of NSUs and should not be treated as separate, b) The WCPC is under the functional supervision of DIDM, while PPDC and PTCFOR are under the OCPNP; c) Henceforth, hereunder is the standard distribution by offices/units to be followed in the preparation of MCs, CMCs, Memorandum Directives, and other communications. Command Group _D-Staff RD, PROs IG, IAS P-Staff DDs, NCRPO. Cmdr, APCs D,NSUs SPA to the SILG d) In case only selected D-Staff, P-Staff, NSUs, and PROs including NCRPO Districts will be given the copy of the MCs, CMCs, Memorandum Directives, and other communications, hereunder is the sample distribution: TDPRM ——D, HSS. RD, PRO4A DD, QCPD TDI D, CSG Cc, PIO Note: Distribution is addressed to the Head/Chief of office/unit and not to the office/unit. €) Administrative officers of the PNP offices/units are responsible for disseminating issued directives and other communications under their functional supervision and control. All outgoing communications from the different offices/units shall be signed by the Head of Office/Unit Commander. In case of authorized absence, the Deputy/Assistant Chief shall be automatically designated as Officer-In-Charge and shall sign the documents. Hence, no Head of Office/Unit Commander shall be permitted to undertake leave of absence (foreign/local) in any capacity (official/personal) at the same time with his Deputy/Assistant Chief except upon expressed instructions of the Chief, PNP; 14) The previous practice of using the command line in communications such as, “FOR THE DIRECTOR/COMMANDER,” “FOR,” “BY,” and “SIGN FOR” in communications is no longer be permitted. Page 6 of 12 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) The Deputy of the D-Staff; The Deputy for Administration in the case of NSUs, and The Deputy Regional Director for Administration in the case of PROs are the only authorized PCOs to sign on behalf of their Head of Office/Unit Commander for all communications intended for the PNP Command Group and D-Staff (Annex “F”); For communications prepared by Staff Officers of the D-Staff, P- Staff, PROs, and NSUs which are intended for compliance/ dissemination/information of their respective personnel and/or lower offices/units, the Head/Chief of the concemed Office Staff (Chief, ARMD; Chief, OMD; etc.) may sign the said communication copy furnished their respective Command Groups (Annex “G"); Staff Officers/Division Chiefs of D-Staff/P-Staff/PROs/NSUs are not authorized to sign/send official communication directly to the Command Group/Directors of D-Staff, except in his/her capacity as Head Secretariat of recognized PNP Committees and/or correspondences of personal nature unrelated to the police service (Annex “H”); The Head of Office/Unit Commander, especially their respective Division Chiefs shall make sure that all communications coming from their respective offices/units, specifically memoranda and letters that are for signature of the Chief, PNP and/or members of the Command Group, are proofread for grammatical and typographical errors; All communications from subordinate offices/units must be coursed through their supervising Functional Directorate and other D-Staff concerned, before they are endorsed to the Chief, PNP through the Command Group as appropriate, based on the existing policy on CSW unless the Chief, PNP has given specific instructions that these communications must be directly submitted to him, in which case, a copy shall be furnished to the members of the Command Group; Communications needing fund support and logistical requirement should always pass-through DC and/or DL for concurrence as part of the CSW. Similarly, requests for issuance of awards should pass- through DPRM for concurrence; Communications that are intended for a particular person or division for appropriate action should specify the person/s or division concerned using “Attn” (Attention) below the addressee. Otherwise, communications that are coursed through a certain person or division to provide information, the person/s or division concerned should be specified below the addressee using “THRU"; 21) ISO Certification logo, tag line (e.g. Service with Smile) or the like, should be placed at the bottom center of the page. Tag lines shall Page 7 of 12 be written in Arial font size 10 while the size of the ISO Certification logo shall be 2.0cm H x 3.5em L. 22) All comments/recommendations on a particular communication coming from different offices/units should be properly tabbed and should not be placed on top of the communication so as not to cover the original document from the originating office/unit; 23) The date portion on all communications from the different PNP offices/units should be printed and not stamped. However, the dates on communications for signature of the Chief, PNP and the members of the Command Group shall be stamped upon their signing of the documents; 24) All compliances to Handwritten Instructions/Routing Slip from the Chief, PNP through TCDS/SDS, which do not require the approval of the Chief, PNP should be addressed in memorandum form for the CPNP (Attn: AdmO) copy furnished TCDS (ANNEX “I”); 25) All communications should be presentable, with clean and clear printing. Clean and presentable folders should be provided for thick communications. There should be no protruding staple wires or other sharp fastening materials which could cause injury to persons handling them; 26) The standard folder to be used by all offices/units in packaging the communications for the annexes and/or enclosures is “file folder short or file folder long.” The use of plastic folder/sliding folder is no longer allowed; 27) Multiple enclosures should be properly arranged with appropriate tabs and properly identified in the basic communication. As much as possible, the one to be signed by the Chief, PNP and members of the Command Group should be on top of all the annexes and properly marked with “For signature” or “Please sign here” tabs/stickers; 28) In enumerating references, all communications with five references or less must have a space in between references, while communications with more than five references shall have no space in between. Likewise, the principle of “latest first, oldest last” should be observed following the herein hierarchy of references: a) Philippine Constitution; b) Laws; ©) Presidential Orders/Issuances; d) Constitutional Commission Orders/Issuances (COA, COMELEC, CSC); Page 8 of 12 e) Department Orders/Issuances f) NAPOLCOM Issuances; g) PNP Issuances (1) Manuals; (2) Memorandum Circulars; (3) Command Memorandum Circulars; (4) Directives; and (8) Other memoranda; h) Other references (references under the same category wherein the date is unidentified, should be arranged alphabetically) 29) In opening memoranda, the following guides shall be used: a) Higher Office/Unit to Lower Office/Unit: TO; b) Lower Office/Unit for Higher Office/Unit: FOR; and c) Between co-equal offices/units: FOR 30) In closing memoranda, the following guides shall be used: a) Higher Office/Unit to Lower Office/Unit For guidance, compliance, information, dissemination, appropriate action, attention, etc. b) Lower Office/Unit for Higher Office/Unit: For information, preferential attention, favorable action, consideration, request for guidance, approval, perusal, etc. 31) When using footers in citing references, the footers should be in Arial Font, size 9 while the reference number of footers appears in superscript at the end of the clause or sentence it refers to. It is placed after any punctuation except a dash; 32) For communications coming from offices/units going to the Chief, PNP andlor higher offices/units through their respective functional Supervisors/Chairmen of Committees/TWGs such as but not limited to TDCA, TDCO, TCDS, and/or the functional Directorates — be reminded that ONLY communications relative to their functions in their respective committees/boards/TWGs shall be entertained. The practice of by-passing other offices/units concerned and/or the process flow of communication via CSW in the PNP by riding on the authority of their high-ranking supervisors is strictly prohibited. CSW shall be strictly observed in all ranks of the PNP organization. All Page 9 of 12 intentionally misleading communications shall be returned without action. 33) Security classifications for Classified Matter, per policy of the Directorate for Intelligence, should be typed or stamped on the communication following its respective color schemes on the header and footer of the document pages accompanied by the corresponding security classification cover sheet. Photocopies of cover sheets and/or faded cover sheets should not be used Communications with photocopied, faded, and/or miscolored cover sheets shall be returned without action. 34) The posting of Classified Matter to social media sites/internet sites is strictly prohibited. Documents for dissemination must first be declassified, sanitized, cleared for publication, and converted into a “civilianized format’ and/or press release/media lines format. 35) Reports for the President and the SILG/Chairman, NAPOLCOM should, as much as possible, be limited to one page only. b. Specific Guidelines: 1) For letters to the President, Cabinet Secretaries, Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, NAPOLCOM, and other government agencies/institutions, the Chief, PNP shall be the signatory unless otherwise delegated 2) For all letters to be signed by the Chief, PNP, the date should not be printed. The Office of the Chief, PNP shall stamp the date upon signature of the Chief, PNP. The correct stationery/letterhead should be used. 3) The proper format of letters addressed to the President, Cabinet Secretaries, Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, NAPOLCOM, and other government agencies/institutions (Annex “J") and sample letter format (Annex “K1 and K2”) are hereto attached for reference and guide in the preparation of letters for signature of the Chief, PNP 4) The following complimentary endings should be used a) For letters addressed to the President Very respectfully yours, b) For all others: Very truly yours, 5) The signatory portion for communications intended for signature of the TCDS, TDCO, TDCA, and Chief, PNP should be printed as follows: Page 10 of 12 6) a) Police Lieutenant General The Chief of Directorial Staff b) Police Lieutenant General ‘The Deputy Chief, PNP for Operations c) Police Lieutenant General The Deputy Chief, PNP for Administration d) Police General Chief, PNP For designated Officer-In-Charge of the Command Group, when drafting communications, the following shall be observed a) When there is an incumbent, while on official travel or on leave, the letterhead of the designated Officer-In-Charge shall be used, with appropriate star flag; and b) When the position is vacant, the letterhead of the office where he/she was designated as an Officer-In-Charge shall be used, with appropriate star flag, c. Responsibilities: 1) Tops a) Designated as Over-all Supervisor; b) Designate SDS as OPR to ensure the full implementation of this wc; ©) Check, peruse, and evaluate all communications intended for the PNP Command Group; d) Ensure that all communications must pass through the OTCDS before reaching the Chief, PNP through TDCA and/or TDCO as appropriate; and e) Perform other tasks as directed. D-Staff, P-Staff, PROs, NSUs, IAS a) All Heads of Offices/Unit Commanders are directed to disseminate the contents of this MC to all PNP personnel/units under their command and certify that their personnel have completely read and fully understood this MC through the submission of a certification; Page 11 of 12 b) Designate respective Ex-Os/RCDS'/CS'ICDS'ICDDS' and/or its equivalent positions as Action PCO/OPR to ensure full implementation of this MC in their respective offices/units; ©) Ensure that all communications coming from your respective offices/units have been properly scrutinized/proofread before reaching its intended recipient with CSW, and d) Perform other tasks as directed. 7. REPEALING CLAUSE: All existing PNP directives and other issuances which are contrary to and or inconsistent with the provisions of this MC are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly 8, EFFECTIVITY: This MC, issued pursuant to the Memorandum from the Office of the President dated May 6, 2022 with subject, “Additional Authority for the Officer-In- Charge (OIC) of the Philippine National Police (PNP),” shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the UP Law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book Vil of Executive Order 292 otherwise known as the “Revised Administrative Code of 1987,” as amended. week D DANAO, JR _ Police Lieutenant General Officer-In-Charge, PNP Distribution: ‘Command Group IG, IAS CPNP tire'22 songa6o. ce OMOEA Psat 089869 RO, PROS Bb hsue SPAto be SiG Page 12 of 12 ANNEX “A” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic ; the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City COMMAND MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO.: SUBJECT (Subject/Title of the CMC) TO : See Distribution (Recipient of the CMC) DATE (Date shall be stamped upon signature/approval of the CPNP) |" REFERENCEIS: a. (List down the references from latest to oldest); and 2. RATIONALE: (Purpose/reason/usage/importance of the CMC) This Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) provides the guidelines and procedures to be undertaken by D-Staff, Offices, and Units concerned . 3. SITUATION: (Situational backgrounder on why the CMC is crafted/needed) 4. MISSION: (The main goal/specific objectives of the CMC) 5. EXECUTION: (Procedures on how and who will accomplish the mission) a. Concept of Operations: To highlight the promotion of successful applicants in the police service,

Police General Chief, PNP Distribution: Command Group IG, IAS Cmdr, APCs D-Staff P-Staff D, NSUs RD, PROs DDs, NCRPO SPA to the SILG Page 3 of 3 ANNEX “B” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic % Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City (Date shall be stamped upon signature/approval of the CPNP) MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO.: REVISED NUMERICAL DESIGNATION OF PNP MANUALS (Subject/Title of the MC) cara “REFERENCEIS: (List down the references from latest to oldest) a. Numerical Designation of PNP Manuals dated December 26, 1994; 7 Doctrine on PNP Issuances dated June 27, 1994; and ¢. SOP No. 2011-008 Guidelines in the Preparation, Publication and Distribution of PNP Manuals, and Other Doctrines dated November 21, 2011 2. RATIONALE: (States the purpose/reason/usage/importance of the MC) This Memorandum Circular (MC) provides the guidelines and procedures to be undertaken by concerned D-Staff, Offices, and Units. 3. SITUATION: (Situational backgrounder on why the MC is crafted/needed) After the creation of the PNP as the new law enforcement organization separate and distinct from the AFP, the numerical designations of the defunct PC/INP manuals/publications were amended... . 4. PURPOSE: (The main goal/specific objectives of the MC) To provide and establish a standard for the numerical designation of approved PNP manuals published... 5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: (Definition of commonly used terms in the MC to provide clarity and ease of understanding to the readers. Arrange alphabetically) a, Complimentary Manual - formulated jointly by two or more bureaus/agencies/organizations in order to effect a certain operation... (Arial Font Size 10, 0.3" from bottom [Footer]) Page 1 of 3 ANNEX “B” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications b. Ethical Doctrine — defines the fundamental principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude, behavior; and ethical norms of the PNP c. Functional Manuals or Administrative and Operations Manual (AOM) — provides guidance for routine operational and administrative functions of each unit. 6. GUIDELINES: a. General Guidelines: (Provide general guidelines/instructions for general consumption of all concemed personnel/office/unit) 1) For purpose of identification, documentation, retrieval of information, and reference published hereunder. a) For PNP Doctrines (PNPM-D-0) (1) Fundamental Doctrine - PNPM-D-1 (2) Operational Doctrine - PNPM-D-2 (3) Functional Doctrine - PNPM-D-3 b) For the Directorial Staff (1) Directorate for Personnel and Records Management - DPRM-DS-1 (2) Directorate for Intelligence - DI-DS-2 (3) Directorate for Operations - DO-DS-3 (4) Directorate for Logistics - DL-DS-4 (8) Directorate for Plans - DPL-DS-5 ©) For Personal Staff (1) PNP Internal Affairs Service - PNPIAS-PS-1 (2) Public Information Office - PNPPIO-PS-2 2) Numerical designation for all PNP Manuals issued/published by the office/unit concerned . a) Philippine National Police Manual b) Publishing Office/Unit ¢) Level of Office/Unit 3) The PNP Doctrine has the numerical designation. Each type shall bear its assigned number followed by year published, the office publishing. Page 2 of 3 ANNEX “B” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications b. Specific Guidelines: (/f there are any, this provides specific/detailed instructions of how tasks specific/exclusive to an individuaVoffice/unit should be performed to accomplish the purpose) c. Responsibilities: (Indicate tasks of offices/units concemed if there are any. Provides the specific tasks in the delegation of labor, identifying who will perform what duty to accomplish the mission. Indicate all necessary actions and required resources per tasked individual/office/unit to include the target date of compliance. Answer what, who, when, where.) 7. PROCEDURES: (if there are any, step by step instructions of how to accomplish/implement the MC to accomplish the purpose as well as the required resources involved, answering what, where, when, and how questions.) 8. REPEALING CLAUSE: (Provides for waiver, warning, information, and/or announcement that the MC will abolish/supersedeftake the place of its predecessors in whole and/or in part that does not conform with the new set guidelines/parameters in the MC.) This Memorandum Circular rescinds the memorandum on Numerical Designation dated December 26, 1994. 9, EFFECTIVITY: (Define the date of effectivity/implementation of the MC) This MC shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the UP Law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order 292 otherwise known as the “Revised Administrative Code of 1987,” as amended. Police General Chief, PNP Distribution: ‘Command Group IG, IAS mer, APCs D-Statf P.Staff D, NSUs RD, PROs DDs, NCRPO SPA to the SILG Page 3 of 3 ANNEX “C” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Hi iB y (Office/Unit Letterhead) (Date shall be stamped upon signature/approval) Standard Operating Procedure/(Staff, Fiscal, Investigative, etc.) Directive Number (Title of SOP) Police Lieutenant General Distribution: +7 IG, IAs D,NSUs % Cmdr, APCs RD, PROs D-Staff DDs, NCRPO P-Staff Copy Furnished <— > Command Group % SPAto the SILG ANNEX “D2” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Hs 1% 4% fo Yo < Hh ey we wt wah MEMORANDUM TO : See Distribution FROM =: TCDS SUBJECT : Retirement Honors for PLTGEN .... DATE : (No Date) oy, yet References: ~+“p7?a. General Order No. 1951 dated September 22, 2013; and b. LOI Salamat Kapatid dated April 1, 2001 2. PLTGEN ...., TOCO will optionally retire from the police service on May 21, 2020. Hence, retirement honors will be rendered to him during the Flag Lowering Ceremony on May 22, 2020 (Friday) at 4:00 PM in front of the NHQ, PNP Bldg, 3. In this regard, the following are enjoined to attend the retirement honors for PLTGEN a. PNP Command Group; b. D-Staff, Deputies and Ex-Os; c. Dirs, Deputies and CDS, NSUs; d. 1G, IAS; e. C, FED; C, SAGSD; C, NOC; C, PIO and C, HRAO; and f, PCOs, PNCOs, and NUPs from OTDCO. +p". Tasks: +. 0pco ie 1) Provide the Office Symbol for the Turn-over of Office in case it will be held simultaneously on the same date; 2) Prepare the giveaways for the guest during the testimonial dinner; 3) Prepare the guest list and invitation, in coordination with DPRM; 4) Prepare the Program for the Testimonial Dinner, 5) Direct Chief Clerk of OTDCO and two other PNCOs ....; and ANNEX “D2” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications 6) Perform other tasks as directed. b. OTCDS +—;7 —*1) Designate one action PCO; 2) Provide four ushers/usherettes; 3) In charge of the protocol and seating arrangement; and 4) Perform other tasks as directed. c. DPRM 1) Designated OPR for the activity; 2) Coordinate with TDCO for other details of the retirement honors; 3) Prepare the program for the retirement ceremony including the Turn-Over of Office of TDCO, in case it will be held simultaneously on the same date, in coordination with OTDCO; 4) Detail Police Host for the honoree's arrival honors in coordination with TDCO for the preferred Officer; 5) Provide appropriate awards and medals for the honoree; 6) Provide streamers for the Retirement Ceremony and Turn-Over of Office of TDCO, in case it will be held simultaneously on the same date, to be displayed at the PNP Heritage Park and at the PNP Multi-Purpose Center; 7) Plan for the Tum-over of Office of TDCO if it will be held simultaneously on the same date; 8) Detail parading elements for the retirement honors of PLTGEN ..., in coordination with DHRDD and HSS. Ensure their attendance during the rehearsals and actual ceremony; 9) Plan the activity, including coordinating conference/s to iron out respective tasking of offices/units and thresh out possible problems for the successful conduct of the activity; 10) Prepare the seating arrangement in front of the NHQ, PNP Bldg and at the MPC, in case of inclement weather, in coordination with SDS; 11) Supervise the rehearsals and .... ; and 12) Perform other tasks as directed. ANNEX “D2” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications DPCR 1) Prepare the narration for PLTGEN .... to be read by the emcee during the trooping the line in coordination with ADMO, OTDCO; 2) Prepare mobile van to cover the retirement ceremony; and 3) Perform other tasks as directed. De 1) Provide fund support for the activity; and 2) Perform other tasks as directed DHRDD. 1) Designated OPR for the retirement of PNP Badge; 2) Prepare the script for the retirement of PNP Badge of Honor to be read during the ceremony; 3) Ensure that the retirement ceremony is ....; and 4) Perform other tasks as directed. DL 1) Provide memento (gallery of awards) for the honoree; 2) Provide Command Gift for the honoree; 3) Provide bouquet of ....; and 4) Perform other tasks as directed. Hss 1) In charge of the physical arrangement of the venue; 2) Provide podium, chairs, and tent in front of NHQ, PNP Bldg; 3) Provide movable steel pole for the lowering of personal flag in front of the NHQ PNP Bidg.; 4) Provide parking areas for guests/visitors of the honoree; 5) Coordinate with OTDCO for the preferred catering of TDCO to provide dinner good for 400 persons to be served at the MPC, chargeable against Agency Reserve Fund; 6) Provide snacks good for 50 persons to be served at the Star Officers’ Lounge while waiting for the start of the ceremony chargeable against Agency Reserved Fund; ANNEX “D2” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications 7) Coordinate with OTDCO for the preparation of the 8) Install PAS at the NHQ, PNP Bldg. and at the MPC; 9) Provide wireless microphone for the ....; and 10) Perform other tasks as directed i. CES 1) Assist HSS in the operation of PAS; and 2) Perform other tasks as directed. j. CHS 1) Detail Chaplain to render invocation during the retirement ceremony and to officiate the mass at the ...; and 2) Perform other tasks as directed. k. PIO 1) Designate emcees for the retirement ceremony and testimonial dinner; 2) Provide videophoto coverage; and 3) Perform other tasks as directed. 5. Coordinating Instructions: a. Uniform: Honoree and Police Host - Ceremonial Blue PCOs, PNCOs, and NUPs —_- Uniform of the Day b. Detailed Emcees are required to attend the scheduled rehearsals; c. In case of inclement weather, Plan “B’ will be held at the MPC; and d. Lateral coordination is highly encouraged. Police Lieutenant General Distribution: D-Staft 1D, NSUs (Crame-based) Copy Furnished: ‘Command Group ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation ‘of PNP Communications wa STYLE GUIDE Modified June 9, 2022 1 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Star Flag in Header (1/2/3/4 stars 0.92 2. PNP and Office/Unit Logo in Header eo 3. LETTER a. LETTERHEAD 1) For documents to be signed by the Chief, PNP. Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City NOTE: a) “Republic of the Philippines,” “NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION,” and “Camp BGen Rafael T Crame" should be ARIAL size 10, while “NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS” and “OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP” should be ARIAL size 11; b) There are NO PNP and NHQ logos; ¢) Do not spell out the PNP in the Office of the Chief, PNP; d) There is no dot (.) on the middle initial of BGen Rafael T Crame and or the middle initial of personalities the other PNP camps are named after; ) There is a comma (,) in between the words, “HEADQUARTERS” and “PHILIPPINE”: f) Only the NHQ, PNP and name of the originating office shall be printed in BOLD letters; 9) There are NO italized letters in the header; and fh) The Star Flag should be center aligned. Page 2 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications 2) For documents to be signed by other PNP officers. a) For members of the Command Group: Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF DIRECTORIAL STAFF Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City b) For D-Staff/P-Staff: Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE CENTER FOR POLICE STRATEGY MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City NOTE: a) The phrase “NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS” in the header shall only be used for headers of the Command Group, D-Staff, and P-Staff; and b) The PNP and Office/Unit Logo must be included in the header. ¢) For NSUs and their sub-units: NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE SPECIAL ACTION FORCE Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, Taguig City Page 3 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, SPECIAL ACTION FORCE. 28° SPECIAL ACTION BATTALION Morong Gate, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Olongapo City Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, SPECIAL ACTION FORCE wy 24™ SPECIAL ACTION COMPANY Camp Capt Juan G Villamor, Calaba, Bangued, Abra d) For PROs/PPOs/CPOs/MPS/CPS: Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 3 Camp Capt Julian A Olivas, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Republic bf the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE QUEZON CITY POLICE DISTRICT ‘Camp Tomas Karingal, Diliman, Quezon City Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 3 BULACAN POLICE PROVINCIAL OFFICE Camp Capt Alejo S Santos, Capitol St., Malolos City, Bulacan Page 4 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation ‘of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE QUEZON CITY POLICE DISTRICT BATASAN POLICE STATION 6 IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 3 BULACAN POLICE PROVINCIAL OFFICE MARILAO MUNICIPAL POLICE STATION 20¢ floor Old Municipal Hall, Poblacion 1, Marilao, Bulacan Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE QUEZON CITY POLICE DISTRICT BATASAN POLICE STATION 6 POLICE COMMUNITY PRECINT 4 IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 3 BULACAN POLICE PROVINCIAL OFFICE MARILAO MUNICIPAL POLICE STATION COMMUNITY POLICE ASSISTANCE CENTER Poblacion 1, Marilao, Bulacan b. ADDRESSEE AND SALUTATION 1) PRESIDENT President (bold letters, complete full name) Republic of the Philippines. Malacafian Palace Manila Thru: Secretary (bold, dotted) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA comer Quezon Avenue ‘Quezon City Dear Mr. President: NOTE: “Malacafiang” refers fo Malacafiang Compound, while “Malacafan” refers to the Office of the President. Also, all correspondence to the President regarding official policing matters must go “Thru” the SILG. Please provide two (2) copies: one for the President and one for the SILG. Page § of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications 2) VICE PRESIDENT Vice President (bold, dotted middle initial) Republic of the Philippines Quezon City Reception House 100 11" St, Bray. Mariana New Manila, Quezon City Dear Vice President : NOTE: The Office of the Vice President (staff, media relations, etc.) is now officially located at the Quezon City Reception House. 3) SENATORS Senator (bold, dotted middle initial) Senate of the Philippines Room 508 5" Floor, GSIS Building, Financial Center Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City Dear Senator : 4) REPRESENTATIVES/CONGRESSMEN Representative (Bold, dotted middle initial) 4 District of Isabela Room 8-201, House of Representtaives Quezon City Dear Representative : 5) DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES ‘Secretary (bold, dotted middle initial) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA comer Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear Secretary : 6) CHAIRMAN, NAPOLCOM ‘Chairman (bold, dotted middle initial) National Police Commission DILG-NAPOLCOM Genter EDSA comer Quezon Avenue ‘West Triangle, Quezon City Dear Chairman : Page 6 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation 7) UNDERSECRETARIES Undersecretary (bold, dotted middle initial) Undersecretary for Peace and Order Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear USEC : 8) ASSISTANT SECRETARIES of PNP Communications Assistant Secretary (oid, doited middle initial) Assistant Secretary for Peace and Order Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA comer Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear ASEC : 9) OMBUDSMAN ‘Ombudsman (b0Id, dotted middle initia’) ‘Ombudsman Building, Agham Road North Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City Dear Ombudsman (bold, dotted middle initial) Quezon City Hall, Eliptical Road Quezon City Dear Mayor (bold, dotted middle initial) #57 1% Avenue, Cubao Quezon City Dear Chairperson : NOTE: Use “Chairperson” NOT “Chairman” nor “Chairwoman” to address women holding leadership positions in an organization. Page 7 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications 12) ARCHBISHOPS ‘Most Reverend (bold, dotted middle initial) Apostolic Administrator Archdiocese of Manila 121 Arzobispo Street, Intramuros. Manila Dear Most Rev. : 13) PRIESTS Rev. Fr. (bold, dotted middie initial) Sta. Catalina de Alejandria Parish Church Arayat, Pampanga Dear Reverend Father (bold, dotted middie initial) Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) Central Office No. 1 Central Ave., New Era Quezon City Dear Brother : 44) AMBASSADORS His Excellency Ambassador (bold, dotted middle initial) British Embassy Manila 120 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Dear Ambassador : 15) CONSUL GENERALS ‘Consul General (bold, dotted middle initial) Philippine Consulate General, New York 566 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10036 Dear Consul General : 16) JUSTICES/JUDGES The Honorable (bold, dotted middle initial) Chief Justice ‘Supreme Court of the Philippines Ermita, Manila Dear Chief Justice : Page 8 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications 17) AFP/PNP/BJMP/BFP PCOs (including retired personnel) PGEN (bold, not dotted middle initial) Chief, Philippine National Police National Headquarters, Philippine National Police ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City Dear PGEN : 18) AFP/PNP/BJMP/BFP PNCOs (including retired personnel) PAT JUAN M DELA GRUZ (bold, not dotted middle initial) Marilao Police Station’ 2° Floor Old Municipal Hall Poblacion 1, Marilao, Bulacan Dear Pat Dela Cruz: NOTE: a) For consistency of style, the names of PNCOs should be in UPPERCASE letters ONLY in the addressee line of a letter. They will resume their normal case style in the main body of the text. b) All middle initials and name suffixes (JR., SR.) shall be dotted EXCEPT for that of POLICE and MILITARY personnel. (Example: PLTGEN VICENTE D DANAO, JR) ¢) PNP, BJMP, and BFP Ranks (PEMS, PLTCOL, PGEN, F/DIR, J/CSUPT) shall not be dotted. 4) Official titles that may be appended to the name: (1) Military and Police Ranks (GEN., COL., PCOL) (For PNP personnel, refer to the Signatory portion of this MC) (2) Law and doctoral degrees (ATTY., PH.D., DR.) (3) Royal titles (KING, QUEEN, DUKE) (4) Religious titles (BRO., SIS., POPE) 19) For the sake of brevity, “MR.” and “MS.” should be used only in SALUTATION and NOT in the addressee line. Principal Il Dolores Academy School System [Sree A. LONGABILA (bold, dotted middle initial) Karuhatan, Valenzuela City | Dear Ms. Longabila: Page 9 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications NOTE: Avoid “Greetings!” and “Peace on Earth’ to start an official letter. The first paragraph should be what the letter is about. Relatedly, avoid using “With my warmiwarmest regards” and “Thank you. God bless!” to close a letter especially if the content is about crimes, violence, and official policing matters. It’s best to use this line for personal letters and if the content brings good news 4. GRAMMAR a. Subject-Verb Agreement 1) Generally, subjects linked with “and” are plural. However, in some instances, two linked units may be viewed as either a combination (and therefore singular) or as separate units (and therefore plural): a) Ham and eggs is my favorite breakfast b) Ham and eggs are high in cholesterol. c) Peace and order is the agenda of the conference. 2) If the noun phrases are introduced by each and every, the subject is singular. Relatedly, the noun following these adjectives must be singular. a) Every PNP office and unit is directed to participate. a.1.) Each personnel (WRONG) a.2.) Allpersonnel (CORRECT) 3) When a singular subject is linked to another subject with together with, including, accompanied by, in addition to, as well as, and with, the subject is stil singular. a) The CPNP, as well as TDCO, is going to attend the conference. b) The DPCR, together with the PCRG, is launching the campaign today. c) The Chief of Police with his 35 personnel patrols the area, b. ThatWhich/Who 1) THAT is used for a restrictive clause which is part of a sentence that you can't get rid of because it specifically restricts some other parts of the sentence. 2) WHICH is for a nonrestrictive clause, which is something that can be left off without changing the meaning of the sentence. You can think of a nonrestrictive clause as simply additional information. Example: a) This is in reference to the said incident that transpired on May 28, 2018. Page 10 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications The said incident, which was sensational, transpired on May 28, 2018. b) | met with the CPNP who was very gracious. - WRONG (Without a comma before “who,” the statement would mean that there is another CPNP lurking around Crame, who is not very gracious.) I met with the CPNP, who was very gracious. - CORRECT c) The DPCR that was tasked to handle the project released the information. WRONG (The use of “that” would indicate that there are more than one DPCR in the PNP.) d) The DPCR, which was tasked to handle the project, released the information. CORRECT c. Transitive Verbs transitive verbs should be followed by objects (nouns), ns. EXAMPLE: a) REQUEST for b) DEMANDED for c) DISCUSSED about d) CONSIDERED as 2) ORDERED for f) The undersigned respectfully requests the presence of the Chief, PNP. But, /f ‘request’ functions as a noun: They made a request for the immediate release of the suspect. This is acceptable. 5. PREPOSITIONS a.on— 1) for days, specific dates, and occasions ‘on Monday, on Christmas, on September 29, 1983 2) to talk about the surface, meaning on top of Her bag is on the table. n= 1) for weeks, months, years, parts of the day (except at night), and seasons in January, in 1998, in week 6, in the morning, in summer 2) to talk about the place or point/space itself There is a mosquito in the room. Page 11 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications The suspect was arrested in Barangay Pansol. The suspect was shot in the head. ©. at- 1) to indicate a specific time/place/address a) / was waiting at the airport. b) The suspect was waiting for the victim at the corner of Pasong Tamo and Ayala Avenue.) ©) Also: (1) He was detailed TO/assigned TO the PPSC. (2) It resulted IN (3) The OPR in the implementation (4) They proceeded TO (6) In compliance WITH (6) In accordance WITH (7) conform WITH — when referring to a person or body that places requirements upon us (8) conform TO — when referring to acting in accordance with a documented set of rules or standards (9) In support OF (10) on behalf (representative of) “On behalf of the PNP, | thank you all for attending this meeting.” (11) in behalf (for the benefit of) “We are raising funds in behalf of the typhoon victims.” (12) responsible for (13) guidelines for (14) procedures for (15) taken care of (16) with regard (17) presided over “The meeting was presided over by CPNP.” PUNCTUATION a. Use comma before AND when enumerating three or more items for clarity: Examples: I would like to thank my parents, Joy and God. WRONG I would like to thank my parents, Joy, and God. CORRECT b. Use semi-colon ONLY when necessary and NOT as a substitute for commas: Example: The following suspects were arrested: Juan dela Cruz; Pedro Penduko; Juan Tamad; and Islaw Kalabaw. WRONG The following suspects were arrested: Juan dela Cruz, Pedro Penduko, Juan Tamad, and Islaw Kalabaw. CORRECT c. Do not use periods for abbreviated units of measurement. Also, use lowercase letters and do not add an “s” to make the unit plural. Page 12 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Exception: pounds (Ibs): g (grams) m (meters) w (watts) in (inches) kg (kilograms) km (kilometers) —_kw (kilowatts) 0z (ounces) d. Others 1) caliber .45 pistovammunition (dotted without “mm”) OR caliber 45mm pisto/ammunition (not dotted with “mm") 2) 9mm pistol/ammunition 3) No comma after e.g. and i.e. 4) etal. (no period after et, with period after al) 5) Use of apostrophes after an acronym is discouraged (rules of the PNP NOT PNP's rules, instructions of the SILG NOT SILG's instructions) HYPHENATION a. Phrases that have verb, noun, and adjective forms should appear as separate words when used as verbs and as one word when used as nouns or adjectives. Example: The engine will eventually break down. (verb) We suffered a breakdown in communications. (noun) Please clean up your room. (verb) b. Generally, hyphenate between two or more adjectives when they come before a noun and act as a single idea. Example: frienaly-looking man (compound adjective in front of a noun) friendly little girl (not a compound adjective) brightly lit room (Brightly is an adverb describing lit, not an adjective.) c. When adverbs not ending in-ly are used as compound words in front of a noun, hyphenate. When the combination of words is used after the noun, do not hyphenate. Example: The well-known actress accepted her award. Well is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun. The actress who accepted her award was well known. Well known follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used. d. Hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine. Example: The teacher had thirty-two children in her classroom. Only twenty-one of the children were bilingual. Page 13 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications e. Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions. Example: You need one-third of a cup of sugar for that recipe. Other phrases: a. 2-year limit NOT two (2) year limit b. at large (not hyphenated) c. cause-oriented group d. crime-free community e. crime-prone areas f. data-gathering procedure g. drug-related cases h. kidnap-for-ransom i. land-based operations j. police-community relations k. police-to-population ratio |. quick-impact projects m.riding-in-tandem criminals n, state-of-the-art equipment (Also, the equipment is state-of-the-art) o. third-level position UPPERCASE/LOWERCASE a. Bicol region locos region b, Four Thousand Pesos (preferred) or four thousand pesos (but consistent within a text and NOT ALL CAPS) c. The government of the Philippines but The Philippine Government d. law enforcement agency local government units Page 14 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications 10. FIGURES a. Four Thousand Pesos (preferred) or four thousand pesos (but consistent within a text and NOT ALL CAPS) b. PhP for abbreviation of peso 11. ABBREVIATIONS a. No./no. = number; NOT Nr-/nr. b. caliber NOT cal ca. . NOT alias or other pseudonym 12. VOCABULARY (“To be updated regularly) a. Barangay and Bray. are allowed; but should BE CONSISTENT within a text, although the full word is preferred. b. Counterterrorism c. CPNP (no comma) d. database (one word) e. every day (each day); everyday (ordinary) f. Hong Kong (two words) g. member country (not hyphenated) h. onboard (adjective) — means attached i. on board (adverb or prepositional phrase) — means safely aboard a vessel or in agreement j. ongoing NOT on-going k. turn over NOT turn-over I. in front NOT infront m,in charge NOT incharge n. aforementioned/aforesaid/foregoing NOT abovementioned ©. “AM/NNIPMIMN” (preferred) p. Ph.D. (no space) q. proactive (not hyphenated) Page 15 of 20 13. 14. 15, ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications r. request letter (not “letter request”) BUT “letter of request” is acceptable s. Vice Chairman, Vice President (not hyphenated) t. shootout NOT shoot-out u, NUP NOT NUPS (refers to personnel-mass noun) Collective nouns and mass nouns DO NOT have a plural form: a. ammunition b. baggage c. equipment d. furniture e. infrastructure (pluralized in special cases) f. luggage g. training h. armament ENUMERATION a. Use either numbers or letters for enumeration and keep consistency within a text. Do not mix them up: 1.,2.,3. or ena OTHER STYLE ISSUES a. Do NOT use “the” with acronyms that are “pronounceable” Example: NAPOLCOM, PAG-ASA, PAG-IBIG, MERALCO b. Use “the” for other acronyms that are pronounced by the letter Page 16 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Example: PNP, DSWD, DILG SENTENCE USAGE: “According to NAPOLCOM, the PNP is doing a great job.” . an MOA (em-oh-ay), an MOU |. DATE format: September 9, 2014 NOT 9 September 2014 nor September 09, 2014 TIME format: 1:00 AM/PM and 12:00 NN/MN NOT 1:00 o'clock AM/PM nor 0100H/1300H nor 1:00 in the afternoon When slant is used, no space before and after (office/unit NOT office / unit, we/l would like to... NOT we / | would like to ...) Use “to wit” in legal forms only. Use practise when used as a verb, practice when used as a noun. Similar with advise — verb and advice — noun. Alfonso B. Henares NOT Alfonso Henares y Baldoz Bold Font Avoid using bold font in combination with italics, quotation marks, and uppercase letters to emphasize a word, phrase or sentence. Choose one style and be consistent. Example’ The suspects Elmer Cruz and Richard Santos were arrested this morning The suspects Elmer Cruz and Richard Santos were arrested this morning NOT: The suspects “ELMER CRUZ” and “RICHARD SANTOS” were arrested this morning, Italics Titles of books, magazines, newspapers, plays, movies, artworks, and musical compositions are always in Title Case and set in italics. Example: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings reading the Philippine Daily Inquirer Quotation Marks 1) Titles and subjects of memorandum circulars, executive orders, command memorandum circulars, standard operating procedures, other issuances, and newspaper and magazine articles are set in Title Case and enclosed in quotation marks. Example: She dedicated the song “The Wind Beneath My Wings’ to her husband. Page 17 of 20 LOI “Tamang Bihis” Opian “Sita” ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Memorandum Circular No. 01-2019 with subject, “Mabuhay” Executive Order 52 “National Feeding Program” Executive Order No. 226 series of 2003 entitled, “Institutionalizing Patrol 117 as a Nationwide Hotline Number” 2) Asa general rule, periods, commas, and other punctuation marks always go inside quotation marks, even inside single quotes. Example: The sign changed from "Walk," to "Don't Walk," to "Walk" again within 30 seconds. She said, "Hurry up.” She said, “He said, "Hurry up.” 3) Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Note that the period goes inside all quote marks. Example: Clay said, "Lawrence shouted, 'Do not treat me that way!’ before leaving." 4) Chart Guide on Placement of Punctuations relative to Quotation Marks ~ PLACEMENT IN Exclamation Point (as PUNCTUATION RELATIONTO | HOWIT SHOULD MARK THE CLOSING APPEAR QUOTATION Period Inside “Thank you, si.” Comma Inside “Thank you.” said Pik “To Dream": “To Semi-colon Outside Deny’; and “Thank Z You" are good books. 5; “They said”: “Go Colon Outside aoe Question Mark or . eae shanks Inside a | © She said, “Are you thankful?” * He was the boy who Question Mark or cried “Wolf”! Exclamation Point (not part of quoted Ouiside * Was he not the material) same boy who cried “Wolf”? Page 18 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications m. Pagination All documents (CMCs, MOAs, MOUs, MCs, etc.) that have more than two pages must have page numbers, except letters and memoranda. For uniformity, pagination must be at the lower right corner of the page following the herein format: Page 1 of 2 pages Page 2 of 2 pages n. Additional Styles 1) Please be informed and For information of (redundancy). Once the “please be informed” phrase is used in the previous paragraph, the “for information” phrase should no longer be used 2) The acronym of Philippine National Police — PNP and all other acronyms should only be abbreviated in the first instance if it will be used again in the succeeding paragraphs otherwise, do not abbreviate. 3) When referring to numbers 1 to 10, write only in words (e.g. one caliber .45 pistol). When referring to numbers 11 or more, write the numerical figures only (e.g. 25 caliber .45 ammunition, 65 rounds, 85 PNCOs — except for legal documents). However, Don't mix-and-match digits and words unless required for purposes of clarity and Don't start a sentence with digits. ©. Numbering Use the following format for numbering paragraphs and subparagraps: 1. Reference: 2. Yyy a Xxx 1) Xxx a) Xxx (1) Xxx (a) Xxx (al) Xxx (a.t.a) Xxx 16. OTHER CONCERNS: a. Use concise and direct to the point approach in your write-ups. Avoid compressing all different thoughts or ideas in one paragraph; b. Use of verb tenses particularly is/are, was/were — if the activity was done already, always use the past tense of the verb. Ex. The highlights of the meeting were as follows: Page 19 of 20 ANNEX “E” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation of PNP Communications Use transitional devices to carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. ex. Transition words showing effect/consequence/result thus accordingly therefore Enumerate instructions/steps/guidelines if the latter consists of two or more instructions. ex. All PNP personnel are directed to update their respective personal information through the following steps: a) Log-in to b) Click ...; and ©) Click save If in doubt with the words used, check dictionary, google it; Always refer to the PNP MC 2019-013; Read your write-ups, if it does not sound good, rephrase it; If unsure of spellings of names of the Command Group, check the PNP website; and Routinary communications should be done in perfection already. ex. Retirement Honors MOA signing Page 20 of 20 ANNEX “F” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR : CPNP (Attn: ADMO) FROM OIC, DPRM SUBJECT : Report of Compliance re... DATE 1. Reference: (Tracking/Control/Barcode Number) 2. This pertains. 3. Please be informed that this Directorate ....(state action taken and or attach related documents). DDPRM Police Brigadier General Copy Furnished: TCDS ANNEX “G” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM TO All Concerned FROM Chief, RSD SUBJECT : 2019 First Semester 2"¢ Level Promotion DATE 1. Reference: Memorandum from this Directorate. 2. This pertains... 3. Please be informed that this Directorate (state action taken and or attach related documents). DIVISION CHIEF Police Colonel Copy Furnished: TDPRM. DDPRM Ex-O, DPRM ANNEX “H” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE SENIOR OFFICERS’ PLACEMENT AND PROMOTION BOARD Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR TDCAVChairman, SOPPB FROM —: CC, SOPPD/Head Secretariat, SOPPB SUBJECT : Request for Availability of Schedule DATE 1, Reference: SOPPB En Banc Deliberation 2. This pertains... 3. In this regard, request availability of the Chairman on ....(state action taken and or attach related documents). DIVISION CHIEF Police Colonel ANNEX “I” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR CPNP (Attn: ADMO) FROM : TDPRM SUBJECT : Report of Compliance re... DATE 1. Reference: (Tracking/Control/Barcode Number) 2. This pertains... 3. Please be informed that this Directorate ....(state action taken and or attach related documents). TDPRM Police Major General Copy Furnished TCDS ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to the President: (1 space) (2 space) (3 spaces after the letterhead) (3° space) President (Bold) (4 space) Republic of the Philippines Malacafian Palace Manila (1 space) Dear Mr. President: (Bold) (24 Space) (1% space) (1 Tab space)(Starts the Body of the Letter....) (2"4 Space) (From the last line of the last paragraph) (15 space) Very respectfully yours, (2 space) (1% space) (4 spaces after the closing) (2" space) (3 space) (4 space) (5" space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP. Letter Addressed to the President thru SILG: (3 spaces after the letterhead) President (Bold) (4"" space) Republic of the Philippines Malacafian Palace Manila (1°! space) Thru: — Secretary (Bold) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City (1 space) Dear Mr. President: (Bold) (2 Space) (15 space) (Starts the Body of the Letter....) (2° Space) (From the last line of the last paragraph) (1°" space) Very respectfully yours, (2 space) (1% space) (4 spaces after the closing) (2% space) (3° space) (4 space) (5" space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP. Page 1 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to SILG: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Secretary (Bold) (4° space) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City (15 space) Dear Secretary : (Bold) (2 Space) (1% space) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) (2 Space) (From the last line of the last paragraph) (15 space) Very truly yours, (2 space) (1 space) (4 spaces after the closing) (2% space) (3° space) (4% space) (5" space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to Chairman, NAPOLCOM: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Chairman (Bold) National Police Commission DILG-NAPOLCOM Center NAPOLCOM Building EDSA corner Quezon Avenue West Triangle, Quezon City (15 space) Attn: Commissioner (Bold) Vice Chairman and Executive Officer National Police Commission (1% space) Dear Chairman : (Bold) — (2 Space) (18 space) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) (2° Space) (From the last line of the last paragraph) (18 space) Very truly yours, (2° space) (1% space) (4 spaces after the closing) (2 space) (3 space) (4 space) (5 space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 2 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to the Senate President: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Senate President (Bold) Senate of the Philippines Room 606, 6" Floor, GSIS Building, Financial Center Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City Dear Senate President : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to a Senator: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Senator (Bold) Senate of the Philippines Room 509, 5" Floor, GSIS Building, Financial Center Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City Dear Senator : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 3 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to the House Speaker: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Speaker (Bold) Speaker of the House Room RVM-406, House of Representatives Quezon City Dear Speaker : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces afer the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to a Congressman: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Representive (Bo/d) 1% District of Manila Room RVM 426, House of Representatives Quezon City Dear Representative : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 4 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to a Foreign Dignitary: (3 spaces afer the letterhead) Her Excellency (Bold) AMBASSADOR (Bold) British Embassy of the United Kingdom 120 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Dear Ambassador : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter....) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to Department Secretary: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Secretary (Bold) Department of National Defense DND Building, Segundo Avenue Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo Quezon City Dear Secretary : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter....) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 5 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to other Office: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Chairman (Bold) Metropolitan Manila Development Authority MMDA Building, EDSA corner Orense Street Guadalupe, Makati City Dear Chairman : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to Undersecretary: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Undersecretary (Bold) Undersecretary for Public Safety Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear USEC : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 6 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to the Cardinal (Church Official): (3 spaces after the letterhead) Most Reverend (Bold) Apostolic Administrator Archdiocese of Manila 121 Arzobispo Street, Intramuros 1002 Manila Dear Most Rev. : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to a Commissioner: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Vice Chairman and Executive Officer National Police Commission DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue ‘Quezon City Dear Commissioner : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 7 of 8 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to Assistant Secretary: (3 spaces after the letterhead) Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary for Finance, Comptrollership and ‘Administration and Human Resource Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear ASEC : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter....) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to an AFP Officer: (3 spaces after the letterhead) GEN Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines General Headquarters Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo Quezon City Dear GEN : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter....) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Page 8 of 9 ANNEX “J” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Letter Addressed to Former President of the Philippines: (3 spaces after the letterhead) President (Bold) Former President of the Republic of the Philippines RPDEV Main Office 26" Floor, Exportbank Plaza Comer Sen. Gil Puyat and Chino Roces Avenues Makati City Dear President : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Letter Addressed to any important person: (3 spaces after the letterhead) (Bold) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation 1330 Roxas Boulevard Ermita, Metro Manila Dear Chairperson : (Bold) (Starts the Body of the Letter...) Very truly yours, (4 spaces after the closing) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP Note: Please refer to the websites of other government and private offices in the INTERNET if there are changes in addresses, phone numbers, and persons to be contacted. Page 9 of 9 ANNEX “K1” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation wa ‘of PNP Communications Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL BoLice commission Je" SH 10) NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE } (Font size 11) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP CampBGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City }(Font size 10) (15 space) (29 space) (3 spaces after the letterhead) (3% space) President (Bold) (4° space) Republic of the Philippines Malacafian Palace Manila (1* space) (2° space)THRU: Secretary (Bold) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City (1 space) Dear Mr. President: (Bold) (2 space) (1 space in between) (15! space) (1 tab space) This pertains to the ....... (introduction of the report) (2"¢ space) (1 space in between) (1 tab space) Initial investigation revealed (details of the report) (1 space in between) (1 tab space) Elements of the ....... (additional details) (1 space in between) (1 tab space)For information of the President. (From the last line of the last paragraph) (18 space) Very respectfully yours, (2 space) (1 space) (4 spaces after the closing) (2% space) (3% space) (4” space (8° space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP ANNEX “K2” Guidelines on the Standard Preparation Of PNP Communications Republic of the Philipines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION J(Fent size 10) NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City (Font size 10) }iFont size 11) (15 space) (2% space) (3 spaces after the letterhead) (3 space) Secretary (Bold) (4 space) Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City (18 space) Dear Secretary : (Bold) (2” space) (1 space in between) Ihave the honor to invite the Honorable Secretary to be our Guest of Honor and Speaker during the ... (occasion) .... to be held in front of the PNP National Headquarters Building, Camp Crame, Quezon City on ... (date) ... at 8:00 in the morning during the traditional Monday Flag Raising Ceremony with the theme: (theme) (1 space in between) In attendance during the affair will be the PNP Uniformed and Non-Uniformed Personnel based at the National Headquarters, Camp Crame led by the Chief of the Philippine National Police, the Command Group, the members of the Directorial Staff and Directors of the National Support Units. (1 space in between) We look forward to your favorable response, ... (contact personfiaison officer) will personally coordinate with your office in this regard (1 space in between) It would be a great honor to have you as our Guest of Honor and Speaker to grace this momentous occasion. (From the last line of the last paragraph) (1 space) Very truly yours, (2 space) (15 space) (4 spaces after the closing) (204 space) (3 space) (4% space (5% space) (Bold) Police General Chief, PNP

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