Final Year 2020-21

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Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences g Faculty of Dental Sciences ‘ear End Exam Theory Question eS [Department [ORAL AND MAXILOFAGALSURGERY Programme; | BS en qi 2017 Year /2017-22 = CourseCode: BDSDENI10 = ‘course Title: J orat Ano MAxitLOFACiAL SURGERY a Maximum Duration: | 3 Hour a "Maximum Marks: 70 [ bate 30/07/2001 Time “10 00AN1 OOP INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: 1. Answer all the questions 2. Draw neat diagrams where ever applicable | 3. Write neatly and legibly Question No.1: For the sub questions 1.1-1.10, multiple choices are indicated as possible answers. You are supposed to Pick the single best response and write your answer in the answer booklet 1.1 APregnant patient in second trimester falls into syncope during extraction of upper molars. She should be kept in a. Trendelenberg position b. Head down towards her feet Right lateral position Left lateral position 1.2 A patient who is on dicoumarol therapy require a tooth extraction. Which laboratory testis the ‘most valuable in evaluating this patient's surgical risk? a. Clotting time b. Bleeding time Prothrombin time 4. Complete blood count 13 The ideal treatment of alveolar osteitis is ‘a. Topical antibiotics b. Systemic antibiotics _Debridement of socket and sedative dressing dd. Curettage to induce fresh bleeding 1.4 The most commonly encountered complication during extraction of maxillary third molar is, a, Oro-antral communication b. Root displacement into sinus Excessive hemorrhage d._ Fracture of maxillary tuberosity 15 Local anaesthesia with adrenaline is absolutely contraindicated in First trimester of pregnancy 1b. Hyperthyroidism © Hemophilia 4. Hypertension 18 The dose of epinephrine given in anaphylans is '&0.5mg in 1:1000 IM b. 0.5me in 1:10,000 1m. © O.5mgin 1:500 IM 4. imgin 100m 17 In case of fracture of mandible, a Tension. b. Compression © Torsion 4. Rotation ‘alveolar border experiences which force 18 Immature bone surrounding the sequestrum is called as 3. Cloacae b. Involuerum © Gumma 4d. Operculum 1.9 Which of the following is used in gas sterilization 2. Formaldehyde b. Ethylene oxide < H202 . Formalin 110 __ubler band extractions a method of extraction in patients having 2. Myocardial infarction and angina pectoris b. Supernumerary teeth and ankylosed teeth © Pericoronitis and impacted molars 4. Hemangioma and hemophilia 1) Long Essay 2a. Classify Odontogenie cysts of jaw. Discuss in detail the clinical features, management of odontogenic ketatocyst. 3434282 7 4M) Short Essay Answer any five 5x6 Marks = 30 Marks 3a. Explain the theories of local anaesthesia A> Classify lefort fractures and describe the ines of lefort 2 fractures 3€ Describe the boundaries of buccal SS space infection and its management Describe the management of trigeminal neuralgia Be. Describe the surgical management of Oro antral fistula 43k Pescribe the THM Classification in oral cancer Short Answers /A4aéList the landmarks for inferior alveolar and posterior superior alveolar nerve block /2 isthe contents of Corns solution 4) State ongn and insertion of aera Perygid muscle {est the complication in surgcalentracton of mpacted mandibular thrd molar ‘aeEnumerate the branches of maxitary dvson of tigeminl nerve f 4f, Define Local anesthesia oumerate the rule of2in patients on steroids a Enlist the laboratory tests for the patient on antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy 4. Classify vasoconstrictors: [Atel the management of dry scket Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Dental Sciences ‘ear End Exam Theory Question Paper BDS| Department: Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry Programme: Bos 5 Final Year /2020-21 a BOSDENIO7 zs zy Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry 3 Hour ca Maximum Marks: 70 Date: 11/08/2071 Time: 10:00am~ 1.00pm | INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: 1. Answer all the questions 2. Draw neat diagrams where ever applicable 3. Write neatly and legibly _4. Indicate the appropriate question number against your answer. 1) Multiple Choice Questions i Bau Question No, 10X1 Marks=10 Marks For the sub questions 1-10, multiple choices are indicated as possible answers. You are supposed to pick the single best response and write your answer in the answer booklet JA Chil’ frst dental visit should be scheduled 3. Within 6 months of eruption of fist permanent tooth and no later than 12 years of age Within 6 months of eruption of fist primary tooth and no later than 12 months of age After the eruption of all primary teeth After the eruption ofall permanent teeth 12 Growth of maxilla in the vertical direction is due to growth of a. Alveolus b. Sutures: © Cranial base 4. Synchonerosis “Teeth most resistant to Early Childhood Caries are 2. Maxillary anteriors b. Maxillary molars Mandibular anteriors 4d. Mandibular molars AA Gingival bevel isnot given in cass cavity preparation in primary molars because enamel rods are directed: a. cervically b. horizontally & occlusally d. Buccally 1.5 Ugly duckling stage coincides with {transitional phase a First b. Inter Second 6. Third habits Biting AG Masochistic habits are otherwise known as b._Selfinjurious © Obstructive 4. Complex <7 The timing of the growth spurt for boys in mixed dentition is: & 7109 years b. Bt011 years © 9t012 years . 11to14 years A'S Nitrous oxide is stored in form a Solid b. Liquid © Gas 4. Plasma .9following the loss of a permanent mandibular fist molar at age eight, wich ofthe following Statement is True 2. No premolar movement but mesial drift of the second molar '. Mesil dit of both the second premolar and the permanent second molar © Distal drift of second premolar and mesial drift of second molar 4. Neither tooth wil shift appreciably Z, A220 Periodontal ligament with in children is 2, Same as that of an adult b. Smaller than that of an adult More than that of an adult 4. Wider frora coronal but narrow in apical region _AiyLong essay 2a. Explain the objectives, indications and contrandications of Pulpectomy. Describe the procedure of “Pulpectomy in primary mandibular second molar. (6+4) WY Short Essay Answer any five Deseribe Casialconciton theory and its appcation in dental cic Ai Describe the clnial features of heathy Ginga and periodontium in children 2é. Deserve the periodontal healing reactions after reimplantation of tooth “a Describe the funetional mati concept by Moss plain Contingency management in pedatic dentstry Ne ane cca praacter one ng ht whe ele am Shas Answers ae Vat anc four spa sss Zoi io development of occlusion

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