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Heat Induced Gelation of Pea (Pisum sativum) Mixed

Globulins, Vicilin and Legumin



Mixed globulins (MG) were extracted from ground dry peas (Pisum Extraction of pea globulins
sntivum, B-160) with 0.5M NaCl, 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH The extraction method was that of Koyoro and Powers (1987).
7.2, and isolated by precipitation at pH 4.5. Crude vicilin and legumin Whole dry green peas (Pisum sat&urn, B-160) from a single bag, pro-
were fractionated from the MG by dialysis against 0.2M NaCl, pH 4.8, vided by Dumas Seed Co., Pullman, WA, were ground into flour using
and centrifugation, then further purified using DEAE-cellulose chro- a cyclone sample mill equipped with a 0.5 mm screen. The flour was
matography. Conditions for maximum gel hardness of heat induced extracted at room temperature (-23°C) with 0.5 M NaCl, 50 mM
MG gel, as determined with an Instron Universal Testing Machine, potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, in a ratio of 6 mL buffer/g of
were heating for 20 min at pH 7.1 at 87°C. Purified vicilin, but not flour for 1 hr with constant agitation using a propeller stirrer. The
legumin, formed heat induced gels. The relationship was linear be- extract was centrifuged (19,000 X g, 15 min, 4”C), and the supernatant
tween protein (globulin) concentration and log gel hardness. At all was filtered through pads of glass wool. This filtrate was diluted with
protein concentrationsstudied, as proportion of legumin decreased,gel 5 vol of cold distilled water (4°C) and pH adjusted to 4.5 with 2N HCl
hardnessincreased. to precipitate salt soluble proteins. The protein floe was allowed to
settle overnight at 4°C. After decanting much of the supernatant,the
Key Words: pea protein, globulins, gelation, vicilin, legumin remaining suspension was centrifuged, the pellet resuspended and
washed with water, and re-centrifuged. The resulting pellet was re-
extracted twice with extraction buffer in a ratio of 5 mL buffer/g of
INTRODUCTION pellet for 1 hr at 4”C, followed by re-centrifugation. The supematants
PROTEIN GELATION is an aggregation in which polymer to pol- resulting from the re-extraction were combined and divided into three
ymer and polymer to solvent interactions (both attractive and parts. The pH of one-third of the supernatantwas adjusted to 4.5 to
repulsive) are balanced, and an ordered network or matrix ca- precipitate mixed globulins, which were recovered by centrifugation
(19,000 X g, 15 min, 4’C), washed with water, centrifuged and freeze-
pable of holding water is formed (Schmidt, 1981). The capac- dried. The remaining two-thirds of the supematantwas dialyzed against
ity of gels to act as a matrix for holding water, lipids, sugars, Mcllvaines buffer, 493 mL 0.2M Na,HPO, * 2H,O + 507 mL O.lM
flavors and other ingredients is useful in food applications and citric acid, containing 0.2M NaCl, pH 4.8 (Scholz et al., 1974), at 4°C
for development of new products (Kinsella, 1979). for 42 hr with two changesof buffer in a ratio of 10 mL of buffer per
Thermal gelation of soybean protein has been studied ex- mL of original supematant.The precipitate (legumin) was collected by
tensively (Mori et al., 1982a; Nakamura et al., 1984a, 1985a). centrifugation, suspendedin distilled water at a ratio of l:lO, agitated,
Mori et al. (1982b) and Nakamura et al. (1984b, 1985b) have re-centrifuged (19,000 X g, 15 min) and the precipitate freeze-dried.
reported the contributions of 7s and 11s soy globulins in the The supematant from dialysis was adjusted to pH 4.5 and the precip-
itate (vicilin) recovered, washed with distilled water, centrifuged and
process of gelation. Utsumi and Kinsella (1985) indicated that
freeze-dried. The freeze-dried protein samples, representing several
electrostatic interactions and disulfide bonds are involved in separateprotein extractions, were stored in screw cap glass scintillation
the formation of 11s globulin gel, mostly hydrogen bonding vials at -20°C until used.
in 7s globulin gel, and hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic
interactions in soy isolate gel. Similar studies on the involve-
ment of molecular forces in the process of gelation of soy Chromatography of legumin and vicilin fractions
protein were reported by Nakamura et al. (1986a,b) and Mori
Legumin and vicilin preparations were further purified by DEAE
et al. (1986). The 11s and 7s globulins may interact with each
cellulose column chromatographyusing 35 mM potassium phosphate,
other in gels made from soy isolate proteins (Babajimopoulos 0.075M NaCl, 0.02% sodium azide buffer, pH 8.0. Freeze-driedprotein
et al., 1983; Utsumi and Kinsella, 1985). was re-solubilized in column buffer at a concentration of 12 to 15 mgl
Pea seeds contain 20 to 30% protein, most of which are mL by sonication for 1 min and placed on the column. Vicilin and
storage proteins. The two major proteins, legumin and vicilin, legumin were eluted stepwise with buffer containing 0.15M and 0.4M
are classical globulins and represent 65 to 80% of the total NaCl, respectively (Grant and Lawrence, 1964). Eluted fractions were
buffer-extractable protein (Schroeder, 1982). Legumin and vi- isoelectrically precipitated, centrifuged, washed with distilled water,
cilin proteins are similar to the 11s and 7s proteins of soybean, centrifuged and frozen (-20°C).
respectively (Derbyshire et al., 1976), and, thus, potentially Elution patterns of mixed globulin, crude legumin and crude vicilin
samples from the DEAE column were also used as a measure of the
may be important as functional protein ingredients in proc- composition of those preparations.Thus, total protein eluting at 0.15M
essed foods. However, information on the gelation behavior of NaCl was recorded as a measure of vicilin and that at 0.4M NaCl was
such proteins is limited (Bacon et al., 1990; Gueguen and Le- as legumin content.
febvre, 1983). Our objective was to examine thermal gelation
of mixed pea globulins at various conditions and compare the
results to those for crude and column purified legumin and Denaturation temperature of mixed globulins by differential
vicilin at standardizedconditions. scanning calorimetry (DSC)
DSC was performed in a Perkin-Elmer DSC 4 fitted with a 3600
Authors Brekke and Powers are with the Dept. of Food Science Thermal Analysis Data Station. Protein samples in 35 mM phosphate
& Human Nutrition, Washington State Univ., Pullman, W A buffer, 0.4M NaCl, pH 7.2, were hermetically sealedin aluminum pans
99164-6378. Author Bore’s present address: Universidade Fed- (Perkin-Elmer kit No. 219-0062) and ‘scanned at lO”C/min over the
eral da Paraiba, Department0 de Tecnologia Q&mica e de range 25-100°C at a sensitivity of 1.0 mW using phosphatebuffer in
Alimentos, Centro de Tecnologia, Campus Universithrio I, the referencepan. The instrument was calibrated for temperatureusing
58.059 - Joao Pessoa/PB, Brasil. Address inquiries to Dr. C. J. indium (m.p. 156.6O”C). Tm was determined with data analysis pro-
Brekke. grams supplied by Perkin-Elmer.

594-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 59, No. 3, 1994

i.oT 17.4% globulin8 OS-

0.01 I
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
lieatlng The (mln) Sodium Chloride Concentration (Y)
Fig. l-Heating time and protein concentration effects on peak Fig. 3-Sodium chloride concentration and peak force of gels
force of gels prepared from pea mixed globulin at 87’C and pH made with pea mixed globulin. Gels were prepared by heating
7.2. 15% mixed globulin solutions 20 min at 87°C in 30 mM Tris-HCI,
pH 7.1, with variable concentrations of NaCI.

Table l-Composition of crude globulin fractions a8 calculated from

DEAE cellulose chromatography profiles according to Grant and
Lawrence (1964)
Legumin Vicilin
Fraction (%) (%)
Mixed globulins 35.7 84.3
Crude legumin 88.5 31.5
Crude vicilin 9.1 90.9


DSC OF MIXED GLOBULINS indicated one transition between
74 and 9S’C with a maximum at 86.2”C (thermogram not
shown). This was essentially the same temperature (86’C) pre-
0.0 4
5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 viously reported for field peas by Arntfield and Murray (1981),
px of Gel although the solvent system they used was not specified. Time
Fig. 2-Effect of pH on peak force of gels prepared from pea of heating at 87°C had a marked effect on mixed globulin gel
mixed globulins. Gels were made by heating 15% mixed glob- peak force (Fig. 1). At pH 7.2, gel strength increased with
ulin solutions 20 min at 87°C in 30 mM Tris-HCI buffers. heating time up to 20 min, but heating beyond that period
caused a decreasein gel peak force. Nakamura et al. (1985a)
noted similar behavior for soybean glycinin (11s) when heated
at 100°C for different times. They also reported maximum gel
Preparation of gels strength at 20 min heating. We adopted 20 min heating time
at 87°C as our standard gelation conditions, based on observed
Gelationof proteinsampleswas carriedout accordingto the method
describedby Utsumi and Kinsella (1985). Freeze-driedprotein was maximum transition of 86.2’C and data presented in Fig. 1.
suspendedin 30 mM Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.2, in a test tube, and the To study the effect of pH on gel formation and gel peak
suspensionwas sonicatedfor 1 min. The suspensionwas centrifuged force, and further define standard conditions, pH of the mixed
for 30 min, and the supematant (protein solution) was used for prep globulin solutions was varied from 5.95 to 8.60 (Fig. 2). We
arationof the gels. Aliquots of protein solution (25 to 3OpL) in 30 observed that at pH 5.95 no gel formed. Gel formation oc-
mM Tris-HCl buffer weretransferredto Carawayblood tubes(75 mm curred at 2 pH 6.4, with the greatest gel peak force at pH 7.1.
X 2.5 mm i.d) (FisherScientific),the tube endswere sealedwith po- Increasing pH to > 8.0 resulted in a translucent and sticky gel
lyvinylidene chloride film and O-rings,andcentrifugedat 500 X g for which was difficult to remove from the tubes.
10 min to remove air bubbles. Heating time of the tubes ranged from Sodium chloride had an adverse effect on mixed globulin
0 to 45 min in a water bath at 87°C followed by immersion in cold
water. The tubes were then held at 4°C for 24 hr, prior to gel peak gel peak force. Within the concentration range 0 to 0.5M NaCl,
force determinations.
In a secondexperiment,pH wasvariedfrom 5.95 gel strength was maximum at OM NaCl and decreased with
to 8.60, with heating for 20 min at 87°C in the water bath. All other increasing NaCl concentration (Fig. 3). Utsumi and Kinsella
procedures and conditions were as before. (1985), using soybean isolate and 11s protein, also reported a
decrease in gel strength with increase in NaCl concentration.
Wang and Damodaran (1991) noted that in the presence of
0.5M NaCl, soy 11s did not form a gel when heated at 9O”C,
Gel peak force and protein and the peak force of soy isolate gels was reduced. Conversely,
they did not observe a reduction in peak force of soy 7s gels
The gels formed in blood tubes were carefully removed by blowing when OSM NaCl was added.
on the narrow end, taking care to collect the expelled gel on a glass The make-up of the mixed globulin, crude legumin and
slide without damage,cut into 1 cm pieces, a piece laid lengthwise on crude vicilin preparations, based on elution patterns from the
the stage of an Instron Universal Testing Machine, Model 1350 (In- DEAE column was determined (Table 1). The data are based
stron Corp., Canton, MA), and the gel peak force was determined. The
speed of the plate (76 mm diam) was adjusted to 4 cm/min and the on the definition of Grant and Lawrence (1964) that vicilin
compression to 70%. Peak force refers to that obtained during the first elutes at 0.15M NaCl and legumin at 0.4M NaCl from DEAE
compression cycle (Boume, 1978). Two to five gels were used for cellulose under the conditions used. At the conditions used for
replicatedeterminations.Proteinwas determinedby the biuret method gelation, i.e. pH 7.1, 20 min at 87”C, and at the protein con-
(Gomall et al., 1949),usingbovine serumalbuminas standard. centrations studied, legumin fractions, either crude or further

Volume 59, No. 3, 1994JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-595 I


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does not gel under the same conditions. The optimal conditions MS received 6128193;revised 12/18/93; accepted l/19/94.
for gelation of a pea mixed globulin system, as assessedby
gel hardness, were pH 7.1 and heating time 20 min at 87°C.
Addition of NaCl at concentrations of 0.05M or greater re-
Author Rors gr&foUy achowledges the fellowship awarded by Cmselho Nackmal de
sulted in mixed globulin sets of reduced hardness. Legumin Desenvolvimento Cientillco e Tecnologico, Brazil and the Univmkhde Federal da Fnr&a
concentration in a range of pea globulin preparations, as esti- for study leave. The technical advice of Dr. Youling I. Xiong regarding the @ation and
mated by DEAE ion exchange chromatography elution profile, DSC studies is much appreciated Washington State University, A@iculhual Research Cen-
tar, Fullman, WA project No. 0626. /
was inversely related to gel hardness in the model system.

596-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 59, No. 3, 1994

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